
Defines functions plot.runjagsstudy summary.runjagsstudy print.runjagsstudy print.runjagsbginfo print.dicstats print.gelmanwithtarget print.mcsestats print.crosscorrstats print.rjagsoutput print.runjagsoutput print.runjagsinits print.runjagsdata print.runjagsmodel print.failedjags

Documented in plot.runjagsstudy print.crosscorrstats print.dicstats print.failedjags print.gelmanwithtarget print.mcsestats print.rjagsoutput print.runjagsbginfo print.runjagsdata print.runjagsinits print.runjagsmodel print.runjagsoutput print.runjagsstudy summary.runjagsstudy

#' @title Print methods for runjags helper classes
#' @name runjags.printmethods
#' @aliases runjags.printmethods print.runjagsmodel print.runjagsdata print.runjagsinits print.runjagsoutput print.mcsestats print.crosscorrstats print.gelman.with.target print.dicstats print.runjagsbginfo

#' @description
#' Print methods for a number of classes that are associated with runjags objects, such as model, data and initial values files etc.

#' @keywords methods

#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{runjags-class}} for print and plot methods associated with the main runjags class

#' @param x the object to be printed or converted.

#' @param object the object to be summarised.

#' @param linenumbers option to display line numbers alongside model, data and initial values output (this may be helpful for debugging).  Defualt uses the option set in \code{\link{runjags.options}}.

#' @param vars an optional character vector of variable names.  If supplied, only variable names in the object supplied with a partial match to anything in 'vars' will be used.  Note that regular expressions are not allowed, but the caret (^) token can be used to specify the match at the start of a variable name, and a quoted vars will be matched exactly.  Default NA meaning all variables available are returned.

#' @param digits the number of digits to display for printed numerical output.

#' @param ... other arguments which are passed to the default print method for some methods but ignored (with/without a warning) for others

#' @references
#' Matthew J. Denwood (2016). runjags: An R Package Providing Interface Utilities, Model Templates, Parallel Computing Methods and Additional Distributions for MCMC Models in JAGS. Journal of Statistical Software, 71(9), 1-25. doi:10.18637/jss.v071.i09

#' @rdname runjags.printmethods
#' @method print failedjags
print.failedjags <- function(x, linenumbers=runjags.getOption('linenumbers'), ...){

	if(!identical(list(), list(...)))
		warning('Additional arguments to print.failedjags are ignored')
	type <- names(x)
		cat('No failed JAGS model available!\n')

		if('model' %in% type && !identical(x$model, NA)){
			print.runjagsmodel(x$model, linenumbers=linenumbers)
		if('data' %in% type && !identical(x$data, NA)){
			print.runjagsdata(x$data, linenumbers=linenumbers)
		if('inits' %in% type && !identical(x$inits, NA)){
			print.runjagsinits(x$inits, linenumbers=linenumbers)
		if('end.state' %in% type && !identical(x$end.state, NA)){
			print.runjagsinits(x$end.state, linenumbers=linenumbers)
		if('output' %in% type && !identical(x$output, NA)){
			print.runjagsoutput(x$output, linenumbers=linenumbers)

#' @rdname runjags.printmethods
#' @method print runjagsmodel
print.runjagsmodel <- function(x, linenumbers=runjags.getOption('linenumbers'), ...){
		split <- strsplit(x,"\n",fixed=TRUE)[[1]]
		lines <- length(split)
		x <- paste(paste(format(as.character(1:lines), justify='left'),"  |  ", split, sep=""),collapse="\n")
	cat(c("\nJAGS model syntax:\n\n", x, if(linenumbers) "\n\n" else "\n"),sep="")

#' @rdname runjags.printmethods
#' @method print runjagsdata
print.runjagsdata <- function(x, linenumbers=runjags.getOption('linenumbers'), ...){
		cat("\nNo data supplied\n")
			split <- strsplit(x,"\n",fixed=TRUE)[[1]]
			lines <- length(split)
			x <- paste(paste(format(as.character(1:lines), justify='left'),"  |  ", split, sep=""),collapse="\n")
		cat(c("\nJAGS data:\n\n", x, if(linenumbers) "\n\n" else "\n"),sep="")
#' @rdname runjags.printmethods
#' @method print runjagsinits
print.runjagsinits <- function(x, linenumbers=runjags.getOption('linenumbers'), ...){
	cat(c("","JAGS chains initial values / end states:"),sep="\n")
		for(i in 1:length(x)){
			split <- strsplit(x[i],"\n",fixed=TRUE)[[1]]
			lines <- length(split)
			if(lines>0) x[i] <- paste(paste(format(as.character(1:lines), justify='left'),"  |  ", split, sep=""),collapse="\n")
			cat(c("\nChain ", i, ":\n\n", "", x[i],if(linenumbers) "\n"),sep="")
		for(i in 1:length(x)){
			cat(c("\nChain ", i, ":\n", "", x[i],""),sep="")

#' @rdname runjags.printmethods
#' @method print runjagsoutput
print.runjagsoutput <- function(x, linenumbers=runjags.getOption('linenumbers'), ...){

	# For runjagsstudy error outputs:
	if(!is.null(names(x)) && all(grepl("simulation",names(x)))){
		cat("\nCrashed JAGS model output(s):\n")
		simnos <- as.numeric(gsub("[[:alpha:][:punct:]]","",names(x)))
		printsimno <- TRUE
		linenumbers <- FALSE
		cat("\nJAGS model output(s):\n")
		simnos <- 1:length(x)
		printsimno <- length(x)>1
		for(i in 1:length(x)){
			split <- strsplit(x[i],"\n",fixed=TRUE)[[1]]
			lines <- length(split)
			if(lines>0) x[i] <- paste(paste(format(as.character(1:lines), justify='left'),"  |  ", split, sep=""),collapse="\n")
			if(printsimno) cat(c("\nSimulation ", simnos[i], ":\n\n", "", x[i],if(linenumbers) "\n"),sep="") else cat(c("\n\n", "", x[i],if(linenumbers) "\n"),sep="")
		for(i in 1:length(x)){
			if(printsimno) cat(c("\nSimulation ", simnos[i], ":\n", "", x[i],""),sep="") else cat(c("\n", "", x[i],""),sep="")

#' @rdname runjags.printmethods
#' @method print rjagsoutput
print.rjagsoutput <- function(x, ...){
	# For runjagsstudy error outputs:
	if(!is.null(names(x)) && all(grepl("simulation",names(x)))){
		cat("\nCrashed rjags model output(s):\n")
		simnos <- as.numeric(gsub("[[:alpha:][:punct:]]","",names(x)))
		printsimno <- TRUE
		linenumbers <- FALSE
		cat("\nrjags model output(s):\n")
		simnos <- 1:length(x)
		printsimno <- length(x)>1
	linenumbers <- FALSE
		for(i in 1:length(x)){
			split <- strsplit(x[i],"\n",fixed=TRUE)[[1]]
			lines <- length(split)
			if(lines>0) x[i] <- paste(paste(format(as.character(1:lines), justify='left'),"  |  ", split, sep=""),collapse="\n")
			if(printsimno) cat(c("\nSimulation ", simnos[i], ":\n\n", "", x[i],if(linenumbers) "\n"),sep="") else cat(c("\n\n", "", x[i],if(linenumbers) "\n"),sep="")
		for(i in 1:length(x)){
			if(printsimno) cat(c("\nSimulation ", simnos[i], ":\n", "", x[i],""),sep="") else cat(c("\n", "", x[i],""),sep="")

#' @rdname runjags.printmethods
#' @method print crosscorrstats
print.crosscorrstats <- function(x, vars=NA, digits=5, ...){
    cat("Cross-correlation matrix:\n")

	selected <- matchvars(checkvalidmonitorname(vars),  dimnames(x)[[1]])
	x <- x[selected,selected,drop=FALSE]

	m <- prettifytable(x, digits=digits, colsequal=FALSE, nastring="")


#' @rdname runjags.printmethods
#' @method print mcsestats
print.mcsestats <- function(x, vars=NA, digits = 5, ...){

	x <- unlist(x)
	varnames <- names(x)
	varnames <- varnames[grepl("sseff.",varnames)]
	varnames <- gsub("sseff.","",varnames)

	selected <- matchvars(checkvalidmonitorname(vars),  varnames)
	x <- x[c(selected, selected+length(varnames), selected+(2*length(varnames)))]
	varnames <- varnames[selected]

    cat("Monte Carlo standard error:\n")
	numbers <- matrix(nrow=length(varnames),ncol=4,dimnames=list(varnames,c("SSeff", "SD", "MCerr", "% of SD")))
	numbers[,1] <- as.integer(x[1:(length(x)/3)])
	numbers[,2] <- x[((length(x)/3)+1):(length(x)*2/3)]
	numbers[,3] <- x[((length(x)*2/3)+1):length(x)]
	numbers[,4] <- round(numbers[,3]/numbers[,2]*100,1)

	m <- prettifytable(numbers, digits=digits, colsequal=FALSE, nastring="")


    cat("\n[A rule of thumb is that the Monte Carlo error should be less than 5% of the standard deviation of the sample]\n")


#' @rdname runjags.printmethods
#' @method print gelmanwithtarget
print.gelmanwithtarget <- function(x, vars=NA, digits = 3, ...){

	  selected <- matchvars(checkvalidmonitorname(vars),  dimnames(x$psrf)[[1]])

    cat("Potential scale reduction factors:\n\n")
    print.default(x$psrf[selected,,drop=FALSE], digits = digits, ...)
    if (!is.null(x$mpsrf)) {
        cat("\nMultivariate psrf (for all monitored variables):\n\n")
        cat(format(x$mpsrf, digits = digits))

    cat("\n\nTarget psrf\n\n")
    cat(format(x$psrf.target, digits = digits))

#' @rdname runjags.printmethods
#' @method print dicstats
print.dicstats <- function(x, digits=3, ...){
	if(inherits(x, "character")){
		string <- paste("Deviance information criterion [mean(deviance)+mean(pd)]:  ", round(x$dic, digits=digits), "\n", sep="")
		string <- paste(string, "Penalized Expected Deviance [mean(deviance)+mean(popt)]):  ", round(x$ped, digits=digits), "\n", sep="")


#' @rdname runjags.printmethods
#' @method print runjagsbginfo
print.runjagsbginfo <- function(x, ...){

	cat("\nJAGS model summary:  Model currently running in the background ... use 'results.jags(\"", x$jobname, "\")' to retrieve the results.\nStarted on ", as.character(x$startedon), " in the following directory: '", x$directory, "'\n\n", sep="")


#' @rdname runjags.printmethods
#' @method print runjagsstudy
print.runjagsstudy <- function(x,...){

	if(! any(c('means','singles') %in% names(x)))
		stop('Summary statistics are not available; please email the package maintainer for help!', call.=FALSE)

	if(identical(x$means, NA) && identical(x$singles, NA))
		stop('Summary statistics are all missing; please email the package maintainer for help!', call.=FALSE)

	passed <- list(...)
	if(!identical(passed, list()))
		warning('Options to the print and summary class for the runjagsstudy class are ignored', call.=FALSE)

	n.sims <- x$simulations-sum(x$crashed)
	dropk <- x$dropk
		dropk <- FALSE

	if(!identical(x$means, NA)){
		cat("\nAverage values obtained from a ", if(dropk) "drop-k" else "JAGS", " study with a ", if(n.sims==1) "single simulation" else paste("total of ", n.sims, " simulations", sep=""), if(sum(x$crashed)>0) paste(" (excluding ", sum(x$crashed), " crashed simulation", if(sum(x$crashed)>1) "s", ")", sep=""), ":\n", sep="")
		toprint <- prettifytable(x$means, colsequal=FALSE, nastring="--")
		rettab <- x$means
		if(!identical(x$singles, NA)){
			cat("\nValues obtained for variables that were stochastic for only 1 simulation:\n", sep="")
			print.noquote(prettifytable(x$singles, colsequal=FALSE),...)
			rettab <- rbind(rettab, cbind(x$singles,1))
		if(!identical(x$singles, NA)){
			cat("\nValues obtained from a ", if(dropk) "drop-k" else "JAGS", " study with a ", if(n.sims==1) "single simulation" else paste("total of ", n.sims, " simulations", sep=""), if(sum(x$crashed)>0) paste(" (excluding ", sum(x$crashed), " crashed simulation", if(sum(x$crashed)>1) "s", ")", sep=""), ":\n", sep="")
			print.noquote(prettifytable(x$singles, colsequal=FALSE),...)
			rettab <- cbind(x$singles, Simualtions=1)
		cat("The ", sum(x$crashed), " error", if(sum(x$crashed)>1) "s", " returned ", if(sum(x$crashed)>1) "have " else "has ", "been stored in the '$errors' element of the list returned from ", if(dropk) "drop.k" else "run.jags.study", "\n",sep="")
	cat("Average time taken:  ", timestring(mean(as.numeric(x$timetaken, units="secs"))), " (range: ", timestring(min(as.numeric(x$timetaken, units="secs"))), " - ", timestring(max(as.numeric(x$timetaken, units="secs"))), ")\n", sep="")
	cat("Average adapt+burnin required:  ", round(mean(x$burnin)), " (range: ", round(min(x$burnin)), " - ", round(max(x$burnin)), ")\n", sep="")
	cat("Average samples required:  ", round(mean(x$sample)), " (range: ", round(min(x$sample)), " - ", round(max(x$sample)), ")\n", sep="")

#' @rdname runjags.printmethods
#' @method summary runjagsstudy
summary.runjagsstudy <- function(object,...){

	x <- object
	if(! any(c('means','singles') %in% names(x)))
		stop('Summary statistics are not available; please email the package maintainer for help!', call.=FALSE)

	if(identical(x$means, NA) && identical(x$singles, NA))
		stop('Summary statistics are all missing; please email the package maintainer for help!', call.=FALSE)

	passed <- list(...)
	if(!identical(passed, list()))
		warning('Options to the print and summary class for the runjagsstudy class are ignored', call.=FALSE)

	toret <- x$means
	if(identical(NA, toret)){
		toret <- cbind(x$singles, Simulations=1)
		if(!identical(x$singles, NA)){
			toret <- rbind(toret, cbind(x$singles, 1))


#' @rdname runjags.printmethods
#' @export
plot.runjagsstudy <- function(x, ...){
	stop('There is currently no plot method assocaited with the runjagsstudy class', call.=FALSE)

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