
Defines functions fbGetAdCreative

Documented in fbGetAdCreative

fbGetAdCreative <- function(accounts_id  = getOption("rfacebookstat.accounts_id"),
                            filtering    = NULL,
                            api_version  = getOption("rfacebookstat.api_version"),
                            username     = getOption("rfacebookstat.username"),
                            token_path   = fbTokenPath(),
                            access_token = getOption("rfacebookstat.access_token"),
                            limit        = 50){
  # auth 
  if ( is.null(access_token) ) {    
    if ( Sys.getenv("RFB_API_TOKEN") != "" )  {
	    access_token <- Sys.getenv("RFB_API_TOKEN")    
 	} else {
        access_token <- fbAuth(username   = username, 
                               token_path = token_path)$access_token
  if ( inherits(access_token, "fb_access_token") ) {
    access_token <- access_token$access_token
  # attributes
  rq_ids      <- list()
  out_headers <- list()
  res <- list()
  # load account list
  if ( is.null(accounts_id) ) {
    message("...Loading your account list.")
    accounts_id <- suppressMessages(fbGetAdAccounts()$id)
    message("...Loading adscreatives from ", length(accounts_id), " account", ifelse( length(accounts_id) > 1, "s", "" ))
  # check account format
  accounts_id <- ifelse(grepl("^act_", accounts_id), accounts_id, paste0("act_",accounts_id))
  # activate progress bar
  if ( length(accounts_id) > 1 ) {
    pgbar <- TRUE
    pb_step <- 1
    pb      <- txtProgressBar(pb_step, 
                              style = 3, 
                              title = "Loading:", 
                              label = "load" )
  } else {
    # progres bar
    pgbar <- FALSE
  # filters handing to JSON
  if ( ! is.null(filtering) ) {
    if ( ! validate(filtering)[[1]] ) {
      filters <- list()
      for ( f in filtering ) {
        temp_fil    <- str_split(f, " ")
        temp_filter <- list(field    = temp_fil[[1]][1],
                            operator = temp_fil[[1]][2])
        if ( temp_fil[[1]][2] %in% c("IN_RANGE", "NOT_IN_RANGE", "IN", "NOT_IN") ) {
          temp_filter$value <- str_split(temp_fil[[1]][3], ",")[[1]]
        } else {
          temp_filter$value <- temp_fil[[1]][3]
        filters <- append(filters, list(temp_filter))
      filtering <- toJSON(filters, auto_unbox = T)
  for( account_id in accounts_id ) {
      url <- str_interp("https://graph.facebook.com/${api_version}/${account_id}/adcreatives")
      api_answer  <- GET(url, 
                         query = list(fields       = "ad_id,name,title,body,status,adlabels,call_to_action_type,link_url,link_destination_display_url,template_url,url_tags,thumbnail_url,image_url,image_hash,object_story_spec,object_id,object_type,video_id,account_id",
                                      limit        = limit,
                                      filtering    = filtering,
                                      access_token = access_token))
      # attr
      rq_ids      <- append(rq_ids, setNames(list(status_code(api_answer)), api_answer$headers$`x-fb-trace-id`))
      out_headers <- append(out_headers, setNames(list(headers(api_answer)), api_answer$headers$`x-fb-trace-id`))
      pars_answer <- content(api_answer, as = "parsed")
      if(!is.null(pars_answer$error)) {
        error <- pars_answer$error
      # pars
      res <- append(res, 
                    lapply( pars_answer$data, fbParserAdCreatives ))
      # paging
      while (!is.null(pars_answer$paging$`next`)) {
        api_answer  <- GET(pars_answer$paging$`next`)
        pars_answer <- content(api_answer, as = "parsed")
        if(!is.null(pars_answer$error)) {
          error <- pars_answer$error
        # pause between query
        # pars
        res <- append(res, 
                      lapply( pars_answer$data, fbParserAdCreatives ))
      # pause between query
      # set progress bar
      if( pgbar ) {
        pb_step <- pb_step + 1
        setTxtProgressBar(pb, pb_step)

  res <- map_df(res, flatten)
  # set attributes
  attr(res, "request_ids") <- rq_ids
  attr(res, "headers")     <- out_headers
  # close pb
  if( pgbar ) close(pb)

Try the rfacebookstat package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

rfacebookstat documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 6:05 p.m.