
Defines functions renum renum.meto renum.pdb aa.comp is.at aa.at

Documented in aa.at aa.comp is.at renum renum.meto renum.pdb

## ------------- aa.R ------------- ##
#                                    #
#     aa.at                          #
#     is.at                          #
#     aa.comp                        #
#     renum.pdb                      #
#     renum.meto                     #
#     renum                          #
#                                    #
## -------------------------------- ##

## --------------------------------------------------------------- ##
#             aa.at(at, target, uniprot = TRUE)                     #
## --------------------------------------------------------------- ##
#' Residue Found at the Requested Position
#' @description Returns the residue found at the requested position.
#' @usage aa.at(at, target, uniprot = TRUE)
#' @param at the position in the primary structure of the protein.
#' @param target a character string specifying the UniProt ID of the protein of interest or, alternatively, the sequence of that protein.
#' @param uniprot logical, if TRUE the argument 'target' should be an ID.
#' @details Please, note that when uniprot is set to FALSE, target can be the string returned by a suitable function, such as get.seq or other.
#' @return Returns a single character representing the residue found at the indicated position in the indicated protein.
#' @author Juan Carlos Aledo
#' @examples \dontrun{aa.at(28, 'P01009')}
#' @seealso is.at(), renum.pdb(), renum.meto(), renum(), aa.comp()
#' @importFrom bio3d read.fasta
#' @export

aa.at <- function(at, target, uniprot = TRUE){
  if (uniprot == TRUE){
    target <- tryCatch(
        get.seq(target, as.string = FALSE)
      error = function(cond){

    if (is.null(target)){
      message("Sorry, get.seq failed")
    } else {
      target <- target[[1]]

  } else {
    if (length(target) == 1){
      target <- strsplit(target, split="")[[1]]
  if (at %in% 1:length(target)){
  } else {
    message(paste(at , " isn't a valid position for this protein", sep=""))

## --------------------------------------------------------------- ##
#             is.at(at, target, aa = 'M', uniprot = TRUE)           #
## --------------------------------------------------------------- ##
#' Check Residue a Fixed Position
#' @description Checks if a given amino acid is at a given position.
#' @usage  is.at(at, target, aa = 'M', uniprot = TRUE)
#' @param at the position in the primary structure of the protein.
#' @param target a character string specifying the UniProt ID of the protein of interest or, alternatively, the sequence of that protein.
#' @param aa the amino acid of interest.
#' @param uniprot logical, if TRUE the argument 'target' should be an ID.
#' @details Please, note that when uniprot is set to FALSE, target can be the string returned by a suitable function, such as get.seq or other.
#' @return Returns a boolean. Either the residue is present at that position or not.
#' @author Juan Carlos Aledo
#' @examples \dontrun{is.at(28, 'P01009', 'Q')}
#' @seealso aa.at(), renum.pdb(), renum.meto(), renum(), aa.comp()
#' @export

is.at <- function(at, target, aa = 'M', uniprot = TRUE){
  if (uniprot == TRUE){

    target <- tryCatch(
      error = function(cond){

    if (is.null(target)){
      message("Sorry, get.seq failed")
    } else {
      target <- target[[1]]

  return(at %in% gregexpr(aa, target)[[1]])

## --------------------------------------------------------------- ##
#             aa.comp(target, uniprot = TRUE, reference, init)      #
## --------------------------------------------------------------- ##
#' Amino Acid Composition
#' @description Returns a table with the amino acid composition of the target protein.
#' @usage aa.comp(target, uniprot = TRUE, reference = 'human', init = FALSE)
#' @param target a character string specifying the UniProt ID of the protein of interest or, alternatively, the sequence of that protein.
#' @param uniprot logical, if TRUE the argument 'target' should be an ID.
#' @param reference amino acid frequencies (in percent) of the proteinogenic amino acids to be used as reference. It should be either 'human', 'up' (composition of proteins in UniProt in 2019). Alternatively, the user can pass as argument any vector with 20 values to be used as reference.
#' @param init logical, whether remove or not the first residue (initiation methionine) from the sequence.
#' @return Returns a list where the first element is a dataframe with the observed and expected frequencies for each amino acid, the second element is the result of the Chi-squared test. In addition, a plot to reflect potential deviations from the reference standard composition is shown.
#' @author Juan Carlos Aledo
#' @seealso is.at(), renum.pdb(), renum.meto(), renum(), aa.at()
#' @importFrom graphics text
#' @importFrom stats fisher.test
#' @importFrom stats chisq.test
#' @export

aa.comp <- function(target, uniprot = TRUE, reference = 'human', init = 'FALSE'){

  if (uniprot == TRUE){
    seq <- tryCatch(
        get.seq(id = target)
      error = function(cond){
    if (is.null(seq)){
      message("Sorry, get.seq failed")
    id <- target
  } else {
    seq <- target
    id <- 'user-provided sequence'

  output <- data.frame(aa = aai$aa, observed = NA)

  if (init){
    seq <- substring(seq, first = 2, last= nchar(seq))
  N <- nchar(seq)

  for (aa in output$aa){
    t <- gregexpr(aa, seq)[[1]]
    if (t[1] == -1){
      output$observed[which(output$aa == aa)] <- 0
    } else {
      output$observed[which(output$aa == aa)] <- length(t)

  output$fobs <- round(100 * (output$observed/nchar(seq)), 2)

  if (reference == 'human'){
    output$fexp <- aai$human
  } else if (reference == 'up'){
    output$fexp <- aai$uniprot_2019
  } else if (class(reference) == numeric & length(reference) == 20){
    output$fexp <- reference
  } else {
    warning("A proper amino acid frequency reference should be provided")

  output$expected <- round((output$fexp * N)/100, 0)
  output$o_e <- output$observed - output$expected
  war <- which(output$expected < 5)

  ## ---- Plotting results
  esp <- output$expected
  names(esp) <- output$aa
  esp <- esp[order(esp)]

  M <- max(output$expected, output$observed)

  plot(output$expected[which(output$o_e > 1)],
       output$observed[which(output$o_e > 1)],
       col = "red",
       xlim = c(0,M+10), ylim = c(0,M+10),
       xlab = 'Expected', ylab = 'Observed')

  abline(v = output$expected[which(output$o_e > 1)],
         lty = 2, lwd = 0.3, col = "red")

  points(output$expected[which(output$o_e < -1)],
         output$observed[which(output$o_e < -1)],
         col = "blue",)

  abline(v = output$expected[which(output$o_e < -1)],
         lty = 2, lwd = 0.3, col = "blue")

  points(output$expected[which(output$o_e %in% -1:1)],
         output$observed[which(output$o_e %in% -1:1)],
         pch = 19)

  abline(0, 1)

  df <- data.frame(aa = output$aa,
                   ex = output$expected,
                   o_e = output$o_e)
  df$color <- NA

  df <- df[order(df$ex), ]
  df$color[df$o_e > 1] <- "red"
  df$color[df$o_e < -1] <- "blue"
  df$color[is.na(df$color)] <- "black"
  df$aa <- as.character(df$aa)

  for(i in 1:20){
    if (i%%2 == 0){
      y <- M+5
    } else {
      y <- M+10
    text(df$ex[i], y, labels = df$aa[i],
         col = df$color[i], cex = 0.4)

  Chi <- chisq.test(output[, c(2,5)], simulate.p.value = TRUE)

  attr(output, 'seq') <- target
  attr(output, 'number_aa_with_expected_less_5') <- length(war)
  return(list(output, Chi))

## --------------------------------------------------------------- ##
#                renum.pdb(pdb, chain, uniprot)                     #
## --------------------------------------------------------------- ##
#' Renumerate Residue Position
#' @description Renumerates residue position of a PDB sequence to match the corresponding UniProt sequence.
#' @usage  renum.pdb(pdb, chain, uniprot)
#' @param pdb the PDB ID or the path to a pdb file.
#' @param chain the chain of interest.
#' @param uniprot the UniProt ID.
#' @return Returns a dataframe containing the re-numerated sequence.
#' @author Juan Carlos Aledo
#' @examples \dontrun{renum.pdb(pdb = '121P', chain = 'A', uniprot = 'P01112')}
#' @seealso is.at(), aa.at(), renum.meto(), renum(), aa.compo()
#' @importFrom bio3d read.pdb
#' @importFrom bio3d aa321
#' @export

renum.pdb <- function(pdb, chain, uniprot){

  ## ---------------------- Protein from PDB --------------- ##
  prot_pdb <- tryCatch(
    error = function(cond){
  if (is.null(prot_pdb)){
    message("Sorry, read.pdb failed")

  prot_pdb <- prot_pdb[which(prot_pdb$elety == 'CA'),]
  seq_pdb <- bio3d::aa321(prot_pdb$resid[which(prot_pdb$elety == 'CA' &
                                   prot_pdb$chain == chain)])

  ## ----------------- Protein from UniProt --------------- ##
  seq_uni <- tryCatch(
      get.seq(uniprot, as.string = FALSE)[[1]]
    error = function(cond){
  if (is.null(seq_uni)){
    message("Sorry, get.seq failed")

  ## ----------------- Proteins Alignement --------------- ##
  sequences <- c(paste(seq_uni, collapse = ""),
                 paste(seq_pdb, collapse = ""))
  ids <- c('seq_uni', 'seq_pdb')
  aln <- tryCatch(
      msa(sequences, ids)
    error = function(cond){
  if (is.null(aln)){
    message("Sorry, msa failed")

  ## ------------------- Renumerating ------------------- ##
  valn <- as.data.frame(matrix(rep(NA, dim(aln$ali)[2]*6), ncol = 6)) # vertical alignment
  names(valn) <- c('aln_pos', 'uni_pos', 'uniprot','pdb', 'pdb_pos', 'pdb_renum')
  valn$aln_pos <- 1:dim(aln$ali)[2]
  valn$uniprot <- aln$ali[1,]
  valn$pdb <- aln$ali[2,]

  k <- 1 # UniProt Index
  j <- 1 # PDB Index
  for (i in 1:nrow(valn)){
    if (valn$uniprot[i] != '-'){
      valn$uni_pos[i] <- k
      k <- k + 1
    if (valn$pdb[i] != '-'){
      valn$pdb_pos[i] <- j
      j <- j + 1
    if (valn$uniprot[i] == valn$pdb[i]){
      valn$pdb_renum[i] <- valn$uni_pos[i]

## --------------------------------------------------------------- ##
#                     renum.meto(uniprot)                           #
## --------------------------------------------------------------- ##
#' Renumerate Residue Position
#' @description Renumerates residue position of a MetOSite sequence to match the corresponding UniProt sequence
#' @usage  renum.meto(uniprot)
#' @param uniprot the UniProt ID.
#' @return Returns a dataframe containing the re-numerated sequence.
#' @author Juan Carlos Aledo
#' @examples \dontrun{renum.meto('P01009')}
#' @seealso is.at(), aa.at(), renum.pdb(), renum(), aa.comp()
#' @export

renum.meto <- function(uniprot){

  ## ----------------- Proteins Alignement --------------- ##
  seq_uni <- tryCatch(
      get.seq(id = uniprot)
    error = function(cond){
  if (is.null(seq_uni)){
    message("Sorry, get.seq failed")

  seq_meto <- tryCatch(
      get.seq(id = uniprot, db = 'metosite')
    error = function(cond){
  if (is.null(seq_meto)){
    message("Sorry, get.seq failed")

  sequences <- c(seq_uni, seq_meto)
  names(sequences) <- c("uniprot", "metosite")
  aln <- tryCatch(
    error = function(cond){
  if (is.null(aln)){
    message("Sorry, msa failed")

  ## ------------------- Renumerating ------------------- ##
  valn <- as.data.frame(matrix(rep(NA, dim(aln$ali)[2]*6), ncol = 6)) # vertical alignment
  names(valn) <- c('aln_pos', 'uni_pos', 'uniprot','meto', 'meto_pos', 'meto_renum')
  valn$aln_pos <- 1:length(aln$ali[1,])
  valn$uniprot <- aln$ali[1,]
  valn$meto <- aln$ali[2,]

  k <- 1 # UniProt Index
  j <- 1 # PDB Index
  for (i in 1:nrow(valn)){
    if (valn$uniprot[i] != '-'){
      valn$uni_pos[i] <- k
      k <- k + 1
    if (valn$meto[i] != '-'){
      valn$meto_pos[i] <- j
      j <- j + 1
    if (valn$uniprot[i] == valn$meto[i]){
      valn$meto_renum[i] <- valn$uni_pos[i]


## --------------------------------------------------------------- ##
#                     renum(up_id, pos, from, to, ...)              #
## --------------------------------------------------------------- ##
#' Renumerate Residue Position
#' @description Renumerates residue position.
#' @usage  renum(up_id, pos, from, to, ...)
#' @param up_id the UniProt ID.
#' @param pos position in the initial sequence.
#' @param from origin of the initial sequence, it should be one among 'uniprot', 'metosite' and 'pdb'.
#' @param to target sequence, it should be one among 'uniprot', 'metosite' and 'pdb'.
#' @param ...  additional arguments (PDB ID and chain) when 'pdb' is either origin or destination.
#' @details Either the origin sequence or the target sequence should be uniprot. Nevertheless, the conversion pdb -> metosite, for instance, can be achieved through the path: pdb -> uniprot -> metosite. If 'pdb' is selected, then the PDB ID and the involved chain must be provided, in that order.
#' @return Returns the final position.
#' @author Juan Carlos Aledo
#' @examples \dontrun{renum(up_id = 'P01009', pos = 60, from = 'uniprot',
#'                          to = 'pdb', pdb = '1ATU', chain = 'A')}
#' @seealso is.at(), aa.at(), renum.pdb(), renum.meto(), aa.comp()
#' @export

renum <- function(up_id, pos, from, to, ...){

  z <- list(...)
  if (length(z) != 0){
    pdb <- z[[1]][1]
    chain <- z[[2]][1]

  if (from == 'uniprot' & to == 'pdb'){
     t <- renum.pdb(pdb = pdb, chain = chain, uniprot = up_id)
     if (is.null(t)){
       message("Sorry, renum.pdb failed")
     rpos <- t$pdb_pos[which(t$uni_pos == pos)]
  } else if (from == 'pdb' & to == 'uniprot'){
     t <- renum.pdb(pdb = pdb, chain = chain, uniprot = up_id)
     if (is.null(t)){
       message("Sorry, renum.pdb failed")
     rpos <- t$uni_pos[which(t$pdb_pos == pos)]
  } else if (from == 'uniprot' & to == 'metosite'){
     t <- renum.meto(up_id)
     if (is.null(t)){
       message("Sorry, renum.pdb failed")
     rpos <- t$meto_pos[which(t$uni_pos == pos)]
  } else if(from == 'metosite' & to == 'uniprot'){
     t <- renum.meto(up_id)
     if (is.null(t)){
       message("Sorry, renum.pdb failed")
     rpos <- t$uni_pos[which(t$meto_pos == pos)]
  } else {
    stop("Provide proper values for the parameters!")


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