
## ---- echo = FALSE, message=FALSE---------------------------------------------
  fig.width = 7,
  fig.height = 5

## ---- eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------
#  library(rubias)
#  library(tidyverse)

## ---- echo=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------
# this is what we actually evaluate.

# all the following libraries can be loaded with "library(tidyverse)"
# but then you have to put tidyverse in the Suggests because this is
# in the vignette, and that is bad practice, so, load the packages separately...

## ----head-chinook-------------------------------------------------------------
head(chinook[, 1:8])

## ----head-chinook-mix---------------------------------------------------------
head(chinook_mix[, 1:8])

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# combine small_chinook_ref and small_chinook_mix into one big data frame,
# but drop the California_Coho collection because Coho all
# have pretty much the same genotype at these loci!
small_chinook_all <- bind_rows(small_chinook_ref, small_chinook_mix) %>%
  filter(collection != "California_Coho")

# then toss them into a function. 
matchy_pairs <- close_matching_samples(D = small_chinook_all, 
                                       gen_start_col = 5, 
                                       min_frac_non_miss = 0.85, 
                                       min_frac_matching = 0.94

# see that that looks like:
matchy_pairs %>%
  arrange(desc(num_non_miss), desc(num_match))

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# then toss them into a function.  This takes half a minute or so...
matchy_pairs2 <- close_matching_samples(D = small_chinook_all, 
                                       gen_start_col = 5, 
                                       min_frac_non_miss = 0.85, 
                                       min_frac_matching = 0.80

# see that that looks like:
matchy_pairs2 %>%
  arrange(desc(num_non_miss), desc(num_match))

## ----infer_mixture1-----------------------------------------------------------
mix_est <- infer_mixture(reference = chinook, 
                         mixture = chinook_mix, 
                         gen_start_col = 5)

## ----look-at-mix-est----------------------------------------------------------
lapply(mix_est, head)

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
prior_tibble <- chinook %>%
  count(repunit, collection) %>%
  filter(repunit == "CentralValleyfa") %>%
  select(collection) %>%
  mutate(pi_param = 2)

# see what it looks like:

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
mix_est_with_prior <- infer_mixture(reference = chinook, 
                         mixture = chinook_mix, 
                         gen_start_col = 5,
                         pi_prior = prior_tibble)

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
comp_mix_ests <- list(
  `pi (default prior)` = mix_est$mixing_proportions,
  `pi (cv fall gets 2s prior)` = mix_est_with_prior$mixing_proportions
) %>%
  bind_rows(.id = "prior_type") %>%
  filter(mixture_collection == "rec1") %>%
  select(prior_type, repunit, collection, pi) %>%
  spread(prior_type, pi) %>%
  mutate(coll_group = ifelse(repunit == "CentralValleyfa", "CV_fall", "Not_CV_fall"))

       aes(x = `pi (default prior)`, 
           y = `pi (cv fall gets 2s prior)`,
           colour = coll_group
           )) +
  geom_point() +
  geom_abline(slope = 1, intercept = 0, linetype = "dashed")

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
comp_mix_ests %>% 
  group_by(coll_group) %>% 
  summarise(with_explicit_prior = sum(`pi (cv fall gets 2s prior)`), 
            with_default_prior = sum(`pi (default prior)`))

## ----aggregating--------------------------------------------------------------

# for mixing proportions
rep_mix_ests <- mix_est$mixing_proportions %>%
  group_by(mixture_collection, repunit) %>%
  summarise(repprop = sum(pi))  # adding mixing proportions over collections in the repunit

# for individuals posteriors
rep_indiv_ests <- mix_est$indiv_posteriors %>%
  group_by(mixture_collection, indiv, repunit) %>%
  summarise(rep_pofz = sum(PofZ))

## ----plot-6-------------------------------------------------------------------
# find the top 6 most abundant:
top6 <- rep_mix_ests %>%
  filter(mixture_collection == "rec1") %>% 
  arrange(desc(repprop)) %>%

# check how many MCMC sweeps were done:
nsweeps <- max(mix_est$mix_prop_traces$sweep)

# keep only rec1, then discard the first 200 sweeps as burn-in,
# and then aggregate over reporting units
# and then keep only the top6 from above
trace_subset <- mix_est$mix_prop_traces %>%
  filter(mixture_collection == "rec1", sweep > 200) %>%
  group_by(sweep, repunit) %>%
  summarise(repprop = sum(pi)) %>% 
  filter(repunit %in% top6$repunit)

# now we can plot those:
ggplot(trace_subset, aes(x = repprop, colour = repunit)) +

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
top6_cis <- trace_subset %>%
  group_by(repunit) %>%
  summarise(loCI = quantile(repprop, probs = 0.025),
            hiCI = quantile(repprop, probs = 0.975))


## ----plot-zs------------------------------------------------------------------
# get the maximum-a-posteriori population for each individual
map_rows <- mix_est$indiv_posteriors %>%
  group_by(indiv) %>%
  top_n(1, PofZ) %>%

## ----z-score-density----------------------------------------------------------
normo <- tibble(z_score = rnorm(1e06))
ggplot(map_rows, aes(x = z_score)) +
  geom_density(colour = "blue") +
  geom_density(data = normo, colour = "black")

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
no_kc <- infer_mixture(small_chinook_ref, small_chinook_mix, gen_start_col = 5)

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
no_kc$mixing_proportions %>% 
  arrange(mixture_collection, desc(pi))

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# make reference file that includes the known_collection column
kc_ref <- small_chinook_ref %>%
  mutate(known_collection = collection) %>%
  select(known_collection, everything())

# see what that looks like
kc_ref[1:10, 1:8]

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
kc_mix <- small_chinook_mix %>%
  mutate(known_collection = NA) %>%
  select(known_collection, everything())

kc_mix$known_collection[kc_mix$collection == "rec1"][1:8] <- "Deer_Cr_sp"

# here is what that looks like now (dropping most of the genetic data columns)
kc_mix[1:20, 1:7]

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# note that the genetic data start in column 6 now
with_kc <- infer_mixture(kc_ref, kc_mix, 6)

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
with_kc$mixing_proportions %>% 
  arrange(mixture_collection, desc(pi))

## ---- eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------
#  full_model_results <- infer_mixture(
#    reference = chinook,
#    mixture = chinook_mix,
#    gen_start_col = 5,
#    method = "BR"
#    )

## ----self-ass-----------------------------------------------------------------
sa_chinook <- self_assign(reference = chinook, gen_start_col = 5)

## ----self-ass-results---------------------------------------------------------
head(sa_chinook, n = 100)

## ----summ2repu----------------------------------------------------------------
sa_to_repu <- sa_chinook %>%
  group_by(indiv, collection, repunit, inferred_repunit) %>%
  summarise(repu_scaled_like = sum(scaled_likelihood))

head(sa_to_repu, n = 200)

## ----chin-sims, message=FALSE-------------------------------------------------
chin_sims <- assess_reference_loo(reference = chinook, 
                     gen_start_col = 5, 
                     reps = 5, 
                     mixsize = 200)

## ----show-chin-sims-----------------------------------------------------------

## ----top6list-----------------------------------------------------------------

## ----roundem------------------------------------------------------------------
round(top6$repprop * 350)

## ----make-arep----------------------------------------------------------------
arep <- top6 %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  mutate(dirichlet = 10 * repprop) %>%
  select(repunit, dirichlet)


## ----chin-sim-top6, message=FALSE---------------------------------------------
chin_sims_repu_top6 <- assess_reference_loo(reference = chinook, 
                     gen_start_col = 5, 
                     reps = 5, 
                     mixsize = 200,
                     alpha_repunit = arep)

## ----summ-top6----------------------------------------------------------------
# now, call those repunits that we did not specify in arep "OTHER"
# and then sum up over reporting units
tmp <- chin_sims_repu_top6 %>%
  mutate(repunit = ifelse(repunit %in% arep$repunit, repunit, "OTHER")) %>%
  group_by(iter, repunit) %>%
  summarise(true_repprop = sum(true_pi), 
            reprop_posterior_mean = sum(post_mean_pi),
            repu_n = sum(n)) %>%
  mutate(repu_n_prop = repu_n / sum(repu_n))

## ----plot-top6----------------------------------------------------------------
# then plot them
ggplot(tmp, aes(x = true_repprop, y = reprop_posterior_mean, colour = repunit)) +
  geom_point() +
  geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope = 1) +
  facet_wrap(~ repunit)

## ----plot-top6-n--------------------------------------------------------------
ggplot(tmp, aes(x = repu_n_prop, y = reprop_posterior_mean, colour = repunit)) +
  geom_point() +
  geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope = 1) +
  facet_wrap(~ repunit)

## ----chin-sim-top6-indiv, message=FALSE---------------------------------------
chin_sims_with_indivs <- assess_reference_loo(reference = chinook, 
                     gen_start_col = 5, 
                     reps = 5, 
                     mixsize = 200,
                     alpha_repunit = arep,
                     return_indiv_posteriors = TRUE)

# print out the indiv posteriors

## ----boxplot-pofz-indiv-sim---------------------------------------------------
# summarise things
repu_pofzs <- chin_sims_with_indivs$indiv_posteriors %>%
  filter(repunit == simulated_repunit) %>%
  group_by(iter, indiv, simulated_collection, repunit) %>%  # first aggregate over reporting units
  summarise(repu_PofZ = sum(PofZ)) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  arrange(repunit, simulated_collection) %>%
  mutate(simulated_collection = factor(simulated_collection, levels = unique(simulated_collection)))

# also get the number of simulated individuals from each collection
num_simmed <- chin_sims_with_indivs$indiv_posteriors %>%
  group_by(iter, indiv) %>%
  slice(1) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
# note, the last few steps make simulated collection a factor so that collections within
# the same repunit are grouped together in the plot.

# now, plot it
ggplot(repu_pofzs, aes(x = simulated_collection, y = repu_PofZ)) +
  geom_boxplot(aes(colour = repunit)) +
  geom_text(data = num_simmed, mapping = aes(y = 1.025, label = n), angle = 90, hjust = 0, vjust = 0.5, size = 3) + 
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1, size = 9, vjust = 0.5)) +
  ylim(c(NA, 1.05))

## ---- message=FALSE-----------------------------------------------------------
set.seed(101) # for reproducibility
# do the simulation
chin_sims_by_gc <- assess_reference_loo(reference = chinook, 
                     gen_start_col = 5, 
                     reps = 5, 
                     mixsize = 200,
                     alpha_repunit = arep,
                     return_indiv_posteriors = TRUE,
                     resampling_unit = "gene_copies")

## ----boxplot-pofz-gc-sim------------------------------------------------------
# summarise things
repu_pofzs_gc <- chin_sims_by_gc$indiv_posteriors %>%
  filter(repunit == simulated_repunit) %>%
  group_by(iter, indiv, simulated_collection, repunit) %>%  # first aggregate over reporting units
  summarise(repu_PofZ = sum(PofZ)) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  arrange(repunit, simulated_collection) %>%
  mutate(simulated_collection = factor(simulated_collection, levels = unique(simulated_collection)))

# also get the number of simulated individuals from each collection
num_simmed_gc <- chin_sims_by_gc$indiv_posteriors %>%
  group_by(iter, indiv) %>%
  slice(1) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
# note, the last few steps make simulated collection a factor so that collections within
# the same repunit are grouped together in the plot.

# now, plot it
ggplot(repu_pofzs_gc, aes(x = simulated_collection, y = repu_PofZ)) +
  geom_boxplot(aes(colour = repunit)) +
  geom_text(data = num_simmed_gc, mapping = aes(y = 1.025, label = n), angle = 90, hjust = 0, vjust = 0.5, size = 3) + 
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1, size = 9, vjust = 0.5)) +
  ylim(c(NA, 1.05))

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
arep_subs <- tribble(
  ~collection, ~sub_ppn,
  "Eel_R",   0.1,
  "Russian_R", 0.9,
  "Butte_Cr_fa", 0.7,
  "Feather_H_sp", 0.3

## ---- message=FALSE-----------------------------------------------------------
chin_sims_sub_ppn <- assess_reference_loo(reference = chinook, 
                     gen_start_col = 5, 
                     reps = 5, 
                     mixsize = 200,
                     alpha_repunit = arep,
                     alpha_collection = arep_subs,
                     return_indiv_posteriors = FALSE)  # don't bother returning individual posteriors

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
chin_sims_sub_ppn %>%
  group_by(repunit, collection) %>%
  summarise(mean_pi = mean(true_pi)) %>%
  group_by(repunit) %>%
  mutate(repunit_mean_pi = sum(mean_pi),
         fract_within = mean_pi / repunit_mean_pi) %>%
  mutate(fract_within = ifelse(fract_within < 1e-06, 0, fract_within))  %>% # anything less than 1 in a million gets called 0
  filter(repunit_mean_pi > 0.0)

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

## ----six-hundy1---------------------------------------------------------------
six_hundy_scenarios <- lapply(arep$repunit, function(x) tibble(repunit = x, ppn = 1.0))
names(six_hundy_scenarios) <- paste("All", arep$repunit, sep = "-")

## ----six-hundy2, message=FALSE------------------------------------------------
repu_hundy_results <- assess_reference_loo(reference = chinook, 
                     gen_start_col = 5, 
                     reps = 5, 
                     mixsize = 50,
                     alpha_repunit = six_hundy_scenarios,
                     alpha_collection = 10)

## ----hundy-colls1-------------------------------------------------------------
hundy_colls <- sample(unique(chinook$collection), 5)

## ----hundy-colls2-------------------------------------------------------------
hundy_coll_list <- lapply(hundy_colls, function(x) tibble(collection = x, ppn = 1.0)) %>%
  setNames(paste("100%", hundy_colls, sep = "_"))

## ----hundy-colls-do, message=FALSE--------------------------------------------
hundy_coll_results <- assess_reference_loo(reference = chinook, 
                     gen_start_col = 5, 
                     reps = 5, 
                     mixsize = 50,
                     alpha_collection = hundy_coll_list)

## ----infer_mixture_pb, eval=FALSE---------------------------------------------
#  mix_est_pb <- infer_mixture(reference = chinook,
#                           mixture = chinook_mix,
#                           gen_start_col = 5,
#                           method = "PB")

## ---- eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------
#  mix_est_pb$mixing_proportions %>%
#    group_by(mixture_collection, repunit) %>%
#    summarise(repprop = sum(pi)) %>%
#    left_join(mix_est_pb$bootstrapped_proportions) %>%
#    ungroup() %>%
#    filter(mixture_collection == "rec1") %>%
#    arrange(desc(repprop)) %>%
#    slice(1:10)

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