
          signature = c(model = "evalModel"), 
                   alg = NULL, 
                   topN = 3,
                   topNGen = "hpr",
                   positiveThreshold = NULL, 
                   alpha = 10,
                   ...) {
            if (missing(alg)) {
              stop("Evaluation on recommendations can not proceed if argument alg and is not specified.")
            if (model@data@binary) {
              if (!is.null(positiveThreshold)) {
                cat("NOTE: The \"positiveThreshold\" attribute is not needed for binary dataset.\n")
              positiveThreshold <- 1
            if (missing(positiveThreshold)) {
              stop("Evaluation on recommendations can not proceed if argument positiveThreshold and is not specified.")
            if (!(topNGen %in% c("hpr", "mf"))) stop("Wrong topNGen value! Choose among: \"hpr\", \"mf\" (available only for IBKNN and UBKNN). ")
            cat("Evaluating top-", topN, " recommendation with ", rrecsysRegistry$get_entry(alg = alg)$alg, ".\n")
            nusers <- nrow(model@data)
            nitems <- ncol(model@data)
            # initialize empty containers
            nDCG <- rep(0, model@folds)
            rankscore <- rep(0, model@folds)
            TP_count <- rep(0, ncol(model@data))
            rec_counts <- rep(0, ncol(model@data))
            rec_popularity <- rep(0, topN)
            res <- NULL
            ex.time <- c()
            # iterations on folds
            for (i in 1:model@folds) {
              ptm <- Sys.time()
              # get a copy of the rating matrix
              d <- model@data
              # generate the training set
              testSetIDX <- model@fold_indices[[i]]
              #clear a dataset from the test set.
              x <- removeScores(d, model@fold_indices[[i]])

              popularity <- colRatings(x)
              r <- rrecsys(x, alg = alg, ...)

              # get the recommended indices####
              if(topNGen == "hpr"){#if HPR
                rec <- recommendHPR(r, topN)

              }else if (topNGen == "mf"){
                #MF works only with IB and UB.
                rec <- recommendMF(r, topN, positiveThreshold)
              # item and user coverage calculation
              tot_rec <- 0
              item_coverage <- rep(FALSE, ncol(d))
              res_on_fold <- list(TP = 0, 
                                  FP = 0, 
                                  TN = 0, 
                                  FN = 0, 
                                  precision = 0, 
                                  recall = 0, 
                                  F1 = 0)
              for (user in 1:nusers) {
                rec_counts[rec[[user]]] <-  rec_counts[rec[[user]]] + 1

                rec_popularity <- rec_popularity + popularity[rec[[user]]]
                #item coverage  
                for (n in rec[[user]]) {
                  item_coverage[n] <- TRUE
                  tot_rec <- tot_rec + 1
                if(class(model@data) == "sparseDataSet"){
                  user_vector <- c(rep(NA,nitems))
                  user_items <- d@data$item[d@userPointers[[user]]]
                  user_scores <- d@data$score[d@userPointers[[user]]]
                  user_vector[user_items] <- user_scores
                  indices_user <- d@data$item[model@fold_indices_x_user[[user]][[i]]]
                } else{
                  user_vector <- d@data[user, ]
                  indices_user <- model@fold_indices_x_user[[user]][[i]]


                #determine results on user. 
                res_user <- getPrecRecall(user_vector, 
                TP_count <- res_user$TP_count
                for(j in 1:length(res_on_fold)) {
                  res_on_fold[[j]] <- res_on_fold[[j]] + res_user[[j]]

                nDCG[i] <- nDCG[i] + 
                  eval_nDCG(rec[[user]], indices_user)
                rankscore[i] <- rankscore[i] + 
                  rankScore(rec[[user]], indices_user, alpha)
              res_on_fold <- lapply(res_on_fold, function(temp) temp/nusers)
              # find average values for the confusion matrix.
              res <- rbind(res, as.data.frame(res_on_fold))
              #get averages
              nDCG[i] <- nDCG[i]/nusers
              rankscore[i] <- rankscore[i]/nusers
              ex.time <- c(ex.time, as.numeric(Sys.time() - ptm, units = "secs"))
              cat("\nFold:", i, "/", model@folds, " elapsed. Time:", as.numeric(Sys.time() - ptm, units = "secs"), "\n\n")
            #output results####
                  data = model@data,
                  alg = r@alg,
                  topN = topN,
                  topNGen = topNGen,
                  positiveThreshold = positiveThreshold, 
                  alpha = alpha,
                  parameters = r@parameters,
                  TP = res$TP, 
                  FP = res$FP, 
                  TN = res$TN, 
                  FN = res$FN, 
                  precision = res$precision, 
                  recall = res$recall, 
                  F1 = res$F1,
                  nDCG = nDCG, 
                  rankscore = rankscore, 
                  item_coverage = 100 * sum(item_coverage)/ncol(model@data),
                  user_coverage = 100 * tot_rec/(topN * nrow(model@data)),
                  ex.time = ex.time,
                  TP_count = TP_count,
                rec_counts = rec_counts/model@folds,
                rec_popularity = rec_popularity/(nusers * model@folds)

setMethod("show", signature(object = "evalRecResults"), function(object) {

  res <- cbind(object@precision, object@recall, object@ex.time)
  res <- rbind(res, colMeans(res))
  cat("Algorithm: ", object@alg, "\n")
  cat("Configuration: \n")
  rownames(res) <- c(paste0(1:length(object@precision), rep("-fold", length(object@precision))), "Average")
  colnames(res) <- c("precision", "recall", "ex.time")


setMethod("results", signature(object = "evalRecResults"), function(object, metrics = c(
)) {
  printable_results <- NULL
  for(metric in metrics){
    if(metric == "TP"){
      printable_results <- object@TP
    if(metric == "FP"){
      printable_results <- cbind(printable_results, object@FP)
    if(metric == "TN"){
        printable_results <- cbind(printable_results, object@TN)
    if(metric == "FN"){
      printable_results <- cbind(printable_results, object@FN)
    if(metric == "precision"){
      printable_results <- cbind(printable_results, object@precision)

    if(metric == "recall"){
      printable_results <- cbind(printable_results, object@recall)
    if(metric == "F1"){
      printable_results <- cbind(printable_results, object@F1)
    if(metric == "nDCG"){
      printable_results <- cbind(printable_results, object@nDCG)
    if(metric == "rankscore"){
      printable_results <- cbind(printable_results, object@rankscore)
    if(metric == "ex.time"){
      printable_results <- cbind(printable_results, object@ex.time)
  cat("Algorithm: ", object@alg, "\n")
  cat("Configuration: \n")
  printable_results <- rbind(printable_results, colMeans(printable_results))
  rownames(printable_results) <- c(paste0(1:length(object@precision), rep("-fold", length(object@precision))), "Average")
  colnames(printable_results) <- metrics

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rrecsys documentation built on June 10, 2019, 1:02 a.m.