
Defines functions estimateParams

Documented in estimateParams

#' Estimated pulse model parameters!
#' @description It is used to estimate pulse model parameters.
#' Transcription rates, processing rates, and degradation correspond to different pulse model parameters, respectively.
#' The transcription rate has 6 parameters, the processing rate has 5 parameters, and the degradation rate has 4 parameters.
#' @param TimeGrid A vector of points in time at which experimental data is collected, not allowed to be repeated
#' @param tL 4sU labeled time during the experiment
#' @param labexon A matrix containing expression levels of 4su exons.For the calculation of the expression value, see \code{\link{estimateExpression}}
#' @param totexon A matrix containing expression levels of total exons.For the calculation of the expression value, see \code{\link{estimateExpression}}
#' @param totintr A matrix containing expression levels of total introns.For the calculation of the expression value, see \code{\link{estimateExpression}}
#' @param clusterNumber Given the number of cluster cores, the default is the maximum number of available cores
#' @param loopnumber The number of iterations of the gradient descent when solving the parameter. The default is 50.
#' @param message Whether to print the log, the default is TRUE
#' @return A 'pulseTDmodel' containing the expression values of the filtered genes, a list of solved parameters, and some basic parameter information
#' @import parallel
#' @import methods
#' @importFrom utils sessionInfo
#' @importFrom graphics par
#' @importFrom stats integrate nlminb qt quantile rnorm na.omit var
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data('rpkmSim', package='pulseTD')
#' rpkm_TL <- rpkmSim$labexon[1:2,]
#' rpkm_PT <- rpkmSim$totintr[1:2,]
#' rpkm_TT <- rpkmSim$totexon[1:2,]
#' TimeGrid <- c(0, 15, 30, 45, 60, 75, 90, 105, 120, 135, 150, 165, 180)
#' tL <- 10
#' \donttest{
#' pulseRates<- estimateParams(rpkm_TL,rpkm_TT,rpkm_PT,TimeGrid,tL,clusterNumber=1,loopnumber=10)
#' }
estimateParams<-function(labexon, totexon, totintr, TimeGrid, tL,
  ## get Platform
  plat = c(sessionInfo()$running[1],sessionInfo()$platform)
  if(length(grep(pattern='ubutun', x=plat, ignore.case = TRUE))!=0 ||
     length(grep(pattern='linux', x=plat, ignore.case = TRUE))!=0 ||
     length(grep(pattern='red hat', x=plat, ignore.case = TRUE))!=0){
    platform = 'linux'
    platform = 'windows'
    message('Operating platform ', platform)
  labexon_filter = filterzeros(labexon)
  totexon_filter = filterzeros(totexon)
  totintr_filter = filterzeros(totintr)


  totintr = rbind(totintr[genenamelist,])
  totexon = rbind(totexon[genenamelist,])
  labexon = rbind(labexon[genenamelist,])
  rownames(totintr) = genenamelist
  rownames(totexon) = genenamelist
  rownames(labexon) = genenamelist
    message('Partially zero expressed genes have been filtered.')
    message('The number of genes used to calculate the rate of transcriptional dynamics is ',length(genenamelist))
  genenames = genenamelist
  geneNumbers = length(genenames)

    cl.cores = detectCores()
    cl.cores = clusterNumber
    message('The number of threads used is ', cl.cores)
  cl <- makeCluster(cl.cores)
  clusterExport(cl, c("splitA6Params","splitB4Params", "splitC5Params",
                      "loopnumber",'tL',"TimeGrid"),envir = environment())
    pro = 0
    sp = 10
    pre = 0
    p = geneNumbers/sp
    message('Completed 0%')
  for(gene in genenames){
    TL = as.matrix(labexon[gene,])
    TT = as.matrix(totexon[gene,])
    PT = as.matrix(totintr[gene,])
    clusterExport(cl,c("PT", "TT", "TL"),envir = environment())
    dta <- parLapply(cl,1:loopnumber, function(x){splitA6Params(TL, tL, TimeGrid)})
    res_A <- do.call('rbind',dta)
    bestres_a = res_A[which(res_A[,7]==min(res_A[,7]))[1], 1:6]
    clusterExport(cl, "bestres_a",envir = environment())
    dtc <- parLapply(cl,1:loopnumber, function(x){splitC5Params(PT, bestres_a, TimeGrid)})
    res_C <- do.call('rbind',dtc)
    bestres_c = res_C[which(res_C[,6]==min(res_C[,6]))[1], 1:5]
    dtb <- parLapply(cl,1:loopnumber, function(x){splitB4Params(TT, bestres_a, TimeGrid)})
    res_B <- do.call('rbind',dtb)
    bestres_b = res_B[which(res_B[,5]==min(res_B[,5]))[1], 1:4]
    rates_paramslist$at=rbind(rates_paramslist$at, bestres_a)
    rates_paramslist$ct=rbind(rates_paramslist$ct, c(bestres_a[1], bestres_c))
    rates_paramslist$bt=rbind(rates_paramslist$bt, c(bestres_a[1], bestres_b[1],bestres_a[3], bestres_b[2:4]))
      pro = pro+1
      if(pre != pro%/%p){

        message('Completed ',round(pro%/%p/sp,2)*100,'%',
                ', cost: ', round(as.numeric(t2-t1),2),units((t2-t1)),
                ', eta:', round(as.numeric(t2-t1)/(pro%/%p)*10-as.numeric(t2-t1),2),units((t2-t1)))
        pre = pro%/%p

  rownames(rates_paramslist$at) = genenames
  rownames(rates_paramslist$ct) = genenames
  rownames(rates_paramslist$bt) = genenames

  pulsemodel = new('pulseTDmodel')
  pulsemodel@filterExpression.total_introns = new('AnnotatedDataFrame',data=as.data.frame(totintr))
  pulsemodel@filterExpression.total_exons = new('AnnotatedDataFrame',data=as.data.frame(totexon))
  pulsemodel@filterExpression.foursu_exons = new('AnnotatedDataFrame',data=as.data.frame(labexon))

  pulsemodel@ratesPar.transcription =new('AnnotatedDataFrame', data=as.data.frame(rates_paramslist$at))
  pulsemodel@ratesPar.processing = new('AnnotatedDataFrame', data=as.data.frame(rates_paramslist$ct))
  pulsemodel@ratesPar.degradation = new('AnnotatedDataFrame', data=as.data.frame(rates_paramslist$bt))

  pulsemodel@genenames = genenames
  pulsemodel@t_time = TimeGrid
  pulsemodel@tL = tL

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pulseTD documentation built on May 17, 2019, 5:03 p.m.