
Defines functions estim estim.krige estim.covModel jacobian jacobian.krige jacobian.covModel predictKM varKM extract extract.krigResult varLOGdecomp covarTx .chol2var .chol2Upper .mergeMatrix varCHOLmerge varCHOLmerge.matrix varCHOLmerge.numeric quasiDeviance mahalDist multiDimLHS optStat

Documented in covarTx estim extract jacobian mahalDist multiDimLHS optStat predictKM quasiDeviance varKM

# Copyright (C) 2018 Markus Baaske. All Rights Reserved.
# This code is published under the GPL (>=3).
# File: 	krige.R
# Date:  	14/03/2018
# Author: 	Markus Baaske
# Implements kriging prediction, variance approximation methods,
# quasi-deviance and Mahalanobis distance function as a criterion
# for QL estimation

#' @name estim
#' @title Kriging prediction and numerical approximation of derivatives
#' @description 	
#' @param models 	object of class \code{krige} either as a list of covariance models or
#' 	 				class \code{covModel} as a single covariance model, see \code{\link{setCovModel}}
#' @param points 	matrix or list of points to predict the sample means of statistics
#' @param Xs		matrix of sample points
#' @param data		data frame of sample means of statistics at sampled points
#' @param krig.type name of kriging type, either "\code{dual}" (default) or "\code{var}"
#' @return
#'  \item{estim}{ list of predicted values of sample means of statistics (including prediction
#' 		 variances if `\code{krig.type}` equals to "\code{var}")}
#'  \item{jacobian}{ list of Jacobians at predicted values of sample means of statistics}  
#' @details The function can be used to predict any values by kriging given a covariance model. Each covariance model is given as an
#'  element of the list `\code{models}` including its own trend model and covariance function name. There are two types of kriging predictors
#'  available. First, the \emph{dual kriging} predictor, set by `\code{krig.type}`="\code{dual}" or the one based on the calculation of prediction
#'  variances, setting `\code{krig.type}` to "\code{var}". Both types result in exactly the same predicted values and only differ by whether or not
#'  kriging variances should be computed. The data, e. g. sample means of each statistic, must be given as column vectors where each row corresponds
#'  to a sample point in the data frame given in the argument `\code{data}`. 
#' @examples 
#' data(normal) 
#' X <- as.matrix(qsd$qldata[,1:2])
#' p <- c("mu"=2,"sd"=1)
#' # get simulated statistics at design X
#' Tstat <- qsd$qldata[grep("^mean[.]",names(qsd$qldata))]
#' # low level prediction, variances and weights
#' estim(qsd$covT,p,X,Tstat,krig.type="var")
#' # Jacobian 
#' jacobian(qsd$covT,p,X,Tstat)
#' @author M. Baaske
#' @rdname estim
#' @export
estim <- function(models, points, Xs, data,
		  krig.type=c("dual","var","both")) {   

#' @method estim krige 
#' @export
estim.krige <- function(models, points, Xs, data,
				krig.type = c("dual","var","both")) { 
	krig.type <- match.arg(krig.type)
	if(!is.list(data) || length(data)!=length(models))
		stop("Expected 'data' as  a list of same length as 'models'.")	 		 	 
		points <- .LIST2ROW(points)

#' @method estim covModel
#' @export 
estim.covModel <- function(models, points, Xs, data,
					krig.type=c("dual","var","both")) {	
	krig.type <- match.arg(krig.type)		
		points <- .LIST2ROW(points)
	.Call(C_kriging, Xs, as.data.frame(data), points, list(models), krig.type)

#' @title Jacobian
#' @description Jacobian of mean values of statistics 
#' @inheritParams estim
#' @details
#'   The function `\code{jacobian}` computes the partial derivatives of sample means of the statistics
#'   as columns and for each component of the parameter vector as rows by forward difference approximations.
#' @rdname estim
#' @export
jacobian <- function(models, points, Xs, data,
				krig.type=c("dual","var","both")) {

#' @method jacobian krige 
#' @export
jacobian.krige <- function(models, points, Xs, data,
					krig.type=c("dual","var","both")) {
	krig.type <- match.arg(krig.type)	
	if(!is.list(data) || length(data)!=length(models))
		stop("Expected \'data\' as  a list of same length as 'models'.")	
		points <- .ROW2LIST(points)	

#' @method jacobian covModel 
#' @export
jacobian.covModel <- function(models, points, Xs, data,
						krig.type=c("dual","var","both")) {
	krig.type <- match.arg(krig.type)	
	  points <- .ROW2LIST(points)

#' @title Kriging the sample means of statistics
#' @description
#'  \describe{
#'    \item{\code{predictKM},}{wrapper for kriging the sample means of statistics} 	  
#'	  \item{\code{varKM},}{ calculate the kriging prediction variances}
#'	  \item{\code{extract},}{ extract the results of kriging} 
#'  } 
#' @details For a list of fitted covariance models the function \emph{predictKM} predicts the
#' 	 sample means of statistics at (unsampled) points, calculates the prediction variances, if applicable,
#'   at these points and extracts the results. Note that, since we aim on predicting the "error free" value of the sample means,
#'   we use the \emph{smoothing} kriging predictor as described in [2, Sec. 3.7.1].
#' @param models   list of covariance models, see \code{\link{setCovModel}}
#' @param ... 	   further arguments passed to function \code{\link{estim}}
#' @return \item{predictKM}{ list of kriging predicted values}
#' @examples 
#' data(normal)
#' X <- as.matrix(qsd$qldata[,1:2])
#' p <- c("mu"=2,"sd"=1)
#' # get simulated statistics at design X
#' Tstat <- qsd$qldata[grep("^mean[.]",names(qsd$qldata))]
#' # predict and extract 
#' predictKM(qsd$covT,p,X,Tstat)
#' # prediction variances
#' varKM(qsd$covT,p,X,Tstat)
#' @rdname krige
#' @export
predictKM <- function(models,...) {
	km <- estim(models,...)
	if(.isError(km)) {
	  message("Kriging estimation (mean) failed.\n")
	extract(km, type="mean")

#' @return \item{varKM}{ list of kriging prediction variances}
#' @rdname krige
#' @export
varKM  <- function(models, ...) {
	km <- estim(models, ..., krig.type="var")
	if(.isError(km)) {
	  message("Kriging prediction error estimation (var) failed.\n")
 	extract(km, type="sigma2")

#' @param X	 	kriging result
#' @param type  return type of results, see details below
#' @details
#'  The function \emph{extract} either returns the predicted values, the
#'  prediction variances or the kriging weights for each point. 
#' @return \item{\code{extract}}{ matrix of corresponding values (see details)}  
#' @rdname krige
#' @export
extract <- function(X, type = c("mean","sigma2","weights")) UseMethod("extract",X)

#' @method extract krigResult 
#' @export
extract.krigResult <- function(X, type=c("mean","sigma2","weights")) {
	type <- match.arg(type)
	   "weights" = { 
		   if(!is.null(attr(X,"weights")))		# only for dual kriging weights!
			 return( t(do.call(rbind,(attr(X,"weights")))) )
		   lapply(X,function(x) {
			 w <- matrix(unlist(x$weights),nrow=length(x$weights[[1]]))
			 colnames(w) <- names(x$weights)

# intern
#' @importFrom expm logm
varLOGdecomp <- function(L) {
	vmats <- try(lapply(1L:nrow(L), function(i) .chol2var(unlist(L[i,]))), silent=TRUE)
	if(inherits(vmats,"try-error")) {
	  return(simpleError(.makeMessage("Matrix logarithm of covariance matrices failed.")))
	decomp <- lapply(vmats,
			   function(Xs) {
				   m <- try(expm::logm(Xs,method="Eigen"),silent=TRUE)
					return (m)
	as.data.frame(unlist(do.call(rbind,decomp)), ncol=length(decomp[[1L]] ) )

#' @title Variance matrix approximation
#' @description Approximating the variance-covariance matrix of statistics
#' @param qsd		object of class \code{\link{QLmodel}}
#' @param W			weight matrix for weighted average approximation
#' @param theta	    parameter vector for weighted average approximation 
#' @param cvm		list of fitted cross-validation models, see \code{\link{prefitCV}}
#' @param useVar 	logical, if \code{TRUE}, then use prediction variances (see details)
#' @param doInvert	if \code{TRUE}, return the inverse of the variance matrix approximation
#' @return
#' 	List of variance matrices with the following structure:
#' 	\item{VTX}{ variance matrix approximation}
#'  \item{sig2}{ if applicable, kriging prediction variances of statistics at `\code{theta}`}
#'  \item{var}{ matrix `\code{VTX}` with added variances `\code{sig2}` to the diagonal terms}
#'  \item{inv}{ if applicable, the inverse of either `\code{VTX}` or `\code{var}`}
#' @details	The function estimates the variance matrix of statistics at some (unsampled) point `\code{theta}` by either
#'  averaging (the \emph{Cholesky} decomposed terms or matrix logarithms) over all simulated variance matrices
#'  of statistics at previously evaluated points of the parameter space or by a kriging approach which treats the Cholesky
#'  decomposed terms of each variance matrix as a data vector for kriging.
#'  In addition, a Nadaraya-Watson kernel-weighted average approximation can also be applied in order to bias the variance
#'  estimation towards a more locally weighted estimation, where smaller weights are assigned to points being more
#'  distant to an estimate of the model parameter `\code{theta}`. A reasonable symmetric weighting matrix 
#'  `\code{W}` of size equal to the problem dimension, say \code{q}, can be freely chosen by the user. In addition, the user can select
#'  different types of variance averaging methods such as "\code{cholMean}", "\code{wcholMean}", "\code{logMean}", "\code{wlogMean}"
#'  or "\code{kriging}" defined by `\code{qsd$var.type}`, where the prefix "\code{w}" indicats its corresponding weighted version of
#'  the approximation type. Depending on the type of kriging for the statistics, `\code{qsd$krig.type}`, prediction variances
#'  \eqn{\sigma(\theta)} of the sample mean of statistics at `\code{theta}` are added. If `\code{qsd$krig.type}` equals
#'  "\code{dual}", see \code{\link{QLmodel}}, then no prediction variances are used at all and thus the variance matrix estimate of
#'  the statistics only includes the variances due to simulation replications and not the ones due to the use of kriging approximations
#'  of the statistics. Otherwise, including the prediction variances, the mean variance matrix estimate is given by
#'  \deqn{ \hat{V}+\textrm{diag}(\sigma(\theta)),} 
#' 	where \eqn{\hat{V}} denotes one of the above variance approximation types.
#'  The prediction variances \eqn{\sigma} are either derived from the kriging results of statistics or based on a (possibly more robust)
#'  cross-validation (CV) approach, see vignette for details. Finally, we can switch off using prediction variances of either type by setting
#'  `\code{useVar}`=\code{FALSE}. In general, this should be avoided. However, if the estimation problem under investigation is \emph{simple enough},
#'  then this choice may be still useful.
#' @examples 
#'  data(normal)
#'  # average approximation of variance matrices
#'  covarTx(qsd,theta=c("mu"=2,"sd"=1))
#' @author M. Baaske
#' @rdname covarTx
#' @export
covarTx <- function(qsd, W = NULL, theta = NULL, cvm = NULL, useVar = FALSE, doInvert = FALSE)
	xdim <- attr(qsd$qldata,"xdim")
	Xs <- as.matrix(qsd$qldata[seq(xdim)])
	nstat <- length(qsd$covT)
   	var.type <- qsd$var.type
	krig.type <- qsd$krig.type
	Tnames <- names(qsd$obs)
	dataL <- qsd$qldata[(xdim+2*nstat+1L):ncol(qsd$qldata)]					# Cholesky decomposed terms
	nc <- ncol(dataL)
	sig2 <-
	  if(useVar && krig.type != "dual") {
		dataT <- qsd$qldata[(xdim+1L):(xdim+nstat)]
	 	if(!is.null(cvm)) {
			if(is.null(theta) || is.null(dataT))
		  		stop("'Argument `theta` and `dataT` must not be 'NULL' for using CV.")
				krig.type <- "both"			
				Y <- estim(qsd$covT,theta,Xs,dataT,krig.type="var")
				# cross-validation variance/RMSE of statistics
			 }, error = function(e) { e })
	 	} else if((krig.type == "var" || krig.type == "both")) {
		 	 stop("'Argument 'theta' must not be 'NULL' for using kriging prediction variances.")
	} else NULL
	if(.isError(sig2)) {
		message(.makeMessage("Failed to get prediction variances. "),
				if(inherits(sig2,"error")) conditionMessage(sig2))		
		sig2 <- NULL
	if(!is.null(W)) {
		 stop("`W` has to be a matrix.")
		stopifnot(nrow(W)==ncol(W) && nrow(W)==xdim)
		## get list of covariance matrices
		## one for each prediction point
		if(var.type %in% c("logMean","wlogMean")) {
			mlogV <- try(varLOGdecomp(dataL),silent=TRUE)
			if(.isError(mlogV)) {
				msg <- paste0("Matrix logarithm failed.")
				return(.qleError(message=msg,call=match.call(), error=mlogV ) )
			err <- unlist(lapply(mlogV, function(x) .isError(x)))
			if(any(err)) {
				msg <- paste0("Matrix logarithm failed: ")
			if(var.type=="logMean" || is.null(W) || is.null(theta))
			  return (varCHOLmerge(rbind(colMeans(mlogV)),sig2, var.type, doInvert))
			d <- try(exp(-.distX(Xs,rbind(theta),W)*0.5),silent=TRUE)
			if(inherits(d,"try-error") || !is.numeric(d) || any(is.na(d))) {
			   msg <- paste0("Weighted distances calculation error: NAs values possibly produced.")		
		} else if(var.type %in% c("cholMean","wcholMean")) {
			if(var.type=="cholMean" || is.null(W) || is.null(theta))
			  return (varCHOLmerge(rbind(colMeans(dataL)),sig2,var.type,doInvert,Tnames))	
			# weighting matrix has to be inverted!
			# but inverse of QI as variance of theta inverted is QI, thus W = I.
			d <- try(exp(-.distX(Xs,rbind(theta),W)*0.5),silent=TRUE)
			if(inherits(d,"try-error") || !is.numeric(d) || any(is.na(d))) {
				msg <- paste0("Weighted distances calculation error: NAs values possibly produced.")
		} else if(var.type == "kriging") {
			# no weighting!
			if(is.null(qsd$covL) || is.null(theta))
			  stop("For kriging the variance matrix argument `covL` and `theta` must be given.")			
			# Kriging variance matrix is based on Cholsky decomposed terms
	        # TODO: try a log decomposition later
		  	L <- estim(qsd$covL,theta,Xs,dataL,krig.type="var")			
			Lm <- do.call(rbind,sapply(L,"[","mean"))
		} else {
			stop("Unknown variance matrix type.")
	}, error = function(e) {
		msg <- paste0("Covariance matrix estimation failed: ",

# helpers (intern)
.chol2var <- function(Xs) {
	n <- (-1 + sqrt(1 + 8*length(Xs)))/2;
	m <- matrix(0,n,n)
	m[col(m)>=row(m)] <- Xs
	return( crossprod(m) )

.chol2Upper <- function(Xs) {
	n <- (-1 + sqrt(1 + 8*length(Xs)))/2;
	m <- matrix(0,n,n)
	m[col(m)>=row(m)] <- Xs
	return( m )

.mergeMatrix <- function(Xs) {
	n <- (-1 + sqrt(1 + 8*length(Xs)))/2;
	m <- matrix(0,n,n)
	m[col(m)>=row(m)] <- Xs
	m[lower.tri(m)] = t(m)[lower.tri(m)]
	return( m )

# sig2 is matrix: rows are kriging variance => put as diagonal matrix
varCHOLmerge <- function(Xs, sig2=NULL,var.type="cholMean",doInvert=FALSE,Tnames = NULL) UseMethod("varCHOLmerge",Xs)
varCHOLmerge.matrix <- function(Xs,sig2=NULL,var.type="cholMean", doInvert=FALSE,Tnames = NULL) {
	if(!is.null(sig2) && is.matrix(sig2) )
			function(i) varCHOLmerge(Xs[1L,],sig2[i,],var.type,doInvert,Tnames) ),"var.type"=var.type)
	else structure(list(varCHOLmerge(Xs[1L,],NULL,var.type,doInvert,Tnames)),"var.type"=var.type)

# intern
#' @importFrom expm expm
varCHOLmerge.numeric <- function(Xs, sig2=NULL, var.type="cholMean", doInvert=FALSE, Tnames = NULL) {
   err <- 
	  function(e) {
			message(paste0(.makeMessage("try to invert again...\n")))
			tmp <- try(do.call(gsiInv,list(varMat)),silent=TRUE)
			if (!is.numeric(tmp) || !is.matrix(tmp) || any(is.na(tmp))) {
				msg <- .makeMessage(paste0("Matrix inversion error: "),conditionMessage(e))
			    return (.qleError(message=msg, call=sys.call(), error=e))
			return (tmp)
	VTX <- try({
			 if(var.type %in% c("cholMean","wcholMean","kriging")) 
			 else expm::expm(.mergeMatrix(Xs))		
			}, silent=TRUE)	
	  stop(paste0("Failed to merge covariance matrix by: ",var.type))
     dimnames(VTX) <- list(Tnames,Tnames)
    res <- list("VTX"=VTX)

	if(!is.null(sig2)) {
		n <- length(sig2)
		res$sig2 <- sig2
		res$var <- VTX + diag(sig2,n,n)

		if(doInvert) {
			res$inv <- try(do.call("gsiInv",list(res$var)),silent=TRUE)
			if (inherits(res$inv,"try-error") || !is.numeric(res$inv) || any(is.na(res$inv)))
			  return(.qleError(message="Variance matrix inversion failed: ",call=sys.call(),error=res))			
	} else {
		if(doInvert) {
			if(var.type %in% c("logMean","wlogMean")) {
				minv <- try( expm::expm(-.mergeMatrix(Xs)),silent=TRUE)
					msg <- paste0("Merge matrix (logarithm) failed: ")
				res$inv <- minv
		 	} else {
				minv <-
					  varMat <- .chol2Upper(Xs)
					}, error = err)
				  return(.qleError(message="Not a matrix: ",call=sys.call(),error=minv))
				res$inv <- minv

#' @name quasiDeviance
#' @title Quasi-deviance computation
#' @description
#'  The function computes the quasi-deviance (QD) at parameters (called points) of the parameter
#'  search space including the computation of the quasi-score vector and optionally its variance matrix.   
#' @param points		list or matrix of points where to compute the QD (a numeric vector is considered to be a (multidimensional) point)
#' @param qsd		    object of class \code{\link{QLmodel}} 
#' @param Sigma		    variance matrix estimate of statistics (see details)
#' @param ...		    further arguments passed to \code{\link{covarTx}}
#' @param cvm			list of cross-validation models (see \code{\link{prefitCV}})
#' @param obs	 	    numeric vector of observed statistics, this overwrites `\code{qsd$obs}`, if supplied
#' @param inverted 		logical, \code{FALSE} (default), currently ignored
#' @param check			logical, \code{TRUE} (default), whether to check input arguments
#' @param value.only  	if \code{TRUE} only the values of the QD are returned
#' @param na.rm 		logical, if \code{TRUE} (default) remove `Na`s from the result
#' @param cl			cluster object, \code{NULL} (default), of class \code{MPIcluster}, \code{SOCKcluster}, \code{cluster}
#' @param verbose   	logical, \code{TRUE} for intermediate output
#' @return Numeric vector of QD values, if values only, or a list with elements:
#' \item{value}{ quasi-deviance value}
#' \item{par}{ parameter estimate}
#' \item{I}{ quasi-information matrix}
#' \item{score}{ quasi-score vector}
#' \item{jac}{ Jacobian of sample average statistics}
#' \item{varS}{ estimated variance of quasi-score, if applicable}
#' \item{Iobs}{ observed quasi-information}
#' \item{qval}{ quasi-deviance using the inverse of `\code{varS}` as a weighting matrix}
#'  The matix `\code{Iobs}` is called the \eqn{\emph{observed quasi-information}} (see [2, Sec. 4.3]),
#'  which, in our setting, can be calculated at least numerically as the Jacobian of the quasi-score vector.
#'  Further, `\code{varS}` denotes the approximate variance-covariance matrix of the quasi-score given the observed
#'  statistics and serves as a measure of estimation precision (see [1] and the vignette, Sec. 3.2).
#' @details The function calculates the QD (see [1]). It is the primary function criterion to be minimized
#'   for estimating the unknown model parameter by \code{\link{qle}} and involves the computation of the quasi-score
#'   and quasi-information matrix at a particular parameter. From a statistical point of view, the QD can be seen as
#'   a generalization to the \emph{efficient score statistic} (see [3] and the vignette) and is used as a decision
#'   rule in the estimation function \code{\link{qle}} in order to hypothesise about the true model parameter. A modified value of
#'   the QD, using the inverse of the variance of the quasi-score (as a weight matrix) is stored in the result `\code{qval}`.
#'   Quasi-deviance values which are relatively small (compared to the empirical quantiles of its approximate chi-squared
#'   distribution) suggest a solution to the quasi-score equation and hence could identify the unknown model parameter
#'   in some probabilistic sense. Estimated parameters including different observed statistics can be investigated by 
#'   a MC goodness-of-fit test, see \code{\link{qleTest}}.
#'   Further, if we use a weighted variance average approximation of statistics (see \code{\link{covarTx}}),
#'   then the QD value is calculated rather locally w.r.t. to an estimated parameter `\code{theta}`. Note that, opposed to the MD,
#'   a constant variance matrix is not applicable to the computation of the QD. However, if supplied, `\code{Sigma}` is used
#'   as a first estimate and in case of `\code{qsd$krig.type}`="\code{var}" prediction variances of the involved statistics at
#'   `\code{points}` are added as diagonal terms (see also \code{\link{mahalDist}}).    
#' 	 \subsection{Use of prediction variances}{ 
#' 	 In order to not only account for the simulation variance but additionally for the approximation error of the
#'   quasi-score vector we include the prediction variances of the involved statistics either based on
#'   a cross-validation or kriging approach unless `\code{qsd$krig.type}` equals "\code{dual}". If `\code{cvm}` is not given, then
#'   the prediction variances are obtained based on the kriging procedure applied to the statistics. Using prediction variances the
#'   variance matrix `\code{varS}` of the quasi-score vector is part of the return list and omitted otherwise. Besides the quasi-information
#'   matrix the observed quasi-information matrix (as a numerically derived Jacobian, given by `\code{Iobs}`, of the quasi-score vector)
#'   is also returned. A good match between those two matrices suggests an approximate root if the corresponding
#'   QD value is relatively small. This can be further investigated using the function \code{\link{checkMultRoot}}.
#'   Alternatively, also CV-based prediction variances (which involve additional covariance models given by `\code{cvm}` for each left out
#'   sample point) for each single statistic can be used to produce relatively robust parameter estimation results but for the price of
#'   much higher computational costs. In practice this might overcome the general tendency inherent to kriging to underestimate
#'   the prediction variances of the sample means of the statistics and should be used if one decides using kriging for the approximation of
#'   the variance matrix. 
#'   }
#' @examples
#' data(normal)
#' quasiDeviance(c(2,1), qsd)
#' @author M. Baaske
#' @rdname quasiDeviance
#' @export
quasiDeviance <- function(points, qsd, Sigma = NULL, ..., cvm = NULL, obs = NULL, 
					 inverted = FALSE, check = TRUE, value.only=FALSE, na.rm = TRUE,
					  cl = NULL, verbose=FALSE)
	 points <- .ROW2LIST(points) 	
 	X <- as.matrix(qsd$qldata[seq(attr(qsd$qldata,"xdim"))])
	# overwrite (observed) statistics	
	if(!is.null(obs)) {
		obs <- unlist(obs)
		if(anyNA(obs) | any(!is.finite(obs)))
			warning("`NA` or `Inf` values detected in `obs`.")
		if(!is.numeric(obs) || length(obs) != length(qsd$covT))
			stop("`obs` must be a (named) `numeric` vector or list \n
					of length equal to the given statistics in `qsd`.")
		qsd$obs <- obs
	# Unless Sigma is given always continuously update variance matrix.
	# If using W, theta or Sigma for average approximation, then
	# at least update prediction variances at each point.
		# use `Sigma` but add prediction variances
		useSigma <- (qsd$var.type == "const")
		if(qsd$var.type != "kriging" && !useSigma){
			# Here: `Sigma` is inverted at C level
			Sigma <- covarTx(qsd,...,cvm=cvm)[[1L]]$VTX
		if(useSigma && is.null(Sigma))
		 stop("`Sigma` cannot be NULL if used as a constant variance matrix.")
	    qlopts <- list("varType"=qsd$var.type,			   
					   "useSigma"=FALSE) 			# there is no constant Sigma for quasi-deviance computation 

		# somehow complicated but this is a load ballancing 
		# (for a cluster) parallized version of quasiDeviance
		ret <-
		  if(length(points) > 1999 && (length(cl) > 1L || getOption("mc.cores",1L) > 1L)){
				m <- if(!is.null(cl)) length(cl) else getOption("mc.cores",1L)		
				M <- .splitList(points, m)
				names(M) <- NULL
					    FUN=function(points, qsd, qlopts, X, Sigma, cvm, value.only) {
						}, cl=cl),
				     list(qsd, qlopts, X, Sigma, cvm, value.only))),
	             recursive = FALSE)
		} else {
		# check for NAs
			has.na <- as.numeric(which(is.na(sapply(ret,"[",1))))	
			if(length(has.na) == length(ret)){
				stop("All quasi-deviance calculations produced `NA` values.")
			if(length(has.na > 0L)){		
				message("Removing `NA` values from results of quasi-deviance calculation.")
				return( structure(ret[-has.na],  "hasNa"=has.na))

	}, error = function(e) {
		message(.makeMessage("Calculation of quasi-deviance failed: ",conditionMessage(e)))
	 	stop(e)  # re-throw error

#' @name mahalDist
#' @title Mahalanobis distance of statistics
#' @description
#'  Compute the Mahalanobis distance (MD) based on the kriging models of statistics  	 
#' @param points	  either matrix or list of points or a vector of parameters (but then considered
#' 					  as a single (multidimensional) point)
#' @param qsd		  object of class \code{\link{QLmodel}} 
#' @param Sigma		  either a constant variance matrix estimate or an prespecified value 
#' @param ...		  further arguments passed to \code{\link{covarTx}} for variance average approximation
#' @param cvm		  list of fitted cross-validation models (see \code{\link{prefitCV}})
#' @param obs         numeric vector of observed statistics (overwrites `\code{qsd$obs}` if given)
#' @param inverted    logical, \code{FALSE} (default), whether `\code{Sigma}` is already inverted when
#' 					  used as constant variance matrix only
#' @param check       logical, \code{TRUE} (default), whether to check all input arguments
#' @param value.only  only return the value of the MD 
#' @param na.rm   	  logical, if \code{TRUE} (default) remove `Na` values from the results
#' @param cl		  cluster object, \code{NULL} (default), of class \code{MPIcluster}, \code{SOCKcluster}, \code{cluster}
#' @param verbose     if \code{TRUE}, then print intermediate output
#' @return Either a vector of MD values or a list of lists, where each contains the following elements:
#' \item{value}{ Mahalanobis distance value}
#' \item{par}{ parameter estimate}
#' \item{I}{ approximate variance matrix of the parameter estimate}
#' \item{score}{ gradient of MD (for constant `\code{Sigma}`)}
#' \item{jac}{ Jacobian of sample mean values of statistics}
#' \item{varS}{ estimated variance matrix of `\code{score}`}
#' and, if applicable, the following attributes:
#' \item{Sigma}{ estimate of variance matrix (if `\code{Sigma}` is computed or was set as a constant matrix)}
#' \item{inverted}{ whether `\code{Sigma}` was inverted } 
#' @details	The function computes the Mahalanobis distance of the given statistics \eqn{T(X)\in R^p} with different options
#'  for the approximation type of the variance matrix. The Mahalanobis distance can be used as an alternative criterion function
#'  for estimating the unknown model parameter during the main estimation function \code{\link{qle}}.
#'  There are several options how to estimate or choose the variance matrix of the statistics \eqn{\Sigma}.
#'  First, in case of a given constant variance matrix estimate `\code{Sigma}`, the Mahalanobis distance reads
#' 	\deqn{ (T(x)-E_{\theta}[T(X)])^t\Sigma^{-1}(T(x)-E_{\theta}[T(X)]) }
#'  and `\code{Sigma}` is used as given.
#'  As a second option, the variance matrix \eqn{\Sigma} can be estimated by the average approximation 
#'  \deqn{\bar{V}=\frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n V_i  }
#'  based on the simulated variance matrices \eqn{V_i=V(\theta_i)} of statistics over all sample points
#'  \eqn{\theta_1,...,\theta_n} (see vignette).
#'  Unless `\code{qsd$var.type}` equals "\code{const}" additional prediction variances are added as diagonal terms to
#'  account for the kriging approximation error of the statistics using kriging with calculation of kriging variances
#'  if `\code{qsd$krig.type}` equal to "\code{var}". Otherwise no additional variances are added. A weighted version of
#'  these average approximation types is also available (see \code{\link{covarTx}}).
#'  As a continuous version of variance approximation we use a kriging approach (see [1]). Then
#'  \deqn{\Sigma(\theta) = Var_{\theta}(T(X))}
#'  denotes the variance matrix which depends on the parameter \eqn{\theta\in R^q} and corresponds to the
#'  formal function argument `\code{points}`. Each time a value of the criterion function is calculated at any parameter
#'  `\code{points}` the variance matrix is estimated by the correpsonding approach either with or
#'  without using prediction variances as explained above. Note that in this case the argument `\code{Sigma}` is ignored.
#' @examples
#'  data(normal)
#'  # (weighted) least squares
#'  mahalDist(c(2,1), qsd, Sigma=diag(2))
#'  # generalized LS with variance average approximation 
#' 	# here: same as quasi-deviance
#'  mahalDist(c(2,1), qsd)  
#' @author M. Baaske
#' @rdname mahalDist
#' @export
mahalDist <- function(points, qsd, Sigma = NULL, ..., cvm = NULL, obs = NULL,
		               inverted = FALSE, check = TRUE, value.only = FALSE, na.rm = TRUE,
					    cl = NULL, verbose = FALSE)
	 	 points <- .ROW2LIST(points)	  	  
	  X <- as.matrix(qsd$qldata[seq(attr(qsd$qldata,"xdim"))])
	  # may overwrite (observed) statistics	
	  if(!is.null(obs)) {
		  obs <- unlist(obs)
		  if(anyNA(obs) | any(!is.finite(obs)))
			 warning("`NA` or `Inf`values detected in `obs.")
		  if(!is.numeric(obs) || length(obs)!=length(qsd$covT))
			 stop("`obs` must be a (named) `numeric` vector or list \n
							  of length equal to the given statistics in `qsd`.")
		  qsd$obs <- obs
	  # Priorities:
 	  #  1. kriging approx.
	  #  2. Average approx. computed by W and at theta; or by kriging
	  #  3. Sigma constant
		   useSigma <- (qsd$var.type == "const")
		   if(qsd$var.type != "kriging" && !useSigma){			   
			   # Sigma is inverted at C level
			   Sigma <- covarTx(qsd,...,cvm=cvm)[[1L]]$VTX			   
		   } else if(useSigma && !inverted){
				# Only for constant Sigma, which is used as is!
				inverted <- TRUE
				Sigma <- try(gsiInv(Sigma),silent=TRUE)
				if(inherits(Sigma,"try-error")) {
				  msg <- paste0("Inversion of constant variance matrix failed.")
				  return(.qleError(message = msg,error=Sigma))
			if(useSigma && is.null(Sigma))
			 stop("`Sigma` cannot be NULL if used as a constant variance matrix.")
			qlopts <- list("varType"=qsd$var.type,
						   "useSigma"=useSigma)  			# use as constant Sigma 
		   ret <-
		    if(length(points) > 1999 && (length(cl)>1L || getOption("mc.cores",1L) > 1L)){
			   m <- if(!is.null(cl)) length(cl) else getOption("mc.cores",1L)			   				
			   M <- .splitList(points, m)
			   names(M) <- NULL
							   FUN=function(points, qsd, qlopts, X, Sigma, cvm, value.only) {
							   }, cl=cl),
					   list(qsd, qlopts, X, Sigma, cvm, value.only))),
				recursive = FALSE)			  
		    } else {
			# if it is computed by W, theta
			# or the constant Sigma passed
			if(useSigma) {			 
				attr(Sigma,"inverted") <- inverted
				attr(ret,"Sigma") <- Sigma			  
			# check for NAs/NaNs
				has.na <- as.numeric(which(is.na(sapply(ret,"[",1))))	
				if(length(has.na) == length(ret)){
					stop("All  Mahalanobis distance calculations produced `NA` values.")
					warning("Removed `NA` values from results of Mahalanobis distance calculation.")
					return(	structure(ret[-has.na],	"hasNa"=has.na))
		}, error = function(e) {
			 message(.makeMessage("Calculation of Mahalanobis-distance failed: ",

#' @name multiDimLHS
#' @title Multidimensional Latin Hypercube Sampling (LHS) generation
#' @description The function generates or augments a multidimensional design in a hyperbox.
#' @param N		    number of points to randomly select or augment an existing sample set
#' @param lb	    lower bounds defining the (hyper)box of the parameter search space
#' @param ub 		upper bounds defining the (hyper)box of the parameter search space
#' @param method    type of sampling, `\code{randomLHS}`, `\code{maximinLHS}` or `\code{augmentLHS}` 				    
#' @param X 		optional, matrix of existing sample points, \code{NULL} (default), for augmentation only
#' @param type 		either "\code{list}" or "\code{matrix}" as return type
#' @return Either return a list or matrix of sampled vectors or newly generated points if an existing sample set
#'  was to be augmented.
#' @rdname multiDimLHS
#' @importFrom lhs randomLHS maximinLHS augmentLHS
#' @examples
#' data(normal)
#' # generate a design
#' X <- multiDimLHS(N=5,qsd$lower,qsd$upper,type="matrix")
#' # augment design X 
#' rbind(X,multiDimLHS(N=1,qsd$lower,qsd$upper,X=X,
#' 				method="augmentLHS",type="matrix"))
#' @author M. Baaske
#' @importFrom lhs randomLHS maximinLHS augmentLHS
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link[lhs]{randomLHS}}, \code{\link[lhs]{maximinLHS}}, \code{\link[lhs]{augmentLHS}}
multiDimLHS <- function(N, lb, ub, method = c("randomLHS","maximinLHS","augmentLHS"),
						X = NULL, type = c("list","matrix"))
	if(!is.null(X) && !is.matrix(X))
	  stop("`X` must be a matrix.")
	dimX <- length(ub)
	if(dimX != length(lb))
	  stop("`lb` and `ub` bounds vector do not match.")
    method <- get(match.arg(method))	
	# back to [0,1]
	lhs.grid <- 
		if(!is.null(X)) {				  	
			for(i in 1L:dimX ) {
			 X[,i] <- (X[,i]-lb[i])/(ub[i]-lb[i])		 
			# augment X, only return newly generated points
			if( N < 1L)
			  stop("Number of points to augment must be positive (N > 0).")
		} else do.call(method,list("n"=N,"k"=dimX))
	for(i in 1L:dimX )
	 lhs.grid[,i] <- lhs.grid[,i]*(ub[i]-lb[i])+lb[i]	
 	type <- match.arg(type)
		"list" = {
			colnames(lhs.grid) <- names(ub)
			return (lapply(seq_len(nrow(lhs.grid)), function(i) as.list(lhs.grid[i,])))
		"matrix" = {
			colnames(lhs.grid) <- names(ub)

#' @name Subset of statistics
#' @title Optimal subset selection of statistics
#' @description The function finds a subset of at most \eqn{kmax <= p} statistics, where \code{p} is the number of available statistics
#' in the list `\code{qsd$covT}` (and at least of size equal to the length \code{q} of the parameter `\code{theta}`) and thus minimizes the expected
#' estimation error of the parameter when this subset is used for estimation. Based on the eigenvalue decomposition of the
#' variance-covariance matrix of the statistics this subset is chosen among all subsets of size at most equal to `\code{kmax}` or for
#' which all proportional contributions to each parameter component are greater than or equal to `\code{cumprop}` whatever happens first.
#' Since both matrices depend on `\code{theta}` so does the chosen subset of statistics. However, using a list of parameters as `\code{theta}`
#' returns a list of corresponding subsets. One can then easily choose the most frequent subset among all computed ones given either
#' a sample of parameters distributed over the whole parameter space or an appropriate smaller region, where, e.g., the
#' starting point is chosen from or the true model parameter is expected to lie in. 
#' @param theta 	list or matrix of points where to compute the criterion function
#' 				 	and to choose `\code{kmax}` statistics given the QL model `\code{qsd}`
#' @param qsd		object of class \code{\link{QLmodel}} 
#' @param kmax   	number of statistics to be selectnred (q <= \code{kmax} <= p)
#' @param cumprop	numeric vector either of length one (then replicated) or equal to the length of `\code{theta}` which sets the
#' 				    proportions (0 < \code{cumprop} <= 1) of minimum overall contributions to each parameter component given the statistics 					
#' @param ...		further arguments passed to \code{\link{quasiDeviance}} or \code{\link{mahalDist}}
#' @param cl		cluster object, \code{NULL} (default), of class \code{MPIcluster}, \code{SOCKcluster}, \code{cluster}
#' @param verbose  	logical, \code{TRUE} for intermediate output
#' @return A list which consists of 
#' 	\item{id}{ indices of corresponding statistics}
#' 	\item{names}{ names of statistics (if provided)}
#'  \item{cumprop}{ cumulated proportions of contributions of selected statistics to each of the parameter components} 
#'  \item{sorted}{ list of statistics (for each parameter) sorted in decreasing order of proportional contributions to the quasi-information}  
#' @rdname optStat
#' @examples
#'  data(normal)
#'  # must select all statistics and thus using the
#'  # full information since we only have to statistics available 
#'  optStat(c("mu"=2,"sigma"=1),qsd,kmax=2)[[1]]
#' @author M. Baaske
#' @export 
optStat <- function(theta, qsd, kmax = p, cumprop = 1, ..., cl = NULL, verbose=FALSE) 
	p <- length(qsd$covT)
	q <- attr(qsd$qldata,"xdim")
	if(kmax > p || q > kmax)	
	 stop("`kmax` must be at most equal to the number of available statistics and at least equal to the number of model parameter.")	
 	if(length(cumprop) > 1L){
		if(length(cumprop) != q)
		  stop("`cumprop` must be of length equal to number of parmater components or a scalar value.")
	 	else { stopifnot(all(cumprop<=1) && all(cumprop>0)) }
	} else cumprop <- rep(cumprop,q)
	# quasi-deviance
	QD <- quasiDeviance(theta,qsd,...,value.only=FALSE,cl=cl,verbose=verbose) 
	# evaluate statistics at theta
	ret <- doInParallel(QD,
			FUN=function(x,q,p,kmax,prop) {
				V <- attr(x,"Sigma")	  
				nms <- colnames(V)
					nms <- paste0("V",1:p)
					attr(V,"dimnames") <- list(nms,nms)
				S <- try(eigen(V),silent=TRUE)
				L <- (x$jac %*% S$vectors %*% diag(1/sqrt(S$values)))^2
				# relative to total contribution
				L <- L/rowSums(L)
				colnames(L) <- nms
				# sort each row as contribution of each statistic to each parameter
				M <- lapply(1:nrow(L),function(i) sort(L[i,], decreasing=TRUE))
				# find either kmax best statistics or until cumulative proportions
				# for each parameter component are greater than prop				
			    T <- sapply(M,"[",1)
				dup <- duplicated(names(T))
				# use only non duplicated names
				 T[names(T[dup])[1]] <- max(T[dup]) 
				 T <- T[!dup] 
				if( kmax > q && min(T) < min(prop) ) {
					stp <- FALSE
					for(i in 2:p){
						B <- sapply(M,"[",i)
						ix <- order(B,decreasing=TRUE)					
						for(k in ix){
						  if(names(B[k]) %in% names(T))
						  else {
							 T <- c(T,B[k])
							 if(length(T) == kmax || 
								all(sapply(M, function(x) sum(x[names(T)])) >= prop) ){
							   stp <- TRUE
						if(stp) break
			    names(M) <- names(theta)
				id <- na.omit(pmatch(names(T),colnames(V)))
				# rank matrix
				rankM <- matrix(0,nrow=q,ncol=p)
				dimnames(rankM) <- list(names(theta),nms)
				for(i in 1:nrow(rankM))
					rankM[i,] <- pmatch(colnames(rankM),names(M[[i]]))
				structure(list("id"=id, "names"=names(T),
					"cumprop"=apply(L, 1, function(x) sum(x[id])),
					"sorted"=M, "rankMat"=rankM))		
			}, q=q, p=p, kmax=kmax, prop=cumprop,
	return( ret )

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