
Defines functions idt.checkDatadir idt.read.sys idt.read.map idt.get.sys.boxes idt.get.map.boxes idt.get.boxes idt.map.to.segments idt.connect.segments idt.segment.length idt.plot.map idt.plot.box idt.plot.boxes idt.plot.sys.map idt.points.sys idt.remove.backtracks idt.segment.to.pointers idt.read.dataset

Documented in idt.read.dataset

## Function to check the wether the directory in question is a data
## directory or not. Returns TRUE if so, FALSE otherwise, and throws an
## error if the directory appears to be corrupt.
idt.checkDatadir <- function(dir=NULL) {
  sys <- file.exists(file.path(dir, "SYS.SYS"))
  map <- file.exists(file.path(dir, "ALU.MAP"))
  if (sys  & map ) return(TRUE)
  if (!sys & !map) return(FALSE)
  if (!sys) stop("SYS.SYS file doesn't exist")
  if (!map) stop("ALU.MAP file doesn't exist")

## Function to read the file containing the systat file with the
## locations of the cell bodies in it
idt.read.sys <- function(dir=NULL) {
  foreign::read.systat(file.path(dir, "SYS.SYS"))

## SYS.MAP might be better to use
## Function to read the file containing the "map", i.e. the outline of
## the retina
idt.read.map <- function(dir=NULL) {
  e <- function() {stop("Corrupt MAP file.")}
  map <- tryCatch(read.csv(file.path(dir, "ALU.MAP"), sep=" ", header=FALSE),
                  warning=e, error=e)

## Function to get corners of sample boxes in terms of lower and upper
## coordinates
## This is to be extended to draw boxes around the edge of the map
idt.get.sys.boxes <- function(sys) {
  ci <- which(sys[,"COMPLETE"] == 1)
  lower <- rbind(sys[ci, "XGRIDCOO"]-sys[ci, "BOXSIZEX"],
                 sys[ci, "YGRIDCOO"]-sys[ci, "BOXSIZEY"])
  upper <- lower + rbind(2*sys[ci, "BOXSIZEX"],
                         2*sys[ci, "BOXSIZEY"])
  return(list(lower = lower, upper = upper))

## This function gets the lower and upper coordinates of boxes
## around the edge of the map, with width fw
idt.get.map.boxes <- function(map, fw=1000) {
  ## Find the edges of the map
  mux <- max(map[,1])
  muy <- max(map[,2])
  mlx <- min(map[,1])
  mly <- min(map[,2])

  ## We need four boxes arround the edge
  lower <- rbind(c(mlx-fw, mlx   , mux   , mlx ),
                 c(mly-fw, muy   , mly-fw, mly-fw))
  upper <- rbind(c(mlx   , mux   , mux+fw, mux),
                 c(muy+fw, muy+fw, muy+fw, mly))
  return(list(lower = lower, upper = upper))

## This function gets the lower and upper coordinates of the "sys" and
## "map" boxes
idt.get.boxes <- function(sys, map) {
  boxes.sys <- idt.get.sys.boxes(sys)
  boxes.map <- idt.get.map.boxes(map)
  return(list(lower=cbind(boxes.sys$lower, boxes.map$lower),
              upper=cbind(boxes.sys$upper, boxes.map$upper)))

## Convert map matrix to a list of segments
idt.map.to.segments <- function(map) {
  ## Give named columns of the map, and hence segment list
  colnames(map) <- c("X", "Y")
  segs <- list()                        # Initialise list of segments
  i <- 1                                # Current line of map
  while(i < nrow(map)) {
    ## Read current line of map; this tells us the chunk index and how
    ## many points belong to this stroke
    j <- map[i, 1]
    if (j != (length(segs) + 1)) {
      stop(paste("Corrupt MAP file? Line", i, "says to read in chunk", j, "but", length(segs), "chunks have been read so far."))
    n <- map[i, 2]
    ## Add the points to the list of segments
    inds <- (i+1):(i+n)
    if (max(inds) > nrow(map)) {
      stop(paste("Corrupt MAP file? Line", i, "says to read", n, "lines into chunk", j,"but there are only", nrow(map)-i, "lines remaining."))
    segs <- c(segs, list(map[inds,]))
    ## Update the current position
    i <- i + n + 1

## Connect segments whose ends lie close to each other
## Input arguments:
## segs -         list of segments to connect
## merge.rad -    Radius within which to merge start and end points of segments
##                NOT IMPLEMENTED YET
## Ouput:
## Ts   -         list of connected segments
idt.connect.segments <- function(segs, merge.rad=10) {
  N <- length(segs)                        # Number of segments
  ## First find the first and last points of each segment
  ## The start points are in columns 1:N of P, and the end points in
  ## (N+1):(2*N)
  P <- as.matrix((sapply(segs, function(S) {S[1,]} )))
  P <- cbind(P,
             as.matrix((sapply(segs, function(S) {S[nrow(S),]} ))))

  ## Now create vector of neighbours of points n
  ## Each element is the index of the closest point
  ## (apart from the point itself) 
  d <- as.matrix(stats::dist(t(P), diag=TRUE))
  diag(d) <- NA
  n <- apply(d, 1, which.min)           # Find index of closest point

  ## Create a list Ts, to contain new segments
  Ts <- list()                          # New segment list
  added <- rep(FALSE, 2*N)              # Which points have been used
  while(any(!added)) {
    ## Find points remaning to be added, and select the first as the
    ## initial segment index
    rem <- which(!added)
    i <- rem[1]
    ## Now create matrix T in which to store the sorted points,
    ## one per row
    T <- matrix(0, 0, 2)

    ## If segment with i at one end hasn't been added, add it
    while(!added[i]) {
      j <- mod1(i + N, 2*N)       # Index into P of other end of segment i
      ## Add the segement to T
      if (i<=N) {
        T <- rbind(T, segs[[i]])
        message(paste("Adding old segment", i))
      } else {
        T <- rbind(T, flipud(segs[[j]]))
        message(paste("Adding old segment", j))
      added[i] <- TRUE             # Ignore these indices in the future
      added[j] <- TRUE             # Ignore these indices in the future
      i <- n[j]                    # Closest index in another segment
    ## If the segment connects back to a previously included point,
    ## store the segment and find a new starting index, if one exists
    T <- remove.identical.consecutive.rows(T)
    T <- remove.intersections(T)
    T <- idt.remove.backtracks(T)
    Ts <- c(Ts, list(T))
    message(paste("Storing new segment", length(Ts)))

## Return the length of a segment
## Input arguments:
## S    - segment to measure
## Ouput:
## l    - length of segment
idt.segment.length <- function(S) {
  v <- diff(rbind(S, S[1,]))
  return(sum(sqrt(apply(v^2, 1, sum))))

## Function to plot the "map", i.e. the outline of the retina
idt.plot.map <- function(map, seginfo=FALSE,
                     xlim=range(map[,1]), ylim=range(map[,2])) {
  plot(NA, NA, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, xlab="", ylab="")
  segs <- idt.map.to.segments(map)
  for (i in 1:length(segs)) {
    seg <- segs[[i]]
    col <- "black"
    if (seginfo) {
      col <- rainbow(10)[mod1(i,10)]
      text(seg[1,1], seg[1,2] + 100, labels=i, col=col)
    lines(seg[, 1], seg[, 2], lwd=2, col=col)    

## Function to plot a box specified by a vector at the bottom left
## corner (lower) and a vector at the top right corner (upper)
idt.plot.box <- function(lower, upper) {
  lines(c(lower[1], upper[1], upper[1], lower[1], lower[1]),
        c(lower[2], lower[2], upper[2], upper[2], lower[2]))

## Function to plot boxes specified by the corners specified by the
## columns of lower and upper (see idt.plot.box())
idt.plot.boxes <- function(lower, upper) {
  for(i in 1:(dim(lower)[2])) {
    idt.plot.box(lower[,i], upper[,i])

# Function to plot the unfolded retina, grid and labelled RG cells
idt.plot.sys.map <- function(sys, map) {
  boxes <- idt.get.sys.boxes(sys) 
  idt.plot.boxes(boxes$lower, boxes$upper)

# Function to plot the labelled RG cells
idt.points.sys <- function(sys) {
  points(sys[,'XGREEN'], sys[,'YGREEN'], col="green", pch=20,cex=0.5)
  points(sys[,'XRED'], sys[,'YRED'], col="red", pch=20,cex=0.5)

## Remove backtracks to the same point in a path
idt.remove.backtracks <- function(P) {
  N <- nrow(P)
  ## Loop through P
  for (i in 2:N) {
    ## Find if we have already been here
    j <- which(apply(P[1:(i-1),,drop=FALSE], 1, function(x) {identical(x, P[i,])}))
    ## If so, remove all of P between there and here
    if (length(j)) {
      message(paste("idt.remove.backtracks: Already been to ", j, "; Removing:"))
      ind <- j:(i-1)
      message(paste(" ", ind))

## Convert segment to pointers
## FIXME: At present this is not used. However, it might form part of a
## fix for Issue #178: error in segments2pointers()
idt.segment.to.pointers <- function(P) {
  ## uniquify P
  N <- nrow(P)
  U <- unique(P)
  id <- 1:N
  for (i in 1:N) {
    id[i] <- which(apply(U, 1, function(x) {identical(x, P[i,])}))
  M <- nrow(U)
  gf <- rep(NA, M)
  for (i in 1:(N-1)) {
    gf[id[i]] <- id[i+1]
  gb <- rep(NA, M)
  for (i in N:2) {
    gb[id[i]] <- id[i-1]
  return(list(id=id, P=U, gf=gf, gb=gb))

##' Read one of the Thompson lab's retinal datasets. Each dataset is a
##' folder containing a SYS file in SYSTAT format and a MAP file in
##' text format. The SYS file specifies the locations of the data
##' points and the MAP file specifies the outline. 
##' The function returns the outline of the retina. In order to do so,
##' it has to join up the segments of the MAP file. The tracings are
##' not always precise; sometimes there are gaps between points that
##' are actually the same point. The parameter \code{d.close} specifies
##' how close points must be to count as the same point.
##' @title Read one of the Thompson lab's retinal datasets
##' @param dataset Path to directory containing as SYS and MAP file
##' @param report Function to report progress
##' @param d.close Maximum distance between points for them to count
##' as the same point. This is expressed as a fraction of the width of
##' the outline.
##' @return 
##' \item{dataset}{The path to the directory given as an argument}
##' \item{raw}{List containing\describe{
##'    \item{\code{map}}{The raw MAP data}
##'    \item{\code{sys}}{The raw SYS data}
##' }}
##' \item{P}{The points of the outline}
##' \item{gf}{Forward pointers along the outline}
##' \item{gb}{Backward pointers along the outline}
##' \item{Ds}{List of datapoints}
##' \item{Ss}{List of landmark lines}
##' @importFrom stats sd
##' @author David Sterratt
##' @export
idt.read.dataset <- function(dataset, report=message, d.close=0.25) {
  ## Read the raw data
  map <- idt.read.map(dataset)
  sys <- idt.read.sys(dataset)

  ## Extract datapoints
  ## At present, for the plotting functions to work, the name of each
  ## group has to be a valid colour.
  Ds <- list(green =cbind(X=na.omit(sys[,'XGREEN']), Y=na.omit(sys[,'YGREEN'])),
             red   =cbind(
               X=na.omit(c(sys[,'XDOUBLE'], sys[,'XRED'])),
               Y=na.omit(c(sys[,'YDOUBLE'], sys[,'YRED']))),
             double=cbind(X=na.omit(sys[,'XDOUBLE']), Y=na.omit(sys[,'YDOUBLE'])))
  cols <- list(green="green",

  ## Extract line data
  segs <- idt.map.to.segments(map)

  ## Connect together segments that look to be joined
  Ss <- idt.connect.segments(segs)

  ## Determine the lengths of the segments
  l <- c()
  for (i in 1:length(Ss)) {
    l[i] <- idt.segment.length(Ss[[i]])

  ## The outline (P) is the longest connected segment and the outline
  ## is removed from the list of segments
  P  <- Ss[[which.max(l)]]
  Ss <- Ss[-which.max(l)]

  ## Work out scale. Daniel says: "In the SYS.SYS file, the scale is
  ## defined by the column BOXSIZEX & BOXSIZEY. Since all of my
  ## data has been acquired with a 200x200 grid, this means that the
  ## scale (in um/unit) is BOXSIZE / 200. e.g. if boxsize is 160, then
  ## scale is 0.8 um/unit."
  if (sapply(sys["BOXSIZEX"], sd, na.rm=TRUE) != 0) {
    stop("Inconsistent BOXSIZEX; cannot determine scale")
  bsx <- sapply(sys["BOXSIZEX"], mean, na.rm=TRUE)
  scale <- bsx/200
  names(scale) <- NULL
  ## Create Outline object
  o <- RetinalOutline$new(P, scale=scale, units="um",
  ## Check that P is more-or-less closed
  if (vecnorm(P[1,] - P[nrow(P),]) > (d.close * diff(range(P[,1])))) {
     idt.plot.map(map, TRUE)
     points(P[c(1,nrow(P)),], col="black")
     stop("Unable to find a closed outline.")

  ## Get grouped data
  ci <- (sys[,"COMPLETE"] == 1)

  ## Method 1: Just keep data from complete squares. This has the
  ## advantage of simplicity, but may lead to problems with
  ## contouring if the data is not surrounded by enough 0s.
  Gs <- list(green =cbind(X=sys[ci,"XGRIDCOO"], Y=sys[ci,"YGRIDCOO"], C=sys[ci,"TOTALGRE"]),
             red   =cbind(X=sys[ci,"XGRIDCOO"], Y=sys[ci,"YGRIDCOO"], C=sys[ci,"TOTALRED"] + sys[ci,"TOTALDOU"]),
             double=cbind(X=sys[ci,"XGRIDCOO"], Y=sys[ci,"YGRIDCOO"], C=sys[ci,"TOTALDOU"]))

  ## ## Method 2: Remove data from incomplete squares within convex
  ## ## hull of data. This has the advantage that 0s from incomplete
  ## ## squares outwith the outline are retained. But it has potential
  ## ## disadvantages in that it makes implicit assumptions, e.g. that
  ## ## points lie within a neat convex hull. Note that if this method
  ## ## is deleted, we can lose the dependence on the sp package, which
  ## ## provides point.in.polygon().
  ## Gs <- list(green =cbind(sys[,"XGRIDCOO"], sys[,"YGRIDCOO"], sys[,"TOTALGRE"]),
  ##            red   =cbind(sys[,"XGRIDCOO"], sys[,"YGRIDCOO"], sys[,"TOTALRED"] + sys[,"TOTALDOU"]),
  ##            double=cbind(sys[,"XGRIDCOO"], sys[,"YGRIDCOO"], sys[,"TOTALDOU"]))
  ## Gs <- lapply(Gs, function(G) {
  ##   ## Find convex hull of data
  ##   ps <- na.omit(G[ci, c(1,2)])
  ##   if (nrow(ps) >= 3) {
  ##     rem <- (sp::point.in.polygon(G[,1], G[,2], o$P[,1], o$P[,2]) == 1) & !ci
  ##     if (sum(rem) > 0) {
  ##       G <- G[-rem,]
  ##     }
  ##   }
  ##   return(G)
  ## })
  ## Remove points outwith outline
  Gs <- lapply(Gs, function(G) {
    G[sp::point.in.polygon(G[,1], G[,2], o$P[,1], o$P[,2]) == 1,,drop=FALSE]})

  o$addFeatureSet(PointSet$new(data=Ds, cols=cols))
  o$addFeatureSet(LandmarkSet$new(data=Ss, cols=cols))
  o$addFeatureSet(CountSet$new(data=Gs, cols=cols))
  ## d <- Dataset(o, dataset, Ds, Ss, cols=cols, raw=list(map=map, sys=sys), Gs=Gs)

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