
Defines functions make_multifig

Documented in make_multifig

#' Create multi-figure plots.
#' Function created as an alternative to lattice package for multi-figure plots
#' of composition data and fits from Stock Synthesis output.
#' @param ptsx vector of x values for points or bars
#' @param ptsy vector of y values for points or bars of same length as ptsx
#' @param yr vector of category values (years) of same length as ptsx
#' @param linesx optional vector of x values for lines
#' @param linesy optional vector of y values for lines
#' @param ptsSD optional vector of standard deviations used to plot error bars
#' on top of each point under the assumption of normally distributed error
#' @param sampsize optional sample size vector of same length as ptsx
#' @param effN optional effective sample size vector of same length as ptsx
#' @param showsampsize show sample size values on plot?
#' @param showeffN show effective sample size values on plot?
#' @param sampsize_label label on sampsize
#' @param effN_label label on effN
#' @param sampsizeround rounding level for sample size values
#' @param maxrows maximum (or fixed) number or rows of panels in the plot
#' @param maxcols maximum (or fixed) number or columns of panels in the plot
#' @param rows number or rows to return to as default for next plots to come or
#' for single plots
#' @param cols number or cols to return to as default for next plots to come or
#' for single plots
#' @param fixdims fix the dimensions at maxrows by maxcols or resize based on
#' number of elements in `yr` input.
#' @param main title of plot
#' @param cex.main character expansion for title
#' @param xlab x-axis label
#' @param ylab y-axis label
#' @param size vector of bubbles sizes if making a bubble plot
#' @param cexZ1 Character expansion (cex) for point associated with value of 1.
#' @param bublegend Add legend with example bubble sizes to bubble plots.
#' @param maxsize maximum size of bubbles
#' @param do.sqrt scale bubbles based on sqrt of size vector. see ?bubble3 for
#' more info.
#' @param minnbubble number of unique x values before adding buffer. see
#' ?bubble3 for more info.
#' @param allopen should all bubbles be open? see ?bubble3 for more info.
#' @param xbuffer extra space around points on the left and right as fraction
#' of total width of plot
#' @param ybuffer extra space around points on the bottom and top as fraction
#' of total height of plot
#' @param yupper upper limit on ymax (applied before addition of ybuffer)
#' @param ymin0 fix minimum y-value at 0?
#' @param xlas label style (las) input for x-axis. Default 0 has horizontal
#' labels, input 2 would provide vertical lables.
#' @param ylas label style (las) input for y-axis. Default NULL has horizontal
#' labels when all labels have fewer than 6 characters and vertical otherwise.
#' Input 0 would force vertical labels, and 1 would force horizontal.
#' @param axis1 optional position of bottom axis values
#' @param axis2 optional position of left size axis values
#' @param axis1labs optional vector of labels for axis1 (either NULL or needs to
#' match length of axis1)
#' @param linepos should lines be added on top of points (linepos=1) or behind
#' (linepos=2)? A value of linepos = 0 will result in no line.
#' @param type type of line/points used for observed values (see 'type' in
#' ?plot for details) on top of a grey polygon. Default is "o" for overplotting
#' points on lines.
#' @param polygons should polygons be added to the
#' (turning off is required for sex-ratio plot)
#' @param bars should the ptsx/ptsy values be bars instead of points
#' @param barwidth width of bars in barplot, default method chooses based on
#' quick and dirty formula also, current method of plot(...type='h') could be
#' replaced with better approach
#' @param ptscex character expansion factor for points (default=1)
#' @param ptscol color for points/bars
#' @param ptscol2 color for negative value points in bubble plots
#' @param colvec Vector of length 3 with colors for females, males, unsexed fish
#' @param linescol color for lines
#' @param lty line type
#' @param lwd line width
#' @param pch point character type
#' @param nlegends number of lines of text to add as legends in each plot
#' @param legtext text in legend, a list of length=nlegends. values may be any
#' of 1.  "yr", 2. "sampsize", 3. "effN", or a vector of length = ptsx.
#' @param legx vector of length=nlegends of x-values of legends (default is
#' first one on left, all after on right)
#' @param legy vector of length=nlegends of y-values of legends (default is top
#' for all plots)
#' @param legadjx left/right adjustment of legends around legx
#' @param legadjy left/right adjustment of legends around legy
#' @param legsize font size for legends. default=c(1.2,1.0) (larger for year
#' and normal for others)
#' @param legfont font type for legends, same as "font" under ?par
#' @param venusmars Label females and males with venus and mars symbols?
#' @param sampsizeline show line for input sample sizes on top of conditional
#' age-at-length plots (TRUE/FALSE/scalar, still in development)
#' @param effNline show line for effective sample sizes on top of conditional
#' age-at-length plots (TRUE/FALSE/scalar, still in development)
#' @param sampsizemean mean input sample size value (used when sampsizeline=TRUE)
#' @param effNmean mean effective sample size value (used when effNline=TRUE)
#' @param ipage which page of plots when covering more than will fit within
#' maxrows by maxcols.
#' @param scalebins Rescale expected and observed proportions by dividing by
#' bin width for models where bins have different widths? Caution!: May not
#' work correctly in all cases.
#' @param sexvec vector of sex codes if more than one present (otherwise NULL)
#' @param multifig_colpolygon vector of polygon fill colors of length 3
#' (for females, males, and unsexed fish). Can be input to SS_plots and will be
#' passed to this function via the ... argument.
#' @param multifig_oma vector of outer margins. Can be input to SS_plots and will be
#' passed to this function via the ... argument.
#' @param \dots additional arguments passed to `par`.
#' @author Ian Taylor
#' @export
#' @seealso [SS_plots()],[SSplotComps()]
make_multifig <-
  function(ptsx, ptsy, yr, linesx = 0, linesy = 0, ptsSD = 0,
           sampsize = 0, effN = 0,
           showsampsize = TRUE, showeffN = TRUE,
           sampsize_label = "N=",
           effN_label = "effN=",
           sampsizeround = 1,
           maxrows = 6, maxcols = 6, rows = 1, cols = 1, fixdims = TRUE, main = "", cex.main = 1,
           xlab = "", ylab = "", size = 1, cexZ1 = 1.5, bublegend = TRUE,
           maxsize = NULL, do.sqrt = TRUE, minnbubble = 8, allopen = TRUE,
           xbuffer = c(.1, .1), ybuffer = c(0, 0.15),
           yupper = NULL, ymin0 = TRUE,
           xlas = 0, ylas = NULL,
           axis1 = NULL, axis2 = NULL, axis1labs = NULL,
           linepos = 1, type = "o",
           polygons = TRUE,
           bars = FALSE, barwidth = "default", ptscex = 1, ptscol = 1, ptscol2 = 1,
           colvec = c(rgb(1, 0, 0, .7), rgb(0, 0, 1, .7), rgb(.1, .1, .1, .7)),
           linescol = c(rgb(0, .8, 0, .7), rgb(1, 0, 0, .7), rgb(0, 0, 1, .7)),
           lty = 1, lwd = 2, pch = 1,
           nlegends = 3, legtext = list("yr", "sampsize", "effN"), legx = "default", legy = "default",
           legadjx = "default", legadjy = "default", legsize = c(1.2, 1.0), legfont = c(2, 1),
           venusmars = TRUE,
           sampsizeline = FALSE, effNline = FALSE, sampsizemean = NULL, effNmean = NULL,
           ipage = 0, scalebins = FALSE, sexvec = NULL,
           multifig_colpolygon = grey(c(0.6, 0.8, 0.7), alpha = 0.7),
           multifig_oma = NULL, ...) {
    # switch to determine whether to show males below 0 line in same plot
    twosex <- TRUE
    if (is.null(sexvec)) {
      twosex <- FALSE
    # if all observations are the same sex then don't waste space below 0 line
    if (length(unique(sexvec)) == 1) {
      twosex <- FALSE
    male_mult <- 1
    if (twosex) {
      male_mult <- -1

    # define dimensions
    yrvec <- sort(unique(yr))
    npanels <- length(yrvec)
    nvals <- length(yr)

    nrows <- min(ceiling(sqrt(npanels)), maxrows)
    ncols <- min(ceiling(npanels / nrows), maxcols)

    if (fixdims) {
      nrows <- maxrows
      ncols <- maxcols

    # deal with bin scaling
    # all unique bins included in the data
    # (tail compression might cause this to differ by year and be unreliable)
    allbins.obs <- sort(unique(ptsx))
    if (scalebins) { # if bin scaling turned on
      if (diff(range(allbins.obs)) > 0 && # & if the range of bins is non-zero
        length(allbins.obs) > 2 && # & if there are more than 2 bins
        length(unique(diff(allbins.obs)))) { # & if there are different bin widths
        diffs <- diff(allbins.obs)
        # repeat final width to treating plus group as same width as previous bin
        diffs <- c(diffs, diffs[length(diffs)])
        bin.width.table <- data.frame(
          bin = allbins.obs,
          width = diffs
      } else {
        scalebins <- FALSE
        warning("Setting scalebins=FALSE. Bins are equal length or too few.")

    npages <- ceiling(npanels / nrows / ncols) # how many pages of plots
    # doSD is TRUE/FALSE switch for whether to add error bars on points
    doSD <- length(ptsSD) == length(ptsx) & max(ptsSD) > 0
    # turn off polygons for any plots with uncertainty
    # such as mean length at age
    if (doSD) {
      polygons <- FALSE

    # if no input on lines, then turn linepos to 0
    if (length(linesx) == 1 | length(linesy) == 1) {
      linepos <- 0
      linesx <- ptsx
      linesy <- ptsy
    anyscaled <- FALSE

    # quick and dirty formula to get width of bars (if used) based on
    # 	  number of columns and maximum number of bars within a in panel
    if (bars & barwidth == "default") barwidth <- 400 / max(table(yr) + 2) / ncols

    # make size vector have full length
    if (length(size) == 1) {
      size <- rep(size, length(yr))
    # determinant on whether this is a bubble plot for
    # conditional age-at-length data
    bub <- diff(range(size, na.rm = TRUE)) != 0

    # get axis limits
    xrange <- range(c(ptsx, linesx, ptsx, linesx))
    if (ymin0) {
      yrange <- c(0, max(ptsy, linesy, na.rm = TRUE))
    } else {
      yrange <- range(c(ptsy, linesy, ptsy, linesy))
    # reduce range to <= yupper (no impact if yupper=NULL)
    yrange <- c(
      min(yrange[1], yupper),
      min(yrange[2], yupper)

    xrange_big <- xrange + c(-1, 1) * xbuffer * diff(xrange)
    yrange_big <- yrange + c(-1, 1) * ybuffer * diff(yrange)
    if (twosex & !bub) {
      yrange_big <- range(-yrange, yrange) + c(-1, 1) * ybuffer * diff(yrange)

    # get axis label details
    yaxs_lab <- pretty(yrange)
    maxchar_yaxs <- max(nchar(yaxs_lab))
    if (is.null(ylas)) {
      if (maxchar_yaxs < 6) { # should y-axis label be horizontal?
        ylas <- 1
      } else {
        ylas <- 0
    # get x-axis values
    if (is.null(axis1)) {
      axis1 <- pretty(xrange)
    # get x-axis labels
    if (is.null(axis1labs)) {
      axis1labs <- axis1
    # get y-axis values and labels
    if (is.null(axis2)) {
      axis2 <- pretty(yrange)
    # get legend info
    if (length(sampsize) == 1) {
      sampsize <- 0
    if (length(effN) == 1) {
      effN <- 0

    # create multifigure layout, set inner margins all to 0 and add outer margins
    # old graphics parameter settings
    par_old <- par()
    # new parameter settings, including upper outer margin dependent title != ""
    if (is.null(multifig_oma)) {
      if (main == "") {
        multifig_oma <- c(5, 5, 1, 1) + .1
      } else {
        multifig_oma <- c(5, 5, 5, 1) + .1
    par(mfcol = c(nrows, ncols), mar = rep(0, 4), oma = multifig_oma, ...)

    panelrange <- 1:npanels
    if (npages > 1 & ipage != 0) {
      panelrange <- intersect(panelrange, 1:(nrows * ncols) + nrows * ncols * (ipage - 1))
    for (ipanel in panelrange) {
      # subset values for a given year
      yr_i <- yrvec[ipanel]
      sexvec_i <- sexvec[yr == yr_i]
      # separate vectors for females and males shown in the same plot
      ptsx_i0 <- ptsx[yr == yr_i & sexvec == 0]
      ptsx_i1 <- ptsx[yr == yr_i & sexvec == 1]
      ptsx_i2 <- ptsx[yr == yr_i & sexvec == 2]
      # again for y-values
      ptsy_i0 <- ptsy[yr == yr_i & sexvec == 0]
      ptsy_i1 <- ptsy[yr == yr_i & sexvec == 1]
      ptsy_i2 <- ptsy[yr == yr_i & sexvec == 2] * male_mult

      #### not sure why this was previously needed, taking it out for now
      ## # change negative values to NA
      ## ptsy_i0[ptsy_i0 < 0] <- NA
      ## ptsy_i1[ptsy_i1 < 0] <- NA
      ## ptsy_i2[ptsy_i2 < 0] <- NA

      # standard deviations
      # for use in mean length or weight at age plots
      if (doSD) {
        ptsSD_i0 <- ptsSD[yr == yr_i & sexvec == 0]
        ptsSD_i1 <- ptsSD[yr == yr_i & sexvec == 1]
        ptsSD_i2 <- ptsSD[yr == yr_i & sexvec == 2]
      # x-values for lines
      linesx_i0 <- linesx[yr == yr_i & sexvec == 0]
      linesx_i1 <- linesx[yr == yr_i & sexvec == 1]
      linesx_i2 <- linesx[yr == yr_i & sexvec == 2]
      # y-values for lines
      linesy_i0 <- linesy[yr == yr_i & sexvec == 0]
      linesy_i1 <- linesy[yr == yr_i & sexvec == 1]
      linesy_i2 <- linesy[yr == yr_i & sexvec == 2] * male_mult
      # sort based on order of x-values (perhaps not needed)
      linesy_i0 <- linesy_i0[order(linesx_i0)]
      linesx_i0 <- sort(linesx_i0)
      linesy_i1 <- linesy_i1[order(linesx_i1)]
      linesx_i1 <- sort(linesx_i1)
      linesy_i2 <- linesy_i2[order(linesx_i2)]
      linesx_i2 <- sort(linesx_i2)
      # subset size (z) values
      z_i0 <- size[yr == yr_i & sexvec == 0]
      z_i1 <- size[yr == yr_i & sexvec == 1]
      z_i2 <- size[yr == yr_i & sexvec == 2]

      # optional rescaling of bins for line plots
      scaled <- FALSE
      if (scalebins) {
        # function to lookup width associated with each bin in the table crated above
        # IGT 2019-05-02: surely there is a more efficient way to do this
        getwidths <- function(ptsx) {
          if (length(ptsx) > 0) {
            widths <- rep(NA, length(ptsx))
            for (ibin in 1:length(ptsx)) {
              widths[ibin] <- bin.width.table[["width"]][bin.width.table[["bin"]] == ptsx[ibin]]
          } else {
            widths <- NULL
        widths_i0 <- getwidths(ptsx_i0)
        widths_i1 <- getwidths(ptsx_i1)
        widths_i2 <- getwidths(ptsx_i2)
        ptsy_i0 <- ptsy_i0 / widths_i0
        ptsy_i1 <- ptsy_i1 / widths_i1
        ptsy_i2 <- ptsy_i2 / widths_i2
        linesy_i0 <- linesy_i0 / widths_i0
        linesy_i1 <- linesy_i1 / widths_i1
        linesy_i2 <- linesy_i2 / widths_i2
        scaled <- TRUE
      if (scaled) {
        # change y-axis label if comps are scaled
        anyscaled <- TRUE
        if (ylab == "Proportion") {
          ylab <- "Proportion / bin width"

      # make plot
        type = "n", axes = FALSE, xlab = "", ylab = "", xlim = xrange_big,
        ylim = yrange_big, xaxs = "i", yaxs = ifelse(bars, "i", "r"), ...
      abline(h = 0, col = "grey") # grey line at 0
      if (linepos == 2) { # add lines behind points
        lines(linesx_i0, linesy_i0, col = linescol[1], lwd = lwd, lty = lty)
        lines(linesx_i1, linesy_i1, col = linescol[2], lwd = lwd, lty = lty)
        lines(linesx_i2, linesy_i2, col = linescol[3], lwd = lwd, lty = lty)
      if (bub) { # if size input is provided then use bubble function
        # bubble plot for unsexed fish
        if (length(z_i0) > 0) {
            x = ptsx_i0, y = ptsy_i0, z = z_i0,
            col = rep(colvec[3], length(z_i0)),
            cexZ1 = cexZ1, legend.yadj = 1.5,
            legend = bublegend, legendloc = "topright",
            maxsize = maxsize, minnbubble = minnbubble,
            allopen = allopen, add = TRUE
        # bubble plot for females fish
        if (length(z_i1) > 0) {
            x = ptsx_i1, y = ptsy_i1, z = z_i1,
            col = rep(colvec[1], length(z_i1)),
            cexZ1 = cexZ1, legend.yadj = 1.5,
            legend = bublegend, legendloc = "topright",
            maxsize = maxsize, minnbubble = minnbubble,
            allopen = allopen, add = TRUE
        # bubble plot for males fish
        if (length(z_i2) > 0) {
          # note: ptsy_i2 may be negative for other plots, so taking
          #       absolute values for conditional age-at-length bubble plots
            x = ptsx_i2, y = abs(ptsy_i2), z = z_i2,
            col = rep(colvec[2], length(z_i2)),
            cexZ1 = cexZ1, legend.yadj = 1.5,
            legend = bublegend, legendloc = "topright",
            maxsize = maxsize, minnbubble = minnbubble,
            allopen = allopen, add = TRUE
        # add optional lines to bubble plots showing
        # (adjusted) input sample size
        # IAN T.: these need to be generalized to deal
        #         with different sexes
        if (linepos == 0) effNline <- 0
        if (effNline > 0 && length(effN) > 0) {
          effN_i1 <- effN[yr == yr_i]
          effN_i1_vec <- unlist(lapply(split(effN_i1, ptsy_i1), unique))
          ptsy_i1_vec <- sort(unique(ptsy_i1))
          lines(effNline * effN_i1_vec, ptsy_i1_vec, col = "green3")
          if (!is.null(effNmean)) {
            lines(rep(effNline * effNmean, length(ptsy_i1_vec)),
              col = "green3", lty = 2
        # add optional lines showing effective sample size
        if (sampsizeline > 0 && length(sampsize) > 0) {
          sampsize_i1 <- sampsize[yr == yr_i]
          sampsize_i1_vec <- unlist(lapply(split(sampsize_i1, ptsy_i1), unique))
          ptsy_i1_vec <- sort(unique(ptsy_i1))

          lines(sampsizeline * sampsize_i1_vec, ptsy_i1_vec, col = 2)
          if (!is.null(sampsizemean)) {
            lines(rep(sampsizeline * sampsizemean, length(ptsy_i1_vec)),
              col = 2, lty = 3
      } else {
        # make polygons (unless turned off) and points
        # make polygons
        if (length(ptsx_i0) > 0) {
          # polygon for unsexed fish
          if (polygons) {
            polygon(c(ptsx_i0[1], ptsx_i0, tail(ptsx_i0, 1)), c(0, ptsy_i0, 0),
              col = multifig_colpolygon[3]
          # line with solid points on top for unsexed fish
          points(ptsx_i0, ptsy_i0, type = type, lwd = 1, pch = 16, cex = 0.7, col = ptscol)
        if (length(ptsx_i1) > 0) {
          # polygon for females
          if (polygons) {
            polygon(c(ptsx_i1[1], ptsx_i1, tail(ptsx_i1, 1)), c(0, ptsy_i1, 0),
              col = multifig_colpolygon[1]
          # lines with solid points on top for females
          points(ptsx_i1, ptsy_i1, type = type, lwd = 1, pch = 16, cex = 0.7, col = ptscol)
        if (length(ptsx_i2) > 0) {
          # polygon for males (possibly below 0 line
          if (polygons) {
            polygon(c(ptsx_i2[1], ptsx_i2, tail(ptsx_i2, 1)), c(0, ptsy_i2, 0),
              col = multifig_colpolygon[2]
            ) # polygon
          # lines with solid points on top for males
          points(ptsx_i2, ptsy_i2, type = type, lwd = 1, pch = 16, cex = 0.7, col = ptscol)

        # adding uncertainty for mean length or weight at age plots
        if (doSD) {
          old_warn <- options()$warn # previous settings for warnings
          options(warn = -1) # turn off "zero-length arrow" warning
          # make arrows showing uncertainty for unsexed fish
          if (length(ptsx_i0) > 0) {
              x0 = ptsx_i0, y0 = qnorm(p = 0.05, mean = ptsy_i0, sd = ptsSD_i0),
              x1 = ptsx_i0, y1 = qnorm(p = 0.95, mean = ptsy_i0, sd = ptsSD_i0),
              length = 0.01, angle = 90, code = 3, col = ptscol
          # make arrows showing uncertainty for females
          if (length(ptsx_i1) > 0) {
              x0 = ptsx_i1, y0 = qnorm(p = 0.05, mean = ptsy_i1, sd = ptsSD_i1),
              x1 = ptsx_i1, y1 = qnorm(p = 0.95, mean = ptsy_i1, sd = ptsSD_i1),
              length = 0.01, angle = 90, code = 3, col = ptscol
          # make arrows showing uncertainty for males
          if (length(ptsx_i2) > 0) {
              x0 = ptsx_i2, y0 = qnorm(p = 0.05, mean = ptsy_i2, sd = ptsSD_i2),
              x1 = ptsx_i2, y1 = qnorm(p = 0.95, mean = ptsy_i2, sd = ptsSD_i2),
              length = 0.01, angle = 90, code = 3, col = ptscol
          options(warn = old_warn) # returning to old value
      if (linepos == 1) { # add lines on top of points
        lines(linesx_i0, linesy_i0, col = linescol[1], lwd = lwd, lty = lty)
        lines(linesx_i1, linesy_i1, col = linescol[2], lwd = lwd, lty = lty)
        lines(linesx_i2, linesy_i2, col = linescol[3], lwd = lwd, lty = lty)

      # add legends
      usr <- par("usr") # get dimensions of panel
      for (i in 1:nlegends) {
        text_i <- ""
        text_i2 <- ""
        legtext_i <- legtext[[i]] # grab element of list
        # elements of list can be "default" to make equal to yr
        # or vector of length 1, npanels, or the full length of the input vectors
        if (length(legtext_i) == 1) {
          if (legtext_i == "yr") {
            text_i <- yr_i
          } # values in "yr" input
          for (sex in sort(unique(sexvec_i))) {
            if (legtext_i == "sampsize" & showsampsize) { # sample sizes
              vals <- unique(sampsize[sexvec == sex & yr == yr_i])
              if (length(vals) > 1) {
                warning("sampsize values are not all equal",
                  "--choosing the first value: ", vals[1], "\n",
                  "  yr=", yr_i, ", and all sampsize values: ",
                  paste(vals, collapse = ","),
                  sep = ""
                vals <- vals[1]
              text_i <- paste(sampsize_label, round(vals, sampsizeround), sep = "")
              if (twosex & sex == 2) {
                text_i2 <- paste(sampsize_label, round(vals, sampsizeround), sep = "")
            if (legtext_i == "effN" & showeffN) { # effective sample sizes
              vals <- unique(effN[sexvec == sex & yr == yr_i])
              if (length(vals) > 1) {
                warning("effN values are not all equal",
                  "--choosing the first value: ", vals[1], "\n",
                  "  yr=", yr_i, ", and all effN values: ",
                  paste(vals, collapse = ","),
                  sep = ""
                vals <- vals[1]
              text_i <- paste(effN_label, round(vals, sampsizeround), sep = "")
              if (twosex & sex == 2) {
                text_i2 <- paste(effN_label, round(vals, sampsizeround), sep = "")
        ## if(length(legtext_i)==npanels){
        ##   text_i <- legtext_i[ipanel]      # one input value per panel
        ## }
        if (length(legtext_i) == nvals) {
          text_i <- legtext_i[yr == yr_i][1] # one input value per element
        if (length(legtext_i) == 1) {
          text_i <- text_i # yr, sampsize, or effN
        # location of legend
        if (legx[1] == "default") {
          # default is left side for first plot, right thereafter
          textx <- ifelse(i == 1, usr[1], usr[2])
        } else {
          textx <- legx[i]
        if (legy[1] == "default") {
          texty <- usr[4] # default is top for all plots
          texty2 <- usr[3] # default is bottom legends associated with males
        } else {
          texty <- legy[i]
          texty2 <- -legy[i] # this setting probably won't work too well
        if (legadjx[1] == "default") {
          # default x-value is left side for first legend, right thereafter
          adjx <- ifelse(i == 1, -.1, 1.0)
        } else {
          adjx <- legadjx[i]
        if (legadjy[1] == "default") {
          # default y-value is top for first 2 legends, below thereafter
          adjy <- ifelse(i < 3, 1.3, 1.3 + 1.3 * (i - 2))
        } else {
          adjy <- legadjy[i]

        # add legend text
          x = textx, y = texty, labels = text_i, adj = c(adjx, adjy),
          cex = legsize[i], font = legfont[i]
        # add legend for males (if different from one already added)
        if (text_i2 != text_i & text_i2 != "") {
            x = textx, y = texty2, labels = text_i, adj = c(adjx, -adjy),
            cex = legsize[i], font = legfont[i]

        # add venus and mars symbols if there are male or female values
        if (twosex & !bub & venusmars) {
          pu <- par("usr")
          xval <- pu[2]
          if (length(ptsx_i0) > 0) {
            text(xval, 0.2 * yrange[2], "\\VE+\\MA",
              vfont = c("serif", "plain"),
              cex = 2, col = linescol[1], pos = 2
          if (length(ptsx_i1) > 0) {
            text(xval, 0.5 * yrange[2], "\\VE",
              vfont = c("serif", "plain"),
              cex = 2, col = linescol[2], pos = 2
          if (length(ptsx_i2) > 0) {
            text(xval, -0.5 * yrange[2], "\\MA",
              vfont = c("serif", "plain"),
              cex = 2, col = linescol[3], pos = 2

      # add axes in left and lower outer margins
      mfg <- par("mfg")
      # axis on bottom panels and final panel
      if (mfg[1] == mfg[3] | ipanel == npanels) {
        axis(side = 1, at = axis1, labels = axis1labs, las = xlas)
      if (mfg[2] == 1) {
        # axis on left side panels
        axis(side = 2, at = axis2, las = ylas)
        if (twosex) {
          # axis for negative values on left side panels
            side = 2, at = -axis2[axis2 > 0], labels = format(axis2[axis2 > 0]),
            las = ylas
          ## # axis for negative values on left side panels
          ## axis(side=2,at=-axis2,las = ylas)
      box() # add box around panel

      # if this is the first panel of a given page, then do a few things
      if (npanels == 1 | ipanel %% (nrows * ncols) == 1) {
        # add title after plotting first panel on each page of panels
        fixcex <- 1 # compensates for automatic adjustment caused by par(mfcol)
        if (max(nrows, ncols) == 2) {
          fixcex <- 1 / 0.83
        if (max(nrows, ncols) > 2) {
          fixcex <- 1 / 0.66
        if (npanels > 1) {
          title(main = main, line = c(2, 0, 3, 3), outer = TRUE, cex.main = cex.main * fixcex)
          title(xlab = xlab, outer = TRUE, cex.lab = fixcex)
            ylab = ylab, line = ifelse(ylas %in% 1:2, max(3, 2 + .4 * maxchar_yaxs), 3.5),
            outer = TRUE, cex.lab = fixcex
        } else {
          title(main = main, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, outer = TRUE, cex.main = cex.main)
    # restore previous graphics parameter settings
    par(mfcol = par_old[["mfcol"]], mar = par_old[["mar"]], oma = par_old[["oma"]])
    # par(mfcol=c(rows,cols), mar=c(5,4,4,2)+.1, oma=rep(0,4))

    if (anyscaled) {
      cat("Note: compositions have been rescaled by dividing by binwidth\n")
    # return information on what was plotted
    return(list(npages = npages, npanels = npanels, ipage = ipage))
  } # end embedded function: make_multifig

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