
Defines functions slowly

Documented in slowly

#' Wrap a function to wait between executions
#' `slowly()` takes a function and modifies it to wait a given
#' amount of time between each call.
#' @inheritParams insistently
#' @param rate A [rate][rate-helpers] object. Defaults to a constant delay.
#' @inheritSection safely Adverbs
#' @inherit safely return
#' @family adverbs
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # For these example, we first create a custom rate
#' # with a low waiting time between attempts:
#' rate <- rate_delay(0.1)
#' # slowly() causes a function to sleep for a given time between calls:
#' slow_runif <- slowly(\(x) runif(1), rate = rate, quiet = FALSE)
#' out <- map(1:5, slow_runif)
slowly <- function(f, rate = rate_delay(), quiet = TRUE) {
  f <- as_mapper(f)

  function(...) {
    rate_sleep(rate, quiet = quiet)

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purrr documentation built on Aug. 10, 2023, 9:08 a.m.