# For compiling the Fortran file:
# R CMD SHLIB vred.f
createRtopObject = function(observations, predictionLocations,
formulaString, params=list(), overlapObs, overlapPredObs,
...) {
dots = list(...)
if (inherits(observations,"rtop")) {
# Updating object with parameters
object = observations
object$params = getRtopParams(params,
observations = object$observations, formulaString =
ifelse(missing(formulaString), object$formulaString, formulaString), ...)
object = list()
if (missing(observations)) stop("Observations are missing")
if (!"area" %in% names(observations) && inherits(observations,"SpatialPolygons")) {
observations$area = sapply(slot(observations, "polygons"), function(i) slot(i, "area"))
} else if (inherits(observations, "STS") && !"area" %in% names(observations@sp)) {
observations@sp$area = sapply(slot(observations@sp, "polygons"), function(i) slot(i, "area"))
} else if (inherits(observations, "sf") && !"area" %in% names(observations)) {
observations$area = set_units(st_area(observations), NULL)
object$observations = observations
if (!missing(predictionLocations)) {
if (!"area" %in% names(predictionLocations) &&
inherits(predictionLocations,"SpatialPolygonsDataFrame")) {
predictionLocations$area = sapply(slot(predictionLocations, "polygons"), function(i) slot(i, "area"))
} else if (!"area" %in% names(predictionLocations) &&
inherits(predictionLocations,"SpatialPolygons")) {
areas = sapply(slot(predictionLocations, "polygons"), function(i) slot(i, "area"))
predictionLocations = SpatialPolygonsDataFrame(predictionLocations,
data = data.frame(area = areas), match.ID = TRUE)
# } else if (!"length" %in% names(observations) && inherits(predictionLocations,"SpatialLines")) {
# predictionLocations$length = SpatialLinesLengths(predictionLocations)
} else if (inherits(predictionLocations, "STS") && !"area" %in% names(predictionLocations@sp)) {
predictionLocations@sp$area = sapply(slot(predictionLocations@sp, "polygons"), function(i) slot(i, "area"))
} else if (!"area" %in% names(predictionLocations) && inherits(predictionLocations, "sf")) {
predictionLocations$area = set_units(st_area(predictionLocations), NULL)
if ((inherits(observations, "Spatial") | inherits(observations, "STS"))) {
p4o = proj4string(observations)
p4p = proj4string(predictionLocations)
if (!isTRUE(all.equal(, {
stop("only one of observations and predictionLocations have projection")
if (! && p4o != p4p) {
warning(paste("observations and predictionLocations appear to have
different projections:", p4o, p4p,
"However, rgdal is retired and a full check cannot be done on
sp-objects. Please convert to sf"))
} else if (inherits(observations, "sf") && ! {
if (!isTRUE(all.equal(, {
stop("only one of observations and predictionLocations have projection")
if (st_crs(observations) != st_crs(predictionLocations)) {
stop(paste("observations and predictionLocations have different projections:",
st_crs(observations), st_crs(predictionLocations)))
object$predictionLocations = predictionLocations
if (missing(formulaString)) {
if ("obs" %in% names(observations)) {
formulaString = "obs ~ 1"
} else if ("value" %in% names(observations)) {
formulaString = "value ~ 1"
} else if (length(names(observations@data)) == 1) {
formulaString = paste(names(observations@data),"~ 1")
} else stop("formulaString is missing and cannot be found from data")
warning(paste("formulaString missing, using",formulaString))
if (!inherits(formulaString,"formula")) formulaString = as.formula(formulaString)
object$formulaString = formulaString
# depVar = formulaString[[2]] else depVar = "obs"
object$params = getRtopParams(newPar = params,formulaString = formulaString,observations = observations)
if (length(dots) >0) object = modifyList(object,dots)
if (object$params$nugget) {
if (!missing(overlapObs) && !is.null(overlapObs)) {
object$overlapObs = overlapObs
} else object$overlapObs = findOverlap(observations, debug.level = object$params$debug.level)
if (!missing(overlapPredObs) && !is.null(overlapPredObs)) {
object$overlapPredObs = overlapPredObs
} else if (!missing(predictionLocations))
object$overlapPredObs = findOverlap(observations,predictionLocations, debug.level = object$params$debug.level)
class(object) = "rtop"
getRtopParams = function(params = list(), newPar = list(), observations, formulaString, ...){
oldPar = params
dots = list(...)
if (inherits(oldPar,"intamapParams") || inherits(newPar,"intamapParams")) intPar = TRUE else intPar = FALSE
oClass = class(oldPar)
nClass = class(newPar)
if (inherits(oldPar,"rtopParams")) {
params = oldPar
oldPar = list()
} else if (inherits(newPar,"rtopParams")) {
params = newPar
newPar = list()
} else {
params = getRtopDefaultParams(...)
if (length(grep("geoDist", names(oldPar))) > 0 |
length(grep("geoDist", names(newPar))) > 0 |
length(grep("geoDist", names(dots))) > 0) stop("geoDist is not used anymore, please use gDist")
params = modifyList(params, oldPar)
params = modifyList(params, newPar)
gDist = ifelse("gDist" %in% names(dots), dots$gDist,
ifelse("gDist" %in% names(newPar), newPar$gDist,
ifelse("gDist" %in% names(oldPar), oldPar$gDist,FALSE)))
if (gDist) {
params$gDistEst = TRUE
params$gDistPred = TRUE
if (!missing(observations) & !("parInit" %in% names(params))) {
if (missing(formulaString)) {
if ("obs" %in% names(observations)) {
formulaString = "obs ~ 1"
} else if ("value" %in% names(observations)) {
formulaString = "value ~ 1"
} else if (length(names(observations@data)) == 1) {
formulaString = paste(names(observations@data),"~ 1")
} else stop("getRtopParams: formulaString is missing and cannot be found from data")
warning(paste("getRtopParams: formulaString missing, using",formulaString))
params$parInit = findParInit(formulaString,observations,params$model)
} else if (!("parInit" %in% names(params))) {
params$parInit = findParInitDefault(params$model)
params = modifyList(params,dots)
if (intPar) class(params) = c("rtopParams","intamapParams") else class(params) = "rtopParams"
getRtopDefaultParams = function(parInit,
nugget = FALSE,
unc = TRUE,
rresol = 100, # Resolution real areas
hresol = 5, # Resolution in x-direction rectangles
# logtrans = FALSE, # Logtransform data
cloud = FALSE, # work with cloud variogram
# cutoff, # cutoff distance in variogram - better to set in ... in call to function,
amul = 2, # amul - defines the number of areal bins within one order of magnitude
dmul = 3, # dmul - defines the number of distance bins within one order of magnitude
fit.method = 9, # ils - Defines the type of Least Square method for fitting of variogram
# 1 - least squares difference - err = yobs-ymod
# 2 - Weighted least squares difference according to Cressie (1985) - err2=n(yobs/ymod-1)^2
# 6 - No weights
# 7 - gstat fitting (Nj/hj^2)
# 8 - opposite of weighted least squares difference according to Cressie (1985) - err2=n*(ymod/yobs-1)^2
# 9 - Neutreal WLS-method - err = min(err2,err3)
gDistEst = FALSE, # use ghosh distance
gDistPred = FALSE,
varClean = FALSE,
maxdist = Inf,
nmax = 10,
hstype = "regular", # Sampling type for hypothetical areas
# rstype = ifelse(!missing(observations) && inherits(observations,"SpatialLines"),"regular","rtop"),
# Sampling type for real areas
rstype = "rtop",
nclus = 1,
cnAreas = 100,
clusType = NULL,
outfile = NULL,
partialOverlap = FALSE,
wlim = 1.5,
wlimMethod = "all",
singularSolve = FALSE,
cv = FALSE,
debug.level = if (interactive()) 1 else 0,
#if (!missing(observations) & missing(cutoff)) {
# x = coordinates(observations)[, 1]
# y = coordinates(observations)[, 2]
# cutoff = (0.35 * sqrt((max(x) - min(x))^2 + (max(y) - min(y))^2)/100)
list(model = model, nugget = nugget, unc = unc,
rresol = rresol, hresol=hresol, rstype = rstype, hstype = hstype,
# logtrans = logtrans,
cloud = cloud,
# cutoff = cutoff,
amul = amul, dmul = dmul,
fit.method = fit.method, gDistEst = gDistEst, gDistPred = gDistPred, varClean = varClean,
maxdist = maxdist, nmax = nmax, nclus = nclus, cnAreas = cnAreas, clusType = clusType,
outfile = outfile, partialOverlap = partialOverlap,
wlim = wlim, wlimMethod = wlimMethod, singularSolve = singularSolve, cv = cv,
debug.level = debug.level)
findParInitDefault = function(model) {
# parameters are: sill, range, nugget, fractal, weibull par
parInit = data.frame(parl = c(1e-06, 1e-02, 1.0e-01, 1e-5, 1e-01),
paru = c(5.0e+02, 1.0e7, 1.0e+07, 1.5, 1.7))
parInit$par0 = 10**(0.5*(log10(parInit$paru)+log10(parInit$parl)))
if (model %in% c("Exp","Sph", "Gau")) {
parInit = parInit[1:3,]
} else if (model == "Sp1"){
parInit = parInit[1:4,]
} else if (model == "Ex1"){
parInit = parInit
} else if (model == "Fra") {
parInit[2,] = c(1e-6,2,0.01)
parInit = parInit[1:3,]
} else {
stop(paste("model",model,"not implemented"))
findParInit = function(formulaString,observations,model) {
if (!"area" %in% names(observations)) {
if (inherits(observations, "Spatial") | inherits(observations, "STS")) {
observations$area = sapply(slot(observations, "polygons"), function(i) slot(i, "area"))
} else {
predictionLocations$area = set_units(st_area(predictionLocations), NULL)
if (inherits(observations, "STS")) {
ntime = dim(observations)[2]
observations = observations[sample(1:ntime, 20),]
vario = rtopVariogram(observations, formulaString = formulaString)
aObs = observations$area
} else {
vario = variogram (formulaString, observations)
aObs = observations$area
parInit = data.frame(parl=c(1:5),paru=1,par0 = 1)
parInit[1,1] = min(vario$gamma)/10
parInit[1,2] = max(vario$gamma)*500
parInit[2,1] = sqrt(min(aObs))/4
parInit[2,2] = max(vario$dist)*10
minla = min(aObs)
maxla = (max(aObs)^1.5)*max(vario$gamma)
parInit[3,1] = min(vario$gamma)*minla/100
parInit[3,2] = max(vario$gamma)*maxla
parInit[4,1] = 1e-5
parInit[4,2] = 1.5
parInit[5,1] = 0.1
parInit[5,2] = 1.7
if (model == "Ex1") {
parInit[4,2] = 1
parInit[5,2] = 1
parInit[,3] = sqrt(parInit[,1]*parInit[,2])
if (model %in% c("Exp","Sph", "Gau")) {
parInit = parInit[1:3,]
} else if (model == "Sp1"){
parInit = parInit[1:4,]
} else if (model == "Ex1"){
parInit = parInit
} else if (model == "Fra") {
parInit[2,] = c(1e-6,2,0.01)
parInit = parInit[1:3,]
} else {
stop(paste("model",model,"not implemented"))
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