
Defines functions scalaFindLatestJARsSrcSBT scalaFindLatestJARsBinSBT scalaFindLatestJARs scalaDevelInfo pickLatestStableScalaVersion scalaSBT

Documented in scalaSBT

#' Run SBT and Deploy JAR Files
#' This function helps developers of packages based on rscala. It runs SBT
#' (Scala Build Tool) to package JAR files and then copy them to the appropriate
#' directories of the R package source.
#' Starting from the current working directory and moving up the file system
#' hierarchy as needed, this function searches for the directory containing the
#' file \code{'build.sbt'}, the SBT build file. It temporarily changes the
#' working directory to this directory. It then runs \code{sbt +package
#' packageSrc} to package the cross-compiled the Scala code and package the
#' source code. publish the JAR files locally. Finally, it copies the JAR files
#' to the appropriate directories of the R package source. Specifically, source
#' JAR files go into \code{(PKGHOME)/java} and binary JAR files go into
#' \code{(PKGHOME)/inst/java/scala-(VERSION)}, where \code{(PKGHOME)} is the
#' package home and \code{(VERSION)} is the major Scala version (e.g., 2.13). It
#' is assumed that the package home is a subdirectory of the directory
#' containing the \code{'build.sbt'} file.
#' Note that SBT may give weird errors about not being able to download needed
#' dependences.  The issue is that some OpenJDK builds less than version 10 do
#' not include root certificates.  The solution is to either: i. manually
#' install OpenJDK version 10 or greater, or ii. manually install Oracle's
#' version of Java. Both are capable with the rscala package.
#' @param args A character vector giving the arguments to be passed to the SBT
#'   command.
#' @param copy.to.package Should the JARs files be copied to the appropriate
#'   directories of the R package source?'
#' @param only.if.newer Should compilation be avoided if it appears Scala code
#'   has not changed?
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' scalaSBT()  # Working directory is the root of a package based on rscala.
#' }
#' @return \code{NULL}
#' @export
scalaSBT <- function(args=c("+package","packageSrc"), copy.to.package=TRUE, only.if.newer=TRUE) {
  if ( ( ! is.vector(args) ) || ( ! is.character(args) ) ) stop("'args' is mispecified.")
  sConfig <- scalaConfig(FALSE,require.sbt=TRUE)
  info <- scalaDevelInfo()
  latest <- function(path,pattern=NULL) {
    files <- list.files(path, pattern=pattern, recursive=TRUE, full.names=TRUE)
    xx <- sapply(files, function(f) { file.info(f)$mtime })
    if ( length(xx) == 0 ) -Inf else max(xx)
  srcHome <- file.path(info$projectRoot,"src")
  if ( only.if.newer && file.exists(srcHome) && file.exists(info$packageRoot) && ( latest(srcHome) < latest(info$packageRoot,'.*\\.jar') ) ) {
    cat("[info] Latest Scala source is older that JARs.  There is no need to re-compile.\n")
  oldWD <- getwd()
  oldJavaEnv <- setJavaEnv(sConfig)
  oldPath <- Sys.getenv("PATH")
  runUsingProcessX <- if ( requireNamespace("rstudioapi", quietly = TRUE) ) {
    if ( rstudioapi::isAvailable() ) {
      if ( requireNamespace("processx", quietly = TRUE) ) TRUE
      else {
        stop("This function requires the 'processx' package when run under RStudio.  Please run \"install.packages('processx')\" and try again.")
    } else FALSE
  status <- if ( runUsingProcessX ) {
  } else {
    # Since RStudio 1.2, this does not seem to work, hence the alternative using the processx package.
  if ( status != 0 ) stop("Non-zero exit status.")
  if ( copy.to.package ) {
    lines <- readLines("build.sbt")
    crossLine <-   lines[grepl("^\\s*crossScalaVersions\\s*:=",lines)]
    if ( length(crossLine) != 1 ) stop("Could not find one and only one 'crossScalaVersion' line in 'build.sbt'.")
    scalaVersions <- strsplit(gsub('["),]','',sub('[^"]*','',crossLine)),"\\s+")[[1]]
    scalaVersions <- sapply(scalaVersions, function(x) {
      if ( grepl("^2.1[123]\\.",x) ) substr(x,1,4) else x
    srcJAR <- scalaFindLatestJARsSrcSBT(info$projectRoot, scalaVersions)
    binJARs <- scalaFindLatestJARsBinSBT(info$projectRoot, scalaVersions)
    scalaDevelDeployJARs(info$name, info$packageRoot, srcJAR, binJARs)

#' @importFrom utils compareVersion
pickLatestStableScalaVersion <- function(candidates, latestSoFar=NULL) {
  if ( length(candidates) == 0 ) {
    if ( is.null(latestSoFar) ) stop("Cannot determine the stable Scala version.")
    else return(latestSoFar)
  if ( is.null(latestSoFar) ) {
    latestSoFar <- candidates[1]
    result <- tryCatch(compareVersion(latestSoFar, latestSoFar), warning=function(e) NULL, error=function(e) NULL)
    if ( is.null(result) ) return(pickLatestStableScalaVersion(candidates[-1], NULL))
    else return(pickLatestStableScalaVersion(candidates[-1],latestSoFar))
  result <- tryCatch(compareVersion(candidates[1], latestSoFar), warning=function(e) NULL, error=function(e) NULL)
  if ( is.null(result) ) pickLatestStableScalaVersion(candidates[-1], latestSoFar)
  else if ( result > 0 ) pickLatestStableScalaVersion(candidates[-1], candidates[1])
  else pickLatestStableScalaVersion(candidates[-1], latestSoFar)

scalaDevelInfo <- function() {
  oldWD <- getwd()
  packageRoot <- NULL
  buildSystem <- NULL
  while ( TRUE ) {
    if ( file.exists("DESCRIPTION") ) packageRoot <- getwd()
    if ( file.exists("build.sc") ) {
      buildSystem <- "mill"
    if ( file.exists("build.sbt") ) {
      buildSystem <- "sbt"
    currentWD <- getwd()
    if ( currentWD == getwd() ) stop("Cannot find project root directory.")
  packageRoot <- if ( ! is.null(packageRoot) ) packageRoot
  else {
    search <- function(depth) {
      candidates <- Sys.glob(paste0(c(rep("*",depth),"DESCRIPTION"),collapse=.Platform$file.sep))
      descriptionFiles <- sapply(candidates, function(a) as.vector(read.dcf(a,"Package")))
    i <- 1
    while ( ( i < 3 ) && ( length(search(i)) != 1 ) ) i <- i + 1
    if ( i < 3 ) normalizePath(dirname(search(i)))
    else stop("Cannot find package root directory.  More than one directory containing a DESCRIPTION file?")
  name <- as.vector(read.dcf(file.path(packageRoot,"DESCRIPTION"),"Package"))
  list(name=name, projectRoot=getwd(), packageRoot=packageRoot, buildSystem=buildSystem)

scalaFindLatestJARs <- function(dir, version2Path, jarFilter, majorVersions) {
  oldWD <- getwd()
  jars <- sapply(majorVersions, function(mv) {
    candidates <- jarFilter(list.files(version2Path(mv),".*\\.jar",full.names=TRUE))
    latest <- which.max(file.info(candidates)$mtime)
  names(jars) <- majorVersions
  unlist(jars[sapply(jars, function(x) length(x)==1)])

scalaFindLatestJARsBinSBT <- function(dir, majorVersions) {
          function(majorVersion) file.path("target",sprintf("scala-%s",majorVersion)),
          function(candidates) candidates[!(grepl(".*-sources\\.jar",candidates) | grepl(".*-scaladoc\\.jar",candidates))],

scalaFindLatestJARsSrcSBT <- function(dir, majorVersions) {
  candidates <- scalaFindLatestJARs(dir,
          function(majorVersion) file.path("target",sprintf("scala-%s",majorVersion)),
          function(candidates) candidates[grepl(".*-sources\\.jar",candidates)],
  names <- names(candidates)
  latest <- pickLatestStableScalaVersion(names)

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rscala documentation built on Aug. 15, 2023, 9:07 a.m.