
Defines functions prmiInfo processMI.fit.mult.impute processMI

Documented in prmiInfo processMI processMI.fit.mult.impute

##' Process Special Multiple Imputation Output
##' Processes lists that have one element per imputation
##' @title processMI
##' @param object a fit object created by [Hmisc::fit.mult.impute()]
##' @param ... ignored
##' @return an object that resembles something created by a single fit without multiple imputation
##' @seealso [processMI.fit.mult.impute()]
##' @author Frank Harrell
##' @md
processMI <- function(object, ...) UseMethod("processMI")

##' Process Special Multiple Imputation Output From `fit.mult.impute`
##' Processes a `funresults` object stored in a fit object created by `fit.mult.impute` when its `fun` argument was used.  These objects are typically named `validate` or `calibrate` and represent bootstrap or cross-validations run separately for each imputation.  See [this](https://hbiostat.org/rmsc/validate.html#sec-val-mival) for a case study.
##' For `which='anova'` assumes that the `fun` given to `fit.mult.impute` runs `anova(fit, test='LR')` to get likelihood ratio tests, and that `method='stack'` was specified also so that a final `anova` was run on the stacked combination of all completed datasets.  The method of [Chan and Meng (2022)](https://hbiostat.org/rmsc/missing.html#sec-missing-lrt) is used to obtain overall likelihood ratio tests, with each line of the `anova` table getting a customized adjustment based on the amount of missing information pertaining to the variables tested in that line.  The resulting statistics are chi-square and not $F$ statistics as used by Chan and Meng.  This will matter when the estimated denominator degrees of freedom for a variable is small (e.g., less than 50).  These d.f. are reported so that user can take appropriate cautions such as increasing `n.impute` for `aregImpute`.
##' @title processMI.fit.mult.impute
##' @param object a fit object created by `fit.mult.impute`
##' @param which specifies which component of the extra output should be processed
##' @param plotall set to `FALSE` when `which='calibrate'` to suppress having `ggplot` render a graph showing calibration curves produced separately for all the imputations
##' @param nind set to a positive integer to use base graphics to plot a matrix of graphs, one each for the first `nind` imputations, and the overall average calibration curve at the end
##' @param prmi set to `FALSE` to not print imputation corrections for `anova`
##' @param ... ignored
##' @return an object like a `validate`, `calibrate`, or `anova` result obtained when no multiple imputation was done.  This object is suitable for `print` and `plot` methods for these kinds of objects.
##' @seealso [Hmisc::fit.mult.impute()]
##' @md
##' @author Frank Harrell
processMI.fit.mult.impute <-
  function(object, which=c('validate', 'calibrate', 'anova'),
           plotall=TRUE, nind=0, prmi=TRUE, ...) {
    which <- match.arg(which)

    r <- lapply(object$funresults,
                  if(which %nin% names(x))
                    stop(paste('fun result does not contain', which))
                  else x[[which]] )
    n.impute <- object$n.impute
    if(which == 'anova' && length(r) != (n.impute + 1))
      stop('runresults has wrong length for anova')
    if(which != 'anova' && length(r) != n.impute)
      stop('runresults has wrong length for non-anova')
    if(which == 'validate') {
      v <- r[[1]]
      if(n.impute > 1) for(i in 2 : n.impute) v <- v + r[[i]]
      ## Average all indexes but sum the number of resamples
      v[, colnames(v) != 'n'] <- v[, colnames(v) != 'n'] / n.impute
      attr(v, 'n.impute') <- n.impute
    if(which == 'calibrate') {
      cal  <- inherits(r[[1]], 'calibrate')
      cald <- inherits(r[[1]], 'calibrate.default')
      km   <- cal && ('KM' %in% colnames(r[[1]]))
      predname <- if(cald) 'predy'
                  else if(cal && km) 'mean.predicted'
                  else 'pred'
      if(cald || (cal && TRUE)) {
        ## Create a tall data frame with all predicted values and overfitting-
        ## corrected estimates
        d <- NULL
        for(i in 1 : n.impute)
          d <- rbind(d,
                                predicted=r[[i]][, predname],
                                corrected=r[[i]][, if(km) 'KM.corrected'
                                                   else 'calibrated.corrected']) )
        if(plotall) {
          g <- ggplot(d, aes(x=predicted, y=corrected,
                             color=factor(imputation))) +
            geom_line(alpha=0.3) + xlab('Predicted') +
            ylab('Estimated Actual, Overfitting-Corrected') +
        ## Find range of predicted values over all imputations
        np <- nrow(r[[1]])
        ## Compute new common grid to interpolate all imputations to
        if(km) {
          pred <- sort(unique(d$predicted))
          ## Remove all points that are within than 0.005 to previous
          ## by rounding to nearest 0.005
          pred <- unique(round(pred / 0.005) * 0.005)
        else pred <- seq(min(d$predicted), max(d$predicted), length=np)
        np <- length(pred)
        ## For each imputation interpolate all values to this grid
        ## Accumulate sums of interpolated values and get the final
        ## result by averaging
        k <- matrix(0, nrow=np, ncol=ncol(r[[1]]),
                    dimnames=list(NULL, colnames(r[[1]])))
        k[, predname] <- pred
        B <- 0
        for(i in 1 : n.impute) {
          x <- r[[i]]
          B <- B + attr(x, 'B')
          for(j in setdiff(colnames(k), predname))
            k[, j] <- k[, j] + approxExtrap(x[, predname], x[, j],
        for(j in setdiff(colnames(k), c(predname, 'n')))
          k[, j] <- k[, j] / n.impute
        at <- attributes(r[[1]])
        at$dim <- at$dimnames <- NULL
        attributes(k) <- c(attributes(k), at)
        attr(k, 'B')  <- B
        if(nind > 0) {
          oldpar <- par(mfrow=grDevices::n2mfrow(nind + 1))
          for(i in 1 : nind)
            plot(r[[i]], main=paste('Imputation', i))
            plot(k,      main=paste('Average Over', n.impute, 'Imputations'))
      stop(paste('calibrate object class', paste(class(r[[1]]), collapse=' '),
                 'not yet implemented'))
    if(which == 'anova') {
      M <- n.impute
      ## Get number of tests done by anova
      nt <- nrow(r[[1]])
      ## Compute mean of all n.impute LR chi-squares
      lrt <- rep(0., nt)
      for(i in 1 : M) lrt <- lrt + r[[i]][, 'Chi-Square']
      lrt <- lrt / M
      ## Get result from stack dataset model fit
      A   <- r[[n.impute + 1]]
      LRT <- A[, 'Chi-Square'] / M
      df  <- r[[n.impute + 1]][, 'd.f.']
      ## For each test do the MI corrections
      rhat <- pmax(0., ((M + 1) / (df * (M - 1))) * (lrt - LRT))
      fhat <- rhat / (1. + rhat)
      df2  <- df * (M - 1) / fhat / fhat
      dfact <- 1. / (1. + rhat)
      mi.info <- data.frame(Test = rownames(A),
                            'Missing Information' = fhat,
                            'Denominator d.f.'    = df2,
                            'Chi-Square Discount' = dfact,
      attr(A, 'mi.info') <- mi.info
      A[, 'Chi-Square'] <- dfact * LRT
      A[, 'P']          <- pchisq(dfact * LRT, df, lower.tail=FALSE)


##' Print Information About Impact of Imputation
##' For the results of `processMI.fit.mult.impute` prints or writes html (the latter if `options(prType='html')` is in effect) summarizing various correction factors related to missing data multiple imputation.
##' @title prmiInfo
##' @param x an object created by `processMI(..., 'anova')`
##' @return nothing 
##' @author Frank Harrell
##' @md
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##' a <- aregImpute(...)
##' f <- fit.mult.impute(...)
##' v <- processMI(f, 'anova')
##' prmiInfo(v)
##' }
prmiInfo <- function(x) {
  m <- attr(x, 'mi.info')
  if(! length(m)) stop('object does not have mi.info attributes')
  for(j in 2:4) m[, j] <- format(round(m[, j], c(NA,3,1,3)[j]))
  if(prType() == 'html') {
    specs <- markupSpecs$html
    rowl <- m$Test
    if('MS' %in% names(m)) rowl[rowl=='TOTAL'] <- 'REGRESSION'
    bold  <- specs$bold
    math  <- specs$math
    ## Translate interaction symbol (*) to times symbol
    rowl <- gsub('*', specs$times, rowl, fixed=TRUE)
    ## Put TOTAL rows in boldface
    rowl <- ifelse(substring(rowl, 1, 5) %in% c("REGRE", "ERROR", "TOTAL"),
                   bold(rowl), rowl)
    rowl <- ifelse(substring(rowl, 1, 1) == " ",
                 paste0(specs$lspace, specs$italics(substring(rowl,2)), sep=""),
                 rowl) # preserve leading blank
    m$Test <- rowl
    names(m) <- c('Test', 'Missing<br>Information<br>Fraction',
                  paste(specs$chisq(add=''), 'Discount'))
    fshead <- rep('font-size:1em;',    4)
    fscell <- rep('padding-left:2ex;', 4)
    al     <- c('l', 'r', 'r', 'r')
    w <- htmlTable::htmlTable(m, caption='Imputation penalties',
                              css.cell =fscell,
                              escape.html=FALSE, rnames=FALSE)
    } else {cat('\n'); print(m); cat('\n')}


utils::globalVariables(c('predicted', 'corrected', 'imputation'))

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