
Defines functions sensitivity.plot sensitivity rmpw

Documented in rmpw sensitivity sensitivity.plot

#' NEWWS Riverside data
#' The National Evaluation of Welfare-to-Work Strategies (NEWWS) Riverside study. 
#' Immediately preceding the welfare reform
#' nationwide in the mid-1990s, welfare applicants in Riverside, California, were
#' assigned at random to either a labor force attachment (LFA) program (Z = 1) or
#' a control condition (Z = 0) in an experimental study. The LFA program, with the
#' goal of eventually weaning participants from the welfare system, emphasized
#' seeking and securing employment, offered job search services, and provided
#' incentives including a threat of sanctions should one fail to meet the program
#' requirements, while the control group members were guaranteed cash assistance
#' without the requirement for employment.
#' @docType data
#' @name Riverside
#' @return A list containing
#' \item{trunc_dep12sm2}{Outcome. Maternal depression among participants at the end of two years after treatment.}
#' \item{emp}{Mediator. A binary indicator for whether one was employed in any quarter during the 2 years after randomization.}
#' \item{treat}{Treatment}
#' \item{emp_prior}{Mediator}
#' \item{pqtrunc25}{Preference for taking care of family full time rather than working}
#' \item{pqtrunc30}{Too many family problems for full-time or part-time job}
#' \item{pqtrunc49}{Cannot go school training due to too much to do}
#' \item{pqtrunc50}{Sad past week}
#' \item{pqtrunc51}{Depressed past week}
#' \item{pqtrunc52}{Blues past week}
#' \item{pqtrunc53}{Lonely past week}
#' \item{hispanic}{Hispanic = 1; otherwise = 0}
#' \item{nevmar}{Never married = 1; otherwise = 0}
#' \item{nohsdip}{No high school diploma or GED = 1; otherwise = 0}
#' \item{AFDC3660}{On AFDC 36 of past 60 months = 1; otherwise = 0}
#' \item{AFDC0_Y1}{Ever in a situation of not receiving welfare during the first year after randomization = 1; otherwise = 0}

#' Causal Mediation Analysis Using Weighting Approach
#' @param data The data set for analysis.
#' @param treatment The name of the treatment variable (string).
#' @param mediator The name of the mediator variable (string).
#' @param outcome The name of the outcome variable (string).
#' @param propensity_x A vector of variable names (string) of pretreatment confounders, which will be included in the propensity score model. To reduce the risk of model misspecifications, we account for the interaction between the treatment and each observed pretreatment covariate in the propensity score model.
#' @param outcome_x A vector of variable names (string) of pretreatment confounders, which will be included in the outcome model. 
#' @param decomposition Type of decomposition. When decomposition = 1, the total treatment effect will be decomposed into pure direct effect (DE.0), total and pure indirect effect (IE.1 and IE.0), and natural treatment-by-mediator interaction effect (IE.1 - IE.0). When decomposition = 2, the total treatment effect will be decomposed into pure indirect effect (IE.0), total and pure direct effect (DE.1 and DE.0), and natural treatment-by-mediator interaction effect (DE.1 - DE.0).
#' @return A list contains the estimates of the causal effects and the coefficients of the pretreatment covariates.
#' @author Xu Qin and Guanglei Hong
#' @references Hong, G., Deutsch, J., & Hill, H. D. (2015). Ratio-of-mediator-probability weighting for causal mediation analysis in the presence of treatment-by-mediator interaction. Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, 40 (3), 307-340. \doi{10.3102/1076998615583902}
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats as.formula binomial coef fitted glm lm pnorm predict model.matrix
#' @examples 
#' data(Riverside)
#' rmpw(data = Riverside, treatment = "treat", mediator = "emp", outcome = "trunc_dep12sm2", propensity_x = c("emp_prior", "pqtrunc50", "pqtrunc51", "pqtrunc52", "pqtrunc53", "pqtrunc30", "hispanic", "pqtrunc49", "nevmar"), outcome_x = c("emp_prior", "pqtrunc50", "pqtrunc51", "pqtrunc52", "pqtrunc53", "pqtrunc30", "hispanic", "pqtrunc49", "nevmar"), decomposition = 0)
#' rmpw(data = Riverside, treatment = "treat", mediator = "emp", outcome = "trunc_dep12sm2", propensity_x = c("emp_prior", "pqtrunc50", "pqtrunc51", "pqtrunc52", "pqtrunc53", "pqtrunc30", "hispanic", "pqtrunc49", "nevmar"), outcome_x = c("emp_prior", "pqtrunc50", "pqtrunc51", "pqtrunc52", "pqtrunc53", "pqtrunc30", "hispanic", "pqtrunc49", "nevmar"), decomposition = 1)
#' rmpw(data = Riverside, treatment = "treat", mediator = "emp", outcome = "trunc_dep12sm2", propensity_x = c("emp_prior", "pqtrunc50", "pqtrunc51", "pqtrunc52", "pqtrunc53", "pqtrunc30", "hispanic", "pqtrunc49", "nevmar"), outcome_x = c("emp_prior", "pqtrunc50", "pqtrunc51", "pqtrunc52", "pqtrunc53", "pqtrunc30", "hispanic", "pqtrunc49", "nevmar"), decomposition = 2)

rmpw = function(data, treatment, mediator, outcome, propensity_x, outcome_x, decomposition){
  # Factorize categorical covariates (with fewer than 10 categories)
  transform = function(X){
    for(i in 1:length(X)){
      if(length(unique(data[, X[i]])) > 2 & length(unique(data[, X[i]])) < 10){
        data[, X[i]] = as.factor(data[, X[i]])
    covariates = model.matrix(as.formula(paste("~", paste(X, collapse = "+"))), data)
    X = colnames(covariates)
    return(list(covariates = covariates[, -1], X = X[-1]))
  transform.propensity_x = transform(propensity_x)
  transform.outcome_x = transform(outcome_x)
  data = data[, -which(colnames(data) %in% unique(c(propensity_x, outcome_x)))]
  propensity_x = transform.propensity_x$X
  outcome_x = transform.outcome_x$X
  covariates = cbind(transform.propensity_x$covariates, transform.outcome_x$covariates)
  colnames(covariates) = c(propensity_x, outcome_x)
  data = cbind(data, covariates)
  data = data[, colnames(unique(as.matrix(data), MARGIN = 2))] 
  if(decomposition == 0){
    weight0 = function(m, t, X, data){
      data1 = data[which(data[, t] ==1), ]
      data0 = data[which(data[, t] ==0), ]
      formula = as.formula(paste(m, "~", paste(X, collapse="+")))
      formula_x = as.formula(paste(t, "~", paste(X, collapse="+")))
      l_x = glm(formula_x, data = data, family = binomial)
      p1_x = fitted(l_x)
      p0_x = 1 - p1_x
      iptw1 = (sum(data[, t] == 1)/nrow(data))/p1_x
      iptw0 = (sum(data[, t] == 0)/nrow(data))/p0_x
      data$iptw[data[, t] == 1] = iptw1[data[, t] == 1] # For the use in the bias calculation when T is not randomized and X.omit is pretreatment
      data$iptw[data[, t] == 0] = iptw0[data[, t] == 0]
      l1 = glm(formula, data = data1, family = binomial)
      l0 = glm(formula, data = data0, family = binomial)
      p1 = predict(l1, data, type = "response")
      p0 = predict(l0, data, type = "response")
      data$rmpw[data[, t] == 1 & data[, m] == 1] = (p0/p1)[data[, t] == 1 & data[, m] == 1]
      data$rmpw[data[, t] == 1 & data[, m] == 0] = ((1 - p0)/(1 - p1))[data[, t] == 1 & data[, m] == 0]
      data$rmpw[data[, t] == 0] = 1
      data$p1 = p1 # For the use in the function of "est"
      data$p0 = p0

    #### Direct and Indirect Effect Estimation
    est = function(y, m, t, X, data) {
      data = weight0(m, t, X, data)
      p = NULL
      p[which(data[, t] ==1)] = data$p1[which(data[, t] ==1)]
      p[which(data[, t] ==0)] = data$p0[which(data[, t] ==0)]
      X0.matrix = X1.matrix = X.matrix = as.matrix(cbind(1, data[, X]))
      h1 = X.matrix * as.vector((data[, m] - p))
      G11 = t(X.matrix) %*% diag(as.vector(p * (1 - p))) %*% X.matrix
      data_ctrl = data[data[, t] == 0, ]
      data_tr = data[data[, t] == 1, ]
      data_tr_dup = NULL
      for (j in 1:ncol(data_tr)) {
        data_tr_dup = cbind(data_tr_dup, rep(data_tr[, j], rep(2, nrow(data_tr))))
      colnames(data_tr_dup) = colnames(data_ctrl)
      data_tr_dup = as.data.frame(data_tr_dup)
      data_tr_dup$rmpw[seq(2, length(data_tr_dup[, 1]), 2)] = 1
      d1 = c(rep(c(0, 1), nrow(data_tr)), rep(0, length(data_ctrl[, 1])))
      data_dup = cbind.data.frame(d1, rbind(data_tr_dup, data_ctrl))
      z = model.matrix(lm(as.formula(paste(m, "~", t, "+ d1 +", paste(X, collapse="+"))), data = data_dup))
      w = diag(data_dup$rmpw)
      l.y = lm(as.formula(paste(y, "~", t, "+ d1 +", paste(X, collapse = "+"))), data = data_dup, weights = rmpw)
      beta = coef(l.y)
      delta = beta[1]
      delta_counter = beta[1] + beta[2]
      delta_e = beta[1] + beta[2] + beta[3]
      lamda = beta[4:(length(beta))]
      x.outcome = as.matrix(data[, X]) # x in the outcome model. It will be used in the moment function. 
      n = nrow(data)
      outcome = as.matrix(data[,c(y, y, y)])
      outcome = matrix(0, n, 3)  
      outcome[,1] = data[, y]
      outcome[,3] = data[, y]
      outcome[,2] = data[, y]
      dimnames(outcome)[[2]] <- c( "delta","delta_*","delta_e")
      w = matrix(0, n, 3)
      w[,1] = (data[, t] == 0)
      w[,3] = (data[, t] == 1)
      w[,2] = (data[, t] == 1)*data$rmpw
      dimnames(w)[[2]] <- c( "delta","delta_*","delta_e")
      deltaEstimate = c(delta, delta_counter, delta_e)
      wSum = NULL
      hDelta = NULL #score function for delta, delta^*, delta^3  
      for (j in 1:3){
        delta = deltaEstimate[j]    
        hDelta = cbind(hDelta, (outcome[,j] - x.outcome %*% lamda - delta)*w[,j])
        wSum = cbind(wSum, sum(w[,j]))
      dimnames(wSum)[[2]] <- c( "delta","delta_*","delta_e")
      G22 = diag(as.numeric(wSum))
      dimnames(hDelta)[[2]] <- c( "delta","delta_*","delta_e")
      hX = (hDelta[ ,1] + hDelta[ ,2] + hDelta[ ,3]) * x.outcome
      hCombined = cbind(h1, hDelta, hX)
      B0 = t(hCombined)%*%hCombined
      #we calculate G21 matrix
      dp0_dbeta = as.vector(data$p0 * (1 - data$p0)) * X0.matrix
      dp1_dbeta = as.vector(data$p1 * (1 - data$p1)) * X1.matrix
      dw_dbeta = data[, m] * (dp0_dbeta * as.vector(data$p1) - as.vector(data$p0) * dp1_dbeta)/(as.vector(data$p1) ^ 2) + (1 - data[, m]) * (-dp0_dbeta * (1 - as.vector(data$p1)) + (1 - as.vector(data$p0)) * dp1_dbeta)/((1 - as.vector(data$p1)) ^ 2)
      dh.star_dbeta = -(data[, y] - as.numeric(x.outcome %*% lamda) - deltaEstimate[2]) * data[, t] * dw_dbeta
      nP = ncol(X.matrix)
      G21 = matrix(0, 3, nP)
      for(j in 1:ncol(G21)){
        G21[2, j] = sum(dh.star_dbeta[, j])
      G23 = matrix(0, 3, length(lamda))
      G23[1, ] = apply((1 - data[, t]) * x.outcome, 2, sum)
      G23[2, ] = apply(data[, t] * w[, 2] * x.outcome, 2, sum)
      G23[3, ] = apply(data[, t] * x.outcome, 2, sum)
      G32 = t(G23)
      G31 = t(x.outcome) %*% diag(-data[, t] * (data[, y] -  as.numeric(x.outcome %*% lamda) - deltaEstimate[2])) %*% dw_dbeta
      G33 = t(x.outcome) %*% diag(1 + data[, t] * w[, 2]) %*% x.outcome
      A0 = matrix(0, (nP+3+ncol(x.outcome)), (nP+3+ncol(x.outcome)))
      A0[(nP+1):(nP+3), (nP+1):(nP+3)] = G22
      A0[1:(nP), 1:(nP)] = G11
      A0[(nP+1):(nP+3), 1:(nP)] = G21
      A0[(nP+3+1):(nP+3+ncol(x.outcome)), 1:(nP)] = G31
      A0[(nP+3+1):(nP+3+ncol(x.outcome)), (nP+1):(nP+3)] = G32
      A0[(nP+3+1):(nP+3+ncol(x.outcome)), (nP+3+1):(nP+3+ncol(x.outcome))] = G33
      A0[(nP+1):(nP+3), (nP+3+1):(nP+3+ncol(x.outcome))] = G23
      v_hw = solve(A0) %*% B0 %*% t(solve(A0))
      v_hw_ctrl_counterfacal_tr = v_hw[(nP+1):(nP+3), (nP+1):(nP+3)]  
      de = as.numeric(deltaEstimate[2] - deltaEstimate[1])
      ie = as.numeric(deltaEstimate[3] - deltaEstimate[2])
      se_de = sqrt(v_hw_ctrl_counterfacal_tr[2,2]+v_hw_ctrl_counterfacal_tr[1,1] - 2*v_hw_ctrl_counterfacal_tr[1,2])
      se_ie = sqrt(v_hw_ctrl_counterfacal_tr[3,3]+v_hw_ctrl_counterfacal_tr[2,2] - 2*v_hw_ctrl_counterfacal_tr[2,3])
      results = c(de = de, ie = ie, se_de = se_de, se_ie = se_ie, CIL_de = de - 1.96 * se_de, CIU_de = de + 1.96 * se_de, CIL_ie = ie - 1.96 * se_ie, CIU_ie = ie + 1.96 * se_ie)
    result_now = est(outcome, mediator, treatment, propensity_x, data)
    result = cbind(c(result_now["de"], result_now["ie"]),c(result_now["se_de"], result_now["se_ie"]))
    z = result[, 1]/result[, 2]
    p = NULL
    for(i in 1:nrow(result)){
      p = c(p, (1 - pnorm(abs(z[i]))) * 2)
    result = round(cbind(result, z, p), 4)
    result[p < 0.001, 4] = "<0.001"
    sig = NULL
    sig[p <= 0.001] = "**"
    sig[p > 0.001 & p <= 0.01] = "*"
    sig[p > 0.01 & p <= 0.05] = "."
    sig[p > 0.05] = ""
    result = cbind(result, sig)
    result = as.data.frame(result)
    colnames(result) <- c("Estimate", "Std.Error", "t value", "Pr(>|t|)", "")
    rownames(result) <- c("Natural Direct Effect", "Natural Indirect Effect")
  if(decomposition > 0){
    weight1 = function(input_data, treatment, propensity_yx, decomposition = 1) {
      data_tr = input_data[input_data[, treatment] == 1, ]
      data_ctrl = input_data[input_data[, treatment] == 0, ]
      #create the model formula based on propensity_yx
      nM = length(propensity_yx);
      fmlaString = paste(propensity_yx[1], "~", paste(propensity_yx[2:nM], collapse="+"))
      fmla <- as.formula(fmlaString);
      ##Estimated logit of propensity score
        l_tr = glm(fmla, data = data_tr, family = binomial)
        propensity_l_tr_data_tr = fitted(l_tr)
        logit_l_tr_data_tr = log(propensity_l_tr_data_tr/(1 - propensity_l_tr_data_tr))
        l_ctrl = glm(fmla, data = data_ctrl, family = binomial)
        propensity_l_ctrl_data_ctrl = fitted(l_ctrl)
        logit_l_ctrl_data_ctrl = log(propensity_l_ctrl_data_ctrl/(1 - propensity_l_ctrl_data_ctrl))
        logit_l_tr_data_ctrl = predict(l_tr, data_ctrl)
        logit_l_ctrl_data_tr = predict(l_ctrl, data_tr)
      logit_l_tr = c(logit_l_tr_data_tr, logit_l_tr_data_ctrl)
      logit_l_ctrl = c(logit_l_ctrl_data_tr, logit_l_ctrl_data_ctrl)
      propensity_l_tr = exp(logit_l_tr)/(exp(logit_l_tr) + 1)#This is namely phi_1  in the memo.
      propensity_l_ctrl = exp(logit_l_ctrl)/(exp(logit_l_ctrl) + 1)#This is namely phi_0 in the memo.
      data = rbind(data_tr, data_ctrl)
      data = cbind(data, propensity_l_tr, propensity_l_ctrl)
      #### RMPW weight
      w_tr_me1 = (data$propensity_l_ctrl/data$propensity_l_tr)[data[, treatment] == 1 & data[, mediator] == 1]
      w_tr_me0 = ((1 - data$propensity_l_ctrl)/(1 - data$propensity_l_tr))[data[, treatment] == 1 & data[, mediator] == 0]
      w_ctrl_me1 = (data$propensity_l_tr/data$propensity_l_ctrl)[data[, treatment] == 0 & data[, mediator] == 1]
      w_ctrl_me0 = ((1 - data$propensity_l_tr)/(1 - data$propensity_l_ctrl))[data[, treatment] == 0 & data[, mediator] == 0]
      rmpw = c(w_tr_me1, w_tr_me0, w_ctrl_me1, w_ctrl_me0)
      tr_me1 = data[data[, treatment] == 1 & data[, mediator] == 1, ]
      tr_me0 = data[data[, treatment] == 1 & data[, mediator] == 0, ]
      ctrl_me1 = data[data[, treatment] == 0 & data[, mediator] == 1, ]
      ctrl_me0 = data[data[, treatment] == 0 & data[, mediator] == 0, ]
      data = rbind(tr_me1, tr_me0, ctrl_me1, ctrl_me0)
      data = cbind(rmpw, data)  
      data_nodup = data 
      #then create data set with duplications
      newdata = data
      newdata.ctrl=newdata[which(newdata[, treatment]==0),]
      newdata.tr=newdata[which(newdata[, treatment]==1),]
      if(decomposition == 1){
        d1_rmpw = c(rep(c(0,1),dim(newdata.tr)[1]),  rep(c(0, 0),dim(newdata.ctrl)[1]))
        d0_rmpw = c(rep(c(0,0),dim(newdata.tr)[1]),  rep(c(0, 1),dim(newdata.ctrl)[1]))
        for(j in 1:dim(newdata.tr)[2]){
        for(j in 1:dim(newdata.ctrl)[2]){
        data_dup=cbind(d1_rmpw,d0_rmpw, rbind(newdata.tr.dup,newdata.ctrl.dup))  
        result = list(data_dup= data_dup, data_nodup = data_nodup)
      } else {
        d1_rmpw = c(rep(c(0,1),dim(newdata.tr)[1]),  rep(c(0, 0),dim(newdata.ctrl)[1]))
        d0_rmpw = c(rep(c(1,0),dim(newdata.tr)[1]),  rep(c(0, 1),dim(newdata.ctrl)[1]))
        for(j in 1:dim(newdata.tr)[2]){
        for(j in 1:dim(newdata.ctrl)[2]){
        data_dup=cbind(d1_rmpw,d0_rmpw, rbind(newdata.tr.dup,newdata.ctrl.dup))
        #add two intermediate variable
        data_dup$trd0_rmpw = data_dup[, treatment]*data_dup$d0_rmpw
        data_dup$trd1_rmpw = data_dup[, treatment]*data_dup$d1_rmpw
        result = list(data_dup= data_dup, data_nodup = data_nodup)    
    est_rmpw = function(data_dup, data_nodup, treatment, outcome_yx, propensity_yx, decomposition = 1) {
      #at first we estimate the parameters
      fmlaString = paste(outcome_yx[1], "~", paste(outcome_yx[2:length(outcome_yx)], collapse="+"))
      outcomeFmla <- as.formula(fmlaString);
      l = lm(outcomeFmla, data=data_dup, weights=rmpw)
      beta = as.numeric(coef(l))
      nG = 4 #experiment, control, and their counterfactual groups, totally 4
      nP = length(outcome_yx)-1 - (nG-1)
      m = length(propensity_yx)-1
      nM = m+1
      propensity_x = propensity_yx[2:nM]
      outcome = outcome_yx[1]
      #then let's estimate the covariance matrix between those coefficients
      data = data_nodup
      n = length(data[, 1])
      n_tr = sum(data[, treatment] == 1)
      n_ctrl = sum(data[, treatment] == 0)
      phi_0 = data$propensity_l_ctrl
      phi_1 = data$propensity_l_tr
      #predictors for propensity model
      x = matrix(1,n,1) #constant term, 
      x = cbind(x, as.matrix(data[,propensity_x]))
      #either Y or Y minus the part contributed by the covariates in the outcome model
      useY = data[,outcome] 
      if(nP > 0)
        outcome_xo = outcome_yx[(nG+1):length(outcome_yx)]
        xo = as.matrix(data[, outcome_xo])
        useY =  data[,outcome] - xo%*%beta[(nG+1):length(outcome_yx)]
      #one by one, I follow the memo to implement it.
      s_0_noX = (data[, mediator] - phi_0)*(1-data[, treatment])
      s_1_noX = (data[, mediator] - phi_1)*data[, treatment]
      h1 = cbind(x*s_0_noX, x*s_1_noX)
      #elements in beta are gamma_0, gamma_DE.0, gamma_
      gamma_0 = beta[1]
      if(decomposition == 1) {
        gamma_DE.0 = beta[2]
        gamma_IE.1 = beta[3]
        gamma_IE.0 = beta[4]
        #will define mean of the four groups under frist decomposition method
        gamma_star.0 = gamma_0 + gamma_IE.0
        gamma_star.1 = gamma_0 + gamma_DE.0
        gamma_1 = gamma_0 + gamma_DE.0 + gamma_IE.1
      } else {
        gamma_IE.0 = beta[2]
        gamma_DE.1 = beta[3]
        gamma_DE.0 = beta[4]
        #will define mean of the four groups under frist decomposition method
        gamma_star.0 = gamma_0 + gamma_IE.0
        gamma_star.1 = gamma_0 + gamma_DE.0
        gamma_1 = gamma_0 + gamma_IE.0 + gamma_DE.1
      gammaEstimate = cbind(gamma_0, gamma_star.0, gamma_star.1, gamma_1)
      dimnames(gammaEstimate)[[2]] <- c( "gamma_0","gamma_*0", "gamma_*1","gamma_1")
      m_weight = matrix(1, n, nG)
      m_weight[,1] = 1-data[, treatment]
      m_weight[,2] = (1-data[, treatment])*data$rmpw
      m_weight[,3] = data[, treatment]*data$rmpw
      m_weight[,4] = data[, treatment]
      h2 = matrix(0, n, nG)
      for (i in 1:nG) {
        h2[,i] = (useY-gammaEstimate[i])*m_weight[,i]
      h = cbind(h1, h2)
      if(nP > 0)
        h3_noX = h2[,i]
        for (i in 2:nG) {
          h3_noX = h3_noX + h2[,i]
        h3 = xo*h3_noX    
        h = cbind(h, h3)
      B0 = t(h)%*%h
      #then we calculate A0 matrix
      G11 = matrix(0, 2*nM, 2*nM)
      G11_0 = t(x)%*%diag(-phi_0*(1-phi_0)*(1-data[, treatment]))%*%x
      G11_1 = t(x)%*%diag(-phi_1*(1-phi_1)*data[, treatment])%*%x
      G11[1:nM, 1:nM] = G11_0
      G11[(nM+1):(2*nM), (nM+1):(2*nM)] = G11_1
      diag_G22 = NULL
      for (i in 1:nG) {
        diag_G22 = cbind(diag_G22, -sum(m_weight[,i]))    
      G22 = diag(as.vector(diag_G22))
      G21 = matrix(0, nG, 2*nM)
      G21_row2_noWeight_noX = (useY-gammaEstimate[2])*(1-data[, treatment])
      G21_row2_part1_noX =  G21_row2_noWeight_noX*(-phi_1*(1-phi_0)/phi_0*data[, mediator] + (1-phi_1)*phi_0/(1-phi_0)*(1-data[, mediator]))
      G21_row2_part2_noX =  G21_row2_noWeight_noX*(1/phi_0*data[, mediator] - 1/(1-phi_0)*(1-data[, mediator]))*phi_1*(1-phi_1)
      G21_row3_noWeight_noX = (useY-gammaEstimate[3])*data[, treatment]  
      G21_row3_part1_noX = G21_row3_noWeight_noX*(1/phi_1*data[, mediator] - 1/(1-phi_1)*(1-data[, mediator]))*phi_0*(1-phi_0)
      G21_row3_part2_noX = G21_row3_noWeight_noX*(-phi_0*(1-phi_1)/phi_1*data[, mediator] + (1-phi_0)*phi_1/(1-phi_1)*(1-data[, mediator]))
      for (j in 1:nM) {
        G21[2, j] = sum(G21_row2_part1_noX*x[,j])
        G21[2, j+nM] =  sum(G21_row2_part2_noX*x[,j])
        G21[3, j] = sum(G21_row3_part1_noX*x[,j])
        G21[3, j+nM] =  sum(G21_row3_part2_noX*x[,j])
      A0 = matrix(0, (nM*2+nG+nP), (nM*2+nG+nP))
      A0[1:(2*nM), 1:(2*nM)] = G11
      A0[(2*nM+1):(2*nM+nG), (2*nM+1):(2*nM+nG)] = G22
      A0[(2*nM+1):(2*nM+nG), 1:(2*nM)] = G21
      if(nP > 0)
        #pay attention to the negative sign here
        G33_noX = - m_weight[,i]
        #pay attention the index i is in 1:nG
        for (i in 2:nG) {
          #pay attention to the negative sign here
          G33_noX = G33_noX - m_weight[,i]
        G33 = t(xo)%*%diag(as.vector(G33_noX))%*%xo
        G31 = matrix(0, nP, 2*nM)
        G31_part1_noX = ( (useY-gammaEstimate[2])*(1-data[, treatment])*(-phi_1*(1-phi_0)/phi_0*data[, mediator] + (1-phi_1)*phi_0/(1-phi_0)*(1-data[, mediator])) +
                            (useY-gammaEstimate[3])*data[, treatment]*(1/phi_1*data[, mediator] - 1/(1-phi_1)*(1-data[, mediator]))*phi_0*(1-phi_0))
        G31_part2_noX = ( (useY-gammaEstimate[2])*(1-data[, treatment])*(1/phi_0*data[, mediator] - 1/(1-phi_0)*(1-data[, mediator]))*phi_1*(1-phi_1) +
                            (useY-gammaEstimate[3])*data[, treatment]*(-phi_0*(1-phi_1)/phi_1*data[, mediator] + (1-phi_0)*phi_1/(1-phi_1)*(1-data[, mediator])))
        G31[,1:nM] =  t(xo)%*%diag(as.vector(G31_part1_noX))%*%x  
        G31[,(nM+1):(2*nM)] = t(xo)%*%diag(as.vector(G31_part2_noX))%*%x  
        G23 = matrix(0, nG, nP)
        for(i in 1:nG){
          #pay attention to the negative sign here
          for(j in 1:nP) G23[i,j] = - sum(m_weight[,i]*xo[,j])      
        #then we fill them in A0
        A0[(2*nM+nG+1):(2*nM+nG+nP), 1:(2*nM)] = G31
        A0[(2*nM+nG+1):(2*nM+nG+nP), (2*nM+1):(2*nM+nG)] = t(G23)
        A0[(2*nM+1):(2*nM+nG), (2*nM+nG+1):(2*nM+nG+nP)] = G23
        A0[(2*nM+nG+1):(2*nM+nG+nP), (2*nM+nG+1):(2*nM+nG+nP)] = G33
      #now we calculate the covariance matrix
      CMatrix = solve(A0) %*% B0 %*% t(solve(A0))
      #covariance matrix for ( "gamma_0","gamma_*0", "gamma_*1","gamma_1")
      C22 = CMatrix[(2*nM+1):(2*nM+nG), (2*nM+1):(2*nM+nG)]
      if(decomposition == 1) {
        #from C22 we will calculate the covariance matrix between (gamma_0, DE.0, IE.1, IE0, and IE.1-IE.0)
        convertMatrix = matrix(0, nG, nG+1)  
        convertMatrix[,1] = c(1, 0, 0, 0)
        convertMatrix[,2] = c(-1, 0, 1, 0)
        convertMatrix[,3] = c(0, 0, -1, 1)
        convertMatrix[,4] = c(-1, 1, 0, 0)
        convertMatrix[,5] = c(1, -1, -1, 1)
      } else {
        #from C22 we will calculate the covariance matrix between (gamma_0, IE.0, DE.1, DE0, and DE.1-DE.0)
        convertMatrix = matrix(0, nG, nG+1)  
        convertMatrix[,1] = c(1, 0, 0, 0)
        convertMatrix[,2] = c(-1, 1, 0, 0)
        convertMatrix[,3] = c(0, -1, 0, 1)
        convertMatrix[,4] = c(-1, 0, 1, 0)
        convertMatrix[,5] = c(1, -1, -1, 1)
      gammaCov = t(convertMatrix)%*%C22%*%convertMatrix
      gammaSE = sqrt(diag(gammaCov))
      #covariance matrix for the coefficients of the covariate in the outcome model
      if(nP > 0){
        C33 = CMatrix[(2*nM+nG+1):(2*nM+nG+nP), (2*nM+nG+1):(2*nM+nG+nP)]
        lamdaCov = C33
        if(nP > 1) lamdaSE = sqrt(diag(lamdaCov)) else lamdaSE = sqrt(lamdaCov)
        coefValue = c(beta[1:nG], beta[3]-beta[4], beta[(nG+1):(nG+nP)])  
        coefSE = c(gammaSE, lamdaSE)
        if(decomposition == 1){
          resultLabel = c("Gamma.0", "Natural Direct Effect", "Natural Indirect Effect", "Pure Indirect Effect", "T-by-M Interaction Effect", outcome_x) 
        } else{
          resultLabel = c("Gamma.0", "Pure Indirect Effect", "Total Direct Effect", "Natural Direct Effect", "T-by-M Interaction Effect", outcome_x)
      } else {    
        coefValue = c(beta[1:nG], beta[3]-beta[4])
        coefSE = gammaSE
        if(decomposition == 1){
          resultLabel = c("Gamma.0", "Natural Direct Effect", "Natural Indirect Effect", "Pure Indirect Effect", "T-by-M Interaction Effect") 
        } else{
          resultLabel = c("Gamma.0", "Pure Indirect Effect", "Total Direct Effect", "Natural Direct Effect", "T-by-M Interaction Effect")
      result = list(coefValue=coefValue, coefSE=coefSE, resultLabel=resultLabel)
    propensity_yx = c(mediator, propensity_x) #response and covariates for propensity score models
    rmpw_list = weight1(data, treatment, propensity_yx, decomposition)
    data_nodup = rmpw_list$data_nodup
    data_dup = rmpw_list$data_dup
    outcome_yx = c(outcome, treatment, "d1_rmpw", "d0_rmpw");
    outcome_yx = c(outcome_yx, outcome_x)
    result_now = est_rmpw(data_dup, data_nodup, treatment, outcome_yx, propensity_yx, decomposition)
    result = t(rbind(result_now$coefValue, result_now$coefSE))
    z = result[, 1]/result[, 2]
    p = NULL
    for(i in 1:nrow(result)){
      p = c(p, (1 - pnorm(abs(z[i]))) * 2)
    result = round(cbind(result, z, p), 4)
    result[p < 0.001, 4] = "<0.001"
    sig = NULL
    sig[p <= 0.001] = "**"
    sig[p > 0.001 & p <= 0.01] = "*"
    sig[p > 0.01 & p <= 0.05] = "."
    sig[p > 0.05] = ""
    result = cbind(result, sig)
    result = as.data.frame(result)
    rownames(result) <- result_now$resultLabel
    colnames(result) <- c("Estimate", "Std.Error", "t value", "Pr(>|t|)", "")

#' Sensitivity Analysis for Causal Mediation Analysis Using Weighting Approach
#' This function generates a sensitivity analysis table. When only the mediator-outcome relationship is possibly confounded, the function computes the effect size of actual bias associated with each omitted pretreatment or posttreatment covariate or their combinations; it also computes the effect size of potential bias associated with an unmeasured confounder comparable to an observed pretreatment confounder that was already adjusted for. When the treatment assignment is also subjected to hidden selection bias, the function additionally assesses potential confounding of each omitted or unmeasured pretreatment covariate that may confound both the mediator-outcome relationship and the treatment assignment.
#' @param est.ie The effect size of the original natural indirect effect (NIE) estimate obtained from an RMPW analysis.
#' @param est.de The effect size of the original natural direct effect (NDE) estimate obtained from an RMPW analysis.
#' @param est.se.ie The estimated SE of the effect size of the NIE estimate.
#' @param est.se.de The estimated SE of the effect size of the NDE estimate.
#' @param outcome The name of the outcome variable (string).
#' @param mediator The name of the mediator variable (string).
#' @param treatment The name of the treatment variable (string).
#' @param X A vector of names of the observed pretreatment covariates already adjusted for in the original analysis (string).
#' @param X.omit.pre An optional vector of names of the observed pretreatment covariates that are omitted from the original analysis and may confound the mediator-outcome relationship (string). The default is NULL.
#' @param X.omit.post An optional vector of names of the observed pretreatment covariates that are omitted from the original analysis and may confound the mediator-outcome relationship and preceding the focal mediator (string). The default is NULL. X, X.omit.pre, and X.omit.post are mutually exclusive.
#' @param X.unmeasure.pre An optional vector of names of the observed pretreatment confounders that are already adjusted for in the original analysis and are comparable to some potential unmeasured confounders (String). X.unmeasure.pre is a subset of X.
#' @param m.scale Scale of the mediator ("discrete" or "continuous").
#' @param t.rand A logical value. If TRUE, treatment is randomized. If FALSE, treatment is not randomized. The default is TRUE.
#' @param t.confound A logical value. If TRUE, X.omit.pre may also confound the treatment-mediator or treatment-outcome relationships in addition to confounding the mediator-outcome relationship. The default is FALSE. If X.omit.pre = NULL or z.rand = TRUE, then z.confound = FALSE.
#' @param data A data frame containing the variables in the model.
#' @return A sensitivity analysis table that contains rho, sigma, the effect size of the actual bias, the effect size of the modified estimate, and the effect size of the modified confidence interval, associated with each omitted covariate or each combination of omitted covariates, for both NIE and NDE.
#' @author Xu Qin, Guanglei Hong, and Fan Yang
#' @references Hong, G., Qin, X., & Yang, F. (in press). Weighting-based sensitivity analysis in causal mediation studies. Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics. \doi{10.3102/1076998617749561}
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats as.formula binomial coef fitted glm lm pnorm predict cor sd model.matrix
#' @importFrom MASS polr
#' @importFrom gtools combinations
#' @examples 
#' data(Riverside)
#' omit.bias = sensitivity(est.ie = -0.111, est.de = 0.158, est.se.ie = 0.059, est.se.de = 0.108, outcome = "trunc_dep12sm2", mediator = "emp", treatment = "treat", X = c("emp_prior", "pqtrunc50", "pqtrunc51", "pqtrunc52", "pqtrunc53", "pqtrunc30", "hispanic", "pqtrunc49", "nevmar"), X.omit.pre = c("AFDC3660", "pqtrunc25", "nohsdip"), X.omit.post = "AFDC0_Y1", m.scale = "discrete", t.rand = TRUE, t.confound = FALSE, data = Riverside)

sensitivity = function(est.ie, est.de, est.se.ie, est.se.de, outcome, mediator, treatment, X, X.omit.pre = NULL, X.omit.post = NULL, X.unmeasure.pre = NULL, m.scale, t.rand = TRUE, t.confound = FALSE, data){
  m = mediator
  z = treatment
  y = outcome
  z.rand = t.rand
  z.confound = t.confound
  data.ori = data
  # Factorize categorical covariates (with fewer than 10 categories)
  transform = function(X, data){
    for(i in 1:length(X)){
      if(length(unique(data[, X[i]])) > 2 & length(unique(data[, X[i]])) < 10){
        data[, X[i]] = as.factor(data[, X[i]])
    covariates = model.matrix(as.formula(paste("~", paste(X, collapse = "+"))), data)
    X = colnames(covariates)
    return(list(covariates = covariates[, -1], X = X[-1]))

  transform.X = transform(X, data.ori)
  data = data[, -which(colnames(data) %in% X)]
  covariates = transform.X$covariates
  X = transform.X$X
  data = cbind(data, covariates)
  colnames(data)[(ncol(data) - length(X) + 1):ncol(data)] = X
  data = data[, colnames(unique(as.matrix(data), MARGIN = 2))]
    transform.X.omit.pre = transform(X.omit.pre, data.ori)
    data = data[, -which(colnames(data) %in% X.omit.pre)]
    covariates = transform.X.omit.pre$covariates
    X.omit.pre = transform.X.omit.pre$X
    data = cbind(data, covariates)
    colnames(data)[(ncol(data) - length(X.omit.pre) + 1):ncol(data)] = X.omit.pre
    data = data[, colnames(unique(as.matrix(data), MARGIN = 2))]
    transform.X.omit.post = transform(X.omit.post, data.ori)
    data = data[, -which(colnames(data) %in% X.omit.post)]
    covariates = transform.X.omit.post$covariates
    X.omit.post = transform.X.omit.post$X
    data = cbind(data, covariates)
    colnames(data)[(ncol(data) - length(X.omit.post) + 1):ncol(data)] = X.omit.post
    data = data[, colnames(unique(as.matrix(data), MARGIN = 2))]
    transform.X.unmeasure.pre = transform(X.unmeasure.pre, data.ori)
    data = data[, -which(colnames(data) %in% X.unmeasure.pre)]
    covariates = transform.X.unmeasure.pre$covariates
    X.unmeasure.pre = transform.X.unmeasure.pre$X
    data = cbind(data, covariates)
    colnames(data)[(ncol(data) - length(X.unmeasure.pre) + 1):ncol(data)] = X.unmeasure.pre
    data = data[, colnames(unique(as.matrix(data), MARGIN = 2))]
  weight = function(m, z, X, X.omit.pre = NULL, X.omit.post = NULL, m.scale, z.rand = TRUE, z.confound = FALSE, data){
    # If an omitted covariate is specified, we combine this covariate and other observed  
    # pretreatment covariates in estimating a new weight for sensitivity analysis. 
    X.all = c(X, X.omit.pre, X.omit.post)
    # To take into account possible treatment-by-covariate interactions in predicting the   
    # mediator, we fit two mediator models, one under each treatment condition. 
    data1 = data[which(data[, z] ==1), ] # data in the treatment group
    data0 = data[which(data[, z] ==0), ] # data in the control group
    # For a binary mediator
    if(m.scale == "discrete" & length(unique(data[, m])) == 2){
      formula = as.formula(paste(m, "~", paste(X.all, collapse="+")))
      l1 = glm(formula, data = data1, family = binomial)
      l0 = glm(formula, data = data0, family = binomial)
      data$p1 = predict(l1, data, type = "response")
      # returns the probability of mediator being 1 under the treatment condition conditional on 
      # all the covariates, Pr(M=1|Z=1, X.all=x)
      data$p0 = predict(l0, data, type = "response") # returns Pr(M=1|Z=0, X.all=x)
      data$rmpw[data[, z] == 1 & data[, m] == 1] = (data$p0/data$p1)[data[, z] == 1 & data[, m] == 1]
      data$rmpw[data[, z] == 1 & data[, m] == 0] = ((1 - data$p0)/(1 - data$p1))[data[, z] == 1 & data[, m] == 0]
      data$rmpw[data[, z] == 0] = 1
      # returns the RMPW weight
    # For a multicategorical mediator
    if(m.scale == "discrete" & length(unique(data[, m])) > 2){
      formula = as.formula(paste(m, "~", paste(X.all, collapse="+")))
      data[, m] = as.factor(data[, m])
      data1 = data[which(data[, z] ==1), ]
      data0 = data[which(data[, z] ==0), ]
      l1 = polr(formula, data = data1)
      l0 = polr(formula, data = data0)
      data$p1 = predict(l1, data, type = "p")
      # returns the probability of mediator being m under the treatment condition conditional on 
      # all the covariates, Pr(M=m|Z=1, X.all=x)
      data$p0 = predict(l0, data, type = "p") # returns Pr(M=m|Z=0, X.all=x)
      for(k in unique(data[, m])){
        data$rmpw[data[, z] == 1 & data[, m] == k] = (data$p0[, k]/ data$p1[, k])[data[, z] == 1 & data[, m] == k]
      data$rmpw[data[, z] == 0] = 1
      # returns the RMPW weight
    # For a continuous mediator
    if(m.scale == "continuous"){
      formula = as.formula(paste(z, "~", paste(c(m, X.all), collapse="+")))
      l = glm(formula, data = data, family = binomial)
      data$p1 = fitted(l) # returns Pr(Z=1|M=m, X.all=x)
      data$p0 = 1 - data$p1 # returns Pr(Z=0|M=m, X.all=x)    
      p1 = (sum(data[, z] == 1)/nrow(data))    
      # returns the probability of being assigned to the treatment group, Pr(Z=1)
      p0 = 1 - p1 # returns Pr(Z=0)
        l_q = glm(z ~ X.omit.post, data = data, family = binomial)
        p1 = fitted(l_q) # returns Pr(Z=1|X.omit.post)  p0 = 1 - p1 
        # returns Pr(Z=0|X.omit.post)
      data$rmpw = data$p0/data$p1 * p1/p0
      data$rmpw[data[, z] == 0] = 1
      # returns the RMPW weight
    # Without Treatment Randomization
    if(z.rand == FALSE){
      # The RMPW for a continuous mediator needs to be revised by replacing (p1/p0) with 
      # (p1_x/p0_x), the latter being a function of X.all.
      if(m.scale == "continuous"){
        formula_x = as.formula(paste(z, "~", paste(X.all, collapse="+"))) 
        l_x = glm(formula_x, data = data, family = binomial)
        p1_x = fitted(l_x)
        # returns the probability of being assigned to the treatment group conditional on all 
        # the observed (including omitted) covariates, Pr(Z=1|X.all=x)
        p0_x = 1 - p1_x # returns Pr(Z=0|X.all=x)
        data$rmpw = data$rmpw/(p1/p0) * p1_x/p0_x
      # If there are no omitted pretreatment covariates that confound the treatment-mediator 
      # or treatment-outcome relationship, the IPTW will incorporate only the observed 
      # pretreatment covariates that were already adjusted for in the original analysis.
      if(z.confound == FALSE){
        formula_x = as.formula(paste(z, "~", paste(X, collapse="+"))) 
      # If the omitted pretreatment covariates that confound the mediator-outcome relationship 
      # may also confound the treatment-mediator or treatment-outcome relationship, the IPTW 
      # will incorporate both the observed and omitted pretreatment covariates.
      if(z.confound == TRUE){
        formula_x = as.formula(paste(z, "~", paste(c(X, X.omit.pre), collapse="+")))
      l_x = glm(formula_x, data = data, family = binomial)
      p1_x = fitted(l_x) 
      # returns the conditional probability of being assigned to the treatment group 
      # Pr(Z=1|X) if z.confound == FALSE, and Pr(Z=1|X, X.omit.pre) if z.confound == TRUE
      p0_x = 1 - p1_x # returns either Pr(Z=0|X) or Pr(Z=0|X, X.omit.pre)
      iptw1 = (sum(data[, z] == 1)/nrow(data))/p1_x 
      # returns the IPTW weight for the treatment group, Pr(Z=1)/Pr(Z=1|X) or   
      # Pr(Z=1)/Pr(Z=1|X, X.omit.pre)
      iptw0 = (sum(data[, z] == 0)/nrow(data))/p0_x 
      # returns the IPTW weight for the control group, Pr(Z=0)/Pr(Z=0|X) or 
      # Pr(Z=0)/Pr(Z=0|X, X.omit.pre)
      data$iptw[data[, z] == 1] = iptw1[data[, z] == 1] 
      data$iptw[data[, z] == 0] = iptw0[data[, z] == 0]
      data$rmpw = iptw1 * data$rmpw
      data$rmpw[data[, z] == 0] = iptw0[data[, z] == 0]
      # The new weight is a product of the RMPW weight estimated above and the IPTW weight, 
      # which incorporates the covariates that confound the treatment-mediator or 
      # treatment-outcome relationships.
  bias = function(data.full.weight, data.omit.weight, est.ie, est.de, est.se.ie, est.se.de, y, m, z, X, z.confound = FALSE, data){
    # data.full.weight: the output of weight() that incorporates all the covariates
    # data.omit.weight: the output of weight() that omits some covariates
    # Note: The computation of bias depends on whether there are omitted confounders for the
    # treatment assignment 
    # Without omitted confounders for the treatment assignment
    if(z.confound == FALSE){
      W = data.omit.weight$rmpw
      W_P = data.full.weight$rmpw
      sigma = sd((W_P - W)[data[, z] == 1])
      rho = cor((W_P - W)[data[, z] == 1], data[data[, z] == 1, y])
      bias_NIE = sigma * rho
      bias_NDE = -bias_NIE
    # With omitted confounders for the treatment assignment
    if(z.confound == TRUE){  
      W1 = data.omit.weight$iptw[data[, z] == 1]
      W1_P = data.full.weight$iptw[data[, z] == 1]
      W0 = data.omit.weight$iptw[data[, z] == 0]
      W0_P = data.full.weight$iptw[data[, z] == 0]
      W = data.omit.weight$rmpw[data[, z] == 1]
      W_P = data.full.weight$rmpw[data[, z] == 1]    
      bias_NIE = sd((W1 - W1_P)) * cor((W1 - W1_P), data[data[, z] == 1, y]) + sd((W_P - W)) * cor((W_P - W), data[data[, z] == 1, y])
      bias_NDE = sd((W1 - W1_P)) * cor((W1 - W1_P), data[data[, z] == 0, y]) + sd((W_P - W)) * cor((W_P - W), data[data[, z] == 1, y])
    ### Assess sensitivity (If the original results are sensitive to the omission of a 
    ### covariate or a subset of omitted confounders, i.e. the significance of the causal 
    ### effects is changed after adjustment, the covariate or the subset of covariates is 
    ### flagged with a star in the output of the bias() function as defined later.) 
    est.ori = c(NIE = est.ie, SE_NIE = est.se.ie, CIL_NIE = est.ie - 1.96 * est.se.ie,    CIU_NIE = est.ie + 1.96 * est.se.ie, NDE = est.de, SE_NDE = est.se.de, CIL_NDE = est.de - 1.96 * est.se.de, CIU_NDE = est.de + 1.96 * est.se.de)
    sens = function(est.ori, effect){
      left = est.ori[paste0("CIL_", effect)]
      right = est.ori[paste0("CIU_", effect)]
      if(est.ori[paste0("CIL_", effect)] < 0 & est.ori[paste0("CIU_", effect)] > 0){
        if(get(paste0("bias_", effect)) < left|get(paste0("bias_", effect))> right){
          sens = "*"
        } else {
          sens = ""
      if(est.ori[paste0("CIL_", effect)] > 0){
        if(get(paste0("bias_", effect)) >= left){
          sens = "*"
        } else {
          sens = ""
      if(est.ori[paste0("CIU_", effect)] < 0){
        if(get(paste0("bias_", effect)) <= right){
          sens = "*"
        } else {
          sens = ""
    sensitivity_NIE = sens(est.ori, "NIE")
    sensitivity_NDE = sens(est.ori, "NDE")
    modified_NIE = est.ori["NIE"] - bias_NIE
    modified_NDE = est.ori["NDE"] - bias_NDE
    modifiedCIL_NIE = est.ori["CIL_NIE"] - bias_NIE
    modifiedCIU_NIE = est.ori["CIU_NIE"] - bias_NIE
    modifiedCIL_NDE = est.ori["CIL_NDE"] - bias_NDE
    modifiedCIU_NDE = est.ori["CIU_NDE"] - bias_NDE
    bias = c(round(sigma, 3), round(rho, 3), round(bias_NIE, 3), sensitivity_NIE, round(modified_NIE, 3), paste0("[", round(modifiedCIL_NIE, 3), ",", round(modifiedCIU_NIE, 3), "]"), round(bias_NDE, 3), sensitivity_NDE, round(modified_NDE, 3), paste0("[", round(modifiedCIL_NDE, 3), ",", round(modifiedCIU_NDE, 3), "]"))
  # Compute the effect size of potential bias associated with an unmeasured confounder 
  # comparable to an observed pretreatment confounder
  unmeasure.bias = NULL
  names = NULL
    for(i in 1:length(X.unmeasure.pre)){
      data.full.weight = weight(m = m, z = z, X = X, m.scale = m.scale, z.rand = z.rand, z.confound = z.confound, data = data) 
      # analysis involving an observed pretreatment confounder to which an unmeasured 
      # confounder is comparable
      data.omit.weight = weight(m = m, z = z, X = X[-which(X%in%X.unmeasure.pre[i])], m.scale = m.scale, z.rand = z.rand, z.confound = z.confound, data = data) 
      # analysis without the observed pretreatment confounder to which an unmeasured confounder is 
      # comparable
      unmeasure.bias = rbind(unmeasure.bias, bias(data.full.weight, data.omit.weight, est.ie, est.de, est.se.ie, est.se.de, y, m, z, X, z.confound, data))
      names = c(names, X.unmeasure.pre[i])
    # generate a sensitivity analysis table for unmeasured covariates that are comparable to 
    # observed pretreatment covariates
    unmeasure.bias = as.data.frame(unmeasure.bias)
    colnames(unmeasure.bias) = c("sigma", "rho", "bias_NIE", "", "modified_NIE", "modifiedCI_NIE", "bias_NDE", "", "modified_NDE", "modifiedCI_NDE")
    rownames(unmeasure.bias) = names
  # Compute the effect size of bias associated with each omitted pretreatment or posttreatment # covariate or their combinations
  omit.bias = NULL
  names = NULL
  omit = c(X.omit.pre, X.omit.post)
    for(k in 1:length(omit)){
      all.combinations = combinations(length(omit), k, 1:length(omit))
      for(i in 1:nrow(all.combinations)){ 
        # estimate the bias due to the omission of each covariate or a subset of covariates 
        # combinations() enumerates all the possible combinations of the omitted covariates
        X.omit.i = omit[all.combinations[i, ]]
        X.omit.pre.i = X.omit.i[X.omit.i %in% X.omit.pre]
        if(all((unique(X.omit.i %in% X.omit.pre)) == F))
          X.omit.pre.i = NULL
        X.omit.post.i = X.omit.i[X.omit.i %in% X.omit.post]
        if(all(unique(X.omit.i %in% X.omit.post) == F))
          X.omit.post.i = NULL
        data.omit.weight = weight(m = m, z = z, X = X, m.scale = m.scale, z.rand = z.rand, z.confound = z.confound, data = data) # original analysis
        data.full.weight = weight(m = m, z = z, X = X, X.omit.pre = X.omit.pre.i, X.omit.post = X.omit.post.i, m.scale = m.scale, z.rand = z.rand, z.confound = z.confound, data = data) 
        # analysis adjusting for omitted confounders
        omit.bias = rbind(omit.bias, bias(data.full.weight, data.omit.weight, est.ie, est.de, est.se.ie, est.se.de, y, m, z, X, z.confound, data))
        names = c(names, paste0(omit[combinations(length(omit), k, 1:length(omit))[i, ]], collapse=","))  
    # generate a sensitivity analysis table for omitted covariates
    omit.bias = as.data.frame(omit.bias)
    colnames(omit.bias) = c("sigma", "rho", "bias_NIE", "", "modified_NIE", "modifiedCI_NIE", "bias_NDE", "", "modified_NDE", "modifiedCI_NDE")
    rownames(omit.bias) = names
  results = list(omit.bias, unmeasure.bias)
  names(results) = c("sensitivity analysis for omitted covariates", "sensitivity analysis for unmeasured covariates that are comparable to observed pretreatment covariates")
    results = results[[1]]
    results = results[[2]]

#' Sensitivity Analysis Plot for Causal Mediation Analysis Using Weighting Approach
#' This function generates sensitivity analysis plots, one for natural direct effect (NDE) and one for natural indirect effect (NIE). The solid curves indicate amounts of bias that may lead to a qualitative change in the conclusion of statistical inference. The number at the end of each curve denotes the bias value represented by that curve. The bold dashed curve on each side corresponds to a threshold value of bias that is just great enough to start changing the analytic conclusion. Each star corresponds to an observed covariate or a set of covariates that, if omitted, would contribute a bias great enough to change the analytic conclusion; each triangle corresponds to a covariate (or a set of covariates), the omission of which would be inconsequential. These covariates are listed in the sensitivity analysis table in the output of sensitivity(). This function is not applicable when there are omitted or unmeasured confounders for the treatment assignment. This is because, in such cases, there are as many as four sensitivity parameters, difficult to represent in a single plot.
#' @param est.ie The effect size of the original natural indirect effect (NIE) estimate obtained from an RMPW analysis.
#' @param est.de The effect size of the original natural direct effect (NDE) estimate obtained from an RMPW analysis.
#' @param est.se.ie The estimated SE of the effect size of the NIE estimate.
#' @param est.se.de The estimated SE of the effect size of the NDE estimate.
#' @param X.omit.bias The bias table returned by sensitivity()
#' @param effect If effect = "NIE", returns sensitivity plot for the natural indirect effect; If effect = "NDE", returns sensitivity plot for the natural direct effect
#' @param type If type = "unmeasured", returns sensitivity plot for unmeasured covariates that are comparable to observed pretreatment covariates; if type = "omitted", returns sensitivity plot for omitted covariates. If in sensitivity(), X.unmeasure.pre = NULL, then here type can only be "omitted". If in sensitivity(), X.omit.pre = NULL and X.omit.post = NULL, then here type can only be "unmeasured".
#' @return A graphical display of the sensitivity analysis results returned by sensitivity(). 
#' @author Xu Qin, Guanglei Hong, and Fan Yang
#' @references Hong, G., Qin, X., & Yang, F. (in press). Weighting-based sensitivity analysis in causal mediation studies. Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics. \doi{10.3102/1076998617749561}
#' @export
#' @importFrom graphics abline contour plot
#' @examples 
#' data(Riverside)
#' omit.bias = sensitivity(est.ie = -0.111, est.de = 0.158, est.se.ie = 0.059, est.se.de = 0.108, outcome = "trunc_dep12sm2", mediator = "emp", treatment = "treat", X = c("emp_prior", "pqtrunc50", "pqtrunc51", "pqtrunc52", "pqtrunc53", "pqtrunc30", "hispanic", "pqtrunc49", "nevmar"), X.omit.pre = c("AFDC3660", "pqtrunc25", "nohsdip"), X.omit.post = "AFDC0_Y1", m.scale = "discrete", t.rand = TRUE, t.confound = FALSE, data = Riverside)
#' sensitivity.plot(est.ie = -0.111, est.de = 0.158, est.se.ie = 0.059, est.se.de = 0.108, X.omit.bias = omit.bias, effect = "NIE", type = "omitted")
#' sensitivity.plot(est.ie = -0.111, est.de = 0.158, est.se.ie = 0.059, est.se.de = 0.108, X.omit.bias = omit.bias, effect = "NDE", type = "omitted")
sensitivity.plot = function(est.ie, est.de, est.se.ie, est.se.de, X.omit.bias, effect, type){
    if(type == "omitted"){
      X.omit.bias = X.omit.bias[[1]]
    if(type == "unmeasured"){
      X.omit.bias = X.omit.bias[[2]]
  est.ori = c(NIE = est.ie, SE_NIE = est.se.ie, CIL_NIE = round(est.ie - 1.96 * est.se.ie, 3), CIU_NIE = round(est.ie + 1.96 * est.se.ie, 3), NDE = est.de, SE_NDE = est.se.de, CIL_NDE = round(est.de - 1.96 * est.se.de, 3), CIU_NDE = round(est.de + 1.96 * est.se.de, 3))
  X.bias = as.numeric(as.matrix(X.omit.bias)[, paste0("bias_", effect)]) 
  # extract the bias value for the specified effect from the table
  X.pch = rep(24, length(X.bias)) # each covariate or subset of covariates in the bias table 
  # will be denoted as a triangle on the plot
  X.cex = rep(1, length(X.bias)) # specify the size of the triangles
  # Define the argument values to be used in contour() under different scenarios
  # If the original estimate of the confidence interval covers 0
  if(est.ori[paste0("CIL_", effect)] <= 0 & est.ori[paste0("CIU_", effect)] >= 0){
    left = est.ori[paste0("CIL_", effect)] # boundary for significance change on the left
    right = est.ori[paste0("CIU_", effect)] # boundary for significance change on the right 
    X.pch[X.bias < left|X.bias > right] = 42 # if the omission of an observed covariate or a 
    # set of covariates would contribute a bias great enough to change the analytic  
    # conclusion, the corresponding point on the plot will be changed into a star.
    X.cex[X.bias < left|X.bias > right] = 2 # specify the size of the stars
    ci.levels = as.numeric(c(left, right)) # define locations of the two boundaries. 
    ci.labels = c(as.character(left), as.character(right)) # the two boundaries will be 
    # labeled with the corresponding bias values
    max.limit = max(c(abs(X.bias), abs(left), abs(right))) 
    if(max.limit < 0.8){
      sigma = seq(0, 1, by = 0.1)
    } else {
      sigma = seq(0, max.limit/0.8, by = max.limit/8)
    # determine the upper limit of the y axis (sigma) based on the maximum of the bias values
    # due to the omission of the observed covariates and the bias values on the two 
    # boundaries, to ensure that the boundaries and points can be incorporated in the plot.
    dotted.levels = c(-0.05, -round(sigma[seq(3, 11, 2)], 1), 0.05, round(sigma[seq(3, 11, 2)], 1))
    solid.levels = dotted.levels[dotted.levels < left|dotted.levels > right]
    # Dotted curves are added in the region where the significance level is not changed. 
    # Each curve represents a fixed amount of bias.
    # Solid curves are added in the region where the significance level is changed.
  # If the lower bound of the original estimate of the confidence interval is bigger than 0
  if(est.ori[paste0("CIL_", effect)] > 0){
    left = est.ori[paste0("CIL_", effect)]
    X.pch[X.bias >= left] = 42
    X.cex[X.bias >= left] = 2
    ci.levels = as.numeric(left)
    ci.labels = as.character(left)
    max.limit = max(c(abs(X.bias), abs(left)))
    if(max.limit < 0.8){
      sigma = seq(0, 1, by = 0.1)
    } else {
      sigma = seq(0, max.limit/0.8, by = max.limit/8)
    dotted.levels = c(-0.05, -round(sigma[seq(3, 11, 2)], 1), 0.05, round(sigma[seq(3, 11, 2)], 1))
    solid.levels = dotted.levels[dotted.levels >= left]
  # If the upper bound of the original estimate of the confidence interval is smaller than 0
  if(est.ori[paste0("CIU_", effect)] < 0){
    right = est.ori[paste0("CIU_", effect)]
    X.pch[X.bias <= right] = 42
    X.cex[X.bias <= right] = 2
    ci.levels = as.numeric(right)
    ci.labels = as.character(right)
    max.limit = max(c(abs(X.bias), abs(right)))
    if(max.limit < 0.8){
      sigma = seq(0, 1, by = 0.1)
    } else {
      sigma = seq(0, max.limit/0.8, by = max.limit/8)
    dotted.levels = c(-0.05, -round(sigma[seq(3, 11, 2)], 1), 0.05, round(sigma[seq(3, 11, 2)], 1))
    solid.levels = dotted.levels[dotted.levels <= right]
  rho = seq(-1, 1, by = 0.1)
  bias = outer(rho, sigma, "*")
  X.sigma = as.numeric(as.matrix(X.omit.bias)[, "sigma"])
  if(effect == "NIE"){
    X.rho = as.numeric(as.matrix(X.omit.bias)[, "rho"])
    if(type == "omitted")
      title = "Sensitivity Analysis for Natural Indirect Effect \n(Points: Omitted Covariates)"
    if(type == "unmeasured")
      title = "Sensitivity Analysis for Natural Indirect Effect \n(Points: Unmeasured Covariates Comparable to Observed Covariates)"
  if(effect == "NDE"){
    X.rho = -as.numeric(as.matrix(X.omit.bias)[, "rho"])
    if(type == "omitted")
      title = "Sensitivity Analysis for Natural Direct Effect \n(Points: Omitted Covariates)"
    if(type == "unmeasured")
      title = "Sensitivity Analysis for Natural Direct Effect \n(Points: Unmeasured Covariates Comparable to Observed Covariates)"
  plot(X.rho, X.sigma, pch = X.pch, cex = X.cex, xlim = c(-1, 1), ylim = c(0, max(sigma)), main = title, xlab = expression(rho), ylab = expression(sigma))
  # Mark the effect size of bias each corresponding to a covariate or a subset of covariates.
  abline(v = 0, lty = 3)
  # Add a vertical dotted line at rho = 0
  contour(rho, sigma, bias, add = T, lwd = 3, lty = 3, levels = ci.levels, labels = ci.labels, labcex = 0.8, method = "edge") # Add boundaries for significant change
  contour(rho, sigma, bias, add = T, lty = 3, levels = dotted.levels, labcex = 0.8, method = "flattest")
  # Add dotted curves in the region where the significance level is not changed.
  contour(rho, sigma, bias, add = T, levels = solid.levels, labcex = 0.8, method = "flattest")
  # Add solid curves in the region where the significance level is changed.

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