## here, uid is a fastmap; see below
.extract_uid_safe <- function(pkgref, uid) {
if (is.null(uid$get(pkgref))) {
} else {
#' Create a Data Frame of The Resolved Result
#' This function exports the results from [resolve()] to a data frame, which each row represents one installation step. The order of rows is the installation order. By installing packages in the specified order, one can install all the resolved packages without conflicts.
#' @inheritParams export_rang
#' @return A data frame ordered by installation order.
#' @references
#' Ripley, B. (2005) [Packages and their Management in R 2.1.0.]( R News, 5(1):8--11.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' if (interactive()) {
#' graph <- resolve(pkgs = c("openNLP", "LDAvis", "topicmodels", "quanteda"),
#' snapshot_date = "2020-01-16")
#' generate_installation_order(graph)
#' }
#' }
#' @export
generate_installation_order <- function(rang) {
dep <- fastmap::fastmap()
version <- fastmap::fastmap()
uid <- fastmap::fastmap()
## package name as per DESCRIPTION, aka. x
## can't use x here because it is too generic
pkgname <- fastmap::fastmap()
for (ranglet in rang$ranglets) {
current_pkgref <- unique(ranglet$original$x_pkgref)
current_ver <- unique(ranglet$original$x_version)
current_dep <- .extract_queryable_dependencies(dep_df = ranglet$original, no_enhances = ranglet$no_enhances, no_suggests = ranglet$no_suggests)
current_pkgname <- unique(ranglet$original$x)
dep$set(current_pkgref, current_dep)
version$set(current_pkgref, current_ver)
pkgname$set(current_pkgref, current_pkgname)
if ("x_uid" %in% colnames(ranglet$original)) {
uid$set(current_pkgref, unique(ranglet$original$x_uid))
for (dep_df in ranglet$deps) {
current_pkgref <- unique(dep_df$x_pkgref)
current_ver <- unique(dep_df$x_version)
current_dep <- .extract_queryable_dependencies(dep_df = dep_df, no_enhances = ranglet$no_enhances, no_suggests = ranglet$no_suggests)
current_pkgname <- unique(dep_df$x)
dep$set(current_pkgref, current_dep)
version$set(current_pkgref, current_ver)
pkgname$set(current_pkgref, current_pkgname)
if ("x_uid" %in% colnames(dep_df)) { ## Not supported, but no harm to add it now
uid$set(current_pkgref, unique(dep_df$x_uid))
## installation simulation
installed_pkgrefs <- c()
noncranlike_pkgrefs <- c() ## github and local are noncran-like
needed_pkgrefs <- dep$keys()
## install all terminal nodes
for (pkgref in needed_pkgrefs) {
if (.parse_pkgref(pkgref, return_handle = FALSE) %in% c("github", "local")) {
noncranlike_pkgrefs <- c(noncranlike_pkgrefs, pkgref)
if (is.null(dep$get(pkgref))) {
installed_pkgrefs <- c(installed_pkgrefs, pkgref)
loop_counter <- 0
while(length(setdiff(needed_pkgrefs, c(installed_pkgrefs, noncranlike_pkgrefs))) != 0) {
unfulfilled_pkgrefs <- c()
for (pkgref in needed_pkgrefs) {
if (!pkgref %in% installed_pkgrefs && !pkgref %in% noncranlike_pkgrefs) {
## check requirement
requirement_fulfilled <- length(setdiff(dep$get(pkgref), installed_pkgrefs)) == 0
if (requirement_fulfilled) {
installed_pkgrefs <- c(installed_pkgrefs, pkgref)
} else {
unfulfilled_pkgrefs <- c(unfulfilled_pkgrefs, pkgref)
loop_counter <- loop_counter + 1
if (loop_counter > (length(needed_pkgrefs) * 5)) {
stop("Can't determine installation order. Please report this to the developers:\n", paste0(unfulfilled_pkgrefs, collapse = ","), call. = FALSE)
ordered_pkgrefs <- c(installed_pkgrefs, noncranlike_pkgrefs)
ordered_x <- vapply(ordered_pkgrefs, function(x) pkgname$get(x), character(1), USE.NAMES = FALSE)
ordered_version <- vapply(ordered_pkgrefs, function(x) version$get(x), character(1), USE.NAMES = FALSE)
ordered_source <- vapply(ordered_pkgrefs, function(x) .parse_pkgref(x, return_handle = FALSE), character(1), USE.NAMES = FALSE)
ordered_handle <- vapply(ordered_pkgrefs, function(x) .parse_pkgref(x, return_handle = TRUE), character(1), USE.NAMES = FALSE)
ordered_uid <- vapply(ordered_pkgrefs, .extract_uid_safe, character(1), uid = uid, USE.NAMES = FALSE)
data.frame(x = ordered_x, version = ordered_version, source = ordered_source, handle = ordered_handle,
uid = ordered_uid)
.write_rang_as_comment <- function(rang, con, path, verbose, lib,
cran_mirror, check_cran_mirror, bioc_mirror) {
if (isTRUE(any(grepl("^local::", .extract_pkgrefs(rang))))) {
cat("## ## WARNING:", file = con)
cat("## ## Local packages found. The following instructions are not reproducible.", file = con)
cat("## ## To reconstruct this file, please install version",
as.character(utils::packageVersion("rang")), "of `rang` and run:\n", file = con)
cat("## rang <- \n", file = con)
temprangcontent <- tempfile()
dput(rang, file = temprangcontent)
rang_src <- readLines(temprangcontent)
writeLines(paste("##", rang_src), con = con)
if ( {
lib_as_character <- "NA"
} else {
lib_as_character <- paste0("\"", lib, "\"")
if(!is.null(rang$bioc_version)) {
bioc_txt <- paste0(", bioc_mirror = \"", bioc_mirror,rang$bioc_version,"/","\"")
} else {
bioc_txt <- NULL
writeLines(paste0("## rang::export_rang(rang = rang, path = \"", path, "\", verbose = ",
as.character(verbose), ", lib = ", lib_as_character,
", cran_mirror = \"", cran_mirror, "\", check_cran_mirror = ",
as.character(check_cran_mirror), bioc_txt ,")"), con = con)
.is_r_version_older_than <- function(rang, r_version = "1.3.1") {
utils::compareVersion(rang$r_version, r_version) == -1
## Wrap long line by breaking line at &&
.generate_wrapped_line <- function(line) {
gsub("&&", "\\\\\n\t&&", line)
#' Export The Resolved Result As Installation Script
#' This function exports the results from [resolve()] to an installation script that can be run in a fresh R environment.
#' @param rang output from [resolve()]
#' @param path character, path of the exported installation script
#' @param rang_as_comment logical, whether to write resolved result and the steps to reproduce
#' the file to `path` as comment
#' @param verbose logical, pass to [install.packages()], the negated value is also passed as `quiet` to both [install.packages()]
#' and [download.file()].
#' @param lib character, pass to [install.packages()]. By default, it is NA (to install the packages to the default location)
#' @param cran_mirror character, which CRAN mirror to use
#' @param check_cran_mirror logical, whether to check the CRAN mirror
#' @param bioc_mirror character, which Bioconductor mirror to use
#' @return `path`, invisibly
#' @seealso [generate_installation_order()]
#' @details The idea behind this is to determine the installation order of R packages locally. Then, the installation script can be deployed to another
#' fresh R session to install R packages. [dockerize()] and [apptainerize()] are more reasonable ways because a fresh R session with all system requirements
#' is provided. The current approach does not work in R < 2.1.0.
#' @export
#' @references
#' Ripley, B. (2005) [Packages and their Management in R 2.1.0.]( R News, 5(1):8--11.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' if (interactive()) {
#' graph <- resolve(pkgs = c("openNLP", "LDAvis", "topicmodels", "quanteda"),
#' snapshot_date = "2020-01-16")
#' export_rang(graph, "rang.R")
#' }
#' }
export_rang <- function(rang, path, rang_as_comment = TRUE, verbose = TRUE, lib = NA,
cran_mirror = "", check_cran_mirror = TRUE,
bioc_mirror = "") {
if (.is_r_version_older_than(rang, "1.3.1")) {
stop("`export_rang` doesn't support this R version (yet).")
if (length(rang$ranglets) == 0) {
warning("Nothing to export.")
cran_mirror <- .normalize_url(cran_mirror)
if (isTRUE(check_cran_mirror)) { ## probably need to stop this also if #17 is implemented
if (isFALSE(.query_mirror_validity(cran_mirror))) {
stop(cran_mirror, "does not appear to be a valid CRAN mirror.", call. = FALSE)
if (.is_r_version_older_than(rang, "3.3")) { #20
cran_mirror <- .normalize_url(cran_mirror, https = FALSE)
installation_order <- generate_installation_order(rang)
con <- file(path, open="w")
if (.is_r_version_older_than(rang, "2.1")) {
header_file <- "header_cmd.R"
} else {
header_file <- "header.R"
writeLines(readLines(system.file(header_file, package = "rang")), con = con)
cat("installation.order <- ", file = con)
dput(installation_order, file = con)
cat("\n", file = con)
cat(paste0("verbose <- ", as.character(verbose), "\n"), file = con)
if ( {
cat("lib <- NA\n", file = con)
} else {
cat(paste0("lib <- \"", as.character(lib), "\"\n"), file = con)
cat(paste0("cran.mirror <- \"", cran_mirror, "\"\n"), file = con)
if(!is.null(rang$bioc_version)) {
cat(paste0("bioc.mirror <- \"", "",rang$bioc_version,"/", "\"\n"), file = con)
writeLines(readLines(system.file("footer.R", package = "rang")), con = con)
if (isTRUE(rang_as_comment)) {
.write_rang_as_comment(rang = rang, con = con, path = path, verbose = verbose,
lib = lib, cran_mirror = cran_mirror,
check_cran_mirror = check_cran_mirror,bioc_mirror = bioc_mirror)
#' Export The Resolved Result As a renv Lockfile
#' This function exports the results from [resolve()] to a renv lockfile that can be used as an alternative to a docker container.
#' @param rang output from [resolve()]
#' @param path character, path of the exported renv lockfile
#' @return `path`, invisibly
#' @details A renv lockfile is easier to handle than a docker container, but it cannot always reliably reproduce the exact computational environment,especially for very old code.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' if (interactive()) {
#' graph <- resolve(pkgs = c("openNLP", "LDAvis", "topicmodels", "quanteda"),
#' snapshot_date = "2020-01-16")
#' export_renv(graph, ".")
#' }
#' }
export_renv <- function(rang, path = ".") {
if (length(rang$ranglets) == 0) {
warning("Nothing to export.")
pkg_df <- generate_installation_order(rang)
pkg_list <- vector(mode = "list",length = nrow(pkg_df))
names(pkg_list) <- pkg_df$x
for(i in seq_len(nrow(pkg_df))){
pkg_list[[i]][["Package"]] <- pkg_df$x[i]
pkg_list[[i]][["Version"]] <- pkg_df$version[i]
if(pkg_df$source[i] == "cran") {
pkg_list[[i]][["Source"]] <- "Repository"
pkg_list[[i]][["Repository"]] <- "CRAN"
# pkg_list[[i]][["Requirements"]] <- c()
} else if(pkg_df$source[i] == "github") {
pkg_list[[i]][["Source"]] <- "GitHub"
pkg_list[[i]][["RemoteType"]] <- "GitHub"
pkg_list[[i]][["RemoteHost"]] <- ""
pkg_list[[i]][["RemoteRepo"]] <- pkg_df$x[i]
pkg_list[[i]][["RemoteUsername"]] <- strsplit(pkg_df$handle[i],"/")[[1]][1]
pkg_list[[i]][["RemoteRef"]] = "HEAD"
pkg_list[[i]][["RemoteSha"]] = pkg_df$uid[i]
# pkg_list[[i]][["Requirements"]] <- c()
} else if(pkg_df$source[i] == "bioc") {
pkg_list[[i]][["Source"]] <- "Bioconductor"
# pkg_list[[i]][["git_url"]] <- paste0("",pkg_df$x[i])
# pkg_list[[i]][["git_branch"]] <- ""
# pkg_list[[i]][["git_last_commit"]] <- ""
# pkg_list[[i]][["git_last_commit_date"]] <- ""
# pkg_list[[i]][["Requirements"]] <- c()
} else if(pkg_df$source[i] == "local") {
pkg_list[[i]][["Source"]] <- "Local"
pkg_list[[i]][["RemoteType"]] <- "local"
pkg_list[[i]][["RemoteUrl"]] <- pkg_df$uid[i]
} else {
stop("source not supported")
r_lst <- list(Version = rang$r_version,
Repositories = data.frame(Name = "CRAN",URL = ""))
pkg_json <- jsonlite::toJSON(list(R = r_lst,Packages = pkg_list),auto_unbox = TRUE)
writeLines(jsonlite::prettify(pkg_json), file.path(path,"renv.lock"))
.generate_container_readme <- function(output_dir, image, verb = c("dockerize", "apptainerize/singularize")) {
con <- file(file.path(output_dir,"README"), open="w")
verb <- match.arg(verb)
template_path <- switch(verb,
"dockerize" = "docker_readme_template.txt",
"apptainerize/singularize" = "apptainer_readme_template.txt")
readme <- readLines(system.file(template_path, package = "rang"))
readme <- gsub("__DATE__",Sys.Date(),readme)
readme <- gsub("__OUTPUT__",output_dir,readme)
readme <- gsub("__IMAGE__",image,readme)
.insert_materials_dir <- function(containerfile_content, verb = c("dockerize", "apptainerize/singularize")) {
verb <- match.arg(verb)
if (verb == "dockerize") {
containerfile_content$COPY <- append(containerfile_content$COPY, "COPY materials/ ./materials/")
if (verb == "apptainerize/singularize") {
containerfile_content$FILES <- append(containerfile_content$FILES, "materials/ ./materials/")
.write_containerfile <- function(containerfile_content, path) {
content <- unlist(lapply(containerfile_content, .generate_wrapped_line))
writeLines(content, path)
## generate *ize() / *ise() content as a directory to output_dir
## `containerfile_content` is a list from .generate_rocker_*_content() or .generate_debian_eol_*_content()
.containerize <- function(rang, output_dir, materials_dir = NULL, post_installation_steps = NULL,
image = c("r-ver", "rstudio", "tidyverse", "verse", "geospatial"),
rang_as_comment = TRUE, cache = FALSE, verbose = TRUE, lib = NA,
cran_mirror = "", check_cran_mirror = TRUE,
bioc_mirror = "",
no_rocker = FALSE,
debian_version = c("lenny", "squeeze", "wheezy", "jessie", "stretch"),
skip_r17 = TRUE,
insert_readme = TRUE,
copy_all = FALSE,
verb = "dockerize", passive_verb = "dockerized",
generate_rocker = .generate_rocker_dockerfile_content,
generate_eol = .generate_debian_eol_dockerfile_content,
output_file = "Dockerfile") {
if (length(rang$ranglets) == 0) {
warning(paste0("Nothing to ", verb), call. = FALSE)
if (missing(output_dir)) {
stop("You must provide `output_dir`.", call. = FALSE)
if (!grepl("^ubuntu", rang$os)) {
stop(paste0("System dependencies of ", rang$os, " can't be ", passive_verb), call. = FALSE)
if (.is_r_version_older_than(rang, "1.3.1")) {
stop(paste0("`", verb, "` doesn't support this R version (yet):", rang$r_version), call. = FALSE)
if (!is.null(materials_dir) && !(dir.exists(materials_dir))) {
stop(paste0("The folder ", materials_dir, " does not exist"), call. = FALSE)
need_cache <- (isTRUE(any(grepl("^github::", .extract_pkgrefs(rang)))) &&
.is_r_version_older_than(rang, "3.1")) ||
(isTRUE(any(grepl("^bioc::", .extract_pkgrefs(rang)))) &&
.is_r_version_older_than(rang, "3.3")) ||
(isTRUE(any(grepl("^local::", .extract_pkgrefs(rang))))) ||
.is_r_version_older_than(rang, "2.1")
if (isTRUE(need_cache) && isFALSE(cache)) {
stop("Packages must be cached. Please set `cache` = TRUE.", call. = FALSE)
image <- match.arg(image)
debian_version <- match.arg(debian_version)
sysreqs_cmd <- .group_sysreqs(rang)
if (!dir.exists(output_dir)) {
if (dir.exists(file.path(output_dir, "inst/rang"))) {
base_dir <- file.path(output_dir, "inst/rang")
rel_dir <- "inst/rang"
} else {
base_dir <- output_dir
rel_dir <- ""
if (rel_dir == "inst/rang" && isFALSE(copy_all)) {
.vcat(verbose, "`inst/rang` detected. `copy_all` is coerced to TRUE")
copy_all <- TRUE
rang_path <- file.path(base_dir, "rang.R")
export_rang(rang = rang, path = rang_path,
rang_as_comment = rang_as_comment,
verbose = verbose, lib = lib, cran_mirror = cran_mirror,
check_cran_mirror = check_cran_mirror, bioc_mirror = bioc_mirror)
if (isTRUE(skip_r17) && rang$r_version %in% c("1.7.0", "1.7.1")) {
r_version <- "1.8.0"
} else {
r_version <- rang$r_version
if (isTRUE(cache)) {
.cache_pkgs(rang = rang, base_dir = base_dir, cran_mirror = cran_mirror,
bioc_mirror = bioc_mirror, verbose = verbose)
if (.is_r_version_older_than(rang, "3.1") || isTRUE(no_rocker)) {
file.copy(system.file("", package = "rang"), file.path(base_dir, ""),
overwrite = TRUE)
containerfile_content <- generate_eol(r_version = r_version,
sysreqs_cmd = sysreqs_cmd, lib = lib,
cache = cache,
debian_version = debian_version,
post_installation_steps = post_installation_steps,
rel_dir = rel_dir,
copy_all = copy_all)
if (isTRUE(cache)) {
.cache_rsrc(r_version = r_version, base_dir = base_dir,
verbose = verbose, cran_mirror = cran_mirror)
.cache_debian(debian_version = debian_version, base_dir = base_dir,
verbose = verbose)
} else {
containerfile_content <- generate_rocker(r_version = r_version,
sysreqs_cmd = sysreqs_cmd, lib = lib,
cache = cache, image = image,
post_installation_steps = post_installation_steps,
rel_dir = rel_dir,
copy_all = copy_all)
if (!(is.null(materials_dir))) {
materials_subdir_in_output_dir <- file.path(base_dir, "materials")
if (isFALSE(dir.exists(materials_subdir_in_output_dir))) {
file.copy(list.files(materials_dir, full.names = TRUE),
recursive = TRUE)
containerfile_content <- .insert_materials_dir(containerfile_content, verb = verb)
## This should be written in the root level, not base_dir
.write_containerfile(containerfile_content, file.path(output_dir, output_file))
if (isTRUE(insert_readme)) {
.generate_container_readme(output_dir = output_dir, image = image, verb = verb)
#' Dockerize The Resolved Result
#' This function exports the result from [resolve()] to a Docker file. For R version >= 3.1.0, the Dockerfile is based on the versioned Rocker image.
#' For R version < 3.1.0, the Dockerfile is based on Debian and it compiles R from source.
#' @param output_dir character, where to put the Docker file and associated content
#' @param materials_dir character, path to the directory containing additional resources (e.g. analysis scripts) to be copied into `output_dir` and in turn into the Docker container
#' @param post_installation_steps character, additional steps to be added before the `CMD` part of the Dockerfile, see an example below
#' @param image character, which versioned Rocker image to use. Can only be "r-ver", "rstudio", "tidyverse", "verse", "geospatial"
#' This applies only to R version >= 3.1
#' @param cache logical, whether to cache the packages now. Please note that the system requirements are not cached. For query with non-CRAN packages, this option is strongly recommended. For query with local packages, this must be TRUE regardless of R version. For R version < 3.1, this must be also TRUE if there is any non-CRAN packages.
#' @param no_rocker logical, whether to skip using Rocker images even when an appropriate version is available. Please keep this as `TRUE` unless you know what you are doing
#' @param debian_version when Rocker images are not used, which EOL version of Debian to use. Can only be "lenny", "etch", "squeeze", "wheezy", "jessie", "stretch". Please keep this as default "lenny" unless you know what you are doing
#' @param skip_r17 logical, whether to skip R 1.7.x. Currently, it is not possible to compile R 1.7.x (R 1.7.0 and R 1.7.1) with the method provided by `rang`. It affects `snapshot_date` from 2003-04-16 to 2003-10-07. When `skip_r17` is TRUE and `snapshot_date` is within the aforementioned range, R 1.8.0 is used instead
#' @param insert_readme logical, whether to insert a README file
#' @param copy_all logical, whether to copy everything in the current directory into the container. If `inst/rang` is detected in `output_dir`, this is coerced to TRUE.
#' @param ... arguments to be passed to `dockerize`
#' @return `output_dir`, invisibly
#' @inheritParams export_rang
#' @inherit export_rang details
#' @seealso [resolve()], [export_rang()], [use_rang()]
#' @references
#' [The Rocker Project](
#' Ripley, B. (2005) [Packages and their Management in R 2.1.0.]( R News, 5(1):8--11.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' if (interactive()) {
#' graph <- resolve(pkgs = c("openNLP", "LDAvis", "topicmodels", "quanteda"),
#' snapshot_date = "2020-01-16")
#' dockerize(graph, ".")
#' ## An example of using post_installation_steps to install quarto
#' install_quarto <- c("RUN apt-get install -y curl git && \\
#' curl -LO && \\
#' dpkg -i quarto-linux-amd64.deb && \\
#' quarto install tool tinytex")
#' dockerize(graph, ".", post_installation_steps = install_quarto)
#' }
#' }
#' @export
dockerize <- function(rang, output_dir, materials_dir = NULL, post_installation_steps = NULL,
image = c("r-ver", "rstudio", "tidyverse", "verse", "geospatial"),
rang_as_comment = TRUE, cache = FALSE, verbose = TRUE, lib = NA,
cran_mirror = "", check_cran_mirror = TRUE,
bioc_mirror = "",
no_rocker = FALSE,
debian_version = c("lenny", "squeeze", "wheezy", "jessie", "stretch"),
skip_r17 = TRUE,
insert_readme = TRUE,
copy_all = FALSE) {
.containerize(rang = rang, output_dir = output_dir, materials_dir = materials_dir,
post_installation_steps = post_installation_steps, image = image,
rang_as_comment = rang_as_comment, cache = cache, verbose = verbose, lib = lib,
cran_mirror = cran_mirror, check_cran_mirror = check_cran_mirror,
bioc_mirror = bioc_mirror, no_rocker = no_rocker,
debian_version = debian_version, skip_r17 = skip_r17, insert_readme = insert_readme,
copy_all = copy_all, verb = "dockerize", passive_verb = "dockerized",
generate_rocker = .generate_rocker_dockerfile_content,
generate_eol = .generate_debian_eol_dockerfile_content,
output_file = "Dockerfile")
#' Create an Apptainer/Singularity Definition File of The Resolved Result
#' This function exports the result from [resolve()] to an Apptainer/Singularity definition file. For R version >= 3.1.0, the file is based on the versioned Rocker Docker image.
#' For R version < 3.1.0, the Apptainer/Singularity definition is based on Debian and it compiles R from source.
#' @param output_dir character, where to put the Apptainer/Singularity definition file and associated content
#' @param materials_dir character, path to the directory containing additional resources (e.g. analysis scripts) to be copied into `output_dir` and in turn into the Apptainer/Singularity container
#' @param post_installation_steps character, additional steps to be added before the in the end of `%post` section the Apptainer/Singularity definition file, see an example below
#' @inheritParams dockerize
#' @param ... arguments to be passed to `apptainerize`
#' @return `output_dir`, invisibly
#' @inheritParams export_rang
#' @inherit export_rang details
#' @seealso [resolve()], [export_rang()], [use_rang()]
#' @references
#' [Apptainer / Singularity](
#' Kurtzer, G. M., Sochat, V., & Bauer, M. W. (2017) Singularity: Scientific containers for mobility of compute. PLOS ONE, 12(5):e0177459. \doi{10.1371/journal.pone.0177459}
#' [The Rocker Project](
#' Ripley, B. (2005) [Packages and their Management in R 2.1.0.]( R News, 5(1):8--11.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' if (interactive()) {
#' graph <- resolve(
#' pkgs = c("openNLP", "LDAvis", "topicmodels", "quanteda"),
#' snapshot_date = "2020-01-16"
#' )
#' apptainerize(graph, ".")
#' ## An example of using post_installation_steps to install quarto
#' install_quarto <- c("apt-get install -y curl git && \\
#' curl -LO && \\
#' dpkg -i quarto-linux-amd64.deb && \\
#' quarto install tool tinytex")
#' apptainerize(graph, ".", post_installation_steps = install_quarto)
#' }
#' }
#' @export
apptainerize <- function(rang, output_dir, materials_dir = NULL, post_installation_steps = NULL,
image = c("r-ver", "rstudio", "tidyverse", "verse", "geospatial"),
rang_as_comment = TRUE, cache = FALSE, verbose = TRUE, lib = NA,
cran_mirror = "", check_cran_mirror = TRUE,
bioc_mirror = "",
no_rocker = FALSE,
debian_version = c("lenny", "squeeze", "wheezy", "jessie", "stretch"),
skip_r17 = TRUE,
insert_readme = TRUE,
copy_all = FALSE) {
.containerize(rang = rang, output_dir = output_dir, materials_dir = materials_dir,
post_installation_steps = post_installation_steps, image = image,
rang_as_comment = rang_as_comment, cache = cache, verbose = verbose, lib = lib,
cran_mirror = cran_mirror, check_cran_mirror = check_cran_mirror,
bioc_mirror = bioc_mirror, no_rocker = no_rocker,
debian_version = debian_version, skip_r17 = skip_r17, insert_readme = insert_readme,
copy_all = copy_all, verb = "apptainerize/singularize", passive_verb = "apptainerized/singularized",
generate_rocker = .generate_rocker_apptainer_content,
generate_eol = .generate_debian_eol_apptainer_content,
output_file = "container.def")
## aliases
#' @rdname dockerize
#' @export
dockerize_rang <- function(...) {
#' @rdname dockerize
#' @export
dockerise <- function(...) {
#' @rdname dockerize
#' @export
dockerise_rang <- function(...) {
#' @rdname apptainerize
#' @export
apptainerize_rang <- function(...) {
#' @rdname apptainerize
#' @export
apptainerise <- function(...) {
#' @rdname apptainerize
#' @export
apptainerise_rang <- function(...) {
#' @rdname apptainerize
#' @export
singularize <- function(...) {
#' @rdname apptainerize
#' @export
singularize_rang <- function(...) {
#' @rdname apptainerize
#' @export
singularise <- function(...) {
#' @rdname apptainerize
#' @export
singularise_rang <- function(...) {
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