#' Get tweets data on statuses identified via search query.
#' Returns Twitter statuses matching a user provided search
#' query. `r lifecycle::badge("deprecated")`
#' @param q Query to be searched, used to filter and select tweets to
#' return from Twitter's REST API. Must be a character string not to
#' exceed maximum of 500 characters. Spaces behave like boolean
#' "AND" operator. To search for tweets containing at least one of
#' multiple possible terms, separate each search term with spaces
#' and "OR" (in caps). For example, the search `q =
#' "data science"` looks for tweets containing both "data" and
#' "science" located anywhere in the tweets and in any order.
#' When "OR" is entered between search terms, `query =
#' "data OR science"`, Twitter's REST API should return any tweet
#' that contains either "data" or "science." It is also possible to
#' search for exact phrases using double quotes. To do this, either
#' wrap single quotes around a search query using double quotes,
#' e.g., `q = '"data science"'` or escape each internal double
#' quote with a single backslash, e.g., `q =
#' "\"data science\""`.
#' Some other useful query tips:
#' \itemize{
#' \item Exclude retweets via `"-filter:retweets"`
#' \item Exclude quotes via `"-filter:quote"`
#' \item Exclude replies via `"-filter:replies"`
#' \item Filter (return only) verified via `"filter:verified"`
#' \item Exclude verified via `"-filter:verified"`
#' \item Get everything (firehose for free) via `"-filter:verified OR filter:verified"`
#' \item Filter (return only) tweets with links to news articles via `"filter:news"`
#' \item Filter (return only) tweets with media `"filter:media"`
#' }
#' @inheritParams TWIT_paginate_max_id
#' @inheritParams stream
#' @param type Character string specifying which type of search
#' results to return from Twitter's REST API. The current default is
#' `type = "recent"`, other valid types include `type =
#' "mixed"` and `type = "popular"`.
#' @param geocode Geographical limiter of the template
#' "latitude,longitude,radius" e.g., `geocode =
#' "37.78,-122.40,1mi"`.
#' @param include_rts Logical, indicating whether to include retweets
#' in search results. Retweets are classified as any tweet generated
#' by Twitter's built-in "retweet" (recycle arrows) function. These
#' are distinct from quotes (retweets with additional text provided
#' from sender) or manual retweets (old school method of manually
#' entering "RT" into the text of one's tweets).
#' @param ... Further arguments passed as query parameters in request
#' sent to Twitter's REST API. To return only English language
#' tweets, for example, use `lang = "en"`. For more options see
#' Twitter's API documentation.
#' @details Twitter API documentation recommends limiting searches to
#' 10 keywords and operators. Complex queries may also produce API
#' errors preventing recovery of information related to the query.
#' It should also be noted Twitter's search API does not consist of
#' an index of all Tweets. At the time of searching, the search API
#' index includes between only 6-9 days of Tweets.
#' @return List object with tweets and users each returned as a
#' data frame.
#' @family tweets
#' @seealso [tweet_search_recent()], [tweet_search_all()], [`rtweet-deprecated`]
#' @export
#' @references <>
search_tweets <- function(q, n = 100,
type = c("mixed", "recent", "popular"),
include_rts = TRUE,
geocode = NULL,
since_id = NULL,
max_id = NULL,
parse = TRUE,
token = NULL,
retryonratelimit = NULL,
verbose = TRUE,
...) {
params <- search_params(q,
type = type,
include_rts = include_rts,
geocode = geocode,
result <- TWIT_paginate_max_id(token, "/1.1/search/tweets", params,
get_id = function(x) x$statuses$id_str,
page_size = 100,
n = n,
since_id = since_id,
max_id = max_id,
retryonratelimit = retryonratelimit,
verbose = verbose
if (parse) {
tweets <- lapply(result, "[[", "statuses")
result <- tweets_with_users(tweets)
result$created_at <- format_date(result$created_at)
search_params <- function(q,
type = c("mixed", "recent", "popular"),
include_rts = TRUE,
geocode = NULL,
max_id = NULL,
...) {
if (missing(q) && !is.null(geocode)) {
q <- ""
stopifnot(is.atomic(q) && !is.null(q) && length(q) == 1L,
is.atomic(max_id) && length(max_id) <= 1L)
stopifnot(is.atomic(q), length(q) == 1L, is.atomic(max_id))
type <- arg_match(type)
## validate query length–char count might not always be same here as with
## Twitter, so set this to 600 and let Twitter reject others
if (nchar(q) > 600) {
stop("q cannot exceed 600 characters.", call. = FALSE)
if (!include_rts) {
q <- paste0(q, " -filter:retweets")
if (!is.null(geocode) && inherits(geocode, "coords")) {
mls1 <- abs(geocode$box[2] - geocode$box[4]) * 69
mls2 <- abs(geocode$box[1] - geocode$box[3]) *
(69 - abs(.093 * geocode$point[1])^2)
mls <- (mls1/1.8 + mls2/1.8) / 1.8
mls <- round(mls, 3)
geocode <- paste0(paste(geocode$point, collapse = ","), ",", mls, "mi")
q = q,
result_type = type,
max_id = max_id,
tweet_mode = "extended",
include_ext_alt_text = "true",
geocode = geocode,
#' Search tweets (vectorized)
#' search_tweets2 Passes all arguments to search_tweets. Returns data from
#' one OR MORE search queries.
#' `r lifecycle::badge("deprecated")`
#' @return A tbl data frame with additional "query" column.
#' @rdname search_tweets
#' @seealso [tweet_search_recent()], [`rtweet-deprecated`]
#' @export
search_tweets2 <- function(...) {
dots <- match_fun(list(...), "search_tweets")
q <- dots[["q"]]
dots[["q"]] <- NULL
## is parse = TRUE?
parse <- dots[["parse"]]
## search for each string in column of queries
rt <- Map("search_tweets", q, MoreArgs = dots)
## if parse is false, return rt
if (!parse) {
## deal with queries that returned zero tweets
kp <- lengths(rt) > 0L
if (sum(kp, na.rm = TRUE) == 0L) return(data.frame())
rt <- rt[kp]
q <- q[kp]
## add query variable to data frames
rt <- Map("add_var", rt, query = q)
## merge users data into one data frame
add_var <- function(x, ...) {
dots <- list(...)
if (!is.null(names(dots))) {
varname <- names(dots)
} else {
varname <- deparse(substitute(...))
x[[varname]] <- unlist(dots, use.names = FALSE)
match_fun <- function(dots, fun) {
rfuns <- names(formals(fun))
nms <- match(names(dots), rfuns)
nms[names(dots) != ""] <- names(dots)[names(dots) != ""]
is_na <- function(x) | x == "NA"
nms[is_na(nms) & names(dots) == ""] <- names(
formals(fun))[which(is_na(nms) & names(dots) == "")]
names(dots) <- nms
names(dots)[] <- ""
fmls <- formals(fun)
dotsdots <- dots[!names(dots) %in% names(fmls)]
dots <- dots[names(dots) %in% names(fmls)]
fmls <- fmls[!names(fmls) %in% names(dots) & names(fmls) != "..."]
c(dots, fmls, dotsdots)
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