
Defines functions rp.screenresolution rp.control.put rp.control.get rp.widget.put rp.widget.get rp.widget.exists rp.isnull rp.matrix.put rp.var.put rp.var.put.new rp.var.get rp.widget.dispose w.appearancewidget w.createwidget w.layout w.createcontainer w.setbackground w.setforeground w.setfont rp.assign w.assign rp rp.env rp.panelname rp.settings rp.setup .nc .onAttach .onLoad handshakereverse handshake

Documented in rp.control.put rp.screenresolution rp.var.get rp.var.put rp.widget.dispose

# For all queries to do with tcl/tk the best resource is http://wiki.tcl.tk/

handshake <- function(fun, ...) {
# this is a vital function for R and tcltk communication these days as R now 
# gets out of sync with tcltk due to its speed, thus tcltk does not behave 
# properly
  tclvalue  <- NULL
  starttime <- proc.time()
  tclvalue  <- fun(...)
  while (is.null(tclvalue)) Sys.sleep(0.05)

handshakereverse <- function(fun, ...) {
# this is a vital function for R and tcltk communication these days as R now 
# gets out of sync with tcltk due to its speed, thus tcltk does not behave 
# properly
# this is used where no value is returned from the function - ie NULL
  tclvalue  <- 1
  starttime <- proc.time()
  tclvalue  <- fun(...)
  while (!is.null(tclvalue)) Sys.sleep(0.05)

# handshake(.Tcl, 'package require BWidget')
.rpenv <- new.env()

.onLoad <- function(libname, pkgname) {
  assign("counter", 0 , envir=.rpenv)
  assign("getpanel", TRUE, envir=.rpenv)  # get the panel from the environment at the start of a function
  assign("setparent", TRUE, envir=.rpenv) # set the panel.panelname to the deparse-substitute of the panel
#  assign("setpanel", FALSE, envir=.rpenv)  # immediately save the panel back to the environment
  assign("savepanel", FALSE, envir=.rpenv) # save the panel back to the environment at the end of the function

.onAttach <- function(libname, pkgname) {
  packageStartupMessage("Package `rpanel', version 1.1-5: type help(rpanel) for summary information")

.nc <- function()
   assign("counter", .rpenv$counter+1, envir=.rpenv)

rp.setup <- function(getpanel=.rpenv$getpanel, setparent=.rpenv$setparent) {
   # rp.setup <- function(getpanel=.rpenv$getpanel, setparent=.rpenv$setparent,
   # setpanel=.rpenv$setpanel, savepanel=.rpenv$savepanel)
   assign("getpanel",  getpanel,  envir=.rpenv)
   assign("setparent", setparent, envir=.rpenv)
   # assign("setpanel", setpanel, envir=.rpenv)
   assign("savepanel", savepanel, envir=.rpenv)

rp.settings <- function() {
   print(paste("getpanel is ", .rpenv$getpanel))
   print(paste("setparent is ", .rpenv$setparent))
   # print(paste("setpanel is ", .rpenv$setpanel))
   print(paste("savepanel is ", .rpenv$savepanel))

rp.panelname <- function() {
   # this function is retained for backword compatability only
   paste('.rpanel', .nc(), sep="")     

rp.env <- function()

rp <- function()

w.assign <- function(...) {
  params <- list(...)
  for(i in 1:length(params)) { 
    if (!is.null(names(params[i]))) { 
      assign(names(params[i]), params[[i]], .rpenv) 

# Is this function ever used?  It doesn't look right because of deparse(substitute()).

rp.assign <- function(panel, ...) {
  panelname <- deparse(substitute(panel))
  params <- list(...)
  for(i in 1:length(params)) { 
    if (!is.null(names(params[i]))) {
      rp.var.put(panelname, names(params[i]), params[[i]]) 

w.setfont <- function(widget, font)
  if (!is.null(font)) handshake(tkconfigure, widget, font=font)

w.setforeground <- function(widget, foreground)
  if (!is.null(foreground)) handshake(tkconfigure, widget, foreground=foreground)

w.setbackground <- function(widget, background)
  if (!is.null(background)) handshake(tkconfigure, widget, background=background)

w.createcontainer <- function(parent, pos, background, title = NULL, expand = "false", 
                              tkrplottype = FALSE, oneonly = TRUE) {

  # parent can be window, grid, notebooktab
  # place all widgets into a container - a frame
  if (!is.null(title)) {
     if (oneonly)
        container <- handshake(tkwidget, parent$.handle, "labelframe", text = title,
                               borderwidth = 2, padx = 0, pady = 0)
        container <- handshake(tkwidget, parent$.handle, "labelframe", text = title)
  else {

    if (is.list(pos) && (length(pos) > 1) &&
                ((!is.null(pos$width)) || (!is.null(pos$height)))) { 
      if (is.null(pos$width))
        container <- handshake(tkframe, parent$.handle, height = pos$height)
      else if (is.null(pos$height))
        container <- handshake(tkframe, parent$.handle, width = pos$width)
        container <- handshake(tkframe, parent$.handle, width = pos$width,
                                 height = pos$height)

      # 06/08/2012 why done here and below? Is this going to be a problem if used?
      # From http://wiki.tcl.tk/9908
      # The grid geometry manager normally computes how large a master must be to just
      # exactly meet the needs of its slaves, and it sets the requested width and height
      # of the master to these dimensions. This causes geometry information to propagate
      # up through a window hierarchy to a top-level window so that the entire sub-tree
      # sizes itself to fit the needs of the leaf windows. However, the grid propagate
      # command may be used to turn off propagation for one or more masters. If propagation
      # is disabled then grid will not set the requested width and height of the master
      # window. This may be useful if, for example, you wish for a master window to have
      # a fixed size that you specify.

      # handshake(tkgrid.propagate, container, 0)
      pos$width  <- NULL 
      pos$height <- NULL
      # set to null to avoid messing up the next part
      container <- handshake(tkframe, parent$.handle, padx = 0, pady = 0)

  if (!is.null(background)) w.setbackground(container, background)

  # 29/11/13 ppx added to options
  ppx <- if (oneonly) 0 else 2
  ppy <- if (oneonly) 0 else 2
  if ((is.null(pos)) || (length(pos) == 0) )
    handshake(tkpack, container, expand = expand, fill = "both",  padx=ppx, pady=ppy)
  else if (length(pos) == 1)
     handshake(tkpack, container, expand = expand, side = pos[[1]], padx=ppx, pady=ppy)
  else if (is.numeric(pos))
     handshake(tkplace, container,
               x = as.integer(pos[1]), y = as.integer(pos[2]),
               w = as.integer(pos[3]), h = as.integer(pos[4]))
  else {
    # 06/08 what is this? propogate seems to be causing a problem
    #handshake(tkgrid.propagate, container, 0); 
    if (is.null(pos$sticky))     pos$sticky     <- "news"
    if (is.null(pos$rowspan))    pos$rowspan    <- 1
    if (is.null(pos$columnspan)) pos$columnspan <- 1
    handshake(tkgrid, container, row = pos$row, column = pos$column,
              sticky = pos$sticky,
              rowspan = pos$rowspan, columnspan = pos$columnspan,
              ipadx = 1 - as.numeric(tkrplottype),
              ipady = 1 - as.numeric(tkrplottype))

    # 06/08 note that default weights of 1 will not do!  Nor will 0 (ie do not resize)
    if (!is.null(pos$rweight))
      handshake(tkgrid.rowconfigure, parent$.handle, pos$row, weight = pos$rweight)
    if (!is.null(pos$cweight))
      handshake(tkgrid.columnconfigure, parent$.handle, pos$column,
                weight = pos$cweight)


w.layout <- function(widget, container, scr=NULL) {
  # Note - the "in" must be in quotes due to the fact that this is a reserved word in R.
  if (!is.null(scr)) { 
    handshake(tkgrid, widget$.widget, row = 0, column = 0, sticky = "ew",
              "in" = container, rowspan = 1, columnspan = 1) 
    handshake(tkgrid, scr, row=0, column=1, sticky="nws",
              "in" = container, rowspan = 1, columnspan = 1) 
  else { 
    handshake(tkgrid, widget$.widget, row = 0, column = 0, sticky = "ew",
              "in" = container, rowspan = 1, columnspan = 1) 
    # Below was added 21/08/2012 - suspect row configure and column configure 
    # needed to size button to use full size of grid cell.
    # So - sticky may be irrelevant in this w.layout function since this
    # is already handled in the container function.
    # See this address for an explanation
    # http://www.wellho.net/mouth/1335_Expanding-a-grid-Tcl-Tk.html
    if (widget$.type %in% c("button", "slider")) {
       handshake(tkgrid.rowconfigure,    container, 0, weight=1)
       handshake(tkgrid.columnconfigure, container, 0, weight=1)    

w.createwidget <- function(parent, pos = NULL, background = NULL, title = NULL, 
                           expand = "false", tkrplottype = FALSE) {
  widget <- list()
  widget$.handle <- w.createcontainer(parent, pos, background, title, expand, tkrplottype)
  widget$.parent <- parent$.handle

w.appearancewidget <- function(widget, font, foreground, background, scr=NULL) {
  w.setfont(widget$.widget, font)
  w.setforeground(widget$.widget, foreground)
  w.setbackground(widget$.widget, background)
  if ((widget$.type != 'menu') && (widget$.type != 'table')) {
  	# if (is.numeric(widget$pos)) {
  	#   tkplace(widget$.widget, x = widget$pos[1], y = widget$pos[2],
  	#                           w = widget$pos[3], h = widget$pos[4])
  	#   }
  	# else
      w.layout(widget, widget$.handle, scr) 

rp.widget.dispose <- function(panel, name) {

  panelname <- panel$panelname
  widget <- eval(parse(text = paste(panelname, ".", name, sep = "")), envir = .rpenv)
  # widget <- rp.widget.get(panelname, name)
  if (widget$.type == "doublebutton") { 
    handshakereverse(tkdestroy, widget$.text$.widget)
    handshakereverse(tkdestroy, widget$.inc$.widget)
    handshakereverse(tkdestroy, widget$.dec$.widget)
    handshakereverse(tkdestroy, widget$.text$.handle) 
    handshakereverse(tkdestroy, widget$.inc$.handle) 
    handshakereverse(tkdestroy, widget$.dec$.handle) 
    if (widget$.showvalue) { 
      handshakereverse(tkdestroy, widget$.show$.widget) 
      handshakereverse(tkdestroy, widget$.show$.handle) 

  else if (widget$.type == "sliders") {
    for (i in 1:length(widget$.sl)) {
      handshakereverse(tkdestroy, widget$.sl[[i]]$.widget)
      handshakereverse(tkdestroy, widget$.sl[[i]]$.handle)
      if (widget$.showvalue == "widgets") {
        handshakereverse(tkdestroy, widget$.text[[i]]$.widget)
        handshakereverse(tkdestroy, widget$.text[[i]]$.handle)
        handshakereverse(tkdestroy, widget$.show[[i]]$.widget)
        handshakereverse(tkdestroy, widget$.show[[i]]$.handle)
    handshakereverse(tkdestroy, widget$.handle)       

  else if ( (widget$.type == "checkgroup") || (widget$.type == "radiogroup") ) {
    for (i in 1:length(widget$.cb)) {
      handshakereverse(tkdestroy, widget$.cb[[i]]$.widget)
      handshakereverse(tkdestroy, widget$.cb[[i]]$.handle)
    handshakereverse(tkdestroy, widget$.handle)       

  else if (widget$.type == "textentrys") {
    for (i in 1:length(widget$.label)) {
      handshakereverse(tkdestroy, widget$.label[[i]]$.widget)
      handshakereverse(tkdestroy, widget$.label[[i]]$.handle)
      handshakereverse(tkdestroy, widget$.entry[[i]]$.widget)
      handshakereverse(tkdestroy, widget$.entry[[i]]$.handle)
    handshakereverse(tkdestroy, widget$.handle)       

  else if (widget$.type == "combobox") {
    handshakereverse(tkdestroy, widget$.label[[1]]$.widget)
    handshakereverse(tkdestroy, widget$.label[[1]]$.handle)
    handshakereverse(tkdestroy, widget$.combo[[1]]$.widget)
    handshakereverse(tkdestroy, widget$.combo[[1]]$.handle)
    handshakereverse(tkdestroy, widget$.handle)       

  else {
  	# print(ls(.rpenv))
  	# print(get("window1.b1", envir = .rpenv))
  	# tkdestroy.temp <- function(win) {
  	   # tcl("destroy", win)
       # ID <- .Tk.ID(win)
       # print(ID)
       # env <- get("parent", envir = win$env)$env
  	   # print(ls(env))
  	   # print("ID")
       # print(get(ID, envir = env, inherits = FALSE))
       # if (exists(ID, envir = env, inherits = FALSE)) 
           # rm(list = ID, envir = env)
    # }
    handshake(tkbind, panel$.handle, "<Destroy>", function() {})
    assign(panelname, panel, .rpenv)
    handshakereverse(tkdestroy, widget$.widget)
    handshakereverse(tkdestroy, widget$.handle)
    handshake(tkbind, panel$.handle, "<Destroy>", 
       function() {
          if (!exists(panelname, envir = .rpenv)) return(invisible())

   assign(panelname, panel, .rpenv)
  rm(list = paste(panelname, ".", name, sep = ""), envir = .rpenv)


rp.var.get <- function(panelname, name) {
   # note you must send the panelname, not the panel as deparse substitute
   # only works one layer in, not two!
   pnm <- if (is.null(panelname)) "" else paste(panelname, "$", sep = "")
   eval(parse(text = paste(pnm, name, sep = "")), envir = .rpenv)

rp.var.put.new <- function(panel, name, val) {
   assign(paste(panel$panelname, "$", name, sep = ""), val, envir = .rpenv)

rp.var.put <- function(panelname, name, val, labels = NULL) {
   # note you must send the panelname, not the panel as deparse substitute
   # only works one layer in, not two!
   pnm <- paste(panelname, "$", sep = "")
   if ((is.character(val)) && (length(val) == 1))
      eval(parse(text=paste(pnm, name, " <- '", val, "'", sep="")), envir=.rpenv)
   else if ((!is.character(val)) && (length(val) == 1))
      eval(parse(text=paste(pnm, name, " <- ", val, sep="")), envir=.rpenv)
   else if ((is.null(names(val))) && (is.null(labels)))
      eval(parse(text=paste(pnm, name, " <- ", list(val), sep="")), envir=.rpenv) 
   else {
      for (j in 1:length(val)) {
         eval(parse(text=paste(pnm, name, "[", j, "] <- ", val[j], sep="")), envir=.rpenv) 
         if (is.null(labels))
            eval(parse(text=paste("names(", pnm, name,
                 ")[", j, "] <- '", names(val)[j], "'", sep="")), envir=.rpenv) 
            eval(parse(text=paste("names(", pnm, name,
                 ")[", j, "] <- '", labels[j], "'", sep="")), envir=.rpenv)   

rp.matrix.put <- function(panelname, name, val, ncol, nrow) {
  eval(parse(text=paste(panelname, "$", name, " <- matrix(ncol=", ncol, ",nrow=", nrow, ",data=",
             list(val), ")", sep="")), envir=.rpenv) 

rp.isnull <- function(panelname, name) { 
  eval(parse(text=paste("is.null(", panelname, "$", name, ")", sep="")), envir=.rpenv)

rp.widget.exists <- function(panelname, name) { 
  eval(parse(text=paste("exists('", panelname, ".", name, "')", sep="")), envir=.rpenv)

rp.widget.get <- function(panelname, name) {
  eval(parse(text = paste(panelname, ".", name, sep = "")), envir = .rpenv)

rp.widget.put <- function(panelname, name, val) {
  assign(paste(panelname, ".", name, sep=""), val, envir=.rpenv)

rp.control.get <- function(panelname, panel = NULL) {
  if (exists(panelname, envir = .rpenv))
    panel <- eval(parse(text = panelname), envir = .rpenv)
    assign(panelname, panel, envir=.rpenv)

rp.control.put <- function(panelname, panel) {
  assign(panelname, panel, envir=.rpenv)

rp.screenresolution <- function() {
  width <- as.numeric(strsplit(handshake(tclvalue, handshake(tkwm.maxsize, '.'))," ")[[1]])[1]
  height <- as.numeric(strsplit(handshake(tclvalue, handshake(tkwm.maxsize, '.'))," ")[[1]])[2]
  return(list(width=width, height=height))

if(getRversion() >= "2.15.1")
   utils::globalVariables(c("aniso.angle", "aniso.ratio", "band", "case", "case.showing",
                "country", "curve.showing", "data.range", "Display", "display", "display.checks",
                "display.options", "fac.showing", "firth.true", "fitted.showing", "fplot",
                "gulls.image", "gx", "gy", "Influence", "intercept", "key", "lambda", "location",
                "model11", "model12", "model01", "model02", "model13", "model14", "model03",
                "model04", "mururoa.true", "n", "ngrid", "npts", "Nugget", "pars", "phi",
                "plot1", "plot1a", "plot2", "points.only", "prob", "prop", "pSill",
                "random.alignment", "Range", "ranges", "savepanel", "slope", "sp.type", "ssize",
                "stan", "str.type", "stype", "theta", "trend.setting", "tsb", "tsw",
                "var1", "var2", "var3", "vgm.checks", "year.ind", ".make.tkindex", ".my.tkdev",
                "scaling", "e.sim", "nsim", "gdp", "co2.emissions", "population", "life.expectancy",
                "CofE", "rodent", "poisons", "gullweight", "river", "luthor", "aircond", "Clyde", "SO2",
                "tkrreplot", "tkrplot", "ttl", "model0.check", "model.check", "..density..",
                "df0", "df1", "dgrid", "p.value"))

Try the rpanel package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

rpanel documentation built on Feb. 16, 2023, 10:37 p.m.