
Defines functions make_multifig_sexratio

Documented in make_multifig_sexratio

#' Create multi-figure sex ratio plots.
#' Modified version of [make_multifig()] for multi-figure
#' plots of sex ratio data with crude confidence intervals (+/i 1 se) and
#' fits from Stock Synthesis output.
#' @param dbase element of list created by [SS_output()] passed from
#' [SSplotSexRatio()]
#' @param sexratio.option code to choose among (1) female:male ratio or
#' (2) fraction females out of the total (the default)
#' @param CI confidence interval for uncertainty
#' @param sampsizeround rounding level for sample size values
#' @param maxrows maximum (or fixed) number or rows of panels in the plot
#' @param maxcols maximum (or fixed) number or columns of panels in the plot
#' @param rows number or rows to return to as default for next plots to come or
#' for single plots
#' @param cols number or cols to return to as default for next plots to come or
#' for single plots
#' @param fixdims fix the dimensions at maxrows by maxcols or resize based on
#' number of elements in `yr` input.
#' @param main title of plot
#' @param cex.main character expansion for title
#' @param xlab x-axis label
#' @param ylab y-axis label
#' @param horiz_lab axis labels set horizontal all the time (TRUE), never
#' (FALSE) or only when relatively short ("default")
#' @param xbuffer extra space around points on the left and right as fraction
#' of total width of plot
#' @param ybuffer extra space around points on the bottom and top as fraction
#' of total height of plot. "default" will cause c(0,.15) for sexratio.option=1
#' and c(.15, .3) for sexratio.option=2.
#' @param yupper upper limit on ymax (applied before addition of ybuffer)
#' @param datonly make plots of data without fits?
#' @param showsampsize add sample sizes to plot
#' @param showeffN add effective sample sizes to plot
#' @param axis1 position of bottom axis values
#' @param axis2 position of left size axis values
#' @param ptscex character expansion factor for points (default=1)
#' @param ptscol color for points/bars
#' @param linescol color for fitted model
#' @param lty line type
#' @param lwd line width
#' @param nlegends number of lines of text to add as legends in each plot
#' @param legtext text in legend, a list of length=nlegends. values may be any
#' of 1.  "yr", 2. "sampsize", 3. "effN", or a vector of length = ptsx.
#' @param legx vector of length=nlegends of x-values of legends (default is
#' first one on left, all after on right)
#' @param legy vector of length=nlegends of y-values of legends (default is top
#' for all plots)
#' @param legadjx left/right adjustment of legends around legx
#' @param legadjy left/right adjustment of legends around legy
#' @param legsize font size for legends. default=c(1.2,1.0) (larger for year
#' and normal for others)
#' @param legfont font type for legends, same as "font" under ?par
#' @param ipage which page of plots when covering more than will fit within
#' maxrows by maxcols.
#' @param multifig_oma vector of outer margins. Can be input to SS_plots and will be
#' passed to this function via the ... argument.
#' @param \dots additional arguments (NOT YET IMPLEMENTED).
#' @author Cole Monnahan. Adapted from [make_multifig()].
#' @export
#' @details The SE of the sex ratio is crude and calculated as
#' follows. First, assume a multinomial which as MLEs of proportions. Then
#' use the delta method of the ratio F/M, using the MLE as the expected
#' values and analytical variances and covariance between F and M. After
#' some algebra this calculation reduces to: `SE(F/M)= sqrt((f/m)^2*(
#' (1-f)/(f*N) + (1-m)/(m*N) +2/N ))`. Confidence intervals created from
#' these should be considered very crude and would not necessarily be
#' appropriate for future alternative compositional likelihoods.
#' This function was derived from make_multifig and hence has a lot of
#' overlap in functionality and arguments.
#' @seealso [SS_plots()],[SSplotSexRatio()]
make_multifig_sexratio <-
  function(dbase, sexratio.option = 2, CI = 0.75,
           sampsizeround = 1, maxrows = 6, maxcols = 6,
           rows = 1, cols = 1, fixdims = TRUE, main = "", cex.main = 1,
           xlab = "", ylab = "Fraction female", horiz_lab = "default", xbuffer = c(.1, .1),
           ybuffer = "default", yupper = NULL,
           datonly = FALSE,
           showsampsize = TRUE, showeffN = TRUE,
           axis1 = NULL,
           axis2 = NULL, ptscex = 1,
           ptscol = gray(.5), linescol = 4, lty = 1, lwd = 2, nlegends = 3,
           legtext = list("yr", "sampsize", "effN"),
           legx = "default", legy = "default",
           legadjx = "default", legadjy = "default", legsize = c(1.2, 1.0),
           legfont = c(2, 1), ipage = 0, multifig_oma = c(5, 5, 5, 2) + .1, ...) {
    if (sexratio.option == 1 & ylab == "Fraction female") {
      # change the default ylab if the user hasn't replaced it
      ylab <- "Female:Male Ratio"
    ## define dimensions
    yrvec <- sort(unique(dbase[["Yr"]]))
    npanels <- length(yrvec)
    nrows <- min(ceiling(sqrt(npanels)), maxrows)
    ncols <- min(ceiling(npanels / nrows), maxcols)
    if (fixdims) {
      nrows <- maxrows
      ncols <- maxcols
    npages <- ceiling(npanels / nrows / ncols) # how many pages of plots

    ## Build data frame containing the key data for plotting. This data frame
    ## is calculated ahead of time and then used for determining ranges and
    ## plotting below. Many bins are empty in the data file and thus in the
    ## report file they are ommitted so the division isn't defined.
    df.list <- list()
    k <- 1
    # minimum observation is likely to be the additive constant required
    # by the multinomial and can be subtracted from all obs and exp values
    minobs <- min(dbase[["Obs"]], na.rm = TRUE)

    for (yr.temp in yrvec) {
      for (bin in unique(dbase[["Bin"]])) {
        female <- dbase[dbase[["Sex"]] == 1 & dbase[["Bin"]] == bin & dbase[["Yr"]] == yr.temp, ]
        male <- dbase[dbase[["Sex"]] == 2 & dbase[["Bin"]] == bin & dbase[["Yr"]] == yr.temp, ]
        nm <- nrow(male)
        nf <- nrow(female)
        ## Four cases depending on which data were observed. If only one sex
        ## was observed, do some special things. If none, we'll skip it
        ## below. Otherwise do the calculations.
        se.ratio <- NA
        lwr <- NA
        upr <- NA
        if (nm == 1 & nf == 0) {
          effN <- male[["effN"]]
          Nsamp_adj <- male[["Nsamp_adj"]]
          e <- NA
          o <- 0
        } else if (nm == 0 & nf == 1) {
          effN <- female[["effN"]]
          Nsamp_adj <- female[["Nsamp_adj"]]
          e <- NA
          o <- Inf
        } else if (nrow(female) == 1 & nrow(male) == 1) {
          ## Calculate the ratio if data exists for both. Use delta method for
          ## multinomial estimators to get approximate SE for the ratio of the
          ## two (assuming expected value of estimator is the MLE). See Casella
          ## and Berger p245.  SS should divide the observations by n but redo
          ## just to be sure.

          # sample size is shared across both vectors (at least if Sexes==3)
          # IGT 2019-05-02: should check for case where sexes are input separately
          effN <- female[["effN"]]
          Nsamp_adj <- female[["Nsamp_adj"]]
          if (sexratio.option == 1) { # females:males
            e <- (female[["Exp"]] - minobs) / (male[["Exp"]] - minobs)
            o <- (female[["Obs"]] - minobs) / (male[["Obs"]] - minobs)
          if (sexratio.option == 2) { # female:total
            e <- (female[["Exp"]] - minobs) / (female[["Exp"]] + male[["Exp"]] - 2 * minobs)
            o <- (female[["Obs"]] - minobs) / (female[["Obs"]] + male[["Obs"]] - 2 * minobs)
          # need rounding to avoid differences like -2.122513e-17
          pf <- female[["Obs"]]
          pm <- male[["Obs"]]
          e <- round(e, 10)
          o <- round(o, 10)

          # calculate SE of the ratio
          if (sexratio.option == 1) { # females:males
            se.ratio <-
              sqrt((pf / pm)^2 * ((1 - pf) / (pf * Nsamp_adj) + (1 - pm) / (pm * Nsamp_adj) + 2 / Nsamp_adj))
            lwr <- qnorm((1 - CI) / 2, o, se.ratio)
            upr <- qnorm(1 - (1 - CI) / 2, o, se.ratio)
          if (sexratio.option == 2) { # female:total
            pt <- female[["Obs"]] + male[["Obs"]] - 2 * minobs
            # assuming sample size for this bin is at least 1
            Nbin <- max(pt * Nsamp_adj, 1)
            if (pt > 0) {
              # Jeffreys interval
              # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binomial_proportion_confidence_interval#Jeffreys_interval
              # beta approximation to binomial quantiles used to get
              # confidence interval for non-integer values
              lwr <- qbeta(
                p = (1 - CI) / 2,
                shape1 = o * Nbin + 0.5,
                shape2 = Nbin - o * Nbin + 0.5
              upr <- qbeta(
                p = 1 - (1 - CI) / 2,
                shape1 = o * Nbin + 0.5,
                shape2 = Nbin - o * Nbin + 0.5
              # replacing bounds for 0% or 100% values as described in the Wikipedia
              # article above
              if (o == 1) {
                upr <- 1
              if (o == 0) {
                lwr <- 0
            } else {
              lwr <- NA
              upr <- NA
          # remove points that have 0 observations of either sex
          lwr[pf == 0 & pm == 0] <- NA
          upr[pf == 0 & pm == 0] <- NA
        } else {
          o <- e <- se.ratio <- lwr <- upr <- effN <- Nsamp_adj <- NA
        df.list[[k]] <- data.frame(
          Yr = yr.temp, Bin = bin, Exp = e, Obs = o,
          lwr = lwr, upr = upr, effN = effN, Nsamp_adj = Nsamp_adj
        k <- k + 1

    df <- do.call(rbind, df.list)

    ## Calculate ranges of plots
    xrange <- range(df[["Bin"]], na.rm = TRUE)
    if (sexratio.option == 1) { # females:males
      if (nrow(df[!is.na(df[["se.ratio"]]), ]) == 0) {
        warning(paste("No SE of ratio found, defaulting to ymax of 4"))
        yrange <- c(0, 4)
      } else {
        yrange <- c(0, max(c(df[["Exp"]], df[["Obs"]] + 0 * df[["se.ratio"]]), na.rm = TRUE))
      if (!is.null(yupper)) yrange <- c(0, yupper)
    if (sexratio.option == 2) { # females:total
      yrange <- c(0, 1)
    if (ybuffer[1] == "default") {
      if (sexratio.option == 1) {
        ybuffer <- c(0, 0.15)
      if (sexratio.option == 2) {
        ybuffer <- c(0.15, 0.4)
    xrange_big <- xrange + c(-1, 1) * xbuffer * diff(xrange)
    yrange_big <- yrange + c(-1, 1) * ybuffer * diff(yrange)
    ## I replaced <number>/0 above with Inf so replace those and any points
    ## outside the region to be "x" on the top of the plot
    if (sexratio.option == 1) { # females:males
      which.toobig <- which(df[["Obs"]] > yrange_big[2])
      which.toosmall <- which(df[["Obs"]] == 0)
      df[["Obs"]][which.toobig] <- yrange_big[2]
      ## Use different pch for those that are truncated to the plot
      df[["pch2"]] <- 16
      df[["pch2"]][which.toobig] <- 4
      df[["pch2"]][which.toosmall] <- 4
    if (sexratio.option == 2) { # females:total
      df[["pch2"]] <- 16

    ## get axis labels
    yaxs_lab <- pretty(yrange)
    maxchar <- max(nchar(yaxs_lab))
    ## should y-axis label be horizontal?
    if (horiz_lab == "default") horiz_lab <- maxchar < 6
    if (is.null(axis1)) axis1 <- pretty(xrange)
    if (is.null(axis2)) axis2 <- pretty(yrange)

    ## create multifigure layout, set inner margins all to 0 and add outer margins
    ## old graphics parameter settings
    par_old <- par()
    on.exit(par(mfcol = par_old[["mfcol"]], mar = par_old[["mar"]], oma = par_old[["oma"]]))
    ## new settings
    par(mfcol = c(nrows, ncols), mar = rep(0, 4), oma = multifig_oma)
    panelrange <- 1:npanels
    if (npages > 1 & ipage != 0) {
      panelrange <- intersect(panelrange, 1:(nrows * ncols) + nrows * ncols * (ipage - 1))
    ## Loop through each panel (year) and make plot
    for (ipanel in panelrange) {
      yr_i <- yrvec[ipanel]
        type = "n", axes = FALSE, xlab = "", ylab = "", xlim = xrange_big,
        ylim = yrange_big, xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i"
      if (sexratio.option == 1) { # females:males
        abline(h = 1, col = "grey") # grey line at 0
      if (sexratio.option == 2) { # females:total
        abline(h = 0.5, col = "grey") # grey line at 0.5
        abline(h = c(0, 1), col = "grey", lty = 3) # grey line at 0.5
      df2 <- na.omit(df[df[["Yr"]] == yr_i, ])
      df2 <- df2[order(df2[["Bin"]]), ]
        x = df2[["Bin"]], y = df2[["Obs"]], ylim = yrange_big, xlim = xrange_big, pch = df2[["pch2"]],
        col = ptscol, cex = ptscex
      segments(x0 = df2[["Bin"]], y0 = df2[["lwr"]], y1 = df2[["upr"]], col = ptscol)

      # add model expectation (unless data-only plot is requested)
      if (!datonly) {
        lines(df2[["Bin"]], y = df2[["Exp"]], lwd = lwd, lty = lty, col = linescol)

      ## add legends
      usr <- par("usr") # get dimensions of panel
      for (i in 1:nlegends) {
        legtext_i <- legtext[[i]] # grab element of list
        if (legtext_i == "Yr") {
          text_i <- yr_i
        } else if (legtext_i == "effN" & nrow(df2) > 0 & showeffN) {
          ## all rows should be same so grab first
          text_i <- paste0("effN=", round(df2[["effN"]][1], sampsizeround))
        } else if (legtext_i == "N" & nrow(df2) > 0 & showsampsize) {
          # all rows should be same so grab first
          text_i <- paste0("N=", round(df2[["Nsamp_adj"]][1], sampsizeround))
        } else {
          text_i <- ""
        ## location of legend
        if (legx[1] == "default") {
          ## default is left side for first plot, right thereafter
          textx <- ifelse(i == 1, usr[1], usr[2])
        } else {
          textx <- legx[i]
        if (legy[1] == "default") {
          texty <- usr[4] # default is top for all plots
          texty2 <- usr[3] # default is bottom legends associated with males
        } else {
          texty <- legy[i]
          texty2 <- -legy[i] # this setting probably won't work too well
        if (legadjx[1] == "default") {
          ## default x-value is left side for first legend, right thereafter
          adjx <- ifelse(i == 1, -.1, 1.0)
        } else {
          adjx <- legadjx[i]
        if (legadjy[1] == "default") {
          ## default y-value is top for first 2 legends, below thereafter
          adjy <- ifelse(i < 3, 1.3, 1.3 + 1.3 * (i - 2))
        } else {
          adjy <- legadjy[i]
        ## add legend text
          x = textx, y = texty, labels = text_i, adj = c(adjx, adjy),
          cex = legsize[i], font = legfont[i]
      } # end of legend loop
      ## add axes in left and lower outer margins
      mfg <- par("mfg")
      ## axis on bottom panels and final panel
      if (mfg[1] == mfg[3] | ipanel == npanels) axis(side = 1, at = axis1)
      if (mfg[2] == 1) {
        ## axis on left side panels
        axis(side = 2, at = axis2, las = horiz_lab)
      box() # add box around panel
      ## if this is the first panel of a given page, then do a few things
      if (npanels == 1 | ipanel %% (nrows * ncols) == 1) {
        ## add title after plotting first panel on each page of panels
        fixcex <- 1 # compensates for automatic adjustment caused by par(mfcol)
        if (max(nrows, ncols) == 2) fixcex <- 1 / 0.83
        if (max(nrows, ncols) > 2) fixcex <- 1 / 0.66
        if (npanels > 1) {
          title(main = main, line = c(2, 0, 3, 3), outer = TRUE, cex.main = cex.main * fixcex)
          title(xlab = xlab, outer = TRUE, cex.lab = fixcex)
            ylab = ylab, line = ifelse(horiz_lab, max(3, 2 + .4 * maxchar), 3.5),
            outer = TRUE, cex.lab = fixcex
        } else {
          title(main = main, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, outer = TRUE, cex.main = cex.main)
      } # end of first panel checks
    } # end of loop through years
    ## return information on what was plotted
    return(list(npages = npages, npanels = npanels, ipage = ipage))
  } # end of function

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