
Defines functions print.count.summary count_summary snifreport tdfread read_tdf.trimcommand read_tdf.character read_tdf

Documented in count_summary print.count.summary read_tdf read_tdf.character read_tdf.trimcommand

#' Read TRIM data files
#' Read data files intended for the original TRIM programme.
#' @section The TRIM data file format:
#' TRIM input data is stored in a \code{ASCII} encoded file where headerless columns
#' are separated by one or more spaces. Below are the columns as \code{read_tdf} expects
#' them.
#' \tabular{lll}{
#' \bold{Variable}    \tab\bold{status}   \tab \bold{R type}\cr
#' \code{site}        \tab requiered \tab \code{integer}\cr
#' \code{time}        \tab required  \tab \code{integer}\cr
#' \code{count}       \tab required  \tab \code{numeric}\cr
#' \code{weight}      \tab optional  \tab \code{numeric}\cr
#' \code{<covariate1>}\tab optional\tab \code{integer}\cr
#' \code{...}\tab\tab\cr
#' \code{<covariateN>}\tab optional\tab \code{integer}\cr
#' }
#' @param x a filename or a \code{\link{trimcommand}} object
#' @param missing \code{[integer]} missing value indicator.
#'      Missing values are translated to \code{\link[base]{NA}}.
#' @param weight \code{[logical]} indicate presence of a weight column
#' @param ncovars \code{[logical]} The number of covariates in the file
#' @param labels \code{[character]} (optional) specify labels for the covariates.
#'     Defaults to \code{cov<i>} (\code{i=1,2,...,ncovars}) if none are specified.
#' @param ... (unused)
#' @return A \code{data.frame}.
#' @family modelspec
#' @export
read_tdf <- function(x,...){

#' @rdname read_tdf
#' @export
read_tdf.character <- function(x, missing = -1, weight = FALSE, ncovars=0, labels=character(0),...){
  tdfread(file=x, missing=missing, weight=weight,ncovars=ncovars, labels=labels)

#' @rdname read_tdf
#' @export
read_tdf.trimcommand <- function(x,...){
  tdfread(x$file, missing = x$missing, weight = x$weight, ncovars = x$ncovars, labels=x$labels)

# workhorse function for the S3 interfaces
tdfread <- function(file, missing, weight, ncovars, labels) {
  # First check if the file does indeed exist
  if (!file.exists(file)) stop(sprintf("Could not find trim data file %s",file), call.=FALSE)

  if ( ncovars > 0 && length(labels) == 0 ){
    labels <- paste0("cov",seq_len(ncovars))
  } else if ( ncovars != length(labels)) {
    stop(sprintf("Length of 'labels' (%d) unequal to 'ncovars' (%d)",length(labels),ncovars))

  colclasses <- c(site = "integer", time = "integer", count="numeric")
  if (weight) colclasses['weight'] <- "numeric"
  # add labels and names for covariates
  colclasses <- c(colclasses, setNames(rep("integer",ncovars), labels))

  # by default, one or more blanks (space, tab) are used as separators
  tab <- tryCatch(
    read.table(file, header=FALSE, colClasses=colclasses, col.names = names(colclasses))
    , error=function(e) snifreport(file, colclasses))
  if (nrow(tab)==0) stop(sprintf("file \"%s\" appears to be empty", file))
  if (nrow(tab) > 0) tab[tab == missing] <- NA

snifreport <- function(file, colclasses){
  if (!file.exists(file)) stop(sprintf("Could not find file %s",file))
  ncl <- length(colclasses)
  lns <- readLines(file,n=5)
  if (length(lns)==0) stop(sprintf("file \"%s\" appears to be empty", file))
  cls <- paste(paste0(names(colclasses),"<",colclasses,">"),collapse=" ")
  msg <- sprintf("\n\rExpected %s columns: %s\nStart of file looks like this:\n",ncl,cls)
  msg <- paste0(msg,paste(sprintf("\r%s\n",lns), collapse=""))
  stop(msg, call.=FALSE)

#' Compute a summary of counts
#' Summarize counts over a trim input dataset. Sites without counts are removed
#' before any counting takes place (since these will not be used when calling
#' \code{\link{trim}}). For the remaining records, the total number of
#' zero-counts, positive counts, total number of observed counts and the total
#' number of missings are reported.
#' @param x A \code{data.frame} with annual counts per site.
#' @param eps \code{[numeric]} Numbers smaller then \code{eps} are treated a zero.
#' @param site_col  \code{[character|numeric]}  index of the column containing the site ID's
#' @param year_col  \code{[character|numeric]}  index of the column containing the year
#' @param count_col \code{[character|numeric]}  index of the column containing the counts
#' @return A \code{list} of class \code{count.summary} containing individual names.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(skylark)
#' count_summary(skylark)
#' s <- count_summary(skylark)
#' s$zero_counts # obtain number of zero counts
count_summary <- function(x, count_col="count", site_col="site", year_col="year", eps=1e-8){

  site_count <- tapply(X = x[,count_col], INDEX = x[site_col], FUN=sum, na.rm=TRUE)
  ii <- abs(site_count) < eps
  sites_wout_counts <- character(0)
  if (any(ii)){
    sites_wout_counts <- names(site_count[ii])
    x <- x[!x[,site_col] %in% sites_wout_counts,,drop=FALSE]

  cnt <- x[,count_col]
  L <- list(
     sites = length(unique(x[,site_col]))
    , sites_without_counts = sites_wout_counts
    , zero_counts = sum(cnt<eps,na.rm=TRUE)
    , positive_counts = sum(cnt>0, na.rm=TRUE)
    , total_observed = sum(!is.na(cnt))
    , missing_counts = sum(is.na(cnt))
  L$total_counts <- with(L, total_observed + missing_counts)
  structure(L, class=c("count.summary","list"))

#' print a count summary
#' @param x An R object
#' @param ... unused
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
print.count.summary <- function(x,...){
  printf("Total number of sites             %8d\n", x$sites)
  printf("Sites without positive counts (%d): %s\n"
         , length(x$sites_without_counts)
         , paste(x$sites_without_counts,collapse=", ")
  printf("Number of observed zero counts     %8d\n",x$zero_counts)
  printf("Number of observed positive counts %8d\n",x$positive_counts)
  printf("Total number of observed counts    %8d\n",x$total_observed)
  printf("Number of missing counts           %8d\n",x$missing_counts)
  printf("Total number of counts             %8d\n",x$total_counts)


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rtrim documentation built on June 22, 2024, 10:39 a.m.