
Defines functions check_tcf oneliner pr shortstr tc_from_char extract_keyval key_regex print.trimcommand convert_path summary.trimbatch read_tcf as_rtrim trimbatch trimcommand

Documented in print.trimcommand read_tcf summary.trimbatch trimcommand

#' Create a trimcommand object
#' @section Description:
#' A \code{trimcommand} object stores a single TRIM model, including the
#' specification of the data file. Normally, such an object is defined by
#' reading a legacy TRIM command file.
#' @param ... Options in the form of \code{key=value}. See below for all options.
#' @section Options:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{ \code{file}    \code{[character]} name of file containing training data.}
#' \item{ \code{title}   \code{[character]} A string to be printed in the output file.}
#' \item{ \code{ntimes}  \code{[character]} Number of time points.}
#' \item{ \code{ncovars} \code{[character]} Number of covariates.}
#' \item{ \code{labels}  \code{[character]} Covariate label.}
#' \item{ \code{missing} \code{[integer]} Missing value indicator.}
#' \item{ \code{weight}  \code{[logical]} Whether a weight column is present in the \code{file}.}
#' \item{ \code{comment} \code{[character]} A string to be printed in the output file.}
#' \item{ \code{weighting} \code{[logical]} Whether weights are to be used in the model.}
#' \item{ \code{serialcor} \code{[logical]} Whether serial correlation is assumed in the model.}
#' \item{ \code{overdist} \code{[logical]} Whether overdispersion is taken into account by the model.}
#' \item{ \code{basetime} \code{[integer]} Position of the base time point (must be positive).}
#' \item{ \code{model}    \code{[integer]} What model to use (1, 2 or 3).}
#' \item{ \code{covariates} \code{[integer]} Number of covariates to include.}
#' \item{ \code{changepoints} \code{[integer]} Positions of the change points to include.}
#' \item{ \code{stepwise} \code{[logical]} Whether stepwise selection of the changepoints is to be used.}
#' \item{ \code{autodelete} \code{[logical]} Whether to autodelete change points when number of observations is to low in a time segment.}
#' \item{ \code{outputfiles} \code{[character]} Type of outputfile to generate ('F' and/or 'S')}
#' \item{ \code{overallchangepoints} \code{[integer]} Positions of the overall change points.}
#' \item{ \code{impcovout} \code{[logical]} Whether the covariance matrix of the imputed counts is saved.}
#' \item{ \code{covin} \code{[logical]} Whether the covariance matrix is read in.}
#' @family modelspec
#' @seealso \href{../doc/Working_with_tcf.html}{Working with TRIM command files and TRIM data files}.
#' @export
trimcommand <- function(...){
  # decide on default values
  tc <- list(
    file           = character(0)
    , title        = character(0)
    , ntimes       = integer(0)
    , ncovars      = integer(0)
    , labels       = character(0)
    , missing      = integer(0)
    , weight       = FALSE # logical(0)
    , comment      = character(0)
    , weighting    = FALSE # logical(0)
    , serialcor    = FALSE # logical(0)
    , overdisp     = FALSE # logical(0)
    , basetime     = integer(0)
    , model        = integer(0)
    , covariates   = integer(0)
    , changepoints = integer(0)
    , stepwise     = FALSE # logical(0)
    , autodelete   = TRUE  # logical(0)
    , outputfiles  = character(0)
    , overallchangepoints = integer(0)
    , impcovout    = FALSE
    , covin        = FALSE
  class(tc) <- c("trimcommand","list")
  L <- list(...)
  for ( nm in names(L) ){
    if (! nm %in% names(tc) ) stop(sprintf("'%s' is not a valid TRIM keyword",nm))
    if (nm == "file") L[[nm]] <- convert_path(L[[nm]])
    # convert and set
    if (length(L[[nm]])>0) tc[[nm]] <- as_rtrim(L[[nm]], tc[[nm]])

trimbatch <- function(...){
  tc <- list(trimcommand(...))
  class(tc) <- c("trimbatch", "list")

# Add a model to a trimbatch object
# Set up multiple models in a trimbatch object.
# @param x a \code{trimbatch} object.
# @param ... model parameters (see \code{\link{trimbatch}}). Unspecified parameters
#    are copied from the last model in the list.
# @export
#add_model <- function(x,...){
#  UseMethod("add_model")

# @export
# @rdname add_model

# convert from character representation of tcf to rtrim internal representation.
as_rtrim <- function(value, template){
  if ( inherits(template, "logical") ){
    if ( tolower(value) %in% c("present","on") ) TRUE else FALSE
  } else {

#' Read a TRIM command file
#' Read TRIM Command Files, compatible with the Windows TRIM programme.
#' @section TRIM Command file format:
#' TRIM command files are text files that specify a TRIM job, where a job
#' consists of one or more models to be computed on a single data input file.
#' TRIM command files are commonly stored with the extension \code{.tcf}, but
#' this is not a strict requirement.
#' A TRIM command file consists of two parts. The first part describes the
#' data file to be read, the second part describes the model(s) to be run. A
#' TRIM command file can only contain a single data specification part, but multiple
#' models may be specified.
#' Each command starts on a new line with a keyword, followed by at least
#' one space and at least one option value, where multiple option values are
#' separated by spaces. All commands must be written on a single line, except
#' the \code{LABELS} command (to set labels for covariates). The latter command
#' starts with \code{LABELS} on a single line, followed by a newline, followed
#' by a new label on each following line. The keyword \code{END} (at the beginning of a line)
#' signals the end of the labels command.
#' The keyword \code{RUN} (at the beginning of a single line) ends the
#' specification of a single model. After this a new model can be specified.
#' Parameters not specified in the current model will be copied from the previous
#' one.
#' @section TRIM commands:
#' The commands are identical to those in the original TRIM software. Commands
#' that represent a simple toggle (on/off, present/absent) are translated to a
#' \code{logical} upon reading. Below we give commands in upper case, but the
#' commands are parsed case insensitively.
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' \bold{Data}\tab\cr
#' \code{FILE}   \tab data filename and path.\cr
#' \code{TITLE}  \tab A title (appears in output when exported).\cr
#' \code{NTIMES} \tab [positive integer] Number of time points in data file.\cr
#' \code{NCOVARS}\tab [nonnegative integer] Number of covariates in data file.\cr
#' \code{LABELS} \tab Covariate labels (multiline command). \cr
#' \code{END}    \tab Signals end of \code{LABELS} command.\cr
#' \code{MISSING}\tab missing value indicator.\cr
#' \code{WEIGHT} \tab [\code{present}, \code{absent}] Indicates whether weights are present in the data file [translated to \code{logical}].\cr
#' \bold{Model}  \tab\cr
#' \code{COMMENT}  \tab A comment for the current model.\cr
#' \code{WEIGHTING}\tab [\code{on},\code{off}] Switch use of weights for current model [translated to \code{logical}].\cr
#' \code{SERIALCOR}\tab [\code{on},\code{off}] Switch use of serial correlation for current model [translated to \code{logical}].\cr
#' \code{OVERDISP}\tab [\code{on},\code{off}] Switch use of overdispersion for current model [translated to \code{logical}].\cr
#' \code{BASETIME}\tab [integer] Index of base time-point.\cr
#' \code{MODEL}\tab [\code{1}, \code{2}, \code{3}] Choose the current model\cr
#' \code{COVARIATES}\tab [integers] indices of covariates to use (1st covariate has index 1)\cr
#' \code{CHANGEPOINTS} \tab [integers] indices of changepoints\cr
#' \code{STEPWISE} \tab [\code{on},\code{off}] Switch stepwise selection of changepoints [translated to \code{logical}].\cr
#' \code{AUTODELETE} \tab [\code{on}, \code{off}] Delete changepoints when the corresponding time segment has to litte observations. \cr
#' \code{OVERALLCHANGEPOINTS} \tab[integers] indices of overall changepoints\cr
#' \code{RUN}\tab Signals end of current model specification.\cr
#' \bold{Output} \tab\cr
#' \code{IMPCOVOUT}\tab [\code{on}, \code{off}] Switch to save variance-covariance matrix \cr
#' \code{COVIN}\tab [\code{on}, \code{off}] Switch to read variance-covariance matrix
#' }
#' @section Encoding issues:
#' To read files containing non-ASCII characters encoded in a format that is not
#' native to your system, specifiy the \code{encoding} option. This causes R to
#' re-encode to native encoding upon reading. Input encodings supported for your
#' system can be listed by calling \code{\link[base]{iconvlist}()}. For more
#' information on Encoding in R, see \code{\link[base]{Encoding}}.
#' @section Note on filenames:
#' If the \code{file} is specified using backslashes to separate directories
#' (Windows style), this will be converted to a filename using forward slashes
#' (POSIX style, as used by R).
#' @param file Location of TRIM command file.
#' @param encoding The encoding in which the file is stored.
#' @param simplify Return a single \code{trimcommand} object if only one
#'   model is specified in the TRIM command file.
#' @return A trimcommand object, or in the case of multiple models in a single
#' TRIM command file, a \code{list} of \code{trimcommand} objects. In the
#' latter case, a useful summary can be printed with \code{\link{summary.trimbatch}}.
#' @family modelspec
#' @seealso \href{../doc/Working_with_tcf.html}{Working with TRIM command files and TRIM data files}.
#' @export
read_tcf <- function(file, encoding=getOption("encoding"),simplify=TRUE){
  con <- file(description = file, encoding=encoding)
  tcf <- paste(readLines(con), collapse="\n")
  tcf <- gsub("\nIMPCOVOUT\n","\nIMPCOVOUT on\n", tcf) # Hack to allow IMPCOVOUT keys without corresponding values, as in TRIM3
  tcf <- gsub("\nCOVIN\n","\nCOVIN on\n", tcf) # Hack to allow COVIN keys without corresponding values, as in TRIM3

  tcflist <- trimws(strsplit(tcf,"(\\n|^)RUN")[[1]])
  L <- vector(mode="list",length=length(tcflist))
  L[[1]] <- tc_from_char(tcflist[[1]])
  for ( i in 1+seq_along(L[-1]) ){
    L[[i]] <- tc_from_char(tcflist[[i]], default = L[[i-1]])
  class(L) <- c("trimbatch","list")
  if (length(L) == 1 && simplify ) L[[1]] else L

#' summarize a trimbatch object
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @param object a trimbatch object
#' @param ... options (ignored)
summary.trimbatch <- function(object,...){
  y <- object[[1]]
  cat(sprintf("trimbatch: %s\n",pr(y$title, len=Inf)))
  cat(sprintf("file: %s (%s means missing)\n"
              , pr(y$file, len=50), pr(y$missing)))
  cat(sprintf("Weights %s, %s covariates labeled %s\n",pr(y$weight), pr(y$ncovars)
              ,paste0("",paste(y$labels,collapse=", "))))

  cat("\nModel parameter overview:\n")

convert_path <- function(x){
  if (isTRUE(grepl("\\\\",x)) ){
    y <- gsub("\\\\","/",x)
  } else {

#' print a trimcommand object
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @param x an R object
#' @param ... optional parameters (ignored)
print.trimcommand <- function(x,...){
  cat("Object of class trimcommand:\n")
  for ( nm in names(x) ){
    cat(sprintf("%12s: %s\n",nm,paste0("",paste(x[[nm]]),collapse=", ")) )

key_regex <- function(trimkey){
  re <- paste0("(\\n|^)", trimkey,".+?")
  re <- if (trimkey == "LABELS"){
  } else {

extract_keyval <- function(trimkey, x){
  trimkey <- toupper(trimkey)
  re <- key_regex(trimkey)
  m <- regexpr(re,x,ignore.case=TRUE)           # Fetch key location
  s <- regmatches(x,m)                          # extract substring
  re <- paste0("((\\n|^)",trimkey,")|((\\n|^)END)")           # remove key and whitespace
  s <- trimws(gsub(re,"",s,ignore.case = TRUE)) # remove key and return
  # split values when relevant
  if (trimkey != "COMMENT" && length(s)>0 && nchar(s)>0) {
    s <- unlist(strsplit(s, split="([[:blank:]]|\n)+"))

tc_from_char <- function(x, default = trimcommand()){
  L <- lapply(names(default), extract_keyval, x)
  L <- setNames(L, names(default))
  for ( i in seq_along(L))
    if (length(L[[i]])==0) L[[i]] <- default[[i]]
  do.call(trimcommand, L)

setNames <- function (object = nm, nm) {
  names(object) <- nm

# Utilities for pretty printing

shortstr<- function(x,len=12){
  if ( identical(x, character(0)) || nchar(x) <= len ) return(x)
  st <- substr(x,1,4)
  n <- nchar(x)
  en <- substr(x,n-5,n)

pr <- function(s, ...){
  a <- if ( length(s) == 0 ) "<none>" else paste(as.character(s),collapse=", ")
  shortstr(a, ...)

oneliner <- function(x){
  cat(sprintf("%10s %9s %9s %8s %8s %6s %6s %12s %8s %8s\n"
  for ( i in seq_along(x)){
    tc <- x[[i]]
    cat(sprintf("%10s %9s %9s %8s %8s %6s %6s %12s %8s %8s\n"
      , pr(tc$comment)
      , pr(tc$weighting)
      , pr(tc$serialcor)
      , pr(tc$overdisp)
      , pr(tc$basetime)
      , pr(tc$model)
      , pr(tc$covariates)
      , pr(tc$changepoints)
      , pr(tc$stepwise)
      , pr(tc$outputfiles)

check_tcf <- function(x){
  keywords <- c(names(trimcommand()),"end","run")
  s <- trimws(strsplit(x,"\\n")[[1]])

  i_labels <- grep("^labels",s,ignore.case=TRUE)
  i_end <- grep("^end",s,ignore.case=TRUE)
  if (length(i_labels)>0 && length(i_end) > 0){
    if (i_labels > i_end){
      stop(sprintf("Detected LABELS keyword (#%d) before END (#%d) in TRIM command file"
    # remove labels between LABELS and END (if any)
    if (i_end - i_labels > 1)   s <- s[-seq(i_labels+1, i_end-1)]
  # remove empty lines
  s <- s[nchar(s)>0]

  # check tcf file for unknown keywords and warn if any occur
  mm <- regexpr("^.+?([[:blank:]]|$)",s)
  keys_in_file <- trimws(regmatches(s,mm))

  invalid_keys <- keys_in_file[!toupper(keys_in_file) %in% toupper(keywords)]

  if(length(invalid_keys) > 0){
    warning(sprintf("Ingnoring lines with the following invalid keywords: %s."
                    , paste0("'",invalid_keys,"'",collapse=", ")), call.=FALSE)


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rtrim documentation built on June 22, 2024, 10:39 a.m.