rp.surface <- function(surface, covariance, x1grid, x2grid, x, y, Display = "persp",
hscale = 1, vscale = hscale, panel = TRUE,
Speed = 5, ntime = 10, ninterp = 50,
zlim = NULL, col.palette = topo.colors(100), coords = rep(NA, 2)) {
if (!requireNamespace("tkrplot", quietly = TRUE)) stop("the tkrplot package is not available.")
if (!requireNamespace("interp", quietly = TRUE)) stop("the interp package is not available.")
# if (!requireNamespace("lattice", quietly = TRUE)) stop("the lattice package is not available.")
# if (!requireNamespace("rgl", quietly = TRUE)) stop("the rgl package is not available.")
x1lab <- deparse(substitute(x1grid))
x2lab <- deparse(substitute(x2grid))
ylab <- deparse(substitute(surface))
# This needs to allow different grid lengths in different directions.
n1grid <- length(x1grid)
n2grid <- length(x2grid)
xgrid <- as.matrix(expand.grid(x1grid, x2grid))
eig <- eigen(covariance)
e.vals <- pmax(eig$values, 0)
e.vecs <- eig$vectors <- sqrt(diag(covariance))
surface <- c(surface)
if (is.null(zlim))
zlim <- range(surface - 3 *, surface + 3 *, na.rm = TRUE)
brks <- seq(zlim[1], zlim[2], length = length(col.palette) + 1)
col.fn <- function(pnl) {
rp.colour.key(pnl$col.palette, brks, par.mar = c(3, 0, 1, 1.5) + 0.1, margin = TRUE)
if (all(!$coords))) lines(rep(-0.5, 2), pnl$cipos, lwd = 3)
# Set up a finer grid and mask for the image plots
xg1 <- seq(min(x1grid), max(x1grid), length = ninterp)
xg2 <- seq(min(x2grid), max(x2grid), length = ninterp)
xg <- as.matrix(expand.grid(xg1, xg2))
ind <- apply(xg, 1, function(x) which.min((xgrid[ , 1] - x[1])^2 + (xgrid[ , 2] - x[2])^2))
mask <- as.numeric(![ind]))
mask[mask == 0] <- NA
mask <- matrix(mask, ncol = ninterp) <- !
rp.surface.draw <- function(pnl) {
surf <- pnl$surface
if (pnl$animation) surf <- surf + pnl$e.isurf
if (pnl$Display == "image") {
surf <- interp::interp(pnl$xgrid[pnl$, 1], pnl$xgrid[pnl$, 2], surf[pnl$],
pnl$xg1, pnl$xg2)$z * pnl$mask
par(mar = c(3, 3, 1, 0) + 0.1, mgp = c(2, 0.5, 0), tcl = -0.2)
image(pnl$xg1, pnl$xg2, surf, zlim = pnl$zlim, col = pnl$col.palette,
xlab = pnl$x1lab, ylab = pnl$x2lab)
# print(contourplot(c(surf) ~ xgrid[,1]*xgrid[,2], region = TRUE))
# filled.contour(x1grid, x2grid, surf, zlim = zlim, color.palette = heat.colors)
else if (pnl$Display == "persp") {
surf <- matrix(surf, ncol = pnl$n2grid)
ng1 <- 1:(pnl$n1grid - 1)
ng2 <- 1:(pnl$n2grid - 1)
clr <- array(c(surf[ng1, ng2], surf[ng1 + 1, ng2], surf[ng1, ng2 + 1],
surf[ng2 + 1, ng2 + 1]), dim = c(pnl$n1grid - 1, pnl$n2grid - 1, 4))
ind <- apply(clr, 1:2, function(x) if (length(which( > 1) NA else 1)
clr <- apply(clr, 1:2, function(x) mean(x, na.rm = TRUE)) * ind
clr <- cut(c(clr), pnl$brks, labels = FALSE, include.lowest = TRUE)
clr <- pnl$col.palette[clr]
par(mar = c(3, 3, 1, 0.5) + 0.1, mgp = c(1.5, 0.2, 0), tcl = -0.2)
persp(pnl$x1grid, pnl$x2grid, surf,
zlim = pnl$zlim, theta = pnl$theta, phi = pnl$phi, ticktype = "detailed",
col = clr, d = 4, xlab = pnl$x1lab, ylab = pnl$x2lab, zlab = pnl$ylab)
# Draw the confidence interval against the colour key
if (all(!$coords)) & pnl$Display == "image" & !pnl$animation) {
# ind <- !$surface)
# pred1 <- interp::interp(pnl$xgrid[ind, 1], pnl$xgrid[ind, 2], pnl$surface[ind],
# pnl$coords[1], pnl$coords[2])$z
# se1 <- interp::interp(pnl$xgrid[ind, 1], pnl$xgrid[ind, 2], pnl$[ind],
# pnl$coords[1], pnl$coords[2])$z <- interp::interp(pnl$xgrid[pnl$, 1], pnl$xgrid[pnl$, 2], pnl$[pnl$],
pnl$xg1, pnl$xg2)$z * pnl$mask
ind <- !
xg <- as.matrix(expand.grid(pnl$xg1, pnl$xg2))
pred1 <- interp::interp(xg[ind, 1], xg[ind, 2], c(surf)[ind],
pnl$coords[1], pnl$coords[2])$z
se1 <- interp::interp(xg[ind, 1], xg[ind, 2], c([ind],
pnl$coords[1], pnl$coords[2])$z
# Is pretty ok here?
# col.range <- range(pretty(range(pred1), 20))
ci <- c(pred1 - 2 * se1, pred1 + 2 * se1)
# cipos <- c((ci[1] - col.range[1]) / diff(col.range),
# (ci[2] - col.range[1]) / diff(col.range))
# cipos <- min(x2grid) + cipos * diff(range(x2grid))
pnl$cipos <- ci
if (pnl$panel.ind)
rp.control.put(pnl$panelname, pnl)
points(coords[1], coords[2], pch = "+", cex = 2)
# if (animation == "none") {
# scaling <- rp.plot3d(x[,1], y, x[,2], ylim = range(y, e.sim),
# xlab = "Longitude", ylab = "Score1", zlab = "Latitude")
# save(scaling, file = "scaling.dmp")
# xgrid <- cbind(x1grid, x2grid)
# sm.surface3d(xgrid, e.sim[ , , 1],
# scaling = scaling, zlim = range(e.sim))
# }
if (pnl$animation == "rgl") {
scaling <- rp.plot3d(x[,1], y, x[,2], ylim = range(y, e.sim))
# load("scaling.dmp")
xgrid <- cbind(pnl$x1grid, pnl$x2grid)
# sm.surface3d(xgrid, e.sim[ , , 1],
# scaling = scaling, zlim = range(e.sim))
for (i in 2:nsim) {
for (wt in seq(0, 1, length = 15)) {
rgl::par3d(skipRedraw = TRUE)
(1 - wt) * e.sim[ , , i - 1] + wt * e.sim[ , , i],
scaling = scaling, zlim = range(e.sim))
rgl::par3d(skipRedraw = FALSE)
# Sys.sleep(0.1)
rp.surface.redraw <- function(pnl) {
rp.tkrreplot(pnl, plot)
rp.key.redraw <- function(pnl) {
rp.tkrreplot(pnl, key)
animate <- function(pnl) {
pnl$animation <- !pnl$animation
if (pnl$animation) {
pnl$e.sim <- pnl$e.vecs %*% diag(sqrt(pnl$e.vals)) %*%
pnl$e.sim.old <- rep(0, length(pnl$surface))
pnl$isurf <- 1
rp.control.put(pnl$panelname, pnl)
rp.timer(pnl, 1,, function(pnl) pnl$animation)
pnl$e.isurf <- rep(0, length(pnl$surface))
rp.control.put(pnl$panelname, pnl)
rp.tkrreplot(pnl, plot)
} <- function(pnl) {
Sys.sleep(0.01 + pnl$Speed / 100)
if (pnl$isurf == ntime + 1) {
pnl$e.sim.old <- pnl$e.sim
pnl$e.sim <- pnl$e.vecs %*% diag(sqrt(pnl$e.vals)) %*%
pnl$isurf <- 1
wt <- pnl$isurf / ntime
wt1 <- sqrt(wt^2 + (1 - wt)^2)
pnl$e.isurf <- pnl$e.sim.old * (1 - wt) / wt1 + pnl$e.sim * wt / wt1
pnl$isurf <- pnl$isurf + 1
rp.control.put(pnl$panelname, pnl)
rp.tkrreplot(pnl, plot)
# Code to create figures from an animation
# pdf(paste("figures/surface-", pnl$npdf, ".pdf", sep = ""))
# rp.surface.draw(pnl)
# print(pnl$npdf)
# pnl$npdf <- pnl$npdf + 1
mouse <- function(pnl, x, y) {
pnl$coords <- c(x, y)
rp.control.put(pnl$panelname, pnl)
rp.tkrreplot(pnl, plot)
rp.tkrreplot(pnl, key)
pnl$npdf <- pnl$npdf + 1
release <- function(pnl, x, y) {
pnl$coords <- c(NA, NA)
rp.control.put(pnl$panelname, pnl)
rp.tkrreplot(pnl, plot)
rp.tkrreplot(pnl, key)
if (panel) {
pnl <- rp.control(x = x, y = y, surface = c(surface), =,
e.vecs = e.vecs, e.vals = e.vals,
x1grid = x1grid, x2grid = x2grid, xgrid = xgrid,
n1grid = n1grid, n2grid = n2grid,
zlim = zlim, coords = rep(NA, 2), theta = -30, phi = 40,
Display = Display, animation = FALSE, npdf = 1,
Speed = Speed, ntime = ntime, ninterp = ninterp,
xg1 = xg1, xg2 = xg2, mask = mask, =,
x1lab = x1lab, x2lab = x2lab, ylab = ylab,
brks = brks, col.palette = col.palette, col.fn = col.fn,
panel.ind = TRUE)
rp.grid(pnl, "controls", row = 0, column = 0, sticky = "n")
rp.grid(pnl, "plot", row = 0, column = 1, background = "white")
rp.grid(pnl, "key", row = 0, column = 2, background = "white")
rp.tkrplot(pnl, plot, rp.surface.draw, mouse, mouse, release,
hscale = hscale, vscale = vscale,
grid = "plot", row = 0, column = 0, background = "white")
rp.tkrplot(pnl, key, col.fn, hscale = 0.15 * hscale, vscale = vscale,
grid = "key", row = 0, column = 0, background = "white")
rp.radiogroup(pnl, Display, c("persp", "image"), action = rp.surface.redraw,
grid = "controls", row = 0, column = 0)
rp.slider(pnl, theta, -180, 180, rp.surface.redraw, labels = "persp angle 1",
grid = "controls", row = 1, column = 0)
rp.slider(pnl, phi, 0, 90, rp.surface.redraw, labels = "persp angle 2",
grid = "controls", row = 2, column = 0)
rp.button(pnl, animate, "Animate: on/off",
grid = "controls", row = 3, column = 0)
rp.doublebutton(pnl, Speed, 0.95, log = TRUE, action = rp.surface.redraw,
grid = "controls", row = 5, column = 0)
else {
pnl <- list(x = x, y = y, surface = c(surface), =,
e.vecs = e.vecs, e.vals = e.vals,
x1grid = x1grid, x2grid = x2grid, xgrid = xgrid,
n1grid = n1grid, n2grid = n2grid,
zlim = zlim, coords = coords, theta = -30, phi = 40,
Display = Display, animation = FALSE, npdf = 1,
Speed = Speed, ntime = ntime, ninterp = ninterp,
xg1 = xg1, xg2 = xg2, mask = mask, =,
x1lab = x1lab, x2lab = x2lab, ylab = ylab,
brks = brks, col.palette = col.palette, col.fn = col.fn,
panel.ind = FALSE)
layout(matrix(c(1, 2), ncol = 2), widths = c(7, 1))
pnl <- rp.surface.draw(pnl)
# ind <- !
# pred1 <- interp(xgrid[ind, 1], xgrid[ind, 2], surface[ind], coords[1], coords[2])$z
# se1 <- interp(xgrid[ind, 1], xgrid[ind, 2],[ind], coords[1], coords[2])$z
# col.range <- range(pretty(range(pred1), 20))
# ci <- c(pred1 - 2 * se1, pred1 + 2 * se1)
# cipos <- c((ci[1] - col.range[1]) / diff(col.range),
# (ci[2] - col.range[1]) / diff(col.range))
# pnl$cipos <- ci
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