
Defines functions getCVSingleton getLocal_CV_Version getDefaultCV getCVInfo getLatest_PSICV_URL getCVDictionary parseOBO

Documented in getCVDictionary getCVInfo getCVSingleton getDefaultCV getLatest_PSICV_URL getLocal_CV_Version parseOBO

#' Get the information of each CV term from an obo file.
#' @import ontologyIndex
#' @param cv_obo_file A local path to an .obo file
#' @return A data.frame containing CV term information
parseOBO = function(cv_obo_file){

  if (!file.exists(cv_obo_file))
    stop("File ", cv_obo_file, " not found!\n")
    # warns that some parent terms are not found (we don't want to bother the user with that)
    ontology = ontologyIndex::get_ontology(cv_obo_file, extract_tags = "everything")

#' Fetch and parse the 'psi-ms.obo' and some metadata from the usual sources to use as ontology.
#' If `use_local_fallback` is TRUE, this function will never fail. Otherwise, it may fail if the internet connection
#' is flawed or internal URLs related to GitHubs API become stale.
#' A 'pato.obo', and 'uo.obo' from the 'rmzqc/cv/' folder are automatically merged into the result.
#' See CV_ class to use this function efficiently.
#' @param source Where to get the PSI-MS CV from:
#'         - 'latest' will download 'psi-ms.obo' from https://api.github.com/repos/HUPO-PSI/psi-ms-CV/releases/latest
#'         - 'local' will use rmzqc/cv/psi-ms.obo' (which might be outdated, if you need the latest terms)
#'         - 'custom' uses a user-defined URI in 'custom_uri'
#' @param custom_uri Used when 'source' is set to 'custom'. The URI can be local or remote, e.g. 'c:/obo/my.obo' or 'https://www.abc.com/my.obo'
#' @param use_local_fallback When downloading a file from a URI fails, should we fall back to the local psi-ms.obo shipped with rmzqc?
#' @return A list with 'CV', 'URI' and 'version', where 'CV' is a data.frame with columns 'id', 'name', 'def', 'parents', 'children' (and many more) which contains the CV entries
#' @importFrom utils download.file
#' @export
getCVDictionary = function(source = c("latest", "local", "custom"), custom_uri = NULL, use_local_fallback = TRUE)
  source = source[1] ## pick first entry if defaulted
  URI_out = "" ## the URI we report to the outside world
  if (source == "latest")
    custom_uri = getLatest_PSICV_URL()
    if (is.null(custom_uri)) {
      ## no internet connection... fall back to local
      warning("Falling back to local URL ...")
    URI_out = custom_uri
  } else if (source == "local")
    custom_uri = system.file("./cv/psi-ms.obo", package="rmzqc")
    URI_out = paste0("https://github.com/HUPO-PSI/psi-ms-CV/releases/download/v", getLocal_CV_Version(custom_uri), "/psi-ms.obo")
  } else if (source == "custom")
    URI_out = custom_uri
  else stop(paste0("Source ", source, " not supported!"))

  ## make sure its a local file
  if (any(startsWith(custom_uri, c("http://", "https://", "ftp://", "file://")))){
    message(paste0("Downloading obo from '", custom_uri, "' ..."))
    tmp_filename = tempfile()
    on.exit(removeIfExists(tmp_filename)) ## clean up when function ends
    ret = try( ## download.file may throw itself or return != 0
        if (download.file(custom_uri, tmp_filename) != 0) {
          stop(paste0("Could not download '", custom_uri, "'."))
        local_file = tmp_filename ## only on successful download
    if (inherits(ret, 'try-error')) {
      warning("Could not download from ", custom_uri, "!")
      if (!use_local_fallback) stop("Download failed.")
      ## fall back to local file
      return (getCVDictionary("local"))
  } else {
    local_file = custom_uri

  ms = try(parseOBO(local_file))
  if (use_local_fallback && inherits(ms, 'try-error') && source != "local") {

  pato = parseOBO(system.file("./cv/pato.obo", package="rmzqc"))
  uo = parseOBO(system.file("./cv/uo.obo", package="rmzqc"))
  # combining PSI MS and upstream CVs (rbind does not work, since non-standard columns differ)
  msuo = merge(ms, uo, all = TRUE)
  all = merge(msuo, pato, all = TRUE)

  version = getLocal_CV_Version(local_file);

  return(list(CV = all, URI = URI_out, version = version))

#' Get the latest PSI-MS CV release URL
#' This may fail (e.g. if no internet connection is available, or URLs became invalid) then 'NULL' will be returned instead of an URL.
#' A warning may be emitted, if the URL is out of date (i.e. the GitHub API changed).
#' @export
getLatest_PSICV_URL = function()
  temp_filename = tempfile()
  ret = try(
    df_ret = download.file("https://api.github.com/repos/HUPO-PSI/psi-ms-CV/releases/latest", temp_filename)
    if (df_ret != 0) stop("Download failed")
    df_ret # return success
  if (inherits(ret, 'try-error') || ret != 0) {
    return (NULL)
  cont = paste0(scan(temp_filename, what=character(), quiet = TRUE), collapse="")
  obo_url = gsub('.*(https://github.com/HUPO-PSI/psi-ms-CV/releases/download/v[0-9\\.]*/psi-ms.obo).*', '\\1', cont)
  if (obo_url == cont) {
    warning("Extracting psi-ms.obo URL failed. Please file a bug report.")
    return (NULL)

#' Returns an \code{\link{MzQCcontrolledVocabulary}} for the currently used CV (see \code{\link{getCVSingleton}})
#' using `getCVSingleton()$getData()$URI` and `$version`.
#' @export
getCVInfo = function()
  cv = getCVSingleton()
    "Proteomics Standards Initiative Mass Spectrometry Ontology",

#' Returns an MzQCcontrolledVocabulary for the currently used CV (see \code{\link{getCVSingleton}})
#' @note This function will be deprecated soon. Use \code{\link{getCVInfo}} instead.
#' @export
getDefaultCV = function()
  warning("The function 'rmzqc::getDefaultCV()' is deprecated and will be removed soon. Use rmzqc::getCVInfo() instead.", immediate. = TRUE)

#' Obtains the 'data-version' from a local (i.e. non-url) PSI-MS-CV
#' @param local_PSIMS_obo_file A path to a local file, e.g. 'c:/temp/my.obo'
#' @examples
#'  getLocal_CV_Version(system.file("./cv/psi-ms.obo", package="rmzqc")) # "4.1.95"
#' @export
getLocal_CV_Version = function(local_PSIMS_obo_file)
  head = scan(file = local_PSIMS_obo_file, what = "character", nmax = 20, quiet = TRUE)
  idx_v = grep("data-version", head)
  if (length(idx_v) == 0) stop("Parsing 'data-version' from the file '", local_PSIMS_obo_file, "' failed. Please report this as a bug.")
  return(head[idx_v + 1])

#' @title CV_
#' @description
#' Define a Singleton class which can hold a CV dictionary (so we do not have to load the .obo files over and over again)
#' @details
#' Get the full data by calling the 'getData()' function (which returns a list containing a 'CV', 'URI' and 'version'),
#' or 'getCV()' which is a shorthand for 'getData()$CV'.
#' You can set your own custom CV by calling 'setData()'. By default, the latest release of the PSI-MS-CV (see \code{\link{getCVDictionary}}).
#' Wherever you need this data, simply re-grab the singleton using 'CV_$new()' (or use the convenience function getCVSingleton() from outside the package)
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'   cv_dict = CV_$new() ## uses 'getCVDictionary()' to populate the singleton
#'   cv_2 = CV_$new() ## uses the same data without parsing again
#'   cv_2$setData(getCVDictionary("custom", "https://my.com/custom.obo"))
#' }
#' @import R6
#' @import R6P
#' @export
CV_ <- R6::R6Class(
  classname = "CV_",
  inherit = R6P::Singleton,
  lock_objects = FALSE, # we need to modify self$data
  private = list(
     # data Stores the data of the singleton: a list(CV = data.frame( ...), URI="someURI", version=<PSI-MS-CV version>)
     data = NULL
  public = list(
     #' @description Make sure that the CV data is loaded
     ensureHasData = function() {
       if (is.null(self$data)) {
         self$data = getCVDictionary()
    #' @description A function to retrieve a CV entry using its ID
    #' @param id A CV accession, e.g. 'MS:1000560'
    byID = function(id) {
      idx = which(self$data$CV$id == id)
      if (length(idx)== 0)
        warning("Could not find id '", id, "' in CV list (length: ", length(self$data$CV$id), ")")
    #' @description Set a user-defined object (= a list of 'CV', 'URI' and 'version'), as obtained from \code{\link{getCVDictionary}}
    #' @param cv_data The result of a call to \code{\link{getCVDictionary}}
    setData = function(cv_data)
      self$data = cv_data
    #' @description Gets the underlying data (CV, URI and version)
    getData = function()
    #' @description A shorthand for 'getData()$CV', i.e. the CV data.frame.
    getCV= function()

#' Returns the CV singleton. See \code{\link{CV_}}.
#' @export
getCVSingleton = function()
  cv = rmzqc::CV_
  cv_dict = cv$new()

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rmzqc documentation built on May 29, 2024, 12:06 p.m.