
Defines functions stop_generic format_assert warn_dot_ident warn_dots warn_arg suggest top_n stop_ricu warn_ricu msg_ricu fmt_msg bullet prcnt concat enbraket quote_bt big_mark with_progress create_progress_handler msg_progress combine_messages progress_tick progress_init is_interactive

Documented in fmt_msg msg_progress

is_interactive <- function() {
  !isTRUE(getOption('knitr.in.progress')) && interactive()

progress_init <- function(length = NULL, msg = "loading", what = TRUE, ...) {

  if (is_interactive() && is_pkg_installed("progress") && length > 1L) {

    if (isTRUE(what)) {
      fmt <- ":what [:bar] :percent"
    } else {
      fmt <- "[:bar] :percent"

    res <- progress::progress_bar$new(format = fmt, total = length, ...)

  } else {

    res <- NULL

  if (not_null(msg)) {
    cli::cli_rule(msg, .envir = parent.frame())


progress_tick <- function(info = NULL, progress_bar = NULL, length = 1L) {

  if (isFALSE(progress_bar)) {

  if (is.null(progress_bar)) {

    if (not_null(info)) {
      msg_ricu(bullet(info), "progress_header", exdent = 2L)


  assert_that(inherits(progress_bar, "progress_bar"))

  old_token <- attr(progress_bar, "token")

  if (not_null(info)) {

    if (nchar(info) > 15L) {
      ellip <- symbol$ellipsis
      token <- paste0(substr(info, 1L, 15L - nchar(ellip)), ellip)
    } else {
      token <- sprintf("%-15s", info)

    attr(progress_bar, "token")    <- token
    attr(progress_bar, "output")   <- combine_messages(progress_bar)
    attr(progress_bar, "header")   <- info
    attr(progress_bar, "messages") <- character(0L)

    progress_bar$tick(len = length, tokens = list(what = token))

  } else if (not_null(old_token)) {

    progress_bar$tick(len = length, tokens = list(what = old_token))

  } else {

    progress_bar$tick(len = length)


combine_messages <- function(x) {

  head <- attr(x, "header")
  msgs <- attr(x, "messages")
  prev <- attr(x, "output")

  if (is.null(head) && is.null(msgs)) {
  } else {
    c(prev, list(list(head = head, msgs = msgs)))

#' Message signaling nested with progress reporting
#' In order to not interrupt progress reporting by a [progress::progress_bar],
#' messages are wrapped with class `msg_progress` which causes them to be
#' captured printed after progress bar completion. This function is intended to
#' be used when signaling messages in callback functions.
#' @param ... Passed to [base::.makeMessage()]
#' @param envir Passed to [glue::glue()].
#' @return Called for side effects and returns `NULL` invisibly.
#' @examples
#' msg_progress("Foo", "bar")
#' capt_fun <- function(x) {
#'   message("captured: ", conditionMessage(x))
#' }
#' tryCatch(msg_progress("Foo", "bar"), msg_progress = capt_fun)
#' @rdname cli_output
#' @export
msg_progress <- function(..., envir = parent.frame()) {
  msg_ricu(.makeMessage(...), "msg_progress", envir = envir)

create_progress_handler <- function(prog) {

  if (isFALSE(prog)) {

    function(msg) invokeRestart("muffleMessage")

  } else if (is.null(prog)) {

    function(msg) {

      msg_ricu(bullet(conditionMessage(msg), level = 2L), "progress_body",
               indent = 2L, exdent = 4L)


  } else {

    function(msg) {

      msgs <- c(attr(prog, "messages"), conditionMessage(msg))
      attr(prog, "messages") <- msgs


with_progress <- function(expr, progress_bar = NULL) {

  res <- withCallingHandlers(expr,
    msg_progress = create_progress_handler(progress_bar)

  if (inherits(progress_bar, "progress_bar")) {

    if (!progress_bar$finished) {

    for (out in combine_messages(progress_bar)) {
      msg_ricu(bullet(out$head), "progress_header", exdent = 2L)
      for (msg in out$msgs) {
        msg_ricu(bullet(msg, level = 2L), "progress_body", indent = 2L,
                 exdent = 4L)


  if (!isFALSE(progress_bar)) {


big_mark <- function(x, ...) {
  mark <- if (identical(getOption("OutDec"), ",")) "." else ","
  formatC(x, big.mark = mark, format = "d", ...)

quote_bt <- function(x) encodeString(x, quote = "`")

enbraket <- function(x) paste0("[", x, "]")

concat <- function(...) paste0(..., collapse = ", ")

prcnt <- function(x, tot = sum(x)) {
  paste0(round(x / tot * 100, digits = 2), "%")

bullet <- function(..., level = 1L) {
  assert_that(is.count(level), level <= 3L)
  paste0(switch(level, symbol$bullet, symbol$circle, "-"), " ", ...)

#' @param msg String valued message
#' @param envir Environment in this objects from `msg` are evaluated
#' @param indent,exdent Vector valued and mapped to [fansi::strwrap2_ctl()]
#' @rdname cli_output
#' @export
fmt_msg <- function(msg, envir = parent.frame(), indent = 0L, exdent = 0L) {

  msg <- chr_ply(msg, cli::pluralize, .envir = envir)
  msg <- map(fansi::strwrap2_ctl, msg, indent = indent, exdent = exdent,
             MoreArgs = list(simplify = TRUE, wrap.always = TRUE))

  paste(do.call("c", msg), collapse = "\n")

msg_ricu <- function(message, class = NULL, envir = parent.frame(),
                     indent = 0L, exdent = 0L, ...) {
    fmt_msg(message, envir = envir, indent = indent, exdent = exdent),
    class = c(class, "ricu_msg"), ...

warn_ricu <- function(message, class = NULL, envir = parent.frame(),
                     indent = 0L, exdent = 0L, ...) {
    fmt_msg(message, envir = envir, indent = indent, exdent = exdent),
    class = c(class, "ricu_warn"), ...

stop_ricu <- function(message, class = NULL, envir = parent.frame(),
                      indent = 0L, exdent = 0L, ...) {
    fmt_msg(message, envir = envir, indent = indent, exdent = exdent),
    class = c(class, "ricu_err"), ...

top_n <- function(x, n = 1L) head(order(x), n = n)

#' @importFrom utils adist
suggest <- function(x, opts, n = 1L, fixed = FALSE, ...) {

  dis <- adist(x, opts, fixed = fixed, ...)
  res <- apply(dis, 1L, top_n, n = n)

  if (is.null(nrow(res)) && all_equal(n, 1L)) {
    res <- t(res)

  res <- split(res, col(res))
  res <- Map(`[`, list(opts), res)
  names(res) <- x


warn_arg <- function(args) {
  assert_that(is.character(args), has_length(args))
  warn_ricu("Ignoring argument{?s} passed as {quote_bt(args)}",
             class = "arg_ignored")

warn_dots <- function(..., ok_args = NULL) {

  if (...length() > 0L) {

    args <- setdiff(names(match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)$`...`), ok_args)

    if (has_length(args)) {


warn_dot_ident <- function(x, ...)  {



format_assert <- function(message, class, envir = parent.frame(), ...) {

  res <- fmt_msg(message, envir = envir, ...)
  attr(res, "assert_class") <- class


stop_generic <- function(x, fun) {


  stop_ricu("No applicable method for generic function `{fun}()` and
             class{?es} {quote_bt(class(x))}.", class = "generic_no_fun")

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ricu documentation built on Sept. 8, 2023, 5:45 p.m.