
Defines functions precision.inla_rspde rspde.metric_graph rspde.matern.precision.integer rspde.matern.precision.integer.opt rspde.matern.precision rspde.matern.precision.opt rspde.mesh.project.inla.mesh.1d rspde.mesh.project.rspde.mesh.projector rspde.mesh.project.inla.mesh rspde.mesh.projector rspde.mesh.project summary.rspde_result gg_df.rspde_result gg_df rspde.result select_repl_group rspde.make.index rspde.make.A spde.make.A restructure_matrices_less transpose_cgeneric rspde.matern

Documented in gg_df gg_df.rspde_result precision.inla_rspde rspde.make.A rspde.make.index rspde.matern rspde.matern.precision rspde.matern.precision.integer rspde.matern.precision.integer.opt rspde.matern.precision.opt rspde.mesh.project rspde.mesh.project.inla.mesh rspde.mesh.project.inla.mesh.1d rspde.mesh.projector rspde.mesh.project.rspde.mesh.projector rspde.metric_graph rspde.result spde.make.A summary.rspde_result

#' @name rspde.matern
#' @title Matern rSPDE model object for INLA
#' @description Creates an INLA object for a stationary Matern model with
#' general smoothness parameter.
#' @param mesh The mesh to build the model. It can be an `inla.mesh` or
#' an `inla.mesh.1d` object. Otherwise, should be a list containing elements d, the dimension, C, the mass matrix,
#' and G, the stiffness matrix.
#' @param nu.upper.bound Upper bound for the smoothness parameter.
#' @param rspde.order The order of the covariance-based rational SPDE approach.
#' @param nu If nu is set to a parameter, nu will be kept fixed and will not
#' be estimated. If nu is `NULL`, it will be estimated.
#' @param B.sigma Matrix with specification of log-linear model for \eqn{\sigma} (for 'matern' parameterization) or for \eqn{\sigma^2} (for 'matern2' parameterization). Will be used if `parameterization = 'matern'` or `parameterization = 'matern2'`. 
#' @param B.range Matrix with specification of log-linear model for \eqn{\rho}, which is a range-like parameter (it is exactly the range parameter in the stationary case). Will be used if `parameterization = 'matern'` or `parameterization = 'matern2'`.
#' @param parameterization Which parameterization to use? `matern` uses range, std. deviation and nu (smoothness). `spde` uses kappa, tau and nu (smoothness). `matern2` uses range-like (1/kappa), variance and nu (smoothness). The default is `spde`.
#' @param B.tau Matrix with specification of log-linear model for \eqn{\tau}. Will be used if `parameterization = 'spde'`.
#' @param B.kappa Matrix with specification of log-linear model for \eqn{\kappa}. Will be used if `parameterization = 'spde'`.
#' @param prior.kappa a `list` containing the elements `meanlog` and
#' `sdlog`, that is, the mean and standard deviation on the log scale.
#' @param prior.nu a list containing the elements `mean` and `prec`
#' for beta distribution, or `loglocation` and `logscale` for a
#' truncated lognormal distribution. `loglocation` stands for
#' the location parameter of the truncated lognormal distribution in the log
#' scale. `prec` stands for the precision of a beta distribution.
#' `logscale` stands for the scale of the truncated lognormal
#' distribution on the log scale. Check details below.
#' @param prior.tau a list containing the elements `meanlog` and
#' `sdlog`, that is, the mean and standard deviation on the log scale.
#' @param prior.range a `list` containing the elements `meanlog` and
#' `sdlog`, that is, the mean and standard deviation on the log scale. Will not be used if prior.kappa is non-null.
#' @param prior.std.dev a `list` containing the elements `meanlog` and
#' `sdlog`, that is, the mean and standard deviation on the log scale. Will not be used if prior.tau is non-null.
#' @param start.lkappa Starting value for log of kappa.
#' @param start.nu Starting value for nu.
#' @param start.theta Starting values for the model parameters. In the stationary case, if `parameterization='matern'`, then `theta[1]` is the std.dev and `theta[2]` is the range parameter.
#' If `parameterization = 'spde'`, then `theta[1]` is `tau` and `theta[2]` is `kappa`.
#' @param theta.prior.mean A vector for the mean priors of `theta`.
#' @param theta.prior.prec A precision matrix for the prior of `theta`.
#' @param prior.std.dev.nominal Prior std. deviation to be used for the priors and for the starting values.
#' @param prior.range.nominal Prior range to be used for the priors and for the starting values.
#' @param prior.kappa.mean Prior kappa to be used for the priors and for the starting values.
#' @param prior.tau.mean Prior tau to be used for the priors and for the starting values.
#' @param start.lstd.dev Starting value for log of std. deviation. Will not be used if start.ltau is non-null. Will be only used in the stationary case and if `parameterization = 'matern'`.
#' @param start.lrange Starting value for log of range. Will not be used if start.lkappa is non-null. Will be only used in the stationary case and if `parameterization = 'matern'`.
#' @param start.ltau Starting value for log of tau. Will be only used in the stationary case and if `parameterization = 'spde'`.
#' @param start.lkappa Starting value for log of kappa. Will be only used in the stationary case and if `parameterization = 'spde'`.
#' @param prior.theta.param Should the lognormal prior be on `theta` or on the SPDE parameters (`tau` and `kappa` on the stationary case)?
#' @param prior.nu.dist The distribution of the smoothness parameter.
#' The current options are "beta" or "lognormal". The default is "lognormal".
#' @param nu.prec.inc Amount to increase the precision in the beta prior
#' distribution. Check details below.
#' @param type.rational.approx Which type of rational approximation
#' should be used? The current types are "chebfun", "brasil" or "chebfunLB".
#' @param debug INLA debug argument
#' @param shared_lib Which shared lib to use for the cgeneric implementation? 
#' If "detect", it will check if the shared lib exists locally, in which case it will 
#' use it. Otherwise it will use INLA's shared library.
#' If "INLA", it will use the shared lib from INLA's installation. If 'rSPDE', then
#' it will use the local installation (does not work if your installation is from CRAN).
#' Otherwise, you can directly supply the path of the .so (or .dll) file.
#' @param ... Only being used internally.
#' @return An INLA model.
#' @export

rspde.matern <- function(mesh,
                         nu.upper.bound = 4, rspde.order = 2,
                         nu = NULL, 
                         B.sigma = matrix(c(0, 1, 0), 1, 3), 
                         B.range = matrix(c(0, 0, 1), 1, 3), 
                         parameterization = c("spde", "matern", "matern2"),
                         B.tau = matrix(c(0, 1, 0), 1, 3), 
                         B.kappa = matrix(c(0, 0, 1), 1, 3), 
                         start.nu = NULL,
                         start.theta = NULL,
                         prior.nu = NULL,
                         theta.prior.mean = NULL,
                         theta.prior.prec = 0.1,
                         prior.std.dev.nominal = 1, 
                         prior.range.nominal = NULL, 
                         prior.kappa.mean = NULL,
                         prior.tau.mean = NULL,
                         start.lstd.dev = NULL,
                         start.lrange = NULL,
                         start.ltau = NULL,
                         start.lkappa = NULL,
                         prior.theta.param = c("theta", "spde"),
                         prior.nu.dist = c("beta", "lognormal"),
                         nu.prec.inc = 1,
                         type.rational.approx = c("chebfun",
                         "brasil", "chebfunLB"),
                         debug = FALSE,
                         shared_lib = "detect",
                         ...) {
  type.rational.approx <- type.rational.approx[[1]]

  prior.theta.param <- prior.theta.param[[1]]

  if(!(prior.theta.param %in% c("theta", "spde"))){
    stop("theta.theta.param should be either 'theta' or 'spde'!")

  parameterization <- parameterization[[1]]

  prior.nu.dist <- prior.nu.dist[[1]]
  if (!prior.nu.dist %in% c("beta", "lognormal")) {
    stop("prior.nu.dist should be either 'beta' or 'lognormal'!")

  if (!parameterization %in% c("matern", "spde", "matern2")) {
    stop("parameterization should be either 'matern', 'spde' or 'matern2'!")

  if (!type.rational.approx %in% c("chebfun", "brasil", "chebfunLB")) {
    stop("type.rational.approx should be either 'chebfun', 'brasil' or 'chebfunLB'!")

  if (parameterization == "spde"){
      warning("B.range was passed, but will not be used since the parameterization is 'spde'.")
      warning("B.sigma was passed, but will not be used since the parameterization is 'spde'.")

      stop("B.kappa and B.tau must have the same number of columns.")

    tmp_B <- rbind(B.kappa, B.tau)
    tmp_B <- colSums(tmp_B^2)
    tmp_B <- tmp_B[-1]
    if(any(tmp_B == 0)){
      stop("The only column that is allowed to be zero simultaneously on B.kappa and B.tau is the first column.")

  if(parameterization %in% c("matern", "matern2")){
      warning("B.kappa was passed, but will not be used since the parameterization is NOT 'spde'.")      
      warning("B.tau was passed, but will not be used since the parameterization is NOT 'spde'.")      

      stop("B.sigma and B.range must have the same number of columns.")

    tmp_B <- rbind(B.sigma, B.range)
    tmp_B <- colSums(tmp_B^2)
    tmp_B <- tmp_B[-1]
    if(any(tmp_B == 0)){
      stop("The only column that is allowed to be zero simultaneously on B.sigma and B.range is the first column.")

  integer.nu <- FALSE

  stationary <- FALSE

  if(parameterization == "spde"){
    if(nrow(B.tau) == 1 && nrow(B.kappa) == 1){
      if(B.tau[1,1] == 0 && B.tau[1,2] == 1 && B.tau[1,3] == 0 &&
          B.kappa[1,1] == 0 && B.kappa[1,2] == 0 && B.kappa[1,3] == 1){
            stationary <- TRUE
  } else{
    if(nrow(B.sigma) == 1 && nrow(B.range) == 1){
      if(B.sigma[1,1] == 0 && B.sigma[1,2] == 1 && B.sigma[1,3] == 0 &&
          B.range[1,1] == 0 && B.range[1,2] == 0 && B.range[1,3] == 1){
            stationary <- TRUE

  if(inherits(mesh, c("inla.mesh", "inla.mesh.1d"))){
    d <- get_inla_mesh_dimension(mesh)
  } else if (!is.null(mesh$d)){
    d <- mesh$d
  } else{
    stop("The mesh object should either be an INLA mesh object or contain d, the dimension!")

  if (nu.upper.bound - floor(nu.upper.bound) == 0) {
    nu.upper.bound <- nu.upper.bound - 1e-5
  fixed_nu <- !is.null(nu)
  if (fixed_nu) {
    nu_order <- nu
    start.nu <- nu
  } else {
    nu_order <- nu.upper.bound

  beta <- nu_order / 2 + d / 4

  m_alpha <- floor(2 * beta)

  if (!is.null(nu)) {
    if (!is.numeric(nu)) {
      stop("nu must be numeric!")

  if (d == 1) {
    if (nu.upper.bound > 2) {
      warning("In dimension 1 you can have unstable results
      for nu.upper.bound > 2. Consider changing
      nu.upper.bound to 2 or 1.")

  if (fixed_nu) {
    alpha <- nu + d / 2
    integer_alpha <- (alpha %% 1 == 0)
      if(rspde.order > 0){
      n_m <- rspde.order
            mt <- get_rational_coefficients(rspde.order, type.rational.approx)
            r <- sapply(1:(n_m), function(i) {
            approx(mt$alpha, mt[[paste0("r", i)]], cut_decimals(2 * beta))$y
            p <- sapply(1:(n_m), function(i) {
            approx(mt$alpha, mt[[paste0("p", i)]], cut_decimals(2 * beta))$y
            k <- approx(mt$alpha, mt$k, cut_decimals(2 * beta))$y
  } else {
    integer_alpha <- FALSE
    if(rspde.order > 0){
      rational_table <- get_rational_coefficients(rspde.order, type.rational.approx)

  ### Location of object files

  rspde_lib <- shared_lib

  if(shared_lib == "INLA"){
    rspde_lib <- INLA::inla.external.lib('rSPDE')
  } else if(shared_lib == "rSPDE"){
    rspde_lib <- system.file('shared', package='rSPDE')
    if(Sys.info()['sysname']=='Windows') {
		rspde_lib <- paste0(rspde_lib, "/rspde_cgeneric_models.dll")
            } else {
		rspde_lib <- paste0(rspde_lib, "/rspde_cgeneric_models.so")
  } else if(shared_lib == "detect"){
    rspde_lib_local <- system.file('shared', package='rSPDE')
    if(Sys.info()['sysname']=='Windows') {
		rspde_lib_local <- paste0(rspde_lib_local, "/rspde_cgeneric_models.dll")
            } else {
		rspde_lib_local <- paste0(rspde_lib_local, "/rspde_cgeneric_models.so")
      rspde_lib <- rspde_lib_local
    } else{
      rspde_lib <- INLA::inla.external.lib('rSPDE')


# Prior nu

  if (is.null(prior.nu$loglocation)) {
    prior.nu$loglocation <- log(min(1, nu.upper.bound / 2))

  if (is.null(prior.nu[["mean"]])) {
    prior.nu[["mean"]] <- min(1, nu.upper.bound / 2)

  if (is.null(prior.nu$prec)) {
    mu_temp <- prior.nu[["mean"]] / nu.upper.bound
    prior.nu$prec <- max(1 / mu_temp, 1 / (1 - mu_temp)) + nu.prec.inc

  if (is.null(prior.nu[["logscale"]])) {
    prior.nu[["logscale"]] <- 1

  # Start nu

  if (is.null(start.nu)) {
    if (prior.nu.dist == "beta") {
      start.nu <- prior.nu[["mean"]]
    } else if (prior.nu.dist == "lognormal") {
      start.nu <- exp(prior.nu[["loglocation"]])
    } else {
      stop("prior.nu.dist should be either beta or lognormal!")
  } else if (start.nu > nu.upper.bound || start.nu < 0) {
    stop("start.nu should be a number between 0 and nu.upper.bound!")

  # Prior kappa and prior range

  if(!inherits(mesh, "metric_graph")){
    param <- get_parameters_rSPDE(mesh, 2 * beta, 
                      start.nu + d/2,
  } else{
    tmp_function <- function(vec_param){
    param <- tmp_function(...)

      start.theta <- param$theta.prior.mean

    theta.prior.mean <- param$theta.prior.mean
    theta.prior.prec <- param$theta.prior.prec

    B.tau <- param$B.tau
    B.kappa <- param$B.kappa

  # Starting values
      if(parameterization == "spde"){
          if (!is.null(start.lkappa)) {
            start.theta[2] <- start.lkappa
          if (!is.null(start.ltau)) {
            start.theta[1] <- start.ltau
      } else if(parameterization == "matern"){
            start.theta[2] <- start.lrange
            start.theta[1] <- start.lstd.dev
      } else if(parameterization == "matern2"){
            start.theta[2] <- start.lrange
            start.theta[1] <- 2*start.lstd.dev


    if(inherits(mesh, c("inla.mesh", "inla.mesh.1d"))){
      if (integer_alpha) {
        integer.nu <- TRUE
        if (d == 1) {
          fem_mesh <- fem_mesh_order_1d(mesh, m_order = m_alpha + 1)
        } else {
          # fem_mesh <- INLA::inla.mesh.fem(mesh, order = m_alpha)
          # fem_mesh <- fmesher::fm_fem(mesh, order = m_alpha)
          fem_mesh <- fm_fem(mesh, order = m_alpha)
      } else {
        if (d == 1) {
          fem_mesh <- fem_mesh_order_1d(mesh, m_order = m_alpha + 2)
        } else {
          # fem_mesh <- INLA::inla.mesh.fem(mesh, order = m_alpha + 1)
          # fem_mesh <- fmesher::fm_fem(mesh, order = m_alpha + 1)
          fem_mesh <- fm_fem(mesh, order = m_alpha + 1)
    } else{
      if(is.null(mesh$C) || is.null(mesh$G)){
        stop("If mesh is not an inla.mesh object, you should manually supply a list with elements c0, g1, g2...")
      fem_mesh <- generic_fem_mesh_order(mesh, m_order = m_alpha + 2)

    n_cgeneric <- ncol(fem_mesh[["c0"]])

    fem_mesh_orig <- fem_mesh

    fem_mesh <- fem_mesh[setdiff(names(fem_mesh),c("ta","va"))]

    fem_mesh <- lapply(fem_mesh, transpose_cgeneric)

    if (integer_alpha) {
      result_sparsity <- analyze_sparsity_rspde(
        nu.upper.bound = nu_order, dim = d,
        rspde.order = rspde.order,
        fem_mesh_matrices = fem_mesh,
        include_higher_order = FALSE
    } else if(rspde.order > 0) {
        result_sparsity <- analyze_sparsity_rspde(
          nu.upper.bound = nu_order, dim = d,
          rspde.order = rspde.order,
          fem_mesh_matrices = fem_mesh
      positions_matrices <- result_sparsity$positions_matrices
    } else{
            result_sparsity <- analyze_sparsity_rspde(
          nu.upper.bound = nu_order, dim = d,
          rspde.order = rspde.order,
          fem_mesh_matrices = fem_mesh, 
          include_lower_order = FALSE
      positions_matrices <- result_sparsity$positions_matrices

    idx_matrices <- result_sparsity$idx_matrices

    if(rspde.order > 0 || integer_alpha){
      positions_matrices_less <- result_sparsity$positions_matrices_less

    # if (integer_alpha) {
    if(rspde.order > 0 || integer_alpha){  
    n_tmp <- length(
        fem_mesh[[paste0("g", m_alpha)]]@x[idx_matrices[[m_alpha + 1]]]

    tmp <-
    rep(0, n_tmp)
    tmp[positions_matrices_less[[1]]] <-
    matrices_less <- tmp

    if(m_alpha > 1){
      tmp <-
      rep(0, n_tmp)
      tmp[positions_matrices_less[[2]]] <-
      matrices_less <- c(matrices_less, tmp)

    if (m_alpha > 2) {
    for (j in 2:(m_alpha - 1)) {
        tmp <-
        rep(0, n_tmp)
        tmp[positions_matrices_less[[j + 1]]] <-
        fem_mesh[[paste0("g", j)]]@x[idx_matrices[[j + 1]]]
        matrices_less <- c(matrices_less, tmp)

    tmp <- fem_mesh[[paste0("g", m_alpha)]]@x[idx_matrices[[m_alpha + 1]]]

    matrices_less <- c(matrices_less, tmp)
    # }

    if (!integer_alpha) {
      if (m_alpha == 0) {
        n_tmp <- length(fem_mesh$g1@x)
        tmp <-
        rep(0, n_tmp)
        tmp[positions_matrices[[1]]] <-
        matrices_full <- tmp
        matrices_full <- c(matrices_full, fem_mesh$g1@x)
      } else if (m_alpha > 0) {

        n_tmp <- length(
            fem_mesh[[paste0("g", m_alpha + 1)]]@x[idx_matrices[[m_alpha + 2]]]

        tmp <- 
        rep(0, n_tmp)
        tmp[positions_matrices[[1]]] <-
        matrices_full <- tmp
        tmp <-
        rep(0, n_tmp)
        tmp[positions_matrices[[2]]] <-

        matrices_full <- c(matrices_full, tmp)

      if (m_alpha > 1) {
        for (j in 2:(m_alpha)) {
          tmp <-
          rep(0, n_tmp)
          tmp[positions_matrices[[j + 1]]] <-
          fem_mesh[[paste0("g", j)]]@x[idx_matrices[[j + 1]]]
          matrices_full <- c(matrices_full, tmp)

        tmp <-
        fem_mesh[[paste0("g", m_alpha + 1)]]@x[idx_matrices[[m_alpha + 2]]]
        matrices_full <- c(matrices_full, tmp)

  if (!fixed_nu) {

    if(rspde.order == 0){

      # fem_mesh has already been transposed
        graph_opt <-  fem_mesh[[paste0("g", m_alpha + 1)]]

  model <- do.call(eval(parse(text='INLA::inla.cgeneric.define')),
            n=as.integer(n_cgeneric), debug=debug,
            d = as.double(d),
            nu.upper.bound = nu.upper.bound,
            matrices_full = as.double(matrices_full),
            graph_opt_i = graph_opt@i,
            graph_opt_j = graph_opt@j,
            theta.prior.mean = theta.prior.mean,
            theta.prior.prec = theta.prior.prec,
            prior.nu.loglocation = prior.nu$loglocation,
            prior.nu.mean = prior.nu$mean,
            prior.nu.prec = prior.nu$prec,
            prior.nu.logscale = prior.nu$logscale,
            start.theta = start.theta,
            start.nu = start.nu,
            prior.nu.dist = prior.nu.dist,
            parameterization = parameterization,
            prior.theta.param = prior.theta.param))

    } else{
          graph_opt <- get.sparsity.graph.rspde(
        fem_mesh_matrices = fem_mesh_orig, dim = d,
        nu = nu.upper.bound,
        rspde.order = rspde.order,
        force_non_integer = TRUE

    graph_opt <- transpose_cgeneric(graph_opt) 

    # matrices_less <- restructure_matrices_less(matrices_less, m_alpha)
    # matrices_full <- restructure_matrices_full(matrices_full, m_alpha)

    model <- do.call(eval(parse(text='INLA::inla.cgeneric.define')),
            n=as.integer(n_cgeneric)*(rspde.order+1), debug=debug,
            d = as.double(d),
            nu.upper.bound = nu.upper.bound,
            matrices_less = as.double(matrices_less),
            matrices_full = as.double(matrices_full),
            rational_table = as.matrix(rational_table),
            graph_opt_i = graph_opt@i,
            graph_opt_j = graph_opt@j,
            start.theta = start.theta,
            theta.prior.mean = theta.prior.mean,
            theta.prior.prec = theta.prior.prec,
            prior.nu.loglocation = prior.nu$loglocation,
            prior.nu.mean = prior.nu$mean,
            prior.nu.prec = prior.nu$prec,
            prior.nu.logscale = prior.nu$logscale,
            start.nu = start.nu,
            rspde.order = as.integer(rspde.order),
            prior.nu.dist = prior.nu.dist,
            parameterization = parameterization,
            prior.theta.param = prior.theta.param))
    model$cgeneric_type <- "general"
  } else if (!integer_alpha) {

      if(rspde.order == 0){
        graph_opt <- fem_mesh[[paste0("g", m_alpha + 1)]]

        model <- do.call(eval(parse(text='INLA::inla.cgeneric.define')),
            n=as.integer(n_cgeneric), debug=debug,
            d = as.double(d),
            nu = nu,
            matrices_full = as.double(matrices_full),
            graph_opt_i = graph_opt@i,
            graph_opt_j = graph_opt@j,
            theta.prior.mean = theta.prior.mean,
            theta.prior.prec = theta.prior.prec,
            start.theta = start.theta,
            parameterization = parameterization,
            prior.theta.param = prior.theta.param))

      } else{

      graph_opt <- get.sparsity.graph.rspde(
        fem_mesh_matrices = fem_mesh_orig, dim = d,
        nu = nu,
        rspde.order = rspde.order,
        force_non_integer = TRUE

    graph_opt <- transpose_cgeneric(graph_opt) 

    # matrices_less <- restructure_matrices_less(matrices_less, m_alpha)
    # matrices_full <- restructure_matrices_full(matrices_full, m_alpha)

    model <- do.call(eval(parse(text='INLA::inla.cgeneric.define')),
            n=as.integer(n_cgeneric)*(rspde.order+1), debug=debug,
            nu = nu,
            matrices_less = as.double(matrices_less),
            matrices_full = as.double(matrices_full),
            r_ratapprox = as.vector(r),
            p_ratapprox = as.vector(p),
            k_ratapprox = k,
            graph_opt_i = graph_opt@i,
            graph_opt_j = graph_opt@j,
            theta.prior.mean = theta.prior.mean,
            theta.prior.prec = theta.prior.prec,
            start.theta = start.theta,
            rspde.order = as.integer(rspde.order),
            parameterization = parameterization,
            d = as.integer(d),
            prior.theta.param = prior.theta.param))
    model$cgeneric_type <- "frac_alpha"
  } else {
      graph_opt <- get.sparsity.graph.rspde(
        fem_mesh_matrices = fem_mesh_orig, dim = d,
        nu = nu,
        rspde.order = rspde.order
      graph_opt <- transpose_cgeneric(graph_opt) 

    # matrices_less <- restructure_matrices_less(matrices_less, m_alpha)

    model <- do.call(eval(parse(text='INLA::inla.cgeneric.define')),
            n=as.integer(n_cgeneric), debug=debug,
            matrices_less = as.double(matrices_less),
            m_alpha = as.integer(m_alpha),
            graph_opt_i = graph_opt@i,
            graph_opt_j = graph_opt@j,
            theta.prior.mean = theta.prior.mean,
            theta.prior.prec = theta.prior.prec,
            start.theta = start.theta,
            nu = nu,
            parameterization = parameterization,
            prior.theta.param = prior.theta.param
    model$cgeneric_type <- "int_alpha"

  } else {

    if(inherits(mesh, c("inla.mesh", "inla.mesh.1d"))){
      if (integer_alpha) {
        integer.nu <- TRUE
        if (d == 1) {
          fem_mesh <- fem_mesh_order_1d(mesh, m_order = m_alpha + 1)
        } else {
          # fem_mesh <- INLA::inla.mesh.fem(mesh, order = m_alpha)
          # fem_mesh <- fmesher::fm_fem(mesh, order = m_alpha)
          fem_mesh <- fm_fem(mesh, order = m_alpha)
      } else {
        if (d == 1) {
          fem_mesh <- fem_mesh_order_1d(mesh, m_order = m_alpha + 2)
        } else {
          # fem_mesh <- INLA::inla.mesh.fem(mesh, order = m_alpha + 1)
          # fem_mesh <- fmesher::fm_fem(mesh, order = m_alpha + 1)
          fem_mesh <- fm_fem(mesh, order = m_alpha + 1)
    } else{
      if(is.null(mesh$C) || is.null(mesh$G)){
        stop("If mesh is not an inla.mesh object, you should manually supply a list with elements c0, g1, g2...")
      fem_mesh <- generic_fem_mesh_order(mesh, m_order = m_alpha + 2)

    fem_mesh_orig <- fem_mesh

    C <- fem_mesh[["c0"]]
    G <- fem_mesh[["g1"]]

    n_cgeneric <- ncol(fem_mesh[["c0"]])

    if (!fixed_nu) {

    if(rspde.order == 0){
      warning("The order cannot be zero for nonstationary models! The order was changed to 1.")
      rspde.order <- 1

        graph_opt <- get.sparsity.graph.rspde(
        fem_mesh_matrices = fem_mesh, dim = d,
        nu = nu.upper.bound,
        rspde.order = rspde.order,
        force_non_integer = TRUE)

        matern_par_tmp <- as.integer(!(parameterization == "spde"))
        matern_par_tmp <- matern_par_tmp + as.integer(parameterization == "matern2")

    graph_opt <- transpose_cgeneric(graph_opt) 

        model <- do.call(eval(parse(text='INLA::inla.cgeneric.define')),
            n=as.integer(n_cgeneric)*(rspde.order+1), debug=debug,
            d = as.double(d),
            nu_upper_bound = nu.upper.bound,
            rational_table = as.matrix(rational_table),
            graph_opt_i = graph_opt@i,
            graph_opt_j = graph_opt@j,
            C = C,
            G = G,
            B_tau = B.tau,
            B_kappa = B.kappa,
            prior.nu.loglocation = prior.nu$loglocation,
            prior.nu.logscale = prior.nu$logscale,
            prior.nu.mean = prior.nu$mean,
            prior.nu.prec = prior.nu$prec,
            start.nu = start.nu,
            rspde_order = as.integer(rspde.order),
            prior.nu.dist = prior.nu.dist,
            start.theta = start.theta,
            theta.prior.mean = param$theta.prior.mean,
            theta.prior.prec = param$theta.prior.prec,
            matern_par = matern_par_tmp,
            prior.theta.param = prior.theta.param
    model$cgeneric_type <- "general"
    } else if (!integer_alpha) {
      if(rspde.order == 0){
          warning("The order cannot be zero for nonstationary models! The order was changed to 1.")
          rspde.order <- 1

        graph_opt <- get.sparsity.graph.rspde(
        fem_mesh_matrices = fem_mesh, dim = d,
        nu = nu,
        rspde.order = rspde.order,
        force_non_integer = TRUE

    graph_opt <- transpose_cgeneric(graph_opt) 

    model <- do.call(eval(parse(text='INLA::inla.cgeneric.define')),
            n=as.integer(n_cgeneric)*(rspde.order+1), debug=debug,
            d = as.double(d),
            r_ratapprox = as.vector(r),
            p_ratapprox = as.vector(p),
            k_ratapprox = k,
            nu = nu,
            graph_opt_i = graph_opt@i,
            graph_opt_j = graph_opt@j,
            C = C,
            G = G,
            B_tau = B.tau,
            B_kappa = B.kappa,
            rspde_order = as.integer(rspde.order),
            start.theta = start.theta,
            theta.prior.mean = param$theta.prior.mean,
            theta.prior.prec = param$theta.prior.prec,
            prior.theta.param = prior.theta.param
    model$cgeneric_type <- "frac_alpha"

    } else{

        graph_opt <- get.sparsity.graph.rspde(
        fem_mesh_matrices = fem_mesh, dim = d,
        nu = nu,
        rspde.order = rspde.order
      graph_opt <- transpose_cgeneric(graph_opt) 

    model <- do.call(eval(parse(text='INLA::inla.cgeneric.define')),
            n=as.integer(n_cgeneric), debug=debug,
            graph_opt_i = graph_opt@i,
            graph_opt_j = graph_opt@j,
            alpha = as.integer(alpha),
            C = C,
            G = G,
            B_tau = B.tau,
            B_kappa = B.kappa,
            start.theta = start.theta,
            theta.prior.mean = param$theta.prior.mean,
            theta.prior.prec = param$theta.prior.prec,
            prior.theta.param = prior.theta.param
    model$cgeneric_type <- "int_alpha"



  model$nu <- nu
  model$theta.prior.mean <- theta.prior.mean
  model$prior.nu <- prior.nu
  model$theta.prior.prec <- theta.prior.prec
  model$start.nu <- start.nu
  model$integer.nu <- ifelse(fixed_nu, integer_alpha, FALSE)
  model$start.theta <- start.theta
  model$stationary <- stationary
  if (integer.nu) {
    rspde.order <- 0
  model$rspde.order <- rspde.order
  class(model) <- c("inla_rspde", class(model))
  model$dim <- d
  model$est_nu <- !fixed_nu
  model$n.spde <- mesh$n
  model$nu.upper.bound <- nu.upper.bound
  model$prior.nu.dist <- prior.nu.dist
  model$debug <- debug
  model$type.rational.approx <- type.rational.approx
  model$mesh <- mesh
  model$fem_mesh <- fem_mesh_orig
  model$parameterization <- parameterization

#' @noRd 

transpose_cgeneric <- function(Cmatrix){
    Cmatrix <- INLA::inla.as.sparse(Cmatrix)
    # Cmatrix <- as(Cmatrix, "TsparseMatrix")
    ii <- Cmatrix@i
    Cmatrix@i <- Cmatrix@j
    Cmatrix@j <- ii
    idx <- which(Cmatrix@i <= Cmatrix@j)
    Cmatrix@i <- Cmatrix@i[idx]
    Cmatrix@j <- Cmatrix@j[idx]
    Cmatrix@x <- Cmatrix@x[idx]

#' @noRd 

restructure_matrices_less <- function(matrices_less, m_alpha){
  n_temp <- length(matrices_less)
  temp_vec <- numeric(n_temp)
  N_temp <- n_temp/(m_alpha+1)
  for(i in 1:N_temp){
    for(j in 1:(m_alpha+1)){
      temp_vec[(m_alpha+1)*(i-1) + j] <- matrices_less[(j-1) * N_temp + i]

#' @name spde.make.A
#' @title Observation/prediction matrices for rSPDE models with integer smoothness.
#' @description Constructs observation/prediction weight matrices
#' for rSPDE models with integer smoothness based on `inla.mesh` or
#' `inla.mesh.1d` objects.
#' @param mesh An `inla.mesh`,
#' an `inla.mesh.1d` object or a `metric_graph` object.
#' @param loc Locations, needed if an INLA mesh is provided
#' @param A The A matrix from the standard SPDE approach, such as the matrix
#' returned by `inla.spde.make.A`. Should only be provided if
#' `mesh` is not provided.
#' @param index For each observation/prediction value, an index into loc. Default is seq_len(nrow(A.loc)).
#' @param group For each observation/prediction value, an index into
#' the group model.
#' @param repl For each observation/prediction value, the replicate index.
#' @param n.group The size of the group model.
#' @param n.repl The total number of replicates.
#' @return The \eqn{A} matrix for rSPDE models.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{ #tryCatch version
#' tryCatch({
#' if (requireNamespace("fmesher", quietly = TRUE)){
#' library(fmesher)
#' set.seed(123)
#' loc <- matrix(runif(100 * 2) * 100, 100, 2)
#' mesh <- fm_mesh_2d(
#'   loc = loc,
#'   cutoff = 50,
#'   max.edge = c(50, 500)
#' )
#' A <- spde.make.A(mesh, loc = loc)
#' }
#' #stable.tryCatch
#' }, error = function(e){print("Could not run the example")})
#' }
spde.make.A <- function(mesh = NULL,
                         loc = NULL,
                         A = NULL,
                         index = NULL,
                         group = NULL,
                         repl = 1L,
                         n.group = NULL,
                         n.repl = NULL) {
  if (!is.null(mesh)) {
    cond1 <- inherits(mesh, "inla.mesh.1d")
    cond2 <- inherits(mesh, "inla.mesh")
    cond3 <- inherits(mesh, "metric_graph")
    stopifnot(cond1 || cond2 || cond3)
    if(cond1 || cond2){
      dim <- get_inla_mesh_dimension(mesh)  
    } else if(cond3){
      dim <- 1
  } else if (is.null(dim)) {
    stop("If mesh is not provided, then you should provide the dimension d!")
  if (!is.null(mesh)) {
    if (is.null(loc) && !inherits(mesh, "metric_graph")) {
      stop("If you provided mesh, you should also provide the locations, loc.")

  if (!is.null(mesh)) {
    if(cond1 || cond2){
      # A <- fmesher::fm_basis(
      #   x = mesh, loc = loc, repl = repl)

      A <- fm_basis(
        x = mesh, loc = loc, repl = repl)

          A <- A[index,]

          A <- kronecker(Matrix::Diagonal(n.group), A)
        } else{
            group <- 1L
          # blk_grp <- fmesher::fm_block(group)
          # A <- fmesher::fm_row_kron(Matrix::t(blk_grp), A)
          blk_grp <- fm_block(group)
          A <- fm_row_kron(Matrix::t(blk_grp), A)

          A <- kronecker(Matrix::Diagonal(n.repl), A)
        } else{
          # blk_rep <- fmesher::fm_block(repl)
          # A <- fmesher::fm_row_kron(Matrix::t(blk_rep), A)
          blk_rep <- fm_block(repl)
          A <- fm_row_kron(Matrix::t(blk_rep), A)

    } else if(cond3){
        stop("The graph object should contain a mesh!")
      if(!is.null(group) || !is.null(n.group)){
        stop("Groups are still not implemented for metric graphs.")
          A <- kronecker(Matrix::Diagonal(n.repl), mesh$fem_basis(mesh$get_PtE()))
        } else{
          A <- kronecker(Matrix::Diagonal(n.repl), mesh$fem_basis(loc))
      } else if(!is.null(index)){

          if(min(repl)!= 1){
            stop("The indexes of the replicates should begin at 1!")
            stop("The indexes of the replicates should be integers!")

          loc_PtE <- mesh$get_PtE()
        } else{
          loc_PtE <- loc

        if(max(repl) == 1){
          A <- mesh$fem_basis(loc_PtE[index,])
        } else{
          stopifnot(length(index) == length(repl))

            stop("The indexes of the replicates should increase by steps of size 1!")

          total_repl <- max(repl)
          index_tmp <- index[repl==1]
          A <- mesh$fem_basis(loc_PtE[index_tmp,])
          for(i in 2:total_repl){
            index_tmp <- index[repl==i]
            A_tmp <- mesh$fem_basis(loc_PtE[index_tmp,])
            A <- bdiag(A, A_tmp)
          if(any(diff(repl)) < 0){
            col_indexes <- 1:ncol(A)
            new_col_indexes <- col_indexes[repl==1]
            for(i in 2:total_repl){
              new_col_indexes <- c(new_col_indexes, col_indexes[repl==i])
            A <- A[,new_col_indexes]
      } else if(length(repl)>1){
        stop("When using replicates, you should provide index!")
      } else{
          A <- mesh$fem_basis(mesh$get_PtE())
        } else{
          A <- mesh$fem_basis(loc)
  } else if (is.null(A)) {
    stop("If mesh is not provided, then you should provide the A matrix from
         the standard SPDE approach!")

  attr(A, "inla_rspde_Amatrix") <- TRUE
  attr(A, "integer_nu") <- TRUE

#' @name rspde.make.A
#' @title Observation/prediction matrices for rSPDE models.
#' @description Constructs observation/prediction weight matrices
#' for rSPDE models based on `inla.mesh` or
#' `inla.mesh.1d` objects.
#' @param mesh An `inla.mesh`,
#' an `inla.mesh.1d` object or a `metric_graph` object.
#' @param loc Locations, needed if an INLA mesh is provided
#' @param A The A matrix from the standard SPDE approach, such as the matrix
#' returned by `inla.spde.make.A`. Should only be provided if
#' `mesh` is not provided.
#' @param dim the dimension. Should only be provided if an
#' `mesh` is not provided.
#' @param rspde.order The order of the covariance-based rational SPDE approach.
#' @param nu If `NULL`, then the model will assume that nu will
#' be estimated. If nu is fixed, you should provide the value of nu.
#' @param index For each observation/prediction value, an index into loc. Default is seq_len(nrow(A.loc)).
#' @param group For each observation/prediction value, an index into
#' the group model.
#' @param repl For each observation/prediction value, the replicate index.
#' @param n.group The size of the group model.
#' @param n.repl The total number of replicates.
#' @return The \eqn{A} matrix for rSPDE models.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{ #tryCatch version
#' tryCatch({
#' if (requireNamespace("INLA", quietly = TRUE)){
#' library(INLA)
#' set.seed(123)
#' loc <- matrix(runif(100 * 2) * 100, 100, 2)
#' mesh <- inla.mesh.2d(
#'   loc = loc,
#'   cutoff = 50,
#'   max.edge = c(50, 500)
#' )
#' A <- rspde.make.A(mesh, loc = loc, rspde.order = 3)
#' }
#' #stable.tryCatch
#' }, error = function(e){print("Could not run the example")})
#' }
rspde.make.A <- function(mesh = NULL,
                         loc = NULL,
                         A = NULL,
                         dim = NULL,
                         rspde.order = 2, nu = NULL,
                         index = NULL,
                         group = NULL,
                         repl = 1L,
                         n.group = NULL,
                         n.repl = NULL) {
  if (!is.null(mesh)) {
    cond1 <- inherits(mesh, "inla.mesh.1d")
    cond2 <- inherits(mesh, "inla.mesh")
    cond3 <- inherits(mesh, "metric_graph")
    stopifnot(cond1 || cond2 || cond3)
    if(cond1 || cond2){
      dim <- get_inla_mesh_dimension(mesh)  
    } else if(cond3){
      dim <- 1
  } else if (is.null(dim)) {
    stop("If mesh is not provided, then you should provide the dimension d!")
  if (!is.null(mesh)) {
    if (is.null(loc) && !inherits(mesh, "metric_graph")) {
      stop("If you provided mesh, you should also provide the locations, loc.")

  if (!is.null(mesh)) {
    if(cond1 || cond2){
      # A <- fmesher::fm_basis(
      #   x = mesh, loc = loc, repl = repl)
      A <- fm_basis(
        x = mesh, loc = loc)

          A <- A[index,]

          A <- kronecker(Matrix::Diagonal(n.group), A)
        } else{
            group <- 1L
          # blk_grp <- fmesher::fm_block(group)
          # A <- fmesher::fm_row_kron(Matrix::t(blk_grp), A)
          blk_grp <- fm_block(group)
          A <- fm_row_kron(Matrix::t(blk_grp), A)

          A <- kronecker(Matrix::Diagonal(n.repl), A)
        } else{
          # blk_rep <- fmesher::fm_block(repl)
          # A <- fmesher::fm_row_kron(Matrix::t(blk_rep), A)
          blk_rep <- fm_block(repl)
          A <- fm_row_kron(Matrix::t(blk_rep), A)

    } else if(cond3){
        stop("The graph object should contain a mesh!")

          A <- mesh$fem_basis(mesh$get_PtE())
        } else{
          A <- mesh$fem_basis(loc)

          A <- A[index,]

          A <- kronecker(Matrix::Diagonal(n.group), A)
        } else{
            group <- 1L
          blk_grp <- fm_block(group)
          A <- fm_row_kron(Matrix::t(blk_grp), A)

          A <- kronecker(Matrix::Diagonal(n.repl), A)
        } else{
          blk_rep <- fm_block(repl)
          A <- fm_row_kron(Matrix::t(blk_rep), A)
  } else if (is.null(A)) {
    stop("If mesh is not provided, then you should provide the A matrix from
         the standard SPDE approach!")

  if (!is.null(nu)) {
    if (!is.numeric(nu)) {
      stop("nu must be numeric!")

  fixed_nu <- !is.null(nu)
  if (fixed_nu) {
    alpha <- nu + dim / 2
    integer_alpha <- (alpha %% 1 == 0)
    if (integer_alpha) {
      Abar <- A
      integer_nu <- TRUE
    } else {
    if(rspde.order > 0){
      Abar <- kronecker(matrix(1, 1, rspde.order + 1), A)
    } else{
      Abar <- A
      integer_nu <- FALSE
  } else {
    if(rspde.order > 0){
      Abar <- kronecker(matrix(1, 1, rspde.order + 1), A)
    } else{
      Abar <- A
    integer_nu <- FALSE

  if (integer_nu) {
    rspde.order <- 0

  attr(Abar, "inla_rspde_Amatrix") <- TRUE
  attr(Abar, "rspde.order") <- rspde.order
  attr(Abar, "integer_nu") <- integer_nu

#' @name rspde.make.index
#' @title rSPDE model index vector generation
#' @description Generates a list of named index vectors for an rSPDE model.
#' @param name A character string with the base name of the effect.
#' @param mesh An `inla.mesh`,
#' an `inla.mesh.1d` object or a `metric_graph` object.
#' @param rspde.order The order of the rational approximation
#' @param nu If `NULL`, then the model will assume that nu will
#' be estimated. If nu is fixed, you should provide the value of nu.
#' @param n.spde The number of basis functions in the mesh model.
#' @param n.group The size of the group model.
#' @param n.repl The total number of replicates.
#' @param dim the dimension of the domain. Should only be provided if
#' `mesh` is not provided.
#' @return A list of named index vectors.
#' \item{name}{Indices into the vector of latent variables}
#' \item{name.group}{'group' indices}
#' \item{name.repl}{Indices for replicates}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{ #tryCatch version
#' tryCatch({
#' if (requireNamespace("INLA", quietly = TRUE)){
#' library(INLA)
#' set.seed(123)
#' m <- 100
#' loc_2d_mesh <- matrix(runif(m * 2), m, 2)
#' mesh_2d <- inla.mesh.2d(
#'   loc = loc_2d_mesh,
#'   cutoff = 0.05,
#'   max.edge = c(0.1, 0.5)
#' )
#' sigma <- 1
#' range <- 0.2
#' nu <- 0.8
#' kappa <- sqrt(8 * nu) / range
#' op <- matern.operators(
#'   mesh = mesh_2d, nu = nu,
#'   range = range, sigma = sigma, m = 2,
#'   parameterization = "matern"
#' )
#' u <- simulate(op)
#' A <- inla.spde.make.A(
#'   mesh = mesh_2d,
#'   loc = loc_2d_mesh
#' )
#' sigma.e <- 0.1
#' y <- A %*% u + rnorm(m) * sigma.e
#' Abar <- rspde.make.A(mesh = mesh_2d, loc = loc_2d_mesh)
#' mesh.index <- rspde.make.index(name = "field", mesh = mesh_2d)
#' st.dat <- inla.stack(
#'   data = list(y = as.vector(y)),
#'   A = Abar,
#'   effects = mesh.index
#' )
#' rspde_model <- rspde.matern(
#'   mesh = mesh_2d,
#'   nu.upper.bound = 2
#' )
#' f <- y ~ -1 + f(field, model = rspde_model)
#' rspde_fit <- inla(f,
#'   data = inla.stack.data(st.dat),
#'   family = "gaussian",
#'   control.predictor =
#'     list(A = inla.stack.A(st.dat))
#' )
#' result <- rspde.result(rspde_fit, "field", rspde_model)
#' summary(result)
#' }
#' #stable.tryCatch
#' }, error = function(e){print("Could not run the example")})
#' }
rspde.make.index <- function(name, n.spde = NULL, n.group = 1,
                             n.repl = 1, mesh = NULL,
                             rspde.order = 2, nu = NULL, dim = NULL) {
  if (is.null(n.spde) && is.null(mesh)) {
    stop("You should provide either n.spde or mesh!")

  if (!is.null(mesh)) {
    cond1 <- inherits(mesh, "inla.mesh.1d")
    cond2 <- inherits(mesh, "inla.mesh")
    cond3 <- inherits(mesh, "metric_graph")
    stopifnot(cond1 || cond2 || cond3)
    if(cond1 || cond2){
      n_mesh <- mesh$n
      dim <- get_inla_mesh_dimension(mesh)
    } else if(cond3){
      dim <- 1
      # n_mesh <- nrow(mesh$mesh$VtE)
      n_mesh <- nrow(mesh$mesh$VtE)
  } else {
    n_mesh <- n.spde
    if (is.null(dim)) {
      stop("You should provide the dimension d!")

  name.group <- paste(name, ".group", sep = "")
  name.repl <- paste(name, ".repl", sep = "")

  if (!is.null(nu)) {
    if (!is.numeric(nu)) {
      stop("nu must be numeric!")

  fixed_nu <- !is.null(nu)

  if (fixed_nu) {
    alpha <- nu + dim / 2
    integer_alpha <- (alpha %% 1 == 0)

    if (integer_alpha) {
      factor_rspde <- 1
      integer_nu <- TRUE
    } else {
      if(rspde.order > 0){
        factor_rspde <- rspde.order + 1
      } else{
        factor_rspde <- 1
      integer_nu <- FALSE
  } else {
      if(rspde.order > 0){
        factor_rspde <- rspde.order + 1
      } else{
        factor_rspde <- 1
    integer_nu <- FALSE

  out <- list()
  out[[name]] <- as.vector(sapply(1:factor_rspde, function(i) {
    rep(rep(((i - 1) * n_mesh + 1):(i * n_mesh), times = n.group),
    times = n.repl)
  out[[name.group]] <- rep(rep(rep(1:n.group, each = n_mesh),
  times = n.repl), times = factor_rspde)
  out[[name.repl]] <- rep(rep(1:n.repl, each = n_mesh * n.group),
  times = factor_rspde)
  class(out) <- c("inla_rspde_index", class(out))
  if (integer_nu) {
    rspde.order <- 0
  attr(out, "rspde.order") <- rspde.order
  attr(out, "integer_nu") <- integer_nu
  attr(out, "n.mesh") <- n_mesh
  attr(out, "name") <- name
  attr(out, "n.group") <- n.group
  attr(out, "n.repl") <- n.repl

#' Data extraction from metric graphs for 'rSPDE' models
#' Extracts data from metric graphs to be used by 'INLA' and 'inlabru'.
#' @param graph_rspde An `inla_metric_graph_spde` object built with the
#' `rspde.metric_graph()` function.
#' @param name A character string with the base name of the effect.
#' @param repl Which replicates? If there is no replicates, one
#' can set `repl` to `NULL`. If one wants all replicates,
#' then one sets to `repl` to `.all`.
#' @param group Which groups? If there is no groups, one
#' can set `group` to `NULL`. If one wants all groups,
#' then one sets to `group` to `.all`.
#' @param group_col Which "column" of the data contains the group variable?
#' @param only_pred Should only return the `data.frame` to the prediction data?
#' @param loc  Locations. If not given, they will be chosen as the available locations on the metric graph internal dataset.
#' @param loc_name Character with the name of the location variable to be used in
#' 'inlabru' prediction.
#' @param tibble Should the data be returned as a `tidyr::tibble`?
#' @param drop_na Should the rows with at least one NA for one of the columns be removed? DEFAULT is `FALSE`. This option is turned to `FALSE` if `only_pred` is `TRUE`.
#' @param drop_all_na Should the rows with all variables being NA be removed? DEFAULT is `TRUE`. This option is turned to `FALSE` if `only_pred` is `TRUE`.
#' @return An 'INLA' and 'inlabru' friendly list with the data.
#' @export

graph_data_rspde <- function (graph_rspde, name = "field", repl = NULL, group = NULL, 
                                group_col = NULL,
                                only_pred = FALSE,
                                loc = NULL,
                                loc_name = NULL,
                                tibble = FALSE,
                                drop_na = FALSE, drop_all_na = TRUE){

  ret <- list()

  rspde.order <- graph_rspde$rspde.order

  nu <- graph_rspde$nu

  graph_tmp <- graph_rspde$mesh$clone()
    stop("The graph has no data!")
    idx_anyNA <- !idx_not_any_NA(graph_tmp$.__enclos_env__$private$data)
    graph_tmp$.__enclos_env__$private$data <- lapply(graph_tmp$.__enclos_env__$private$data, function(dat){return(dat[idx_anyNA])})
    drop_na <- FALSE
    drop_all_na <- FALSE

    groups <- graph_tmp$.__enclos_env__$private$data[[".group"]]
    repl <- groups[1]
  } else if(repl[1] == ".all") {
    groups <- graph_tmp$.__enclos_env__$private$data[[".group"]]
    repl <- unique(groups)

   ret[["data"]] <- select_repl_group(graph_tmp$.__enclos_env__$private$data, repl = repl, group = group, group_col = group_col)   

   repl_vec <- ret[["data"]][[".group"]]
    group_vec <- ret[["data"]][[group_col]]
    group <- unique(group_vec)
   } else{
    group_vec <- rep(1, length(ret[["data"]][[".group"]]))
    group <- 1

  n.repl <- length(unique(repl))

    n.group <- 1
  } else if (group[1] == ".all"){
    n.group <- length(unique(graph_tmp$.__enclos_env__$private$data[[group_col]]))
  } else{
    n.group <- length(unique(group))

    ret[["data"]] <-tidyr::as_tibble(ret[["data"]])

    is_tbl <- inherits(ret, "tbl_df")
      idx_temp <- idx_not_all_NA(ret[["data"]])
      ret[["data"]] <- lapply(ret[["data"]], function(dat){dat[idx_temp]}) 
        ret[["data"]] <- tidyr::as_tibble(ret[["data"]])
    if(!inherits(ret[["data"]], "tbl_df")){
      idx_temp <- idx_not_any_NA(ret[["data"]])
      ret[["data"]] <- lapply(ret[["data"]], function(dat){dat[idx_temp]})
    } else{
      ret[["data"]] <- tidyr::drop_na(ret[["data"]])
      ret[["data"]][[loc_name]] <- cbind(ret[["data"]][[".edge_number"]],

  if(!inherits(ret[["data"]], "metric_graph_data")){
    class(ret[["data"]]) <- c("metric_graph_data", class(ret))

  ret[["index"]] <- rspde.make.index(mesh = graph_tmp, n.group = n.group, n.repl = n.repl, nu = nu, dim = 1, rspde.order = rspde.order, name = name)

  ret[["repl"]] <- ret[["data"]][[".group"]]

    group_vec <- ret[["data"]][[group_col]]
    group <- unique(group_vec)
   } else{
    group_vec <- rep(1, length(ret[["data"]][[".group"]]))
    group <- 1

  repl_vec <- ret[["repl"]]   

  n_obs <- sum(ret[["data"]][[".group"]] == ret[["data"]][[".group"]][1])

  # index_basis <- rep(rep(1:n_obs, times = n.group), 
  #           times = n.repl)

  ret[["basis"]] <- Matrix::Matrix(nrow=0,ncol=0)       

  loc_basis <- cbind(ret[["data"]][[".edge_number"]], ret[["data"]][[".distance_on_edge"]])     
  # We assume the data is ordered by group, then repl. This will be handled by the advanced grouping we are implementing

  for(repl_ in repl){
    idx_rep <- (repl_vec == repl_)
    for(group_ in group){
      idx_grp <- (group_vec == group_)
      idx_grp_rep <- as.logical(idx_grp * idx_rep)
      ret[["basis"]] <- Matrix::bdiag(ret[["basis"]], graph_tmp$fem_basis(loc_basis[idx_grp_rep,]))

    ret[["basis"]] <- kronecker(matrix(1, 1, rspde.order + 1), 

#' Extraction of vector of replicates for 'INLA'
#' Extracts the vector of replicates from an 'rSPDE'
#' model object for 'INLA'
#' @param graph_spde An `rspde_metric_graph` object built with the
#' `rspde.metric_graph()` function from the 'rSPDE' package.
#' @param repl Which replicates? If there is no replicates, one
#' can set `repl` to `NULL`. If one wants all replicates,
#' then one sets to `repl` to `.all`.
#' @param group Which groups? If there is no groups, one
#' can set `group` to `NULL`. If one wants all groups,
#' then one sets to `group` to `.all`.
#' @param group_col Which "column" of the data contains the group variable?
#' @return The vector of replicates paired with groups.
#' @noRd

graph_repl_rspde <- function (graph_spde, repl = NULL, group = NULL, group_col = NULL){
  # graph_tmp <- graph_spde$graph_spde$clone()
    # groups <- graph_tmp$data[[".group"]]
    groups <- graph_spde$graph_spde$.__enclos_env__$private$data[[".group"]]
    repl <- groups[1] 
  } else if(repl[1] == ".all") {
    # ret <- graph_tmp$data
    groups <- graph_spde$graph_spde$.__enclos_env__$private$data[[".group"]]
    repl <- unique(groups)

  ret <- select_repl_group(graph_spde$graph_spde$.__enclos_env__$private$data, repl = repl, group = group, group_col = group_col)    

#' Select replicate and group
#' @noRd
select_repl_group <- function(data_list, repl, group, group_col){
    if(!is.null(group) && is.null(group_col)){
      stop("If you specify group, you need to specify group_col!")
      grp <- data_list[[group_col]]
      grp <- which(grp %in% group)
      data_result <- lapply(data_list, function(dat){dat[grp]})
      replicates <- data_result[[".group"]]
      replicates <- which(replicates %in% repl)
      data_result <- lapply(data_result, function(dat){dat[replicates]})
    } else{
      replicates <- data_list[[".group"]]
      replicates <- which(replicates %in% repl)
      data_result <- lapply(data_list, function(dat){dat[replicates]})

#' Creation of index vector for 'INLA'
#' Creates the vector of indexes from an 'rSPDE'
#' model object for 'INLA'
#' @param graph_spde An `rspde_metric_graph` object built with the
#' `rspde.metric_graph()` function from the 'rSPDE' package.
#' @param n.repl The total number of replicates.
#' @param n.group The size of the group model.
#' @return The vector of indexes.
#' @noRd

graph_index_rspde <- function (graph_spde, n.repl = 1, n.group = 1){
        n_obs <- nrow(graph_spde$mesh$get_PtE())
        rep(rep(1:n_obs, times = n.group), 
            times = n.repl)

#' @name rspde.result
#' @title rSPDE result extraction from INLA estimation results
#' @description Extract field and parameter values and distributions
#' for an rspde effect from an inla result object.
#' @param inla An `inla` object obtained from a call to
#' `inla()`.
#' @param name A character string with the name of the rSPDE effect
#' in the inla formula.
#' @param rspde The `inla_rspde` object used for the effect in
#' the inla formula.
#' @param compute.summary Should the summary be computed?
#' @param parameterization If 'detect', the parameterization from the model will be used. Otherwise, the options are 'spde', 'matern' and 'matern2'.
#' @param n_samples The number of samples to be used if parameterization is different from the one used to fit the model.
#' @param n_density The number of equally spaced points to estimate the density.
#' @return If the model was fitted with `matern` parameterization (the default), it returns a list containing:
#' \item{marginals.range}{Marginal densities for the range parameter}
#' \item{marginals.log.range}{Marginal densities for log(range)}
#' \item{marginals.std.dev}{Marginal densities for std. deviation}
#' \item{marginals.log.std.dev}{Marginal densities for log(std. deviation)}
#' \item{marginals.values}{Marginal densities for the field values}
#' \item{summary.log.range}{Summary statistics for log(range)}
#' \item{summary.log.std.dev}{Summary statistics for log(std. deviation)}
#' \item{summary.values}{Summary statistics for the field values}
#' If `compute.summary` is `TRUE`, then the list will also contain
#' \item{summary.kappa}{Summary statistics for kappa}
#' \item{summary.tau}{Summary statistics for tau}
#' If the model was fitted with the `spde` parameterization, it returns a list containing:
#' \item{marginals.kappa}{Marginal densities for kappa}
#' \item{marginals.log.kappa}{Marginal densities for log(kappa)}
#' \item{marginals.log.tau}{Marginal densities for log(tau)}
#' \item{marginals.tau}{Marginal densities for tau}
#' \item{marginals.values}{Marginal densities for the field values}
#' \item{summary.log.kappa}{Summary statistics for log(kappa)}
#' \item{summary.log.tau}{Summary statistics for log(tau)}
#' \item{summary.values}{Summary statistics for the field values}
#' If `compute.summary` is `TRUE`, then the list will also contain
#' \item{summary.kappa}{Summary statistics for kappa}
#' \item{summary.tau}{Summary statistics for tau}
#' For both cases, if nu was estimated, then the list will also contain
#' \item{marginals.nu}{Marginal densities for nu}
#' If nu was estimated and a beta prior was used, then the list will
#' also contain
#' \item{marginals.logit.nu}{Marginal densities for logit(nu)}
#' \item{summary.logit.nu}{Marginal densities for logit(nu)}
#' If nu was estimated and a truncated lognormal prior was used,
#' then the list will also contain
#' \item{marginals.log.nu}{Marginal densities for log(nu)}
#' \item{summary.log.nu}{Marginal densities for log(nu)}
#' If nu was estimated and `compute.summary` is `TRUE`,
#' then the list will also contain
#' \item{summary.nu}{Summary statistics for nu}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{ #tryCatch version
#' tryCatch({
#' if (requireNamespace("INLA", quietly = TRUE)){
#' library(INLA)
#' set.seed(123)
#' m <- 100
#' loc_2d_mesh <- matrix(runif(m * 2), m, 2)
#' mesh_2d <- inla.mesh.2d(
#'   loc = loc_2d_mesh,
#'   cutoff = 0.05,
#'   max.edge = c(0.1, 0.5)
#' )
#' sigma <- 1
#' range <- 0.2
#' nu <- 0.8
#' kappa <- sqrt(8 * nu) / range
#' op <- matern.operators(
#'   mesh = mesh_2d, nu = nu,
#'   range = range, sigma = sigma, m = 2,
#'   parameterization = "matern"
#' )
#' u <- simulate(op)
#' A <- inla.spde.make.A(
#'   mesh = mesh_2d,
#'   loc = loc_2d_mesh
#' )
#' sigma.e <- 0.1
#' y <- A %*% u + rnorm(m) * sigma.e
#' Abar <- rspde.make.A(mesh = mesh_2d, loc = loc_2d_mesh)
#' mesh.index <- rspde.make.index(name = "field", mesh = mesh_2d)
#' st.dat <- inla.stack(
#'   data = list(y = as.vector(y)),
#'   A = Abar,
#'   effects = mesh.index
#' )
#' rspde_model <- rspde.matern(
#'   mesh = mesh_2d,
#'   nu.upper.bound = 2
#' )
#' f <- y ~ -1 + f(field, model = rspde_model)
#' rspde_fit <- inla(f,
#'   data = inla.stack.data(st.dat),
#'   family = "gaussian",
#'   control.predictor =
#'     list(A = inla.stack.A(st.dat))
#' )
#' result <- rspde.result(rspde_fit, "field", rspde_model)
#' summary(result)
#' }
#' #stable.tryCatch
#' }, error = function(e){print("Could not run the example")})
#' }
rspde.result <- function(inla, name, rspde, compute.summary = TRUE, parameterization = "detect", n_samples = 5000, n_density = 1024) {

  stationary <- rspde$stationary

  parameterization <- parameterization[[1]]
  parameterization <- tolower(parameterization)

  if(!(parameterization %in% c("detect", "spde", "matern", "matern2"))){
    stop("The possible options for parameterization are 'detect', 'spde', 'matern' and 'matern2'.")

  nu.upper.bound <- rspde$nu.upper.bound
  result <- list()

  par_model <- rspde$parameterization

  if(parameterization == "detect"){
    parameterization <- rspde$parameterization

          if (!rspde$est_nu) {
              if(parameterization == "spde"){
                row_names <- c("tau", "kappa")
              } else if (parameterization == "matern") {
                row_names <- c("std.dev", "range")
              } else if (parameterization == "matern2") {
                row_names <- c("var", "r")
            } else {
              if(parameterization == "spde"){
                row_names <- c("tau", "kappa", "nu")
              } else if (parameterization == "matern") {
                row_names <- c("std.dev", "range", "nu")
              } else if (parameterization == "matern2") {
                row_names <- c("var", "r", "nu")

            result$summary.values <- inla$summary.random[[name]]

            if (!is.null(inla$marginals.random[[name]])) {
              result$marginals.values <- inla$marginals.random[[name]]

            if(parameterization == "spde"){
              name_theta1 <- "tau"
              name_theta2 <- "kappa"
              } else if (parameterization == "matern") {
              name_theta1 <- "std.dev"
              name_theta2 <- "range"
              } else if (parameterization == "matern2") {
              name_theta1 <- "var"
              name_theta2 <- "r"

            if(par_model == "spde"){
              name_theta1_model <- "tau"
              name_theta2_model <- "kappa"
              } else if (par_model == "matern") {
              name_theta1_model <- "std.dev"
              name_theta2_model <- "range"
              } else if (par_model == "matern2") {
              name_theta1_model <- "var"
              name_theta2_model <- "r"

            result[[paste0("summary.log.",name_theta1_model)]] <- INLA::inla.extract.el(
              paste("Theta1 for ", name, "$", sep = "")
            rownames(  result[[paste0("summary.log.",name_theta1_model)]]) <- paste0("log(",name_theta1_model,")")

            result[[paste0("summary.log.",name_theta2_model)]] <- INLA::inla.extract.el(
              paste("Theta2 for ", name, "$", sep = "")
            rownames(result[[paste0("summary.log.",name_theta2_model)]]) <- paste0("log(", name_theta2_model,")")
            if (rspde$est_nu) {
              result$summary.logit.nu <- INLA::inla.extract.el(
                paste("Theta3 for ", name, "$", sep = "")
              rownames(result$summary.logit.nu) <- "logit(nu)"

            if (!is.null(inla$marginals.hyperpar[[paste0("Theta1 for ", name)]])) {
              result[[paste0("marginals.log.",name_theta1_model)]] <- INLA::inla.extract.el(
                paste("Theta1 for ", name, "$", sep = "")
              names(result[[paste0("marginals.log.",name_theta1_model)]]) <- name_theta1_model
              result[[paste0("marginals.log.",name_theta2_model)]] <- INLA::inla.extract.el(
                paste("Theta2 for ", name, "$", sep = "")
              names(result[[paste0("marginals.log.",name_theta2_model)]]) <- name_theta2_model

              if (rspde$est_nu) {
                result$marginals.logit.nu <- INLA::inla.extract.el(
                  paste("Theta3 for ", name, "$", sep = "")
                names(result$marginals.logit.nu) <- "nu"

              if(par_model == parameterization){
                        result[[paste0("marginals.",name_theta1)]] <- lapply(
                          function(x) {
                              function(y) exp(y),
                        result[[paste0("marginals.",name_theta2)]] <- lapply(
                          function(x) {
                              function(y) exp(y),
                        if (rspde$est_nu) {
                          result$marginals.nu <- lapply(
                            function(x) {
                                function(y) {
                                  nu.upper.bound * exp(y) / (1 + exp(y))
              } else{
                if(par_model == "spde"){
                        dim <- rspde$dim
                        hyperpar_sample <- INLA::inla.hyperpar.sample(n_samples, inla)
                        if (rspde$est_nu) {
                          nu_est <- rspde$nu.upper.bound * exp(hyperpar_sample[, paste0('Theta3 for ',name)])/(1+exp(hyperpar_sample[, paste0('Theta3 for ',name)]))
                        } else{
                          nu_est <- rspde[["nu"]]
                        tau_est <- exp(hyperpar_sample[, paste0('Theta1 for ',name)])
                        kappa_est <- exp(hyperpar_sample[, paste0('Theta2 for ',name)])

                        sigma_est <- sqrt(gamma(0.5) / (tau_est^2 * kappa_est^(2 * nu_est) *
                                (4 * pi)^(dim / 2) * gamma(nu_est + dim / 2)))

                        if(parameterization == "matern"){
                              range_est <- sqrt(8 * nu_est)/kappa_est
                              density_theta1 <- stats::density(sigma_est, n = n_density)
                              density_theta2 <- stats::density(range_est, n = n_density)            
                        } else if (parameterization == "matern2"){
                              var_est <- sigma_est^2
                              r_est <- 1/kappa_est
                              density_theta1 <- stats::density(var_est, n = n_density)
                              density_theta2 <- stats::density(r_est, n = n_density)

                              result[[paste0("marginals.",name_theta1)]] <- list()
                              result[[paste0("marginals.",name_theta1)]][[name_theta1]] <- cbind(density_theta1$x, density_theta1$y)
                              colnames(result[[paste0("marginals.",name_theta1)]][[name_theta1]]) <- c("x","y")

                              result[[paste0("marginals.",name_theta2)]] <- list()
                              result[[paste0("marginals.",name_theta2)]][[name_theta2]] <- cbind(density_theta2$x, density_theta2$y)
                              colnames(result[[paste0("marginals.",name_theta2)]][[name_theta2]]) <- c("x","y")    
                } else if(par_model == "matern"){
                        hyperpar_sample <- INLA::inla.hyperpar.sample(n_samples, inla)
                       dim <- rspde$dim
                        if (rspde$est_nu) {
                          nu_est <- rspde$nu.upper.bound * exp(hyperpar_sample[, paste0('Theta3 for ',name)])/(1+exp(hyperpar_sample[, paste0('Theta3 for ',name)]))
                        } else{
                          nu_est <- rspde[["nu"]]
                        sigma_est <- exp(hyperpar_sample[, paste0('Theta1 for ',name)])
                        range_est <- exp(hyperpar_sample[, paste0('Theta2 for ',name)])

                        kappa_est <- sqrt(8 * nu_est)/range_est

                        if(parameterization == "spde"){
                              tau_est <- sqrt(gamma(0.5) / (sigma_est^2 * kappa_est^(2 * nu_est) *
                                (4 * pi)^(dim / 2) * gamma(nu_est + dim / 2)))
                              density_theta1 <- stats::density(tau_est, n = n_density)
                              density_theta2 <- stats::density(kappa_est, n = n_density)              
                        } else if (parameterization == "matern2"){
                              var_est <- sigma_est^2
                              r_est <- 1/kappa_est
                              density_theta1 <- stats::density(var_est, n = n_density)
                              density_theta2 <- stats::density(r_est, n = n_density)

                              result[[paste0("marginals.",name_theta1)]] <- list()
                              result[[paste0("marginals.",name_theta1)]][[name_theta1]] <- cbind(density_theta1$x, density_theta1$y)
                              colnames(result[[paste0("marginals.",name_theta1)]][[name_theta1]]) <- c("x","y")

                              result[[paste0("marginals.",name_theta2)]] <- list()
                              result[[paste0("marginals.",name_theta2)]][[name_theta2]] <- cbind(density_theta2$x, density_theta2$y)
                              colnames(result[[paste0("marginals.",name_theta2)]][[name_theta2]]) <- c("x","y")    
                } else if(par_model == "matern2"){
                        hyperpar_sample <- INLA::inla.hyperpar.sample(n_samples, inla)
                       dim <- rspde$dim
                        if (rspde$est_nu) {
                          nu_est <- rspde$nu.upper.bound * exp(hyperpar_sample[, paste0('Theta3 for ',name)])/(1+exp(hyperpar_sample[, paste0('Theta3 for ',name)]))
                        } else{
                          nu_est <- rspde[["nu"]]
                        var_est <- exp(hyperpar_sample[, paste0('Theta1 for ',name)])
                        r_est <- exp(hyperpar_sample[, paste0('Theta2 for ',name)])

                        kappa_est <- 1/r_est
                        sigma_est <- sqrt(var_est)

                        if(parameterization == "spde"){
                              tau_est <- sqrt(gamma(0.5) / (sigma_est^2 * kappa_est^(2 * nu_est) *
                                (4 * pi)^(dim / 2) * gamma(nu_est + dim / 2)))
                              density_theta1 <- stats::density(tau_est, n = n_density)
                              density_theta2 <- stats::density(kappa_est, n = n_density)              
                        } else if (parameterization == "matern"){
                              range_est <- sqrt(8 * nu_est)/kappa_est
                              density_theta1 <- stats::density(sigma_est, n = n_density)
                              density_theta2 <- stats::density(range_est, n = n_density)

                              result[[paste0("marginals.",name_theta1)]] <- list()
                              result[[paste0("marginals.",name_theta1)]][[name_theta1]] <- cbind(density_theta1$x, density_theta1$y)
                              colnames(result[[paste0("marginals.",name_theta1)]][[name_theta1]]) <- c("x","y")

                              result[[paste0("marginals.",name_theta2)]] <- list()
                              result[[paste0("marginals.",name_theta2)]][[name_theta2]] <- cbind(density_theta2$x, density_theta2$y)
                              colnames(result[[paste0("marginals.",name_theta2)]][[name_theta2]]) <- c("x","y")   

                        if (rspde$est_nu) {
                          result$marginals.nu <- lapply(
                            function(x) {
                                function(y) {
                                  nu.upper.bound * exp(y) / (1 + exp(y))



            if (compute.summary) {
              norm_const <- function(density_df) {
                min_x <- min(density_df[, "x"])
                max_x <- max(density_df[, "x"])
                denstemp <- function(x) {
                  dens <- sapply(x, function(z) {
                    if (z < min_x) {
                    } else if (z > max_x) {
                    } else {
                      return(approx(x = density_df[, "x"],
                      y = density_df[, "y"], xout = z)$y)
                norm_const <- stats::integrate(
                  f = function(z) {
                  }, lower = min_x, upper = max_x,
                  subdivisions = nrow(density_df),
                  stop.on.error = FALSE

              norm_const_theta1 <- norm_const(result[[paste0("marginals.",name_theta1)]][[name_theta1]])
              result[[paste0("marginals.",name_theta1)]][[name_theta1]][, "y"] <-
              result[[paste0("marginals.",name_theta1)]][[name_theta1]][, "y"] / norm_const_theta1

              norm_const_theta2 <- norm_const(result[[paste0("marginals.",name_theta2)]][[name_theta2]])
              result[[paste0("marginals.",name_theta2)]][[name_theta2]][, "y"] <-
              result[[paste0("marginals.",name_theta2)]][[name_theta2]][, "y"] / norm_const_theta2

              result[[paste0("summary.",name_theta1)]] <- create_summary_from_density(result[[paste0("marginals.",name_theta1)]][[name_theta1]],
              name = name_theta1)

              result[[paste0("summary.",name_theta2)]] <-
              create_summary_from_density(result[[paste0("marginals.",name_theta2)]][[name_theta2]], name = name_theta2)

              if (rspde$est_nu) {
                norm_const_nu <- norm_const(result$marginals.nu$nu)
                result$marginals.nu$nu[, "y"] <-
                result$marginals.nu$nu[, "y"] / norm_const_nu

                result$summary.nu <- create_summary_from_density(result$marginals.nu$nu,
                name = "nu")
    } else{
      n_par <- length(rspde$start.theta)

      if (!rspde$est_nu) {
        if(parameterization == "spde"){
                row_names <- sapply(1:n_par, function(i){paste0("Theta",i,".spde")})
         } else if(parameterization == "matern"){
                row_names <- sapply(1:n_par, function(i){paste0("Theta",i,".matern")})
         } else if(parameterization == "matern2"){
                row_names <- sapply(1:n_par, function(i){paste0("Theta",i,".matern2")})
      } else {
       if(parameterization == "spde"){
              row_names <- sapply(1:n_par, function(i){paste0("Theta",i,".spde")})
              row_names <- c(row_names, "nu")
         } else if(parameterization == "matern"){
               row_names <- sapply(1:n_par, function(i){paste0("Theta",i,".matern")})
               row_names <- c(row_names, "nu")
         } else if(parameterization == "matern2"){
               row_names <- sapply(1:n_par, function(i){paste0("Theta",i,".matern2")})
               row_names <- c(row_names, "nu")

       for(i in 1:n_par){
          result[[paste0("summary.",row_names[i])]] <- INLA::inla.extract.el(
              paste0("Theta",i," for ", name, "$", sep = "")
            rownames(  result[[paste0("summary.",row_names[i])]]) <- row_names[i]

            if (rspde$est_nu) {
              result$summary.logit.nu <- INLA::inla.extract.el(
                paste0("Theta",n_par+1," for ", name, "$", sep = "")
              rownames(result$summary.logit.nu) <- "logit(nu)"

       for(i in 1:n_par){
            if (!is.null(inla$marginals.hyperpar[[paste0("Theta",i," for ", name)]])) {
              result[[paste0("marginals.",row_names[i])]] <- INLA::inla.extract.el(
                paste0("Theta",i," for ", name, "$", sep = "")
              names(result[[paste0("marginals.",row_names[i])]]) <- row_names[i]

              if (rspde$est_nu) {
                result$marginals.logit.nu <- INLA::inla.extract.el(
                  paste0("Theta",n_par+1," for ", name, "$", sep = "")
                names(result$marginals.logit.nu) <- "nu"

                result$marginals.nu <- lapply(
                  function(x) {
                      function(y) {
                        nu.upper.bound * exp(y) / (1 + exp(y))

            if (compute.summary) {
              norm_const <- function(density_df) {
                min_x <- min(density_df[, "x"])
                max_x <- max(density_df[, "x"])
                denstemp <- function(x) {
                  dens <- sapply(x, function(z) {
                    if (z < min_x) {
                    } else if (z > max_x) {
                    } else {
                      return(approx(x = density_df[, "x"],
                      y = density_df[, "y"], xout = z)$y)
                norm_const <- stats::integrate(
                  f = function(z) {
                  }, lower = min_x, upper = max_x,
                  stop.on.error = FALSE

              if (rspde$est_nu) {
                norm_const_nu <- norm_const(result$marginals.nu$nu)
                result$marginals.nu$nu[, "y"] <-
                result$marginals.nu$nu[, "y"] / norm_const_nu

                result$summary.nu <- create_summary_from_density(result$marginals.nu$nu,
                name = "nu")


  result$n_par <- length(rspde$start.theta)

  class(result) <- "rspde_result"
  result$stationary <- stationary
  result$parameterization <- parameterization
    result$params <- c(name_theta1,name_theta2)
    result$params <- c(result$params, "nu")
  } else {
    result$params <- row_names


#' @name gg_df
#' @title Data frame for result objects from R-INLA fitted models to be used in ggplot2
#' @param result a result object for which the data frame is desired
#' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @return A data frame containing the posterior densities.
#' @rdname gg_df
#' @export
gg_df <- function(result, ...){
UseMethod("gg_df", result)

#' Data frame for rspde_result objects to be used in ggplot2
#' Returns a ggplot-friendly data-frame with the marginal posterior densities.
#' @name gg_df.rspde_result
#' @param result An rspde_result object.
#' @param parameter Vector. Which parameters to get the posterior density in the data.frame? The options are `std.dev`, `range`, `tau`, `kappa` and `nu`.
#' @param transform Should the posterior density be given in the original scale?
#' @param restrict_x_axis Variables to restrict the range of x axis based on quantiles.
#' @param restrict_quantiles Named list of quantiles to restrict x axis. It should contain the name of the parameter
#' along with a vector with two elements specifying the lower and upper quantiles. The names should be
#' match the ones in result$params. For example, if we want to restrict nu to the 0.05 and 0.95 quantiles
#' we do `restrict_quantiles = c(0.05, 0.95)`.
#' @param ... currently not used.
#' @return A data frame containing the posterior densities.
#' @export
gg_df.rspde_result <- function(result, 
                          parameter = result$params,
                          transform = TRUE,
                          restrict_x_axis = NULL,
                          restrict_quantiles = NULL,
                          ...) {
      rspde_result <- result
      parameter <- intersect(parameter, result$params)
      if(length(parameter) == 0){
        stop("You should choose at least one of the parameters. The available parameters are given in result$params!")
    if ("nu" %in% parameter) {
    if (is.null(rspde_result$marginals.nu)) {
      parameter <- parameter[parameter != "nu"]

  stationary <- result$stationary

        param <- parameter[[1]]
          param <- paste0("marginals.", param)
        } else{
          if(param != "nu"){
            param <- paste0("marginals.log.", param)
          } else{
            param <- paste0("marginals.logit.", param)
        ret_df <- data.frame(x = rspde_result[[param]][[parameter[1]]][,1], 
        y = rspde_result[[param]][[parameter[1]]][,2], 
        parameter = parameter[[1]])

        if(parameter[[1]] %in% restrict_x_axis){
          if(is.null( restrict_quantiles[[parameter[[1]]]])){
             restrict_quantiles[[parameter[[1]]]] <- c(0,1)
          d_t <- c(0,diff(ret_df$x))
          emp_cdf <- cumsum(d_t*ret_df$y)
          lower_quant <- restrict_quantiles[[parameter[[1]]]][1]
          upper_quant <- restrict_quantiles[[parameter[[1]]]][2]
          filter_coord <- (emp_cdf >= lower_quant) * (emp_cdf <= upper_quant)
          filter_coord <- as.logical(filter_coord)
          ret_df <- ret_df[filter_coord, ]

        if(length(parameter) > 1){
        for(i in 2:length(parameter)){
        param <- parameter[[i]]
          param <- paste0("marginals.", param)
        } else{
          if(param != "nu"){
            param <- paste0("marginals.log.", param)
          } else{
            param <- paste0("marginals.logit.", param)
          tmp <- data.frame(x = rspde_result[[param]][[parameter[i]]][,1], 
            y = rspde_result[[param]][[parameter[i]]][,2], 
            parameter = parameter[[i]])

          if(parameter[[i]] %in% restrict_x_axis){
          if(is.null( restrict_quantiles[[parameter[[i]]]])){
             restrict_quantiles[[parameter[[i]]]] <- c(0,1)
          d_t <- c(0,diff(tmp$x))
          emp_cdf <- cumsum(d_t*tmp$y)
          lower_quant <- restrict_quantiles[[parameter[[i]]]][1]
          upper_quant <- restrict_quantiles[[parameter[[i]]]][2]
          filter_coord <- (emp_cdf >= lower_quant) * (emp_cdf <= upper_quant)
          filter_coord <- as.logical(filter_coord)
          tmp <- tmp[filter_coord, ]

          ret_df <- rbind(ret_df, tmp)
  }  else{

        param <- parameter[[1]]
        if(transform && param == "nu"){
          param <- paste0("marginals.", param)
        } else if (param == "nu"){
            param <- paste0("marginals.logit.", param)
        } else{
            param <- paste0("marginals.", param)
        ret_df <- data.frame(x = rspde_result[[param]][[parameter[1]]][,1], 
        y = rspde_result[[param]][[parameter[1]]][,2], 
        parameter = parameter[[1]])

        if(parameter[[1]] %in% restrict_x_axis){
          if(is.null( restrict_quantiles[[parameter[[1]]]])){
             restrict_quantiles[[parameter[[1]]]] <- c(0,1)
          d_t <- c(0,diff(ret_df$x))
          emp_cdf <- cumsum(d_t*ret_df$y)
          lower_quant <- restrict_quantiles[[parameter[[1]]]][1]
          upper_quant <- restrict_quantiles[[parameter[[1]]]][2]
          filter_coord <- (emp_cdf >= lower_quant) * (emp_cdf <= upper_quant)
          filter_coord <- as.logical(filter_coord)
          ret_df <- ret_df[filter_coord, ]

        if(length(parameter) > 1){
        for(i in 2:length(parameter)){
        param <- parameter[[i]]
        if(transform && param == "nu"){
          param <- paste0("marginals.", param)
        } else if (param == "nu"){
            param <- paste0("marginals.logit.", param)
        } else{
            param <- paste0("marginals.", param)
          tmp <- data.frame(x = rspde_result[[param]][[parameter[i]]][,1], 
            y = rspde_result[[param]][[parameter[i]]][,2], 
            parameter = parameter[[i]])

          if(parameter[[i]] %in% restrict_x_axis){
          if(is.null( restrict_quantiles[[parameter[[i]]]])){
             restrict_quantiles[[parameter[[i]]]] <- c(0,1)
          d_t <- c(0,diff(tmp$x))
          emp_cdf <- cumsum(d_t*tmp$y)
          lower_quant <- restrict_quantiles[[parameter[[i]]]][1]
          upper_quant <- restrict_quantiles[[parameter[[i]]]][2]
          filter_coord <- (emp_cdf >= lower_quant) * (emp_cdf <= upper_quant)
          filter_coord <- as.logical(filter_coord)
          tmp <- tmp[filter_coord, ]

          ret_df <- rbind(ret_df, tmp)



#' @name summary.rspde_result
#' @title Summary for posteriors of field parameters for an `inla_rspde`
#' model from a `rspde_result` object
#' @description Summary for posteriors of rSPDE field parameters in
#' their original scales.
#' @param object A `rspde_result` object.
#' @param digits integer, used for number formatting with signif()
#' @param ... Currently not used.
#' @return Returns a `data.frame`
#' containing the summary.
#' @export
#' @method summary rspde_result
#' @examples
#' \donttest{ #tryCatch version
#' tryCatch({
#' if (requireNamespace("INLA", quietly = TRUE)){
#' library(INLA)
#' set.seed(123)
#' m <- 100
#' loc_2d_mesh <- matrix(runif(m * 2), m, 2)
#' mesh_2d <- inla.mesh.2d(
#'   loc = loc_2d_mesh,
#'   cutoff = 0.05,
#'   max.edge = c(0.1, 0.5)
#' )
#' sigma <- 1
#' range <- 0.2
#' nu <- 0.8
#' kappa <- sqrt(8 * nu) / range
#' op <- matern.operators(
#'   mesh = mesh_2d, nu = nu,
#'   range = range, sigma = sigma, m = 2,
#'   parameterization = "matern"
#' )
#' u <- simulate(op)
#' A <- inla.spde.make.A(
#'   mesh = mesh_2d,
#'   loc = loc_2d_mesh
#' )
#' sigma.e <- 0.1
#' y <- A %*% u + rnorm(m) * sigma.e
#' Abar <- rspde.make.A(mesh = mesh_2d, loc = loc_2d_mesh)
#' mesh.index <- rspde.make.index(name = "field", mesh = mesh_2d)
#' st.dat <- inla.stack(
#'   data = list(y = as.vector(y)),
#'   A = Abar,
#'   effects = mesh.index
#' )
#' rspde_model <- rspde.matern(
#'   mesh = mesh_2d,
#'   nu.upper.bound = 2
#' )
#' f <- y ~ -1 + f(field, model = rspde_model)
#' rspde_fit <- inla(f,
#'   data = inla.stack.data(st.dat),
#'   family = "gaussian",
#'   control.predictor =
#'     list(A = inla.stack.A(st.dat))
#' )
#' result <- rspde.result(rspde_fit, "field", rspde_model)
#' summary(result)
#' }
#' #stable.tryCatch
#' }, error = function(e){print("Could not run the example")})
#' }
summary.rspde_result <- function(object,
                                 digits = 6,
                                 ...) {

  if (is.null(object[[paste0("summary.",object$params[1])]])) {
    warning("The summary was not computed, rerun rspde_result with
    compute.summary set to TRUE.")
  } else {
    n_par <- object$n_par
    out <- object[[paste0("summary.",object$params[1])]]
    if(n_par > 1){
      for(i in 2:n_par){
        out <- rbind(out, object[[paste0("summary.",object$params[i])]])

    if (!is.null(object$summary.nu)) {
      out <- rbind(out, object$summary.nu)
    return(signif(out, digits = digits))

#' @name rspde.mesh.project
#' @title Calculate a lattice projection to/from an `inla.mesh` for
#' rSPDE objects
#' @aliases rspde.mesh.project rspde.mesh.projector rspde.mesh.project.inla.mesh
#' rspde.mesh.project.rspde.mesh.projector rspde.mesh.project.inla.mesh.1d
#' @description Calculate a lattice projection to/from an `inla.mesh` for
#' rSPDE objects
#' @param mesh An `inla.mesh` or `inla.mesh.1d` object.
#' @param nu The smoothness parameter. If `NULL`, it will be assumed that
#' nu was estimated.
#' @param rspde.order The order of the rational approximation.
#' @param loc	Projection locations. Can be a matrix or a SpatialPoints or a
#' SpatialPointsDataFrame object.
#' @param field Basis function weights, one per mesh basis function, describing
#' the function to be evaluated at the projection locations.
#' @param projector A `rspde.mesh.projector` object.
#' @param lattice An `inla.mesh.lattice` object.
#' @param xlim X-axis limits for a lattice. For R2 meshes, defaults to covering
#' the domain.
#' @param ylim Y-axis limits for a lattice. For R2 meshes, defaults to covering
#' the domain.
#' @param dims Lattice dimensions.
#' @param projection One of c("default", "longlat", "longsinlat", "mollweide").
#' @param ... Additional parameters.
#' @return A list with projection information for rspde.mesh.project. For
#' rspde.mesh.projector(mesh, ...),
#' a rspde.mesh.projector object. For rspde.mesh.project(projector, field, ...),
#' a field projected from the mesh onto the locations
#' given by the projector object.
#' @details This function is built upon the inla.mesh.project and
#' inla.mesh.projector functions from INLA.
#' @rdname rspde.mesh.project
#' @export
rspde.mesh.project <- function(...) {

#' @rdname rspde.mesh.project
#' @export

rspde.mesh.projector <- function(mesh,
                                 nu = NULL,
                                 rspde.order = 2,
                                 loc = NULL,
                                 lattice = NULL,
                                 xlim = NULL,
                                 ylim = NULL,
                                 dims = c(100, 100),
                                 projection = NULL,
                                 ...) {
  args_list <- list()
  args_list[["mesh"]] <- mesh
  if (!is.null(loc)) {
    args_list[["loc"]] <- loc
  if (!is.null(lattice)) {
    args_list[["lattice"]] <- lattice
  if (!is.null(xlim)) {
    args_list[["xlim"]] <- xlim
  if (!is.null(ylim)) {
    args_list[["ylim"]] <- ylim
  if (!is.null(projection)) {
    args_list[["projection"]] <- projection
  args_list[["dims"]] <- dims
  # out <- do.call(INLA::inla.mesh.projector, args_list)
  out <- do.call(fmesher::fm_evaluator, args_list)
  dim <- get_inla_mesh_dimension(mesh)

  out$proj$A <- rspde.make.A(
    A = out$proj$A, rspde.order = rspde.order, dim = dim,
    nu = nu

  class(out) <- c("rspde.mesh.projector",class(out))

#' @rdname rspde.mesh.project
#' @method rspde.mesh.project inla.mesh
#' @export

rspde.mesh.project.inla.mesh <- function(mesh, loc = NULL,
                                         field = NULL, rspde.order = 2,
                                         nu = NULL, ...) {
  cond1 <- inherits(mesh, "inla.mesh.1d")
  cond2 <- inherits(mesh, "inla.mesh")
  stopifnot(cond1 || cond2)

  if (!missing(field) && !is.null(field)) {
    proj <- rspde.mesh.projector(mesh,
      loc = loc, rspde.order = rspde.order, nu = nu,
    # return(INLA::inla.mesh.project(proj, field = field))
    return(fmesher::fm_evaluate(proj, field = field))
  jj <- which(rowSums(matrix(is.na(as.vector(loc)),
    nrow = nrow(loc),
    ncol = ncol(loc)
  )) == 0)
  # smorg <- (INLA::inla.fmesher.smorg(mesh$loc,
  # mesh$graph$tv, points2mesh = loc[jj, ,
  #   drop = FALSE
  # ]))
  smorg <- fmesher::fm_bary(mesh,loc=mesh$loc)
  ti <- matrix(0L, nrow(loc), 1)
  b <- matrix(0, nrow(loc), 3)
  ti[jj, 1L] <- smorg$p2m.t
  b[jj, ] <- smorg$p2m.b
  ok <- (ti[, 1L] > 0L)
  ti[ti[, 1L] == 0L, 1L] <- NA
  ii <- which(ok)
  A <- (sparseMatrix(dims = c(nrow(loc), mesh$n), i = rep(
  ), j = as.vector(mesh$graph$tv[ti[ii, 1L], ]), x = as.vector(b[ii, ])))

  if (!is.null(nu)) {
    if (!is.numeric(nu)) {
      stop("nu must be numeric!")

  fixed_nu <- !is.null(nu)
  if (fixed_nu) {
    alpha <- nu + 1
    integer_alpha <- (alpha %% 1 == 0)
    if (integer_alpha) {
      Abar <- A
    } else {
      Abar <- kronecker(matrix(1, 1, rspde.order + 1), A)
  } else {
    Abar <- kronecker(matrix(1, 1, rspde.order + 1), A)

  list(t = ti, bary = b, A = Abar, ok = ok)

#' @rdname rspde.mesh.project
#' @method rspde.mesh.project rspde.mesh.projector
#' @export

rspde.mesh.project.rspde.mesh.projector <- function(projector, field, ...) {
  # return(INLA::inla.mesh.project(projector = projector, field = field, ...))
  return(fmesher::fm_evaluate(projector = projector, field = field, ...))

#' @rdname rspde.mesh.project
#' @method rspde.mesh.project inla.mesh.1d
#' @export

rspde.mesh.project.inla.mesh.1d <- function(mesh, loc, field = NULL,
                                            rspde.order = 2, nu = NULL, ...) {
  stopifnot(inherits(mesh, "inla.mesh.1d"))
  if (!missing(field) && !is.null(field)) {
    proj <- rspde.mesh.projector(mesh, loc,
    rspde.order = rspde.order, nu = nu, ...)
    # return(INLA::inla.mesh.project(proj, field))
    return(fmesher::fm_evaluate(proj, field))
  # A <- INLA::inla.mesh.1d.A(mesh, loc = loc)
  A <- fmesher::fm_basis(mesh, loc = loc)
  if (!is.null(nu)) {
    if (!is.numeric(nu)) {
      stop("nu must be numeric!")

  fixed_nu <- !is.null(nu)
  if (fixed_nu) {
    alpha <- nu + 1 / 2
    integer_alpha <- (alpha %% 1 == 0)
    if (integer_alpha) {
      Abar <- A
    } else {
      Abar <- kronecker(matrix(1, 1, rspde.order + 1), A)
  } else {
    Abar <- kronecker(matrix(1, 1, rspde.order + 1), A)
  return(list(A = Abar, ok = (loc >= mesh$interval[1]) & (loc <=

#' @name rspde.matern.precision.opt
#' @title Optimized precision matrix of the covariance-based rational
#' approximation
#' @description `rspde.matern.precision` is used for computing the
#' optimized version of the precision matrix of the
#' covariance-based rational SPDE approximation of a stationary Gaussian random
#' fields on \eqn{R^d} with a Matern covariance function
#' \deqn{C(h) = \frac{\sigma^2}{2^{\nu-1}\Gamma(\nu)}(\kappa h)^\nu
#' K_\nu(\kappa h).}
#' @param kappa Range parameter of the covariance function.
#' @param tau Scale parameter of the covariance function.
#' @param nu Shape parameter of the covariance function.
#' @param rspde.order The order of the rational approximation
#' @param dim The dimension of the domain
#' @param fem_matrices A list containing the FEM-related matrices.
#' The list should contain elements C, G, G_2, G_3, etc.
#' @param graph The sparsity graph of the matrices. If NULL, only a vector
#' of the elements will be returned, if non-NULL, a sparse matrix will
#' be returned.
#' @param sharp The sparsity graph should have the correct sparsity (costs
#' more to perform a sparsity analysis) or an upper bound for the sparsity?
#' @param type_rational_approx Which type of rational approximation
#' should be used? The current types are "chebfun", "brasil" or "chebfunLB".
#' @return The precision matrix
#' @export

rspde.matern.precision.opt <- function(kappa, nu, tau, rspde.order,
dim, fem_matrices, graph = NULL, sharp, type_rational_approx) {
  n_m <- rspde.order

  mt <- get_rational_coefficients(n_m, type_rational_approx)

  beta <- nu / 2 + dim / 4

  m_alpha <- floor(2 * beta)

  # r <- sapply(1:(n_m), function(i) {
  #   approx(mt$alpha, mt[[paste0("r", i)]], cut_decimals(2 * beta))$y
  # })

  # p <- sapply(1:(n_m), function(i) {
  #   approx(mt$alpha, mt[[paste0("p", i)]], cut_decimals(2 * beta))$y
  # })

  # k <- approx(mt$alpha, mt$k, cut_decimals(2 * beta))$y

  row_nu <- round(1000*cut_decimals(2*beta))
  r <- unlist(mt[row_nu, 2:(1+rspde.order)])
  p <- unlist(mt[row_nu, (2+rspde.order):(1+2*rspde.order)])
  k <- unlist(mt[row_nu, 2+2*rspde.order])

  if (m_alpha == 0) {
    L <- (fem_matrices[["C"]] + fem_matrices[["G"]] / (kappa^2))
    Q <- (L - p[1] * fem_matrices[["C"]]) / r[1]
    if (length(r) > 1) {
      for (i in 2:length(r)) {
        Q <- c(Q, (L - p[i] * fem_matrices[["C"]]) / r[i])
  } else {
    if (m_alpha == 1) {
      Malpha <- (fem_matrices[["C"]] + fem_matrices[["G"]] / (kappa^2))
    } else if (m_alpha > 1) {
      Malpha <- fem_matrices[["C"]] + m_alpha * fem_matrices[["G"]] / (kappa^2)
      for (j in 2:m_alpha) {
        Malpha <- Malpha + choose(m_alpha, j) *
        fem_matrices[[paste0("G_", j)]] / (kappa^(2 * j))
    } else {
      stop("Something is wrong with the value of nu!")

    if (m_alpha == 1) {
      Malpha2 <- (fem_matrices[["G"]] + fem_matrices[["G_2"]] / (kappa^2))
    } else if (m_alpha > 1) {
      Malpha2 <- fem_matrices[["G"]] + m_alpha *
      fem_matrices[["G_2"]] / (kappa^2)
      for (j in 2:m_alpha) {
        Malpha2 <- Malpha2 + choose(m_alpha, j) *
        fem_matrices[[paste0("G_", j + 1)]] / (kappa^(2 * j))
    } else {
      stop("Something is wrong with the value of nu!")

    Q <- 1 / r[1] * (Malpha + Malpha2 / kappa^2 - p[1] * Malpha)

    if (length(r) > 1) {
      for (i in 2:length(r)) {
        Q <- c(Q, 1 / r[i] * (Malpha + Malpha2 / kappa^2 - p[i] * Malpha))

  # add k_part into Q

  if (sharp) {
    if (m_alpha == 0) {
      Kpart <- fem_matrices[["C_less"]]
      idx_nonzero <- (Kpart != 0)
      Kpart[idx_nonzero] <- 1/Kpart[idx_nonzero]
      Kpart <- Kpart / k
    } else {
      if (m_alpha == 1) {
        Kpart <- 1 / k * (fem_matrices[["C_less"]] +
        fem_matrices[["G_less"]] / (kappa^2))
      } else if (m_alpha > 1) {
        Kpart <- 1 / k * fem_matrices[["C_less"]] +
        1 / k * m_alpha * fem_matrices[["G_less"]] / (kappa^2)
        for (j in 2:m_alpha) {
          Kpart <- Kpart + 1 / k * choose(m_alpha, j) *
          fem_matrices[[paste0("G_", j, "_less")]] / (kappa^(2 * j))
      } else {
        stop("Something is wrong with the value of nu!")
  } else {
    if (m_alpha == 0) {
      Kpart <- fem_matrices[["C"]]
      idx_nonzero <- (Kpart != 0)
      Kpart[idx_nonzero] <- 1/Kpart[idx_nonzero]      
      Kpart <- Kpart / k
    } else {
      if (m_alpha == 1) {
        Kpart <- 1 / k * (fem_matrices[["C"]] + fem_matrices[["G"]] / (kappa^2))
      } else if (m_alpha > 1) {
        Kpart <- 1 / k * fem_matrices[["C"]] +
        1 / k * m_alpha * fem_matrices[["G"]] / (kappa^2)
        for (j in 2:m_alpha) {
          Kpart <- Kpart + 1 / k * choose(m_alpha, j) *
          fem_matrices[[paste0("G_", j)]] / (kappa^(2 * j))
      } else {
        stop("Something is wrong with the value of nu!")

  Q <- c(Q, Kpart)

  Q <- Q * kappa^(4 * beta)

  Q <- tau^2 * Q

  if (!is.null(graph)) {
    # graph <- as(graph, "dgTMatrix")
    graph <- as(graph,"TsparseMatrix")
    idx <- which(graph@i <= graph@j)
    Q <- Matrix::sparseMatrix(
      i = graph@i[idx], j = graph@j[idx], x = Q,
      symmetric = TRUE, index1 = FALSE


#' @name rspde.matern.precision
#' @title Precision matrix of the covariance-based rational approximation of
#' stationary Gaussian Matern random fields
#' @description `rspde.matern.precision` is used for computing the
#' precision matrix of the
#' covariance-based rational SPDE approximation of a stationary Gaussian random
#' fields on \eqn{R^d} with a Matern covariance function
#' \deqn{C(h) = \frac{\sigma^2}{2^(\nu-1)\Gamma(\nu)}(\kappa h)^\nu
#' K_\nu(\kappa h)}{C(h) = (\sigma^2/(2^(\nu-1)\Gamma(\nu))(\kappa h)^\nu
#' K_\nu(\kappa h)}
#' @param kappa Range parameter of the covariance function.
#' @param tau Scale parameter of the covariance function. If sigma is
#' not provided, tau should be provided.
#' @param sigma Standard deviation of the covariance function. If tau is
#' not provided, sigma should be provided.
#' @param nu Shape parameter of the covariance function.
#' @param rspde.order The order of the rational approximation
#' @param dim The dimension of the domain
#' @param fem_mesh_matrices A list containing the FEM-related matrices. The
#' list should contain elements c0, g1, g2, g3, etc.
#' @param only_fractional Logical. Should only the fractional-order part of
#' the precision matrix be returned?
#' @param return_block_list Logical. For `type = "covariance"`, should the
#' block parts of the precision matrix be returned separately as a list?
#' @param type_rational_approx Which type of rational approximation should be
#' used? The current types are "chebfun", "brasil" or "chebfunLB".
#' @return The precision matrix
#' @export
#' @examples
#' set.seed(123)
#' nobs <- 101
#' x <- seq(from = 0, to = 1, length.out = nobs)
#' fem <- rSPDE.fem1d(x)
#' kappa <- 40
#' sigma <- 1
#' d <- 1
#' nu <- 2.6
#' tau <- sqrt(gamma(nu) / (kappa^(2 * nu) * (4 * pi)^(d / 2) *
#' gamma(nu + d / 2)))
#' range <- sqrt(8*nu)/kappa
#' op_cov <- matern.operators(
#'   loc_mesh = x, nu = nu, range = range, sigma = sigma,
#'   d = 1, m = 2, compute_higher_order = TRUE,
#'   parameterization = "matern"
#' )
#' v <- t(rSPDE.A1d(x, 0.5))
#' c.true <- matern.covariance(abs(x - 0.5), kappa, nu, sigma)
#' Q <- rspde.matern.precision(
#'   kappa = kappa, nu = nu, tau = tau, rspde.order = 2, d = 1,
#'   fem_mesh_matrices = op_cov$fem_mesh_matrices
#' )
#' A <- Diagonal(nobs)
#' Abar <- cbind(A, A, A)
#' w <- rbind(v, v, v)
#' c.approx_cov <- (Abar) %*% solve(Q, w)
#' # plot the result and compare with the true Matern covariance
#' plot(x, matern.covariance(abs(x - 0.5), kappa, nu, sigma),
#'   type = "l", ylab = "C(h)",
#'   xlab = "h", main = "Matern covariance and rational approximations"
#' )
#' lines(x, c.approx_cov, col = 2)
rspde.matern.precision <- function(kappa, nu, tau = NULL, sigma = NULL,
rspde.order, dim, fem_mesh_matrices,
only_fractional = FALSE, return_block_list = FALSE,
type_rational_approx = "chebfun") {
  if (is.null(tau) && is.null(sigma)) {
    stop("You should provide either tau or sigma!")

  if (is.null(tau)) {
    tau <- sqrt(gamma(nu) / (sigma^2 * kappa^(2 * nu) *
    (4 * pi)^(dim / 2) * gamma(nu + dim / 2)))

  n_m <- rspde.order

  mt <- get_rational_coefficients(n_m, type_rational_approx)

  beta <- nu / 2 + dim / 4

  m_alpha <- floor(2 * beta)

  row_nu <- round(1000*cut_decimals(2*beta))
  r <- unlist(mt[row_nu, 2:(1+rspde.order)])
  p <- unlist(mt[row_nu, (2+rspde.order):(1+2*rspde.order)])
  k <- unlist(mt[row_nu, 2+2*rspde.order])

  if (!only_fractional) {
    if (m_alpha == 0) {
      L <- ((kappa^2) * fem_mesh_matrices[["c0"]] +
      fem_mesh_matrices[["g1"]]) / kappa^2
      Q <- (L - p[1] * fem_mesh_matrices[["c0"]]) / r[1]
      if (length(r) > 1) {
        for (i in 2:length(r)) {
          Q <- bdiag(Q, (L - p[i] * fem_mesh_matrices[["c0"]]) / r[i])
    } else {
      if (m_alpha == 1) {
        Malpha <- (fem_mesh_matrices[["c0"]] +
        fem_mesh_matrices[["g1"]] / (kappa^2))
      } else if (m_alpha > 1) {
        Malpha <- fem_mesh_matrices[["c0"]] + m_alpha *
        fem_mesh_matrices[["g1"]] / (kappa^2)
        for (j in 2:m_alpha) {
          Malpha <- Malpha + choose(m_alpha, j) *
          fem_mesh_matrices[[paste0("g", j)]] / (kappa^(2 * j))
      } else {
        stop("Something is wrong with the value of nu!")

      if (m_alpha == 1) {
        Malpha2 <- (fem_mesh_matrices[["g1"]] +
        fem_mesh_matrices[["g2"]] / (kappa^2))
      } else if (m_alpha > 1) {
        Malpha2 <- fem_mesh_matrices[["g1"]] + m_alpha *
        fem_mesh_matrices[["g2"]] / (kappa^2)
        for (j in 2:m_alpha) {
          Malpha2 <- Malpha2 + choose(m_alpha, j) *
          fem_mesh_matrices[[paste0("g", j + 1)]] / (kappa^(2 * j))
      } else {
        stop("Something is wrong with the value of nu!")

      Q <- 1 / r[1] * (Malpha + Malpha2 / kappa^2 - p[1] * Malpha)

      if (length(r) > 1) {
        for (i in 2:length(r)) {
          Q <- bdiag(Q, 1 / r[i] * (Malpha + Malpha2 / kappa^2 - p[i] * Malpha))

    # add k_part into Q

    if (m_alpha == 0) {
      C <- fem_mesh_matrices[["c0"]]
      Kpart <- Matrix::Diagonal(dim(C)[1], 1 / rowSums(C))
      Kpart <- Kpart / k
    } else {
      if (m_alpha == 1) {
        Kpart <- 1 / k * (fem_mesh_matrices[["c0"]] +
        fem_mesh_matrices[["g1"]] / (kappa^2))
      } else if (m_alpha > 1) {
        Kpart <- 1 / k * fem_mesh_matrices[["c0"]] +
        1 / k * m_alpha * fem_mesh_matrices[["g1"]] / (kappa^2)
        for (j in 2:m_alpha) {
          Kpart <- Kpart + 1 / k * choose(m_alpha, j) *
          fem_mesh_matrices[[paste0("g", j)]] / (kappa^(2 * j))
      } else {
        stop("Something is wrong with the value of nu!")

    Q <- bdiag(Q, Kpart)

    Q <- Q * kappa^(4 * beta)

    Q <- tau^2 * Q

  } else {
    L <- ((kappa^2) * fem_mesh_matrices[["c0"]] +
    fem_mesh_matrices[["g1"]]) / kappa^2

    if (return_block_list) {
      Q <- list()

      Q[[length(Q) + 1]] <- kappa^(4 * beta) * tau^2 *
      (L - p[1] * fem_mesh_matrices[["c0"]]) / r[1]

      if (n_m > 1) {
        for (i in 2:(n_m)) {
          Q[[length(Q) + 1]] <- kappa^(4 * beta) * tau^2 *
          (L - p[i] * fem_mesh_matrices[["c0"]]) / r[i]
      if(m_alpha==0) {
        C <- fem_mesh_matrices[["c0"]]
        Kpart <- Matrix::Diagonal(dim(C)[1], 1 / rowSums(C))
      } else {
        Kpart <- fem_mesh_matrices[["c0"]]
      Q[[length(Q) + 1]] <- kappa^(4 * beta) * tau^2 *
      Kpart / k

    } else {
      Q <- (L - p[1] * fem_mesh_matrices[["c0"]]) / r[1]

      if (n_m > 1) {
        for (i in 2:(n_m)) {
          temp <- (L - p[i] * fem_mesh_matrices[["c0"]]) / r[i]
          Q <- bdiag(Q, temp)
      if(m_alpha==0) {
        C <- fem_mesh_matrices[["c0"]]
        Kpart <- Matrix::Diagonal(dim(C)[1], 1 / rowSums(C))
      } else {
        Kpart <- fem_mesh_matrices[["c0"]]
      Q <- bdiag(Q, Kpart / k)

      Q <- Q * kappa^(4 * beta)

      Q <- tau^2 * Q

#' @name rspde.matern.precision.integer.opt
#' @title Optimized precision matrix of stationary Gaussian Matern
#' random fields with integer covariance exponent
#' @description `rspde.matern.precision.integer.opt` is used
#' for computing the optimized version of the precision matrix of
#' stationary Gaussian random fields on \eqn{R^d} with a Matern
#' covariance function
#' \deqn{C(h) = \frac{\sigma^2}{2^{\nu-1}\Gamma(\nu)}(\kappa h)^\nu
#' K_\nu(\kappa h),}
#' where \eqn{\alpha = \nu + d/2} is a natural number.
#' @param kappa Range parameter of the covariance function.
#' @param tau Scale parameter of the covariance function.
#' @param nu Shape parameter of the covariance function.
#' @param d The dimension of the domain
#' @param fem_matrices A list containing the FEM-related matrices.
#' The list should contain elements C, G, G_2, G_3, etc.
#' @param graph The sparsity graph of the matrices. If NULL, only a vector
#' of the elements will be returned, if non-NULL, a sparse matrix will
#' be returned.
#' @return The precision matrix
#' @export

rspde.matern.precision.integer.opt <- function(kappa,
                                               graph = NULL) {
  beta <- nu / 2 + d / 4

  n_beta <- floor(2 * beta)

  if (n_beta == 1) {
    Q <- (kappa^2 * fem_matrices[["C_less"]] + fem_matrices[["G_less"]])
  } else if (n_beta > 1) {
    Q <- kappa^(2 * n_beta) * fem_matrices[["C_less"]] + n_beta *
    kappa^(2 * (n_beta - 1)) * fem_matrices[["G_less"]]
    for (j in 2:n_beta) {
      Q <- Q + kappa^(2 * (n_beta - j)) * choose(n_beta, j) *
      fem_matrices[[paste0("G_", j, "_less")]]
  } else {
    stop("Something is wrong with the value of nu!")

  Q <- tau^2 * Q

  if (!is.null(graph)) {
    # graph <- as(graph, "dgTMatrix")
    graph <- as(graph,"TsparseMatrix")
    idx <- which(graph@i <= graph@j)
    Q <- Matrix::sparseMatrix(
      i = graph@i[idx], j = graph@j[idx], x = Q,
      symmetric = TRUE, index1 = FALSE


#' @name rspde.matern.precision.integer
#' @title Precision matrix of stationary Gaussian Matern
#' random fields with integer covariance exponent
#' @description `rspde.matern.precision.integer.opt` is
#' used for computing the precision matrix of stationary
#' Gaussian random fields on \eqn{R^d} with a Matern
#' covariance function
#' \deqn{C(h) = \frac{\sigma^2}{2^(\nu-1)\Gamma(\nu)}
#' (\kappa h)^\nu K_\nu(\kappa h)}{C(h) =
#' (\sigma^2/(2^(\nu-1)\Gamma(\nu))(\kappa h)^\nu K_\nu(\kappa h)},
#' where \eqn{\alpha = \nu + d/2} is a natural number.
#' @param kappa Range parameter of the covariance function.
#' @param tau Scale parameter of the covariance function.
#' @param sigma Standard deviation of the covariance function.
#' If tau is not provided, sigma should be provided.
#' @param nu Shape parameter of the covariance function.
#' @param dim The dimension of the domain
#' @param fem_mesh_matrices A list containing the FEM-related
#' matrices. The list should contain elements c0, g1, g2, g3, etc.
#' @return The precision matrix
#' @export
#' @examples
#' set.seed(123)
#' nobs <- 101
#' x <- seq(from = 0, to = 1, length.out = nobs)
#' fem <- rSPDE.fem1d(x)
#' kappa <- 40
#' sigma <- 1
#' d <- 1
#' nu <- 0.5
#' tau <- sqrt(gamma(nu) / (kappa^(2 * nu) *
#' (4 * pi)^(d / 2) * gamma(nu + d / 2)))
#' range <- sqrt(8*nu)/kappa
#' op_cov <- matern.operators(
#'   loc_mesh = x, nu = nu, range = range, sigma = sigma,
#'   d = 1, m = 2, parameterization = "matern"
#' )
#' v <- t(rSPDE.A1d(x, 0.5))
#' c.true <- matern.covariance(abs(x - 0.5), kappa, nu, sigma)
#' Q <- rspde.matern.precision.integer(
#'   kappa = kappa, nu = nu, tau = tau, d = 1,
#'   fem_mesh_matrices = op_cov$fem_mesh_matrices
#' )
#' A <- Diagonal(nobs)
#' c.approx_cov <- A %*% solve(Q, v)
#' # plot the result and compare with the true Matern covariance
#' plot(x, matern.covariance(abs(x - 0.5), kappa, nu, sigma),
#'   type = "l", ylab = "C(h)",
#'   xlab = "h", main = "Matern covariance and rational approximations"
#' )
#' lines(x, c.approx_cov, col = 2)
rspde.matern.precision.integer <- function(kappa, nu, tau = NULL,
sigma = NULL, dim, fem_mesh_matrices) {
  if (is.null(tau) && is.null(sigma)) {
    stop("You should provide either tau or sigma!")

  if (is.null(tau)) {
    tau <- sqrt(gamma(nu) / (sigma^2 * kappa^(2 * nu) *
    (4 * pi)^(dim / 2) * gamma(nu + dim / 2)))

  beta <- nu / 2 + dim / 4

  n_beta <- floor(2 * beta)

  if (n_beta == 1) {
    Q <- (kappa^2 * fem_mesh_matrices[["c0"]] + fem_mesh_matrices[["g1"]])
  } else if (n_beta > 1) {
    Q <- kappa^(2 * n_beta) * fem_mesh_matrices[["c0"]] + n_beta *
    kappa^(2 * (n_beta - 1)) * fem_mesh_matrices[["g1"]]
    for (j in 2:n_beta) {
      Q <- Q + kappa^(2 * (n_beta - j)) * choose(n_beta, j) *
      fem_mesh_matrices[[paste0("g", j)]]
  } else {
    stop("Something is wrong with the value of nu!")

  Q <- tau^2 * Q


#' @name rspde.metric_graph
#' @title Matern rSPDE model object for metric graphs in INLA
#' @description Creates an INLA object for a stationary Matern model on a metric graph with
#' general smoothness parameter.
#' @param graph_obj The graph object to build the model. Needs to be of class `metric_graph`. It should have a built mesh.
#' If the mesh is not built, one will be built using h=0.01 as default.
#' @param h The width of the mesh in case the mesh was not built.
#' @param nu.upper.bound Upper bound for the smoothness parameter.
#' @param rspde.order The order of the covariance-based rational SPDE approach.
#' @param nu If nu is set to a parameter, nu will be kept fixed and will not
#' be estimated. If nu is `NULL`, it will be estimated.
#' @param B.sigma Matrix with specification of log-linear model for \eqn{\sigma}. Will be used if `parameterization = 'matern'`.
#' @param B.range Matrix with specification of log-linear model for \eqn{\rho}, which is a range-like parameter (it is exactly the range parameter in the stationary case). Will be used if `parameterization = 'matern'`.
#' @param parameterization Which parameterization to use? `matern` uses range, std. deviation and nu (smoothness). `spde` uses kappa, tau and nu (smoothness). The default is `matern`.
#' @param B.tau Matrix with specification of log-linear model for \eqn{\tau}. Will be used if `parameterization = 'spde'`.
#' @param B.kappa Matrix with specification of log-linear model for \eqn{\kappa}. Will be used if `parameterization = 'spde'`.
#' @param prior.kappa a `list` containing the elements `meanlog` and
#' `sdlog`, that is, the mean and standard deviation on the log scale.
#' @param prior.nu a list containing the elements `mean` and `prec`
#' for beta distribution, or `loglocation` and `logscale` for a
#' truncated lognormal distribution. `loglocation` stands for
#' the location parameter of the truncated lognormal distribution in the log
#' scale. `prec` stands for the precision of a beta distribution.
#' `logscale` stands for the scale of the truncated lognormal
#' distribution on the log scale. Check details below.
#' @param prior.tau a list containing the elements `meanlog` and
#' `sdlog`, that is, the mean and standard deviation on the log scale.
#' @param prior.range a `list` containing the elements `meanlog` and
#' `sdlog`, that is, the mean and standard deviation on the log scale. Will not be used if prior.kappa is non-null.
#' @param prior.std.dev a `list` containing the elements `meanlog` and
#' `sdlog`, that is, the mean and standard deviation on the log scale. Will not be used if prior.tau is non-null.
#' @param start.lkappa Starting value for log of kappa.
#' @param start.nu Starting value for nu.
#' @param start.theta Starting values for the model parameters. In the stationary case, if `parameterization='matern'`, then `theta[1]` is the std.dev and `theta[2]` is the range parameter.
#' If `parameterization = 'spde'`, then `theta[1]` is `tau` and `theta[2]` is `kappa`.
#' @param theta.prior.mean A vector for the mean priors of `theta`.
#' @param theta.prior.prec A precision matrix for the prior of `theta`.
#' @param prior.std.dev.nominal Prior std. deviation to be used for the priors and for the starting values.
#' @param prior.range.nominal Prior range to be used for the priors and for the starting values.
#' @param prior.kappa.mean Prior kappa to be used for the priors and for the starting values.
#' @param prior.tau.mean Prior tau to be used for the priors and for the starting values.
#' @param start.lstd.dev Starting value for log of std. deviation. Will not be used if start.ltau is non-null. Will be only used in the stationary case and if `parameterization = 'matern'`.
#' @param start.lrange Starting value for log of range. Will not be used if start.lkappa is non-null. Will be only used in the stationary case and if `parameterization = 'matern'`.
#' @param start.ltau Starting value for log of tau. Will be only used in the stationary case and if `parameterization = 'spde'`.
#' @param start.lkappa Starting value for log of kappa. Will be only used in the stationary case and if `parameterization = 'spde'`.
#' @param prior.theta.param Should the lognormal prior be on `theta` or on the SPDE parameters (`tau` and `kappa` on the stationary case)?
#' @param prior.nu.dist The distribution of the smoothness parameter.
#' The current options are "beta" or "lognormal". The default is "lognormal".
#' @param nu.prec.inc Amount to increase the precision in the beta prior
#' distribution. Check details below.
#' @param type.rational.approx Which type of rational approximation
#' should be used? The current types are "chebfun", "brasil" or "chebfunLB".
#' @param debug INLA debug argument
#' @param shared_lib Which shared lib to use for the cgeneric implementation? 
#' If "INLA", it will use the shared lib from INLA's installation. If 'rSPDE', then
#' it will use the local installation (does not work if your installation is from CRAN).
#' Otherwise, you can directly supply the path of the .so (or .dll) file.
#' @return An INLA model.
#' @export

rspde.metric_graph <- function(graph_obj,
                         h = NULL,
                         nu.upper.bound = 2, rspde.order = 2,
                         nu = NULL, 
                         debug = FALSE,
                         B.sigma = matrix(c(0, 1, 0), 1, 3), 
                         B.range = matrix(c(0, 0, 1), 1, 3), 
                         parameterization = c("matern", "spde"),
                         B.tau = matrix(c(0, 1, 0), 1, 3), 
                         B.kappa = matrix(c(0, 0, 1), 1, 3), 
                         start.nu = NULL,
                         start.theta = NULL,
                         prior.nu = NULL,
                         theta.prior.mean = NULL,
                         theta.prior.prec = 0.1,
                         prior.std.dev.nominal = 1, 
                         prior.range.nominal = NULL, 
                         prior.kappa.mean = NULL,
                         prior.tau.mean = NULL,
                         start.lstd.dev = NULL,
                         start.lrange = NULL,
                         start.ltau = NULL,
                         start.lkappa = NULL,
                         prior.theta.param = c("theta", "spde"),
                         prior.nu.dist = c("lognormal", "beta"),
                         nu.prec.inc = 1,
                         type.rational.approx = c("chebfun",
                         "brasil", "chebfunLB"),
                         shared_lib = "INLA") {
    if(!inherits(graph_obj, "metric_graph")){
      stop("The graph object should be of class metric_graph!")

  prior.theta.param <- prior.theta.param[[1]]

  if(!(prior.theta.param %in% c("theta", "spde"))){
    stop("theta.theta.param should be either 'theta' or 'spde'!")

  type.rational.approx <- type.rational.approx[[1]]

  parameterization <- parameterization[[1]]

  prior.nu.dist <- prior.nu.dist[[1]]
  if (!prior.nu.dist %in% c("beta", "lognormal")) {
    stop("prior.nu.dist should be either beta or lognormal!")

  if (!parameterization %in% c("matern", "spde")) {
    stop("parameterization should be either matern or spde!")

  if (!type.rational.approx %in% c("chebfun", "brasil", "chebfunLB")) {
    stop("type.rational.approx should be either chebfun, brasil or chebfunLB!")
        graph_obj$build_mesh(h = 0.01)
      } else{
        graph_obj$build_mesh(h = h)

  fixed_nu <- !is.null(nu)
    if (fixed_nu) {
    nu_order <- nu
    start.nu <- nu
  } else {
    nu_order <- nu.upper.bound


  if (is.null(prior.nu$loglocation)) {
    prior.nu$loglocation <- log(min(1, nu.upper.bound / 2))

  if (is.null(prior.nu[["mean"]])) {
    prior.nu[["mean"]] <- min(1, nu.upper.bound / 2)

  if (is.null(prior.nu$prec)) {
    mu_temp <- prior.nu[["mean"]] / nu.upper.bound
    prior.nu$prec <- max(1 / mu_temp, 1 / (1 - mu_temp)) + nu.prec.inc

  if (is.null(prior.nu[["logscale"]])) {
    prior.nu[["logscale"]] <- 1

  # Start nu

  if (is.null(start.nu)) {
    if (prior.nu.dist == "beta") {
      start.nu <- prior.nu[["mean"]]
    } else if (prior.nu.dist == "lognormal") {
      start.nu <- exp(prior.nu[["loglocation"]])
    } else {
      stop("prior.nu.dist should be either beta or lognormal!")
  } else if (start.nu > nu.upper.bound || start.nu < 0) {
    stop("start.nu should be a number between 0 and nu.upper.bound!")

    param <- get_parameters_rSPDE_graph(graph_obj, 2 * beta, 
            start.nu + 1/2,

      start.theta <- param$theta.prior.mean

    theta.prior.mean <- param$theta.prior.mean
    theta.prior.prec <- param$theta.prior.prec
    mesh <- list(d = 1, C = graph_obj$mesh$C, 
                                G = graph_obj$mesh$G)
    class(mesh) <- "metric_graph"
    if(parameterization == "matern"){
        rspde_model <- rspde.matern(mesh = mesh,
                                nu.upper.bound = nu.upper.bound,
                                rspde.order = rspde.order,
                                nu = nu,
                                debug = debug,
                                B.sigma = B.sigma,
                                B.range = B.range,
                                start.theta = start.theta,
                                theta.prior.mean = theta.prior.mean,
                                theta.prior.prec = theta.prior.prec,
                                parameterization = parameterization,
                                prior.nu.dist = prior.nu.dist,
                                nu.prec.inc = nu.prec.inc,
                                type.rational.approx = type.rational.approx,
                                vec_param = param,
                                prior.theta.param = prior.theta.param
    } else{
        rspde_model <- rspde.matern(mesh = mesh,
                                nu.upper.bound = nu.upper.bound,
                                rspde.order = rspde.order,
                                nu = nu,
                                debug = debug,
                                B.tau = B.tau,
                                B.kappa = B.kappa,
                                start.theta = start.theta,
                                theta.prior.mean = theta.prior.mean,
                                theta.prior.prec = theta.prior.prec,
                                parameterization = parameterization,
                                prior.nu.dist = prior.nu.dist,
                                nu.prec.inc = nu.prec.inc,
                                type.rational.approx = type.rational.approx,
                                vec_param = param,
                                prior.theta.param = prior.theta.param

        rspde_model$mesh <- graph_obj$clone()
        # rspde_model$n.spde <- nrow(graph_obj$mesh$E)
        rspde_model$n.spde <- nrow(graph_obj$mesh$VtE)

  class(rspde_model) <- c("rspde_metric_graph", class(rspde_model))

#' @name precision.inla_rspde
#' @title Get the precision matrix of `inla_rspde` objects
#' @description Function to get the precision matrix of an `inla_rspde` object created with the `rspde.matern()` function.
#' @param object The `inla_rspde` object obtained with the `rspde.matern()` function.
#' @param theta If null, the starting values for theta will be used. Otherwise, it must be suplied as a vector. 
#' For stationary models, we have `theta = c(log(tau), log(kappa), nu)`. For nonstationary models, we have
#' `theta = c(theta_1, theta_2, ..., theta_n, nu)`.
#' @param ... Currently not used.
#' @return The precision matrix.
#' @method precision inla_rspde
#' @seealso [precision.CBrSPDEobj()], [matern.operators()]
#' @export
precision.inla_rspde <- function(object,
                                 theta = NULL,
                                 ...) {
  mesh_model <- object$mesh

  rspde_order <- object$rspde.order

    theta <- object$start.theta
    nu <- object$start.nu
  } else{
    n_tmp <- length(theta)
    nu <- theta[n_tmp]
    theta <- theta[-n_tmp]

    nu <- nu + 1e-10

  alpha <- nu + object$dim/2

    if(object$parameterization == "spde"){
      tau <- exp(theta[1])
      kappa <- exp(theta[2])
      op <- matern.operators(mesh = mesh_model, 
                         alpha = alpha, kappa = kappa, 
                         tau = tau, 
                         m = rspde_order,
                         parameterization = "spde",
                         type = "covariance",
                         type_rational_approximation = object$type.rational.approx)
  } else{
      sigma <- exp(theta[1])
      range <- exp(theta[2])
      op <- matern.operators(mesh = mesh_model, 
                         nu = nu, range = range, 
                         sigma = sigma, 
                         m = rspde_order,
                         type = "covariance",
                         parameterization = "matern",
                         type_rational_approximation = object$type.rational.approx)
  } else {
    B_tau_vec <- object$f$cgeneric$data$matrices$B_tau
    B_kappa_vec <- object$f$cgeneric$data$matrices$B_kappa
    n_total <- length(B_tau_vec)
    dim_B_matrices <- B_tau_vec[1:2]
    B_tau <- matrix(B_tau_vec[3:n_total], dim_B_matrices[1], dim_B_matrices[2], byrow = TRUE)
    B_kappa <- matrix(B_kappa_vec[3:n_total], dim_B_matrices[1], dim_B_matrices[2], byrow = TRUE)

    op <- spde.matern.operators(B.tau = B_tau, B.kappa = B_kappa, theta = theta, alpha = alpha, parameterization = "spde",
                                  mesh = mesh_model, m = rspde_order, type = "covariance",
                                   type_rational_approximation = object$type.rational.approx)

  Q <- op$Q

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rSPDE documentation built on Nov. 6, 2023, 1:06 a.m.