
Defines functions interpolate_sky_points

Documented in interpolate_sky_points

#' Interpolate sky points
#' Interpolate values from canopy photographs.
#' This function use [lidR::knnidw()] as workhorse function, so
#' arguments `k`, `p`, and `rmax` are passed to it.
#' This function is based on \insertCite{Lang2010;textual}{rcaiman}. In theory,
#' the best result would be obtained with data showing a linear relation between
#' digital numbers and the amount of light reaching the sensor. See
#' [extract_radiometry()] and [read_caim_raw()] for further details. As a
#' compromise solution, [gbc()] can be used.
#' Default parameters are the ones used by
#' \insertCite{Lang2010;textual}{rcaiman}. The argument `rmax` should
#' account for between 15 to 20 degrees, but it is expressed in pixels units.
#' So, image resolution and lens projections should be taken into account to set
#' this argument properly.
#' @param sky_points An object of class *data.frame*. The data.frame returned by
#'   [extract_rl()] or [extract_dn()], or a
#'   *data.frame* with same basic structure and names.
#' @param r [SpatRaster-class]. The image from which `sky_points`
#'   was obtained.
#' @param k Numeric vector of length one. Number of k-nearest neighbors.
#' @param p Numeric vector of length one. Power for inverse-distance weighting.
#' @param rmax Numeric vector of length one. Maximum radius where to search for
#'   *knn*.
#' @param col_id Numeric vector of length one. ID of the column with the values
#'   to interpolate.
#' @references \insertAllCited{}
#' @family Sky Reconstruction Functions
#' @return An object of class [SpatRaster-class].
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' caim <- read_caim()
#' r <- caim$Blue
#' caim <- normalize(caim, 0, 20847, TRUE)
#' z <- zenith_image(ncol(caim), lens())
#' a <- azimuth_image(z)
#' m <- !is.na(z)
#' bin <- ootb_obia(caim, z, a, m, HSV(239, 0.85, 0.5), gamma = NULL)
#' g <- sky_grid_segmentation(z, a, 10)
#' sky_points <- extract_sky_points(r, bin, g, dist_to_plant = 3)
#' plot(bin)
#' points(sky_points$col, nrow(caim) - sky_points$row, col = 2, pch = 10)
#' sky_points <- extract_dn(r, sky_points)
#' sky <- interpolate_sky_points(sky_points, r, col_id = 3)
#' plot(sky)
#' plot(r/sky)
#' # A quick demonstration of how to use trend surface fitting to smooth the
#' # interpolation
#' persp(terra::aggregate(sky, 10), theta = 45, phi = 30)
#' sky_s <- fit_trend_surface(sky, z, a, !is.na(z))
#' persp(terra::aggregate(sky_s$image, 10), theta = 45, phi = 30)
#' plot(sky_s$image)
#' plot(r)
#' plot(r/sky_s$image)
#' plot(apply_thr(r/sky_s$image, 0.5))
#' }
interpolate_sky_points <- function(sky_points,
                                   k = 3,
                                   p = 2,
                                   rmax = 200,
                                   col_id = "rl") {
  stopifnot(length(k) == 1)
  stopifnot(length(p) == 1)
  stopifnot(length(rmax) == 1)
  stopifnot(length(col_id) == 1)

  cells <- terra::cellFromRowCol(r, sky_points$row, sky_points$col)
  xy <- terra::xyFromCell(r, cells)
  las <- .make_fake_las(
    c(xy[, 1]     , 0 - rmax, 0 - rmax       , xmax(r) + rmax, xmax(r) + rmax),
    c(xy[, 2]     , 0 - rmax, ymax(r) + rmax , ymax(r) + rmax, 0 - rmax),
    c(sky_points[,col_id] * 10000, 0       , 0              ,              0, 0)
  las@data$Classification <- 2
  lidR::crs(las) <- 7589

  ir <- suppressWarnings(
        lidR::rasterize_terrain(las, res = 1,
                                algorithm = lidR::knnidw(k = k,
                                                         p = p,
                                                         rmax = rmax)
  ir <- terra::resample(ir, r) / 10000

  p <- terra::vect(xy, "points")
  terra::crs(p) <- crs(r)

  buff <- terra::buffer(p, rmax)
  buff <- terra::rasterize(buff, r)
  ir[is.na(buff)] <- NA

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rcaiman documentation built on Nov. 15, 2023, 1:08 a.m.