
Defines functions subdivision3d.mesh3d deform.mesh3d normalize.mesh3d divide.mesh3d getTags edgeindex edgemap

Documented in deform.mesh3d divide.mesh3d edgeindex edgemap normalize.mesh3d subdivision3d.mesh3d

# subdivision.mesh3d
# an *efficient* algorithm for subdivision of mesh3d objects
# using addition operations and homogenous coordinates 
# by Daniel Adler 

edgemap <- function( size ) {
  data<-vector( mode="numeric", length=( size*(size+1) )/2 )
  data[] <- -1

edgeindex <- function( from, to, size, row=min(from,to), col=max(from,to) )
  return( row*size - ( row*(row+1) )/2 - (size-col) )

getTags <- function(mesh) {
	len <- length(mesh$ip) + length(mesh$is)/2 +
		     length(mesh$it)/3 + length(mesh$ib)/4
	tags <- mesh$tags
	if (is.null(tags))
	  tags <- seq_len(len)
	else if (length(tags) != len)
		stop("mesh$tags length must equal total number of points, segments, triangles and quads")

divide.mesh3d <- function(mesh, vb = mesh$vb, 
													ib = mesh$ib, it = mesh$it, is = mesh$is,
													keepTags = FALSE) {
  nv    <- dim(vb)[2]
  inds <- seq_len(nv)
  np <- length(mesh$ip)
  ns <- length(is)/2
  nt <- length(it)/3
  nq <- length(ib)/4
  newnp <- np
  newns <- 2*ns
  newnt <- 4*nt
  newnq <- 4*nq
  meshColor <- mesh$meshColor
  if (is.null(meshColor)) meshColor <- "vertices"
  hasColors <- !is.null(mesh$material) &&
  		         length(mesh$material$color) > 1 &&
  	           !(meshColor %in% c("edges", "legacy"))
  if (hasColors && meshColor == "vertices") {
  	color <- rep_len(mesh$material$color, nv)
  	rgb <- col2rgb(color)
  	interpRGB <- TRUE
  } else
  	interpRGB <- FALSE
  hasAlpha <- !is.null(mesh$material) &&
  	length(mesh$material$alpha) > 1 &&
  	!(meshColor %in% c("edges", "legacy"))
  if (hasAlpha && meshColor == "vertices") {
  	alpha <- rep_len(mesh$material$alpha, nv)
  	interpAlpha <- TRUE
  } else
    interpAlpha <- FALSE
  oldtags <- getTags(mesh)
  newtags <- integer(newnp + newns + newnt + newnq)
  nvmax <- nv + nq + ( nv*(nv+1) )/2
  outvb <- matrix(data=0,nrow=4,ncol=nvmax)  
  # copy old points
  outvb[,seq_len(nv)] <- vb  
  vcnt <- nv
  em    <- edgemap( nv )
  if (interpRGB)
  	outrgb <- cbind(rgb, matrix(0, nrow = 3, ncol = nvmax - nv))
  if (interpAlpha)
  	outalpha <- c(alpha, rep(0, nvmax - nv))
  if (!is.null(mesh$normals)) {
    if (NROW(mesh$normals) == 4)
      mesh$normals <- t(asEuclidean(t(mesh$normals)))
    newnormals <- matrix(data=0,nrow=3,ncol=nvmax)
    newnormals[,inds] <- mesh$normals
  } else newnormals <- NULL
  if (!is.null(mesh$texcoords)) {
    newtexcoords <- matrix(data=0,nrow=2,ncol=nvmax)
    newtexcoords[,inds] <- mesh$texcoords
  } else newtexcoords <- NULL
  if (!is.null(newnormals) || !is.null(newtexcoords)) {
    newcount <- rep(0, nvmax)
    newcount[inds] <- 1
  result <- structure(list(material=mesh$material), class="mesh3d")

  if (nq) {
  	outib <- matrix(nrow=4,ncol=newnq)
  	vcnt  <- vcnt + nq
  	for (i in 1:nq ) {
  		isurf <- nv + i
  		if (interpRGB)
  			outrgb[, isurf] <- rowSums(rgb[, ib[, i]])/4
  		if (interpAlpha)
  			outalpha[isurf] <- sum(alpha(ib[,i]))/4
  		for (j in 1:4 ) {
  			iprev <- ib[((j+2)%%4) + 1, i]
  			ithis <- ib[j,i]
  			inext <- ib[ (j%%4)    + 1, i]
  			# get or alloc edge-point this->next
  			mindex <- edgeindex(ithis, inext, nv)
  			enext <- em[mindex]
  			if (enext == -1) {
  				vcnt       <- vcnt + 1
  				enext      <- vcnt
  				em[mindex] <- enext
  				if (interpRGB)
  					outrgb[, enext] <- (rgb[, inext] + rgb[, ithis])/2
  				if (interpAlpha)
  					outalpha[enext] <- (alpha[inext] + alpha[ithis])/2
  			# get or alloc edge-point prev->this
  			mindex <- edgeindex(iprev, ithis, nv)
  			eprev <- em[mindex]
  			if (eprev == -1) {
  				vcnt       <- vcnt + 1
  				eprev      <- vcnt
  				em[mindex] <- eprev
  				if (interpRGB)
  					outrgb[, eprev] <- (rgb[, iprev] + rgb[, ithis])/2
  				if (interpAlpha)
  					outalpha[eprev] <- (alpha[iprev] + alpha[ithis])/2
  			# gen grid      
  			outib[, (i-1)*4+j ] <- c( ithis, enext, isurf, eprev )
  			newtags[newnp + newns + newnt + (i-1)*4+j] <- np + ns + nt + i
  			# calculate surface point
  			outvb[,isurf] <- outvb[,isurf] + vb[,ithis]
  			# calculate edge point
  			outvb[,enext] <- outvb[,enext] + vb[,ithis] 
  			outvb[,eprev] <- outvb[,eprev] + vb[,ithis] 
  			if (!is.null(newnormals)) {
  				thisnorm <- mesh$normals[,ithis]
  				newnormals[,isurf] <- newnormals[,isurf] + thisnorm
  				newnormals[,enext] <- newnormals[,enext] + thisnorm
  				newnormals[,eprev] <- newnormals[,eprev] + thisnorm
  			if (!is.null(newtexcoords)) {
  				thistexcoord <- mesh$texcoords[,ithis]
  				newtexcoords[,isurf] <- newtexcoords[,isurf] + thistexcoord
  				newtexcoords[,enext] <- newtexcoords[,enext] + thistexcoord
  				newtexcoords[,eprev] <- newtexcoords[,eprev] + thistexcoord
  			if (!is.null(newnormals) || !is.null(newtexcoords)) {
  				newcount[isurf] <- newcount[isurf] + 1
  				newcount[enext] <- newcount[enext] + 1
  				newcount[eprev] <- newcount[eprev] + 1
  	result$ib <- outib
  if (nt) {
  	outit <- matrix(nrow=3,ncol=newnt)
  	for (i in 1:nt ) {
  		for (j in 1:3 ) {
  			iprev <- it[((j+1)%%3) + 1, i]
  			ithis <- it[j,i]
  			inext <- it[ (j%%3)    + 1, i]
  			# get or alloc edge-point this->next
  			mindex <- edgeindex(ithis, inext, nv)
  			enext <- em[mindex]
  			if (enext == -1) {
  				vcnt       <- vcnt + 1
  				enext      <- vcnt
  				em[mindex] <- enext
  				if (interpRGB)
  					outrgb[, enext] <- (rgb[, inext] + rgb[, ithis])/2
  				if (interpAlpha)
  					outalpha[enext] <- (alpha[inext] + alpha[ithis])/2
  			# get or alloc edge-point prev->this
  			mindex <- edgeindex(iprev, ithis, nv)
  			eprev <- em[mindex]
  			if (eprev == -1) {
  				vcnt       <- vcnt + 1
  				eprev      <- vcnt
  				em[mindex] <- eprev
  				if (interpRGB)
  					outrgb[, eprev] <- (rgb[, iprev] + rgb[, ithis])/2
  				if (interpAlpha)
  					outalpha[eprev] <- (alpha[iprev] + alpha[ithis])/2
  			# gen grid      
  			outit[, (i-1)*4+j ] <- c( ithis, enext, eprev )
  			newtags[newnp + newns + (i-1)*4+j ] <- np + ns + i
  			# calculate edge point
  			outvb[,enext] <- outvb[,enext] + vb[,ithis] 
  			outvb[,eprev] <- outvb[,eprev] + vb[,ithis] 
  			if (!is.null(newnormals)) {
  				thisnorm <- mesh$normals[,ithis]
  				newnormals[,enext] <- newnormals[,enext] + thisnorm
  				newnormals[,eprev] <- newnormals[,eprev] + thisnorm
  			if (!is.null(newtexcoords)) {
  				thistexcoord <- mesh$texcoords[,ithis]
  				newtexcoords[,enext] <- newtexcoords[,enext] + thistexcoord
  				newtexcoords[,eprev] <- newtexcoords[,eprev] + thistexcoord
  			if (!is.null(newnormals) || !is.null(newtexcoords)) {
  				newcount[enext] <- newcount[enext] + 1
  				newcount[eprev] <- newcount[eprev] + 1
  		# Now central triangle
  		outit[, (i-1)*4+4 ] <- c( em[edgeindex(ithis, inext, nv)],
  															em[edgeindex(inext, iprev, nv)],
  															em[edgeindex(iprev, ithis, nv)] )
  		newtags[newnp + newns + (i-1)*4+4] <- np + ns + i
  	result$it <- outit

  if (ns) {
  	outis <- matrix(nrow=2,ncol=newns)
  	for (i in 1:ns ) {
  		for (j in 1:2 ) {
  			ithis <- is[j,i]
  			inext <- is[ (j%%2)    + 1, i]
  			# get or alloc edge-point this->next
  			mindex <- edgeindex(ithis, inext, nv)
  			enext <- em[mindex]
  			if (enext == -1) {
  				vcnt       <- vcnt + 1
  				enext      <- vcnt
  				em[mindex] <- enext
  				if (interpRGB)
  					outrgb[, enext] <- (rgb[, inext] + rgb[, ithis])/2
  				if (interpAlpha)
  					outalpha[enext] <- (alpha[inext] + alpha[ithis])/2
  			# gen grid      
  			outis[, (i-1)*2+j ] <- c( ithis, enext)
  			newtags[newnp + (i-1)*2+j ] <- np + i
  			# calculate edge point
  			outvb[,enext] <- outvb[,enext] + vb[,ithis] 
  			if (!is.null(newnormals)) {
  				thisnorm <- mesh$normals[,ithis]
  				newnormals[,enext] <- newnormals[,enext] + thisnorm
  			if (!is.null(newtexcoords)) {
  				thistexcoord <- mesh$texcoords[,ithis]
  				newtexcoords[,enext] <- newtexcoords[,enext] + thistexcoord
  			if (!is.null(newnormals) || !is.null(newtexcoords)) {
  				newcount[enext] <- newcount[enext] + 1
  	result$is <- outis
  if (np) {
  	result$ip <- mesh$ip
  	newtags[seq_len(np)] <- seq_len(np)

  if (!is.null(newnormals) || !is.null(newtexcoords)) 
    newcount <- newcount[seq_len(vcnt)]
  if (!is.null(newnormals)) 
    newnormals <- newnormals[, seq_len(vcnt)]/rep(newcount, each=3)
  if (!is.null(newtexcoords))
    newtexcoords <- newtexcoords[, seq_len(vcnt)]/rep(newcount, each=2)
  result$vb <- outvb[,seq_len(vcnt)]
  result$normals <- newnormals
  result$texcoords <- newtexcoords
  result$meshColor <- mesh$meshColor
  result$material <- mesh$material
  if (interpRGB) 
  	result$material$color <- rgb(t(outrgb[, seq_len(vcnt)]), maxColorValue = 255)
  else if (hasColors && meshColor == "faces") {
  	colors <- rep_len(mesh$material$color, np + ns + nt + nq)
  	result$material$color <- colors[newtags]
  if (interpAlpha)
  	result$material$alpha <- alpha[seq_len(vcnt)]
  else if (hasAlpha && meshColor == "faces") {
  	alpha <- rep_len(mesh$material$alpha, np + ns + nt + nq)
  	result$material$alpha <- alpha[newtags]
  if (keepTags)
    result$tags <- oldtags[newtags]

  return( result )

normalize.mesh3d <- function(mesh) {
  mesh$vb[1,] <- mesh$vb[1,]/mesh$vb[4,]
  mesh$vb[2,] <- mesh$vb[2,]/mesh$vb[4,]
  mesh$vb[3,] <- mesh$vb[3,]/mesh$vb[4,]
  mesh$vb[4,] <- 1

deform.mesh3d <- function( mesh, vb = mesh$vb, 
													 ib = mesh$ib, it = mesh$it, is = mesh$is) {
  nv <- dim(vb)[2]
  nq <- if (is.null(ib)) 0 else dim(ib)[2]
  nt <- if (is.null(it)) 0 else dim(it)[2]
  ns <- if (is.null(is)) 0 else dim(is)[2]
  out <- matrix(0, nrow=4, ncol=nv )
  if (nq) {
    for ( i in 1:nq ) {
      for (j in 1:4 ) {
        iprev <- ib[((j+2)%%4) + 1, i]
        ithis <- ib[j,i]
        inext <- ib[ (j%%4)    + 1, i]
        out[ ,ithis ] <- out[ , ithis ] + vb[,iprev] + vb[,ithis] + vb[,inext]
    mesh$vb <- out
  if (nt) {
    for ( i in 1:nt ) {
      for (j in 1:3 ) {
        iprev <- it[((j+1)%%3) + 1, i]
        ithis <- it[j,i]
        inext <- it[ (j%%3)    + 1, i]
        out[ ,ithis ] <- out[ , ithis ] + vb[,iprev] + vb[,ithis] + vb[,inext]
    mesh$vb <- out
  if (ns) {
  	for ( i in 1:ns ) {
  		for (j in 1:2 ) {
  			ithis <- is[j,i]
  			inext <- is[ (j%%2)    + 1, i]
  			out[ ,ithis ] <- out[ , ithis ] + vb[,ithis] + vb[,inext]
  	mesh$vb <- out

subdivision3d.mesh3d <- function(x, depth = 1, normalize = FALSE,
																 deform = TRUE, keepTags = FALSE, ...) {
  mesh <- x
  if (depth) {
    mesh <- divide.mesh3d(mesh, keepTags = TRUE)
    if (normalize)
      mesh <- normalize.mesh3d(mesh)
    if (deform)
      mesh <- deform.mesh3d(mesh)      
    mesh<-subdivision3d.mesh3d(mesh, depth-1, normalize, deform,
    													 keepTags = TRUE)
  if (!keepTags)
  	mesh$tags <- NULL

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