Man pages for rgl
3D Visualization Using OpenGL

abclinesLines intersecting the bounding box
addNormalsAdd normal vectors to objects so they render more smoothly
ageControlSet attributes of vertices based on their age
all.equal.mesh3dCompare mesh3d objects in a meaningful way.
arc3dDraw arcs
arrow3dDraw an arrow
as.mesh3d.ashape3dConvert alpha-shape surface of a cloud of points to RGL mesh...
as.mesh3d.defaultConvert object to mesh object
as.mesh3d.rglIdConvert object in plot to RGL mesh object
aspect3dSet the aspect ratios of the current plot
as.rglsceneConvert an object to an 'rglscene' object.
asRowConvenience functions for RGL HTML layouts
as.tmesh3dConvert object to a triangular mesh
as.triangles3dConvert an object to triangles
attributesGet information about shapes
axes3dDraw boxes, axes and other text outside the data
bboxSet up bounding box decoration
bgSet up background
bgplot3dUse base graphics for RGL background
BufferR6 Class for binary buffers in glTF files.
callbacksUser callbacks on mouse events
check3dCheck for an open RGL window.
checkDeldirCheck for a compatible version of 'deldir'
clipMesh3dClip mesh or RGL object to general region
clipplaneControlSets attributes of a clipping plane
contourLines3dDraw contours on a surface
cube3dSample 3D mesh objects
cylinder3dCreate cylindrical or "tube" plots
decorate3dAdd decorations to a 3D plot
drape3dDrape lines over a scene.
elementId2PrefixUse widget with old-style controls
ellipse3dMake an ellipsoid
expect_known_sceneHelper for 'testthat' testing.
extrude3dGenerate extrusion mesh
facing3dSubset an object to parts facing in a particular direction
figWidthGet R Markdown figure dimensions in pixels
getBoundary3dExtract the boundary of a mesh
gltfTypesNames of glTF types.
GramSchmidtThe Gram-Schmidt algorithm
grid3dAdd a grid to a 3D plot
hover3dDisplay hover info in plot.
identify3dIdentify points in plot
importImported from magrittr
in_pkgdown_exampleAre we running in a 'pkgdown' example?
lightAdd light source
makeDependencyProcess Javascript for HTML dependency
materialGet or set material properties
matricesWork with homogeneous coordinates
merge.mesh3dMerge RGL mesh objects
mergeVerticesMerge duplicate vertices in mesh object
mesh3dConstruct 3D mesh objects
mfrow3dSet up multiple figure layouts
observer3dSet the observer location
open3dWork with RGL windows
par3dSet or query RGL parameters
par3dinterpInterpolator for par3d parameters
par3dinterpControlControl RGL widget like par3dinterp()
pch3dPlot symbols similar to base graphics
persp3dSurface plots
persp3d.deldirPlot a Delaunay triangulation
persp3d.functionPlot a function of two variables
persp3d.triPlot an interp or tripack Delaunay triangulation
planesAdd planes
play3dPlay animation of RGL scene
playwidgetAdd a widget to play animations
plot3d3D scatterplot
plot3d.formulaMethods for formulas
plot3d.lmMethod for plotting simple linear fit
plotmath3dDraw text using base graphics math plotting
polygon3dDraw a polygon in three dimensions
postscriptExport vector graphics
primitivesAdd primitive shape
propertyControlControls to use with playwidget()
r3dGeneric 3D interface
readSTLRead and write STL (stereolithography) format files
rgl.attrib.infoGet information about attributes of objects
rgl.bringtotopAssign focus to an RGL window
rgl-defunctDefunct functions in 'rgl'
rgl-deprecatedDeprecated functions in 'rgl'
rgl-duplicatedDuplicated functions in 'rgl'
rglExtrafontsRegister extra fonts
rgl.fnsLow level functions that should not be called by users.
rglFontsSpecify FreeType fonts
rgl.getAxisCallbackGet user-defined axis labelling callbacks.
rglIdsRGL id values
rgl.initInitializing RGL
rgl-internalInternal RGL functions and data
rglMouseGenerate HTML code to select mouse mode
rgl-package3D visualization device system
rgl.pixelsExtract pixel information from window
rgl.selectSwitch to select mode, and return the mouse position selected
rglSharedCreate shared data from an RGL object
rgl.SweaveIntegrating RGL with Sweave
rglToLatticeConvert RGL userMatrix to lattice or base angles
rgl.useNULLReport default use of null device
rgl.user2windowConvert between RGL user and window coordinates
rglwidgetAn htmlwidget to hold an RGL scene graphics device in a safe way.
sceneScene management
scene3dSaves the current scene to a variable, and displays such...
sceneChangeMake large change to a scene from Shiny
select3dSelect a rectangle in an RGL scene
selectpoints3dSelect points from a scene
setAxisCallbacksUser-defined axis labelling callbacks.
setGraphicsDelaySet a one-time slowdown on opening standard graphics
setupKnitrDisplaying RGL scenes in 'knitr' documents
setUserCallbacksSet mouse callbacks in R or Javascript code
setUserShadersSet user-defined shaders for RGL objects, or get shaders.
shade3dDraw 3D mesh objects
shadow3dProject shadows of mesh onto object.
shapelist3dCreate and plot a list of shapes
shinyFunctions for integration of RGL widgets into Shiny app
shinyGetPar3dCommunicate RGL parameters between R and Javascript in Shiny
show2dDraw a 2D plot on a rectangle in a 3D scene
snapshotExport screenshot
spheresAdd spheres
spin3dCreate a function to spin a scene at a fixed rate
spritesAdd sprites
subdivision3dSubdivide a mesh
subscene3dCreate, select or modify a subscene
subsceneInfoGet information on subscenes
surface3dAdd surface
tagged3dFind tags on rgl objects.
textsAdd text to plot
textureSourceRetrieve source code used to produce texture file.
thigmophobe3dFind the direction away from the closest point in a 3d...
tkpar3dsaveModal dialog for saving par3d settings
tkrglThe former tkrgl package
tkspin3dCreate TCL/TK controller for RGL window
tkspinControlCreate a spin control in a TCL/TK window
toggleWidgetAn HTML widget to toggle display of elements of a scene
triangulateTriangulate a two-dimensional polygon
turn3dCreate a solid of rotation from a two-dimensional curve
vertexControlSet attributes of vertices
viewpointSet up viewpoint
writeASYWrite Asymptote code for an RGL scene
writeOBJRead and write Wavefront OBJ format files
writePLYWrite Stanford PLY format files
rgl documentation built on June 22, 2024, 7 p.m.