#' @rdname bi_write
#' @name bi_write
#' @title Create (e.g., init or observation) files for LibBi
#' @description
#' This function creates (or appends to) a NetCDF file for LibBi from the given
#' list of vectors and/or data frames. Since any files can be passed to
#' \code{\link{libbi}} directly via the \code{init}, \code{input} and
#' \code{obs} options, this is mostly used internally, this is mostly used
#' internally.
#' @param filename a path to a NetCDF file to write the variables into, which
#' will be overwritten if it already exists. If necessary, ".nc" will be added
#' to the file name
#' @param variables a \code{list} object, the names of which should be the
#' variable names and values should be either single values or data frames
#' @param append if TRUE, will append variables if file exists; default: FALSE
#' @param overwrite if TRUE, will overwrite variables if file exists; default:
#' @param time_dim the name of the time dimension, if one exists; default:
#' "time"
#' @param coord_dims the names of the coordinate dimension, if any; should be a
#' named list of character vectors, they are matched to variables names
#' @param dim_factors factors that dimensions have; this corresponds to the
#' \code{dims} element of a \code{\link{libbi}} object
#' @param value_column if any \code{variables} are data frames, which column
#' contains the values (default: "value")
#' @param guess_time whether to guess time dimension; this would be a numerical
#' column in the data frame given which is not the \code{value_column}; only
#' one such column must exist
#' @param verbose if TRUE, will print variables as they are read
#' @details
#' The list of variables must follow the following rules. Each element
#' of the list must itself be one of:
#' 1) a data frame with a \code{value_column} column (see option 'value_column')
#' and any number of other columns indicating one or more dimensions
#' 2) a numeric vector of length one, with no dimensions
#' The name of the list elements itself is used to create the
#' corresponding variable in the NetCDF file.
#' @return A list of the time and coord dims, and factors in extra dimensions,
#' if any
#' @importFrom ncdf4 nc_close ncdim_def ncvar_def nc_create ncvar_put ncvar_add
#' @importFrom data.table data.table copy
#' @importFrom reshape2 melt
#' @examples
#' filename <- tempfile(pattern = "dummy", fileext = ".nc")
#' a <- 3
#' b <- data.frame(
#' dim_a = rep(1:3, time = 2), dim_b = rep(1:2, each = 3), value = 1:6
#' )
#' variables <- list(a = a, b = b)
#' bi_write(filename, variables)
#' bi_file_summary(filename)
#' @export
bi_write <- function(filename, variables, append = FALSE, overwrite = FALSE,
time_dim, coord_dims, dim_factors, value_column = "value",
guess_time = FALSE, verbose) {
if (!grepl("\\.nc$", filename)) {
filename <- paste(filename, "nc", sep = ".")
if (!("list" %in% class(variables)) || length(variables) == 0) {
stop("please provide a non-empty list to bi_write")
if (is.null(names(variables)) || any(names(variables) == "")) {
stop("'variables' must be named")
if (missing(coord_dims) || length(coord_dims) == 0) {
coord_dims <- list()
if (missing(time_dim) || length(time_dim) == 0) {
time_dim <- NULL
} else if (guess_time) {
stop("'time_dim' must not be given if guess_time is TRUE")
## initialise variables
dims <- list() ## dimension variables created with nc_dim
if (missing(dim_factors)) {
dim_factors <- list() ## factors for created dimension variables
vars <- list() ## variables created with nc_var
values <- list() ## values in the variables
for (name in names(variables)) { ## loop over list of variables
if (!missing(verbose) && verbose) {
message(date(), " Preparing ", name)
## get list element
element <- variables[[name]]
index_cols <- list()
## reset time and coord dim if we're guessing
if (guess_time) time_dim <- NULL
## reset nr index dimension name
nr_index <- NULL
if ( {
element <- data.table(element)
cols <- colnames(element)
## attach numbers to duplicated columnns
duplicated_cols <- unique(cols[duplicated(cols)])
for (col in duplicated_cols) {
new_colnames <- paste(col, seq_along(cols[cols == col]), sep = ".")
setnames(element, which(cols == col), new_colnames)
cols[cols == col] <- new_colnames
## check
if (!(value_column %in% colnames(element))) {
"any elements of 'variables' that are a data frame must have a '",
value_column, "' column"
## ns dimension gets special treatment
if ("ns" %in% cols) {
ns_values <- unique(element[["ns"]])
ns_dim <- ncdim_def("ns", "", ns_values)
} else {
ns_dim <- NULL
## guess time dimension: numeric/integer column that isn't the value
## column
if (guess_time) {
numeric_cols <- cols[which(vapply(cols, function(x) {
class(element[[x]]) %in% c("integer", "numeric")
}, TRUE))]
numeric_cols <- setdiff(numeric_cols, value_column)
if (length(numeric_cols) == 1) {
time_dim <- numeric_cols
} else if (length(numeric_cols) > 1) {
if ("time" %in% numeric_cols) {
time_dim <- "time"
guess_time <- FALSE
} else {
"Could not decide on time dimension between ",
paste(numeric_cols, collapse = ", ")
if (is.null(time_dim) && "time" %in% colnames(element)) time_dim <- "time"
## guess coord dimension(s): a column that is not the time or value
## column, and not np or ns; this is only used later if the data is
## sparse
exclude <- c("np", "ns", value_column)
if (!is.null(time_dim)) {
exclude <- c(exclude, time_dim)
guessed_coord <- setdiff(colnames(element), exclude)
if (length(guessed_coord) > 0) coord_dims[[name]] <- guessed_coord
## add time and coord dimensions to vector of index columns
if ("ns" %in% colnames(element)) {
index_cols <- c(index_cols, list(ns = "ns"))
if (!is.null(time_dim)) {
index_cols <- c(index_cols, list(time = time_dim))
if (!is.null(coord_dims[[name]])) {
sparse <- check_sparse_var(element, coord_dims[[name]], value_column)
if (sparse) {
index_cols <- c(index_cols, list(coord = coord_dims[[name]]))
## strip trailing numbers, these indicate duplicate dimensions
check_coord_dims <- sub("\\.[0-9]+$", "", coord_dims[[name]])
if (any(duplicated(check_coord_dims))) {
stop("Sparse duplicated dimensions are not supported.")
} else {
sparse <- FALSE
var_dims <- list()
## list of dimensions
## first, check for time and coord columns
present_index_cols <- intersect(unlist(index_cols), colnames(element))
index_table <- unique(element[, present_index_cols, with = FALSE])
if (nrow(index_table) > 0) {
setkeyv(index_table, unlist(present_index_cols))
nr_table <- copy(index_table)
if (nrow(index_table) > 0) {
if ("ns" %in% cols) {
nr_table <- unique(
nr_table[, setdiff(colnames(nr_table), "ns"), with = FALSE]
var_dims <- c(list(ns_dim), var_dims)
names(var_dims)[1] <- "ns"
present_index_cols <- setdiff(present_index_cols, "ns")
if (nrow(nr_table) > 0) {
nr_index <- paste("nr", name, sep = "_")
nr_table[[nr_index]] <- seq_len(nrow(nr_table)) - 1
index_table <- merge(index_table, nr_table, by = present_index_cols)
setkeyv(index_table, nr_index)
nr_dim <- ncdim_def(nr_index, "", nr_table[[nr_index]])
dims[[nr_index]] <- nr_dim
var_dims <- c(var_dims, list(nr_dim))
names(var_dims)[length(var_dims)] <- nr_index
if (sparse) {
coord <- create_coord_var(
name, dims, dim_factors, coord_dims[[name]], index_table, ns_dim,
time_dim, nr_index, value_column
values[[coord[["name"]]]] <- coord[["values"]]
vars[[coord[["name"]]]] <- coord[["var"]]
dims <- c(dims, coord[["dim"]])
for (dim in names(coord[["dim_factors"]])) {
dim_factors[[dim]] <- coord[["dim_factors"]][[dim]]
if (!is.null(time_dim) && time_dim %in% cols) {
time_var <- paste("time", name, sep = "_")
time_dims <- list(nr_dim)
if ("ns" %in% cols) time_dims <- c(list(ns_dim), time_dims)
vars[[time_var]] <- ncvar_def(time_var, "", time_dims)
values[[time_var]] <- index_table[[time_dim]]
data_cols <- setdiff(cols, c(unlist(index_cols), value_column))
if ("time" %in% data_cols) {
"Can't have a time dimension called 'time'; try setting ",
"'time_dim = \"time\"'."
if ("coord" %in% data_cols) {
"Can't have a coord dimension called 'coord'; try setting ",
"'coord_dims = \"coord\"'."
for (col in rev(data_cols)) {
dim_name <- col
## strip trailing numbers, these indicate duplicate dimensions
dim_name <- sub("\\.[0-9]+$", "", dim_name)
dim_values <- unique(element[[col]])
if (dim_name %in% names(dims)) {
if (length(dim_values) != dims[[dim_name]]$len) {
"Two dimensions of name '", dim_name, "' have different lengths"
} else {
new_dim <- ncdim_def(dim_name, "", seq_along(unique(dim_values)) - 1)
dims[[dim_name]] <- new_dim
if (!(class(dim_values) %in% c("numeric", "integer") &&
length(setdiff(as.integer(dim_values), dim_values)) == 0 &&
seq_len(max(dim_values)), unique(dim_values)
)) == 0)) {
dim_factors[[dim_name]] <- dim_values
var_dims <- c(var_dims, list(dims[[dim_name]]))
names(var_dims)[length(var_dims)] <- col
## order variables
order_cols <- data_cols
if (!is.null(nr_index)) order_cols <- c(order_cols, nr_index)
if ("ns" %in% cols) order_cols <- c(order_cols, "ns")
var_dims <-
var_dims[names(var_dims)[order(match(names(var_dims), order_cols))]]
table_order <- rev(names(var_dims))
if (nrow(nr_table) > 0) {
element <- merge(element, nr_table, by = present_index_cols)
new_order <- lapply(
intersect(table_order, colnames(element)), function(x) {
if (length(new_order) > 0) {
element <- element[, new_order), ]
vars[[name]] <- ncvar_def(name, "", var_dims)
values[[name]] <- element[[value_column]]
} else if (length(intersect(typeof(element), c("double", "integer"))) > 0) {
if (length(element) > 1) {
"any elements of 'variables' that are a vector must be of length 1"
vars[[name]] <- ncvar_def(name, "", list())
values[[name]] <- element
} else {
"each element of 'variables' should itself be a list or a data frame, ",
"or a numeric vector of length 1"
if ((append || overwrite) && file.exists(filename)) {
nc <- nc_open(filename, write = TRUE)
existing_vars <- unname(vapply(nc[["var"]], function(y) {
}, ""))
if (append) {
for (name in setdiff(names(vars), existing_vars)) {
nc <- ncvar_add(nc, vars[[name]])
} else {
nc <- nc_create(filename, vars)
existing_vars <- c()
for (name in names(vars)) {
if ((!(append || overwrite)) ||
(append && !(name %in% existing_vars)) ||
(overwrite && (name %in% existing_vars))) {
if (!missing(verbose) && verbose) {
message(date(), " Writing ", name)
values[[name]][!is.finite(values[[name]])] <- NA_real_
## create an additional variable if needed
ncvar_put(nc, name, values[[name]])
return(list(time_dim = time_dim, coord_dims = coord_dims, dims = dim_factors))
##' Check if a variable is sparse
##' Takes a data.table with given coordinate columns and a value column and
##' checks if all combinations of the coordinate columns are present for each
##' combination of the other columns.
##' @title Check if a variable is sparse
##' @param x data.table
##' @param coord_cols character vector of coordinate columns
##' @param value_column the name of the value column
##' @return TRUE if the variable is sparse, FALSE otherwise
##' @importFrom data.table copy CJ setorderv .SD
##' @keywords internal
##' @author Sebastian Funk
check_sparse_var <- function(x, coord_cols, value_column) {
## for each combination of coord_cols check if all combinations of values
## in other columns except value_column are present
check <- copy(x)
other_cols <- setdiff(names(check), c(coord_cols, value_column))
setorderv(check, coord_cols)
all_values <- lapply(coord_cols, function(x) unique(check[[x]]))
all_combinations <-, all_values)
## check if for all combinations of other calls the values of coord_cols
## are all available combinations
all <- check[, list(
all_equal = nrow(.SD) == nrow(all_combinations) &&
all(.SD[, coord_cols, with = FALSE] == all_combinations)
), by = other_cols]
##' Create a coordinate variable
##' Creates a coordinate variable with associated dimensions
##' @title Create a coordinate variable
##' @param name Name of the variable
##' @param dims Dimensions of all variables
##' @param dim_factors Factors of all dimensions
##' @param index_table data.table with index columns
##' @param coord_dim Coordinate dimension
##' @param ns_dim ns dimension
##' @param time_dim time dimension
##' @param nr_column nr column
##' @param value_column value column
##' @importFrom data.table data.table
##' @importFrom reshape2 melt
##' @return a list with information on the coordinate variable
##' @keywords internal
##' @author Sebastian Funk
create_coord_var <- function(name, dims, dim_factors, coord_dim, index_table,
ns_dim, time_dim, nr_column, value_column) {
coord_var <- paste("coord", name, sep = "_")
if (length(coord_dim) > 1) {
coord_index <- paste("index", coord_var, sep = "_")
coord_index_values <- seq_along(coord_dim) - 1
coord_index_dim <- list(ncdim_def(coord_index, "", coord_index_values))
names(coord_index_dim) <- coord_index
} else {
coord_index_dim <- list()
for (loop_coord_dim in coord_dim) {
dim_index <- index_table[[loop_coord_dim]]
if (!((is.integer(dim_index) || is.numeric(dim_index)) &&
length(setdiff(as.integer(dim_index), dim_index)) == 0 &&
length(setdiff(seq_len(max(dim_index)), unique(dim_index))) == 0)) {
if (any(class(dim_index) == "factor")) {
dim_factors[[loop_coord_dim]] <- union(
dim_factors[[loop_coord_dim]], levels(dim_index)
index_table[[loop_coord_dim]] <- as.integer(factor(
dim_index, levels = dim_factors[[loop_coord_dim]]
)) - 1L
} else {
index_table[[loop_coord_dim]] <- as.integer(dim_index)
coord_var_dims <- dims[sub("^coord", "nr", coord_var)]
if (length(coord_dim) > 1) {
sort_keys <- c(coord_dim)
index_table_cols <- colnames(index_table)
if (nr_column %in% index_table_cols) sort_keys <- c(nr_column, sort_keys)
if ("ns" %in% index_table_cols) sort_keys <- c(sort_keys, "ns")
setkeyv(index_table, sort_keys)
id_columns <- c()
if (nr_column %in% index_table_cols) id_columns <- c(nr_column, id_columns)
if ("ns" %in% index_table_cols) id_columns <- c("ns", id_columns)
if (!is.null(time_dim) && time_dim %in% colnames(index_table)) {
id_columns <- c(time_dim, id_columns)
coord_table <- data.table(melt(
index_table[, c(id_columns, coord_dim), with = FALSE],
id.vars = id_columns
sort_keys <- rev(setdiff(colnames(coord_table), "value"))
setkeyv(coord_table, sort_keys)
values <- coord_table[[value_column]]
coord_var_dims <- c(coord_var_dims, list(coord_index_dim[[coord_index]]))
} else {
values <- index_table[[coord_dim]]
if (!is.null(ns_dim)) {
coord_var_dims <- c(list(ns_dim), coord_var_dims)
var <- ncvar_def(coord_var, "", coord_var_dims)
name = coord_var, values = values, var = var,
dim = coord_index_dim, dim_factors = dim_factors
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