
Defines functions parse_src_cfg mk_tbl_cfg mk_col_cfg mk_id_cfg read_src_cfg load_src_cfg new_tbl_cfg filter_vars new_col_cfg new_id_cfg check_prefix check_vector check_scalar new_src_cfg

Documented in load_src_cfg new_col_cfg new_id_cfg new_src_cfg new_tbl_cfg

#' Internal utilities for working with data source configurations
#' Data source configuration objects store information on data sources used
#' throughout `ricu`. This includes URLs for data set downloading, Column
#' specifications used for data set importing, default values per table for
#' important columns such as index columns when loading data and how different
#' patient identifiers used throughout a dataset relate to another. Per
#' dataset, a `src_cfg` object is created from a JSON file (see
#' [load_src_cfg()]), consisting of several helper-classes compartmentalizing
#' the pieces of information outlined above. Alongside constructors for the
#' various classes, several utilities, such as inheritance checks, coercion
#' functions, as well as functions to extract pieces of information from these
#' objects are provided.
#' @details
#' The following classes are used to represent data source configuration
#' objects:
#' * `src_cfg`: wraps objects `id_cfg`, `col_cfg` and optionally `tbl_cfg`
#' * `id_cfg`: contains information in ID systems and is created from `id_cfg`
#'   entries in config files
#' * `col_cfg`: contains column default settings represented by `defaults`
#'   entries in table configuration blocks
#' * `tbl_cfg`: used when importing data and therefore encompasses information
#'   in `files`, `num_rows` and `cols` entries of table configuration blocks
#' Represented by a `col_cfg`, a table can have some of its columns marked as
#' default columns for the following concepts and further column meanings can
#' be specified via `...`:
#' * `id_col`: column will be used for as id for `icu_tbl` objects
#' * `index_col`: column represents a timestamp variable and will be use as
#'   such for `ts_tbl` objects
#' * `val_col`: column contains the measured variable of interest
#' * `unit_col`: column specifies the unit of measurement in the corresponding
#'   `val_col`
#' Alongside constructors (`new_*()`), inheritance checking functions
#' (`is_*()`), as well as coercion functions (`as_*(`), relevant utility
#' functions include:
#' * `src_url()`: retrieve the URL of a data source
#' * `id_var_opts()`: column name(s) corresponding to ID systems
#' * `src_name()`: name of the data source
#' * `tbl_name()`: name of a table
#' Coercion between objects under some circumstances can yield list-of object
#' return types. For example when coercing `src_cfg` to `tbl_cfg`, this will
#' result in a list of `tbl_cfg` objects, as multiple tables typically
#' correspond to a data source.
#' @param name Name of the data source
#' @param id_cfg An `id_cfg` object for the given data source
#' @param col_cfg A list of `col_cfg` objects representing column defaults for
#' all tables of the
#' @param tbl_cfg A list of `tbl_cfg` containing information on how tables are
#' organized (may be `NULL`)
#' @param ... Further objects to add (such as an URL specification)
#' @param class_prefix A character vector of class prefixes that are added to
#' the instantiated classes
#' @return Constructors `new_*()` as well as coercion functions `as_*()`
#' return the respective objects, while inheritance tester functions `is_*()`
#' return a logical flag.
#' * `src_url()`: string valued data source URL
#' * `id_var_opts()`: character vector of ID variable options
#' * `src_name()`: string valued data source name
#' * `tbl_name()`: string valued table name
#' @rdname src_cfg
#' @keywords internal
new_src_cfg <- function(name, id_cfg, col_cfg, tbl_cfg, ...,
                        class_prefix = name) {

    is.string(name), is_id_cfg(id_cfg), is_col_cfg(col_cfg),
    is_tbl_cfg(tbl_cfg), setequal(names(col_cfg), names(tbl_cfg)),

    list(name = name, prefix = class_prefix, id_cfg = id_cfg,
         col_cfg = col_cfg, tbl_cfg = tbl_cfg, extra = list(...)),
    class = c(check_prefix(class_prefix, "cfg"), "src_cfg")

check_scalar <- function(x, allow_null = TRUE,
  mode = c("character", "logical", "integer", "double")) {


  mode <- match.arg(mode)

  na_const <- switch(mode, integer = NA_integer_, double = NA_real_,
                     logical = NA, character = NA_character_)
  is_fun   <- switch(mode, integer = is.integer, double = is.double,
                     logical = is.logical, character = is.character)
  ptype    <- switch(mode, integer = integer(1L), double = double(1L),
                     logical = logical(1L), character = character(1L))

  check_one <- function(x) {

    if (is.na(x) || length(x) == 0L || (length(x) == 1L && nchar(x) == 0L)) {
      x <- na_const

    assert_that(length(x) == 1L, is_fun(x), allow_null || !is.na(x),
                msg = "{as_label(x) is not a scalar {mode} object")


  if (is.null(x)) {
    x <- list(NULL)

  vapply(x, check_one, ptype, USE.NAMES = FALSE)

check_vector <- function(x, allow_null = TRUE,
  mode = c("character", "logical", "integer", "double")) {


  mode <- match.arg(mode)

  is_fun   <- switch(mode, integer = is.integer, double = is.double,
                     logical = is.logical, character = is.character)

  check_one <- function(x) {

    if (length(x) == 0L || (length(x) == 1L && (nchar(x) == 0L || is.na(x)))) {
      x <- NULL

      allow_null || (!is.null(x) && is_fun(x)), all(nchar(x) > 0L),
      msg = "{as_label(x)} is not a {mode} vector with no missing entries"


  if (!is.list(x)) {
    x <- list(x)

  lapply(unname(x), check_one)

check_prefix <- function(x, suffix) {

  if (has_length(x)) {


    paste(x, suffix, sep = "_")

  } else {


#' @param src Data source name
#' @param id,start,end Name(s) of ID column(s), as well as respective start
#' and end timestamps
#' @param pos Integer valued position, ordering IDs by their cardinality
#' @param table Table name
#' @rdname src_cfg
#' @keywords internal
new_id_cfg <- function(src, name, id, pos = seq_along(name), start = NULL,
                       end = NULL, table = NULL, class_prefix = src) {

  name <- check_scalar(name, FALSE)

  assert_that(is.string(src), is_unique(name))

  res <- list(
    id = check_scalar(id, FALSE), pos = check_scalar(pos, FALSE, "int"),
    start = check_scalar(start), end = check_scalar(end),
    table = check_scalar(table)

  res <- lapply(res, vec_recycle, length(name))

  res <- new_rcrd(c(list(name = name), res), src = src,
                  class = c(check_prefix(class_prefix, "ids"), "id_cfg"))

  check <- ifelse(is.na(field(res, "start")) & is.na(field(res, "end")),
                  is.na(field(res, "table")), !is.na(field(res, "table")))

  assert_that(all(check), msg = "
    Invalid ID config for IDs {concat(quote_bt(names(res)[!check]))}:
    table name needed due to start/end args"


#' @rdname src_cfg
#' @keywords internal
new_col_cfg <- function(src, table, ..., class_prefix = src) {

  sca_ok <- function(x) all(lengths(x) <= 1L)

  table <- check_scalar(table, FALSE)

  assert_that(is.string(src), is_unique(table))

  vars <- lapply(list(...), check_vector)
  scal <- filter_vars(vars, "scalar")

  assert_that(same_length(c(scal, filter_vars(vars, "vector")), vars), msg = "
    Arguments passed as `...` have to be named with names ending in either
    `_var` or `_vars`."

  assert_that(all_fun(scal, all_fun, sca_ok))

  vars <- lapply(vars, vec_recycle, length(table))

  new_rcrd(c(list(table = table), vars), src = src,
           class = c(check_prefix(class_prefix, "cols"), "col_cfg"))

filter_vars <- function(x, which = c("scalar", "vector")) {
  x[grepl(switch(match.arg(which), scalar = "_var$", vector = "_vars$"),

#' @param cols List containing a list per column each holding string valued
#' entries `name` (column name as used by `ricu`), `col` (column name as used
#' in the raw data) and `spec` (name of [readr::cols()] column specification).
#' Further entries will be passed as argument to the respective `readr` column
#' specification
#' @param num_rows A count indicating the expected number of rows
#' @param partitioning A table partitioning is defined by a column name and a
#' vector of numeric values that are passed as `vec` argument to
#' `base::findInterval()`
#' @rdname src_cfg
#' @keywords internal
new_tbl_cfg <- function(src, table, files = NULL, cols = NULL, num_rows = NULL,
                        partitioning = NULL, ..., class_prefix = src) {

  col_spc <- function(name, spec, ...) {
    do.call(call, c(list(spec), list(...)))

  tbl_spc <- function(...) substitute(cols(...))

  mak_spc <- function(x) {
    res <- setNames(lapply(x, do_call, col_spc), chr_xtr(x, "name"))
    eval(do.call(tbl_spc, res), envir = asNamespace("readr"))

  table <- check_scalar(table, FALSE)

  assert_that(is.string(src), is_unique(table))

  if (not_null(cols)) {

    if (length(table) == 1L && length(cols) != 1L) {
      cols <- list(cols)

    assert_that(all_fun(cols, all_fun, null_or, has_name, c("name", "spec")))

    spec <- lapply(cols, mak_spc)
    cols <- lapply(cols, names)

  } else {

    spec <- list(NULL)

  if (not_null(partitioning)) {

    if (length(table) == 1L && length(partitioning) != 1L) {
      partitioning <- list(partitioning)

    assert_that(all_fun(partitioning, null_or, has_name, c("col", "breaks")))

  } else {

    partitioning <- list(NULL)

  res <- list(
    files = check_vector(files), cols = check_vector(cols),
    spec = spec, partitioning = partitioning,
    num_rows = check_scalar(num_rows, mode = "int")

  res <- lapply(c(res, list(...)), vec_recycle, length(table))
  cls <- c(check_prefix(class_prefix, "tbls"), "tbl_cfg")

  new_rcrd(c(list(table = table), res), src = src, class = cls)

#' Load configuration for a data source
#' For a data source to be accessible by `ricu`, a configuration object
#' inheriting from the S3 class `src_cfg` is required. Such objects can be
#' generated from JSON based configuration files, using `load_src_cfg()`.
#' Information encoded by this configuration object includes available ID
#' systems (mainly for use in [change_id()], default column names per table
#' for columns with special meaning (such as index column, value columns, unit
#' columns, etc.), as well as a specification used for initial setup of the
#' dataset which includes file names and column names alongside their data
#' types.
#' @details
#' Configuration files are looked for as files `name` with added suffix
#' `.json` starting with the directory (or directories) supplied as `cfg_dirs`
#' argument, followed by the directory specified by the environment variable
#' `RICU_CONFIG_PATH`, and finally in `extdata/config` of the package install
#' directory. If files with matching names are found in multiple places they
#' are concatenated such that in cases of name clashes. the earlier hits take
#' precedent over the later ones. The following JSON code blocks show excerpts
#' of the config file available at
#' ```
#' system.file("extdata", "config", "data-sources.json", package = "ricu")
#' ```
#' A data source configuration entry in a config file starts with a name,
#' followed by optional entries `class_prefix` and further (variable)
#' key-value pairs, such as an URL. For more information on `class_prefix`,
#' please refer to the end of this section. Further entries include `id_cfg`
#' and `tables` which are explained in more detail below. As outline, this
#' gives for the data source `mimic_demo`, the following JSON object:
#' ```
#' {
#'   "name": "mimic_demo",
#'   "class_prefix": ["mimic_demo", "mimic"],
#'   "url": "https://physionet.org/files/mimiciii-demo/1.4",
#'   "id_cfg": {
#'     ...
#'   },
#'   "tables": {
#'     ...
#'   }
#' }
#' ```
#' The `id_cfg` entry is used to specify the available ID systems for a data
#' source and how they relate to each other. An ID system within the context
#' of `ricu` is a patient identifier of which typically several are present in
#' a data set. In MIMIC-III, for example, three ID systems are available:
#' patient IDs (`subject_id`), hospital admission IDs (`hadm_id`) and ICU stay
#' IDs (`icustay_id`). Furthermore there is a one-to-many relationship between
#' `subject_id` and `hadm_id`, as well as between `hadm_id` and `icustay_id`.
#' Required for defining an ID system are a name, a `position` entry which
#' orders the ID systems by their cardinality, a `table` entry, alongside
#' column specifications `id`, `start` and `end`, which define how the IDs
#' themselves, combined with start and end times can be loaded from a table.
#' This gives the following specification for the ICU stay ID system in
#' ```
#' {
#'   "icustay": {
#'     "id": "icustay_id",
#'     "position": 3,
#'     "start": "intime",
#'     "end": "outtime",
#'     "table": "icustays"
#'   }
#' }
#' ```
#' Tables are defined by a name and entries `files`, `defaults`, and `cols`,
#' as well as optional entries `num_rows` and `partitioning`. As `files` entry,
#' a character vector of file names is expected. For all of MIMIC-III a single
#' `.csv` file corresponds to a table, but for example for HiRID, some tables
#' are distributed in partitions. The `defaults` entry consists of key-value
#' pairs, identifying columns in a table with special meaning, such as the
#' default index column or the set of all columns that represent timestamps.
#' This gives as an example for a table entry for the `chartevents` table in
#' MIMIC-III a JSON object like:
#' ```
#' {
#'   "chartevents": {
#'     "files": "CHARTEVENTS.csv.gz",
#'     "defaults": {
#'       "index_var": "charttime",
#'       "val_var": "valuenum",
#'       "unit_var": "valueuom",
#'       "time_vars": ["charttime", "storetime"]
#'     },
#'     "num_rows": 330712483,
#'     "cols": {
#'       ...
#'     },
#'     "partitioning": {
#'       "col": "itemid",
#'       "breaks": [127, 210, 425, 549, 643, 741, 1483, 3458, 3695, 8440,
#'                  8553, 220274, 223921, 224085, 224859, 227629]
#'     }
#'   }
#' }
#' ```
#' The optional `num_rows` entry is used when importing data (see
#' [import_src()]) as a sanity check, which is not performed if this entry is
#' missing from the data source configuration. The remaining table entry,
#' `partitioning`, is optional in the sense that if it is missing, the table
#' is not partitioned and if it is present, the table will be partitioned
#' accordingly when being imported (see [import_src()]). In order to specify a
#' partitioning, two entries are required, `col` and `breaks`, where the former
#' denotes a column and the latter a numeric vector which is used to construct
#' intervals according to which `col` is binned. As such, currently `col` is
#' required to be of numeric type. A `partitioning` entry as in the example
#' above will assign rows corresponding to `idemid` 1 through 126 to partition
#' 1, 127 through 209 to partition 2 and so on up to partition 17.
#' Column specifications consist of a `name` and a `spec` entry alongside a
#' name which determines the column name that will be used by `ricu`. The
#' `spec` entry is expected to be the name of a column specification function
#' of the `readr` package (see [readr::cols()]) and all further entries in a
#' `cols` object are used as arguments to the `readr` column specification.
#' For the `admissions` table of MIMIC-III the columns `hadm_id` and
#' `admittime` are represented by:
#' ```
#' {
#'   ...,
#'   "hadm_id": {
#'     "name": "HADM_ID",
#'     "spec": "col_integer"
#'   },
#'   "admittime": {
#'     "name": "ADMITTIME",
#'     "spec": "col_datetime",
#'     "format": "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
#'   },
#'   ...
#' }
#' ```
#' Internally, a `src_cfg` object consist of further S3 classes, which are
#' instantiated when loading a JSON source configuration file. Functions for
#' creating and manipulating `src_cfg` and related objects are marked
#' `internal` but a brief overview is given here nevertheless:
#' * `src_cfg`: wraps objects `id_cfg`, `col_cfg` and optionally `tbl_cfg`
#' * `id_cfg`: contains information in ID systems and is created from `id_cfg`
#'   entries in config files
#' * `col_cfg`: contains column default settings represented by `defaults`
#'   entries in table configuration blocks
#' * `tbl_cfg`: used when importing data and therefore encompasses information
#'   in `files`, `num_rows` and `cols` entries of table configuration blocks
#' A `src_cfg` can be instantiated without corresponding `tbl_cfg` but
#' consequently cannot be used for data import (see [import_src()]). In that
#' sense, table config entries `files` and `cols` are optional as well with
#' the restriction that the data source has to be already available in `.fst`
#' format
#' An example for such a slimmed down config file is available at
#' ```
#' system.file("extdata", "config", "demo-sources.json", package = "ricu")
#' ```
#' The `class_prefix` entry in a data source configuration is used create sub-
#' classes to `src_cfg`, `id_cfg`, `col_cfg` and `tbl_cfg` classes and passed
#' on to constructors of `src_env` ([new_src_env()]) and `src_tbl`
#' [new_src_tbl()] objects. As an example, for the above `class_prefix` value
#' of `c("mimic_demo", "mimic")`, the corresponding `src_cfg` will be assigned
#' classes `c("mimic_demo_cfg", "mimic_cfg", "src_cfg")` and consequently the
#' `src_tbl` objects will inherit from `"mimic_demo_tbl"`, `"mimic_tbl"` and
#' ` "src_tbl"`. This can be used to adapt the behavior of involved S3 generic
#' function to specifics of the different data sources. An example for this is
#' how [load_difftime()] uses theses sub-classes to smoothen out different
#' time-stamp representations. Furthermore, such a design was chosen with
#' extensibility in mind. Currently, [download_src()] is designed around data
#' sources hosted on PhysioNet, but in order to include a dataset external to
#' PhysioNet, the `download_src()` generic can simply be extended for the new
#' class.
#' @param src (Optional) name(s) of data sources used for subsetting
#' @param name String valued name of a config file which will be looked up in
#' the default config directors
#' @param cfg_dirs Additional directory/ies to look for configuration files
#' @return A list of data source configurations as `src_cfg` objects.
#' @examples
#' cfg <- load_src_cfg("mimic_demo")
#' str(cfg, max.level = 1L)
#' cfg <- cfg[["mimic_demo"]]
#' str(cfg, max.level = 1L)
#' cols <- as_col_cfg(cfg)
#' index_var(head(cols))
#' time_vars(head(cols))
#' as_id_cfg(cfg)
#' @export
load_src_cfg <- function(src = NULL, name = "data-sources", cfg_dirs = NULL) {

  res <- read_src_cfg(src, name, cfg_dirs)

  if (is.null(src)) {
    src <- names(res)

  lapply(res, parse_src_cfg)

read_src_cfg <- function(src = NULL, name = "data-sources", cfg_dirs = NULL) {

  combine_srcs <- function(x, y) {

    if (not_null(y)) {

      names(y) <- chr_xtr(y, "name")

      if (not_null(x)) {
        y <- y[setdiff(names(y), names(x))]

    c(x, y)

  res <- get_config(name, unique(c(cfg_dirs, config_paths())), combine_srcs)

  if (not_null(src)) {

    assert_that(are_in(src, names(res)))

  } else {


mk_id_cfg <- function(name, id_cfg, class_prefix = name, ...) {

  if (all_fun(id_cfg, is.string)) {

    args <- list(name, names(id_cfg), chr_xtr(id_cfg, 1L))

  } else {

    args <- list(
      name, names(id_cfg), chr_xtr(id_cfg, "id"), int_xtr(id_cfg, "position"),
      chr_xtr_null(id_cfg, "start"), chr_xtr_null(id_cfg, "end"),
      chr_xtr_null(id_cfg, "table"), class_prefix = class_prefix

  do.call(new_id_cfg, args)

mk_col_cfg <- function(name, tables, class_prefix = name, ...) {

  args <- c(list(src = name, table = names(tables)),
            lst_inv(lst_xtr(tables, "defaults")),
            list(class_prefix = class_prefix))

  do.call(new_col_cfg, args)

mk_tbl_cfg <- function(name, tables, class_prefix = name, ...) {

  rest <- lapply(lapply(tables, names), setdiff, "defaults")
  rest <- Map(`[`, tables, rest)

  args <- c(list(src = name, table = names(tables)), lst_inv(rest),
            list(class_prefix = class_prefix))

  do.call(new_tbl_cfg, args)

parse_src_cfg <- function(x) {

  assert_that(is.list(x), has_name(x, c("name", "id_cfg", "tables")))

  x[["id_cfg"]]  <- do.call(mk_id_cfg, x)
  x[["col_cfg"]] <- do.call(mk_col_cfg, x)
  x[["tbl_cfg"]] <- do.call(mk_tbl_cfg, x)
  x[["tables"]] <- NULL

  do.call(new_src_cfg, x)

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ricu documentation built on Sept. 8, 2023, 5:45 p.m.