
Defines functions redist.enumpart redist.calc.frontier.size is_last redist.read.enumpart redist.run.enumpart redist.prep.enumpart redist.init.enumpart

Documented in redist.calc.frontier.size redist.enumpart redist.init.enumpart redist.prep.enumpart redist.read.enumpart redist.run.enumpart

#' Initialize enumpart
#' This ensures that the enumerate partitions programs is prepared to run.
#' This must be run once per install of the redist package.
#' @return 0 on success
#' @export
#' @references
#' Benjamin Fifield, Kosuke Imai, Jun Kawahara, and Christopher T Kenny.
#' "The Essential Role of Empirical Validation in Legislative Redistricting Simulation."
#' Forthcoming, Statistics and Public Policy.
#' @concept enumerate
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' redist.init.enumpart()
#' }
redist.init.enumpart <- function() {
    # Update makefile to direct to library only if Windows
    if (Sys.info()[["sysname"]] == "Windows") {
        makecontent <- readLines(system.file("enumpart/Makefile", package = "redist"))
        makecontent[7] <- "\tg++ enumpart.cpp SAPPOROBDD/bddc.o SAPPOROBDD/BDD.o SAPPOROBDD/ZBDD.o -o enumpart -I$(TDZDD_DIR) -std=c++11 -O3 -DB_64 -DNDEBUG -lpsapi"
        writeLines(text = makecontent, con = system.file("enumpart/Makefile", package = "redist"))

    servr::make(dir = system.file("enumpart", package = "redist"), verbose = FALSE)

    if (Sys.info()[["sysname"]] == "Windows") {
        sys::exec_wait("python", args = c("-m", "pip", "install", "networkx", "--user"))
    } else {
        sys::exec_wait("python3", args = c("-m", "pip", "install", "networkx", "--user"))

    # Necessary to avoid bad CRAN submissions:
    if (Sys.info()[["sysname"]] == "Windows") {
        makecontent <- readLines(system.file("enumpart/Makefile", package = "redist"))
        makecontent[7] <- "\tg++ enumpart.cpp SAPPOROBDD/bddc.o SAPPOROBDD/BDD.o SAPPOROBDD/ZBDD.o -o enumpart -I$(TDZDD_DIR) -std=c++11 -O3 -DB_64 -DNDEBUG"
        writeLines(text = makecontent, con = system.file("enumpart/Makefile", package = "redist"))


#' Prepares a run of the enumpart algorithm by ordering edges
#' @param adj zero indexed adjacency list
#' @param unordered_path valid path to output the unordered adjacency map to
#' @param ordered_path valid path to output the ordered adjacency map to
#' @param weight_path A path (not including ".dat") to store a space-delimited
#' file containing a vector of vertex weights. Only supply with total_pop.
#' @param total_pop the vector of precinct populations. Only supply with weight_path
#' @return 0 on success
#' @export
#' @importFrom sys exec_wait
#' @references
#' Benjamin Fifield, Kosuke Imai, Jun Kawahara, and Christopher T Kenny.
#' "The Essential Role of Empirical Validation in Legislative Redistricting Simulation."
#' Forthcoming, Statistics and Public Policy.
#' @concept enumerate
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' temp <- tempdir()
#' data(fl25)
#' adj <- redist.adjacency(fl25)
#' redist.prep.enumpart(adj = adj, unordered_path = paste0(temp, "/unordered"),
#'     ordered_path = paste0(temp, "/ordered"))
#' }
redist.prep.enumpart <- function(adj, unordered_path, ordered_path,
                                 weight_path = NULL, total_pop = NULL) {

    if (is.null(weight_path) + is.null(total_pop) == 1L) {
        cli_abort("You must provide both of {.arg weight_path} and {.arg total_pop} or neither.")

    # Return the list to 1 indexing
    adj <- lapply(adj, function(x) {x + 1})

    # Remove any duplicates:
    adj <- lapply(adj, unique)

    ## Sink
    adj_map <- c()
    for (k in 1:length(adj)) {
        sub <- adj[[k]]
        sub <- sub[sub > k]
        if (length(sub) > 0) {
            for (l in 1:length(sub)) {
                adj_map <- rbind(adj_map, c(k, sub[l]))

    utils::write.table(data.frame(adj_map), file = paste0(unordered_path, ".dat"),
        quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)

    ## Order edges

    if (Sys.info()[["sysname"]] == "Windows") {
        res <- sys::exec_wait("python",
            args = system.file("python/ndscut.py", package = "redist"),
            std_in = paste0(unordered_path, ".dat"),
            std_out = paste0(ordered_path, ".dat"))
    } else {
        res <- sys::exec_wait("python3",
            args = system.file("python/ndscut.py", package = "redist"),
            std_in = paste0(unordered_path, ".dat"),
            std_out = paste0(ordered_path, ".dat"))

    if (!is.null(weight_path)) {
        utils::write.table(t(total_pop), file = paste0(weight_path, ".dat"),
            quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)


#' Runs the enumpart algorithm
#' @param ordered_path Path used in redist.prep.enumpart (not including ".dat")
#' @param out_path Valid path to output the enumerated districts
#' @param ndists number of districts to enumerate
#' @param all boolean. TRUE outputs all districts. FALSE samples n districts.
#' @param n integer. Number of districts to output if all is FALSE. Returns
#' districts selected from uniform random distribution.
#' @param weight_path A path (not including ".dat") to a space-delimited file containing a vector of
#' vertex weights, to be used along with \code{lower} and \code{upper}.
#' @param lower A lower bound on each partition's total weight, implemented by rejection sampling.
#' @param upper An upper bound on each partition's total weight.
#' @param options Additional enumpart arguments. Not recommended for use.
#' @references
#' Benjamin Fifield, Kosuke Imai, Jun Kawahara, and Christopher T Kenny.
#' "The Essential Role of Empirical Validation in Legislative Redistricting Simulation."
#' Forthcoming, Statistics and Public Policy.
#' @return 0 on success
#' @export
#' @concept enumerate
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' temp <- tempdir()
#' redist.run.enumpart(ordered_path = paste0(temp, "/ordered"),
#'     out_path = paste0(temp, "/enumerated"))
#' }
redist.run.enumpart <- function(ordered_path, out_path, ndists = 2,
                                all = TRUE, n  = NULL, weight_path = NULL,
                                lower = NULL, upper = NULL, options = NULL) {
    ndists <- as.integer(ndists)
    n <- as.integer(n)

    # use args based on types
    if (is.null(options)) {
        if (all) {
            options <- c("-k", ndists, "-comp", "-allsols")
        } else {
            if (is.null(n)) {
                cli_abort("{.arg n} must be specified when all is {.code FALSE}.")
            options <- c("-k", ndists, "-comp", "-sample", n)

    if (!is.null(lower)) {
        options <-  c(options, "-lower", as.character(lower))
    if (!is.null(upper)) {
        options <- c(options, "-upper", as.character(upper))

    if (is.null(weight_path)) {
        options <- c(paste0(ordered_path, ".dat"), options)
    } else {
        options <- c(paste0(ordered_path, ".dat"), paste0(weight_path, ".dat"), options)

    ## Run enumpart
    res <- sys::exec_wait(paste0(system.file("enumpart", package = "redist"), "/enumpart"),
        args = options,
        std_out = paste0(out_path, ".dat"), std_err = TRUE)


#' Read Results from enumpart
#' @param out_path out_path specified in redist.run.enumpart
#' @param skip number of lines to skip
#' @param n_max max number of lines to read
#' @return district_membership matrix
#' @export
#' @references
#' Benjamin Fifield, Kosuke Imai, Jun Kawahara, and Christopher T Kenny.
#' "The Essential Role of Empirical Validation in Legislative Redistricting Simulation."
#' Forthcoming, Statistics and Public Policy.
#' @concept enumerate
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' temp <- tempdir()
#' cds <- redist.read.enumpart(out_path = paste0(temp, "/enumerated"))
#' }
redist.read.enumpart <- function(out_path, skip = 0,  n_max = -1L) {
    sols <- readLines(paste0(out_path, ".dat"), n = n_max)
    if (skip > 0) sols <- sols[-seq_len(skip)]
    sols <- apply(do.call("cbind", strsplit(sols, " ")), 2, as.numeric)
    return(sols + 1L)

# check if last edge
# @param i integer, current frontier
# @param v integer, vertex to search for
# @param edges edgelist matrix
# @return bool
is_last <- function(i, v, edges) {
    if (i == nrow(edges)) {
    for (j in (i + 1):nrow(edges)) {
        if (v ==  edges[j, 1] | v == edges[j, 2]) {

#' Calculate Frontier Size
#' @param ordered_path path to ordered path created by redist.prep.enumpart
#' @return List, four objects
#' \itemize{
#' \item{max}{numeric, maximum frontier size}
#' \item{average}{numeric, average frontier size}
#' \item{average_sq}{numeric, average((frontier size)^2)}
#' \item{sequence}{numeric vector, lists out all sizes for every frontier}
#' }
#' @export
#' @concept enumerate
#' @importFrom stringr str_split
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' data(fl25)
#' adj <- redist.adjacency(fl25)
#' redist.prep.enumpart(adj, "unordered", "ordered")
#' redist.calc.frontier.size("ordered")
#' }
redist.calc.frontier.size <- function(ordered_path) {
    lines_in <- readLines(paste0(ordered_path, ".dat"))
    n <- length(lines_in)

    edges_unsort <- apply(stringr::str_split(string = lines_in, pattern = " ", simplify = TRUE), 2, as.integer)
    edges <- cbind(apply(edges_unsort, 1, min), apply(edges_unsort, 1, max))

    frontier_sizes <- rep(NA_real_, 1 + n)
    frontier <- rep(FALSE, n)
    frontier_sizes[1] <- 0

    for (i in 1:n) {
        e1 <- edges[i, 1]
        e2 <- edges[i, 2]
        frontier[e1] <- TRUE
        frontier[e2] <- TRUE

        if (is_last(i, e1, edges)) {
            frontier[e1] <- FALSE
        if (is_last(i, e2, edges)) {
            frontier[e2] <- FALSE

        frontier_sizes[i + 1] <- sum(frontier)

        list(max = max(frontier_sizes),
            average = mean(frontier_sizes),
            average_sq = mean(frontier_sizes^2),
            sequence = frontier_sizes)

#' Enumerate All Parititions (Fifield et al. 2020)
#' Single function for standard enumeration analysis, using ZDD methodology
#' (Fifield, Imai, Kawahara, and Kenny 2020).
#' @param adj zero indexed adjacency list.
#' @param unordered_path valid path to output the unordered adjacency map to
#' @param ordered_path valid path to output the ordered adjacency map to
#' @param out_path Valid path to output the enumerated districts
#' @param ndists number of districts to enumerate
#' @param all boolean. TRUE outputs all districts. FALSE samples n districts.
#' @param n integer. Number of districts to output if all is FALSE. Returns
#' districts selected from uniform random distribution.
#' @param weight_path A path (not including ".dat") to a space-delimited file containing a vector of
#' vertex weights, to be used along with \code{lower} and \code{upper}.
#' @param lower A lower bound on each partition's total weight, implemented by rejection sampling.
#' @param upper An upper bound on each partition's total weight.
#' @param init Runs redist.init.enumpart. Defaults to false. Should be run on first use.
#' @param read boolean. Defaults to TRUE. reads
#' @param total_pop the vector of precinct populations
#' @return List with entries district_membership and parity.
#' @references
#' Fifield, B., Imai, K., Kawahara, J., & Kenny, C. T. (2020). The essential
#' role of empirical validation in legislative redistricting simulation.
#' \emph{Statistics and Public Policy}, 7(1), 52-68.
#' @concept enumerate
#' @export
redist.enumpart <- function(adj, unordered_path, ordered_path,
                            out_path, ndists = 2, all = TRUE, n = NULL,
                            weight_path = NULL, lower = NULL, upper = NULL,
                            init = FALSE, read = TRUE, total_pop = NULL) {
    if (init) {

    prep <- redist.prep.enumpart(adj = adj,
        unordered_path = unordered_path,
        ordered_path = ordered_path,
        weight_path = weight_path,
        total_pop = total_pop)
    if (!prep) {
        run <- redist.run.enumpart(ordered_path = ordered_path,
            out_path = out_path,
            ndists = ndists,
            all = all,
            n = n,
            weight_path = weight_path,
            lower = lower,
            upper = upper)

    if (read) {
        cds <- redist.read.enumpart(out_path = out_path)
        if (!is.null(total_pop)) {
            par <- redist.parity(plans = cds, total_pop = total_pop)
        } else {
            par <- rep(NA_real_, ncol(cds))
        out <- list(plans = cds, parity = par)
    } else {



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