##' Estimate standardized regression coefficients for all variables
##' This is brain-dead standardization of all variables in the design
##' matrix. It mimics the silly output of SPSS, which standardizes
##' all regressors, even if they represent categorical variables.
##' @param model a fitted lm object
##' @return an lm fitted with the standardized variables
##' @export
##' @author Paul Johnson \email{}
##' @seealso \code{\link[rockchalk]{meanCenter}} which will center or
##' re-scale only numberic variables
standardize <-
##' @return a standardized regression object
##' @rdname standardize
##' @export
##' @method standardize lm
##' @example inst/examples/standardize-ex.R
standardize.lm <-
formulaReplace <- function(fmla, xname, newname){"substitute", list(fmla, setNames(list(, xname)))
mt <- terms(model)
mdata <- model.frame(model)
ys <- drop(scale(mdata[, 1]))
##dm = design matrix, columns of predictors as numerically coded
dm <- model.matrix(model)[ , -1, drop=FALSE] #no intercept
dmnames <- paste(colnames(dm),"s", sep = "")
dmnamesticked <- paste("`",dmnames,"`", sep = "")
dmnamesticked <- gsub("``","`", dmnamesticked)
dvname <- paste(colnames(mdata)[1],"s", sep = "")
dvnameticked <- paste("`", dvname,"`", sep = "")
dvnameticked <- gsub("``","`", dvnameticked)
std <- function(x) if(is.numeric(x)) scale(x) else x
stddat <- apply(dm, 2, std) ##standardize numeric vars
colnames(stddat) <- paste(colnames(stddat), "s", sep = "")
stddat <- cbind(ys, stddat)
stddat <-
colnames(stddat) <- c(dvname, dmnames)
colnames(stddat) <- gsub("`","", colnames(stddat))
mc <- model$call
mc$data <- quote(stddat)
fmla <- paste(dvnameticked, " ~ ", "-1 + ", paste(dmnamesticked, collapse= " + "))
mc$formula <- formula(fmla)
res <- eval(mc)
class(res) <- c("stdreg", class(model))
##' @author Paul E. Johnson \email{}
##' @method summary stdreg
##' @export
summary.stdreg <-
function(object, ...)
dm <- model.matrix(object)
dm <- dm[ , which(attr(dm, "assign") != 0)] #remove intercept, if any
dm <- cbind( model.frame(object)[ , deparse(terms(object)[[2]])], dm)
colnames(dm)[1] <- deparse(terms(object)[[2]])
dmmeans <- apply(dm, 2, mean)
dmstds <- apply(dm, 2, sd)
summstat <- zapsmall(data.frame("mean" = dmmeans, "" = dmstds))
summ <- NextMethod(generic = "summary", object = object, ...)
summ$summstat <- summstat
class(summ) <- paste("summary.", class(object), sep = "")
##' @author Paul E. Johnson \email{}
##' @method print stdreg
##' @export
print.stdreg <- function(x, ...){
cat("The standardized variables are suffixed with the letter \"s\" \n")
NextMethod(generic = "print", object = x, ...)
##' @author Paul E. Johnson \email{}
##' @method print summary.stdreg
##' @export
print.summary.stdreg <-
function (x, ...)
cat("All variables in the model matrix and the dependent variable
were centered. The centered variables have the letter \"s\" appended to their
non-centered counterparts, even constructed
variables like `x1:x2` and poly(x1,2). We agree, that's probably
ill-advised, but you asked for it by running standardize().\n
The rockchalk function meanCenter is a smarter option, probably. \n
The summary statistics of the variables in the design matrix. \n")
##' meanCenter selectively centers or standarizes variables in a regression model.
##' Works with "lm" class objects, objects estimated by \code{glm()}. This
##' centers some or all of the the predictors and then re-fits the
##' original model with the new variables. This is a convenience to
##' researchers who are often urged to center their predictors. This
##' is sometimes suggested as a way to ameliorate multi-collinearity
##' in models that include interaction terms (Aiken and West, 1991;
##' Cohen, et al 2002). Mean-centering may enhance interpretation of
##' the regression intercept, but it actually does not help with
##' multicollinearity. (Echambadi and Hess, 2007). This function
##' facilitates comparison of mean-centered models with others by
##' calculating centered variables. The defaults will cause a
##' regression's numeric interactive variables to be mean
##' centered. Variations on the arguments are discussed in details.
##' Suppose the user's formula that fits the original model is
##' \code{m1 <- lm(y ~ x1*x2 + x3 + x4, data = dat)}. The fitted model
##' will include estimates for predictors \code{x1}, \code{x2},
##' \code{x1:x2}, \code{x3} and \code{x4}. By default,
##' \code{meanCenter(m1)} scans the output to see if there are
##' interaction terms of the form \code{x1:x2}. If so, then x1 and x2
##' are replaced by centered versions (m1-mean(m1)) and
##' (m2-mean(m2)). The model is re-estimated with those new variables.
##' model (the main effect and the interaction). The resulting thing
##' is "just another regression model", which can be analyzed or
##' plotted like any R regression object.
##' The user can claim control over which variables are centered in
##' several ways. Most directly, by specifying a vector of variable
##' names, the user can claim direct control. For example, the
##' argument \code{terms=c("x1","x2","x3")} would cause 3 predictors
##' to be centered. If one wants all predictors to be centered, the
##' argument \code{centerOnlyInteractors} should be set to
##' FALSE. Please note, this WILL NOT center factor variables. But it
##' will find all numeric predictors and center them.
##' The dependent variable will not be centered, unless the user
##' explicitly requests it by setting centerDV = TRUE.
##' As an additional convenience to the user, the argument
##' \code{standardize = TRUE} can be used. This will divide each
##' centered variable by its observed standard deviation. For people
##' who like standardized regression, I suggest this is a better
##' approach than the \code{standardize} function (which is brain-dead
##' in the style of SPSS). meanCenter with \code{standardize = TRUE}
##' will only try to standardize the numeric predictors.
##' To be completely clear, I believe mean-centering is not helpful
##' with the multicollinearity problem. It doesn't help, it doesn't
##' hurt. Only a misunderstanding leads its proponents to claim
##' otherwise. This is emphasized in the vignette "rockchalk" that is
##' distributed with this package.
##' @title meanCenter
##' @param model a fitted regression model (presumably from lm)
##' @param centerOnlyInteractors Default TRUE. If FALSE, all numeric
##' predictors in the regression data frame are centered before
##' the regression is conducted.
##' @param centerDV Default FALSE. Should the dependent variable be
##' centered? Do not set this option to TRUE unless the dependent
##' variable is a numeric variable. Otherwise, it is an error.
##' @param standardize Default FALSE. Instead of simply mean-centering
##' the variables, should they also be "standardized" by first
##' mean-centering and then dividing by the estimated standard
##' deviation.
##' @param terms Optional. A vector of variable names to be
##' centered. Supplying this argument will stop meanCenter from
##' searching for interaction terms that might need to be
##' centered.
##' @export meanCenter
##' @rdname meanCenter
##' @author Paul E. Johnson \email{}
##' @seealso
##' \code{\link[rockchalk]{standardize}}
##' \code{\link[rockchalk]{residualCenter}}
##' @references Aiken, L. S. and West, S.G. (1991). Multiple
##' Regression: Testing and Interpreting Interactions. Newbury
##' Park, Calif: Sage Publications.
##' Cohen, J., Cohen, P., West, S. G., and Aiken, L. S. (2002). Applied
##' Multiple Regression/Correlation Analysis for the Behavioral Sciences
##' (Third.). Routledge Academic.
##' Echambadi, R., and Hess, J. D. (2007). Mean-Centering Does Not Alleviate
##' Collinearity Problems in Moderated Multiple Regression Models.
##' Marketing Science, 26(3), 438-445.
##' @example inst/examples/meanCenter-ex.R
meanCenter <-
function(model, centerOnlyInteractors = TRUE, centerDV = FALSE,
standardize=FALSE, terms = NULL)
##' @return A regression model of the same type as the input model,
##' with attributes representing the names of the centered variables.
##' @rdname meanCenter
##' @export
##' @method meanCenter default
##' @export
meanCenter.default <-
function(model, centerOnlyInteractors = TRUE, centerDV = FALSE,
standardize = FALSE, terms = NULL)
std <- function(x) {
if(!is.numeric(x)) stop("can't center a factor variable. No Can Do!")
xmean <- mean(x, na.rm = TRUE)
if (standardize) {
xsd <- sd(x, na.rm = TRUE)
} else {
xsd <- 1
x <- (x-xmean)/xsd
list(x = x, xmean = xmean, xsd = xsd)
## rdf <- get_all_vars(formula(model), model$model) #raw data frame
rdf <-
t <- terms(model)
## TODO 20140417: look at using na.action attribute of model to be more delicate here.
tl <- attr(t, "term.labels")
tmdc <- attr(t, "dataClasses") ##term model data classes
isNumeric <- names(tmdc)[ which(tmdc %in% c("numeric"))]
isFac <- names(tmdc)[ which(tmdc %in% c("factor"))]
if (centerDV & tmdc[1] != "numeric")
stop("Sorry, the DV is not a numeric column, it does not make sense to center it.")
##Build "nc", a vector of variable names that "need centering"
if (!centerDV) {
if (!is.null(terms)){
nc <- as.vector(terms)
nc <- unique(nc)
} else if (centerOnlyInteractors == FALSE){
nc <- isNumeric[-1] #-1 excludes response
nc <- unique(nc)
} else {
interactTerms <- tl[grep(":", tl)]
nc <- unique(unlist(strsplit( interactTerms, ":")))
nc <- nc[which(nc %in% isNumeric)]
} else {
if (!is.null(terms)){
nc <- as.vector(terms)
nc <- c(names(tmdc)[1] , nc)
} else if (centerOnlyInteractors == FALSE){
nc <- isNumeric
} else {
interactTerms <- tl[grep(":", tl)]
nc <- unique(unlist(strsplit( interactTerms, ":")))
nc <- nc[which(nc %in% isNumeric)]
nc <- c(names(tmdc)[1] , nc)
mc <- model$call
## run same model call, replacing non centered data with centered data.
stddat <- rdf
centeredVars <- matrix(NA, nrow=2, ncol=length(nc))
colnames(centeredVars) <- nc
rownames(centeredVars) <- c("mean","scale")
formulaReplace <- function(fmla, xname, newname){"substitute", list(fmla, setNames(list(, xname)))
newFmla <- mc$formula
for (i in seq_along(nc)){
icenter <- std(stddat[, nc[i]])
centeredVars[1, nc[i]] <- icenter$xmean
centeredVars[2, nc[i]] <- icenter$xsd
newname <- paste(as.character(nc[i]), "c", sep = "")
if (isTRUE(standardize)) newname <- paste(newname, "s", sep = "")
stddat[ ,newname] <- icenter$x
newFmla <- formulaReplace(newFmla, as.character(nc[i]), newname)
nc[i] <- newname
colnames(centeredVars) <- nc
mc$formula <- newFmla
mc$data <- quote(stddat)
res <- eval(mc)
class(res) <- c("mcreg", class(model))
attr(res, "centeredVars") <- centeredVars
attr(res, "centerCall") <-
##' @author \email{}
##' @export
##' @method summary mcreg
summary.mcreg <-
function(object, ...)
centeredVars <- attr(object, "centeredVars")
dm <- model.matrix(object)
dm <- dm[ , which(attr(dm, "assign") != 0), drop=FALSE] #remove intercept, if any
dm <- cbind( model.frame(object)[ , deparse(terms(object)[[2]])], dm)
colnames(dm)[1] <- deparse(terms(object)[[2]])
dmmeans <- apply(dm, 2, mean)
dmstds <- apply(dm, 2, sd)
summstat <- zapsmall(data.frame("mean" = dmmeans, "" = dmstds))
summ <- NextMethod(generic = "summary", object = object, ...)
summ$summstat <- summstat
summ$centeredVars <- centeredVars
class(summ) <- paste("summary.", class(object), sep="")
summ$mc <- attr(object, "centerCall")
##' @author \email{}
##' @method print mcreg
##' @export
print.mcreg <- function(x, ...){
centeredVars <- attr(x, "centeredVars")
cat("The centered variables are: \n")
mc <- attr(x, "centerCall")
cat("The call that requested centering was: \n")
NextMethod(generic = "print", object = x, ...)
##' @author \email{}
##' @method print summary.mcreg
##' @export
print.summary.mcreg <-
function (x, ...)
cat("These variables were mean-centered before any transformations were made on the design matrix.\n")
cat("The centers and scale factors were \n")
cat("The summary statistics of the variables in the design matrix (after centering). \n")
cat("\nThe following results were produced from: \n")
##NextMethod(generic = "print", x = x, ...)
##' @author \email{}
##' @method predict mcreg
##' @export
predict.mcreg <-
function (object, ...)
originalCall <- object$call
dots <- list(...)
newdata <- NULL
if (! is.null(dots[["newdata"]])) {
newdata <- dots[["newdata"]]
dots[["newdata"]] <- NULL
centeredVars <- attr(object, "centeredVars")
nc <- colnames(centeredVars) #need centering
dvname <- parse(text = formula(originalCall)[[2]])
nc <- setdiff(nc, dvname) #remove dv name if present
if (is.null(newdata)) {
newdata <- model.frame(object)##should be centered already
tmeans <- sapply(newdata[ , nc, drop = FALSE], mean, na.rm = TRUE)
if (! isTRUE(all.equal(abs(tmeans), rep(0, length(nc)), check.attributes = FALSE)))
stop(paste("In predict.mcreg, the fitted regression claims to have centered variables,",
paste(nc, collapse=" "), "but not all of those centered values have",
"observed means very close to 0. Something's wrong"))
NextMethod(object, newdata = newdata, dots)
##' Find numeric columns, center them, re-name them, and join them with the original data.
##' The meanCentered regression function requires centered-inputs when
##' calculations are predicted. For comparison with ordinary
##' regression, it is convenient to have both centered and the
##' original data side-by-side. This function handles that. If the
##' input data has columns c("x1","x2","x3"), then the centered result
##' will have columns c("x1","x2","x3","x1c","x2c","x3c"), where "c"
##' indicates "mean-centered". If standardize=TRUE, then the result
##' will have columns c("x1","x2","x3","x1cs","x2cs","x3cs"), where "cs"
##' indicate "centered and scaled".
##' @param data Required. data frame or matrix.
##' @param center Optional. If nc is NOT supplied, then all numeric columns
##' in data will be centered (possiblly scaled). Can be specified in 2 formats. 1) Vector of column names that are to be centered, 2) Vector named elements giving values of means to be used in centering. Values must be named, as in c("x1" = 17, "x2" = 44).
##' (possibly scaled).
##' @param standardize Default FALSE. If TRUE, the variables are
##' first mean-centered, and then divided by their standard deviations
##' (scaled). User can supply a named vector of scale values by which
##' to divide each variable (otherwise sd is used). Vector must have same
##' names and length as center argument. Variables can be entered in any order (will be resorted inside function).
##' @return A data frame with 1) All original columns 2) additional
##' columns with centered/scaled data, variables renamed "c" or "cs"
##' to indicate the data is centered or centered and
##' scaled. Attributes "centers" and "scales" are created for "record
##' keeping" on centering and scaling values.
##' @author \email{}
##' @export
##' @examples
##' set.seed(12345)
##' dat <- data.frame(x1=rnorm(100, m = 50), x2 = rnorm(100, m = 50),
##' x3 = rnorm(100, m = 50), y = rnorm(100),
##' x4 = gl(2, 50, labels = c("Male","Female")))
##' datc1 <- centerNumerics(dat)
##' head(datc1)
##' summarize(datc1)
##' datc2 <- centerNumerics(dat, center=c("x1", "x2"))
##' head(datc2)
##' summarize(datc2)
##' attributes(datc2)
##' datc3 <- centerNumerics(dat, center = c("x1" = 30, "x2" = 40))
##' head(datc3)
##' summarize(datc3)
##' attributes(datc3)
##' datc4 <- centerNumerics(dat, center=c("x1", "x2"), standardize = TRUE)
##' head(datc3)
##' summarize(datc4)
##' attributes(datc4)
##' datc5 <- centerNumerics(dat, center=c("x1"=30, "x2"=40),
##' standardize = c("x2" = 5, "x1" = 7))
##' head(datc5)
##' summarize(datc5)
##' attributes(datc5)
centerNumerics <- function(data, center, standardize = FALSE){
if (!
data <-
isN <- sapply(data, is.numeric)
if (sum(isN) == 0) return(data)
if (missing(center)) {
center <- TRUE
nc <- colnames(data)[isN] ##all need centering
} else if (is.character(center)){
if(sum (!center %in% colnames(data)[isN]) != 0)
stop(paste("centerNumerics failed. Argument center includes",
"column names that are not numeric variables in the"
, "data frame", deparse(substitute(data))))
nc <- center
center <- TRUE
} else if (is.numeric(center)) {
stop(paste("centerNumerics failed.",
"The center vector must be a named vector so that",
"centerNumerics can decide which columns need centering"))
if(sum (!names(center) %in% colnames(data)[isN]) != 0)
stop(paste("centerNumerics failed. Argument center includes column names that are not numeric variables in the data frame", deparse(substitute(data))))
nc <- names(center) ##names
if (is.numeric(standardize)) {
if (!setequal(names(standardize), nc))
stop("centerNumerics failed. Names of standardize argument must be identical to names of center argument")
standardize <- standardize[nc] ##sorts
datas <- scale(data[ , nc], center = center, scale = standardize)
if(!is.null(attr(datas, "scaled:center"))) centers <- attr(datas, "scaled:center")
colnames(datas) <- paste(colnames(datas), "c", sep="")
if (!is.null(attr(datas, "scaled:scale"))) {
scales <- attr(datas, "scaled:scale")
colnames(datas) <- paste(colnames(datas), "s", sep = "")
data <-, datas))
attr(data, "centers") <- centers
if (!is.null(attr(datas, "scaled:scale")))attr(data, "scales") <- scales
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