
x <- 1:3 %>% set_names()

test_that("imap is special case of map2", {
  expect_identical(imap(x, paste), map2(x, names(x), paste))

test_that("imap always returns a list", {
  expect_bare(imap(x, paste), "list")

test_that("atomic vector imap works", {
  expect_true(all(imap_lgl(x, `==`)))
  expect_length(imap_chr(x, paste), 3)
  expect_equal(imap_int(x, ~ .x + as.integer(.y)), x * 2)
  expect_equal(imap_dbl(x, ~ .x + as.numeric(.y)), x * 2)

test_that("iwalk returns invisibly", {
  expect_output(iwalk(mtcars, ~ cat(.y, ": ", median(.x), "\n", sep = "")))

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purrr documentation built on Aug. 10, 2023, 9:08 a.m.