
Defines functions SS_writectl_3.24

Documented in SS_writectl_3.24

#' write control file
#' write Stock Synthesis control file from list object in R which was probably
#' created using [SS_readctl()]
#' @param ctllist  List object created by [SS_readctl()].
#' @param outfile Filename for where to write new data file.
#' @param overwrite Should existing files be overwritten? Default=FALSE.
#' @param verbose Should there be verbose output while running the file?
#'  Defaults to FALSE.
#' @param nseas Deprecated. number of season in the model. This information is not
#'  explicitly available in control file
#' @param N_areas Deprecated. number of spatial areas in the model. This information is also not
#'  explicitly available in control file
#' @param Do_AgeKey Deprecated. Flag to indicate if 7 additional ageing error parameters to be read
#'  set 1 (but in fact any non zero numeric in R) or TRUE to enable to read them 0 or FALSE (default)
#'  to disable them. This information is not explicitly available in control file, too.
#' @author Yukio Takeuchi
#' @export
#' @seealso [SS_readctl()], [SS_readctl_3.24()],[SS_readstarter()],
# ' \code{\link{SS_readforecast}},
# ' \code{\link{SS_writestarter}}, \code{\link{SS_writeforecast}},
# ' \code{\link{SS_writedat}}
SS_writectl_3.24 <- function(ctllist, outfile, overwrite = FALSE, verbose = FALSE,
                             ## Parameters that are not defined in control file
                             ## if ctllist is an output of SS_readctl these three inputs will be overriden by
                             ## nseas,N_areas and Do_AgeKey in ctllist
                             nseas = lifecycle::deprecated(),
                             N_areas = lifecycle::deprecated(),
                             Do_AgeKey = lifecycle::deprecated()) {
  # Add msgs for deprecated args ----
  # these should be removed after 1 release version.
  if (lifecycle::is_present(nseas)) {
      when = "1.41.1",
      what = "SS_writectl_3.24(nseas)",
      details = "nseas is not used. ctllist[['nseas']] is used instead."

  if (lifecycle::is_present(N_areas)) {
      when = "1.41.1",
      what = "SS_writectl_3.24(N_areas)",
      details = "nseas is not used. ctllist[['N_areas']] is used instead."

  if (lifecycle::is_present(Do_AgeKey)) {
      when = "1.41.1",
      what = "SS_writectl_3.24(Do_AgeKey)",
      details = "Do_AgeKey is not used. ctllist[['Do_AgeKey']] is used instead."

  # function to write Stock Synthesis ctl files
  if (verbose) cat("running SS_writectl\n")

  if (ctllist[["type"]] != "Stock_Synthesis_control_file") {
    stop("input 'ctllist' should be a list with $type=='Stock_Synthesis_control_file'")

  if (file.exists(outfile)) {
    if (!overwrite) {
      cat("File exists and input 'overwrite'=FALSE:", outfile, "\n")
    } else {

  oldwidth <- options()$width
  oldmax.print <- options()$max.print
  options(width = 5000, max.print = 9999999)

  if (verbose) cat("opening connection to", outfile, "\n")
  zz <- file(outfile, open = "at")
  #  on.exit({if(sink.number()>0) sink();close(zz)})
  #  sink(zz)
  writeComment <- function(text, ...) {
    if (length(grep(x = text, pattern = "^#")) != length(text)) text <- paste("#_", text, sep = "")
    writeLines(text = text, con = zz, ...)
  wl <- function(name, comment = NULL, con = stdout) {
    # simple function to clean up many repeated commands
    value <- ctllist[names(ctllist) == name]
    if (is.null(comment)) {
      writeLines(paste(value, " #_", name, sep = "", collapse = "_"), con = zz)
    } else {
      if (length(grep(comment, pattern = "^#")) != 0) {
        writeLines(paste(value, comment), con = zz)
      } else {
        writeLines(paste(value, " #_", comment, sep = "", collapse = "_"), con = zz)

  wl.vector <- function(name, comment = NULL) {
    # simple function to clean up many repeated commands
    value <- ctllist[names(ctllist) == name][[1]]
    if (is.null(comment)) {
      writeLines(paste(paste(value, collapse = " "), " #_", name, sep = ""), con = zz)
      #      write.table(file=zz,x=t(value),append=TRUE,sep=" ",quote=FALSE,row.names=FALSE)
    } else {
      writeLines(paste(paste(value, collapse = " "), comment), con = zz)
      #      write.table(file=zz,x=t(value),append=TRUE,sep=" ",quote=FALSE,row.names=FALSE)

  wl.list <- function(name, comment = NULL, header = NULL) {
    if (!is.null(header)) {
      writeLines(paste0("#_", header), con = zz)
    value <- ctllist[names(ctllist) == name][[1]]
    value1 <- sapply(value, function(x) {
      paste(paste(x), collapse = " ")
    simplify = TRUE
    writeLines(value1, con = zz)

  ## Internal function to write formatted data.frame
  printdf <- function(dataframe, header = TRUE, headerLine = NA) {
    # function to print data frame with hash mark before first column name
    if (is.character(dataframe)) {
      tmp <- ctllist[names(ctllist) == dataframe]
      if (length(tmp) > 0) {
        dataframe <- tmp[[1]]
      } else {
        dataframe <- NULL
    if (!is.null(dataframe)) {
      if (header) {
        dataframe[["PType"]] <- NULL
        names(dataframe)[1] <- paste("#_", names(dataframe)[1], sep = "")
        writeLines(paste(names(dataframe), collapse = "\t"), con = zz)
      if (!is.na(headerLine)) xxx <- 2
      #  print.data.frame(dataframe, row.names=FALSE, strip.white=TRUE,header)
      if (!is.null(rownames(dataframe))) {
        rownames(dataframe) <- sapply(rownames(dataframe), function(z) {
          ifelse(length(grep(x = z, pattern = "^#")) == 1, z, paste0("#_", z))
        dataframe[["comments"]] <- rownames(dataframe)
      #     write.table(file=zz,x=dataframe,append=TRUE,sep=" ",quote=FALSE,
      #                 row.names=FALSE,col.names=FALSE)
        file = zz, x = dataframe, append = TRUE, sep = "\t", quote = FALSE,
        rownames = FALSE, colnames = FALSE, digits = 6
      #  write_delim(path=zz,x=dataframe,append=TRUE,delim=" ",col_names=TRUE)

  # write a header
  writeComment("#C control file created using the SS_writectl function in the R package r4ss")
  writeComment(paste("#C file write time:", Sys.time()))

  # write the contents
  wl("N_GP", comment = "# N_Growth_Patterns") # N_Growth_Patterns
  wl("N_platoon", comment = "#_N_Morphs_Within_GrowthPattern") # number of platoons  1, 3, 5 are best values to use
  if (ctllist[["N_platoon"]] > 1) {
    stop("currently sub morphs are not supported yet in this R code")
  if (ctllist[["N_GP"]] * ctllist[["nseas"]] * ctllist[["N_areas"]] > 1) {
    wl("recr_dist_read", comment = "#_number of recruitment assignments (overrides GP*area*seas parameter values)")
    wl("recr_dist_inx", comment = "#_recruitment interaction requested")
  if (ctllist[["N_areas"]] > 1) {
    #  stop("Multi areas are not yet implemented")
    wl("N_moveDef", comment = "#_N_movement_definitions goes here if N_areas > 1")
    wl("firstAgeMove", comment = "#_first age that moves (real age at begin of season, not integer) also cond on do_migration>0")
    writeComment("move definition for seas, morph, source, dest, age1, age2")
    printdf("moveDef", header = FALSE)
  } else {
    writeComment("#_Cond 0 # N_movement_definitions goes here if N_areas > 1")
    writeComment("#_Cond 1.0 # first age that moves (real age at begin of season, not integer) also cond on do_migration>0")
    writeComment("#_Cond 1 1 1 2 4 10 # example move definition for seas=1, morph=1, source=1 dest=2, age1=4, age2=10")
  wl("N_Block_Designs", comment = "#_Nblock_Patterns")
  if (ctllist[["N_Block_Designs"]] > 0) {
    wl.vector("blocks_per_pattern", comment = "#_blocks_per_pattern")
    wl.list("Block_Design", header = "#_begin and end years of blocks")
  } else {
    writeComment("#_Cond 0 #_blocks_per_pattern")
    writeComment("# begin and end years of blocks")
  wl("fracfemale") # _fracfemale
  wl("natM_type", comment = "#_natM_type:_0=1Parm; 1=N_breakpoints;_2=Lorenzen;_3=agespecific;_4=agespec_withseasinterpolate")
  writeComment("#_Age_natmort_by gender x growthpattern")
  if (ctllist[["natM_type"]] == 1) {
    wl("N_natM", comment = "#_Number of M_segments")
    wl.vector("M_ageBreakPoints", comment = "# age(real) at M breakpoints")
  } else if (ctllist[["natM_type"]] == 2) {
    wl.vector("Lorenzen_refage", comment = "#_reference age for Lorenzen M; read 1P per morph")
  } else if (ctllist[["natM_type"]] %in% c(3, 4)) {
  } else if (ctllist[["natM_type"]] == 0) {
    # Just to skip
  } else {
    stop("natM_type :", ctllist[["natM_type"]], "is not supported")
  ## Growth ##
  wl("GrowthModel", comment = "# GrowthModel: 1=vonBert with L1&L2; 2=Richards with L1&L2; 3=age_speciific_K; 4=not implemented")
  wl("Growth_Age_for_L2", comment = "#_Growth_Age_for_L2 (999 to use as Linf)")
  if (ctllist[["GrowthModel"]] == 3) {
    wl("N_ageK", comment = "# number of K multipliers to read")
    wl.vector("Age_K_points", comment = "# ages for K multiplier")
  wl("SD_add_to_LAA", comment = "#_SD_add_to_LAA (set to 0.1 for SS2 V1.x compatibility)")
  wl("CV_Growth_Pattern", comment = "#_CV_Growth_Pattern:  0 CV=f(LAA); 1 CV=F(A); 2 SD=F(LAA); 3 SD=F(A); 4 logSD=F(A)")
    comment =
      "#_maturity_option:  1=length logistic; 2=age logistic; 3=read age-maturity by GP; 4=read age-fecundity by GP; 5=read fec and wt from wtatage.ss; 6=read length-maturity by GP"
  if (ctllist[["maturity_option"]] %in% c(3, 4)) {
  if (ctllist[["maturity_option"]] == 6) {
    comment =
      "fecundity option:(1)eggs=Wt*(a+b*Wt);(2)eggs=a*L^b;(3)eggs=a*Wt^b; (4)eggs=a+b*L; (5)eggs=a+b*W"
  if (is.null(ctllist[["hermaphroditism_option"]])) ctllist[["hermaphroditism_option"]] <- 1
  wl("hermaphroditism_option", comment = "hermaphroditism option:  0=none; 1=age-specific fxn")
    comment =
      "parameter_offset_approach (1=none, 2= M, G, CV_G as offset from female-GP1, 3=like SS2 V1.x)"
    comment =
      "env/block/dev_adjust_method (1=standard; 2=logistic transform keeps in base parm bounds; 3=standard w/ no bound check)"
  writeComment(c("#", "#_growth_parms"))
  # writeComment("#_LO HI INIT PRIOR PR_type SD PHASE env-var use_dev dev_minyr dev_maxyr dev_stddev Block Block_Fxn")

  # MG environmental linkage lines
  if (any(ctllist[["MG_parms"]][["env_var"]] != 0)) {
    if (ctllist[["read_MG_custom_env_var"]] == 1) {
    } else {
      writeComment("#_Cond -2 2 0 0 -1 99 -2 #_placeholder when no MG-environ parameters")
  } else {
    writeComment("#_Cond 0  #custom_MG-env_setup (0/1)")
    writeComment("#_Cond -2 2 0 0 -1 99 -2 #_placeholder when no MG-environ parameters")
  # MG block lines
  if (!is.null(ctllist[["custom_MG_block"]])) {
    if (ctllist[["custom_MG_block"]] == 1) {
    } else {
      writeComment("#_Cond -2 2 0 0 -1 99 -2 #_placeholder when no MG-block parameters")
  } else {
    writeComment("#_Cond 0  #custom_MG-block_setup (0/1)")
    writeComment("#_Cond -2 2 0 0 -1 99 -2 #_placeholder when no MG-block parameters")

  writeComment("#_Cond No MG parm trends")
    comment =
  N_seas_effects <- sum(ctllist[["MGparm_seas_effects"]])
  if (N_seas_effects > 0) {
  } else {
    writeComment(c("#_Cond -2 2 0 0 -1 99 -2 #_placeholder when no seasonal MG parameters", "#"))
  DoParmDev <- sum(ctllist[["MG_parms"]][, 9])
  if (DoParmDev > 0) {
    if (is.null(ctllist[["MGparm_Dev_Phase"]])) ctllist[["MGparm_Dev_Phase"]] <- -4
  # SRR
  wl("SR_function", comment = "#_SR_function: 2=Ricker; 3=std_B-H; 4=SCAA; 5=Hockey; 6=B-H_flattop; 7=survival_3Parm; 8=Shepard_3Parm")
  # writeComment("#_LO HI INIT PRIOR PR_type SD PHASE")
  wl("MainRdevYrFirst", comment = "first year of main recr_devs; early devs can preceed this era")
  wl("MainRdevYrLast", comment = "last year of main recr_devs; forecast devs start in following year")
  wl("recdev_phase", comment = "recdev phase")
  wl("recdev_adv", comment = "(0/1) to read 13 advanced options")
  if (ctllist[["recdev_adv"]]) {
    #  cat("writing 13 advanced SRR options\n")
    wl("recdev_early_start", comment = "#_recdev_early_start (0=none; neg value makes relative to recdev_start)")
    wl("recdev_early_phase", comment = "#_recdev_early_phase")
    wl("Fcast_recr_phase", comment = "#_forecast_recruitment phase (incl. late recr) (0 value resets to maxphase+1)")
    wl("lambda4Fcast_recr_like", comment = "#_lambda for Fcast_recr_like occurring before endyr+1")
    wl("last_early_yr_nobias_adj", comment = "#_last_early_yr_nobias_adj_in_MPD")
    wl("first_yr_fullbias_adj", comment = "#_first_yr_fullbias_adj_in_MPD")
    wl("last_yr_fullbias_adj", comment = "#_last_yr_fullbias_adj_in_MPD")
    wl("first_recent_yr_nobias_adj", comment = "#_first_recent_yr_nobias_adj_in_MPD")
    wl("max_bias_adj", comment = "#_max_bias_adj_in_MPD (-1 to override ramp and set biasadj=1.0 for all estimated recdevs)")
    wl("period_of_cycles_in_recr", comment = "#_period of cycles in recruitment (N parms read below)")
    wl("min_rec_dev", comment = "#min rec_dev")
    wl("max_rec_dev", comment = "#max rec_dev")
    wl("N_Read_recdevs", comment = "#_read_recdevs")
  writeComment("#_end of advanced SR options")
  writeComment("#_placeholder for full parameter lines for recruitment cycles")
  writeComment("# read specified recr devs")
  writeComment("#_Yr Input_value")

  if (ctllist[["recdev_adv"]] && ctllist[["N_Read_recdevs"]] > 0) {

  # F part
  writeComment("#Fishing Mortality info")
  wl("F_ballpark", comment = "F ballpark for annual F (=Z-M) for specified year")
  wl("F_ballpark_year", comment = "F ballpark year (neg value to disable)")
  wl("F_Method", comment = "F_Method:  1=Pope; 2=instan. F; 3=hybrid (hybrid is recommended)")
  wl("maxF", comment = "max F or harvest rate, depends on F_Method")
  if (ctllist[["F_Method"]] == 1) {
    #  Fmethod:1 does not need any additional information
    #  stop("stop currently F_method:1 is not implemented")
  } else if (ctllist[["F_Method"]] == 2) {
    #  stop("stop currently F_method:2 is not implemented")
    writeComment("overall start F value; overall phase; N detailed inputs to read")
    if (!is.null(ctllist[["F_setup2"]])) {
    } else {
      writeComment("fleet yr seas Fvalue se phase")
  } else if (ctllist[["F_Method"]] == 3) {
    wl("F_iter", comment = "N iterations for tuning F in hybrid method (recommend 3 to 7)")
  writeComment(c("#", "#_initial_F_parms"))
  # writeComment("#_LO HI INIT PRIOR PR_type SD PHASE")
  writeComment("# Q_type options:  <0=mirror, 0=float_nobiasadj, 1=float_biasadj, 2=parm_nobiasadj, 3=parm_w_random_dev, 4=parm_w_randwalk, 5=mean_unbiased_float_assign_to_parm")
  #  writeComment("#_Den-dep  env-var  extra_se  Q_type")
  ## First of all to check if random Q parameters are used.
  ## If yes, read 1 number for flag to see if to read single parameter for each random Q or
  ## one parameter for each data point
  if (sum(ctllist[["Q_setup"]][, 4] %in% c(3, 4)) > 0) {
      comment =
        "If q has random component, then 0=read one parm for each fleet with random q; 1=read a parm for each year of index"
  } else {
    writeComment("#_Cond 0 #_If q has random component, then 0=read one parm for each fleet with random q; 1=read a parm for each year of index")
  header <- TRUE
  # Density dependant Q(Q-power)
  if (sum(ctllist[["Q_setup"]][, 1]) > 0) {
    if (any(ctllist[["Q_setup"]][(ctllist[["Q_setup"]][, 1] > 0), 4] < 2)) {
      cat("must create base Q parm to use Q_power for fleet: ", which(ctllist[["Q_setup"]][(ctllist[["Q_setup"]][, 1] > 0), 4] < 2))
    printdf("Q_power", header = header)
    header <- FALSE
  # Q-env
  if (sum(ctllist[["Q_setup"]][, 2]) > 0) {
    if (any(ctllist[["Q_setup"]][(ctllist[["Q_setup"]][, 2] > 0), 4] < 2)) {
      cat("must create base Q parm to use Q_env for fleet: ", which(ctllist[["Q_setup"]][(ctllist[["Q_setup"]][, 2] > 0), 4] < 2))
    printdf("Q_env", header = header)
    header <- FALSE
  # Q_extraSD
  if (sum(ctllist[["Q_setup"]][, 3]) > 0) {
    printdf("Q_extraSD", header = header)
    header <- FALSE
  # Q-type
  if (!is.null(ctllist[["Q_parms"]])) printdf("Q_parms", header = header)
  header <- FALSE

  #  writeComment("#_Pattern Discard Male Special")
  #  writeComment("#_Pattern ___ Male Special")
  # selex parameters
  if (!is.null(ctllist[["size_selex_parms"]])) {
    #  writeComment("#_LO HI INIT PRIOR PR_type SD PHASE env-var use_dev dev_minyr dev_maxyr dev_stddev Block Block_Fxn")
  } else {
    writeComment("#_No size_selex_parm")
  if (!is.null(ctllist[["age_selex_parms"]])) {
    #  writeComment("#_LO HI INIT PRIOR PR_type SD PHASE env-var use_dev dev_minyr dev_maxyr dev_stddev Block Block_Fxn")
  } else {
    writeComment("#_No age_selex_parm")
  ## Following parts are not yet implemented in this code
  writeComment("#_Cond 0 #_custom_sel-env_setup (0/1)")
  writeComment("#_Cond -2 2 0 0 -1 99 -2 #_placeholder when no enviro fxns")
  if (sum(ctllist[["age_selex_parms"]][, 13]) + sum(ctllist[["size_selex_parms"]][, 13]) > 0) {
    wl("DoCustom_sel_blk_setup", comment = "custom_sel-blk_setup (0/1) ")
    if (ctllist[["DoCustom_sel_blk_setup"]]) {
  } else {
    writeComment("#_Cond 0 #_custom_sel-blk_setup (0/1) ")
    writeComment("#_Cond -2 2 0 0 -1 99 -2 #_placeholder when no block usage")
  writeComment("#_Cond No selex parm trends ")

  if (!is.null(ctllist[["selparm_Dev_Phase"]]) && ctllist[["selparm_Dev_Phase"]]) {
    wl("selparm_Dev_Phase", comment = "#selparm_dev_PH")
  } else {
    writeComment("#_Cond -4 # placeholder for selparm_Dev_Phase")
  if (ctllist[["DoAdjust"]]) {
    wl("selex_adjust_method", comment = "env/block/dev_adjust_method (1=standard; 2=logistic trans to keep in base parm bounds; 3=standard w/ no bound check)")
  } else {
    writeComment("#_Cond 0 #_env/block/dev_adjust_method (1=standard; 2=logistic trans to keep in base parm bounds; 3=standard w/ no bound check)")

  ## Tag model parameters
  ## Later they will be copyed from frq2dat
  writeComment("# Tag loss and Tag reporting parameters go next")
  wl("TG_custom", comment = "TG_custom:  0=no read; 1=read if tags exist")
  if (ctllist[["TG_custom"]] == 0) {
    writeComment(c("#_Cond -6 6 1 1 2 0.01 -4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0  #_placeholder if no parameters", "#"))
  } else {
  if (is.null(ctllist[["DoVar_adjust"]])) ctllist[["Var_adjust"]] <- 0
  wl("DoVar_adjust", comment = "Variance_adjustments_to_input_values")

  if (ctllist[["DoVar_adjust"]] > 0) {
  wl("N_lambdas", comment = "number of changes to make to default Lambdas (default value is 1.0)")
  writeComment("# Like_comp codes:  1=surv; 2=disc; 3=mnwt; 4=length; 5=age; 6=SizeFreq; 7=sizeage; 8=catch; 9=init_equ_catch;")
  writeComment("# 10=recrdev; 11=parm_prior; 12=parm_dev; 13=CrashPen; 14=Morphcomp; 15=Tag-comp; 16=Tag-negbin; 17=F_ballpark")
  #  writeComment("#like_comp fleet/survey  phase  value  sizefreq_method")
  if (ctllist[["N_lambdas"]] > 0) {
    #  lambda_pettern_vec<-ctlist[["lambda"]][,1]
    #  if(sum(lambda_pettern_vec %in% c(15,16))==0){
    #  }
    ## Summary outputs of lambdas as comments is planed to follow in the future version

  if (is.null(ctllist[["more_stddev_reporting"]])) ctllist[["more_stddev_reporting"]] <- 0
  if (ctllist[["more_stddev_reporting"]] != 0) {
    wl.vector("stddev_reporting_specs", comment = "# selex type, len/age, year, N selex bins, Growth pattern, N growth ages, NatAge_area(-1 for all), NatAge_yr, N Natages")
    ## Selex bin
    if (ctllist[["stddev_reporting_specs"]][4] > 0) {
      wl.vector("stddev_reporting_selex", comment = "# selex bins to be reported (-1 in first bin to self-generate)")
    ## Growth bin
    if (ctllist[["stddev_reporting_specs"]][6] > 0) {
      wl.vector("stddev_reporting_growth", comment = "# growth bins to be reported (-1 in first bin to self-generate)")
    ## N at age
    if (ctllist[["stddev_reporting_specs"]][9] > 0) {
      wl.vector("stddev_reporting_N_at_A", comment = "# N@A to be reported (-1 in first bin to self-generate)")
  } else {
    writeComment("# 0 1 -1 5 1 5 1 -1 5 # placeholder for selex type, len/age, year, N selex bins, Growth pattern, N growth ages, NatAge_area(-1 for all), NatAge_yr, N Natages")
    writeComment("# placeholder for vector of selex bins to be reported")
    writeComment("# placeholder for vector of growth ages to be reported")
    writeComment("# placeholder for vector of NatAges ages to be reported")
  writeLines("999", con = zz)
  options(width = oldwidth, max.print = oldmax.print)
  # sink()
  # close(zz)
  if (verbose) cat("file written to", outfile, "\n")

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