
Defines functions parse_tie tie_convert_wide_to_long prep_tie prepare_receiver_covariates prepare_sender_covariates validate_covariates validate_user_stat validate_covariate_data prepare_covariate_data validate_attr_actors prepare_receiver_effects prepare_aomstats_scaling prepare_sender_effects prepare_subset prepare_aomstats_event_weights prepare_aomstats_actors prepare_aomstats_edgelist validate_aomstats_arguments process_covariate modify_riskset parse_int parse_formula prep_exo variable_check add_variable_names all_tie_effects validate_memory check_formula prepare_tomstats

# Prepare tomstats inputs
# This function prepares all the necessary information prior to using the cpp
# to compute statistics in tomstats. It processes the 'reh' object, matches
# memory settings, converts start and stop indices, prepares main effects,
# fixed effects, interaction effects, covariate information, and scaling
# information.
# [param] effects A formula object specifying the effects to be included in
# the analysis.
# [param] reh The reh object containing the event history data.
# [param] attr_actors (Optional) A data frame containing attribute data for the
# actors.
# [param] memory A character vector specifying the memory type, which can be
# one of "full", "window", "decay", or "interval".
# [param] memory_value (Optional) The value associated with the memory type.
# [param] start The starting index of the event history data to consider.
# [param] stop The ending index of the event history data to consider.
# [return] A list containing all the necessary information for input to the
# 'compute_stats_tie' function.
# [examples]
# inputs <- prepare_tomstats(
#   effects, reh, attr_actors, memory, memory_value,
#   start, stop
# )
prepare_tomstats <- function(
    effects, reh, attr_actors = NULL,
    attr_dyads = NULL, memory = c("full", "window", "decay", "interval"),
    memory_value = NA, start = 1, stop = Inf, method = c("pt", "pe")) {
  # Check if reh is of class remify
  if (!("remify" %in% class(reh))) {
    stop("Expected a reh object of class remify")

  # Check if the reh object is prepared with the correct model argument
  if (attr(reh, "model") != "tie") {
    stop("The reh object should be prepared with the model argument set to `tie' if tie_effects are computed")

  # Extract relevant elements from the prepared remify::remify object
  dyads <- unlist(attr(reh, "dyadID"))
  actors <- attr(reh, "dictionary")$actors
  types <- attr(reh, "dictionary")$types

  # Convert actor IDs to cpp indexing
  actors$actorID <- actors$actorID - 1

  # Origin
  if (attr(reh, "ordinal")) {
    if (length(attr(reh, "origin"))==0) {
      attr(reh, "origin") <- reh$edgelist[1,1] - 1

  # Prepare the edgelist for cpp processing
  edgelist <- reh$edgelist[,1:3]
  edgelist$time <- cumsum(as.numeric(diff(c(attributes(reh)$origin, edgelist$time))))
  edgelist$actor1 <- unlist(attributes(reh)$actor1ID) - 1
  edgelist$actor2 <- unlist(attributes(reh)$actor2ID) - 1
  if (!attr(reh, "directed")) {
    edgelist[, c(2, 3)] <- t(apply(edgelist, 1, function(x) sort(c(x[2], x[3]))))

  # Deal with event types
  if (is.null(types)) {
    # Prepare a default types object
    types <- data.frame(typeName = 0, typeID = 0)
  } else {
    # Convert type IDs to cpp indexing
    types$typeID <- types$typeID - 1
    edgelist$type <- reh$edgelist$type
    edgelist$type <- types$typeID[match(edgelist$type, types$typeName)]

  # Prepare the event weights
  if (attr(reh, "weighted")) {
    weights <- as.numeric(reh$edgelist$weight)
  } else {
    weights <- rep(1, nrow(edgelist))

  # Prepare the full risk set
  prepR <- get_riskset(
    actorID = actors$actorID,
    typeID = types$typeID,
    directed = attr(reh, "directed")

  # Reduce risk set to "active" dyads only
  if (attr(reh, "riskset") == "active") {
    # Get dyadInfo
    dyadIDactive <- unlist(attr(reh, "dyadIDactive"))
    dyadInfo <- data.frame(dyadIDactive, dyads)
    dyadInfo <- unique(dyadInfo[order(dyadIDactive), ])

    # Select "active" dyads only
    prepR <- prepR[dyadInfo$dyads, ]
    prepR[, 4] <- seq(0, nrow(prepR) - 1, 1)

  # Get the risksetMatrix
  risksetMatrix <- convert_to_risksetMatrix(prepR, nrow(actors), nrow(types))

  # Match memory
  memory <- match.arg(memory)
  memory_value <- validate_memory(memory, memory_value)
  if (memory == "window") {
    # Change memory to interval (window is a special case)
    memory <- "interval"
    memory_value <- c(0, memory_value)

  # Method for managing simultaneous events
  method <- match.arg(method)

  # Convert R start and stop indices to C++ (indexing starts at 0) and
  # check them
  subset <- prepare_subset(start, stop, edgelist, method, model = "tie")
  start <- subset$start
  stop <- subset$stop

  # Prepare main effects
  form <- effects
  effects <- parse_formula(form, "rem", attr(reh, "ordinal"))
  effectNames <- sapply(effects, function(x) x$effect)

  # Check correct specification effects
  if (!attr(reh, "directed")) {
    if (!all(effectNames %in% tie_effects(directed = FALSE))) {
      stop("Attempting to request effects that are not (yet) defined for undirected events")

  if (attr(reh, "directed")) {
    if (!all(effectNames %in% tie_effects(directed = TRUE))) {
      stop("Attempting to request effects that are not (yet) defined for directed events")

  # Prepare fixed effects
  if (any(effectNames == "FEtype")) {
    C <- nrow(types)
    if (C < 2) {
      stop("FEtype() is not defined when the number of event types is smaller than 2.")
    FEeffects <- lapply(2:C, function(c) {
      x <- list()
      x$effect <- "FEtype"
      x$scaling <- 1
      x$typeName <- types$typeName[c]
      x$typeID <- types$typeID[c]

    pos <- which(effectNames == "FEtype")
    effects <- append(effects[-pos], FEeffects, pos - 1)
    effectNames <- append(effectNames[-pos], rep("FEtype", C - 1), pos - 1)

  # Prepare interaction effects
  effects_int <- parse_int(form, "rem", effects, attr(reh, "ordinal"))
  effectNames <- append(effectNames, rep("interact", length(effects_int)), length(effectNames))
  interactions <- list()
  interactions[which(effectNames == "interact")] <- effects_int

  # Prepare covariate information
  covar <- process_covariate(effects, attr_actors, attr_dyads, actors, edgelist, reh, prepR)

  # Prepare scaling info (vector length p)
  scaling <- sapply(effects, function(x) {
    ifelse("scaling" %in% names(x), x$scaling, "none")
  scaling <- append(scaling, rep("none", length(effects_int)), length(scaling))

  # Prepare consider_type info
  consider_type <- sapply(effects, function(x) {
    ifelse("consider_type" %in% names(x), x$consider_type, TRUE)
  consider_type <- append(consider_type, rep(TRUE, length(effects_int)), length(consider_type))

  # Check consider_type info
  if (nrow(types) == 1 & any(!consider_type)) {
    warning("'consider_type' is FALSE is not supported with only one event type in the risk set: setting to TRUE.")

  # Check correct scaling inertia statistic
  if (!attr(reh, "directed")) {
    if (any(sapply(effects, function(x) x$effect == "inertia"))) {
      idx <- which(sapply(effects, function(x) x$effect == "inertia"))
      if (any(scaling[idx] == "prop")) {
        stop("Proportional scaling of the inertia effect is not defined for undirected events")

  # Output
    form = form,
    effects = effects,
    effectNames = effectNames,
    edgelist = as.matrix(edgelist),
    weights = weights,
    actors = actors,
    types = types,
    riskset = prepR,
    risksetMatrix = risksetMatrix,
    memory = memory,
    memory_value = memory_value,
    scaling = scaling,
    consider_type = consider_type,
    covar = covar,
    interactions = interactions,
    start = start,
    stop = stop,
    method = method

# Check if Formula Effects are Specified as Functions
# This function checks if the effects in a given formula are specified as
# functions, as expected. It throws an error if any effect is not specified as
# a function.
# [param] formula A formula object specifying the effects.
# [examples]
# formula1 <- ~ inertia()
# formula2 <- ~ inertia
# check_formula(formula1)  # No error
# check_formula(formula2)  # Throws an error
check_formula <- function(formula) {
  formula_str <- as.character(formula)
  effect_names <- gsub("~ ", "", formula_str) # Extract effect names
  effect_names <- setdiff(effect_names, "~") # Remove "~"
  effect_names <- strsplit(effect_names, "\\+\\s*")[[1]] # Split effect names by "+"
  effect_names <- gsub("\\s+", "", effect_names) # Remove spaces from effect names

  # Check if effects are specified as functions
  incorrect_effects <- effect_names[!grepl("\\(.*\\)", effect_names)]
  incorrect_effects <- incorrect_effects[!grepl("1", incorrect_effects)]

  if (length(incorrect_effects) > 0) {
      "The following effects are not specified as functions:",
      paste(incorrect_effects, collapse = ", ")

# Validate memory settings
# This function validates the memory settings for a specific memory type. It
# checks the validity of the supplied 'memory_value' based on the selected
# 'memory' type.
# [param] memory The memory type, which can be one of "full", "window",
# "decay", or "interval".
# [param] memory_value The value associated with the memory type.
# [return] The validated memory value based on the memory type.
# [examples]
# validated_value <- validate_memory("window", 10)
validate_memory <- function(memory, memory_value) {
  if (memory == "full") {
    memory_value <- Inf
  if (memory == "window") {
      "A 'memory_value' of numeric type should be supplied when memory is 'window'" =
        length(memory_value) == 1 && is.numeric(memory_value)
  if (memory == "decay") {
      "A 'memory_value' of numeric type should be supplied when memory is 'decay'" =
        length(memory_value) == 1 && is.numeric(memory_value)
      "Invalid 'memory_value': must be a positive non-zero value." =
        memory_value[1] > 0
  if (memory == "interval") {
      "Two 'memory_value' values of numeric type should be supplied when memory is 'interval'" =
        length(memory_value) == 2 && is.numeric(memory_value)
      "The first 'memory_value' value should be lower than the second value" =
        memory_value[1] < memory_value[2]


# Get all tie effects
# This function returns a vector of all available tie effects that can be used
# in tie-oriented models.
# [return] A character vector containing all tie effects.
# [examples]
# tie_effects <- all_tie_effects()
all_tie_effects <- function() {

    # Exogenous stats

    # Endogenous stats

# Add variable names to statistics
# This function adds variable names to the statistics object based on the
# specified effects and interactions. It modifies the dimnames of the
# statistics object to include the variable names for specific effects.
# [param] statistics The statistics object to which variable names will be
# added.
# [param] all_effects A vector containing all possible effects.
# [param] effectsN A numeric vector specifying the indices of the effects in
# 'all_effects' that are present in the statistics.
# [param] effects A list containing information about the effects, including
# the effect name and associated variable.
# [param] interactions A list containing information about the interactions,
# including the indices of the interacting effects.
# [return] The modified statistics object with variable names added.
# [examples]
# statistics <- add_variable_names(
#   statistics, all_effects, effectsN, effects,
#   interactions
# )
add_variable_names <- function(statistics, effectNames, effects, interactions) {
  # Helper function to add variable name to effect
  add_variable_name <- function(effect, variable) {
    if (!is.null(variable)) {
      paste0(effect, "_", variable)
    } else {

  # Dimnames statistics
  dimnames(statistics) <- list(NULL, NULL, effectNames)

  # Add variable name to exogenous statistics
  exogenous_indices <- which(sapply(effects, function(x) {
    "variable" %in% names(x)

  dimnames(statistics)[[3]][exogenous_indices] <- sapply(
    function(x) add_variable_name(x$effect, x$variable)

  # Add counter to event name
  event_effects <- grepl("event", dimnames(statistics)[[3]])
  if (sum(event_effects) > 1) {
    dimnames(statistics)[[3]][event_effects] <- paste0("event", 1:sum(event_effects))

  # Add the type to FEtype name
  FEtype_effects <- grep("FEtype", dimnames(statistics)[[3]])
  if (sum(FEtype_effects) > 1) {
    dimnames(statistics)[[3]][FEtype_effects] <- paste0("FEtype_", unlist(
      sapply(effects, function(x) {

  # Add .unique
  unique_effects <- sapply(effects, function(x) {
    ifelse("scaling" %in% names(x), isTRUE(grepl("unique", x$scaling)), FALSE)
  if (any(unique_effects)) {
    dimnames(statistics)[[3]][unique_effects] <- paste0(dimnames(statistics)[[3]][unique_effects], ".unique")

  # Add .TypeAgg
  type_effects <- sapply(effects, function(x) isFALSE(x$consider_type))
  if (any(type_effects)) {
    dimnames(statistics)[[3]][type_effects] <- paste0(dimnames(statistics)[[3]][type_effects], ".TypeAgg")

  # Add variable name to interaction statistics
  interaction_index <- which(effectNames == "interact")
  dimnames(statistics)[[3]][interaction_index] <- sapply(
    function(x) {

  statistics # Return the modified statistics object

variable_check <- function(effect, dat) {
  if (effect == "send" | effect == "receive") {
    if (is.logical(dat$x)) {
      # Transform logical to binary
      dat$x <- as.numeric(dat$x)
    } else if (is.factor(dat$x)) {
      x_levels <- levels(dat$x[, , dat$variable])

      if (length(x_levels) != 2) {
        stop(paste0("The variable in '", effect, "' must have two factor levels or must be numeric."))
      } else {
        # Convert to binary variable
        dat$x <- ifelse(dat$x == x_levels[2], 1, 0)
    } else if(!is.numeric(dat$x)) {
      stop(paste0("The variable in '", effect, "' must be numeric."))

  if (effect == "same") {
    # Force x to be numeric
    dat$x <- as.numeric(as.factor(dat$x))

  if (effect == "average") {
    # x has to be numeric
    if (!is.numeric(dat$x)) {
      stop("The variable in 'average' must be numeric.")

  if (effect == "minimum") {
    # x has to be numeric
    if (!is.numeric(dat$x)) {
      stop("The variable in 'minimum' must be numeric.")

  if (effect == "maximum") {
    # x has to be numeric
    if (!is.numeric(dat$x)) {
      stop("The variable in 'maximum' must be numeric.")

  if (effect == "difference") {
    # x has to be numeric
    if (!is.numeric(dat$x)) {
      stop("The variable in 'difference' must be numeric.")


# Prepare exogenous effect
# This function prepares an exogenous effect by matching the scaling, checking
# the presence of the variable in the attr_actors object, and collecting the
# necessary information in a data frame.
# [param] effect The effect name.
# [param] variable The variable name.
# [param] attr_actors A data frame containing attribute data for the actors.
# [param] scaling The scaling option for the effect, which can be "as.is" or
# "std".
# [return] A list containing the prepared exogenous effect information.
# [examples]
# exo_effect <- prep_exo(effect, variable, attr_actors, scaling)
prep_exo <- function(effect, variable, attr_actors, scaling) {
  # Check variable
  if (!is.character(variable)) {
    stop("The 'variable' argument should be a string.")

  # Prepare effect
  if (is.null(attr_actors)) {
      effect = effect,
      variable = variable,
      x = NULL,
      scaling = scaling
  } else {
    # Check if the variable name is in the attr_actors object
    if (!(variable %in% colnames(attr_actors))) {
      stop(paste0("Variable '", variable, "' not in attr_actors object for the '", effect, "' effect."))

    # Check if the time variable is available
    if (!("time" %in% colnames(attr_actors))) {
      if (anyDuplicated(attr_actors$name) > 0) {
        warning("Duplicated actor names detected in 'attr_actors'. Did you mean to add a 'time' variable?")
      } else {
        attr_actors$time <- 0
    if (anyNA(attr_actors$time)) {
      stop("Missing 'time' values detected in 'attr_actors'.")

    # Collect the information in a data.frame
    dat <- data.frame(
      name = attr_actors$name,
      time = attr_actors$time,
      x = attr_actors[, variable]

    # Check the data class of the variable
    dat <- variable_check(effect, dat)

    # Warning for missing values
    if (anyNA(dat)) {
      warning("Missing values in the attr_actors object for the '", effect, "' effect can cause unexpected behavior.")

    # Set the third column name equal to the variable name
    colnames(dat)[3] <- variable

    # Output
      effect = effect,
      variable = variable,
      x = dat,
      scaling = scaling

# Parse formula
# This function parses a formula and extracts the effects specified in the
# formula.
# [param] formula The formula specifying the effects.
# [param] type The type of model being used, either "rem" (for the tie-oriented
# model) or "rateEffects" or "choiceEffects".
# [param] ordinal Logical indicating whether the event data is ordinal.
# [return] A list containing the parsed effects.
# [examples]
# parsed_effects <- parse_formula(formula, type, ordinal)
parse_formula <- function(formula, type, ordinal = FALSE) {
  ft <- stats::terms(formula)

  var <- attr(ft, "variables")
  var <- as.list(var)[-1]

  effects <- lapply(var, function(y) {

  if (type == "rem" & !ordinal & attr(ft, "intercept") == 1) {
    effects <- append(
      list(list(effect = "baseline")), 0
  if (type == "rateEffects" & attr(ft, "intercept") == 1) {
    effects <- append(
      list(list(effect = "baseline")), 0

  attributes(effects)$model <- type

# Parse interaction terms
# This function parses a formula and extracts the interaction terms specified
# in the formula.
# [param] formula The formula specifying the interaction terms.
# [param] type The type of model being used, either "rem" or "rateEffects".
# [param] effects The list of effects parsed from the formula.
# [param] ordinal Logical indicating whether the event data is ordinal.
# [return] A list containing the parsed interaction terms.
# [examples]
# parsed_interactions <- parse_int(formula, type, effects, ordinal)
parse_int <- function(formula, type, effects, ordinal = FALSE) {
  ft <- stats::terms(formula)
  ft.order <- attr(ft, "order")
  ft.factor <- attr(ft, "factors")
  interactions <- which(ft.order > 1)
  interactions <- lapply(interactions, function(i) {
    if (type == "rem" & !ordinal & attr(ft, "intercept") == 1) {
      which(ft.factor[, i] > 0) + 1
    } else if (type == "rateEffects" & attr(ft, "intercept") == 1) {
      which(ft.factor[, i] > 0) + 1
    } else {
      which(ft.factor[, i] > 0)

  interactions <- if (any(sapply(effects, function(x) x$effect == "FEtype")) &
    any(ft.order > 1)) {
    pos <- which(sapply(effects, function(x) x$effect == "FEtype"))
    unlist(lapply(1:length(interactions), function(i) {
      if (any(interactions[[i]] %in% pos)) {
        change <- which(!interactions[[i]] == min(pos))
        x <- interactions[[i]]
        x[change] <- x[change] + length(pos) - 1
        FE <- which(interactions[[i]] == min(pos))
        lapply(pos, function(p) {
          x[FE] <- p
      } else {
    }), recursive = F)
  } else {

  attributes(interactions)$model <- type

# Modify Riskset
# This function modifies the riskset object by mapping actor and type IDs to their corresponding names in the event history data.
# [param] riskset The riskset object to be modified.
# [param] reh The reh object representing the event history data.
# [param] actors The actors information.
# [param] types The types information.
# [return] The modified riskset object.
# [examples]
# modified_riskset <- modify_riskset(riskset, reh, actors, types)
modify_riskset <- function(riskset, reh, actors, types) {
  riskset <- as.data.frame(riskset)

  if (attr(reh, "directed")) {
    colnames(riskset) <- c("sender", "receiver", "type", "id")
    riskset$sender <- actors$actorName[match(riskset$sender, actors$actorID)]
    riskset$receiver <- actors$actorName[match(riskset$receiver, actors$actorID)]
    riskset$type <- types$typeName[match(riskset$type, types$typeID)]
  } else {
    colnames(riskset) <- c("actor1", "actor2", "type", "id")
    riskset$actor1 <- actors$actorName[match(riskset$actor1, actors$actorID)]
    riskset$actor2 <- actors$actorName[match(riskset$actor2, actors$actorID)]
    riskset$type <- types$typeName[match(riskset$type, types$typeID)]

  riskset$id <- riskset$id + 1

  if (length(unique(riskset$type)) == 1) {
    riskset <- riskset[, -3]

  riskset # Return the modified riskset object

# Process Covariate
# This function processes the covariates for different exogenous effects in
# the tie-oriented model.
# [param] effects A list of effects containing information about the covariates.
# [param] attr_actors The attr_actors object containing the covariate data.
# [param] actors The actors information.
# [param] edgelist The edgelist representing the network.
# [param] reh The reh object representing the event history data.
# [param] prepR The prepR object representing the risk set.
# [return] A list of processed covariates for each effect.
# [examples]
# covariates <- process_covariate(effects, attr_actors, actors, edgelist, reh, prepR)
process_covariate <- function(
    prepR) {
  lapply(effects, function(x) {
    effect <- x$effect

    if (effect %in% c(
    )) {
      if (is.null(x$x)) { # The variable has to be extracted from 'attr_actors'
        variable <- x$variable

        # Check if the variable name is in the 'attr_actors' object
        if (!(variable %in% colnames(attr_actors))) {
          stop(paste0("Variable '", variable, "' not in attr_actors object for the '", effect, "' effect."))

        # Check if the 'time' variable is available
        if (!("time" %in% colnames(attr_actors))) {
          if (anyDuplicated(attr_actors$name) > 0) {
            warning("Duplicated actor names detected in 'attr_actors'. Did you mean to add a 'time' variable?")
          } else {
            attr_actors$time <- 0

        if (anyNA(attr_actors$time)) {
          stop("Missing 'time' values detected in 'attr_actors'.")

        # Collect the information in a data.frame
        dat <- data.frame(
          name = attr_actors$name,
          time = attr_actors$time,
          x = attr_actors[, variable],
          stringsAsFactors = FALSE

        # Check the data class of the variable
        dat <- variable_check(effect, dat)

        # Warning for missing values
        if (anyNA(dat)) {
          warning(paste0("Missing values in the attr_actors object for the '", effect, "' effect can cause unexpected behavior."))
      } else { # The variable was supplied to the function in effects.R
        dat <- x$x

      # Check the actors in the obtained 'dat' object
      dat$name <- as.character(dat$name)
      if (!all(actors[, 1] %in% dat$name)) {
        stop("Missing actors in the attr_actors object.")

      # Convert 'actorName' to 'actorID'
      dat$name <- actors[match(dat$name, actors[, 1]), 2]

      # Set the third column name equal to the 'variable'
      colnames(dat)[3] <- x$variable

      # Order by actor ID
      dat <- dat[order(as.numeric(dat$name)), ]

      # Remove any redundant actors
      if (any(is.na(dat$name))) {
        warning(paste0("The 'attr_actors' object contains actors that are not in the risk set. These are not included in the computation of the statistics."))
        dat <- dat[!is.na(dat$name), ]

      # Convert to matrix and output
    } else if (effect %in% c("tie", "event", "FEtype")) {
      if (effect == "tie") {
        # Return: matrix (actor1, actor2, time, value)
        parse_tie(x, reh, attr_dyads)
      } else if (effect == "event") {
        if (NROW(x$x) != nrow(edgelist) & NROW(x$x) != NROW(unique(edgelist[, 1]))) {
          stop("Length of vector 'x' in event() does not match number of events in edgelist")
        if (!is.numeric(x$x)) {
          x$x <- (as.numeric(factor(x$x)) - 1)
      } else if (effect == "FEtype") {
    } else if (effect == "userStat") {
      if (NROW(x$x) != nrow(edgelist) & NROW(x$x) != NROW(unique(edgelist[, 1]))) {
        stop("Number of rows of matrix 'x' in userStat() does not match number of timepoints or number of events in edgelist")

      if (NCOL(x$x) != nrow(prepR)) {
        stop("Number of columns of matrix 'x' in userStat() does not match number of dyads in risk set")

    } else {

validate_aomstats_arguments <- function(attr_actors, reh) {
  # Check if the deprecated "id" column is used in attr_actors
  if (!is.null(attr_actors) & "id" %in% colnames(attr_actors) & !("name" %in% colnames(attr_actors))) {
    colnames(attr_actors) <- ifelse(colnames(attr_actors) == "id", "name", colnames(attr_actors))
    warning("Use 'name' instead of 'id' in 'attr_actors'")

  # Check the reh class
  if (!inherits(reh, "remify")) {
    stop("Invalid argument: 'reh' must be a remify object.")

  model <- attr(reh, "model")
  # Check the reh model
  if (is.null(model) || model != "actor") {
    stop("Invalid argument: 'reh' object should be prepared with the model argument set to 'actor' if effects for the actor-oriented model are computed.")


prepare_aomstats_edgelist <- function(reh) {
  # Extract the edgelist
  edgelist <- reh$edgelist

  # Transform to cpp indexing
  edgelist[, 2] <- unlist(attributes(reh)$actor1ID) - 1
  edgelist[, 3] <- unlist(attributes(reh)$actor2ID) - 1

  # Origin
  if (attr(reh, "ordinal")) {
  	if (length(attr(reh, "origin"))==0) {
  		attr(reh, "origin") <- edgelist[1,1] - 1

  # Transform to numeric
  edgelist[, 1] <- cumsum(
        c(attributes(reh)$origin, edgelist[, 1])

  # Transform to matrix
  edgelist <- as.matrix(edgelist[,1:3])


prepare_aomstats_actors <- function(reh) {
  # Extract the actors
  actors <- attr(reh, "dictionary")$actors

  # Transform to cpp indexing
  actors$actorID <- actors$actorID - 1


prepare_aomstats_event_weights <- function(reh) {
  if (!(attributes(reh)$weighted)) {
    weights <- rep(1, nrow(reh$edgelist))
  } else {
    weights <- reh$edgelist$weight

prepare_subset <- function(start, stop, edgelist, method, model) {
  if (start < 1) {
    stop("The 'start' value should be set to 1 or a larger number.")
  start <- start - 1
  if (stop == Inf) {
    if (method == "pe") {
      stop <- nrow(edgelist)
    } else if (method == "pt") {
      stop <- NROW(unique(edgelist[, 1]))
  stop <- stop - 1
  if (stop < start) {
    stop("The 'stop' value cannot be smaller than the 'start' value.")
  if (method == "pe") {
    if (stop > nrow(edgelist)) {
      stop("The 'stop' value cannot be larger than the number of events in 'reh'.")
  if (method == "pt") {
    if (stop > NROW(unique(edgelist[, 1]))) {
      stop("The 'stop' value cannot be larger than the number of unique time points in 'reh'.")
  if (model == "receiver" & method == "pt") {
    # For the receiver model, we need all timepoints not only the unique one
    unique_times <- unique(edgelist[, 1])
    start_time <- unique_times[start + 1]
    stop_time <- unique_times[stop + 1]
    all_times <- edgelist[, 1]
    start <- min(which(all_times == start_time)) - 1
    stop <- max(which(all_times == stop_time)) - 1
  list(start = start, stop = stop)

prepare_sender_effects <- function(sender_formula) {
  sender_effects <- parse_formula(sender_formula, "rateEffects")
  sender_effects_names <- sapply(sender_effects, function(x) x$effect)

  # Check correct specification effects
  if (!all(sender_effects_names %in% actor_effects(step = "sender"))) {
    stop(paste("Invalid effect: Attempting to request effects that are not defined for the sender activity model"))

  # Prepare interaction sender_effects
  sender_effects_int <- parse_int(
    sender_formula, "rateEffects",
  sender_effects_names <- append(sender_effects_names, rep("interact", length(sender_effects_int)), length(sender_effects_names))
  sender_interactions <- list()
  sender_interactions[which(sender_effects_names == "interact")] <- sender_effects_int

  # Output
    sender_effects = sender_effects,
    sender_effects_names = sender_effects_names,
    sender_interactions = sender_interactions

prepare_aomstats_scaling <- function(effects, interactions) {
  scaling <- sapply(effects, function(x) {
    ifelse("scaling" %in% names(x), x$scaling, "none")
  scaling <- append(scaling, rep("none", sum(!(sapply(interactions, is.null)))), length(scaling))

prepare_receiver_effects <- function(receiver_formula) {
  receiver_effects <- parse_formula(receiver_formula, "choiceEffects")
  receiver_effects_names <- sapply(receiver_effects, function(x) x$effect)

  # Check correct specification effects
  if (!all(receiver_effects_names %in% actor_effects(step = "receiver"))) {
    stop(paste("Invalid effect: Attempting to request effects that are not defined for the receiver choice model"))

  # Prepare interaction receiver_effects
  receiver_effects_int <- parse_int(
    receiver_formula, "choiceEffects",
  receiver_effects_names <- append(receiver_effects_names, rep("interact", length(receiver_effects_int)), length(receiver_effects_names))
  receiver_interactions <- list()
  receiver_interactions[which(receiver_effects_names == "interact")] <- receiver_effects_int

  # Output
    receiver_effects = receiver_effects,
    receiver_effects_names = receiver_effects_names,
    receiver_interactions = receiver_interactions

# Actor-oriented model: covariates ----------------------------------------
validate_attr_actors <- function(attr_actors, x) {

  # Check if the variable name is in the attr_actors object
  if (!(x$variable %in% colnames(attr_actors))) {
    stop(paste0("Variable '", x$variable, "' not in attr_actors object for the '", x$effect, "' effect."))

  # Check if the 'time' variable is available
  if (!("time" %in% colnames(attr_actors))) {
    if (anyDuplicated(attr_actors$name) > 0) {
      warning("Duplicated actor names detected in 'attr_actors'. Did you mean to add a 'time' variable?")
    } else {
      attr_actors$time <- 0

  if (anyNA(attr_actors$time)) {
    stop("Missing 'time' values detected in 'attr_actors'.")


prepare_covariate_data <- function(attr_actors, x, actors) {
  # Collect the information in a data.frame
  dat <- data.frame(
    name = attr_actors$name,
    time = attr_actors$time,
    x = attr_actors[, x$variable]

  # Check the data class of the variable
  dat <- variable_check(x$effect, dat)

  # Convert 'actorName' to 'actorID'
  dat$name <- actors[match(dat$name, actors[, 1]), 2]

  # Set the third colum name equal to the 'variable'
  colnames(dat)[3] <- x$variable


validate_covariate_data <- function(dat, x, actors) {
  # Warning for missing values
  if (anyNA(dat)) {
    warning(paste0("Missing values in the attr_actors object for the '", x$effect, "' effect can cause unexpected behavior."))
  # Check if all actors are in the attr_actors
  if (!all(actors[, 2] %in% dat$name)) {
    stop("Missing actors in the attr_actors object.")
  # Check for actors in the attr_actors object that are not in the
  # risk set
  if (any(is.na(dat$name))) {
    warning(paste0("attr_actors contain actors that are not in the risk set. These are not included in the computation of the statistics."))
    dat <- dat[!is.na(dat$name), ]

validate_user_stat <- function(x, edgelist, actors) {
  if (NCOL(x) != nrow(actors)) {
    stop("Number of columns of matrix 'x' in userStat() does not match the number of actors")

validate_covariates <- function(
    x, attr_actors, attr_dyads, actors, edgelist,
    reh) {
  if (x$effect %in% c("send", "receive", "same", "difference", "average")) {
    if (is.null(x$x)) {
      attr_actors <- validate_attr_actors(attr_actors, x)
      dat <- prepare_covariate_data(attr_actors, x, actors)
      validate_covariate_data(dat, x, actors)
    } else {
      dat <- x$x
      dat$name <- actors[match(dat$name, actors[, 1]), 2]
      validate_covariate_data(dat, x, actors)
  } else if (x$effect == "tie") {
    parse_tie(x, reh, attr_dyads)
  } else if (x$effect == "userStat") {
    validate_user_stat(x$x, edgelist, actors)
  } else {

prepare_sender_covariates <- function(sender_effects, attr_actors, actors, edgelist, reh) {
  sender_covar <- lapply(sender_effects, function(x) {
    validate_covariates(x, attr_actors, NULL, actors, edgelist, reh)

prepare_receiver_covariates <- function(
    receiver_effects, attr_actors, attr_dyads, actors,
    edgelist, reh) {
  receiver_covar <- lapply(receiver_effects, function(x) {
    validate_covariates(x, attr_actors, attr_dyads, actors, edgelist, reh)


# tie/dyad effect ---------------------------------------------------------
prep_tie <- function(variable, attr_dyads, scaling) {
  if (is.null(attr_dyads)) {
      effect = "tie",
      variable = variable,
      x = NULL,
      scaling = scaling
  } else {
    # Wide or long format?
    # - First check
    wide <- ifelse(nrow(attr_dyads) == ncol(attr_dyads), TRUE, FALSE)
    # - Second check
    wide <- ifelse(wide & !(variable %in% colnames(attr_dyads)), TRUE, FALSE)

    # Prep long format
    if (!wide) {
      # Check for presence of time-column
      if ("time" %in% colnames(attr_dyads)) {
        time <- attr_dyads[, "time"]
      } else {
        # Check for multiple actor appearances
        if (any(duplicated(attr_dyads[, c(1, 2)]))) {
          warning("Duplicated dyads in 'attr_dyads': Did you mean to include a 'time' column?")
        time <- rep(0, nrow(attr_dyads))

      # Check for presence of variable
      if (!(variable %in% colnames(attr_dyads))) {
        stop(paste("Invalid variable: Cannot find", variable, "in attr_dyads"))

      # Check for missing values
      if (anyNA(time)) {
        warning("Missing time values in 'attr_dyads'")

      if (anyNA(attr_dyads[, 1]) | anyNA(attr_dyads[, 2])) {
        warning("Missing actors in 'attr_dyads'")

      if (anyNA(attr_dyads[, variable])) {
        warning("Missing variable values in 'attr_dyads'")

      # Collect data
      dat <- data.frame(
        actor1 = attr_dyads[, 1],
        actor2 = attr_dyads[, 2],
        time = time,
        x = attr_dyads[, variable]

      colnames(dat)[4] <- variable

    if (wide) {
      dat <- attr_dyads

    # Output
      effect = "tie",
      variable = variable,
      x = dat,
      scaling = scaling

tie_convert_wide_to_long <- function(x, variable, reh) {
  actors <- attr(reh, "dictionary")$actors

  # Check actors in x
  if (is.null(rownames(x)) | is.null(colnames(x))) {
    if (nrow(x) != nrow(actors) | ncol(x) != nrow(actors)) {
      stop("Invalid attr_dyads object: Number of rows and columns should match number of actors in the network")
    rownames(x) <- colnames(x) <- actors$actorName

  # Error message in the case of missing actors
  if ((!all(actors$actorName %in% rownames(x))) |
    (!all(actors$actorName %in% colnames(x)))) {
    warning("Missing actors in 'attr_dyads'")

  # Recode
  rownames(x) <- actors$actorID[match(rownames(x), actors$actorName)] - 1
  colnames(x) <- actors$actorID[match(colnames(x), actors$actorName)] - 1

  # Reorder
  x <- x[order(as.numeric(rownames(x))), ]
  x <- x[, order(as.numeric(colnames(x)))]

  # Undirected events
  if (!attr(reh, "directed")) {
    if (!isSymmetric(x)) {
      if (all(is.na(x[upper.tri(x)]))) {
        x[upper.tri(x)] <- t(x)[upper.tri(x)]
      } else if (all(is.na(x[lower.tri(x)]))) {
        x[lower.tri(x)] <- t(x)[lower.tri(x)]
      } else {
        warning("Undirected events: attr_dyads matrix is expected to be symmetrical")

  # Error message in the case of missing values
  if (anyNA(x[lower.tri(x)]) | anyNA(x[upper.tri(x)])) {
    warning("Missing variable values in 'attr_dyads'")

  # Get row and column names
  row_ids <- rownames(x)
  col_ids <- colnames(x)

  # Initialize empty vectors to store data
  row_data <- character(0)
  col_data <- character(0)
  value_data <- numeric(0)

  # Iterate through the matrix
  for (i in 1:nrow(x)) {
    for (j in 1:ncol(x)) {
      row_data <- c(row_data, row_ids[i])
      col_data <- c(col_data, col_ids[j])
      value_data <- c(value_data, x[i, j])

  # Create a data frame
  result_df <- data.frame(
    actor1 = as.integer(row_data),
    actor2 = as.integer(col_data),
    time = 0,
    x = value_data
  colnames(result_df)[4] <- variable

parse_tie <- function(prepped_effect, reh, attr_dyads) {
  x <- prepped_effect$x

  if (is.null(x)) {
    x <- prep_tie(prepped_effect$variable, attr_dyads, prepped_effect$scaling)$x
  # Check the format
  wide <- ifelse("actor1" %in% colnames(x), FALSE, TRUE)
  if (wide) {
    tie_convert_wide_to_long(x, prepped_effect$variable, reh)
    # return: converted matrix
  } else {
    actors <- attr(reh, "dictionary")$actors
    x$actor1 <- actors$actorID[match(x$actor1, actors$actorName)] - 1
    x$actor2 <- actors$actorID[match(x$actor2, actors$actorName)] - 1
    as.matrix(x) # return

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remstats documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:21 a.m.