
download_pysionet_schema <- function(url) {

  dat <- ricu:::download_pysionet_file(
    url, dest = NULL, user = NULL, pass = NULL

  message("downloading schema at ", url)


get_table_info <- function(url) {

  res <- download_pysionet_schema(url)
  res <- res[["database"]][["tables"]]

  res <- lapply(res, function(x) {
    cols <- names(x) == "column"
    names <- vapply(x[cols], attr, character(1L), "name")
    types <- vapply(x[cols], attr, character(1L), "type")
      table_name = tolower(attr(x, "name")),
      num_rows = as.integer(attr(x, "numRows")),
      cols = as_col_spec(names, types)


col_spec_map <- function(type) {
    bool = list(spec = "col_logical"),
    int2 = ,
    int4 = list(spec = "col_integer"),
    int8 = ,
    numeric = ,
    float8 = list(spec = "col_double"),
    bpchar = ,
    text = ,
    varchar = list(spec = "col_character"),
    timestamp = list(spec = "col_datetime", format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
    stop("unknown type")

as_col_spec <- function(names, types) {
  Map(c, Map(list, name = tolower(names), col = names),
         lapply(types, col_spec_map))

as_tbl_spec <- function(files, defaults, time_vars, tbl_info, partitioning) {

  mod_col <- function(x) {
    x[["name"]] <- x[["col"]]
    x[["col"]] <- NULL

  do_as <- function(file, default, time, tbl, part) {

    all_cols <- vapply(tbl[["cols"]], `[[`, character(1L), "name")

    stopifnot(all(vapply(default, `%in%`, logical(1L), all_cols)))

    if (length(time)) {
      default <- c(default, list(time_vars = unname(time)))

    tbl <- c(list(files = file, defaults = default), tbl)

    tbl[["table_name"]] <- NULL
    tbl[["cols"]] <- setNames(lapply(tbl[["cols"]], mod_col), all_cols)

    if (!is.null(part)) {
      stopifnot(isTRUE(names(part) %in% all_cols))
      tbl <- c(tbl, list(partitioning = list(col = names(part),
                                             breaks = part[[1L]])))


  tbls <- vapply(tbl_info, `[[`, character(1L), "table_name")

  res <- Map(do_as, files[tbls], defaults[tbls], time_vars[tbls], tbl_info,
  names(res) <- tolower(tbls)


as_minimal_tbl_spec <- function(x) {
  x[setdiff(names(x), c("files", "num_rows", "cols"))]

eicu_tbl_cfg <- function(info, is_demo = FALSE) {

  files <- c("admissionDrug.csv.gz",
  names(files) <- sub("\\.csv\\.gz", "", tolower(files))

  if (is_demo) {
    files <- sub("Drug\\.csv\\.gz", "drug.csv.gz", files)

  defaults <- list(
    admissiondrug = list(
      index_var = "drugoffset",
      val_var = "drugdosage",
      unit_var = "drugunit"
    admissiondx = list(
      index_var = "admitdxenteredoffset",
      val_var = "admitdxtext"
    allergy = list(
      index_var = "allergyoffset",
      val_var = "allergyname"
    apacheapsvar = list(),
    apachepatientresult = list(
      val_var = "apachescore"
    apachepredvar = list(),
    careplancareprovider = list(
      index_var = "careprovidersaveoffset",
      val_var = "specialty"
    careplaneol = list(
      index_var = "cpleoldiscussionoffset"
    careplangeneral = list(
      index_var = "cplitemoffset",
      val_var = "cplitemvalue"
    careplangoal = list(
      index_var = "cplgoaloffset",
      val_var = "cplgoalvalue"
    careplaninfectiousdisease = list(
      index_var = "cplinfectdiseaseoffset",
      val_var = "infectdiseasesite"
    customlab = list(
      index_var = "labotheroffset",
      val_var = "labotherresult"
    diagnosis = list(
      index_var = "diagnosisoffset",
      val_var = "icd9code"
    hospital = list(
      id_var = "hospitalid",
      val_var = "numbedscategory"
    infusiondrug = list(
      index_var = "infusionoffset",
      val_var = "drugrate"
    intakeoutput = list(
      index_var = "intakeoutputoffset",
      val_var = "cellvaluenumeric"
    lab = list(
      index_var = "labresultoffset",
      val_var = "labresult",
      unit_var = "labmeasurenameinterface"
    medication = list(
      index_var = "drugstartoffset",
      val_var = "dosage"
    microlab = list(
      index_var = "culturetakenoffset",
      val_var = "organism"
    note = list(
      index_var = "noteoffset",
      val_var = "notetext"
    nurseassessment = list(
      index_var = "nurseassessoffset",
      val_var = "cellattributevalue"
    nursecare = list(
      index_var = "nursecareoffset",
      val_var = "cellattributevalue"
    nursecharting = list(
      index_var = "nursingchartoffset",
      val_var = "nursingchartvalue"
    pasthistory = list(
      index_var = "pasthistoryoffset",
      val_var = "pasthistoryvalue"
    patient = list(
      val_var = "unitdischargestatus"
    physicalexam = list(
      index_var = "physicalexamoffset",
      val_var = "physicalexamvalue"
    respiratorycare = list(
      index_var = "respcarestatusoffset"
    respiratorycharting = list(
      index_var = "respchartoffset",
      val_var = "respchartvalue"
    treatment = list(
      index_var = "treatmentoffset",
      val_var = "treatmentstring"
    vitalaperiodic = list(
      index_var = "observationoffset"
    vitalperiodic = list(
      index_var = "observationoffset"

  part <-  list(
    nursecharting = list(
      patientunitstayid = `if`(is_demo,
        c(514528L, 1037072L, 1453997L, 1775421L, 2499831L, 2937948L, 3213286L)
    vitalperiodic = list(
      patientunitstayid = `if`(is_demo,
        c(514528L, 1037072L, 1453997L, 1775421L, 2499831L, 2937948L, 3213286L)

  if (is_demo) {

    info <- lapply(info, `[[<-`, "num_rows", NULL)

  } else {

    tbl <- vapply(info, `[[`, character(1L), "table_name") == "respiratorycare"
    new <- info[[which(tbl)]][["cols"]]
    col <- vapply(new, `[[`, character(1L), "col") == "apneaparams"

    new[[which(col)]][["col"]] <- "apneaparms"
    info[[which(tbl)]][["cols"]] <- new

  time_vars <- lapply(info, function(x) {
    nme <- vapply(x[["cols"]], `[[`, character(1L), "name")
    typ <- vapply(x[["cols"]], `[[`, character(1L), "spec")
    nme[typ == "col_integer" & grepl("offset$", nme)]

  names(time_vars) <- vapply(info, `[[`, character(1L), "table_name")

  as_tbl_spec(files, defaults, time_vars, info, part)

mimic_tbl_cfg <- function(info, is_demo = FALSE) {

  find_entry <- function(x, what, name) {
    which(vapply(x, `[[`, character(1L), what) == name)

  files <- c("ADMISSIONS.csv.gz",
  names(files) <- sub("\\.csv\\.gz", "", tolower(files))

  if (is_demo) {
    files <- sub("\\.gz$", "", files)

  defaults <- list(
    admissions = list(
      val_var = "admission_type"
    callout = list(
      index_var = "outcometime",
      val_var = "callout_outcome"
    caregivers = list(
      id_var = "cgid",
      val_var = "label"
    chartevents = list(
      index_var = "charttime",
      val_var = "valuenum",
      unit_var = "valueuom"
    cptevents = list(
      index_var = "chartdate",
      val_var = "cpt_cd"
    d_cpt = list(
      id_var = "subsectionrange",
      val_var = "subsectionheader"
    d_icd_diagnoses = list(
      id_var = "icd9_code",
      val_var = "short_title"
    d_icd_procedures = list(
      id_var = "icd9_code",
      val_var = "short_title"
    d_items = list(
      id_var = "itemid",
      val_var = "label"
    d_labitems = list(
      id_var = "itemid",
      val_var = "label"
    datetimeevents = list(
      index_var = "charttime",
      val_var = "itemid"
    diagnoses_icd = list(
      val_var = "icd9_code"
    drgcodes = list(
      val_var = "drg_code"
    icustays = list(
      index_var = "intime",
      val_var = "last_careunit"
    inputevents_cv = list(
      index_var = "charttime",
      val_var = "rate",
      unit_var = "rateuom"
    inputevents_mv = list(
      index_var = "starttime",
      val_var = "rate",
      unit_var = "rateuom"
    labevents = list(
      index_var = "charttime",
      val_var = "valuenum",
      unit_var = "valueuom"
    microbiologyevents = list(
      index_var = "chartdate",
      val_var = "isolate_num"
    noteevents = list(
      index_var = "chartdate",
      val_var = "text"
    outputevents = list(
      index_var = "charttime",
      val_var = "value",
      unit_var = "valueuom"
    patients = list(
      val_var = "expire_flag"
    prescriptions = list(
      index_var = "startdate",
      val_var = "dose_val_rx",
      unit_var = "dose_unit_rx"
    procedureevents_mv = list(
      index_var = "starttime",
      val_var = "value",
      unit_var = "valueuom"
    procedures_icd = list(
      val_var = "icd9_code"
    services = list(
      index_var = "transfertime",
      val_var = "curr_service"
    transfers = list(
      index_var = "intime",
      val_var = "curr_careunit"

  part <- list(
    chartevents = list(
      itemid = `if`(is_demo,
        c(     127L,    210L,  425L,  549L,    643L,    741L,   1483L,
              3458L,   3695L, 8440L, 8553L, 220274L, 223921L, 224085L,
            224859L, 227629L

  info <- info[
    !grepl("^chartevents_", vapply(info, `[[`, character(1L), "table_name"))

  if (is_demo) {

    info <- lapply(info, `[[<-`, "num_rows", NULL)

    info <- info[
      vapply(info, `[[`, character(1L), "table_name") != "noteevents"

  } else {

    info <- lapply(info, function(x) {
      x[["cols"]] <- Map(`[[<-`, x[["cols"]], "col",
        toupper(vapply(x[["cols"]], `[[`, character(1L), "col"))

    icd_diag <- find_entry(info, "table_name", "d_icd_diagnoses")
    info[[icd_diag]]$num_rows <- 14567L

    icd_proc <- find_entry(info, "table_name", "d_icd_procedures")
    info[[icd_proc]]$num_rows <- 3882L

    note <- find_entry(info, "table_name", "noteevents")
    date <- find_entry(info[[note]]$cols, "name", "chartdate")
    info[[note]]$cols[[date]]$format <- "%Y-%m-%d"

  time_vars <- lapply(info, function(x) {
    nme <- vapply(x[["cols"]], `[[`, character(1L), "name")
    typ <- vapply(x[["cols"]], `[[`, character(1L), "spec")
    nme[typ == "col_datetime"]

  names(time_vars) <- vapply(info, `[[`, character(1L), "table_name")

  as_tbl_spec(files, defaults, time_vars, info, part)

hirid_tbl_cfg <- function() {

  info <- list(
    general = list(
      patientid = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      admissiontime = list(spec = "col_datetime",
                           format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
      sex = list(spec = "col_character"),
      age = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      discharge_status = list(spec = "col_character")
    observations = list(
      patientid = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      datetime = list(spec = "col_datetime", format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
      entertime = list(spec = "col_datetime", format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
      status = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      stringvalue = list(spec = "col_character"),
      type = list(spec = "col_character"),
      value = list(spec = "col_double"),
      variableid = list(spec = "col_integer")
    ordinal = list(
      variableid = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      code = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      stringvalue = list(spec = "col_character")
    pharma = list(
      patientid = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      pharmaid = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      givenat = list(spec = "col_datetime", format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
      enteredentryat = list(spec = "col_datetime",
                            format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
      givendose = list(spec = "col_double"),
      cumulativedose = list(spec = "col_double"),
      fluidamount_calc = list(spec = "col_double"),
      cumulfluidamount_calc = list(spec = "col_double"),
      doseunit = list(spec = "col_character"),
      route = list(spec = "col_character"),
      infusionid = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      typeid = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      subtypeid = list(spec = "col_double"),
      recordstatus = list(spec = "col_integer")
    variables = list(
      `Source Table` = list(spec = "col_character"),
      ID = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      `Variable Name` = list(spec = "col_character"),
      Unit = list(spec = "col_character"),
      `Additional information` = list(spec = "col_character")

  files <- list(
    general = "general_table.csv",
    observations = file.path(
      "observation_tables", "csv", paste0("part-", 0L:249L, ".csv")
    ordinal = "ordinal_vars_ref.csv",
    pharma = file.path(
      "pharma_records", "csv", paste0("part-", 0L:249L, ".csv")
    variables = "hirid_variable_reference.csv"

  defaults <- list(
    general = list(
      index_var = "admissiontime"
    observations = list(
      index_var = "datetime",
      val_var = "value"
    ordinal = list(
      id_var = "variableid"
    pharma = list(
      index_var = "givenat",
      val_var = "givendose",
      unit_var = "doseunit"
    variables = list(
      id_var = "id"

  n_row <- list(
    general = 33905L,
    variables = 712L,
    ordinal = 72L,
    pharma = 16270399L,
    observations = 776921131L

  zip_files <- list(
    general = "reference_data.tar.gz",
    variables = "reference_data.tar.gz",
    ordinal = "reference_data.tar.gz",
    pharma = "raw_stage/pharma_records_csv.tar.gz",
    observations = "raw_stage/observation_tables_csv.tar.gz"

  part <- list(
    observations = list(variableid = c(
       110L,  120L,  200L,  210L,  211L,      300L,      620L,
      2010L, 2610L, 3110L, 4000L, 5685L, 15001565L, 30005075L)
    pharma = list(pharmaid = 431L)

  info <- lapply(info, function(x) {
    Map(c, Map(list, name = sub(" ", "_", tolower(names(x))),
               col = names(x)), x)

  info <- Map(list, table_name = names(info), cols = info,
              num_rows = n_row[names(info)],
              zip_file = zip_files[names(info)])

  time_vars <- lapply(info, function(x) {
    nme <- vapply(x[["cols"]], `[[`, character(1L), "name")
    typ <- vapply(x[["cols"]], `[[`, character(1L), "spec")
    nme[typ == "col_datetime"]

  names(time_vars) <- vapply(info, `[[`, character(1L), "table_name")

  as_tbl_spec(files, defaults, time_vars, info, part)

aumc_tbl_cfg <- function() {

  info <- list(
    admissions = list(
      patientid = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      admissionid = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      admissioncount = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      location = list(spec = "col_character"),
      urgency = list(spec = "col_logical"),
      origin = list(spec = "col_character"),
      admittedat = list(spec = "col_double"),
      admissionyeargroup = list(spec = "col_character"),
      dischargedat = list(spec = "col_double"),
      lengthofstay = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      destination = list(spec = "col_character"),
      gender = list(spec = "col_character"),
      agegroup = list(spec = "col_character"),
      dateofdeath = list(spec = "col_double"),
      weightgroup = list(spec = "col_character"),
      weightsource = list(spec = "col_character"),
      specialty = list(spec = "col_character")
    drugitems = list(
      admissionid = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      orderid = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      ordercategoryid = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      ordercategory = list(spec = "col_character"),
      itemid = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      item = list(spec = "col_character"),
      isadditive = list(spec = "col_logical"),
      isconditional = list(spec = "col_logical"),
      rate = list(spec = "col_double"),
      rateunit = list(spec = "col_character"),
      rateunitid = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      ratetimeunitid = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      doserateperkg = list(spec = "col_logical"),
      dose = list(spec = "col_double"),
      doseunit = list(spec = "col_character"),
      doserateunit = list(spec = "col_character"),
      doseunitid = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      doserateunitid = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      administered = list(spec = "col_double"),
      administeredunit = list(spec = "col_character"),
      administeredunitid = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      action = list(spec = "col_character"),
      start = list(spec = "col_double"),
      stop = list(spec = "col_double"),
      duration = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      solutionitemid = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      solutionitem = list(spec = "col_character"),
      solutionadministered = list(spec = "col_double"),
      solutionadministeredunit = list(spec = "col_character"),
      fluidin = list(spec = "col_double"),
      iscontinuous = list(spec = "col_logical")
    freetextitems = list(
      admissionid = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      itemid = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      item = list(spec = "col_character"),
      value = list(spec = "col_character"),
      comment = list(spec = "col_character"),
      measuredat = list(spec = "col_double"),
      registeredat = list(spec = "col_double"),
      registeredby = list(spec = "col_character"),
      updatedat = list(spec = "col_double"),
      updatedby = list(spec = "col_character"),
      islabresult = list(spec = "col_logical")
    listitems = list(
      admissionid = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      itemid = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      item = list(spec = "col_character"),
      valueid = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      value = list(spec = "col_character"),
      measuredat = list(spec = "col_double"),
      registeredat = list(spec = "col_double"),
      registeredby = list(spec = "col_character"),
      updatedat = list(spec = "col_double"),
      updatedby = list(spec = "col_character"),
      islabresult = list(spec = "col_logical")
    numericitems = list(
      admissionid = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      itemid = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      item = list(spec = "col_character"),
      tag = list(spec = "col_character"),
      value = list(spec = "col_double"),
      unitid = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      unit = list(spec = "col_character"),
      comment = list(spec = "col_character"),
      measuredat = list(spec = "col_double"),
      registeredat = list(spec = "col_double"),
      registeredby = list(spec = "col_character"),
      updatedat = list(spec = "col_double"),
      updatedby = list(spec = "col_character"),
      islabresult = list(spec = "col_logical"),
      fluidout = list(spec = "col_double")
    procedureorderitems = list(
      admissionid = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      orderid = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      ordercategoryid = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      ordercategoryname = list(spec = "col_character"),
      itemid = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      item = list(spec = "col_character"),
      registeredat = list(spec = "col_double"),
      registeredby = list(spec = "col_character")
    processitems = list(
      admissionid = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      itemid = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      item = list(spec = "col_character"),
      start = list(spec = "col_double"),
      stop = list(spec = "col_double"),
      duration = list(spec = "col_integer")

  tables <- names(info)

  cols <- lapply(info, function(tbl) {
    Map(function(name, spec) c(list(name = name), spec), names(tbl), tbl)

  defaults <- list(
    admissions = list(
      index_var = "admittedat",
      time_vars = c("admittedat", "dischargedat", "dateofdeath")
    drugitems = list(
      index_var = "start",
      val_var = "dose",
      unit_var = "doseunit",
      time_vars = c("start", "stop")
    freetextitems = list(
      index_var = "measuredat",
      id_var = "value",
      time_vars = c("measuredat", "registeredat", "updatedat")
    listitems = list(
      index_var = "measuredat",
      val_var = "value",
      time_vars = c("measuredat", "registeredat", "updatedat")
    numericitems = list(
      index_var = "measuredat",
      val_var = "value",
      unit_var = "unit",
      time_vars = c("measuredat", "registeredat", "updatedat")
    procedureorderitems = list(
      index_var = "registeredat",
      val_var = "item",
      time_vars = "registeredat"
    processitems = list(
      index_var = "start",
      val_var = "item",
      time_vars = c("start", "stop")

  n_row <- list(
    admissions = 23106L,
    drugitems = 4907269L,
    freetextitems = 651248L,
    listitems = 30744065L,
    numericitems = 977625612L,
    procedureorderitems = 2188626L,
    processitems = 256715L

  part <- list(
    listitems = list(col = "itemid", breaks = 12290L),
    numericitems = list(col = "itemid", breaks = c(
       6641L,  6642L,  6643L,  6664L,  6666L,  6667L,  6669L,  6672L,  6673L,
       6675L,  6707L,  6709L,  8874L, 12270L, 12275L, 12278L, 12281L, 12286L,
      12303L, 12561L, 12576L, 12804L, 14841L)

  tables <- Map(list, files = setNames(paste0(tables, ".csv"), tables),
                 defaults = defaults[tables], num_rows = n_row[tables],
                 cols = cols[tables])

  tables[names(part)] <- Map(`[[<-`, tables[names(part)], "partitioning", part)


miiv_tbl_cfg <- function() {

  info <- list(
    admissions = list(
      subject_id = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      hadm_id = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      admittime = list(spec = "col_datetime", format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
      dischtime = list(spec = "col_datetime", format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
      deathtime = list(spec = "col_datetime", format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
      admission_type = list(spec = "col_character"),
      admission_location = list(spec = "col_character"),
      discharge_location = list(spec = "col_character"),
      insurance = list(spec = "col_character"),
      language = list(spec = "col_character"),
      marital_status = list(spec = "col_character"),
      ethnicity = list(spec = "col_character"),
      edregtime = list(spec = "col_datetime", format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
      edouttime = list(spec = "col_datetime", format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
      hospital_expire_flag = list(spec = "col_integer")
   patients = list(
      subject_id = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      gender = list(spec = "col_character"),
      anchor_age = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      anchor_year = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      anchor_year_group = list(spec = "col_character"),
      dod = list(spec = "col_datetime", format = "%Y-%m-%d")
   transfers = list(
      subject_id = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      hadm_id = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      transfer_id = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      eventtype = list(spec = "col_character"),
      careunit = list(spec = "col_character"),
      intime = list(spec = "col_datetime", format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
      outtime = list(spec = "col_datetime", format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
    d_hcpcs = list(
      code = list(spec = "col_character"),
      category = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      long_description = list(spec = "col_character"),
      short_description = list(spec = "col_character")
    diagnoses_icd = list(
      subject_id = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      hadm_id = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      seq_num = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      icd_code = list(spec = "col_character"),
      icd_version = list(spec = "col_integer")
    d_icd_diagnoses = list(
      icd_code = list(spec = "col_character"),
      icd_version = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      long_title = list(spec = "col_character")
    d_icd_procedures = list(
      icd_code = list(spec = "col_character"),
      icd_version = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      long_title = list(spec = "col_character")
    d_labitems = list(
      itemid = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      label = list(spec = "col_character"),
      fluid = list(spec = "col_character"),
      category = list(spec = "col_character"),
      loinc_code = list(spec = "col_character")
    drgcodes = list(
      subject_id = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      hadm_id = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      drg_type = list(spec = "col_character"),
      drg_code = list(spec = "col_character"),
      description = list(spec = "col_character"),
      drg_severity = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      drg_mortality = list(spec = "col_integer")
    emar_detail = list(
      subject_id = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      emar_id = list(spec = "col_character"),
      emar_seq = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      parent_field_ordinal = list(spec = "col_double"),
      administration_type = list(spec = "col_character"),
      pharmacy_id = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      barcode_type = list(spec = "col_character"),
      reason_for_no_barcode = list(spec = "col_character"),
      complete_dose_not_given = list(spec = "col_character"),
      dose_due = list(spec = "col_character"),
      dose_due_unit = list(spec = "col_character"),
      dose_given = list(spec = "col_character"),
      dose_given_unit = list(spec = "col_character"),
      will_remainder_of_dose_be_given = list(spec = "col_character"),
      product_amount_given = list(spec = "col_character"),
      product_unit = list(spec = "col_character"),
      product_code = list(spec = "col_character"),
      product_description = list(spec = "col_character"),
      product_description_other = list(spec = "col_character"),
      prior_infusion_rate = list(spec = "col_character"),
      infusion_rate = list(spec = "col_character"),
      infusion_rate_adjustment = list(spec = "col_character"),
      infusion_rate_adjustment_amount = list(spec = "col_character"),
      infusion_rate_unit = list(spec = "col_character"),
      route = list(spec = "col_character"),
      infusion_complete = list(spec = "col_character"),
      completion_interval = list(spec = "col_character"),
      new_iv_bag_hung = list(spec = "col_character"),
      continued_infusion_in_other_location = list(spec = "col_character"),
      restart_interval = list(spec = "col_character"),
      side = list(spec = "col_character"),
      site = list(spec = "col_character"),
      non_formulary_visual_verification = list(spec = "col_character")
    emar = list(
      subject_id = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      hadm_id = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      emar_id = list(spec = "col_character"),
      emar_seq = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      poe_id = list(spec = "col_character"),
      pharmacy_id = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      charttime = list(spec = "col_datetime", format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
      medication = list(spec = "col_character"),
      event_txt = list(spec = "col_character"),
      scheduletime = list(spec = "col_datetime", format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
      storetime = list(spec = "col_datetime", format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
    hcpcsevents = list(
      subject_id = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      hadm_id = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      chartdate = list(spec = "col_datetime", format = "%Y-%m-%d"),
      hcpcs_cd = list(spec = "col_character"),
      seq_num = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      short_description = list(spec = "col_character")
    labevents = list(
      labevent_id = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      subject_id = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      hadm_id = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      specimen_id = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      itemid = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      charttime = list(spec = "col_datetime", format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
      storetime = list(spec = "col_datetime", format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
      value = list(spec = "col_character"),
      valuenum = list(spec = "col_double"),
      valueuom = list(spec = "col_character"),
      ref_range_lower = list(spec = "col_double"),
      ref_range_upper = list(spec = "col_double"),
      flag = list(spec = "col_character"),
      priority = list(spec = "col_character"),
      comments = list(spec = "col_character")
    microbiologyevents = list(
      microevent_id = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      subject_id = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      hadm_id = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      micro_specimen_id = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      chartdate = list(spec = "col_datetime", format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
      charttime = list(spec = "col_datetime", format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
      spec_itemid = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      spec_type_desc = list(spec = "col_character"),
      test_seq = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      storedate = list(spec = "col_datetime", format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
      storetime = list(spec = "col_datetime", format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
      test_itemid = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      test_name = list(spec = "col_character"),
      org_itemid = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      org_name = list(spec = "col_character"),
      isolate_num = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      quantity = list(spec = "col_character"),
      ab_itemid = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      ab_name = list(spec = "col_character"),
      dilution_text = list(spec = "col_character"),
      dilution_comparison = list(spec = "col_character"),
      dilution_value = list(spec = "col_double"),
      interpretation = list(spec = "col_character"),
      comments = list(spec = "col_character")
    pharmacy = list(
      subject_id = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      hadm_id = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      pharmacy_id = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      poe_id = list(spec = "col_character"),
      starttime = list(spec = "col_datetime", format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
      stoptime = list(spec = "col_datetime", format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
      medication = list(spec = "col_character"),
      proc_type = list(spec = "col_character"),
      status = list(spec = "col_character"),
      entertime = list(spec = "col_datetime", format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
      verifiedtime = list(spec = "col_datetime", format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
      route = list(spec = "col_character"),
      frequency = list(spec = "col_character"),
      disp_sched = list(spec = "col_character"),
      infusion_type = list(spec = "col_character"),
      sliding_scale = list(spec = "col_character"),
      lockout_interval = list(spec = "col_character"),
      basal_rate = list(spec = "col_double"),
      one_hr_max = list(spec = "col_character"),
      doses_per_24_hrs = list(spec = "col_double"),
      duration = list(spec = "col_double"),
      duration_interval = list(spec = "col_character"),
      expiration_value = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      expiration_unit = list(spec = "col_character"),
      expirationdate = list(spec = "col_datetime",
                            format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
      dispensation = list(spec = "col_character"),
      fill_quantity = list(spec = "col_character")
    poe_detail = list(
      poe_id = list(spec = "col_character"),
      poe_seq = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      subject_id = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      field_name = list(spec = "col_character"),
      field_value = list(spec = "col_character")
    poe = list(
      poe_id = list(spec = "col_character"),
      poe_seq = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      subject_id = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      hadm_id = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      ordertime = list(spec = "col_datetime", format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
      order_type = list(spec = "col_character"),
      order_subtype = list(spec = "col_character"),
      transaction_type = list(spec = "col_character"),
      discontinue_of_poe_id = list(spec = "col_character"),
      discontinued_by_poe_id = list(spec = "col_character"),
      order_status = list(spec = "col_character")
    prescriptions = list(
      subject_id = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      hadm_id = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      pharmacy_id = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      starttime = list(spec = "col_datetime", format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
      stoptime = list(spec = "col_datetime", format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
      drug_type = list(spec = "col_character"),
      drug = list(spec = "col_character"),
      gsn = list(spec = "col_character"),
      ndc = list(spec = "col_character"),
      prod_strength = list(spec = "col_character"),
      form_rx = list(spec = "col_character"),
      dose_val_rx = list(spec = "col_character"),
      dose_unit_rx = list(spec = "col_character"),
      form_val_disp = list(spec = "col_character"),
      form_unit_disp = list(spec = "col_character"),
      doses_per_24_hrs = list(spec = "col_double"),
      route = list(spec = "col_character")
    procedures_icd = list(
      subject_id = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      hadm_id = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      seq_num = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      chartdate = list(spec = "col_datetime", format = "%Y-%m-%d"),
      icd_code = list(spec = "col_character"),
      icd_version = list(spec = "col_integer")
    services = list(
      subject_id = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      hadm_id = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      transfertime = list(spec = "col_datetime", format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
      prev_service = list(spec = "col_character"),
      curr_service = list(spec = "col_character")
    chartevents = list(
      subject_id = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      hadm_id = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      stay_id = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      charttime = list(spec = "col_datetime", format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
      storetime = list(spec = "col_datetime", format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
      itemid = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      value = list(spec = "col_character"),
      valuenum = list(spec = "col_double"),
      valueuom = list(spec = "col_character"),
      warning = list(spec = "col_integer")
    datetimeevents = list(
      subject_id = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      hadm_id = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      stay_id = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      charttime = list(spec = "col_datetime", format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
      storetime = list(spec = "col_datetime", format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
      itemid = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      value = list(spec = "col_datetime", format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
      valueuom = list(spec = "col_character"),
      warning = list(spec = "col_integer")
    d_items = list(
      itemid = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      label = list(spec = "col_character"),
      abbreviation = list(spec = "col_character"),
      linksto = list(spec = "col_character"),
      category = list(spec = "col_character"),
      unitname = list(spec = "col_character"),
      param_type = list(spec = "col_character"),
      lownormalvalue = list(spec = "col_double"),
      highnormalvalue = list(spec = "col_double")
    icustays = list(
      subject_id = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      hadm_id = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      stay_id = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      first_careunit = list(spec = "col_character"),
      last_careunit = list(spec = "col_character"),
      intime = list(spec = "col_datetime", format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
      outtime = list(spec = "col_datetime", format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
      los = list(spec = "col_double")
    inputevents = list(
      subject_id = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      hadm_id = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      stay_id = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      starttime = list(spec = "col_datetime", format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
      endtime = list(spec = "col_datetime", format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
      storetime = list(spec = "col_datetime", format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
      itemid = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      amount = list(spec = "col_double"),
      amountuom = list(spec = "col_character"),
      rate = list(spec = "col_double"),
      rateuom = list(spec = "col_character"),
      orderid = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      linkorderid = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      ordercategoryname = list(spec = "col_character"),
      secondaryordercategoryname = list(spec = "col_character"),
      ordercomponenttypedescription = list(spec = "col_character"),
      ordercategorydescription = list(spec = "col_character"),
      patientweight = list(spec = "col_double"),
      totalamount = list(spec = "col_double"),
      totalamountuom = list(spec = "col_character"),
      isopenbag = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      continueinnextdept = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      cancelreason = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      statusdescription = list(spec = "col_character"),
      originalamount = list(spec = "col_double"),
      originalrate = list(spec = "col_double")
    outputevents = list(
      subject_id = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      hadm_id = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      stay_id = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      charttime = list(spec = "col_datetime", format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
      storetime = list(spec = "col_datetime", format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
      itemid = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      value = list(spec = "col_double"),
      valueuom = list(spec = "col_character")
    procedureevents = list(
      subject_id = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      hadm_id = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      stay_id = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      starttime = list(spec = "col_datetime", format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
      endtime = list(spec = "col_datetime", format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
      storetime = list(spec = "col_datetime", format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
      itemid = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      value = list(spec = "col_double"),
      valueuom = list(spec = "col_character"),
      location = list(spec = "col_character"),
      locationcategory = list(spec = "col_character"),
      orderid = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      linkorderid = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      ordercategoryname = list(spec = "col_character"),
      secondaryordercategoryname = list(spec = "col_character"),
      ordercategorydescription = list(spec = "col_character"),
      patientweight = list(spec = "col_double"),
      totalamount = list(spec = "col_double"),
      totalamountuom = list(spec = "col_character"),
      isopenbag = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      continueinnextdept = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      cancelreason = list(spec = "col_integer"),
      statusdescription = list(spec = "col_character"),
      comments_date = list(spec = "col_datetime",
                           format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
      originalamount = list(spec = "col_double"),
      originalrate = list(spec = "col_double")

  tables <- names(info)

  cols <- lapply(info, function(tbl) {
    Map(function(name, spec) c(list(name = name), spec), names(tbl), tbl)

  defaults <- list(
    admissions = list(
      val_var = "admission_type"
    d_hcpcs = list(
      id_var = "code",
      val_var = "short_description"
    d_icd_diagnoses = list(
      id_var = "icd_code",
      val_var = "long_title"
    d_icd_procedures = list(
      id_var = "icd_code",
      val_var = "long_title"
    d_labitems = list(
      id_var = "itemid",
      val_var = "label"
    diagnoses_icd = list(
      val_var = "icd_code"
    drgcodes = list(
      val_var = "drg_code"
    emar_detail = list(
      id_var = "emar_id"
    emar = list(
      index_var = "charttime"
    hcpcsevents = list(
      index_var = "chartdate"
    labevents = list(
      index_var = "charttime",
      val_var = "valuenum",
      unit_var = "valueuom"
    microbiologyevents = list(
      index_var = "chartdate",
      val_var = "isolate_num"
    pharmacy = list(
      id_var = "pharmacy_id",
      index_var = "starttime",
      val_var = "duration",
      unit_var = "duration_interval"
    poe_detail = list(
      id_var = "poe_id"
    poe = list(
      index_var = "ordertime"
    prescriptions = list(
      index_var = "starttime",
      val_var = "dose_val_rx",
      unit_var = "dose_unit_rx"
    procedures_icd = list(
      index_var = "chartdate",
      val_var = "icd_code"
    services = list(
      index_var = "transfertime",
      val_var = "curr_service"
    chartevents = list(
      index_var = "charttime",
      val_var = "valuenum",
      unit_var = "valueuom"
    d_items = list(
      id_var = "itemid",
      val_var = "label"
    datetimeevents = list(
      index_var = "charttime",
      val_var = "itemid"
    icustays = list(
      index_var = "intime",
      val_var = "last_careunit"
    inputevents = list(
      index_var = "starttime",
      val_var = "rate",
      unit_var = "rateuom"
    outputevents = list(
      index_var = "charttime",
      val_var = "value",
      unit_var = "valueuom"
    procedureevents = list(
      index_var = "starttime",
      val_var = "value",
      unit_var = "valueuom"

  defaults <- Map(function(cl, df) {
    nme <- vapply(cl, `[[`, character(1L), "name")
    typ <- vapply(cl, `[[`, character(1L), "spec")
    tim <- nme[typ == "col_datetime"]
    if (length(tim)) c(df, list(time_vars = tim)) else df
  }, cols[tables], defaults[tables])

  n_row <- c(
    admissions = 523740L,
    patients = 382278L,
    transfers = 2189535L,
    d_hcpcs = 89200L,
    d_icd_diagnoses = 109775L,
    d_icd_procedures = 85257L,
    d_labitems = 1630L,
    diagnoses_icd = 5280351L,
    drgcodes = 769622L,
    emar_detail = 55947921L,
    emar = 27464367L,
    hcpcsevents = 160727L,
    labevents = 122103667L,
    microbiologyevents = 3397914L,
    pharmacy = 14736386L,
    poe_detail = 3256358L,
    poe = 42483962L,
    prescriptions = 17008053L,
    procedures_icd = 779625L,
    services = 562892L,
    chartevents = 329499788L,
    d_items = 3861L,
    datetimeevents = 7495712L,
    icustays = 76540L,
    inputevents = 9460658L,
    outputevents = 4457381L,
    procedureevents = 731247L

  files <- c(
    admissions = "core/admissions.csv.gz",
    patients = "core/patients.csv.gz",
    transfers = "core/transfers.csv.gz",
    d_hcpcs = "hosp/d_hcpcs.csv.gz",
    d_icd_diagnoses = "hosp/d_icd_diagnoses.csv.gz",
    d_icd_procedures = "hosp/d_icd_procedures.csv.gz",
    d_labitems = "hosp/d_labitems.csv.gz",
    diagnoses_icd = "hosp/diagnoses_icd.csv.gz",
    drgcodes = "hosp/drgcodes.csv.gz",
    emar_detail = "hosp/emar_detail.csv.gz",
    emar = "hosp/emar.csv.gz",
    hcpcsevents = "hosp/hcpcsevents.csv.gz",
    labevents = "hosp/labevents.csv.gz",
    microbiologyevents = "hosp/microbiologyevents.csv.gz",
    pharmacy = "hosp/pharmacy.csv.gz",
    poe_detail = "hosp/poe_detail.csv.gz",
    poe = "hosp/poe.csv.gz",
    prescriptions = "hosp/prescriptions.csv.gz",
    procedures_icd = "hosp/procedures_icd.csv.gz",
    services = "hosp/services.csv.gz",
    chartevents = "icu/chartevents.csv.gz",
    d_items = "icu/d_items.csv.gz",
    datetimeevents = "icu/datetimeevents.csv.gz",
    icustays = "icu/icustays.csv.gz",
    inputevents = "icu/inputevents.csv.gz",
    outputevents = "icu/outputevents.csv.gz",
    procedureevents = "icu/procedureevents.csv.gz"

  part <- list(
    labevents = list(
      col = "itemid",
      breaks = c(
        50868L, 50902L, 50943L, 50983L, 51146L, 51248L, 51256L, 51279L,
    chartevents = list(
      col = "itemid",
      breaks = c(
        220048L, 220059L, 220181L, 220228L, 220615L, 223782L, 223835L,
        223905L, 223962L, 223990L, 224015L, 224055L, 224082L, 224093L,
        224328L, 224650L, 224701L, 224850L, 225072L, 226104L, 227240L,
        227467L, 227950L, 227960L, 228004L, 228397L, 228594L, 228924L,
    poe = list(
      col = "subject_id",
      breaks = c(12017899L, 13999829L, 15979442L, 17994364L)

  tables <- Map(list, files = files[tables],
                 defaults = defaults[tables], num_rows = n_row[tables],
                 cols = cols[tables])

  tables[names(part)] <- Map(`[[<-`, tables[names(part)], "partitioning", part)


pkg_dir <- rprojroot::find_root(rprojroot::is_r_package)
cfg_dir <- file.path(pkg_dir, "inst", "extdata", "config")

eicu_id_cfg <- list(
  hadm = list(id = "patienthealthsystemstayid", position = 1L,
              start = "hospitaladmitoffset",
              end = "hospitaldischargeoffset", table = "patient"),
  icustay = list(id = "patientunitstayid", position = 2L,
                 start = "unitadmitoffset", end = "unitdischargeoffset",
                 table = "patient")

mimic_id_cfg <- list(
  patient = list(id = "subject_id", position = 1L, start = "dob",
                 end = "dod", table = "patients"),
  hadm = list(id = "hadm_id", position = 2L, start = "admittime",
              end = "dischtime", table = "admissions"),
  icustay = list(id = "icustay_id", position = 3L, start = "intime",
                 end = "outtime", table = "icustays")

eicu <- get_table_info(

mimic <- get_table_info(

eicu_demo_tbls <- eicu_tbl_cfg(eicu, is_demo = TRUE)
mimic_demo_tbls <- mimic_tbl_cfg(mimic, is_demo = TRUE)

cfg <- list(
    name = "eicu",
    url = "",
    id_cfg = eicu_id_cfg,
    tables = eicu_tbl_cfg(eicu, is_demo = FALSE)
    name = "eicu_demo",
    class_prefix = c("eicu_demo", "eicu"),
    url = "",
    id_cfg = eicu_id_cfg,
    tables = eicu_demo_tbls
    name = "mimic",
    url = "",
    id_cfg = mimic_id_cfg,
    tables = mimic_tbl_cfg(mimic, is_demo = FALSE)
    name = "mimic_demo",
    class_prefix = c("mimic_demo", "mimic"),
    url = "",
    id_cfg = mimic_id_cfg,
    tables = mimic_demo_tbls
    name = "miiv",
    url = "",
    id_cfg = list(
      patient = list(id = "subject_id", position = 1L, start = "anchor_year",
                     end = "dod", table = "patients"),
      hadm = list(id = "hadm_id", position = 2L, start = "admittime",
                  end = "dischtime", table = "admissions"),
      icustay = list(id = "stay_id", position = 3L, start = "intime",
                     end = "outtime", table = "icustays")
    tables = miiv_tbl_cfg()
    name = "hirid",
    url = "",
    id_cfg = list(
      icustay = list(id = "patientid", position = 1L, start = "admissiontime",
                     table = "general")
    tables = hirid_tbl_cfg()
    name = "aumc",
    id_cfg = list(
      patient = list(id = "patientid", position = 1L,
                     start = "firstadmittedat", end = "dateofdeath",
                     table = "admissions"),
      icustay = list(id = "admissionid", position = 2L, start = "admittedat",
                     end = "dischargedat", table = "admissions")
    unit_mapping = list(
      list(symbol = "uur", def = "1 hour"),
      list(symbol = "dag", def = "1 day")
    tables = aumc_tbl_cfg()

ricu::set_config(cfg, "data-sources", cfg_dir)

cfg <- list(
    name = "eicu_test",
    class_prefix = c("eicu_test", "eicu_demo", "eicu"),
    id_cfg = eicu_id_cfg,
    tables = lapply(eicu_demo_tbls, as_minimal_tbl_spec)
    name = "mimic_test",
    class_prefix = c("mimic_test", "mimic_demo", "mimic"),
    id_cfg = mimic_id_cfg,
    tables = lapply(mimic_demo_tbls, as_minimal_tbl_spec)

ricu::set_config(cfg, "data-sources", file.path(pkg_dir, "inst", "testdata"))


Try the ricu package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

ricu documentation built on Sept. 8, 2023, 5:45 p.m.