#' Class affinity maximum likelihood text scaling model
#' `textmodel_affinity()` implements the maximum likelihood supervised text
#' scaling method described in Perry and Benoit (2017).
#' @param x the [dfm][quanteda::dfm] or [bootstrap_dfm][quanteda::bootstrap_dfm]
#' object on which the model will be fit. Does not need to contain only the
#' training documents, since the index of these will be matched automatically.
#' @param y vector of training classes/scores associated with each document
#' identified in `data`
#' @param exclude a set of words to exclude from the model
#' @param smooth a smoothing parameter for class affinities; defaults to 0.5
#' (Jeffreys prior). A plausible alternative would be 1.0 (Laplace prior).
#' @param ref_smooth a smoothing parameter for token distributions;
#' defaults to 0.5
#' @param verbose logical; if `TRUE` print diagnostic information during
#' fitting.
#' @returns A `textmodel_affinity` class list object, with elements:
#' * `smooth` a numeric vector of length two for the smoothing parameters `smooth`
#' and `ref_smooth`
#' `x` the input model matrix `x`
#' `y` the vector of class training labels `y`
#' `p` a feature \eqn{\times} class sparse matrix of estimated class affinities
#' * `support` logical vector indicating whether a feature was included in computing
#' class affinities
#' * `call` the model call
#' @author Patrick Perry and Kenneth Benoit
#' @references Perry, P.O. & Benoit, K.R. (2017). Scaling Text with the Class
#' Affinity Model. \doi{}.
#' @examples
#' (af <- textmodel_affinity(quanteda::data_dfm_lbgexample, y = c("L", NA, NA, NA, "R", NA)))
#' predict(af)
#' predict(af, newdata = quanteda::data_dfm_lbgexample[6, ])
#' \dontrun{
#' # compute bootstrapped SEs
#' dfmat <- quanteda::bootstrap_dfm(data_corpus_dailnoconf1991, n = 10, remove_punct = TRUE)
#' textmodel_affinity(dfmat, y = c("Govt", "Opp", "Opp", rep(NA, 55)))
#' }
#' @export
#' @keywords textmodel experimental
#' @importFrom methods as
#' @importFrom stats sd predict
#' @importFrom quanteda dfm_group as.dfm
#' @seealso [predict.textmodel_affinity()] for methods of applying a
#' fitted [textmodel_affinity()] model object to predict quantities from
#' (other) documents.
textmodel_affinity <- function(x, y, exclude = NULL,
smooth = 0.5, ref_smooth = 0.5,
verbose = quanteda_options("verbose")) {
#' @export
textmodel_affinity.default <- function(x, y, exclude = NULL,
smooth = 0.5, ref_smooth = 0.5,
verbose = quanteda_options("verbose")) {
stop(check_class(class(x), "textmodel_affinity"))
#' @export
#' @importFrom quanteda colSums rowSums t
textmodel_affinity.dfm <- function(x, y, exclude = NULL,
smooth = 0.5, ref_smooth = 0.5,
verbose = quanteda_options("verbose")) {
x <- as.dfm(x)
if (!sum(x)) stop(message_error("dfm_empty"))
# estimate reference distributions
counts <- dfm_group(x, groups = y, force = TRUE)
# determine support set
support <- colSums(counts) > 0
# remove 'exclude' words from support
if (!is.null(exclude)) {
if (is.character(exclude)) {
words <- colnames(x)
support[words %in% exclude] <- FALSE
} else {
support[exclude] <- FALSE
counts[, !support] <- 0
tots <- rowSums(counts)
# add Laplace-style smoothing, but only to words in the support
counts[, support] <- counts[, support] + ref_smooth
tots <- rowSums(counts)
probs <- counts / tots
p <- t(probs) # affinity expects transposed probabilities
fitted <- affinity(p, t(x), smooth = smooth)
result <- list(
smooth = fitted$smooth,
x = x,
y = y,
p = p,
support = fitted$support,
# method = "affinity",
call =
class(result) <- "textmodel_affinity"
#' @export
textmodel_affinity.dfm_bootstrap <- function(x, y, exclude = NULL,
smooth = 0.5, ref_smooth = 0.5,
verbose = quanteda_options("verbose")) {
if (verbose)
message("Bootstrapping textmodel_affinity for ", ndoc(x[[1]]), " documents:")
# compute the model for the original corpus
if (verbose)
message(" ...computing model for dfm from original texts")
fitted <- textmodel_affinity(x[[1]], y, exclude, smooth, ref_smooth)
predicted <- predict(fitted)
# compute the replicates, save coefficients to an array
coeff_replicates <- array(NA, dim = c(dim(coef(predicted)), length(x)))
if (verbose)
message(" ...computing bootstrapped models and saving coefficients: ", appendLF = FALSE)
for (i in seq_len(length(x))) {
message(i, " ", appendLF = FALSE)
temp <- textmodel_affinity(x[[i]], y, exclude, smooth, ref_smooth)
coeff_replicates[, , i] <- coef(predict(temp))
if (verbose)
message(" ...replacing original SEs with bootstrapped SEs")
# replace analytical coefficients with sd of replicates of coefficients
predicted$se <- apply(coeff_replicates, c(1, 2), sd)
if (verbose)
message(" ...finished.")
## ============= Internal computation methods ========
#' Internal function to fit the likelihood scaling mixture model.
#' Ken recommends you use [textmodel_affinity()] instead.
#' @param p word likelihoods within classes, estimated from training data
#' @param x term-document matrix for document(s) to be scaled
#' @param smooth a misnamed smoothing parameter, either a scalar or a vector
#' equal in length to the number of documents
#' @author Patrick Perry
#' @returns a list containing:
#' * `coefficients` point estimates of theta
#' * `se` (likelihood) standard error of theta
#' * `cov` covariance matrix
#' * `smooth` values of the smoothing parameter
#' * `support` logical indicating if the feature was included
#' @examples
#' p <- matrix(c(c(5/6, 0, 1/6), c(0, 4/5, 1/5)), nrow = 3,
#' dimnames = list(c("A", "B", "C"), NULL))
#' theta <- c(.2, .8)
#' q <- drop(p %*% theta)
#' x <- 2 * q
#' (fit <- affinity(p, x))
#' @keywords internal textmodel
#' @export
affinity <- function(p, x, smooth = 0.5, verbose = FALSE) {
p <- as.matrix(p)
ncat <- nrow(p) # number of features
ndist <- ncol(p) # k or number of classes
nfit <- NCOL(x) # number of documents to be predicted
distnames <- colnames(p) # class labels in the training set
xdim <- dim(x) # dim of the test set (nfeat x ndoc)
stopifnot(NROW(x) == ncat)
if (length(smooth) == 1) {
smooth <- rep(smooth, ndist)
stopifnot(length(smooth) == ndist)
stopifnot(all(smooth >= 0))
if (!inherits(x, "CsparseMatrix")) {
x <- as.matrix(x)
fitnames <- colnames(x) # document names to be fitted
support <- !apply(p == 0, 1, all) # ignore categories with no support
p <- p[support, , drop = FALSE]
x <- x[support, , drop = FALSE]
# fit to each column of x
fit <- vector("list", nfit)
if (is.matrix(x)) {
for (j in seq_len(nfit)) {
if (verbose) {
cat("Fitting column ", j, "\n", sep = "")
fit[[j]] <- affinity1(p, x[, j], smooth, verbose)
} else {
x <- as(x, "CsparseMatrix")
val <- x@x
row_ind <- x@i + 1 # switch from 0- to 1-based indexing
col_ptr <- x@p + 1 #
for (j in seq_len(nfit)) {
if (verbose) {
cat("Fitting column ", j, "\n", sep = "")
start <- col_ptr[[j]]
end <- col_ptr[[j + 1]]
len <- end - start
ix <-, length.out = len)
xj <- val[ix]
ij <- row_ind[ix]
pj <- p[ij, , drop = FALSE]
fit[[j]] <- affinity1(pj, xj, smooth, verbose)
# simplify results
coefficients <- matrix(NA, nfit, ndist, dimnames = list(fitnames, distnames))
se <- matrix(NA, nfit, ndist, dimnames = list(fitnames, distnames))
cov <- array(NA, c(ndist, ndist, nfit),
dimnames = list(distnames, distnames, fitnames))
for (j in seq_len(nfit)) {
fitj <- fit[[j]]
coefficients[j, ] <- fitj$theta
se[j, ] <- fitj$theta_se
cov[, , j] <- fitj$cov
# drop dimension if input x was a vector - NOT ANY MORE -kb
if (is.null(xdim) && nfit == 1) {
coefficients <- coefficients[1, drop = FALSE]
se <- se[1, drop = FALSE]
cov <- cov[, , 1, drop = FALSE]
list(coefficients = coefficients,
se = se,
cov = cov,
smooth = smooth,
support = support)
# internal function to maximize the affinity likelihood
# author: Patrick Perry
affinity1 <- function(p, x, smooth, verbose = FALSE) {
ncat <- nrow(p)
ndist <- ncol(p)
objective <- function(theta, bweight = 0, gradient = TRUE, hessian = TRUE) {
q <- drop(p %*% theta)
loglik <- sum(x * ifelse(x == 0, 0, log(q)))
penalty <- -sum(smooth * log(theta))
barrier <- -sum(log(theta))
value <- (-loglik) + penalty + bweight * barrier
res <- list(loglik = loglik,
penalty = penalty,
barrier = barrier,
bweight = bweight,
value = value)
if (gradient || hessian) {
score <- drop(t(p) %*% ifelse(x == 0, 0, x / q))
grad <- (-score) - ((smooth + bweight) / theta)
res[["score"]] <- score
res[["grad"]] <- grad
if (hessian) {
imat_sqrt <- p * ifelse(x == 0, 0, sqrt(x) / q)
imat <- t(imat_sqrt) %*% imat_sqrt
hess <- imat + diag((smooth + bweight) / theta ^ 2, length(theta))
res[["imat"]] <- imat
res[["hess"]] <- hess
residuals <- function(theta, nu, bweight = 0) {
obj <- objective(theta, bweight, hessian = FALSE)
a <- rep(1, length(theta))
g <- (obj$grad) + a * nu
h <- sum(theta) - 1
norm <- sqrt(sum(g^2) + h^2)
list(dual = g, primal = h, norm = norm)
newton_step <- function(theta, nu, bweight = 0) {
obj <- objective(theta, bweight)
a <- rep(1, length(theta))
g <- (obj$grad) + a * nu
h <- sum(theta) - 1
H <- (obj$hess)
Hi_a <- solve(H, a)
Hi_g <- solve(H, g)
s <- drop(-(t(a) %*% Hi_a))
w <- drop(t(a) %*% Hi_g - h) / s
v <- -(Hi_a * w) - Hi_g
list(primal = v, dual = w)
optimize <- function(theta, nu, bweight = 0, verbose = FALSE) {
tol <- 1e-8
alpha <- 0.01
beta <- 0.5
resid <- residuals(theta, nu, bweight)
iter <- 0
while (resid$norm > tol || max(abs(resid$primal)) > tol) {
if (verbose) {
cat("iteration: ", iter, "; residual norm: ", resid$norm, "\n",
sep = "")
step <- newton_step(theta, nu, bweight)
tmax <- min(ifelse(step$primal >= 0, Inf, -theta / step$primal))
t <- min(1, tmax)
repeat {
theta1 <- theta + t * step$primal
nu1 <- nu + t * step$dual
if (all(theta1 > 0)) {
resid1 <- residuals(theta1, nu1, bweight)
if (resid1$norm <= (1 - alpha * t) * resid$norm) {
t <- beta * t
theta <- theta1
nu <- nu1
resid <- resid1
iter <- iter + 1
obj <- objective(theta, bweight)
list(theta = theta,
nu = nu,
resid = resid,
objective = obj,
iter = iter)
shrink_barrier <- function(theta, nu, bweight = 0, verbose = FALSE) {
shrink <- 0.1
if (verbose) {
cat("bweight: ", bweight, "\n", sep = "")
opt <- optimize(theta, nu, bweight, verbose = verbose)
while (bweight >= 1e-8) {
theta <- opt$theta
nu <- opt$nu
bweight <- shrink * bweight
if (verbose) {
cat("bweight: ", bweight, "\n", sep = "")
opt <- optimize(theta, nu, bweight, verbose = verbose)
opt[["bweight"]] <- bweight
theta <- rep(1 / ndist, ndist)
nu <- 0
if (any(smooth == 0)) {
bweight <- 100
res <- shrink_barrier(theta, nu, bweight, verbose = verbose)
} else {
res <- optimize(theta, nu, 0, verbose = verbose)
obj <- res$objective
# The covariance matrix C solves the block system
# [ H a ] [ C w ] = [ I 0 ]
# [ a^T 0 ] [ w^T s ] = [ 0 1 ]
# where a = (1, 1, ..., 1)^T.
H <- obj$hess
a <- rep(1, ndist)
# First solve for w^t:
# w^T = (a^T H^{-1} a)^{-1} a^T H^{-1}
Hi <- solve(H)
Hi_a <- solve(H, a)
a_Hi_a <- sum(a * Hi_a)
# Then substitute for C:
# C = H^{-1} - H^{-1} a (a^T H^{-1} a)^{-1} a^T H^{-1}
cov <- Hi - (1 / a_Hi_a) * (Hi_a %*% t(Hi_a))
res[["cov"]] <- cov
res[["theta_se"]] <- sqrt(pmax(diag(cov), 0))
# supporting methods for textmodel_affinity ------------
#' @method print textmodel_affinity
#' @export
print.textmodel_affinity <- function(x, ...) {
ref <- table(x$y)
namez <- names(ref)
namez[2:length(namez)] <- paste(",", namez[2:length(namez)])
"Training documents per class:",
paste0(interleave(paste0(namez, ": "), as.integer(ref)), collapse = ""), "; ",
"total training features: ", nrow(x$p), "\n",
sep = "")
## ============== Prediction Methods =======================================
#' Prediction for a fitted affinity textmodel
#' @description
#' Estimate \eqn{\theta_i} for each document, from a fitted
#' [textmodel_affinity] object.
#' Other methods below provide standard ways to extract or compute quantities
#' from predicted [textmodel_affinity] objects.
#' @param object a fitted affinity textmodel
#' @param level probability level for confidence interval width
#' @param newdata dfm on which prediction should be made
#' @param ... unused
#' @returns `predict()` returns a list of predicted affinity textmodel
#' quantities, containing:
#' * `coefficients` a numeric matrix of affinity estimates (coefficients) for
#' each class (columns) for each document (rows)
#' * `se` a numeric matrix of likelihood standard errors for affinity coefficients
#' each class (columns) for each document (rows)
#' * `cov` an array of covariance matrices for each affinity class, one per document
#' * `smooth` a numeric vector of length two for the smoothing parameters `smooth`
#' and `ref_smooth` from [textmodel_affinity()]
#' * `newdata` a [dfm][quanteda::dfm] on which prediction has been made
#' * `train` a logical vector indicating which documents were used in training the model
#' * `level` the confidence level for computing standard errors
#' * `p` the `p` return from `textmodel_affinity`
#' * `support` logical vector indicating whether a feature was included in computing
#' class affinities
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @importFrom stats predict
#' @method predict textmodel_affinity
#' @keywords textmodel internal
#' @seealso [influence.predict.textmodel_affinity()] for methods of
#' computing the influence of particular features from a predicted
#' [textmodel_affinity] model.
#' @export
predict.textmodel_affinity <- function(object, newdata = NULL,
level = 0.95, ...) {
if (length(list(...)) > 0)
stop("Arguments:", names(list(...)), "not supported.\n")
if (!is.null(newdata)) {
data <- newdata
train <- rep(FALSE, nrow(data))
} else {
data <- object$x
newdata <- data
train <- !$y)
predicted <- affinity(object$p, t(newdata), smooth = object$smooth)
result <- list(
coefficients = predicted$coefficients,
se = predicted$se,
cov = predicted$cov,
smooth = object$smooth,
newdata = newdata,
train = train,
level = level,
p = object$p,
support = object$support)
class(result) <- c("predict.textmodel_affinity", "list")
#' @method print predict.textmodel_affinity
#' @export
print.predict.textmodel_affinity <- function(x, ...) {
#' @rdname predict.textmodel_affinity
#' @method coef predict.textmodel_affinity
#' @returns `coef()` returns a document \eqn{\times} class matrix of class
#' affinities for each document.
#' @export
coef.predict.textmodel_affinity <- function(object, ...) {
#' @method coefficients predict.textmodel_affinity
#' @export
coefficients.predict.textmodel_affinity <- function(object, ...) {
#' @rdname predict.textmodel_affinity
#' @returns
#' `residuals()` returns a document-by-feature matrix of residuals.
#' `resid()` is an alias.
#' @method residuals predict.textmodel_affinity
#' @param type see [residuals.lm]
#' @importFrom stats residuals resid
#' @export
residuals.predict.textmodel_affinity <- function(object, type = c("response", "pearson"), ...) {
type <- match.arg(type)
expected <- coef(object) %*% t(object$p) * rowSums(object$newdata)
r <- object$newdata - expected
if (type == "response") {
res <- r
} else if (type == "pearson") {
res <- r / sqrt(expected)
res[, !object$support] <- NA
#' @export
#' @method resid predict.textmodel_affinity
resid.predict.textmodel_affinity <- function(object, ...) {
UseMethod("residuals", ...)
#' @rdname predict.textmodel_affinity
#' @method rstandard predict.textmodel_affinity
#' @returns `rstandard()` is a shortcut to return the Pearson residuals.
#' @importFrom stats rstandard sd
#' @export
rstandard.predict.textmodel_affinity <- function(model, ...) {
residuals(model, type = "pearson")
# ============== Influence methods =============
#' Compute feature influence from a predicted textmodel_affinity object
#' Computes the influence of features on scaled [textmodel_affinity()]
#' applications.
#' @param model a predicted [textmodel_affinity()][predict.textmodel_affinity]
#' object
#' @param subset whether to use all data or a subset (for instance, exclude the
#' training set)
#' @param ... unused
#' @seealso [influence.lm()]
#' @keywords textmodel internal
#' @importFrom stats influence
#' @method influence predict.textmodel_affinity
#' @returns a named list classed as [influence.predict.textmodel_affinity] that
#' contains
#' * `norm` a document by feature class sparse matrix of normalised influence
#' measures
#' * `count` a vector of counts of each non-zero feature in the input matrix
#' * `rate` the normalised feature count for each non-zero feature in the input
#' matrix
#' * `mode` an integer vector of 1 or 2 indicating the class which the feature
#' is influencing, for each non-zero feature
#' * `levels` a character vector of the affinity class labels
#' * `subset` a logical vector indicating whether the document was included in
#' the computation of influence; `FALSE` for documents assigned a class label
#' in training the model
#' * `support` logical vector for each feature matching the same return from
#' [predict.textmodel_affinity]
#' @examples
#' tmod <- textmodel_affinity(quanteda::data_dfm_lbgexample, y = c("L", NA, NA, NA, "R", NA))
#' pred <- predict(tmod)
#' influence(pred)
#' @export
influence.predict.textmodel_affinity <- function(model, subset = !train, ...) {
# subset/training set
train <- model$train
# reference distributions
p <- model$p
levels <- colnames(p)
support <- model$support
# class affinity estimates
theta <- model$coefficients[subset, , drop = FALSE]
cov <- model$cov[, , subset, drop = FALSE]
# data
x <- model$newdata[subset, ]
x[, !support] <- 0
x <- as(t(x), "CsparseMatrix")
nword <- nrow(x)
words <- rownames(x)
ntext <- ncol(x)
texts <- colnames(x)
val <- x@x
row_ind <- x@i + 1 # switch from 0- to 1-based indexing
col_ptr <- x@p + 1 #
infl_norm <- numeric(length(val))
infl_mode <- integer(length(val))
rate <- numeric(length(val))
for (j in seq_len(ntext)) {
start <- col_ptr[[j]]
end <- col_ptr[[j + 1]]
len <- end - start
ix <-, length.out = len)
xj <- val[ix]
ij <- row_ind[ix]
pj <- p[ij,,drop = FALSE]
mu <- as.vector(pj %*% theta[j, ])
q <- pj / ifelse(mu == 0, 1, mu)
infl_dir <- as.matrix(q %*% cov[, , j])
h2 <- rowSums(q * infl_dir)
# crude approximation for Hessian:
# infl_norm[ix] <- 0.5 * xj * rowSums(abs(infl_dir))
# more accurate approximation:
infl_norm[ix] <- 0.5 * abs(xj / (1 - xj * h2)) * rowSums(abs(infl_dir))
infl_mode[ix] <- apply(infl_dir, 1, which.max)
rate[ix] <- xj / sum(xj)
# Note: why not just use Matrix::t()? KW
transpose <- function(values, as_matrix = FALSE) {
mat <- t(Matrix::sparseMatrix(i = x@i, p = x@p, x = values,
dims = c(nword, ntext),
dimnames = list(words, texts),
index1 = FALSE))
if (as_matrix) {
ans <- mat
} else {
ans <- mat@x
norm <- transpose(infl_norm, as_matrix = TRUE)
rate <- transpose(rate)
count <- transpose(val)
mode <- transpose(infl_mode)
res <- list(norm = norm, count = count, rate = rate,
mode = mode, levels = levels, subset = subset,
support = support)
class(res) <- "influence.predict.textmodel_affinity"
#' @title Internal methods for textmodel_affinity
#' @description Internal print and summary methods for derivative
#' [textmodel_affinity] objects.
#' @name textmodel_affinity-internal
#' @keywords textmodel internal
#' @method print influence.predict.textmodel_affinity
#' @param n how many coefficients to print before truncating
#' @export
print.influence.predict.textmodel_affinity <- function(x, n = 30, ...) {
ans <- summary(x, ...)
print(ans, n)
#' @rdname textmodel_affinity-internal
#' @method summary influence.predict.textmodel_affinity
#' @returns `summary.influence.predict.textmodel_affinity()` returns a list
#' classes as `summary.influence.predict.textmodel_affinity` that includes:
#' * `word` the feature name
#' * `count` the total counts of each feature for which influence was computed
#' * `mean`, `median`, `sd`, `max` mean, median, standard deviation, and maximum
#' values of influence for each feature, computed across classes
#' * `direction` an integer vector of 1 or 2 indicating the class which the feature
#' is influencing
#' * `rate` a document by feature class sparse matrix of normalised influence
#' measures
#' * `count` a vector of counts of each non-zero feature in the input matrix
#' * `rate` the median of `rate` from [influence.predict.textmodel_affinity()]
#' * `support` logical vector for each feature matching the same return from
#' [predict.textmodel_affinity()]
#' the mean, the standard deviation, the direction of the influence, the rate,
#' and the support
#' @importFrom stats median
#' @export
summary.influence.predict.textmodel_affinity <- function(object, ...) {
norm <- object$norm
ntext <- nrow(norm)
nword <- ncol(norm)
words <- colnames(norm)
val <- norm@x
row_ind <- norm@i + 1
col_ptr <- norm@p + 1
mode <- object$mode
count <- object$count
rate <- object$rate
count_val <- numeric(nword)
mean_val <- numeric(nword)
med_val <- numeric(nword)
sd_val <- numeric(nword)
max_val <- numeric(nword)
max_count <- numeric(nword)
max_rate <- numeric(nword)
med_rate <- numeric(nword)
max_dir <- numeric(nword)
for (j in seq_len(nword)) {
start <- col_ptr[[j]]
end <- col_ptr[[j + 1]]
len <- end - start
if (len > 0) {
ix <-, length.out = len)
xj <- val[ix]
ij <- row_ind[ix]
m <- which.max(xj)
count_val[j] <- len
mean_val[j] <- mean(xj)
med_val[j] <- median(xj)
sd_val[j] <- ifelse(len > 1, sd(xj), 0)
max_val[j] <- xj[m] # == val[ix[m]]
max_count[j] <- count[ix[m]]
max_rate[j] <- rate[ix[m]]
med_rate[j] <- median(rate[ix])
max_dir[j] <- mode[ix[m]]
} else {
count_val[j] <- 0
mean_val[j] <- 0
med_val[j] <- 0
sd_val[j] <- 0
max_val[j] <- 0
max_count[j] <- 0
max_rate[j] <- 0
med_rate[j] <- 0
max_dir[j] <- NA
labels <- object$levels
levels <- seq_along(labels)
max_dir <- factor(max_dir, levels, labels)
result <- list(word = words,
count = count_val,
mean = mean_val,
median = med_val,
sd = sd_val,
max = max_val,
direction = max_dir,
rate = med_rate,
support = object$support)
class(result) <- "summary.influence.predict.textmodel_affinity"
#' @rdname textmodel_affinity-internal
#' @method print summary.influence.predict.textmodel_affinity
#' @param n how many coefficients to print before truncating
#' @export
print.summary.influence.predict.textmodel_affinity <- function(x, n = 30, ...) {
ix <- sort(x$median, decreasing = TRUE, index.return = TRUE)$ix
influence <- x$median[ix]
d <- data.frame(word = x$word,
count = x$count,
median = x$median,
max = x$max,
direction = x$direction)
d <- d[ix,]
rownames(d) <- d$word
d$word <- NULL
if (!is.null(n) && ! {
n <- min(n, nrow(d))
d <- d[seq_len(n),,drop=FALSE]
cat("Top ", n, " influential words:\n\n", sep = "")
# ========= Internal functions =========
# # compute chi^2 goodness of fit
# gof_chi2 <- function(x) {
# UseMethod("gof_chi2")
# }
# gof_chi2.predict.textmodel_affinity <- function(x) {
# rowSums(rstandard(x)[,x$support,drop=FALSE]^2)
# }
# function to interleave two vector objects
# Example:
# interleave(letters[1:3], 1:3)
# ## [1] "a" "1" "b" "2" "c" "3"
interleave <- function(v1, v2) {
ord1 <- 2 * (seq_along(v1)) - 1
ord2 <- 2 * (seq_along(v2))
c(v1, v2)[order(c(ord1, ord2))]
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For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.