
Defines functions projectMCD projectAO unimcd outl extradir PcaHubert.default

Documented in PcaHubert.default

##setGeneric("PcaHubert", function(x, ...) standardGeneric("PcaHubert"))
##setMethod("PcaHubert", "formula", PcaHubert.formula)
##setMethod("PcaHubert", "ANY", PcaHubert.default)

setMethod("getQuan", "PcaHubert", function(obj) obj@quan)

##  The S3 version
PcaHubert <- function (x, ...) UseMethod("PcaHubert")

PcaHubert.formula <- function (formula, data = NULL, subset, na.action, ...)
    cl <- match.call()

    mt <- terms(formula, data = data)
    if (attr(mt, "response") > 0)
        stop("response not allowed in formula")
    mf <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
    mf$... <- NULL
    mf[[1]] <- as.name("model.frame")
    mf <- eval.parent(mf)
    ## this is not a `standard' model-fitting function,
    ## so no need to consider contrasts or levels
    if (.check_vars_numeric(mf))
        stop("PCA applies only to numerical variables")

    na.act <- attr(mf, "na.action")
    mt <- attr(mf, "terms")
    attr(mt, "intercept") <- 0
    x <- model.matrix(mt, mf)

    res <- PcaHubert.default(x, ...)

    ## fix up call to refer to the generic, but leave arg name as `formula'
    cl[[1]] <- as.name("PcaHubert")
    res@call <- cl

#    if (!is.null(na.act)) {
#        res$na.action <- na.act
#        if (!is.null(sc <- res$x))
#            res$x <- napredict(na.act, sc)
#    }


PcaHubert.default <- function(x, k=0, kmax=10, alpha=0.75, mcd=TRUE, skew=FALSE, maxdir=250,
    scale=FALSE, signflip=TRUE, crit.pca.distances=0.975, trace=FALSE, ...)
## k    -   Number of principal components to compute. If \code{k} is missing,
##              or \code{k = 0}, the algorithm itself will determine the number of
##              components by finding such \code{k} that \code{l_k/l_1 >= 10.E-3} and
##              \code{sum_1:k l_j/sum_1:r l_j >= 0.8}. It is preferable to
##              investigate the scree plot in order to choose the number
##              of components and the run again. Default is \code{k=0}.
## kmax -   Maximal number of principal components to compute Default is \code{kmax=10}.
##              If \code{k} is provided, \code{kmax} does not need to be specified,
##              unless \code{k} is larger than 10.
## alpha    This parameter measures the fraction of outliers the algorithm should
##              resist. In MCD alpha controls the size of the subsets over which the determinant
##              is minimized, i.e. alpha*n observations are used for computing the determinant.
##              Allowed values are between 0.5 and 1 and the default is 0.5.
## mcd  -   Logical - when the number of variables is sufficiently small,
##              the loadings are computed as the eigenvectors of the MCD covariance matrix,
##              hence the function \code{\link{CovMcd}()} is automatically called. The number of
##              principal components is then taken as k = rank(x). Default is \code{mcd=TRUE}.
##              If \code{mcd=FALSE}, the ROBPCA algorithm is always applied.
## trace    whether to print intermediate results. Default is \code{trace = FALSE}}

##  Example:
##  data(hbk)
##  pca <- PcaHubert(hbk)

## The value returned by 'PcaHubert' is an S4 object containing the following slots:
## loadings     -   Robust loadings (eigenvectors)
## eigenvalues  -   Robust eigenvalues
## center       -   Robust center of the data
## scores       -   Robust scores
## k            -   Number of (chosen) principal components
## quan         -   The quantile h used throughout the algorithm
## sd           -   Robust score distances within the robust PCA subspace
## od           -   Orthogonal distances to the robust PCA subspace
## cutoff       -   Cutoff values for the robust score and orthogonal distances
## flag         -   The observations whose score distance is larger than result.cutoff.sd
##                  or whose orthogonal distance is larger than result$cutoff$od
##                  can be considered as outliers and receive a flag equal to zero.
##                  The regular observations receive a flag 1.

## This implementation followes closely the Matlab implementation, available as part of 'LIBRA,
##  a Matlab Library for Robust Analysis':
##      www.wis.kuleuven.ac.be/stat/robust.html

    cl <- match.call()

        stop("You have to provide at least some data")

    data <- as.matrix(x)
    n <- nrow(data)
    p <- ncol(data)

    ## ___Step 1___: Reduce the data space to the affine subspace spanned by the n observations
    ##  Apply svd() to the mean-centered data matrix. If n > p we use the kernel approach -
    ##  the decomposition is based on computing the eignevalues and eigenvectors of(X-m)(X-m)'

    Xsvd <- .classPC(data, scale=scale, signflip=signflip, scores=TRUE)

    if(Xsvd$rank == 0)
        stop("All data points collapse!")

    myrank <- Xsvd$rank

    ## VT::27.08.2010: introduce 'scale' parameter; return the scale in the value object
    myscale = if(is.logical(scale) && !scale) vector('numeric', p) + 1 else  Xsvd$scale

    ## verify and set the input parameters: alpha, k and kmax
    ## determine h based on alpha and kmax, using the function h.alpha.n()

    ## VT::06.11.2012 - kmax <= floor(n/2) is too restrictive
    ##    kmax <- max(min(floor(kmax), floor(n/2), Xsvd$rank),1)
    kmax <- max(min(floor(kmax), Xsvd$rank),1)

    if((k <- floor(k)) < 0)
        k <- 0
    else if(k > kmax) {
        warning(paste("The number of principal components k = ", k, " is larger then kmax = ", kmax, "; k is set to ", kmax,".", sep=""))
        k <- kmax

        default.alpha <- alpha
        h <- min(h.alpha.n(alpha, n, kmax), n)
        alpha <- h/n
        if(k == 0) {
            if(h < floor((n+kmax+1)/2)) {
                h <- floor((n+kmax+1)/2)
                alpha <- h/n
                warning(paste("h should be larger than (n+kmax+1)/2. It is set to its minimum value ", h, ".", sep=""))
        else {

            if(h < floor((n+k+1)/2)) {
                h <- floor((n+k+1)/2)
                alpha <- h/n
                warning(paste("h should be larger than (n+k+1)/2. It is set to its minimum value ", h, ".", sep=""))
        if(h > n) {

            alpha <- default.alpha
            if(k == 0)
                h <- h.alpha.n(alpha, n, kmax)
                h <- h.alpha.n(alpha, n, k)
            warning(paste("h should be smaller than n = ", n, ". It is set to its default value ", h, ".", sep=""))

        if(alpha < 0.5 | alpha > 1)
            stop("Alpha is out of range: should be between 1/2 and 1")

        if(k == 0)
            h <- h.alpha.n(alpha, n, kmax)
            h <- h.alpha.n(alpha, n, k)

    X <- Xsvd$scores
    center <- Xsvd$center
    rot <- Xsvd$loadings

    ## ___Step 2___: Either calculate the standard PCA on the MCD covariance matrix (p<<n)
    ##  or apply the ROBPCA algorithm. If mcd=FALSE, allways apply ROBPCA.
    if(mcd && skew)
        warning("The adjusted outlyingness algorithm for skewed data (skew=TRUE) cannot be applied with the MCD option (mcd=TRUE): 'mcd=FALSE' will be used.")
        mcd <- FALSE

    if(ncol(X) <= min(floor(n/5), kmax) && mcd)    # p << n => apply MCD
            cat("\nApplying MCD.\n")

        X.mcd <- CovMcd(as.data.frame(X), alpha=alpha)
        X.mcd.svd <- svd(getCov(X.mcd))

        rank <- ncol(X)     ## The covariance matrix is not singular
        ev <- X.mcd.svd$d

            cat("\nEigenvalues of S0: ", ev, "\nTotal variance: ", sum(ev),
                "\nExplained variance: ", cumsum(ev)/sum(ev), "\n")

        ## VT::08.10.2021 - fix the explained variance in case when k < p.
        ##  these will be shown in summary()
        eig0 <- ev
        totvar0 <- sum(ev)
        Hsubsets0 <- c()

        ## VT::11.28.2015: Choose the number of components k (if not specified)
        ## Use the test l_k/l_1 >= 10.E-3, i.e. the ratio of
        ## the k-th eigenvalue to the first eigenvalue (sorted decreasingly) is larger than
        ## 10.E/3 and the fraction of the cumulative dispersion is larger or equal 80%
        if(k != 0)
            k <- min(k, ncol(X))
            test <- which(ev/ev[1] <= 1.E-3)
            k <- if(length(test) != 0)  min(min(rank, test[1]), kmax)
                 else                   min(rank, kmax)

            cumulative <- cumsum(ev[1:k])/sum(ev)
            if(cumulative[k] > 0.8) {
                k <- which(cumulative >= 0.8)[1]

                cat("\n k, kmax, rank, p: ", k, kmax, rank, p, "\n")
                cat("The number of principal components is defined by the algorithm. It is set to ", k,".\n", sep="")

        scores <- (X - matrix(rep(getCenter(X.mcd), times=nrow(X)), nrow=nrow(X), byrow=TRUE)) %*% X.mcd.svd$u

        ##  VT::19.08.2016: we need also to rescale back the MCD center,
        ##  before adding it to the original center
##        center <- as.vector(center + getCenter(X.mcd) %*% t(rot))
        center <- as.vector(center + sweep(getCenter(X.mcd) %*% t(rot), 2, myscale, "*"))

        eigenvalues <- X.mcd.svd$d[1:k]
        loadings <- Xsvd$loadings %*% X.mcd.svd$u[,1:k]
        scores <- as.matrix(scores[,1:k])
        if(is.list(dimnames(data)) && !is.null(dimnames(data)[[1]]))
            dimnames(scores)[[1]] <- dimnames(data)[[1]]
        } else {
            dimnames(scores)[[1]] <- 1:n
        dimnames(loadings) <- list(colnames(data), paste("PC", seq_len(ncol(loadings)), sep = ""))
        dimnames(scores)[[2]] <- as.list(paste("PC", seq_len(ncol(scores)), sep = ""))

        res <- new("PcaHubert",call=cl,
    else                                        # p > n or mcd=FALSE => apply the ROBPCA algorithm
            cat("\nApplying the projection method of Hubert: skew=", skew, "\n")

        ## VT::28.07.2020 - add adjusted for skewed data mode
        ##  1) in 'skew' mode instead of the SD outlyingness, calculated
        ##      the adjusted outlyingness, using robustbase
        ##      function adjOutlyingness()
        outl <- if(skew) adjOutlyingness(X, ndir=maxdir, alpha.cutoff=alpha, mcfun=mcVT)$adjout
                else     outl(X, maxdir=maxdir, h=h)
##      We could use adjOutlyingness() with clower=0 and cupper=0 to compute
##      the SD outlyingness, will be a bit faster. But the result is slightly
##      different, I have not invetigate further - adjOutlyingness() generates
##      maxdir p-samples while outl() gets all directions through two points.
##                else     adjOutlyingness(X, ndir=maxdir, alpha.cutoff=alpha, clower=0, cupper=0)$adjout

        H0 <- order(outl)                       # index of the observations ordered by (increasing) outlyingness
        Xh <- X[H0[1:h],,drop=FALSE]            # the h data points with smallest outlyingness.
                                                # VT::24.04.2020 Keep Xh as a matrix (drop=FALSE), otherwise .classPC will not work.
        Xh.svd <- .classPC(Xh)
        kmax <- min(Xh.svd$rank, kmax)
            cat("\nEigenvalues of S0: ", Xh.svd$eigenvalues, "\nTotal variance: ", sum(Xh.svd$eigenvalues),
                "\nExplained variance: ", cumsum(Xh.svd$eigenvalues)/sum(Xh.svd$eigenvalues), "\n")

        ## VT::08.10.2021 - fix the explained variance in case when k < p.
        ##  these will be shown in summary()
        eig0 <- Xh.svd$eigenvalues
        totvar0 <- sum(Xh.svd$eigenvalues)
        Hsubsets0 <- H0[1:h]

        ## Find the number of PC 'k'
        ## Use the test l_k/l_1 >= 10.E-3, i.e. the ratio of
        ## the k-th eigenvalue to the first eigenvalue (sorted decreasingly) is larger than
        ## 10.E/3 and the fraction of the cumulative dispersion is larger or equal 80%
        if(k == 0)
            test <- which(Xh.svd$eigenvalues/Xh.svd$eigenvalues[1] <= 1.E-3)
            k <- if(length(test) != 0)  min(min(Xh.svd$rank, test[1]), kmax)
                 else                   min(Xh.svd$rank, kmax)

            cumulative <- cumsum(Xh.svd$eigenvalues[1:k])/sum(Xh.svd$eigenvalues)
            if(cumulative[k] > 0.8) {
                k <- which(cumulative >= 0.8)[1]
                cat(paste("The number of principal components is set by the algorithm. It is set to ", k, ".\n", sep=""))

            cat("\nXsvd$rank, Xh.svd$rank, k and kmax: ", Xsvd$rank, Xh.svd$rank, k, kmax,"\n")

        ## perform extra reweighting step
        if(k != Xsvd$rank)
                cat("\nPerform extra reweighting step (k != rank)", k)
            ## VT::27.08.2010 - bug report from Stephen Milborrow: if n is small relative to p
            ## k can be < Xsvd$rank but larger than Xh.svd$rank - the number of observations in
            ## Xh.svd is roughly half of these in Xsvd
            k <- min(Xh.svd$rank, k)

            XRc <- X - matrix(rep(Xh.svd$center, times=n), nrow=n, byrow=TRUE)

            Xtilde <- XRc %*% Xh.svd$loadings[,1:k] %*% t(Xh.svd$loadings[,1:k])
            Rdiff <- XRc - Xtilde
            odh <- apply(Rdiff, 1, vecnorm)

            ##  VT::28.07.2020 - replace the calculation of the cutoff for od
            ##      by a call to .crit.od().
            ##      2) In adjusted for skewed data mode replace the cutoff for
            ##      the orthogonal distances.
            ##            umcd <- unimcd(odh^(2/3), h)
            ##            cutoffodh <- sqrt(qnorm(0.975, umcd$tmcd, umcd$smcd)^3)
            cutoffodh <- .crit.od(odh, crit=0.975, method=ifelse(skew, "skewed", "umcd"), quan=h)
            indexset <- (odh <= cutoffodh)

                cat("\nCutoff for the orthogonal distances:\n.........: ", cutoffodh)
                cat("\numcd.....: ", .crit.od(odh, method="umcd", quan=h), "\n")
                cat("\nmedmad...: ", .crit.od(odh), "\n")
                cat("\nskewed...: ", .crit.od(odh, method="skewed"), "\n")
                cat("\nclassic..: ", .crit.od(odh, method="classic"), "\n")

            Xh.svd <- .classPC(X[indexset,])
            k <- min(Xh.svd$rank, k)
                cat("\nPerform extra reweighting step (k != rank)", k, "...Ready.")

        ## Project the data points on the subspace spanned by the first k0 eigenvectors

        ##  VT::19.08.2016: we need also to rescale back the MCD center,
        ##  before adding it to the original center
##        center <- center + Xh.svd$center %*% t(rot)
        center <- center + sweep(Xh.svd$center %*% t(rot), 2, myscale, "*")
        rot <- rot %*% Xh.svd$loadings
        X2 <- (X - matrix(rep(Xh.svd$center, times=n), nrow=n, byrow=TRUE)) %*% Xh.svd$loadings

        X2 <- as.matrix(X2[ ,1:k])
        rot <- as.matrix(rot[ ,1:k])

        ##  VT::28.07.2020 -  - add adjusted for skewed data mode
        ##      3) Adjusted mode for skewed data: Instead of applying the reweighted
        ##      MCD estimator, we calculate the adjusted outlyingness in the
        ##      k-dimensional subspace V_1 and compute the mean and covariance
        ##      matrix of the h points with the lowest adjusted outlyingness.
        outproj <- if(skew) projectAO(X2, k=k, alpha=alpha, h=h, rot=rot, center=center, scale=myscale, maxdir=maxdir, trace=trace)
                   else projectMCD(X2, ev=Xh.svd$eigenvalues, k=k, alpha=alpha, h=h, niter=100, rot=rot, center=center, scale=myscale, trace=trace)

        center <- outproj$center
        eigenvalues <- outproj$eigenvalues
        loadings <- outproj$loadings
        scores <- outproj$scores

        if(is.list(dimnames(data)) && !is.null(dimnames(data)[[1]]))
            dimnames(scores)[[1]] <- dimnames(data)[[1]]
        } else {
            dimnames(scores)[[1]] <- 1:n
        dimnames(loadings) <- list(colnames(data), paste("PC", seq_len(ncol(loadings)), sep = ""))
        dimnames(scores)[[2]] <- as.list(paste("PC", seq_len(ncol(scores)), sep = ""))

        res <- new("PcaHubert",call=cl,


    cl[[1]] <- as.name("PcaHubert")
    res@call <- cl

    ## Compute distances and flags
    res <- pca.distances(res, data, Xsvd$rank, crit.pca.distances)

##  Returns 'ndirect' (random) directions through the data -
##      each through a pair of (randomly choosen) data points.
##  If all=TRUE all possible directions (all possible pairs of points)
##      are returned.
extradir <- function(data, ndirect, all=TRUE){
    if(all)                             # generate all possible directions (all pairs of n points)
        cc <- combn(nrow(data), 2)
        B2 <- data[cc[1,],] - data[cc[2,],]
    else {                              # generate 'ndirect' random directions
                uniran <- function(seed = 0){
                    list(seed=seed, random=random)

                ##  Draws a random subsubsample of k objects out of n.
                ##  This function is called if not all (p+1)-subsets
                ##  out of n will be considered.
                randomset <- function(n, k, seed){
                    ranset <- vector(mode="numeric", length=k)
                    for(j in 1:k){
                        r <- uniran(seed)
                        seed <- r$seed
                        num <- floor(r$random * n) + 1

                        if(j > 1){
                            while(any(ranset == num)){
                                r <- uniran(seed)
                                seed <- r$seed
                                num <- floor(r$random * n) + 1

                        ranset[j] <- num
                    ans$seed <- seed
                    ans$ranset <- ranset

                n <- nrow(data)
                p <- ncol(data)
                r <- 1
                B2 <- matrix(0,ndirect, p)
                seed <- 0
                while(r <= ndirect) {
                    sseed <- randomset(n, 2, seed)
                    seed  <- sseed$seed
                    B2[r,] <- data[sseed$ranset[1], ] - data[sseed$ranset[2],]
                    r <- r + 1
        } else
                B2 <- matrix(0,ndirect, ncol(data))
                for(r in 1:ndirect) {
                    smpl <- sample(1:nrow(data), 2)                 # choose a random pair of points
                    B2[r,] <- data[smpl[1], ] - data[smpl[2], ]     # calculate the random direction based on these points


outl <- function(X, maxdir=250, h)
        X <- as.matrix(X)
    n <- nrow(X)
    p <- ncol(X)

    ##  For each direction 'v' through 2 data points we project the n data points xi on v
    ##  and compute their robustly standardized absolute residual
    ##  |xi'v - tmcd(xj'v|/smcd(xj'v)
    alldir <- choose(n, 2)                  # all possible directions through two data points - n*(n-1)/2
    ndir <- min(maxdir, alldir)             # not more than maxdir (250)
    all <- (ndir == alldir)                 # all directions if n small enough (say n < 25)
    B <- extradir(X, ndir, all=all)         # the rows of B[ndir, ncol(X)] are the (random) directions

    Bnorm <- vector(mode="numeric", length=nrow(B))     # ndir x 1
    Bnorm <- apply(B, 1, vecnorm)               #
    Bnormr <- Bnorm[Bnorm > 1.E-12]         # choose only the nonzero length vectors
    m <- length(Bnormr)                     # the number of directions that will be used
    B <- B[Bnorm > 1.E-12,]                 # B[m x ncol(X)]
    A <- diag(1/Bnormr) %*% B               # A[m x ncol(X)]

    Y <- X %*% t(A)                         # n x m - projections of the n points on each of the m directions
    Z <- matrix(0,n, m)                     # n x m - to collect the outlyingness of each point on each direction
    for(i in 1:m) {
        umcd <- unimcd(Y[,i], quan=h)       # one-dimensional MCD: tmcd and smcd

        if(umcd$smcd < 1.E-12) {
            ## exact fit situation: will not be handled
            if((r2 <- rankMM(X[umcd$weights==1,])) == 1)
                stop("At least ", sum(umcd$weights), " observations are identical.")
            Z[,i] <- abs(Y[,i] - umcd$tmcd) / umcd$smcd

    outl <- apply(Z, 1, max)    # n x 1 - the outlyingnesses of all n points

unimcd <- function(y, quan){
    out <- list()
    ncas <- length(y)
    len <- ncas-quan+1

    if(len == 1){
        out$tmcd <- mean(y)
        out$smcd <- sqrt(var(y))
    } else {
        ay <- c()
        I <- order(y)
        y <- y[I]
        ay[1] <- sum(y[1:quan])
        for(samp in 2:len){
        for(samp in 2:len){
        ndup<-sum(sq == sqmin)

##  Performs the last part of ROBPCA when k is already determined
##  - Adjusted for skewness mode
##  X2:     the projected data
##  k:      the number of components
##  h:      lower bound for regular observations
##  rot:    the rotation matrix
##  center: the classical center of the data
projectAO <- function(X2, k, alpha, h, rot, center, scale, maxdir, trace)
    ao <- adjOutlyingness(X2, ndir=maxdir, alpha.cutoff=alpha)
    o2 <- ao$adjout
    H <- order(o2)
    X2h <- as.matrix(X2[H[1:h], ])
    ee <- eigen(cov(X2h))
    P6 <- ee$vectors
    X2center <- colMeans(X2h)

        cat("\nFinal step - adjusted outlyingness in ", k, "-dimensional subspace used.\n")

    ## MCD is replaced by mean and covariance of h points
    ##  with smallest adjusted outlyingness in the k-dimensional subspace.
    center <- as.vector(center + sweep(X2center %*% t(rot), 2, scale, "*"))
    eigenvalues <- ee$values
    loadings <- rot %*% P6
    scores <- sweep(X2, 2, X2center, "-") %*% P6

    list(eigenvalues=eigenvalues, loadings=loadings, scores=scores, center=center, ao=o2, ao.cutoff=as.numeric(ao$cutoff))

## Perform now MCD on X2 in order to obtain a robust scatter matrix: find h data points whose
##  covariance matrix has minimal determinant
projectMCD <- function(X2, ev, k, alpha, h, niter=100, rot, center, scale, trace=trace)
    n <- nrow(X2)

    ## First apply C-step with the h points selected in the first step, i.e. those that
    ## determine the covariance matrix after the C-steps have converged.
    mah <- mahalanobis(X2, center=rep(0, ncol(X2)), cov=diag(ev[1:k], nrow=k))
    oldobj <- prod(ev[1:k])
    for(j in 1:niter) {
            cat("\nIter=",j, " h=", h, " k=", k, " obj=", oldobj, "\n")

        Xh <- X2[order(mah)[1:h], ]
        Xh.svd <- .classPC(as.matrix(Xh))
        obj <- prod(Xh.svd$eigenvalues)
        X2 <- (X2 - matrix(rep(Xh.svd$center, times=n), nrow=n, byrow=TRUE)) %*% Xh.svd$loadings

        ##  VT::19.08.2016: we need also to rescale back the MCD center,
        ##  before adding it to the original center
##            center <- center + Xh.svd$center %*% t(rot)
        center <- center + sweep(Xh.svd$center %*% t(rot), 2, scale, "*")

        rot <- rot %*% Xh.svd$loadings
        mah <- mahalanobis(X2, center=matrix(0,1, ncol(X2)), cov=diag(Xh.svd$eigenvalues, nrow=length(Xh.svd$eigenvalues)))
        if(Xh.svd$rank == k & abs(oldobj - obj) < 1.E-12)

        oldobj <- obj
        if(Xh.svd$rank < k) {
            j <- 1
            k <- Xh.svd$rank

    ## Perform now MCD on X2
    X2mcd <- CovMcd(X2, nsamp=250, alpha=alpha)
        cat("\nMCD crit=",X2mcd@crit," and C-Step obj function=",obj," Abs difference=", abs(X2mcd@crit-obj), "\n")

    ## VT::14.12.2009 - if there is even a slight difference between mcd$crit and obj
    ## and it is on the negative side, the following reweighting step will be triggered,
    ## which could lead to unwanted difference in the results. Therefore compare with
    ## a tolerance 1E-16.
    eps <- 1e-16
    if(X2mcd@crit < obj + eps)
        X2cov <- getCov(X2mcd)
        X2center <- getCenter(X2mcd)
            cat("\nFinal step - PC of MCD cov used.\n")
        consistencyfactor <- median(mah)/qchisq(0.5,k)
        mah <- mah/consistencyfactor
        weights <- ifelse(mah <= qchisq(0.975, k), TRUE, FALSE)

        wcov <- cov.wt(x=X2, wt=weights, method="ML")
        X2center <- wcov$center
        X2cov <- wcov$cov
            cat("\nFinal step - PC of a reweighted cov used.\n")

    ee <- eigen(X2cov)
    P6 <- ee$vectors

    ##  VT::19.08.2016: we need also to rescale back the MCD center,
    ##  before adding it to the original center
##        center <- as.vector(center + X2center %*% t(rot))
    center <- as.vector(center + sweep(X2center %*% t(rot), 2, scale, "*"))
    eigenvalues <- ee$values
    loadings <- rot %*% P6
    scores <- (X2 - matrix(rep(X2center, times=n), nrow=n, byrow=TRUE)) %*% P6
        cat("\nEigenvalues of X2:\n")

    list(eigenvalues=eigenvalues, loadings=loadings, scores=scores, center=center)

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rrcov documentation built on May 29, 2024, 1:13 a.m.