#' @title Compute 'multitaper' spectral densities of time-series data
#' @name multitaper
#' @param data numerical vector, signal traces
#' @param data_length length of data
#' @param fs sampling frequency in 'Hz'
#' @param frequency_range frequency range to look at; length of two
#' @param time_bandwidth a number indicating time-half bandwidth product; i.e.
#' the window duration times the half bandwidth of main lobe; default is
#' \code{5}
#' @param num_tapers number of 'DPSS' tapers to use; default is \code{NULL} and
#' will be automatically computed from \code{floor(2*time_bandwidth - 1)}
#' @param window_params vector of two numbers; the first number is the
#' window size in seconds; the second number if the step size; default is
#' \code{c(5, 1)}
#' @param detrend_opt how you want to remove the trend from data window; options
#' are \code{'linear'} (default), \code{'constant'}, and \code{'off'}
#' @param nfft 'NFFT' size, positive; see 'Details'
#' @returns \code{multitaper_config} returns a list of configuration parameters
#' for the filters; \code{multitaper} also returns the time, frequency and
#' corresponding spectral power.
#' @details The original source code comes from 'Prerau' Lab (see 'Github'
#' repository \code{'multitaper_toolbox'} under user \code{'preraulab'}).
#' The results tend to agree with their 'Python' implementation with precision
#' on the order of at \code{1E-7} with standard deviation at most \code{1E-5}.
#' The original copy was licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution
#' 'NC'-'SA' 4.0 International License
#' (\url{}).
#' This package (\code{'ravetools'}) redistributes the \code{multitaper}
#' function under minor modifications on \code{nfft}. In the original copy
#' there is no parameter to control the exact numbers of \code{nfft}, and
#' the \code{nfft} is always the power of 2. While choosing
#' \code{nfft} to be the power of 2 is always recommended, the modified code
#' allows other choices.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # Takes long to run
#' time <- seq(0, 3, by = 0.001)
#' x <- sin(time * 20*pi) + exp(-time^2) * cos(time * 10*pi)
#' res <- multitaper(
#' x, 1000, frequency_range = c(0,15),
#' time_bandwidth=1.5,
#' window_params=c(2,0.01)
#' )
#' image(
#' x = res$time,
#' y = res$frequency,
#' z = 10 * log10(res$spec),
#' xlab = "Time (s)",
#' ylab = 'Frequency (Hz)',
#' col = matlab_palette()
#' )
#' }
multitaper_process_input <- function(
len_data, fs, frequency_range=NULL, time_bandwidth=5,
num_tapers=NULL, window_params=c(5,1), nfft=NA,
# Set frequency range if not provided
frequency_range <- c(0, fs/2)
# Set detrend method
detrend_opt <- tolower(detrend_opt)
if(detrend_opt != 'linear'){
if(detrend_opt == 'const'){
detrend_opt <- 'constant'
} else if(detrend_opt == 'none' || detrend_opt == 'false'){
detrend_opt <- 'off'
stop(paste("'", toString(detrend_opt),
"' is not a valid detrend_opt argument. The",
" choices are: 'constant', 'linear', or 'off'.",
# Check if frequency range is valid
if(frequency_range[2] > fs/2){
frequency_range[2] <- fs/2
"Upper frequency range greater than Nyquist, setting range to [",
toString(frequency_range[1]), ",",
toString(frequency_range[2]), "].",
# Set number of tapers if none provided
optimal_num_tapers <- floor(2*time_bandwidth) - 1
num_tapers <- optimal_num_tapers
# Warn if number of tapers is suboptimal
if(num_tapers != optimal_num_tapers){
warning(paste("Suboptimal number of tapers being used. Number of tapers is optimal at floor(2*TW) - 1 which is ",
toString(optimal_num_tapers), " in this case.", sep=""))
# Check if window size is valid, fix if not
if((window_params[1]*fs) %% 1 != 0){
winsize_samples <- round(window_params[1]*fs)
warning(paste("Window size is not divisible by sampling frequency. Adjusting window",
" size to ", toString(winsize_samples/fs), " seconds.", sep=""))
} else{
winsize_samples <- window_params[1]*fs
# Check if window step size is valid, fix if not
if((window_params[2]*fs) %% 1 != 0){
winstep_samples <- round(window_params[2]*fs)
warning(paste("Window step size is not divisible by sampling frequency. Adjusting window",
" step size to ", toString(winstep_samples/fs), " seconds.", sep=""))
} else{
winstep_samples <- window_params[2]*fs
# Check if length of data is smaller than window (bad)
if(len_data < winsize_samples){
stop(paste("Data length (", toString(len_data), ") is shorter than the window size (",
toString(winsize_samples), "). Either increase data length or decrease",
" window size.", sep=""))
# Find window start indices and num of windows
window_start <- seq(1, len_data-winsize_samples+1, by=winstep_samples)
num_windows <- length(window_start)
# Get num points in FFT
nfft <- as.integer(nfft)
if(! && nfft < 1){
stop("Invalid nfft")
nfft <- max(2^ceiling(log2(abs(winsize_samples))), winsize_samples)
fs = fs,
frequency_range = frequency_range,
time_bandwidth = time_bandwidth,
num_tapers = num_tapers,
winsize_samples = winsize_samples,
winstep_samples = winstep_samples,
window_start = window_start,
num_windows = num_windows,
nfft = nfft,
detrend_opt = detrend_opt
multitaper_process_spectrogram_params <- function(
fs, nfft, frequency_range, window_start, datawin_size
# Create frequency vector
df <- fs/nfft
sfreqs <- seq(df/2, fs-(df/2), by=df)
# Get frequencies for given frequency range
freq_inds <- (sfreqs >= frequency_range[1]) & (sfreqs <= frequency_range[2])
sfreqs <- sfreqs[freq_inds]
# Compute times in middle of each spectrum
window_middle_times <- window_start + round(datawin_size/2)
stimes <- window_middle_times / fs
# Get indices for each window
window_idxs <- lapply(window_start, function(start){
seq(start, start+datawin_size-1, by=1)
}) # list of indices for n windows
window_idxs = window_idxs,
stimes = stimes,
sfreqs = sfreqs,
freq_inds = freq_inds
#' @rdname multitaper
#' @export
multitaper_config <- function(
data_length, fs, frequency_range=NULL, time_bandwidth=5,
num_tapers=NULL, window_params=c(5,1),
nfft=NA, detrend_opt='linear'
) {
res <- multitaper_process_input(
data_length, fs, frequency_range, time_bandwidth, num_tapers,
window_params, nfft, detrend_opt)
# Set up spectrogram parameters
res2 <- with(res, {
multitaper_process_spectrogram_params(fs, nfft, frequency_range, window_start, winsize_samples)
structure(c(res, res2), class = "ravetools-multitaper-config")
#' @export
`print.ravetools-multitaper-config` <- function(x, ...){
# display_spectrogram_properties(fs, time_bandwidth, num_tapers, c(winsize_samples, winstep_samples), frequency_range,
# detrend_opt)
data_window_params <- c(x$winsize_samples, x$winstep_samples)
data_window_params <- data_window_params / x$fs
# Print spectrogram properties
sep = "",
"Multitaper Spectrogram Configuration: \n",
' Spectral Resolution: ',
toString(2 * x$time_bandwidth / data_window_params[1]), 'Hz\n',
' Window Length: ',
toString(data_window_params[1]), "s\n",
' Window Step: ',
toString(data_window_params[2]), "s\n",
' Time Half-Bandwidth Product: ',
toString(x$time_bandwidth), "\n",
' Number of Tapers: ',
toString(x$num_tapers), "\n",
' Frequency Range: ',
toString(x$frequency_range[1]), "-",
toString(x$frequency_range[2]), 'Hz\n',
' Detrend: ', x$detrend_opt, "\n"
multitaper_calc_mts_segment <- function(data_segment, dpss_tapers, nfft, freq_inds, detrend_opt){
# If segment has all zeros, return vector of zeros
ret <- rep(0, sum(freq_inds))
} else {
ret <- rep(0, length(freq_inds))
# Optionally detrend data to remove low freq DC component
if(detrend_opt != 'off'){
data_segment <- detrend(data_segment, trend = detrend_opt)
# Multiply data by dpss tapers (STEP 2)
tapered_data <- sweep(dpss_tapers, 1, data_segment, '*',
check.margin = FALSE)
} else {
tapered_data <- matrix(data_segment * dpss_tapers, ncol = 1L)
# Manually add nfft zero-padding (R's fft function does not support)
npad <- nfft-nrow(tapered_data)
# npad_left <- ceiling(npad / 2)
# npad_right <- npad - npad_left
tapered_padded_data <- rbind(
# array(0, c(
# npad_left,
# ncol(tapered_data)
# )),
array(0, c(
# Compute the FFT (STEP 3)
# fft_data <- apply(tapered_padded_data, 2, stats::fft)
# fft_range = fft_data[freq_inds,,drop = FALSE]
# nr1 <- nrow(tapered_padded_data)
fft_data <- mvfftw_r2c(tapered_padded_data)
# nr2 <- nrow(fft_data)
# if( nr1 %% 2 == 0 ){
# fft_data <- rbind(fft_data, Conj(
# fft_data[nr2 - seq_len(nr1 - nr2), ,drop=FALSE]
# ))
# } else {
# fft_data <- rbind(fft_data, Conj(
# fft_data[(nr2 + 1) - seq_len(nr1 - nr2), ,drop=FALSE]
# ))
# }
freq_inds <- which(freq_inds)
fft_range <- fft_data[freq_inds,,drop = FALSE]
# Take the FFT magnitude (STEP 4.1)
magnitude <- Im(fft_range)^2 + Re(fft_range)^2
mt_spectrum <- rowSums(magnitude)
#' @rdname multitaper
#' @export
multitaper <- function(
data, fs, frequency_range=NULL, time_bandwidth=5,
num_tapers=NULL, window_params=c(5,1),
nfft = NA, detrend_opt='linear'
# Make sure data is 1D atomic vector
if((is.atomic(data) == FALSE) || is.list(data)){
stop("data must be a 1D atomic vector")
dlen <- length(data)
conf <- multitaper_config(
dlen, fs, frequency_range, time_bandwidth, num_tapers,
window_params, nfft, detrend_opt
window_idxs <- conf$window_idxs
winsize_samples <- conf$winsize_samples
freq_inds <- conf$freq_inds
stimes <- conf$stimes
sfreqs <- conf$sfreqs
list2env(conf, envir = environment())
# Split data into window segments
split_data_helper <- function(indices, data){ # for sapply when splitting data into windows
data_seg <- data[indices]
data_segments <- t(sapply(window_idxs, split_data_helper, data=data))
# STEP 1: Compute DPSS tapers based on desired spectral properties
# STEP 2: Multiply the data segment by the DPSS Tapers
# STEP 3: Compute the spectrum for each tapered segment
# STEP 4: Take the mean of the tapered spectra
# Compute DPSS tapers (STEP 1)
dpss_tapers <- waveslim::dpss.taper(winsize_samples, num_tapers, time_bandwidth) * sqrt(fs)
# Compute multitaper
mt_spectrogram <- apply(
data_segments, 1, multitaper_calc_mts_segment,
dpss_tapers=dpss_tapers, nfft=nfft,
freq_inds=freq_inds, detrend_opt=detrend_opt)
# Compute mean fft magnitude (STEP 4.2)
mt_spectrogram <- Conj(t(mt_spectrogram)) / fs^2 / num_tapers
# if(all(as.vector(mt_spectrogram) == 0)){
# print("Spectrogram calculated as all zeros, no plot shown")
# }else if(plot_on){
# fields::image.plot(x=conf$time, y=conf$frequency, 10*log10(conf$spec), xlab="Time (s)",
# ylab='Frequency (Hz)')
# }
return(list(spec = mt_spectrogram, time = stimes, frequency = sfreqs, configuration = conf))
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