## R source file
## This file is part of rgl
## ===[ SECTION: generic appearance function ]================================
rgl.material0 <- function(
color = "white",
alpha = 1.0,
lit = TRUE,
ambient = "black",
specular = "white",
emission = "black",
shininess = 50.0,
smooth = TRUE,
texture = NULL,
textype = "rgb",
texmode = "modulate",
texmipmap = FALSE,
texminfilter = "linear",
texmagfilter = "linear",
texenvmap = FALSE,
front = "filled",
back = "filled",
size = 3.0,
lwd = 1.0,
fog = TRUE,
point_antialias = FALSE,
line_antialias = FALSE,
depth_mask = TRUE,
depth_test = "less",
polygon_offset = c(0.0, 0.0),
margin = "",
floating = FALSE,
tag = "",
blend = c("src_alpha", "one_minus_src_alpha"),
) {
# Allow compatibility with base graphics without relying
# on abbreviated arguments
if (missing(color) && !missing(col))
color <- col
# solid or diffuse component
color <- rgl.mcolor(color)
if (length(color) < 1)
stop("There must be at least one color")
# light properties
ambient <- rgl.color(ambient)
specular <- rgl.color(specular)
emission <- rgl.color(emission)
# others
depth_test <- rgl.enum.depthtest(depth_test)
# side-dependant rendering
front <- rgl.enum.polymode(front)
back <- rgl.enum.polymode(back)
# texture mapping
texture <- prepareTexture(texture)
textype <- rgl.enum.textype( textype )
texmode <- rgl.enum.texmode( texmode )
texminfilter <- rgl.enum.texminfilter( texminfilter )
texmagfilter <- rgl.enum.texmagfilter( texmagfilter )
texdelete <- !is.null(attr(texture, "rgl_source"))
# polygon offset
length(polygon_offset) <= 2,
length(polygon_offset) >= 1)
if (length(polygon_offset) == 1)
polygon_offset <- c(polygon_offset, polygon_offset)
# blending
stopifnot(length(blend) == 2)
blend <- c(rgl.enum.blend(blend[1]), rgl.enum.blend(blend[2]))
# vector length
ncolor <- dim(color)[2]
nalpha <- length(alpha)
margin <- parseMargin(margin, floating = floating)
# user data
tag <- as.character(tag)
# pack data
idata <- as.integer( c( ncolor, lit, smooth, front, back, fog,
textype, texmipmap, texminfilter, texmagfilter,
nalpha, ambient, specular, emission, texenvmap,
point_antialias, line_antialias,
depth_mask, depth_test,
margin$coord - 1, margin$edge, floating,
blend, texmode, texdelete, color) )
cdata <- as.character(c( tag, texture ))
ddata <- as.numeric(c( shininess, size, lwd, polygon_offset, alpha ))
ret <- .C( rgl_material,
success = FALSE,
rgl.material <- function(...) {
rgl.getcolorcount <- function() .C( rgl_getcolorcount, count=integer(1) )$count
rgl.getmaterial <- function(ncolors, id = NULL) {
if (!length(id)) id <- 0L
if (missing(ncolors))
ncolors <- if (id) rgl.attrib.count(id, "colors") else rgl.getcolorcount()
idata <- rep(-1, 34+3*ncolors)
idata[1] <- ncolors
idata[11] <- ncolors
cdata <- rep(paste(rep(" ", 512), collapse=""), 2)
ddata <- rep(0, 5+ncolors)
ret <- .C( rgl_getmaterial,
success = FALSE,
id = as.integer(id),
idata = as.integer(idata),
cdata = cdata,
ddata = as.numeric(ddata)
if (!ret$success) stop('rgl.getmaterial failed')
polymodes <- c("filled", "lines", "points", "culled")
textypes <- c("alpha", "luminance", "luminance.alpha", "rgb", "rgba")
texmodes <- c("replace", "modulate", "decal", "blend", "add")
minfilters <- c("nearest", "linear", "nearest.mipmap.nearest", "nearest.mipmap.linear",
"linear.mipmap.nearest", "linear.mipmap.linear")
magfilters <- c("nearest", "linear")
depthtests <- c("never", "less", "equal", "lequal", "greater",
"notequal", "gequal", "always")
blendmodes <- c("zero", "one",
"src_color", "one_minus_src_color",
"dst_color", "one_minus_dst_color",
"src_alpha", "one_minus_src_alpha",
"dst_alpha", "one_minus_dst_alpha",
"constant_color", "one_minus_constant_color",
"constant_alpha", "one_minus_constant_alpha",
idata <- ret$idata
ddata <- ret$ddata
cdata <- ret$cdata
list(color = rgb(idata[32 + 3*(seq_len(idata[1]))],
idata[33 + 3*(seq_len(idata[1]))],
idata[34 + 3*(seq_len(idata[1]))], maxColorValue = 255),
alpha = if (idata[11]) ddata[seq(from=6, length.out = idata[11])] else 1,
lit = idata[2] > 0,
ambient = rgb(idata[12], idata[13], idata[14], maxColorValue = 255),
specular = rgb(idata[15], idata[16], idata[17], maxColorValue = 255),
emission = rgb(idata[18], idata[19], idata[20], maxColorValue = 255),
shininess = ddata[1],
smooth = idata[3] > 0,
texture = if (cdata[2] == "") NULL else cdata[2],
textype = textypes[idata[7]],
texmipmap = idata[8] == 1,
texminfilter = minfilters[idata[9] + 1],
texmagfilter = magfilters[idata[10] + 1],
texenvmap = idata[21] == 1,
front = polymodes[idata[4]],
back = polymodes[idata[5]],
size = ddata[2],
lwd = ddata[3],
fog = idata[6] > 0,
point_antialias = idata[22] == 1,
line_antialias = idata[23] == 1,
depth_mask = idata[24] == 1,
depth_test = depthtests[idata[25] + 1],
isTransparent = idata[26] == 1,
polygon_offset = ddata[4:5],
margin = deparseMargin(list(coord = idata[27] + 1, edge = idata[28:30])),
floating = idata[31] == 1,
blend = blendmodes[idata[32:33] + 1],
texmode = texmodes[idata[34] + 1],
tag = cdata[1]
prepareTexture <- function(texture) {
arr <- NULL
src <- NULL
if (is.null(texture))
result <- ""
else if (is.character(texture) && length(texture) == 1) {
# Assume it's a filename
ext <- tolower(file_ext(texture))
if (ext %in% c("jpg", "jpeg")) {
if (requireNamespace("jpeg"))
arr <- jpeg::readJPEG(texture)
stop("JPEG textures require the 'jpeg' package")
} else
result <- normalizePath(texture)
} else {
raster <- as.raster(texture)
arr <- t(col2rgb(raster))/255
dim(arr) <- c(rev(dim(raster)), 3)
arr <- aperm(arr, c(2,1,3))
if (!is.null(arr)) {
if (!requireNamespace("png"))
stop("non-PNG textures require the 'png' package")
result <- tempfile(fileext = ".png", tmpdir = .rglEnv$textureDir)
src <- attr(texture, "src")
png::writePNG(arr, target = result,
text = c(rgl_source = deparse(src)))
structure(result, rgl_source = src)
textureSource <- function(texture) {
if (missing(texture))
if (requireNamespace("png")) {
png <- png::readPNG(texture, info = TRUE)
if (!is.null(info <- attr(png, "info")) &&
!is.null(info$text) &&
! <- info$text["rgl_source"]))
return(parse(text = src)[[1]])
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