.engine_context <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
#' A reticulate Engine for Knitr
#' This provides a `reticulate` engine for `knitr`, suitable for usage when
#' attempting to render Python chunks. Using this engine allows for shared state
#' between Python chunks in a document -- that is, variables defined by one
#' Python chunk can be used by later Python chunks.
#' The engine can be activated by setting (for example)
#' ```
#' knitr::knit_engines$set(python = reticulate::eng_python)
#' ```
#' Typically, this will be set within a document's setup chunk, or by the
#' environment requesting that Python chunks be processed by this engine.
#' Note that `knitr` (since version 1.18) will use the `reticulate` engine by
#' default when executing Python chunks within an R Markdown document.
#' @param options
#' Chunk options, as provided by `knitr` during chunk execution.
#' @section Supported `knitr` chunk options:
#' For most options, reticulate's python engine behaves the same as the default
#' R engine included in knitr, but they might not support all the same features.
#' Options in *italic* are equivalent to knitr, but with modified behavior.
#' - *`eval`* (`TRUE`, logical): If `TRUE`, all expressions in the chunk are evaluated. If `FALSE`,
#' no expression is evaluated. Unlike knitr's R engine, it doesn't support numeric
#' values indicating the expressions to evaluate.
#' - *`echo`* (`TRUE`, logical): Whether to display the source code in the output document. Unlike
#' knitr's R engine, it doesn't support numeric values indicating the expressions
#' to display.
#' - `results` (`'markup'`, character): Controls how to display the text results. Note that this option only
#' applies to normal text output (not warnings, messages, or errors). The behavior
#' should be identical to knitr's R engine.
#' - `collapse` (`FALSE`, logical): Whether to, if possible, collapse all the source and output blocks
#' from one code chunk into a single block (by default, they are written to separate blocks).
#' This option only applies to Markdown documents.
#' - `error` (`TRUE`, logical): Whether to preserve errors. If `FALSE` evaluation stops
#' on errors. (Note that RMarkdown sets it to `FALSE`).
#' - *`warning`* (`TRUE`, logical): Whether to preserve warnings in the output. If FALSE, all warnings
#' will be suppressed. Doesn't support indices.
#' - `include` (`TRUE`, logical): Whether to include the chunk output in the output document.
#' If `FALSE`, nothing will be written into the output document, but the code is still
#' evaluated and plot files are generated if there are any plots in the chunk, so you
#' can manually insert figures later.
#' - `dev`: The graphical device to generate plot files. See knitr documentation for
#' additional information.
#' - `base.dir` (`NULL`; character): An absolute directory under which the plots
#' are generated.
#' - `strip.white` (TRUE; logical): Whether to remove blank lines in the beginning
#' or end of a source code block in the output.
#' - `dpi` (72; numeric): The DPI (dots per inch) for bitmap devices (dpi * inches = pixels).
#' - `fig.width`, `fig.height` (both are 7; numeric): Width and height of the plot
#' (in inches), to be used in the graphics device.
#' - `label`: The chunk label for each chunk is assumed to be unique within the
#' document. This is especially important for cache and plot filenames, because
#' these filenames are based on chunk labels. Chunks without labels will be
#' assigned labels like unnamed-chunk-i, where i is an incremental number.
#' ### Python engine only options
#' - **`jupyter_compat`** (FALSE, logical): If `TRUE` then, like in Jupyter notebooks,
#' only the last expression in the chunk is printed to the output.
#' - **`out.width.px`**, **`out.height.px`** (810, 400, both integers): Width and
#' height of the plot in the output document, which can be different with its
#' physical `fig.width` and `fig.height`, i.e., plots can be scaled in the output
#' document. Unlike knitr's `out.width`, this is always set in pixels.
#' - **`altair.fig.width`**, **`altair.fig.height`**: If set, is used instead of
#' `out.width.px` and `out.height.px` when writing Altair charts.
#' @export
eng_python <- function(options) {
# check for unsupported knitr options
options <- eng_python_validate_options(options)
# when 'eval = FALSE', we can just return the source code verbatim
# (skip any other per-chunk work)
if (identical(options$eval, FALSE)) {
outputs <- list()
if (!identical(options$echo, FALSE))
outputs[[1]] <- structure(list(src = options$code), class = "source")
wrap <- getOption("reticulate.engine.wrap", eng_python_wrap)
return(wrap(outputs, options))
engine.path <- if (is.list(options[["engine.path"]]))
# if the user has requested a custom Python, attempt
# to honor that request (warn if Python already initialized
# to a different version)
if (is.character(engine.path)) {
# if Python has not yet been loaded, then try
# to load it with the requested version of Python
if (!py_available())
use_python(engine.path, required = TRUE)
# double-check that we've loaded the requested Python
conf <- py_config()
requestedPython <- normalizePath(engine.path)
actualPython <- normalizePath(conf$python)
if (requestedPython != actualPython) {
fmt <- "cannot honor request to use Python %s [%s already loaded]"
msg <- sprintf(fmt, requestedPython, actualPython)
warning(msg, immediate. = TRUE, call. = FALSE)
# environment tracking the labels assigned to newly-created altair charts
.engine_context$altair_ids <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
# a list of pending plots / outputs
.engine_context$pending_plots <- stack()
eng_python_initialize(options = options, envir = environment())
# helper function for extracting range of code, dropping blank lines
extract <- function(code, range) {
snippet <- code[range[1]:range[2]]
paste(snippet, collapse = "\n")
# extract the code to be run -- we'll attempt to run the code line by line
# and detect changes so that we can interleave code and output (similar to
# what one sees when executing an R chunk in knitr). to wit, we'll do our
# best to emulate the return format of 'evaluate::evaluate()'
code <- options$code
n <- length(code)
if (n == 0)
# use 'ast.parse()' to parse Python code and collect line numbers, so we
# can split source code into statements
ast <- import("ast", convert = TRUE)
pasted <- paste(code, collapse = "\n")
parsed <- tryCatch(ast$parse(pasted, "<string>"), error = identity)
if (inherits(parsed, "error")) {
error <- reticulate::py_last_error()
if (identical(options$error, TRUE)) {
outputs <- list(
structure(list(src = code), class = "source"),
paste(error$value, collapse = "\n")
wrap <- getOption("reticulate.engine.wrap", eng_python_wrap)
return(wrap(outputs, options))
} else {
stop(error$value, call. = FALSE)
# iterate over top-level nodes and extract line numbers
lines <- vapply(parsed$body, function(node) {
if(py_version() >= "3.8")
return(as_r_value(py_get_attr(node, "end_lineno")))
# `end_lineno` attribute was introduced in python3.8
# in earlier versions, fallback to using just lineno
# note, this can result in comments being attached to
# the wrong code chunk
if (py_has_attr(node, "decorator_list") && length(node$decorator_list)) {
out <- py_get_attr(node$decorator_list[[1]], "lineno")
} else {
out <- py_get_attr(node, "lineno")
}, integer(1))
# it's possible for multiple statements to live on the
# same line (e.g. `print("a"); print("b")`) so only keep
# uniques
lines <- unique(lines)
# convert from lines to ranges (be sure to handle the zero-length case)
ranges <- list()
if (length(lines)) {
if(py_version() >= "3.8") {
# end_lineno attr only introduced in 3.8
ends <- lines
starts <- c(1L, ends[-length(ends)] + 1L)
} else {
starts <- lines
ends <- c(lines[-1] - 1, length(code))
ranges <- mapply(c, starts, ends, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
# Stash some options.
is_hold <- identical(options$results, "hold")
is_include <- isTRUE(options$include)
jupyter_compat <- isTRUE(options$jupyter_compat)
# line index from which source should be emitted
pending_source_index <- 1
# whether an error occurred during execution
had_error <- FALSE
# actual outputs to be returned to knitr
outputs <- stack()
# 'held' outputs, to be appended at the end (for results = "hold")
held_outputs <- stack()
# Outputs to be appended to; these depend on the "hold" option.
outputs_target <- if (is_hold) held_outputs else outputs
# synchronize state R -> Python
# determine if we should capture errors
# (don't capture errors during knit)
capture_errors <-
identical(options$error, TRUE) ||
identical(getOption("", default = FALSE), FALSE)
if(isFALSE(options$warning)) {
py_catch_warnings_ctxt <-
# need to set record = TRUE, otherwise custom implementations of
# `warning.showwarning()` leak warnings out of the context.
import("warnings", convert = FALSE)$catch_warnings(record = TRUE)
py_catch_warnings_ctxt$`__exit__`(NULL, NULL, NULL)
}, add = TRUE)
for (i in seq_along(ranges)) {
# extract range
range <- ranges[[i]]
last_range <- i == length(ranges)
# extract code to be run
snippet <- extract(code, range)
# clear the last value object (so we can tell if it was updated)
# use trailing semicolon to suppress output of return value
suppress <- grepl(";\\s*$", snippet) || (jupyter_compat & !last_range)
compile_mode <- if (suppress) "exec" else "single"
# run code and capture output
captured_stdout <- if (capture_errors) {
py_compile_eval(snippet, compile_mode),
error = function(e) {
# if the chunk option is error = FALSE (the default).
# we'll need to bail and not evaluate to the next python expression.
if (identical(options$error, FALSE))
had_error <- TRUE
# format the exception object
etype <- py_get_attr(e, "__class__")
traceback <- import("traceback")
paste0(traceback$format_exception_only(etype, e),
collapse = "")
py_compile_eval(snippet, compile_mode)
# handle matplotlib plots and other special output
captured <- eng_python_autoprint(
captured = captured_stdout,
options = options
# A trailing ';' suppresses output.
# In jupyter mode, only the last expression in a chunk has repr() output.
if (suppress)
captured <- captured_stdout
# emit outputs if we have any
has_outputs <-
!.engine_context$pending_plots$empty() ||
!identical(captured, "")
if (has_outputs) {
# append pending source to outputs (respecting 'echo' option)
if (!identical(options$echo, FALSE) && !is_hold) {
extracted <- extract(code, c(pending_source_index, range[2]))
if(!identical(options$collapse, TRUE) &&
identical(options$strip.white, TRUE)) {
extracted <- sub("^\\n+", "", sub("\\n+$", "", extracted))
# trimws(whitespace = ) requires R 3.6
# extracted <- trimws(extracted, whitespace = "[\n]")
output <- structure(list(src = extracted), class = "source")
# append captured outputs (respecting 'include' option)
if (is_include) {
# append captured output
if (!identical(captured, ""))
# append captured images / figures
for (plot in .engine_context$pending_plots$data())
# update pending source range
pending_source_index <- range[2] + 1
# bail if we had an error with 'error=FALSE'
if (had_error && identical(options$error, FALSE))
# if we have leftover input, add that now
has_leftovers <-
!had_error &&
!identical(options$echo, FALSE) &&
!identical(options$results, "hold") &&
pending_source_index <= n
if (has_leftovers) {
leftover <- extract(code, c(pending_source_index, n))
output <- structure(list(src = leftover), class = "source")
# check if we need to call
# for any pending undisplayed plots
if(isTRUE(.globals$matplotlib_initialized)) {
plt <- import("matplotlib.pyplot")
for (plot in .engine_context$pending_plots$data())
# if we were using held outputs, we just inject the source in now
if (is_hold) {
output <- structure(list(src = code), class = "source")
# if we had held outputs, add those in now (merging text output as appropriate)
text_output <- character()
held_outputs <- held_outputs$data()
for (i in seq_along(held_outputs)) {
output <- held_outputs[[i]]
if (!is.object(output) && is.character(output)) {
# merge text output and save for later
text_output <- c(text_output, held_outputs[[i]])
} else {
# add in pending text output
if (length(text_output)) {
output <- paste(text_output, collapse = "")
text_output <- character()
# add in this piece of output
# if we have any leftover held output, add in now
if (length(text_output)) {
output <- paste(text_output, collapse = "")
wrap <- getOption("reticulate.engine.wrap", eng_python_wrap)
wrap(outputs$data(), options)
eng_python_initialize <- function(options, envir) {
if (is.character(options$engine.path))
eng_python_initialize_hooks(options, envir)
eng_python_knit_include_graphics <-
function(options, suffix = NULL, write_figure = function(path) NULL) {
# ensure that both the figure file saving code, as well as
# knitr::include_graphics(), are run with the correct working directory.
# we need to work in either base.dir or output.dir, depending
# on which of the two has been requested by the user. (note
# that output.dir should always be set)
dir <-
knitr::opts_knit$get("base.dir") %||%
# move to the requested directory
dir.create(dir, recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)
owd <- setwd(dir)
on.exit(setwd(owd), add = TRUE)
# construct plot path
plot_counter <- yoink("knitr", "plot_counter")
number <- plot_counter()
paths <- knitr::fig_path(
suffix = suffix %||% options$dev,
options = options,
number = number
for (path in paths) {
# ensure parent path exists
dir.create(dirname(path), recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)
# write figures
# include the first requested path
eng_python_matplotlib_show <- function(plt, options) {
# save figure file, return knitr::include_graphics() wrapped figure path
options, write_figure = function(path) {
# save the current figure to all requested devices
plt$savefig(path, dpi = options$dpi)
eng_python_initialize_hooks <- function(options, envir) {
# set up hooks for matplotlib modules
matplotlib_modules <- c(
for (module in matplotlib_modules) {
py_register_load_hook(module, function(...) {
eng_python_initialize_matplotlib(options, envir)
# set up hooks for plotly modules
plotly_modules <- c(
for (module in plotly_modules) {
py_register_load_hook(module, function(...) {
eng_python_initialize_plotly(options, envir)
eng_python_matplotlib_backend <- function() {
# allow override, just in case
for (envvar in envvars) {
override <- Sys.getenv(envvar, unset = NA)
if (!
# if we're currently running testthat tests, force an 'agg' backend
testthat <- Sys.getenv("TESTTHAT", unset = NA)
if (identical(testthat, "true"))
# in RStudio Desktop, enforce a non-Qt matplotlib backend
# this is mainly important for older releases of RStudio which were built
# using Qt, since some conda installations might also bundle + use their own
# versions of Qt, and those Qt installations could be incompatible.
# newer versions of RStudio set the matplotlib backend to 'agg' more
# explicitly, so this branch could likely be removed in a future reticulate release
if (is_rstudio_desktop())
# prefer using the agg backend in non-interactive environments
# (matplotlib might prefer using the tkAgg backend, but we've seen
# issues when trying to use in some environments, e.g. Windows)
if (!interactive())
# otherwise, use whatever backend was already configured
eng_python_initialize_matplotlib <- function(options, envir) {
# early exit if we already initialized
# (this onload hook is registered for multiple matplotlib submodules)
if (identical(.globals$matplotlib_initialized, TRUE))
backend <- eng_python_matplotlib_backend()
if (nzchar(backend)) {
matplotlib <- import("matplotlib", convert = TRUE)
# check to see if a backend has already been initialized. if so, we
# need to switch backends; otherwise, we can simply request to use a
# specific one when the backend is initialized later
sys <- import("sys", convert = FALSE)
if ("matplotlib.backends" %in% names(sys$modules)) {
} else {
version <- numeric_version(matplotlib$`__version__`)
if (version < "3.3.0")
matplotlib$use(backend, warn = FALSE, force = TRUE)
matplotlib$use(backend, force = TRUE)
# double-check that we can load 'pyplot' (this can fail if matplotlib
# is installed but is initialized to a backend missing some required components)
if (!py_module_available("matplotlib.pyplot"))
plt <- import("matplotlib.pyplot", convert = FALSE)
# set up figure dimensions
plt$rc("figure", figsize = tuple(options$fig.width, options$fig.height))
# override show implementation
plt$show <- function(...) {
# get current chunk options
options <- knitr::opts_current$get()
# call hook to generate plot
hook <- getOption("", eng_python_matplotlib_show)
graphic <- hook(plt, options)
# update set of pending plots
# return None to ensure no printing of output here (just inclusion of
# plot as a side effect)
.globals$matplotlib_initialized <- TRUE
eng_python_initialize_plotly <- function(options, envir) {
# mark initialization done
if (identical(.globals$plotly_initialized, TRUE))
.globals$plotly_initialized <- TRUE
# override the figure 'show' method to just return the plot object itself
# the auto-printer will then handle rendering the image as appropriate
io <- import("", convert = FALSE)
io$show <- function(self, ...) self
renderers <- io$renderers
if (!py_bool(renderers$default))
renderers$default <- "plotly_mimetype+notebook"
# synchronize objects R -> Python
eng_python_synchronize_before <- function(options) {
if(isTRUE(.globals$matplotlib_initialized)) {
# set up figure dimensions
plt <- import("matplotlib.pyplot")
plt$rc("figure", figsize = tuple(options$fig.width, options$fig.height))
# synchronize objects Python -> R
eng_python_synchronize_after <- function() {}
eng_python_wrap <- function(outputs, options) {
knitr::engine_output(options, out = outputs)
eng_python_validate_options <- function(options) {
# warn about unsupported numeric options and convert to TRUE
no_numeric <- c("eval", "echo", "warning")
for (option in no_numeric) {
if (is.numeric(options[[option]])) {
fmt <- "numeric '%s' chunk option not supported by reticulate engine"
msg <- sprintf(fmt, option)
warning(msg, call. = FALSE)
options[[option]] <- TRUE
eng_python_is_matplotlib_output <- function(value) {
matplotlib_plot_types <- c("matplotlib.artist.Artist",
if (inherits(value, c("python.builtin.tuple", "python.builtin.list")) &&
length(value) > 0L) {
# some functions returned list-"boxed" images, like [<img>]
if (inherits(py_get_item(value, 0L), matplotlib_plot_types))
# plt.hist returns (<np.array>, <np.array>, <img>)
if(length(value) > 1L &&
inherits(py_get_item(value, length(value)-1L), matplotlib_plot_types))
inherits(value, matplotlib_plot_types)
eng_python_is_seaborn_output <- function(value) {
inherits(value, "seaborn.axisgrid.Grid")
eng_python_is_plotly_plot <- function(value) {
inherits(value, "plotly.basedatatypes.BaseFigure")
eng_python_is_altair_chart <- function(value) {
# support different API versions, assuming that the class name
# otherwise remains compatible
classes <- class(value)
pattern <- "^altair\\.vegalite\\.v[[:digit:]]+\\.api\\.(HConcat|VConcat|Layer|Repeat|Facet)?Chart$"
any(grepl(pattern, classes))
eng_python_altair_chart_id <- function(options, ids) {
label <- options$label
components <- c(label, "altair-viz")
if (exists(label, envir = ids)) {
id <- get(label, envir = ids)
components <- c(components, id + 1)
assign(label, id + 1, envir = ids)
} else {
assign(label, 1L, envir = ids)
paste(components, collapse = "-")
eng_python_autoprint <- function(captured, options) {
# bail if no new value was produced by interpreter
value <- py_last_value()
if (py_is_none(value))
# ignore placeholder outputs
if (inherits(value, "python.builtin.str")) {
contents <- py_to_r(value)
if (identical(contents, "__reticulate_placeholder__"))
# check if output format is html
isHtml <- knitr::is_html_output()
if (eng_python_is_matplotlib_output(value)) {
# We handle pending Matplotlib plots with fignums check later.
# Always suppress Matplotlib reprs
} else if (eng_python_is_seaborn_output(value)) {
# get figure path
included_path <- eng_python_knit_include_graphics(
options, write_figure = function(path) {
} else if (inherits(value, "pandas.core.frame.DataFrame")) {
} else if (isHtml && py_has_method(value, "_repr_html_")) {
data <- as_r_value(value$`_repr_html_`())
} else if (eng_python_is_plotly_plot(value) &&
py_module_available("psutil") &&
py_module_available("kaleido")) {
included_path <- eng_python_knit_include_graphics(
options, write_figure = function(path) {
file = path,
width = options$out.width.px,
height = options$out.height.px
} else if (eng_python_is_altair_chart(value)) {
# set width and height if it's not already set
# This only applies to Chart objects, compound charts like HConcatChart
# don't have a 'width' or 'height' property attribute.
# TODO: add support for propagating width/height options from knitr to
# altair compound charts
width <- py_get_attr(value, "width", TRUE)
if (!is.null(options$altair.fig.width)) {
value <- value$properties(width = options$altair.fig.width)
height <- py_get_attr(value, "height", TRUE)
if (!is.null(options$altair.fig.height)) {
value <- value$properties(height = options$altair.fig.height)
# set a unique id (used for div container for figure)
id <- eng_python_altair_chart_id(options, .engine_context$altair_ids)
# convert to HTML or PNG as appropriate
if (isHtml) {
data <- as_r_value(value$to_html(output_div = id))
} else {
included_path <- eng_python_knit_include_graphics(
options, write_figure = function(path) {
} else if (py_has_method(value, "_repr_markdown_")) {
data <- as_r_value(value$`_repr_markdown_`())
} else if (py_has_method(value, "to_html")) {
data <- as_r_value(value$to_html())
} else {
# nothing special to do
Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.