##' Generates a data frame for regression analysis
##' The output is a data frame (x1, x2, y) with user-specified
##' correlation between x1 and x2. The y (output) variable is created
##' according to the equation\cr
##' \deqn{
##' y = beta1 + beta2 * x1 + beta3 * x2 + beta4 * x1 * x2 + e.
##' }
##' The arguments determine the scales of the X matrix, the random
##' error, and the slope coefficients.
##' The vector (x1,x2) is drawn from a multivariate normal
##' distribution in which the expected value (argument \code{means}).
##' The covariance matrix of X is
##' built from the standard deviations (\code{sds})
##' and the specified correlation between x1 and x2 (\code{rho}).
##' It is also necessary to specify the standard deviation
##' of the error term (\code{stde}) and the coefficients
##' of the regression equation (\code{beta}).
##' @param N Number of cases desired
##' @param means 2-vector of means for x1 and x2
##' @param sds 2-vector of standard deviations for x1 and x2
##' @param rho Correlation coefficient for x1 and x2
##' @param stde standard deviation of the error term in the data
##' generating equation
##' @param beta beta vector of at most 4 coefficients for intercept,
##' slopes, and interaction
##' @export genCorrelatedData
##' @importFrom stats rnorm
##' @examples
##' ## 1000 observations of uncorrelated x1 and x2 with no
##' ## interaction between x1 and x2
##' dat <- genCorrelatedData(N=1000, rho=0, beta=c(1, 1.0, -1.1, 0.0))
##' mcGraph1(dat$x1, dat$x2, dat$y, theta=20, phi=8,
##' ticktype="detailed", nticks=10)
##' m1 <- lm(y ~ x1 + x2, data = dat)
##' plotPlane(m1, plotx1 = "x1", plotx2 = "x2")
genCorrelatedData <-
function(N = 100, means = c(50,50), sds = c(10,10), rho = 0.0, stde = 1,
beta = c(0, 0.2, 0.2, 0.0))
if (length(beta)> 4) stop("beta vector can have at most 4 values")
corr.mat <- matrix(c(1,rho,rho,1), nrow = 2)
sigma <- diag(sds) %*% corr.mat %*% diag(sds)
x.mat <- rockchalk::mvrnorm(n = N, mu = means, Sigma = sigma)
y = beta[1] + beta[2] * x.mat[,1] + beta[3] * x.mat[,2] + beta[4] * x.mat[,1] * x.mat[ ,2] + stde*rnorm (N, mean = 0, sd = 1)
dat <- data.frame(x.mat, y)
names(dat) <- c("x1", "x2", "y")
##' Generates a data frame for regression analysis.
##' Unlike \code{genCorrelatedData}, this new-and-improved
##' function can generate a data frame with as many predictors
##' as the user requests along with an arbitrarily complicated
##' regression formula. The result will be a data frame with
##' columns named (y, x1, x2, ..., xp).
##' Arguments supplied must have enough information so that an
##' N x P matrix of predictors can be constructed.
##' The matrix X is drawn from a multivariate normal
##' distribution, the expected value vector (mu vector) is given by
##' the \code{means} and the var/covar matrix (Sigma) is
##' built from user supplied standard deviations \code{sds}
##' and the correlations between the columns of X, given by \code{rho}.
##' The user can also set the standard deviation
##' of the error term (\code{stde}) and the coefficients
##' of the regression equation (\code{beta}).
##' If called with no arguments, this creates a data frame with
##' X ~ MVN(mu = c(50,50,50), Sigma = diag(c(10,10,10))).
##' y = X %*% c(0.15, 0.1, -0.1) + error, where error
##' is N(m = 0, sd = 200). All of these details can be
##' changed by altering the arguments.
##' The y (output) variable is created according to the
##' equation\cr
##' \deqn{
##' y = b1 + b2 * x1 + ...+ bk * xk + b[k+1] * x1 * ...interactions.. + e}
##' \cr
##' For shorthand, I write b1 for beta[1], b2 for beta[2], and so forth.\cr
##' The first P+1 arguments in the argument beta are the coefficients
##' for the intercept and the columns of the X matrix. Any additional
##' elements in beta are the coefficients for nonlinear and interaction terms.\cr
##' Those additional values in the beta vector are completely
##' optional. Without them, the true model is a linear
##' regression. However, one can incorporate the effect of squared terms
##' (conceptualize that as x1 * x1, for example) or interactions
##' (x1 * x2) easily. This is easier to illustrate than describe.
##' Suppose there are 4 columns in X. Then a beta
##' vector like beta = c(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8) would amount to
##' asking for\cr
##' \deqn{
##' y = 0 + 1 x1 + 2 x2 + 3 x3 + 4 x4 + 5 x1^2 + 6 x1 x2 + 7 x1 x3 + 8 x1 x4 + error
##' }
##' \cr
##' If beta supplies more coefficients, they are interpeted as additional
##' interactions.\cr
##' When there are a many predictors and the beta vector is long, this
##' can become confusing. I think of this as a vech for the lower
##' triangle of a coefficient matrix. In the example with 4
##' predictors, beta[1:5] are used for the intercepts and slopes. The
##' rest of the beta elements lay in like so:\cr
##' X1 X2 X3 X4\cr
##' X1 b6 . .\cr
##' X2 b7 b10 .\cr
##' X3 b8 b11 b13\cr
##' X4 b9 b12 b14 b15\cr
##' If the user only supplies b6 and b7, the rest are assumed to be 0.\cr
##' To make this clear, the formula used to calculate y is printed to
##' the console when genCorrelatedData2 is called.
##' @param N Number of cases desired
##' @param means P-vector of means for X. Implicitly sets the dimension of
##' the predictor matrix as N x P.
##' @param sds Values for standard deviations for columns of X. If
##' less than P values are supplied, they will be recycled.
##' @param rho Correlation coefficient for X. Several input formats
##' are allowed (see \code{lazyCor}). This can be a single number (common
##' correlation among all variables), a full matrix of correlations
##' among all variables, or a vector that is interpreted as the
##' strictly lower triangle (a vech).
##' @param stde standard deviation of the error term in the data
##' generating equation
##' @param beta beta vector of coefficients for intercept, slopes, and
##' interaction terma. The first P+1 values are the
##' intercept and slope coefficients for the predictors. Additional
##' elements in beta are interpreted as coefficients for nonlinear and
##' interaction coefficients. I have decided to treat these as a
##' column (vech) that fills into a lower triangular matrix. It
##' is easy to see what's going on if you run the examples. There
##' is also explanation in Details.
##' @param intercept Default FALSE. Should the predictors include an
##' intercept?
##' @param verbose TRUE or FALSE. Should information about the data
##' generation be reported to the terminal?
##' @return A data matrix that has columns c(y, x1, x2, ..., xP)
##' @export
##' @examples
##' ## 1000 observations of uncorrelated X with no interactions
##' set.seed(234234)
##' dat <- genCorrelatedData2(N = 10, rho = 0.0, beta = c(1, 2, 1, 1),
##' means = c(0,0,0), sds = c(1,1,1), stde = 0)
##' summarize(dat)
##' ## The perfect regression!
##' m1 <- lm(y ~ x1 + x2 + x3, data = dat)
##' summary(m1)
##' dat <- genCorrelatedData2(N = 1000, rho = 0,
##' beta = c(1, 0.2, -3.3, 1.1), stde = 50)
##' m1 <- lm(y ~ x1 + x2 + x3, data = dat)
##' summary(m1)
##' predictOMatic(m1)
##' plotCurves(m1, plotx = "x2")
##' ## interaction between x1 and x2
##' dat <- genCorrelatedData2(N = 1000, rho = 0.2,
##' beta = c(1, 1.0, -1.1, 0.1, 0.0, 0.16), stde = 1)
##' summarize(dat)
##' ## Fit wrong model? get "wrong" result
##' m2w <- lm(y ~ x1 + x2 + x3, data = dat)
##' summary(m2w)
##' ## Include interaction
##' m2 <- lm(y ~ x1 * x2 + x3, data = dat)
##' summary(m2)
##' dat <- genCorrelatedData2(N = 1000, rho = 0.2,
##' beta = c(1, 1.0, -1.1, 0.1, 0.0, 0.16), stde = 100)
##' summarize(dat)
##' m2.2 <- lm(y ~ x1 * x2 + x3, data = dat)
##' summary(m2.2)
##' dat <- genCorrelatedData2(N = 1000, means = c(100, 200, 300, 100),
##' sds = 20, rho = c(0.2, 0.3, 0.1, 0, 0, 0),
##' beta = c(1, 1.0, -1.1, 0.1, 0.0, 0.16, 0, 0, 0.2, 0, 0, 1.1, 0, 0, 0.1),
##' stde = 200)
##' summarize(dat)
##' m2.3w <- lm(y ~ x1 + x2 + x3, data = dat)
##' summary(m2)
##' m2.3 <- lm(y ~ x1 * x2 + x3, data = dat)
##' summary(m2.3)
##' predictOMatic(m2.3)
##' plotCurves(m2.3, plotx = "x1", modx = "x2", modxVals = "", n = 5)
##' simReg <- lapply(1:100, function(x){
##' dat <- genCorrelatedData2(N = 1000, rho = c(0.2),
##' beta = c(1, 1.0, -1.1, 0.1, 0.0, 0.46), verbose = FALSE)
##' mymod <- lm (y ~ x1 * x2 + x3, data = dat)
##' summary(mymod)
##' })
##' x3est <- sapply(simReg, function(reg) {coef(reg)[4 ,1] })
##' summarize(x3est)
##' hist(x3est, breaks = 40, prob = TRUE,
##' xlab = "Estimated Coefficients for column x3")
##' r2est <- sapply(simReg, function(reg) {reg$r.square})
##' summarize(r2est)
##' hist(r2est, breaks = 40, prob = TRUE, xlab = "Estimates of R-square")
##' ## No interaction, collinearity
##' dat <- genCorrelatedData2(N = 1000, rho = c(0.1, 0.2, 0.7),
##' beta = c(1, 1.0, -1.1, 0.1), stde = 1)
##' m3 <- lm(y ~ x1 + x2 + x3, data = dat)
##' summary(m3)
##' dat <- genCorrelatedData2(N=1000, rho=c(0.1, 0.2, 0.7),
##' beta = c(1, 1.0, -1.1, 0.1), stde = 200)
##' m3 <- lm(y ~ x1 + x2 + x3, data = dat)
##' summary(m3)
##' mcDiagnose(m3)
##' dat <- genCorrelatedData2(N = 1000, rho = c(0.9, 0.5, 0.4),
##' beta = c(1, 1.0, -1.1, 0.1), stde = 200)
##' m3b <- lm(y ~ x1 + x2 + x3, data = dat)
##' summary(m3b)
##' mcDiagnose(m3b)
genCorrelatedData2 <-
function(N = 100, means = c(50,50,50), sds = c(10,10,10),
rho = c(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), stde = 100,
beta = c(0, 0.15, 0.1, -0.1), intercept = FALSE,
verbose = TRUE)
d <- length(means)
x.mat <- as.matrix(genX(N, means, sds, rho, intercept = TRUE))
## Get rid of Intercept if it is in there
x.mat.noint <- x.mat[ , -grep("Intercept", colnames(x.mat))]
beta1 <- beta[1:(d+1)]
beta2 <- beta[-(1:(d+1))]
## pad beta2 with 0's on back end so it is right size to go into
## triangular matrix
beta2 <- c(beta2, rep(0, times =(d*(d+1)/2) - length(beta2)))
Bmat2 <- matrix(0, nrow = d, ncol = d)
Bmat2[lower.tri(Bmat2, diag = TRUE)] <- beta2
##Would have been easier if I studied sparse matrix entry and usage.
## TODO 2013-05-16: This does a lot of calculations on zeroes.
## May enhance effiency to select columns before multiplying.
intEffects <- sapply(1:d, function(j) {
if(!any( Bmat2[ ,j] != 0)) {
intEff <- (x.mat.noint * x.mat.noint[ , j]) %*% Bmat2[ , j]
intEffects <-"cbind", intEffects)
y = x.mat %*% beta1 + stde*rnorm (N, mean = 0, sd = 1)
if (!is.null(intEffects)) y = y + rowSums(intEffects)
dat <- if (!intercept){
data.frame(y, x.mat.noint)
} else {
data.frame(y, x.mat)
if (verbose == TRUE){
x.names <- colnames(x.mat.noint)
print("The equation that was calculated was")
cat("y =", beta1[1], "+", paste(beta1[2:(d+1)] , c(x.names), collapse = " + ", sep = "*"), "\n" ,
"+ ")
for(i in seq(d)){
cat(paste(Bmat2[, i], x.names, x.names[i], collapse = " + ", sep = "*"), "\n",
"+ ")
cat(paste("N(0,", stde, ") random error \n", sep = ""))
##' Generate correlated data (predictors) for one unit
##' This is used to generate data for one unit. It is recently
##' re-designed to serve as a building block in a multi-level data
##' simulation exercise. The new arguments "unit" and "idx" can be
##' set as NULL to remove the multi-level unit and row naming
##' features. This function uses the rockchalk::mvrnorm function, but
##' introduces a convenience layer by allowing users to supply
##' standard deviations and the correlation matrix rather than the
##' variance.
##' Today I've decided to make the return object a data frame. This
##' allows the possibility of including a character variable "unit"
##' within the result. For multi-level models, that will help. If
##' unit is not NULL, its value will be added as a column in the data
##' frame. If unit is not null, the rownames will be constructed by
##' pasting "unit" name and idx. If unit is not null, then idx will
##' be included as another column, unless the user explicitly sets
##' idx = FALSE.
##' @param N Number of cases desired
##' @param means A vector of means for p variables. It is optional to
##' name them. This implicitly sets the dimension of the
##' predictor matrix as N x p. If no names are supplied, the
##' automatic variable names will be "x1", "x2", and so forth. If
##' means is named, such as c("myx1" = 7, "myx2" = 13, "myx3" =
##' 44), those names will be come column names in the output
##' matrix.
##' @param sds Standard deviations for the variables. If less than p
##' values are supplied, they will be recycled.
##' @param rho Correlation coefficient for p variables. Several input
##' formats are allowed (see \code{lazyCor}). This can be a single
##' number (common correlation among all variables), a full matrix
##' of correlations among all variables, or a vector that is
##' interpreted as the strictly lower triangle (a vech).
##' @param Sigma P x P variance/covariance matrix.
##' @param intercept Default = TRUE, do you want a first column filled
##' with 1?
##' @param col.names Names supplied here will override column names
##' supplied with the means parameter. If no names are supplied
##' with means, or here, we will name variables x1, x2, x3,
##' ... xp, with Intercept at front of list if intercept =
##' TRUE.
##' @param unit A character string for the name of the unit being
##' simulated. Might be referred to as a "group" or "district" or
##' "level 2" membership indicator.
##' @param idx If set TRUE, a column "idx" is added, numbering the
##' rows from 1:N. If the argument unit is not NULL, then idx is
##' set to TRUE, but that behavior can be overridded by
##' setting idx = FALSE.
##' @export
##' @return A data frame with rownames to specify unit and
##' individual values, including an attribute "unit" with the
##' unit's name.
##' @author Paul Johnson \email{}
##' @examples
##' X1 <- genX(10, means = c(7, 8), sds = 3, rho = .4)
##' X2 <- genX(10, means = c(7, 8), sds = 3, rho = .4, unit = "Kansas")
##' head(X2)
##' X3 <- genX(10, means = c(7, 8), sds = 3, rho = .4, idx = FALSE, unit = "Iowa")
##' head(X3)
##' X4 <- genX(10, means = c("A" = 7, "B" = 8), sds = c(3), rho = .4)
##' head(X4)
##' X5 <- genX(10, means = c(7, 3, 7, 5), sds = c(3, 6),
##' rho = .5, col.names = c("Fred", "Sally", "Henry", "Barbi"))
##' head(X5)
##' Sigma <- lazyCov(Rho = c(.2, .3, .4, .5, .2, .1), Sd = c(2, 3, 1, 4))
##' X6 <- genX(10, means = c(5, 2, -19, 33), Sigma = Sigma, unit = "Winslow_AZ")
##' head(X6)
genX <-
function(N, means, sds, rho, Sigma = NULL, intercept = TRUE,
col.names = NULL, unit = NULL, idx = FALSE)
d <- length(means)
if (!missing(rho) & !is.null(Sigma))
stop ("Please provide rho or Sigma, not both")
if (!is.null(Sigma) & !missing(sds))
warning(paste("Note, if you provide Sigma we are ignoring",
" your input on the sds argument"))
if ((!is.null(Sigma)) && (d != dim(Sigma)[1]))
stop (paste("Sigma must have same number of rows",
"& columns as there are means"))
if (is.null(Sigma)){
R <- lazyCor(rho, d)
if (length(sds) < d) sds <- rep(sds, length.out = d)
Sigma <- lazyCov(Rho = R, Sd = sds)
if (missing(col.names) && is.null(names(means))) {
col.names <- paste0("x", 1:d)
} else if (missing(col.names) && !is.null(names(means))){
col.names <- names(means)
} else {
if (length(col.names) != d)
stop(paste("If you provide column names, please provide one",
"for each column in the means input"))
col.names <- make.names(col.names, unique = TRUE)
## If unit is meaningful, set idx TRUE. Defending against
## user values like unit = NULL and idx = NULL
if (missing(idx) || (!identical(idx, FALSE) && !is.null(idx))){
if (!missing(unit) & !is.null(unit))
idx <- TRUE
x.mat <- rockchalk::mvrnorm(N, means, Sigma)
if (is.null(unit)) {
rownames <- 1:N
} else {
if (length(unit) > 1) stop("genX: just supply 1 unit name")
rownames <- paste0(unit, "_", 1:N)
dimnames(x.mat) <- list(rownames, col.names)
x.mat <-
if (intercept) x.mat <- cbind(Intercept = 1L, x.mat)
if (!is.null(unit)) x.mat[ , "unit"] <- rep(unit, N)
if (isTRUE(idx)) x.mat[ , "idx"] <- seq(1L, N, by = 1L)
attr(x.mat, "unit") <- unit
##' Generate correlated data for simulations (third edition)
##' This is a revision of \code{genCorrelatedData2}. The output is a
##' data frame that has columns for the predictors along with an error
##' term, the linear predictor, and the observed value of the outcome
##' variable. The new features are in the user interface. It has a
##' better way to specify beta coefficients. It is also more flexible
##' in the specification of the names of the predictor columns.
##' The enhanced methods for authors to specify a data-generating
##' process are as follows. Either way will work and the choice
##' between the methods is driven by the author's convenience.\cr
##' \itemize{
##' \item 1. Use the formula argument as a quoted string:
##' \code{"1 + 2.2 * x1 + 2.3 * x2 + 3.3 * x3 + 1.9 * x1:x2"}.
##' The "*" represents multiplication of coefficient times variable,
##' and the colon ":" has same meaning but it is used for products of variables.
##' \item 2. Use the beta argument with parameter names, \code{beta =
##' c("Intercept" = 1, x1 = 2.2, x2 = 2.3, x3 = 3.3, "x1:x2" = 1.9)}
##' where the names are the same as the names of the variables in the
##' formula. Names of the variables in the formula or the beta vector
##' should be used also in either the means parameter or the col.names
##' parameter.
##' }
##' The error distribution can be specified. Default is normal, with
##' draws provided by R's \code{rnorm}. All error models assume
##' \eqn{E[e] = 0} and the scale coefficient is the parameter
##' \code{stde}. Thus, the default setup's error will be drawn from
##' \code{rnorm(N, 0, stde)}. Any two parameter "location" and "scale"
##' distribution should work as well, as long as the first coefficient
##' is location (because we set that as 0 in all cases) and the second
##' argument is scale. For example, \code{distrib=rlogis}, will lead
##' to errors drawn from \code{rlogis(N, 0, stde)}. Caution: in rlogis,
##' the scale parameter is not the same as standard deviation.
##' The only one parameter distribution currently supported is the T
##' distribution. If user specifies \code{distrib=rt}, then the
##' \code{stde} is passed through to the parameter \code{df}. Note
##' that if increasing the stde parameter will cause the standard
##' deviation of \code{rt} to get smaller. \code{df=1} implies sd =
##' 794.6; \code{df=2} implies sd = 3.27; \code{df=3} implies 1.7773.
##' Methods to specify error distributions in a more flexible way need
##' to be considered.
##' @param formula a text variable, e.g., \code{"y ~ 1 + 2*x1"}. Use
##' ":" to create squared and interaction terms,
##' \code{"y ~ 1 + 2*x1 + 1.1*x1:x1 + 0.2*x1:x2".} Multi-way
##' interactions are allowed, eg
##' \code{"y ~ 1 + 2*x1 + .4*x2 + .1*x3 + 1.1*x1:x1 + 0.2*x1:x2:x3".}
##' Note author can specify any order of interation.
##' @param N sample size
##' @param means averages of predictors, can include names c(x1 = 10,
##' x2 = 20) that will be used in the data.frame result.
##' @param sds standard deviations, 1 (common value for all variables)
##' or as many elements as in \code{means}.
##' @param rho correlations, can be 1 or a vech for a correlation
##' matrix
##' @param stde The scale of the error term. If \code{distrib=rnorm},
##' stde is the standard deviation of the error term. If the user
##' changes the distribution, this is a scale parameter that may
##' not be equal to the standard deviation. For example,
##' \code{distrib=rlogist} has a scale parameter such that a value
##' of stde implies the error's standard deviation will be
##' \eqn{stde * pi / sqrt(3)}.
##' @param beta slope coefficients, use either this or \code{formula},
##' not both. It is easier (less error prone) to use named
##' coefficients, but (for backwards compatability with
##' \code{genCorrelatedData2}) names are not required. If named,
##' use "Intercept" for the intercept coefficient, and use
##' variable names that match the \code{xmeans} vector. Un-named
##' coefficients follow same rules as in
##' \code{\link{genCorrelatedData2}}. The first (1 + p) values are
##' for the intercept and p main effects. With 3 predictors and
##' no squares or interactions, specify four betas corresponding
##' to \code{c(Intercept, x1, x2, x3)}. The squared and
##' interaction terms may follow. The largest possible model
##' would correspond to \code{c(Intercept, x1, x2, x3, x1:x1,
##' x1:x2, x1:x3, x2:x2, x2:x3, x3:x3)}. Squares and interactions
##' fill in a "lower triangle". The unnamed beta vector can be
##' terminated with the last non-zero coefficient, the function
##' will insert 0's for the coefficients at the end of the vector.
##' @param intercept TRUE or FALSE. Should the output data set include
##' a column of 1's. If beta is an unnamed vector, should the
##' first element be treated as an intercept?
##' @param col.names Can override names in means vector
##' @param verbose TRUE for diagnostics
##' @param ... extra arguments, ignored for now. We use that to ignore
##' unrecognized parameters.
##' @param distrib An R random data generating function. Default is
##' \code{rnorm}. Also \code{rlogis} or any other two-parameter
##' location/scale distribution will work. Special configuration
##' allows \code{rt}. See details.
##' @return a data frame
##' @name genCorrelatedData3
##' @export genCorrelatedData3
##' @importFrom stats rnorm
##' @importFrom stats rt
##' @importFrom stats rlogis
##' @author Paul Johnson \email{} and Gabor Grothendieck <>
##' @examples
##' set.seed(123123)
##' ## note: x4 is an unused variable in formula
##' X1a <-
##' genCorrelatedData3("y ~ 1.1 + 2.1 * x1 + 3 * x2 + 3.5 * x3 + 1.1 * x1:x3",
##' N = 1000, means = c(x1 = 1, x2 = -1, x3 = 3, x4 = 1),
##' sds = 1, rho = 0.4, stde = 5)
##' lm1a <- lm(y ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x1:x3, data = X1a)
##' ## note that normal errors have std.error. close to 5
##' summary(lm1a)
##' attr(X1a, "beta")
##' attr(X1a, "formula")
##' ## Demonstrate name beta vector method to provide named arguments
##' set.seed(123123)
##' X2 <- genCorrelatedData3(N = 1000, means = c(x1 = 1, x2 = -1, x3 = 3, x4 = 1),
##' sds = 1, rho = 0.4,
##' beta = c("Intercept" = 1.1, x1 = 2.1, x2 = 3,
##' x3 = 3.5, "x1:x3" = 1.1),
##' intercept = TRUE, stde = 5)
##' attr(X2, c("beta"))
##' attr(X2, c("formula"))
##' head(X2)
##' lm2 <- lm(y ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x1:x3, data = X2)
##' summary(lm2)
##' ## Equivalent with unnamed beta vector. Must carefully count empty
##' ## spots, fill in 0's when coefficient is not present. This
##' ## method was in genCorrelated2. Order of coefficents is
##' ## c(intercept, x1, ..., xp, x1:x1, x1:x2, x1:xp, x2:x2, x2:x3, ..., )
##' ## filling in a lower triangle.
##' set.seed(123123)
##' X3 <- genCorrelatedData3(N = 1000, means = c(x1 = 1, x2 = -1, x3 = 3, x4 = 1),
##' sds = 1, rho = 0.4,
##' beta = c(1.1, 2.1, 3, 3.5, 0, 0, 0, 1.1),
##' intercept = TRUE, stde = 5)
##' attr(X3, c("beta"))
##' attr(X3, c("formula"))
##' head(X3)
##' lm3 <- lm(y ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x1:x3, data = X3)
##' summary(lm3)
##' ## Same with more interesting variable names in the means vector
##' X3 <- genCorrelatedData3(N = 1000,
##' means = c(friend = 1, enemy = -1, ally = 3, neutral = 1),
##' sds = 1, rho = 0.4,
##' beta = c(1.1, 2.1, 3, 3.5, 0, 0, 0, 1.1),
##' intercept = TRUE, stde = 5)
##' head(X3)
##' attr(X3, c("beta"))
##' X3 <- genCorrelatedData3(N = 1000, means = c(x1 = 50, x2 = 50, x3 = 50),
##' sds = 10, rho = 0.4,
##' beta = c("Intercept" = .1, x1 = .01, x2 = .2, x3 = .5,
##' "x1:x3" = .1))
##' lm3 <- lm(y ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x1:x3, data = X3)
##' ## Names via col.names argument: must match formula
##' X2 <- genCorrelatedData3("y ~ 1.1 + 2.1 * educ + 3 * hlth + 3 * ses + 1.1 * educ:ses",
##' N = 100, means = c(50, 50, 50, 20),
##' sds = 10, rho = 0.4, col.names = c("educ", "hlth", "ses", "wght"))
##' str(X2)
##' X3 <- genCorrelatedData3("y ~ 1.1 + 2.1 * educ + 3 * hlth + 3 * ses + 1.1 * educ:ses",
##' N = 100, means = c(50, 50, 50, 20),
##' sds = 10, rho = 0.4, col.names = c("educ", "hlth", "ses", "wght"),
##' intercept = TRUE)
##' str(X3)
##' ## note the logistic errors have residual std.error approximately 5 * pi/sqrt(3)
##' X1b <-
##' genCorrelatedData3("y ~ 1.1 + 2.1 * x1 + 3 * x2 + 3.5 * x3 + 1.1 * x1:x3",
##' N = 1000, means = c(x1 = 1, x2 = -1, x3 = 3),
##' sds = 1, rho = 0.4, stde = 5, distrib = rlogis)
##' lm1b <- lm(y ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x1:x3, data = X1b)
##' summary(lm1b)
##' ## t distribution is very sensitive for fractional df between 1 and 2 (recall
##' ## stde parameter is passed through to df in rt.
##' X1c <-
##' genCorrelatedData3("y ~ 1.1 + 2.1 * x1 + 3 * x2 + 3.5 * x3 + 1.1 * x1:x3",
##' N = 1000, means = c(x1 = 1, x2 = -1, x3 = 3),
##' sds = 1, rho = 0.4, stde = 1.2, distrib = rt)
##' lm1c <- lm(y ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x1:x3, data = X1c)
##' summary(lm1c)
genCorrelatedData3 <- function (formula, N = 100,
means = c("x1" = 50, "x2" = 50, "x3" = 50),
sds = 10, rho = 0,
stde = 1,
beta = c(0, 0.15, 0.1, -0.1),
intercept = FALSE, col.names,
verbose = FALSE, ..., distrib = rnorm)
## From Gabor Grothendieck, r-help August 24, 2018:
isChar <- function(e, ch) identical(e, as.symbol(ch))
## From Gabor Grothendieck, r-help August 24, 2018:
## Only works if formula is written out, as in x1 + x2 + x1:x2,
## not if it is abbreviated
Parse <- function(e) {
if (length(e) == 1) {
if (is.numeric(e)) return(e)
else setNames(1, as.character(e))
} else {
if (isChar(e[[1]], "*")) {
x1 <- Recall(e[[2]])
x2 <- Recall(e[[3]])
setNames(unname(x1 * x2), paste0(names(x1), names(x2)))
} else if (isChar(e[[1]], "+")) c(Recall(e[[2]]), Recall(e[[3]]))
else if (isChar(e[[1]], "-")) {
if (length(e) == 2) -1 * Recall(e[[2]])
else c(Recall(e[[2]]), -Recall(e[[3]]))
} else if (isChar(e[[1]], ":")) setNames(1, paste(e[-1], collapse = ":"))
## If col.names does not include all elements of varnames, stop
## varnames comes from names(beta)
## Allow "Intercept" exception
checkVarnames <- function(col.names, varnames){
uniquenames <- unique(unlist(strsplit(varnames, "[:+*]")))
col.names <- unique(c("Intercept", col.names))
if (any(!uniquenames %in% col.names)){
MESSG <- paste("formula uses variable not present in matrix:",
paste(uniquenames[!uniquenames %in% col.names], collapse = ","))
} ## else do nothing
## creates text (character variable) like a formula, not an R formula
betanamestoformula <- function(beta){
namefix <- gsub(":", "*", names(beta))
namefix <- gsub("^\\s*$", "1", namefix)
paste(beta, namefix, collapse = " + ", sep = "*")
d <- length(means)
if (missing(col.names) && is.null(names(means))) {
col.names <- paste0("x", 1:d)
else if (missing(col.names) && !is.null(names(means))) {
col.names <- names(means)
else {
if (length(col.names) != d)
stop(paste("If you provide column names, please provide one",
"for each column in the means input"))
ldots <- list(...)
x.mat <- as.matrix(genX(N, means, sds, rho, intercept = intercept,
col.names = col.names))
## update col.names to match generated data
## may be one more name than col.names, b/c intercept
x.mat.col.names <- colnames(x.mat)
if(!missing(beta)) stop("Don't provide both beta and formula arguments")
if(!inherits(formula, "formula")) formula <- as.formula(formula)
beta <- Parse(formula[[3]])
checkVarnames(x.mat.col.names, names(beta)) ## will stop if fail
} else {
## using user-provided beta
if(any(names(beta) == "")){
MESSG <- "All elements in beta should have variable names if any have names"
checkVarnames(x.mat.col.names, names(beta)) ## will stop if fail
} else {
beta1 <- beta[1:(d + as.integer(intercept))]
names(beta1) <- x.mat.col.names
beta2 <- beta[-(1:(d + as.integer(intercept)))]
beta2 <- c(beta2, rep(0, times = (d * (d + 1)/2) - length(beta2)))
intnames.mat <- outer(col.names, col.names, FUN=function(x,y) paste(x, y, sep=":"))
beta2.names <- intnames.mat[lower.tri(intnames.mat, diag=TRUE)]
names(beta2) <- beta2.names
beta <- c(beta1, beta2)
x.mat <-
x.mat$error <- if (deparse(substitute(distrib)) == "rt"){
rt(n = N, df = stde)
} else {
distrib(N, 0, stde)
newformula <- betanamestoformula(beta)
## If "Intercept" appears, change it to 1
newformula <- gsub("Intercept", "1", newformula)
x.mat$eta <- with(x.mat, eval(parse(text = newformula)))
x.mat$y <- x.mat$eta + x.mat$error
attr(x.mat, "beta") <- beta
attr(x.mat, "formula") <- newformula
attr(x.mat, "stde") <- stde
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