#' Calculate 'Welch Periodogram'
#' @description \code{pwelch} is for single signal trace only; \code{mv_pwelch}
#' is for multiple traces. Currently \code{mv_pwelch} is experimental and
#' should not be called directly.
#' @param x numerical vector or a row-major vector, signals.
#' If \code{x} is a matrix, then each row is a channel. For \code{plot}
#' function, \code{x} is the instance returned by \code{pwelch} function.
#' @param fs sample rate, average number of time points per second
#' @param window window length in time points, default size is \code{64}
#' @param window_family function generator for generating filter windows,
#' default is \code{\link{hamming}}. This can be any window function listed in
#' the filter window family, or any window generator function from package
#' \code{gsignal}. Default is \code{\link{hamming}}. For 'iEEG' users, both
#' \code{hamming} and \code{\link{blackmanharris}} are offered by 'EEG-lab';
#' while \code{blackmanharris} offers better attenuation than Hamming windows,
#' it also has lower spectral resolution. \code{hamming} has a 42.5 dB side-lobe
#' attenuation. This may mask spectral content below this value (relative
#' to the peak spectral content). Choosing different windows enables
#' you to make trade-off between resolution (e.g., using a rectangular
#' window) and side-lobe attenuation (e.g., using a \code{\link{hanning}}
#' window)
#' @param nfft number of points in window function; default is automatically
#' determined from input data and window, scaled up to the nearest power of 2
#' @param noverlap overlap between two adjacent windows, measured in time
#' points; default is half of the \code{window}
#' @param log indicates which axis should be \code{log10}-transformed, used by the plot function. For \code{'x'} axis, it's \code{log10}-transform; for \code{'y'} axis, it's \code{10log10}-transform (decibel unit). Choices are \code{"xy"}, \code{"x"}, \code{"y"}, and \code{""}.
#' @param plot integer, whether to plot the result or not; choices are \code{0}, no plot; \code{1} plot on a new canvas; \code{2} add to existing canvas
#' @param add logical, whether the plot should be added to existing canvas
#' @param ... will be passed to \code{plot.pwelch} or ignored
#' @param col,xlim,ylim,main,type,cex,las,xlab,ylab,lty,lwd,xaxs,yaxs,mar,mgp,tck parameters passed to \code{\link[graphics]{plot.default}}
#' @param se logical or a positive number indicating whether to plot standard
#' error of mean; default is false. If provided with a number, then a multiple
#' of standard error will be drawn. This option is only available when power
#' is in log-scale (decibel unit)
#' @param, controls the color and opacity of the standard error
#' @param xticks ticks to show on frequency axis
#' @param xline,yline controls how close the axis labels to the corresponding axes
#' @param grid whether to draw rectangular grid lines to the plot; only
#' respected when \code{add=FALSE}; default is true
#' @param margin the margin in which \code{pwelch} should be applied to
#' @returns A list with class \code{'ravetools-pwelch'} that contains the
#' following items:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{freq}}{frequencies used to calculate the 'periodogram'}
#' \item{\code{spec}}{resulting spectral power for each frequency}
#' \item{\code{window}}{window function (in numerical vector) used}
#' \item{\code{noverlap}}{number of overlapping time-points between two adjacent windows}
#' \item{\code{nfft}}{number of basis functions}
#' \item{\code{fs}}{sample rate}
#' \item{\code{x_len}}{input signal length}
#' \item{\code{method}}{a character string \code{'Welch'}}
#' }
#' @examples
#' x <- rnorm(1000)
#' pwel <- pwelch(x, 100)
#' pwel
#' plot(pwel, log = "xy")
#' @export
pwelch <- function(
x, fs, window = 64, noverlap = window / 2, nfft = "auto", window_family = hamming,
col = 'black', xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, main = 'Welch periodogram',
plot = 0, log = c("xy", "", "x", "y"), ...
) {
#' @export
pwelch.matrix <- function(
x, fs, window = 64, noverlap = window / 2, nfft = "auto", window_family = hamming,
col = 'black', xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, main = 'Welch periodogram',
plot = 0, log = c("xy", "", "x", "y"), margin = 1L, ...) {
if(margin != 2) {
# column-major
x <- t(x)
x_len <- nrow(x)
noverlap <- ceiling(noverlap)
if(identical(nfft, "auto") || nfft <= 1) {
nfft <- 256
nfft <- max(min(nfft, x_len), window)
nfft <- 2^ceiling(log2(nfft))
} else {
nfft <- max(min(nfft, x_len), window)
nfft <- ceiling(nfft)
window <- window_family(window)
# window_norm = norm(window, '2')
window_len <- length(window)
# normalization <- mean(window^2)
step <- max(floor(window_len - noverlap + 0.99), 1)
## Average the slices
offset <- seq(1, max(x_len-window_len+1, 1), by = step)
N <- length(offset)
# re-slice data
nchannels <- ncol(x)
re <- sapply(offset, function(idx_start) {
x[idx_start - 1 + seq_len(window_len), , drop = FALSE]
dim(re) <- c(window_len, length(re) / window_len)
re <- apply(re, 2, function(slice) {
a <- detrend_naive(slice)
postpad(a$Y * window, nfft)
re <- Mod(mvfftw_r2c(re)) ^ 2
NN <- ceiling((nfft + 1) / 2)
re <- re[seq_len(NN), , drop = FALSE] / window_len
# calculate mean
dim(re) <- c(NN, nchannels, N)
re <- collapse(re, keep = c(2L, 1L), average = TRUE)
# re <- apply(re, 1, rowMeans) # nchannels x NN
# if(!is.matrix(re)) {
# dim(re) <- c(nchannels, NN)
# }
freq <- seq(0, fs / 2, length.out = NN)
res <- structure(list(
freq = freq,
spec = re,
nchannels = nchannels,
df = N - 1,
window = window,
noverlap = noverlap,
nfft = nfft,
fs = fs,
x_len = length(x),
method = "Welch"
), class = c("pwelch-multi", "ravetools-pwelch", "pwelch"))
if( plot ) {
log <- match.arg(log)
plot(res, col = col, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, main = main,
add = plot >= 2, log = log, ...)
#' @export
pwelch.default <- function (
x, fs, window = 64, noverlap = window / 2, nfft = "auto", window_family = hamming,
col = 'black', xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, main = 'Welch periodogram',
plot = 0, log = c("xy", "", "x", "y"), ...) {
# list2env(list(window = 64, noverlap = 8, nfft = 256,
# col = 'black', xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, main = 'Welch periodogram',
# plot = TRUE, log = 'xy', spec_func = stats::spectrum, cex = 1), .GlobalEnv)
x <- as.vector(x)
x_len <- length(x)
noverlap <- ceiling(noverlap)
if(identical(nfft, "auto") || nfft <= 1) {
nfft <- 256
nfft <- max(min(nfft, x_len), window)
nfft <- 2^ceiling(log2(nfft))
} else {
nfft <- max(min(nfft, x_len), window)
nfft <- ceiling(nfft)
window <- window_family(window)
# window_norm = norm(window, '2')
window_len <- length(window)
# normalization <- mean(window^2)
step <- max(floor(window_len - noverlap + 0.99), 1)
## Average the slices
offset <- seq(1, max(x_len-window_len+1, 1), by = step)
N <- length(offset)
re <- sapply(seq_len(N), function(i){
slice <- x[offset[i] - 1 + seq_len(window_len)]
slice[] <- 0
a <- detrend_naive(slice)
postpad(a$Y * window, nfft)
# # HermConj = 0 : without the "Hermitian" redundancy
# a = fftwtools::fftw_r2c(postpad(a$Y * window, nfft), HermConj = 0)
# Mod(a)^2
re <- Mod(mvfftw_r2c(re))^2
NN <- ceiling((nfft + 1)/2)
re <- re[seq_len(NN), , drop = FALSE] / window_len
spec <- rowMeans(re)
# decibel unit so we can calculate sterr of mean
re_db <- 10 * log10(re)
spec_db <- rowMeans(re_db)
if(N > 1) {
spec_db_se <- apply(re_db, 1, stats::sd) / sqrt(N - 1)
} else {
spec_db_se <- rep(N, nrow(re))
freq <- seq(0, fs / 2, length.out = NN)
res <- structure(list(
freq = freq,
spec = spec,
spec_db = spec_db,
spec_db_se = spec_db_se,
nchannels = 1,
df = N - 1,
window = window,
noverlap = noverlap,
nfft = nfft,
fs = fs,
x_len = length(x),
method = "Welch"
), class = c("ravetools-pwelch", "pwelch"))
if( plot ) {
log <- match.arg(log)
plot(res, col = col, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, main = main,
add = plot >= 2, log = log, ...)
#' @rdname pwelch
#' @export
`print.ravetools-pwelch` <- function(x, ...){
"Welch Periodogram:\n",
sprintf(" # channels: %.0f\n", x$nchannels),
sprintf(" time points: %d\n", x$x_len),
sprintf(" sample rate: %.2f\n", x$fs),
sprintf(" window size: %d\n", length(x$window)),
sprintf(" window overlaps: %d\n", x$noverlap),
sprintf(" filter count: %d\n", x$nfft)
#' @rdname pwelch
#' @export
`plot.ravetools-pwelch` <- function(
x, log = c("xy", "x", "y", ""), se = FALSE, xticks, type = 'l', add = FALSE,
col = graphics::par("fg"), = "orange", = 0.5, lty = 1, lwd = 1,
cex = 1, las = 1, main = 'Welch periodogram', xlab, ylab,
xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, xaxs ="i", yaxs = "i",
xline = 1.2 * cex, yline = 2.0 * cex,
mar = c(2.6, 3.8, 2.1, 0.6) * (0.5 + cex / 2), mgp = cex * c(2, 0.5, 0),
tck = -0.02 * cex, grid = TRUE, ...) {
# x <- mv_pwelch(rbind(rep(0, 2000), rep(0, 2000)), 1, 100)
# x <- mv_pwelch(rbind(rnorm(2000), rnorm(2000)), 1, 100)
# log = "xy"; se = FALSE; type = 'l'; add = FALSE
# col = graphics::par("fg"); = "orange"; = 0.5; lty = 1; lwd = 1
# cex = 1; las = 1; main = 'Welch periodogram'
# xlim = NULL; ylim = NULL; xaxs ="i"; yaxs = "i"
# xline = 1.2 * cex; yline = 2.0 * cex
# mar = c(2.6, 3.8, 2.1, 0.6) * (0.5 + cex / 2); mgp = cex * c(2, 0.5, 0);
# tck = -0.02 * cex; grid = TRUE
if(!is.null(log) && !identical(log, "")){
log <- match.arg(log)
} else {
log <- ''
freq <- x$freq
xlim <- range(freq)
} else {
if(x$fs > 500 && xlim[[1]] == 0 && xlim[[2]] < 2.5) {
warning("`plot.pwelch`: `xlim` should be the frequency range in native values not log-range. Please check your plot function")
xlim <- 10^(xlim)
if(!missing(xticks)) {
xticks <- xticks[xticks >= min(xlim) & xticks <= max(xlim)]
xlabel <- c(xticks, xlim)
} else {
xlabel <- pretty(xlim)
if( x$df < 1 || log %in% c("x", "") || !length(x$spec_db_se) ) {
se <- FALSE
spec <- x$spec
if( se ) {
spec_lb <- 10 * log10(spec) - x$spec_db_se * as.numeric(se)
spec_ub <- 10 * log10(spec) + x$spec_db_se * as.numeric(se)
} else {
spec_lb <- 0
spec_ub <- 0
switch (
"xy" = {
xlab %?<-% 'Log10(Frequency)'
ylab %?<-% 'Power (dB)'
xat <- xlabel
xat[xat <= 0 ] <- min(freq[freq > 0])
xat <- log10(xat)
freq <- log10(freq)
spec <- 10 * log10(spec)
xlim <- range(xat, na.rm = TRUE)
if(xlim[1] < min(freq, na.rm = TRUE)) {
xlim[1] <- min(freq, na.rm = TRUE)
"x" = {
xlab %?<-% 'Log10(Frequency)'
ylab %?<-% 'Power'
xat <- xlabel
xat[xat <= 0 ] <- min(freq[freq > 0])
xat <- log10(xat)
freq <- log10(freq)
spec <- x$spec
xlim <- range(xat, na.rm = TRUE)
if(xlim[1] < min(freq, na.rm = TRUE)) {
xlim[1] <- min(freq, na.rm = TRUE)
se <- FALSE
"y" = {
xlab %?<-% 'Frequency'
ylab %?<-% 'Power (dB)'
spec <- 10 * log10(spec)
xat <- xlabel
xlab %?<-% 'Frequency'
ylab %?<-% 'Power'
spec <- x$spec
xat <- xlabel
se <- FALSE
spec_ <- spec[is.finite(spec)]
if(!length(spec_)) {
ylim <- c(-100, 0)
spec_range <- c(-100, 0)
} else {
ylim <- range(pretty(spec), na.rm = TRUE)
spec_range <- range(spec, na.rm = TRUE)
} else {
spec_range <- range(spec, na.rm = TRUE)
if(!is.matrix(spec)) {
spec <- matrix(spec, nrow = x$nchannels)
cex_params <- graphics::par("mgp", "mar", "mai", "cex.main", "cex.lab", "cex.axis", "cex.sub")
graphics::par(mgp = mgp, mar = mar)
on.exit({, cex_params)
range(freq, na.rm = TRUE), spec_range, type = "n", xlab = "", ylab = "",
xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, main = main, las = las,
axes = FALSE, xaxs = xaxs, yaxs = yaxs,
cex = cex, cex.main = cex_params$cex.main * cex,
cex.lab = cex_params$cex.lab * cex,
cex.axis = cex_params$cex.axis * cex, ...)
graphics::axis(1, at = xat, labels = xlabel, tck = tck,
cex = cex, cex.main = cex_params$cex.main * cex,
cex.lab = cex_params$cex.lab * cex,
cex.axis = cex_params$cex.axis * cex)
graphics::axis(2, at = pretty(ylim), las = 1, tck = tck,
cex = cex, cex.main = cex_params$cex.main * cex,
cex.lab = cex_params$cex.lab * cex,
cex.axis = cex_params$cex.axis * cex)
graphics::mtext(side = 2, text = ylab, line = yline,
cex = cex_params$cex.lab * cex)
graphics::mtext(side = 1, text = xlab, line = xline,
cex = cex_params$cex.lab * cex)
if(grid) {
if(!isFALSE(se)) {
graphics::polygon(c(freq, rev(freq)), c(spec_lb, rev(spec_ub)),
density = NA, border = NA,
col = grDevices::adjustcolor(, alpha.f =,
cex = cex, cex.main = cex_params$cex.main * cex,
cex.lab = cex_params$cex.lab * cex,
cex.axis = cex_params$cex.axis * cex, )
# graphics::lines(x = freq, y = spec, col = col, lty = lty, lwd = lwd, type = type)
spec_t <- t(spec)
sel <- is.finite(freq) & (rowSums(!is.finite(spec_t)) == 0)
if(any(sel)) {
graphics::matpoints(freq[sel], spec_t[sel,,drop = FALSE], type = type, col = col, lty = lty, lwd = lwd,
cex = cex, cex.main = cex_params$cex.main * cex,
cex.lab = cex_params$cex.lab * cex,
cex.axis = cex_params$cex.axis * cex, ...)
xlim = xlim,
ylim = ylim
#' @rdname pwelch
#' @export
mv_pwelch <- function(x, margin, fs, window = 64, noverlap = window / 2,
nfft = "auto", window_family = hamming){
if(margin != 2L) {
x <- t(x)
noverlap <- ceiling(noverlap)
xlen <- length(x) / dim(x)[[2]]
if(identical(nfft, "auto") || nfft <= 1) {
nfft <- 256
nfft <- max(min(nfft, xlen), window)
nfft <- 2^ceiling(log2(nfft))
} else {
nfft <- max(min(nfft, xlen), window)
nfft <- ceiling(nfft)
window <- window_family(window)
window_len <- length(window)
if( noverlap >= window_len ) {
noverlap <- window_len - 1
} else if ( noverlap < 0 ) {
noverlap <- 0
if( xlen > window_len ) {
start <- seq(1, xlen - window_len + 1, by = window_len - noverlap)
slices <- sapply(start, function(si) {
x[seq(si, si + window_len - 1), , drop = FALSE]
dim(slices) <- c(window_len, length(slices) / window_len)
slices <- apply(slices, 2L, function(s) {
a <- detrend_naive(s)
postpad(a$Y * window, nfft)
} else {
slices <- apply(x, 2L, function(s) {
a <- detrend_naive(s)
postpad(a$Y * window, nfft)
re <- Mod(mvfftw_r2c(slices))^2
NN <- ceiling((nfft + 1)/2)
spec <- rowMeans(re) / window_len
spec <- spec[seq_len(NN)]
freq <- seq(0, fs / 2, length.out = NN)
re <- structure(list(
freq = freq,
spec = spec,
window = window,
noverlap = NA,
nfft = nfft,
fs = fs,
x_len = xlen,
method = "Welch",
nchannels = 1L
), class = c("ravetools-pwelch", "pwelch"))
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