
ratiobatch <- function(
group = NULL, 
plot = TRUE, 
combs = c("same", "across", "all"),
type.eff = "mean.single",
which.cp = "cpD2",
which.eff = "sli",
refmean = FALSE,
dataout = NULL, 
verbose = TRUE,
  if (class(data)[2] != "pcrbatch") stop("data is not of class 'pcrbatch'!")
  options(warn = -1)

  combs <- match.arg(combs)
  ## substitute .1 etc from import 
  group <- sub("\\.\\d*", "", group, perl = TRUE)
  NCOL <- ncol(data) - 1
  ## from 1.3-7: added option of external efficiencies or threshold cycles,
  ## either single value (recycled) or a vector of values.  
  if (is.numeric(which.eff)) {    
    if (length(which.eff) == 1) which.eff <- rep(which.eff, NCOL)
    else {
      if (length(which.eff) != NCOL) stop("Length of input efficiencies does not match number of runs!")
    effDAT <- matrix(c("extEFF", which.eff), nrow = 1)
    colnames(effDAT) <- colnames(data)
    data <- rbind(data, effDAT) 
    extEFF <- TRUE
  } else extEFF <- FALSE
  if (is.numeric(which.cp)) {
    if (length(which.cp) != NCOL) stop("Length of input threshold cycles does not match number of runs!")
    cpDAT <- matrix(c("extCP", which.cp), nrow = 1)
    colnames(cpDAT) <- colnames(data)
    data <- rbind(data, cpDAT)     
    extCP <- TRUE
  } else extCP <- FALSE
  ANNO <- data[, 1, drop = FALSE]  
  DATA <- data[, -1, drop = FALSE] 
  if (verbose) cat("\nChecking if sample number and 'group' length are equal...")
  if (length(group) != NCOL) stop("Length of 'group' and 'data' do not match!")
  ## take column names if 'group' is empty
  if (is.null(group)) {
    group <- colnames(DATA)
    if (verbose) cat("'group' is NULL: using column names...")
  ## test for character of 'group' definition
  if (verbose) cat("\nChecking that 'group' is of class <character>...")
  CLASS <- sapply(group, function(x) class(x))
  if (!all(CLASS == "character")) stop("'group' definition must be of class <character> (i.e. r1g1)")
  ## check for number of control samples, treatment samples, genes-of-interest and reference genes, 
  if (verbose) cat("\nChecking for number of control samples, treatment samples, \ngenes-of-interest and reference genes:\n")
  numCon <- unique(na.omit(as.numeric(sub("g\\d*c(\\d*)", "\\1", group, perl = TRUE))))
  if (verbose) cat(" Found", length(numCon), "control sample(s)...\n")
  numSamp <- unique(na.omit(as.numeric(sub("g\\d*s(\\d*)", "\\1", group, perl = TRUE))))  
  if (verbose) cat(" Found", length(numSamp), "treatment sample(s)...\n")
  GoiInCon <- unique(na.omit(as.numeric(sub("g(\\d*)c\\d*", "\\1", group, perl = TRUE))))
  if (verbose) cat(" Found", length(GoiInCon), "genes-of-interest in control sample(s)...\n")
  GoiInSamp <- unique(na.omit(as.numeric(sub("g(\\d*)s\\d*", "\\1", group, perl = TRUE))))
  if (verbose) cat(" Found", length(GoiInSamp), "genes-of-interest in treatment sample(s)...\n")
  RefInCon <- unique(na.omit(as.numeric(sub("r(\\d*)c\\d*", "\\1", group, perl = TRUE))))
  if (verbose) cat(" Found", length(RefInCon), "reference genes in control sample(s)...\n")
  RefInSamp <- unique(na.omit(as.numeric(sub("r(\\d*)s\\d*", "\\1", group, perl = TRUE)))) 
  if (verbose) cat(" Found", length(RefInSamp), "reference genes in treatment sample(s)...\n")
  ## check equal use of genes-of-interest/reference genes in treatments/controls
  if (!all(RefInCon == RefInSamp)) stop("Unequal number of reference genes in treatment and control samples!")
  if (!all(GoiInCon == GoiInSamp)) stop("Unequal number of genes-of-interest in treatment and control samples!") 
  ## from 1.3-7: added removal of failed runs (either failed fits
  ## or SOD outlier) from DATA and 'group' by identification
  ## of *...* or **...** in sample name
  sampNAMES <- names(DATA)
  hasTag <- grep("\\*[[:print:]]*\\*", sampNAMES)
  if (length(hasTag) > 0) {
    DATA <- DATA[, -hasTag]
    group <- group[-hasTag]
    data <- cbind(ANNO, DATA)
  ## from 1.3-6: pass data to 'refmean' for averaging of 
  ## multiple reference genes, and then use modified 'group' label
  ## in attributes
  if (refmean) {
    if (all(RefInCon <= 1) && all(RefInSamp <= 1)) {
      cat(" Less than two reference genes found. Skipping 'refmean'...\n")     
    } else {
      cat("Averaging reference genes:\n")     
      data <- refmean(data = data, group = group, which.eff = which.eff,  
                      which.cp = which.cp, verbose = verbose)
      group <- attr(data, "group")
  ## detect r*c*, g*c*, r*s* and g*s* in 'group'
  RCs <- sort(unique(grep("r\\d*c\\d*", group, perl = TRUE, value = TRUE)))
  GCs <- sort(unique(grep("g\\d*c\\d*", group, perl = TRUE, value = TRUE)))
  RSs <- sort(unique(grep("r\\d*s\\d*", group, perl = TRUE, value = TRUE)))
  GSs <- sort(unique(grep("g\\d*s\\d*", group, perl = TRUE, value = TRUE)))
  ## detect absence of reference runs
  if (length(RCs) > 0 && length(RSs) > 0) hasRef <- TRUE else hasRef <- FALSE  
  ## do combinations in presence/absence of reference genes
  if (hasRef) COMBS <- expand.grid(GCs, GSs, RCs, RSs, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)   
  else COMBS <- expand.grid(GCs, GSs, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) 
  ## remove 'nonpair' combinations, i.e. r1s2:r1s1    
  Cnum <- t(apply(COMBS, 1, function(x) gsub("[rgs]\\d*", "", x, perl = TRUE)))      
  Snum <- t(apply(COMBS, 1, function(x) gsub("[rgc]\\d*", "", x, perl = TRUE)))
  Gnum <- t(apply(COMBS, 1, function(x) gsub("[rsc]\\d*", "", x, perl = TRUE)))
  Rnum <- t(apply(COMBS, 1, function(x) gsub("[gsc]\\d*", "", x, perl = TRUE)))              
  Cnum <- t(apply(Cnum, 1, function(x) x[x != ""]))
  Snum <- t(apply(Snum, 1, function(x) x[x != ""]))
  Gnum <- t(apply(Gnum, 1, function(x) x[x != ""]))
  Rnum <- t(apply(Rnum, 1, function(x) x[x != ""]))   
  ## select combinations as set under 'combs'
  if (hasRef) {     
    if (combs == "across") {
      SELECT <- which(Cnum[, 1] == Cnum[, 2] & Snum[, 1] == Snum[, 2])
    } else 
    if (combs == "same") {
      SELECT <- which(Cnum[, 1] == Cnum[, 2] & Snum[, 1] == Snum[, 2] & Gnum[, 1] == Gnum[, 2] & Rnum[, 1] == Rnum[, 2])  
  } else {
    if (combs == "same") {       
      SELECT <- which(Gnum[, 1] == Gnum[, 2])       
  ncomb <- nrow(COMBS)
  outLIST <- list()
  outDATA <- list()
  nameLIST <- list()             
  counter <- 1       
  ## take combinations into dataframe  
  for (i in 1:nrow(COMBS)) {    
    if (hasRef) {
      GCmatch <- grep(COMBS[i, 1], group, perl = TRUE)     
      GCdat <- as.data.frame(DATA[, GCmatch])
      GSmatch <- grep(COMBS[i, 2], group, perl = TRUE)     
      GSdat <- as.data.frame(DATA[, GSmatch])
      RCmatch <- grep(COMBS[i, 3], group, perl = TRUE)         
      RCdat <- as.data.frame(DATA[, RCmatch]) 
      RSmatch <- grep(COMBS[i, 4], group, perl = TRUE)     
      RSdat <- as.data.frame(DATA[, RSmatch])
      finalDATA <- cbind(ANNO, GCdat, GSdat, RCdat, RSdat)         
    } else {          
      GCmatch <- grep(COMBS[i, 1], group, perl = TRUE)
      GCdat <- as.data.frame(DATA[, GCmatch])
      GSmatch <- grep(COMBS[i, 2], group, perl = TRUE)     
      GSdat <- as.data.frame(DATA[, GSmatch])          
      finalDATA <- cbind(ANNO, GCdat, GSdat) 
    ## from 1.3-7: subset external efficiencies/threshold cycles
    if (extEFF) {
      selEFF <- which(ANNO == "extEFF")
      which.eff <- as.numeric(finalDATA[selEFF, -1])
    if (extCP) which.cp <- as.numeric(finalDATA[nrow(finalDATA), -1])  
    ## Naming by 'rs' type
    finalNAME <-  rev(as.vector(unlist(COMBS[i, ])))
    finalNAME <- paste(finalNAME, collapse = ":")      
    if (verbose) cat("Calculating ", finalNAME, " (", counter, " of ", ncomb, ")...\n", sep = "")
    class(finalDATA) <- c("data.frame", "pcrbatch")
    if (hasRef) finalGROUP <- c(rep("gc", ncol(GCdat)), rep("gs", ncol(GSdat)), rep("rc", ncol(RCdat)), rep("rs", ncol(RSdat)))
    else finalGROUP <- c(rep("gc", ncol(GCdat)), rep("gs", ncol(GSdat)))    
    ## do ratio calculation for all combinations       
    outALL <- ratiocalc(finalDATA, finalGROUP, plot = plot, type.eff = type.eff, 
                        which.cp = which.cp, which.eff = which.eff, ...)
    if (!is.null(nrow(outALL$data.Sim))) SIMS <- outALL$data.Sim[, "resSIM"] else SIMS <- NULL
    if (!is.null(nrow(outALL$data.Perm))) PERMS <- outALL$data.Perm[, "resPERM"] else PERMS <- NULL
    PROPS <- outALL$data.Prop    
    outDATA[[counter]] <- cbind.na(SIMS, PERMS, PROPS)
    outLIST[[counter]] <- outALL$summary
    nameLIST[[counter]] <- finalNAME
    counter <- counter + 1 
  ## create method names for values
  names(outLIST) <- nameLIST
  outFRAME <- sapply(outLIST, function(x) as.matrix(x, ncol = 1))
  rowNAMES <- c(paste(rownames(outLIST[[1]]), "Sim", sep = "."), 
                paste(rownames(outLIST[[1]]), "Perm", sep = "."), 
                paste(rownames(outLIST[[1]]), "Prop", sep = ".")) 
  rownames(outFRAME) <- rowNAMES 
  outFRAME <- outFRAME[complete.cases(outFRAME), , drop = FALSE]   
  ## plot results
  if (plot && length(outLIST) < 50) {
    DIM <- ceiling(sqrt(length(outLIST)))
    par(mfrow = c(DIM, DIM + 1)) 
    par(mar = c(1, 4, 2, 2))
    for (i in 1:length(outLIST)) {
      outDATA[[i]][outDATA[[i]] <= 0] <- NA
      YLIM <- c(min(outDATA[[i]], na.rm = TRUE), max(outDATA[[i]], na.rm = TRUE))
      boxplot(outDATA[[i]], col = c("darkblue", "darkred", "darkgreen"), outline = FALSE,
               main = nameLIST[[i]], cex.main = 0.8, names = FALSE, las = 2, log = "y", ylim = YLIM)
      CONF <- apply(outDATA[[i]], 2, function(x) quantile(x, c(0.025, 0.975), na.rm = TRUE))
      COLS <- 1:ncol(CONF)
      segments(COLS - 0.2, CONF[1, ], COLS + 0.2, CONF[1, ], col = c("darkblue", "darkred", "darkgreen"), lwd = 2)
      segments(COLS - 0.2, CONF[2, ], COLS + 0.2, CONF[2, ], col = c("darkblue", "darkred", "darkgreen"), lwd = 2)
    par(mar = c(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5))
    plot(1, 1, type = "n", axes = FALSE)
    legend(x = 0.7, y = 1.4, legend = c("Monte-Carlo\nSimulation", "Permutation", "Error\nPropagation"), 
           bty = "n", cex = 1, fill  = c("darkblue", "darkred", "darkgreen"), y.intersp = 1)
  outFRAME2 <- cbind(VALS = rownames(outFRAME), outFRAME)
  if (!is.null(dataout)) write.table(outFRAME2, dataout, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE)
  return(list(resList = outLIST, resDat = outFRAME))     

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