Defines functions DODSGrab GetDODSModelRunInfo GetDODSModelRuns GetDODSDates

Documented in DODSGrab GetDODSDates GetDODSModelRunInfo GetDODSModelRuns

#use the GrADS-DODS capability of NOMADS to get ascii data

GetDODSDates <- function(abbrev, request.sleep = 1) {
    #Checks the GrADS data server to see what dates and model subsets are available for model specified by ABBREV.
    #    ABBREV - Model abbreviation
    #    REQUEST.SLEEP - Sometimes hammering the NOMADS server with a zillion HTTP requests is not a good idea.
    #    REQUEST.SLEEP pauses X seconds between requests to prevent timeouts.
    #    AVAILABLE.DATES - A list of model URLS and dates
    #        $ABBREV - Model abbreviation
    #        $DATE - Model run date, YYYYMMDD
    #        $URL - Model url

    date.pattern <- "[1-2]\\d{3}[0-1]\\d{1}[0-3]\\d{1}$"
    top.url <- unique(NOMADSRealTimeList("dods", abbrev)$url)
    if (httr::http_error(httr::GET(top.url))) {
       stop(paste0("The specified URL does not exist!  Make sure your model information is correct.  It is also possible the NOMADS server is down.\n",
          "Details:  Attempted to access ", top.url, " but did not succeed..."))

    top.links <-  LinkExtractor(top.url)

    #List entries in html.tmp, see if they are dates or not
    date.links.lind <- grepl(date.pattern, as.character(top.links))
    if(sum(date.links.lind) == 0) { #If there do not appear to be dates here, go down one more directory level
        urls.tmp <- c()
        for(k in seq(4, length(top.links) - 3)) {
               if(httr::http_error(httr::GET(top.links[k]))) { 
                   stop(paste0("The specified URL does not exist!  Make sure your model information is correct.  It is also possible the NOMADS server is down.\n",
                       "Details:  Attempted to access ", top.links[k], " but did not succeed..."))
            links.low <- LinkExtractor(top.links[k])
            urls.tmp <- append(urls.tmp, links.low[grepl(date.pattern, links.low)])
            if(request.sleep > 0) {
    } else {
        urls.tmp <- top.links[date.links.lind]

    return(list(model = abbrev, date = stringr::str_extract(urls.tmp, date.pattern), url = urls.tmp)) 

GetDODSModelRuns <- function(model.url) {
   #Given a URL of a certain model date, determine which model runs are available for that date.
   #This is useful to check to see if a certain model run is on the website before attempting to get information or data from it.
   #The model url probably comes from GetDODSDates.
   #    MODEL.URL - A URL pointing to the DODS model page for a certain date; get this URL from GetDODSDates.
   #    AVAILABLE.MODEL.RUNS - Which model runs are available for that date
   #        $MODEL.RUN - The model run
   #        $MODEL.RUN.INFO - Info about the model run, hence the name

      if(httr::http_error(httr::GET(model.url))) {
       stop(paste0("The specified URL does not exist!  Make sure your model information is correct.  It is also possible the NOMADS server is down.\n",
          "Details:  Attempted to access ", model.url, " but did not succeed..."))

   #html.tmp <- XML::htmlParse(RCurl::getURL(model.url))
   html.tmp <- XML::htmlParse(httr::content(httr::GET(model.url), "text"))
   model.runs <- XML::xpathSApply(html.tmp, '//b', XML::xmlValue) 
   html.txt <- readLines(model.url)

   model.run.str <- NULL
   model.info.str <- NULL
   for(k in seq_len(length(model.runs))) {
       model.run.tmp <-  paste0(stringr::str_extract_all(stringr::str_replace(model.runs[k], "^\\d+:", ""), "[a-zA-Z0-9_.]")[[1]], collapse = "")
       model.info.tmp <- stringr::str_replace(html.txt[grepl(paste0(model.run.tmp, ":"), html.txt)], "</b>&nbsp;", " ")
       model.run.str <- append(model.run.str, model.run.tmp)
       model.info.str <- append(model.info.str, model.info.tmp)

   return(list(model.run = model.run.str, model.run.info = model.info.str))

GetDODSModelRunInfo <- function(model.url, model.run, download.file = TRUE) {
   #Get description of the model run,  documentation (if present), longitude and latitude covered, time span, levels (if present), and variable list
   #    MODEL.URL is a URL pointing to a certain model date, probably from GetDODSDates.
   #    MODEL.RUN is a specified model run, probably from GetDODSModelRuns.
   #    DOWNLOAD.FILE - If TRUE, download the file and read it in rather than using the XML package to grab it directly.
   #    This prevents some https problems experienced by the XML package
   #    MODEL.PARAMETERS - List of variables and model coverage information

   info.url <- paste0(model.url, "/", model.run, ".info")

   if(httr::http_error(httr::GET(info.url))) {
       stop(paste0("The specified URL does not exist!  Make sure your model information is correct.  It is also possible the NOMADS server is down.\n",
          "Details:  Attempted to access ", info.url, " but did not succeed..."))
   if(download.file) {
       download.file(info.url, "dods.info")
       info.table <- XML::readHTMLTable("dods.info")[[2]] 
   } else {
       info.table <- XML::readHTMLTable(info.url)[[2]]
   info.arr <- cbind(

   info.arr[which(is.na(info.arr), arr.ind=TRUE)] <- ""
   #Get rid of bad characters
   model.info <- stringr::str_replace_all(apply(info.arr, 1, paste, collapse = " "), "\\N{LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX}", "")

DODSGrab <- function(model.url, model.run, variables, time, lon, lat, levels = NULL, ensembles = NULL, display.url = TRUE, verbose = FALSE, request.sleep = 1) {
   #Get data from DODS.  Note that this is slower than GribGrab but will work on all operating systems.
   #The output of this function will be the same as the output of ReadGrib in order to maintain consistency across rNOMADS.
   #    MODEL.URL is a URL pointing to a certain model date, probably from GetDODSDates. 
   #    MODEL.RUN is a specified model run, probably from GetDODSModelRuns.
   #    VARIABLES is a list of variables from the list returned by GetDODSModelRunInfo
   #    TIME is an **index list** of times per info from GetDODSModelRunInfo, "c(x,y)"
   #    LON is an **index list** of longitudes per info from GetDODSModelRunInfo "c(x,y)"
   #    LAT is an **index list** of latitudes per info from GetDODSModelRunInfo "c(x,y)"
   #    LEVELS is an **index list** of levels per info from GetDODSModelRunInfo "c(x,y)"
   #         if not NULL, try to request the variable at a certain level.  Will fail if the variable does not have associated levels.
   #    ENSEMBLE is an **index list** of ensembles runs to pull, if available
   #    DISPLAY.URL asks whether to display the URL request for debugging purposes.
   #        You can paste it into your browser to check to make sure things are working correctly
   #    VERBOSE gives a very talkative description of the download process
   #   REQUEST.SLEEP says how many seconds to pause between data requests to avoid server timeouts
   #    MODEL.DATA - the model as an array, with columns for the model run date (when the model was run)
   #       the forecast (when the model was for), the variable (what kind of data), the level (where in the atmosphere or the Earth, vertically)
   #       the longitude, the latitude, and the value of the variable.

   prev.digits <- options("digits")
   options("digits" = 8)

   model.data <- list(
       model.run.date = NULL,
       forecast.date  = NULL,
       variables      = NULL,
       levels         = NULL,
       ensembles       = NULL,
       lon            = NULL,
       lat            = NULL,
       value          = NULL,
       request.url    = NULL)
   for(variable in variables) { 
       preamble <- paste0(model.url, "/", model.run, ".ascii?", variable)
       time.str <- paste0("[", paste0(time, collapse = ":"), "]")
       l.ind <- !is.null(levels)
       if(l.ind) {
           level.str <- paste0("[", paste0(levels, collapse = ":"), "]")
       } else {
           level.str <- ""
       e.ind <- !is.null(ensembles)
       if(e.ind) {
           ensembles.str <- paste0("[", paste0(ensembles, collapse = ":"), "]")
       } else {
           ensembles.str <- ""

       lat.str <- paste0("[", paste0(lat, collapse = ":"), "]")
       lon.str <- paste0("[", paste0(lon, collapse = ":"), "]")
       data.url <- paste0(preamble, ensembles.str, time.str, level.str, lat.str, lon.str)  
       if(display.url) {
       #RCurl needs to be loaded for this to work I think
       #data.txt <- readLines(data.url)
       #data.txt.raw <- RCurl::getURL(data.url, .opts = list(verbose = verbose)) #Read in data
       data.txt.raw <- httr::content(httr::GET(data.url, )) #Read in data
       if(grepl("[eE][rR][rR][oO][rR]", data.txt.raw)) {
           warning(paste0("There may have been an error retrieving data from the NOMADS server.  HTML text is as follows\n", data.txt.raw
       data.txt <- unlist(strsplit(data.txt.raw, split = "\\n"))
       lats <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(data.txt[grep("^lat,", data.txt) + 1], split = ",")))
       lons <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(data.txt[grep("^lon,", data.txt) + 1], split = ",")))
       if(l.ind) {
           levels.out <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(data.txt[grep("^lev,", data.txt) + 1], split = ",")))
       if(e.ind) {
           ens.out <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(data.txt[grep("^ens,", data.txt) + 1], split = ",")))
           r.end <- grep("^ens,", data.txt)
       } else {
           r.end <- grep("^time,", data.txt)
       t.ind <- grep("^time,", data.txt)

       prev.digits <- options("digits")
       options("digits" = 15)
       num.times <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(data.txt[t.ind + 1], split = ",")))
       options("digits" = prev.digits$digits)
       times <- as.POSIXlt(as.Date(num.times - 2, origin = "1-1-1"), tz = "GMT") + 3600 * 24 * (num.times - floor(num.times))

       #Extract data values 
       val.dim <- unlist(stringr::str_extract_all(unlist(strsplit(data.txt[1], ","))[2], "\\d"))
       val.txt <- data.txt[2:(r.end - 1)]    
       val.txt <- val.txt[val.txt !=""] 
       val.txt <- stringr::str_replace_all(val.txt, "\\]\\[", ",")
       val.txt <- stringr::str_replace_all(val.txt, c("\\]|\\["), "")
       model.run.date <- paste0(stringr::str_extract(model.url, "[1-2]\\d{3}[0-1]\\d{1}[0-3]\\d{1}$"), model.run)
       row.num <- (as.numeric(val.dim[2]) + l.ind + e.ind) * length(val.txt)
       r.start <- 3 + l.ind + e.ind #What row to start at
       for(k in seq_len(length(val.txt))) {
           val.tmp <- sapply(strsplit(val.txt[k], split = ","), as.numeric)
           r.end <- length(val.tmp)
           get.rows <- r.end - r.start + 1
           model.data$model.run.date <- append(model.data$model.run.date, rep(model.run.date, get.rows))
           model.data$forecast.date  <- append(model.data$forecast.date, rep(times[val.tmp[1 + e.ind] + 1], get.rows))
           model.data$variables      <- append(model.data$variables, rep(variable, get.rows))
           if(l.ind) {
               model.data$levels <- append(model.data$levels, rep(levels.out[val.tmp[2 + e.ind] + 1], get.rows))
           if(e.ind) {
               model.data$ensembles <- append(model.data$ensembles, rep(ens.out[val.tmp[1] + 1], get.rows))
           model.data$lon            <- append(model.data$lon, lons) 
           model.data$lat            <- append(model.data$lat, rep(lats[val.tmp[2 + l.ind + e.ind] + 1], get.rows))
           model.data$value          <- append(model.data$value, val.tmp[r.start:r.end])
       if(!l.ind) {
           model.data$levels <- rep("Level not defined", length(model.data$value))
       if(!e.ind) {
           model.data$ensembles <- rep("Ensemble not defined", length(model.data$value))
       model.data$request.url <- append(model.data$request.url, data.url)
       if(length(variables) > 1) {

Try the rNOMADS package in your browser

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rNOMADS documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:44 a.m.