
Defines functions SS_varadjust

Documented in SS_varadjust

#' Modify variance and sample size adjustments in the control file
#' Function has not been fully tested yet
#' @param dir Directory with control file to change.
#' @param ctlfile Control file name. Default="control.ss_new".
#' @param newctlfile Name of new control file to be written.
#' Default="control_modified.ss".
#' @param keyword Keyword to use as reference for start of section on
#' variance adjustments
#' @param newtable Optional table of new variance adjustment values
#' @param newrow Optional vector of new variance adjustment values for a particular row
#' @param rownumber Which of the 6 rows to replace with 'newrow' if present?
#' @param maxcols Maximum number of columns to search among in 3.24 models
#' (may need to increase from default if you have a huge number of fleets)
#' @param maxrows Maximum number of rows to search among in 3.30 models
#' (may need to increase from default if you have a huge number of fleets)
#' @param overwrite Overwrite file if it exists?
#' @template version
#' @param verbose TRUE/FALSE switch for amount of detail produced by function.
#' Default=TRUE.
#' @author Ian G. Taylor, Gwladys I. Lambert
#' @seealso [SS_tune_comps()], [SS_parlines()], [SS_changepars()]
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # load model output into R
#' replist <- SS_output(dir = "c:/model/")
#' # get new variance adjustments (
#' varadjust <- SS_tune_comps(replist, option = "Francis")
#' print(varadjust)
#' # write new table to file
#' SS_varadjust(
#'   dir = replist[["inputs"]][["dir"]], newctlfile = "new_control.ss",
#'   newtable = varadjust, overwrite = FALSE
#' )
#' }
SS_varadjust <- function(dir = "C:/myfiles/mymodels/myrun/",
                         ctlfile = "control.ss_new",
                         newctlfile = "control_modified.ss",
                         keyword = "variance adjustments",
                         newtable = NULL, newrow = NULL, rownumber = NULL,
                         maxcols = 100, maxrows = 100, overwrite = FALSE,
                         version = "3.30", verbose = TRUE) {
  # check for consistency of inputs
  if (!is.null(newtable)) {
    if (!is.null(newrow)) {
      stop("You can't input both 'newtable' and 'newrow'")
    # call function for SS version 3.24
    if (version == "3.24") { # should work whether "version" is character or numeric
      if (!is.data.frame(newtable) || nrow(newtable) != 6) {
        stop("Input 'newtable' must be a data.frame with 6 rows")
    } else {
      # version 3.30
      if (!is.data.frame(newtable)) {
        stop("Input 'newtable' must be a data.frame")
  if (!is.null(newrow) & is.null(rownumber)) {
    stop("Input 'newrow' requires the input 'rownumber' (which row within the table)")
  if (!is.null(rownumber) && !rownumber %in% 1:6) {
      "Input 'rownumber' should be an integer specifying which of the rows\n",
      "of the variance adjustment table will be replaced with 'newrow'"

  # combine directory and filenames
  if (!is.null(dir)) {
    ctlfile <- file.path(dir, ctlfile)
    newctlfile <- file.path(dir, newctlfile)
  # read control file as a set of strings
  ctl_lines <- readLines(ctlfile)
  # find line matching keyword and complain if 0 or 2+ lines found
  keyword_line <- grep(keyword, ctl_lines)
  if (length(keyword_line) != 1) {
      "keyword input '", keyword, "' found ", length(keyword_line), " times.\n",
      "It should be a unique string immediately before variance adjustments."
  # read control file as a table of values
  ctl <- read.table(
    file = ctlfile, col.names = 1:maxcols, skip = keyword_line,
    nrows = maxrows, fill = TRUE,
    quote = "", colClasses = "character", comment.char = "",
    blank.lines.skip = FALSE

  # save warnings settings and then turn off "NAs introduced" warning
  old_warn <- options()$warn
  options(warn = -1)

  if (version == "3.24") { # should work whether "version" is character or numeric
    # subset first 6 numeric rows in 3.24
    numeric_rows <- which(!is.na(as.numeric(ctl[, 1])))
    good_rows <- numeric_rows[1:6]
    ctl <- ctl[good_rows, ]

    # loop over columns, converting to numeric, checking for non-numeric values
    nfleets <- NULL
    for (icol in 1:maxcols) {
      ctl[, icol] <- as.numeric(ctl[, icol])
      # first time that an NA value appears, record that column number
      if (is.null(nfleets) && any(is.na(ctl[, icol]))) {
        nfleets <- icol - 1

    # subset numeric columns only
    ctl <- ctl[, 1:nfleets]
    # add header
    colnames(ctl) <- paste("Fleet", 1:nfleets, sep = "")
    # add labels to each rows (based on labels in control.ss_new)
    ctl <- data.frame(ctl, label = c(
  } else { # version 3.30
    # look for -9999 as terminator in 3.30
    terminator_row <- min(grep("-9999", ctl[, 1]))
    good_rows <- which(!is.na(as.numeric(ctl[1:terminator_row, 1])))
    # subset to rows up to terminator and just first 3 columns
    ctl <- ctl[good_rows, 1:3]
    for (icol in 1:3) {
      ctl[, icol] <- as.numeric(ctl[, icol])
    names(ctl)[1:3] <- c("Factor", "Fleet", "Var_Adj")
  # returning to old warning value
  options(warn = old_warn)

  if (verbose) {
    cat("Existing table of variance adjustments:\n")

  if (is.null(newrow) & is.null(newtable)) {
    if (verbose) {
      cat("No new adjustments provided, so no file written.\n")
  # replace table
  if (!is.null(newrow)) {
    if (length(newrow) != ncol(ctl)) {
      stop("newrow has the wrong length")
    } else {
      ctl[rownumber, ] <- newrow

  if (!is.null(newtable)) {
    if (version == "3.24" & ncol(newtable) != ncol(ctl)) {
      stop("newtable has the wrong number of columns")
    } else {
      ctl <- newtable

  if (verbose) {
    cat("New table of variance adjustments:\n")

  # absolute position of the rows to change
  good_rows_absolute <- keyword_line + good_rows

  # this command will hopefully prevent getting stuck with all
  # output written to the file after the function crashes before closing connection
    if (sink.number() > 0) sink()

  # check for existence of file and warn if present and overwrite=FALSE
  if (file.exists(newctlfile)) {
    if (!overwrite) {
      stop("File exists and input 'overwrite'=FALSE:\n      ", newctlfile, "\n")
    } else {

  # open connection to file
  if (verbose) cat("opening connection to", newctlfile, "\n")
  zz <- file(newctlfile, open = "at")
  # change maximum number of columns
  oldwidth <- options()$width
  oldmax.print <- options()$max.print
  options(width = 5000, max.print = 9999999)

  printdf <- function(dataframe) {
    # function to print data frame with hash mark before first column name
    names(dataframe)[1] <- paste("#_", names(dataframe)[1], sep = "")
    print(dataframe, row.names = FALSE, strip.white = TRUE)

  ### write file
  # stuff prior to variance adjustments
  writeLines(ctl_lines[1:(min(good_rows_absolute) - 1)])
  writeLines("# Variance adjustments written by r4ss function SS_varadjust:")
  # table of variance adjustments
  # for 3.30 models, add row of -9999 values if not already present
  if (version == "3.30" && (tail(newtable, n = 1)[1]) != -9999) {
    writeLines("-9999 0 0 #_terminator_row")
  # stuff after variance adjustments
  writeLines(ctl_lines[(max(good_rows_absolute) + 1):length(ctl_lines)])

  # return maximum number of columns
  options(width = oldwidth, max.print = oldmax.print)
  # close connection
  if (verbose) {
    cat("file written to", newctlfile, "\n")
  # return table of values
} # end function

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r4ss documentation built on May 28, 2022, 1:11 a.m.