
#' Compute random effects for Poisson-Tweedie and negative binomial mixed model
#' Compute the BLUP (best linear unbiased predictor) of the random  
#' effects for the Poisson-Tweedie and negative binomial generalized 
#' linear mixed models (fitted through \code{ptmixed} and 
#' \code{nbmixed} respectively)
#' @param obj an object of class \code{ptglmm} (obtained from 
#' \code{ptmixed} or \code{nbmixed} ).
#' @return A vector with the EB estimates of the random effects
#' @export
#' @author Mirko Signorelli
#' @references Signorelli, M., Spitali, P., Tsonaka, R. (2021). Poisson-Tweedie 
#' mixed-effects model: a flexible approach for the analysis of longitudinal RNA-seq
#' data. Statistical Modelling, 21 (6), 520-545. URL: https://doi.org/10.1177/1471082X20936017
#' @seealso \code{\link{ptmixed}}, \code{\link{nbmixed}}
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' data(df1, package = 'ptmixed')
#' # estimate a Poisson-Tweedie or negative binomial GLMM (using
#' # ptmixed() or nbmixed())
#' fit0 = nbmixed(fixef.formula = y ~ group + time, id = id,
#'               offset = offset, data = df1, npoints = 5, 
#'               freq.updates = 200, hessian = FALSE, trace = TRUE)
#' # obtain random effect estimates
#' ranef(obj = fit0)
#' }

ranef = function (obj) {
  if (class(obj)[1] != 'ptglmm') stop('obj should be of class ptglmm')
  # extract arguments from ptglmm object call and mle
  # get y, id, X, Z, offset:
  temp = as.list(obj$call)
  fixef.formula = temp$fixef.formula
  df = eval(temp$data)
  y = df[, all.vars(fixef.formula[[2]])]
  X = model.matrix(as.formula(fixef.formula[-2]), data = df)
  Z = as.matrix(model.matrix(~1, data = df))
  id = temp$id
  id = df[ , deparse(substitute(id))]
  #id = eval(temp$id)
  id = as.numeric(as.factor(id))
  #offset = eval(temp$offset)
  offset = NULL
  if ('offset' %in% as.list(obj$call)) {
    offset = temp$offset
    offset = df[ , deparse(substitute(offset))]
  # get beta, D, a, Sigma
  mle = obj$mle
  p = length(mle) - 3
  beta = mle[1:p]
  D = mle[p+1]
  a = mle[p+2]
  Sigma = mle[p+3]
  # other arguments
  RE.size = 1
  GHk = temp$npoints
  tol = 1e-323
  with.offset = !is.null(offset)
  if (with.offset) Delta.ij = c(X %*% beta + c(offset))
  else Delta.ij = c(X %*% beta)
  n = length(unique(id))
  GH = gauher(GHk) # returns ascissae and weights for Gauss-Hermite quadrature
  b = as.matrix(expand.grid(rep(list(GH$x), RE.size)), drop = F)
  wGH = as.matrix(expand.grid(rep(list(GH$w), RE.size)), drop = F)
  wGH = 2^(RE.size/2) * apply(wGH, 1, prod) * exp(rowSums(b * b))
  b = sqrt(2) * b
  fn = function (b, y.i, delta.ij, Z.ij, tol) {
    log.p.b = dnorm(b, 0, sd = sqrt(Sigma), log = T)
    p.yb = mapply(PT.logdens, x = y.i, mu = exp(delta.ij + Z.ij %*% b), 
                  D = D, a = a, tol = tol)
    log.p.yb = sum(p.yb)
    - log.p.yb - log.p.b
  gr = function (b, y.i, delta.ij, Z.ij, tol) {
    cd(b, fn, y.i = y.i, delta.ij = delta.ij, Z.ij = Z.ij, tol = tol)
  out = rep(NA, n)
  for (i in 1:n) {
    id.i = (id == i)
    opt = try( optim(rep(0, RE.size), fn = fn, gr = gr,
                      y.i = y[id.i], delta.ij = Delta.ij[id.i], 
                      Z.ij = as.matrix(Z[id.i,]), tol = tol, method = "BFGS",
                      hessian = FALSE), silent = F )
    out[i] = opt$par
  names(out) = unique(id)

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