
Defines functions Rx Id H sqgate check_sqgate

Documented in H Id Rx sqgate

check_sqgate  <- function(object) {
  stopifnot(length(object@bit) == 1)
  stopifnot(object@bit > 0)
  stopifnot(all(dim(object@M) == c(2,2)))
  ## check unitarity
  X <- as.vector(object@M %*% t(Conj(object@M)))
  stopifnot(all(Re(X- c(1,0,0,1)) < 1.e-12))
  stopifnot(all(Im(X- c(1,0,0,1)) < 1.e-12))

#' A single qubit gate
#' This class represents a generic single qubit gate
#' @slot bit Integer. The single bit to act on.
#' @slot M complex valued array. The 2x2 matrix representing the
#' gate
#' @slot type a character vector representing the type of gate
#' @details
#' The qubits are counted from 1 to \code{nbits} starting with the least
#' significant bit.
#' @include state.R
#' @examples
#' x <- qstate(nbits=2)
#' ## application of the X (NOT) gate to bit 1
#' z <- sqgate(bit=1L, M=array(as.complex(c(0,1,1,0)), dim=c(2,2))) * x
#' z
#' @name sqgate
#' @rdname sqgate
#' @aliases sqgate-class
#' @exportClass sqgate
                   M=array(as.complex(c(1,0,0,1)), dim=c(2,2)),

#' @export
sqgate <- function(bit=1L, M=array(as.complex(c(1,0,0,1)), dim=c(2,2)), type="Id") {
  return(methods::new("sqgate", bit=as.integer(bit), M=M, type=type))

#' times-sqgate-qstate
#' Applies a single qubit gate to a quantum state.
#' @param e1 object of S4 class 'sqgate'
#' @param e2 object of S4 class 'qstate'
#' @return
#' An object of S4 class 'qstate'
setMethod("*", c("sqgate", "qstate"),
          function(e1, e2) {
            stopifnot(e1@bit > 0 && e1@bit <= e2@nbits)
            bit <- e1@bit
            nbits <- e2@nbits
            res <- c()
            al <- 0:(2^e2@nbits-1)
            ii <- is.bitset(al, bit=bit)
            kk <- !ii
            res[kk] <- e1@M[1,1]*e2@coefs[kk] + e1@M[1,2]*e2@coefs[ii]
            res[ii] <- e1@M[2,1]*e2@coefs[kk] + e1@M[2,2]*e2@coefs[ii]
            ## the gatelist needs to be extended for plotting
            circuit <- e2@circuit
            ngates <- length(circuit$gatelist)
            circuit$gatelist[[ngates+1]] <- list(type=e1@type, bits=c(e1@bit, NA, NA))
            if(e1@type == "Rx" || e1@type == "Ry" || e1@type == "Rz" || grepl("^R[0-9]+", e1@type))
              circuit$gatelist[[ngates+1]]$angle <- Arg(e1@M[2,2])
            circuit$gatelist[[ngates+1]]$controlled <- FALSE

            result <- qstate(nbits=nbits, coefs=as.complex(res), basis=e2@basis, noise=e2@noise, circuit=circuit)
            if(e1@type == "ERR" || ! (bit %in% e2@noise$bits) || e2@noise$p < runif(1)){
              return(noise(bit, error=e2@noise$error, args=e2@noise$args) * result)

#' The Hadarmard gate
#' @param bit integer. The bit to which to apply the gate
#' @examples
#' x <- qstate(nbits=2)
#' z <- H(1) * x
#' z
#' @return
#' An S4 class 'sqgate' object is returned
#' @export
H <- function(bit) {
  return(methods::new("sqgate", bit=as.integer(bit), M=array(as.complex(c(1,1,1,-1)), dim=c(2,2))/sqrt(2), type="H"))

#' The identity gate
#' @param bit integer. The bit to which to apply the gate
#' @examples
#' x <- qstate(nbits=2)
#' z <- Id(1) * x
#' z
#' @return
#' An S4 class 'sqgate' object is returned
#' @export
Id <- function(bit) {
  return(methods::new("sqgate", bit=as.integer(bit), M=array(as.complex(c(1,0,0,1)), dim=c(2,2)), type="Id"))

#' The Rx gate
#' @param bit integer. The bit to which to apply the gate
#' @param theta numeric. angle
#' @examples
#' x <- qstate(nbits=2)
#' z <- Rx(1, pi/4) * x
#' z
#' @return
#' An S4 class 'sqgate' object is returned
#' @export
Rx <- function(bit, theta=0.) {
  return(methods::new("sqgate", bit=as.integer(bit), M=array(as.complex(c(cos(theta/2), -1i*sin(theta/2), -1i*sin(theta/2), cos(theta/2))), dim=c(2,2)), type="Rx"))

#' The Ry gate
#' @param bit integer. The bit to which to apply the gate
#' @param theta numeric. angle
#' @examples
#' x <- qstate(nbits=2)
#' z <- Ry(1, pi/4) * x
#' z
#' @return
#' An S4 class 'sqgate' object is returned
#' @export
Ry <- function(bit, theta=0.) {
  return(methods::new("sqgate", bit=as.integer(bit), M=array(as.complex(c(cos(theta/2), sin(theta/2), -sin(theta/2), cos(theta/2))), dim=c(2,2)), type="Ry"))

#' The Rz gate
#' @param bit integer. The bit to which to apply the gate
#' @param theta numeric. angle
#' @examples
#' x <- qstate(nbits=2)
#' z <- Rz(1, pi/4) * x
#' z
#' @return
#' An S4 class 'sqgate' object is returned
#' @export
Rz <- function(bit, theta=0.) {
  return(methods::new("sqgate", bit=as.integer(bit), M=array(as.complex(c(exp(-1i*theta/2), 0, 0, exp(1i*theta/2))), dim=c(2,2)), type="Rz"))

#' The Ri gate
#' @param bit integer. The bit to which to apply the gate
#' @param i integer
#' @param sign integer
#' @examples
#' x <- X(1) * qstate(nbits=2)
#' z <- Ri(1, i=2) * x
#' z
#' @details
#' Implements the gate
#' ( 1   0                )
#' ( 0   exp(+-2*pi*1i/2^i) )
#' If 'sign < 0', the inverse of the exponential is used.
#' This gate is up to global phase identical with the 'Rz'
#' gate with specific values of the angle.
#' @return
#' An S4 class 'sqgate' object is returned
#' @export
Ri <- function(bit, i, sign=+1) {
  type <- paste0("R", i)
  if(sign < 0) {
    type <- paste0("R", i, "dag")
                              dim=c(2,2)), type=type))

#' The S gate
#' @param bit integer. The bit to which to apply the gate
#' @examples
#' x <- X(1) * qstate(nbits=2)
#' z <- S(1) * x
#' z
#' @return
#' An S4 class 'sqgate' object is returned
#' @export
S <- function(bit) {
  return(methods::new("sqgate", bit=as.integer(bit), M=array(as.complex(c(1,0,0,1i)), dim=c(2,2)), type="S"))

#' The Tgate gate
#' @param bit integer. The bit to which to apply the gate
#' @examples
#' x <- X(1)*qstate(nbits=2)
#' z <- Tgate(1) * x
#' z
#' @return
#' An S4 class 'sqgate' object is returned
#' @export
Tgate <- function(bit) {
  return(methods::new("sqgate", bit=as.integer(bit), M=array(as.complex(c(1., 0, 0, exp(1i*pi/4))), dim=c(2,2)), type="T"))

#' The X gate
#' @param bit integer. The bit to which to apply the gate
#' @examples
#' x <- qstate(nbits=2)
#' z <- X(1) * x
#' z
#' @return
#' An S4 class 'sqgate' object is returned
#' @export
X <- function(bit) {
  return(methods::new("sqgate", bit=as.integer(bit), M=array(as.complex(c(0., 1., 1., 0.)), dim=c(2,2)), type="X"))

#' The Y gate
#' @param bit integer. The bit to which to apply the gate
#' @examples
#' x <- qstate(nbits=2)
#' z <- Y(1) * x
#' z
#' @return
#' An S4 class 'sqgate' object is returned
#' @export
Y <- function(bit) {
  return(methods::new("sqgate", bit=as.integer(bit), M=array(as.complex(c(0., -1i, 1i, 0.)), dim=c(2,2)), type="Y"))

#' The Z gate
#' @param bit integer. The bit to which to apply the gate
#' @examples
#' x <- X(1) * qstate(nbits=2)
#' z <- Z(1) * x
#' z
#' @return
#' An S4 class 'sqgate' object is returned
#' @export
Z <- function(bit) {
  return(methods::new("sqgate", bit=as.integer(bit), M=array(as.complex(c(1., 0., 0., -1.)), dim=c(2,2)), type="Z"))

sample.from.sphere <- function(r=1, d=4){
  v <- rnorm(d)
  w <- r*v/sqrt(sum(v^2))
s3.to.su2 <- function(w){
  coefs <- c(w[1] + 1i*w[2], w[3] + 1i*w[4],
            -w[3] + 1i*w[4], w[1] - 1i*w[2])
sample.from.su2 <- function(){
  w <- sample.from.sphere()
sample.around.id <- function(sigma=1){
  v <- rnorm(3, sd=sigma)
  alpha <- sqrt(sum(v^2))
  w <- c(cos(alpha), sin(alpha)/alpha*v)

#' A noise gate
#' @param bit integer or integer array. The bit to which to apply the gate. If 
#' an array is provided, the gate will be applied randomly to one of the bits 
#' only.
#' @param p probability with which noise is applied
#' @param error one of "X", "Y", "Z", "small" or "any". The model which the noise 
#' follows. Can be one of the Pauli matrices (X,Y,Z), a random SU(2)-matrix 
#' with a small deviation \code{sigma} from the identity ("small") or an 
#' arbitrary, uniformly sampled, SU(2)-matrix ("any").
#' @param type a character vector representing the type of gate
#' @param args a list of further arguments passed to specific error models. For 
#' \code{error="small"} the standard deviation \code{sigma} has to be provided 
#' here (default=1).
#' @importFrom stats rnorm
#' @examples
#' x <- noise(1, error="X") * qstate(nbits=2)
#' x
#' y <- noise(2, p=0.5) * x
#' y
#' z <- noise(2, error="small", args=list(sigma=0.1)) * x
#' z
#' @return
#' An S4 class 'sqgate' object is returned
#' @export
noise <- function(bit, p=1, error="any", type="ERR", args=list()) {
  if(length(bit) > 1){
    bit <- sample(bit, 1)
  if(runif(1) > p){
    mat <- c(1, 0, 0, 1)
    mat <- switch(error,
                 "X" = c(0, 1, 1, 0),
                 "Y" = c(0, -1i, 1i, 0),
                 "Z" = c(1, 0, 0, -1),
                 "small" = do.call(sample.around.id, args),
                 "any" = sample.from.su2()
  return(methods::new("sqgate", bit=as.integer(bit), M=array(as.complex(mat), dim=c(2,2)), type=type))

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