# For all queries to do with tcl/tk the best resource is
handshake <- function(fun, ...) {
# this is a vital function for R and tcltk communication these days as R now
# gets out of sync with tcltk due to its speed, thus tcltk does not behave
# properly
tclvalue <- NULL
starttime <- proc.time()
tclvalue <- fun(...)
while (is.null(tclvalue)) Sys.sleep(0.05)
handshakereverse <- function(fun, ...) {
# this is a vital function for R and tcltk communication these days as R now
# gets out of sync with tcltk due to its speed, thus tcltk does not behave
# properly
# this is used where no value is returned from the function - ie NULL
tclvalue <- 1
starttime <- proc.time()
tclvalue <- fun(...)
while (!is.null(tclvalue)) Sys.sleep(0.05)
# handshake(.Tcl, 'package require BWidget')
.rpenv <- new.env()
.onLoad <- function(libname, pkgname) {
assign("counter", 0 , envir=.rpenv)
assign("getpanel", TRUE, envir=.rpenv) # get the panel from the environment at the start of a function
assign("setparent", TRUE, envir=.rpenv) # set the panel.panelname to the deparse-substitute of the panel
# assign("setpanel", FALSE, envir=.rpenv) # immediately save the panel back to the environment
assign("savepanel", FALSE, envir=.rpenv) # save the panel back to the environment at the end of the function
.onAttach <- function(libname, pkgname) {
packageStartupMessage("Package `rpanel', version 1.1-5: type help(rpanel) for summary information")
.nc <- function()
assign("counter", .rpenv$counter+1, envir=.rpenv)
rp.setup <- function(getpanel=.rpenv$getpanel, setparent=.rpenv$setparent) {
# rp.setup <- function(getpanel=.rpenv$getpanel, setparent=.rpenv$setparent,
# setpanel=.rpenv$setpanel, savepanel=.rpenv$savepanel)
assign("getpanel", getpanel, envir=.rpenv)
assign("setparent", setparent, envir=.rpenv)
# assign("setpanel", setpanel, envir=.rpenv)
assign("savepanel", savepanel, envir=.rpenv)
rp.settings <- function() {
print(paste("getpanel is ", .rpenv$getpanel))
print(paste("setparent is ", .rpenv$setparent))
# print(paste("setpanel is ", .rpenv$setpanel))
print(paste("savepanel is ", .rpenv$savepanel))
rp.panelname <- function() {
# this function is retained for backword compatability only
paste('.rpanel', .nc(), sep="")
rp.env <- function()
rp <- function()
w.assign <- function(...) {
params <- list(...)
for(i in 1:length(params)) {
if (!is.null(names(params[i]))) {
assign(names(params[i]), params[[i]], .rpenv)
# Is this function ever used? It doesn't look right because of deparse(substitute()).
rp.assign <- function(panel, ...) {
panelname <- deparse(substitute(panel))
params <- list(...)
for(i in 1:length(params)) {
if (!is.null(names(params[i]))) {
rp.var.put(panelname, names(params[i]), params[[i]])
w.setfont <- function(widget, font)
if (!is.null(font)) handshake(tkconfigure, widget, font=font)
w.setforeground <- function(widget, foreground)
if (!is.null(foreground)) handshake(tkconfigure, widget, foreground=foreground)
w.setbackground <- function(widget, background)
if (!is.null(background)) handshake(tkconfigure, widget, background=background)
w.createcontainer <- function(parent, pos, background, title = NULL, expand = "false",
tkrplottype = FALSE, oneonly = TRUE) {
# parent can be window, grid, notebooktab
# place all widgets into a container - a frame
if (!is.null(title)) {
if (oneonly)
container <- handshake(tkwidget, parent$.handle, "labelframe", text = title,
borderwidth = 2, padx = 0, pady = 0)
container <- handshake(tkwidget, parent$.handle, "labelframe", text = title)
else {
if (is.list(pos) && (length(pos) > 1) &&
((!is.null(pos$width)) || (!is.null(pos$height)))) {
if (is.null(pos$width))
container <- handshake(tkframe, parent$.handle, height = pos$height)
else if (is.null(pos$height))
container <- handshake(tkframe, parent$.handle, width = pos$width)
container <- handshake(tkframe, parent$.handle, width = pos$width,
height = pos$height)
# 06/08/2012 why done here and below? Is this going to be a problem if used?
# From
# The grid geometry manager normally computes how large a master must be to just
# exactly meet the needs of its slaves, and it sets the requested width and height
# of the master to these dimensions. This causes geometry information to propagate
# up through a window hierarchy to a top-level window so that the entire sub-tree
# sizes itself to fit the needs of the leaf windows. However, the grid propagate
# command may be used to turn off propagation for one or more masters. If propagation
# is disabled then grid will not set the requested width and height of the master
# window. This may be useful if, for example, you wish for a master window to have
# a fixed size that you specify.
# handshake(tkgrid.propagate, container, 0)
pos$width <- NULL
pos$height <- NULL
# set to null to avoid messing up the next part
container <- handshake(tkframe, parent$.handle, padx = 0, pady = 0)
if (!is.null(background)) w.setbackground(container, background)
# 29/11/13 ppx added to options
ppx <- if (oneonly) 0 else 2
ppy <- if (oneonly) 0 else 2
if ((is.null(pos)) || (length(pos) == 0) )
handshake(tkpack, container, expand = expand, fill = "both", padx=ppx, pady=ppy)
else if (length(pos) == 1)
handshake(tkpack, container, expand = expand, side = pos[[1]], padx=ppx, pady=ppy)
else if (is.numeric(pos))
handshake(tkplace, container,
x = as.integer(pos[1]), y = as.integer(pos[2]),
w = as.integer(pos[3]), h = as.integer(pos[4]))
else {
# 06/08 what is this? propogate seems to be causing a problem
#handshake(tkgrid.propagate, container, 0);
if (is.null(pos$sticky)) pos$sticky <- "news"
if (is.null(pos$rowspan)) pos$rowspan <- 1
if (is.null(pos$columnspan)) pos$columnspan <- 1
handshake(tkgrid, container, row = pos$row, column = pos$column,
sticky = pos$sticky,
rowspan = pos$rowspan, columnspan = pos$columnspan,
ipadx = 1 - as.numeric(tkrplottype),
ipady = 1 - as.numeric(tkrplottype))
# 06/08 note that default weights of 1 will not do! Nor will 0 (ie do not resize)
if (!is.null(pos$rweight))
handshake(tkgrid.rowconfigure, parent$.handle, pos$row, weight = pos$rweight)
if (!is.null(pos$cweight))
handshake(tkgrid.columnconfigure, parent$.handle, pos$column,
weight = pos$cweight)
w.layout <- function(widget, container, scr=NULL) {
# Note - the "in" must be in quotes due to the fact that this is a reserved word in R.
if (!is.null(scr)) {
handshake(tkgrid, widget$.widget, row = 0, column = 0, sticky = "ew",
"in" = container, rowspan = 1, columnspan = 1)
handshake(tkgrid, scr, row=0, column=1, sticky="nws",
"in" = container, rowspan = 1, columnspan = 1)
else {
handshake(tkgrid, widget$.widget, row = 0, column = 0, sticky = "ew",
"in" = container, rowspan = 1, columnspan = 1)
# Below was added 21/08/2012 - suspect row configure and column configure
# needed to size button to use full size of grid cell.
# So - sticky may be irrelevant in this w.layout function since this
# is already handled in the container function.
# See this address for an explanation
if (widget$.type %in% c("button", "slider")) {
handshake(tkgrid.rowconfigure, container, 0, weight=1)
handshake(tkgrid.columnconfigure, container, 0, weight=1)
w.createwidget <- function(parent, pos = NULL, background = NULL, title = NULL,
expand = "false", tkrplottype = FALSE) {
widget <- list()
widget$.handle <- w.createcontainer(parent, pos, background, title, expand, tkrplottype)
widget$.parent <- parent$.handle
w.appearancewidget <- function(widget, font, foreground, background, scr=NULL) {
w.setfont(widget$.widget, font)
w.setforeground(widget$.widget, foreground)
w.setbackground(widget$.widget, background)
if ((widget$.type != 'menu') && (widget$.type != 'table')) {
# if (is.numeric(widget$pos)) {
# tkplace(widget$.widget, x = widget$pos[1], y = widget$pos[2],
# w = widget$pos[3], h = widget$pos[4])
# }
# else
w.layout(widget, widget$.handle, scr)
rp.widget.dispose <- function(panel, name) {
panelname <- panel$panelname
widget <- eval(parse(text = paste(panelname, ".", name, sep = "")), envir = .rpenv)
# widget <- rp.widget.get(panelname, name)
if (widget$.type == "doublebutton") {
handshakereverse(tkdestroy, widget$.text$.widget)
handshakereverse(tkdestroy, widget$.inc$.widget)
handshakereverse(tkdestroy, widget$.dec$.widget)
handshakereverse(tkdestroy, widget$.text$.handle)
handshakereverse(tkdestroy, widget$.inc$.handle)
handshakereverse(tkdestroy, widget$.dec$.handle)
if (widget$.showvalue) {
handshakereverse(tkdestroy, widget$.show$.widget)
handshakereverse(tkdestroy, widget$.show$.handle)
else if (widget$.type == "sliders") {
for (i in 1:length(widget$.sl)) {
handshakereverse(tkdestroy, widget$.sl[[i]]$.widget)
handshakereverse(tkdestroy, widget$.sl[[i]]$.handle)
if (widget$.showvalue == "widgets") {
handshakereverse(tkdestroy, widget$.text[[i]]$.widget)
handshakereverse(tkdestroy, widget$.text[[i]]$.handle)
handshakereverse(tkdestroy, widget$.show[[i]]$.widget)
handshakereverse(tkdestroy, widget$.show[[i]]$.handle)
handshakereverse(tkdestroy, widget$.handle)
else if ( (widget$.type == "checkgroup") || (widget$.type == "radiogroup") ) {
for (i in 1:length(widget$.cb)) {
handshakereverse(tkdestroy, widget$.cb[[i]]$.widget)
handshakereverse(tkdestroy, widget$.cb[[i]]$.handle)
handshakereverse(tkdestroy, widget$.handle)
else if (widget$.type == "textentrys") {
for (i in 1:length(widget$.label)) {
handshakereverse(tkdestroy, widget$.label[[i]]$.widget)
handshakereverse(tkdestroy, widget$.label[[i]]$.handle)
handshakereverse(tkdestroy, widget$.entry[[i]]$.widget)
handshakereverse(tkdestroy, widget$.entry[[i]]$.handle)
handshakereverse(tkdestroy, widget$.handle)
else if (widget$.type == "combobox") {
handshakereverse(tkdestroy, widget$.label[[1]]$.widget)
handshakereverse(tkdestroy, widget$.label[[1]]$.handle)
handshakereverse(tkdestroy, widget$.combo[[1]]$.widget)
handshakereverse(tkdestroy, widget$.combo[[1]]$.handle)
handshakereverse(tkdestroy, widget$.handle)
else {
# print(ls(.rpenv))
# print(get("window1.b1", envir = .rpenv))
# tkdestroy.temp <- function(win) {
# tcl("destroy", win)
# ID <- .Tk.ID(win)
# print(ID)
# env <- get("parent", envir = win$env)$env
# print(ls(env))
# print("ID")
# print(get(ID, envir = env, inherits = FALSE))
# if (exists(ID, envir = env, inherits = FALSE))
# rm(list = ID, envir = env)
# }
handshake(tkbind, panel$.handle, "<Destroy>", function() {})
assign(panelname, panel, .rpenv)
handshakereverse(tkdestroy, widget$.widget)
handshakereverse(tkdestroy, widget$.handle)
handshake(tkbind, panel$.handle, "<Destroy>",
function() {
if (!exists(panelname, envir = .rpenv)) return(invisible())
assign(panelname, panel, .rpenv)
rm(list = paste(panelname, ".", name, sep = ""), envir = .rpenv)
rp.var.get <- function(panelname, name) {
# note you must send the panelname, not the panel as deparse substitute
# only works one layer in, not two!
pnm <- if (is.null(panelname)) "" else paste(panelname, "$", sep = "")
eval(parse(text = paste(pnm, name, sep = "")), envir = .rpenv)
} <- function(panel, name, val) {
assign(paste(panel$panelname, "$", name, sep = ""), val, envir = .rpenv)
rp.var.put <- function(panelname, name, val, labels = NULL) {
# note you must send the panelname, not the panel as deparse substitute
# only works one layer in, not two!
pnm <- paste(panelname, "$", sep = "")
if ((is.character(val)) && (length(val) == 1))
eval(parse(text=paste(pnm, name, " <- '", val, "'", sep="")), envir=.rpenv)
else if ((!is.character(val)) && (length(val) == 1))
eval(parse(text=paste(pnm, name, " <- ", val, sep="")), envir=.rpenv)
else if ((is.null(names(val))) && (is.null(labels)))
eval(parse(text=paste(pnm, name, " <- ", list(val), sep="")), envir=.rpenv)
else {
for (j in 1:length(val)) {
eval(parse(text=paste(pnm, name, "[", j, "] <- ", val[j], sep="")), envir=.rpenv)
if (is.null(labels))
eval(parse(text=paste("names(", pnm, name,
")[", j, "] <- '", names(val)[j], "'", sep="")), envir=.rpenv)
eval(parse(text=paste("names(", pnm, name,
")[", j, "] <- '", labels[j], "'", sep="")), envir=.rpenv)
rp.matrix.put <- function(panelname, name, val, ncol, nrow) {
eval(parse(text=paste(panelname, "$", name, " <- matrix(ncol=", ncol, ",nrow=", nrow, ",data=",
list(val), ")", sep="")), envir=.rpenv)
rp.isnull <- function(panelname, name) {
eval(parse(text=paste("is.null(", panelname, "$", name, ")", sep="")), envir=.rpenv)
rp.widget.exists <- function(panelname, name) {
eval(parse(text=paste("exists('", panelname, ".", name, "')", sep="")), envir=.rpenv)
rp.widget.get <- function(panelname, name) {
eval(parse(text = paste(panelname, ".", name, sep = "")), envir = .rpenv)
rp.widget.put <- function(panelname, name, val) {
assign(paste(panelname, ".", name, sep=""), val, envir=.rpenv)
rp.control.get <- function(panelname, panel = NULL) {
if (exists(panelname, envir = .rpenv))
panel <- eval(parse(text = panelname), envir = .rpenv)
assign(panelname, panel, envir=.rpenv)
rp.control.put <- function(panelname, panel) {
assign(panelname, panel, envir=.rpenv)
rp.screenresolution <- function() {
width <- as.numeric(strsplit(handshake(tclvalue, handshake(tkwm.maxsize, '.'))," ")[[1]])[1]
height <- as.numeric(strsplit(handshake(tclvalue, handshake(tkwm.maxsize, '.'))," ")[[1]])[2]
return(list(width=width, height=height))
if(getRversion() >= "2.15.1")
utils::globalVariables(c("aniso.angle", "aniso.ratio", "band", "case", "case.showing",
"country", "curve.showing", "data.range", "Display", "display", "display.checks",
"display.options", "fac.showing", "firth.true", "fitted.showing", "fplot",
"gulls.image", "gx", "gy", "Influence", "intercept", "key", "lambda", "location",
"model11", "model12", "model01", "model02", "model13", "model14", "model03",
"model04", "mururoa.true", "n", "ngrid", "npts", "Nugget", "pars", "phi",
"plot1", "plot1a", "plot2", "points.only", "prob", "prop", "pSill",
"random.alignment", "Range", "ranges", "savepanel", "slope", "sp.type", "ssize",
"stan", "str.type", "stype", "theta", "trend.setting", "tsb", "tsw",
"var1", "var2", "var3", "vgm.checks", "year.ind", ".make.tkindex", ".my.tkdev",
"scaling", "e.sim", "nsim", "gdp", "co2.emissions", "population", "life.expectancy",
"CofE", "rodent", "poisons", "gullweight", "river", "luthor", "aircond", "Clyde", "SO2",
"tkrreplot", "tkrplot", "ttl", "model0.check", "model.check", "..density..",
"df0", "df1", "dgrid", "p.value"))
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