
Defines functions jags5 loadandcheckrjags getstoptexts checkadaptrequired weightedaverage getsummaryargs addmutated getrunjagsmethod checkvalidforjags matchvars expandindexnames getmonitortype checkvalidmonitorname checkvalidrunjagsobject checkmodfact prettifytable tailf getargs safe.gelman.diag safe.autocorr.diag normalise.mcmcfun old.winbugs.extract.small winbugs.extract.small oldsortjagsvsbugs sortjagsvsbugs winbugs.extract.big versionmatch swcat makerunjagsobject getarraynames alphabeticalvars is_na_arg getjagsnames getvers getRvers

getRvers <- function(){
	vers <- R.version$version.string
	version.string <- gsub("\\(.*?\\)","",vers,perl=FALSE)

getvers <- function(version.string){
	vers <- gsub("[[:space:]]","",gsub("[[:alpha:]]","",version.string))
	vers <- gsub("[[:punct:]]", "", gsub("."," ",vers, fixed=TRUE))
	vers <- strsplit(vers," ",fixed=TRUE)[[1]]
	version <- (10^((length(vers)-1):0))^3 * as.numeric(vers)
	version <- sum(version)

getjagsnames <- function(targets){

	retval <- unlist(lapply(1:length(targets), function(i){

		x <- targets[[i]]
		n <- names(targets)[i]
		new <- as.list(x)

			names(new) <- n
			names(new) <- paste(n, "[",1:length(x),"]",sep="")
			dims <- apply(expand.grid(lapply(dim(x), function(x) return(1:x))),1,paste,collapse=",")
			names(new) <- paste(n,"[",dims,"]",sep="")
		stop(paste("Unsupported argument type:",class(x)[1]))


is_na_arg <- function(x) length(x)==1L && is.na(x)

# Currently used only by glm.template - rjags and JAGS now respect initial ordering of variables:
alphabeticalvars <- function(x, always.last=c('resid.sum.sq','deviance')){


	splits <- strsplit(gsub(']','',x,fixed=TRUE),'[',fixed=TRUE)
	mnames <- sapply(splits, function(x) return(x[[1]]))

	indices <- lapply(splits, function(x){

	lengths <- sapply(indices,length)
	maxind <- max(lengths)+1

	sortmat <- matrix(0, nrow=length(x), ncol=maxind)
	for(i in 1:length(x)){
			sortmat[i,2:(lengths[i]+1)] <- indices[[i]]
	sortmat[,1] <- rank(mnames, ties.method='average')

	# If any match the always lasts chars:
		for(i in 1:length(always.last)){
			sortmat[which(x==always.last[i]),1] <- nrow(sortmat)+i

	arglist <- lapply(1:ncol(sortmat), function(x) return(as.numeric(sortmat[,x])))
	return(x[do.call('order', args=arglist)])


getarraynames <- function(targets){

	vars <- gsub('\\[[[:print:]]*\\]','',names(targets))
	varnames <- unique(vars)
	indexes <- gsub("[[:alpha:][:punct:]]", "", gsub(","," ",names(targets)))
	indexes[indexes==""] <- 1
	dimensions <- lapply(indexes, function(y){
		if(!grepl(' ',y)) return(as.numeric(y)) else return(as.numeric(strsplit(y, split=" ",fixed=TRUE)[[1]]))		})

	if(any(sapply(varnames, function(x) return(grepl(',',x)))))
		stop("Invalid symbol in variable name")

	retlist <- lapply(varnames, function(x){
		ds <- sapply(dimensions[vars==x],length)
		thisdim <- sapply(dimensions[vars==x], function(y) return(y))
		if(is.null(dim(thisdim))) dim(thisdim) <- c(1,length(thisdim))
    dims <- apply(thisdim,1,max)
		newarr <- targets[vars==x]
		dim(newarr) <- dims
	names(retlist) <- varnames



makerunjagsobject <- function(combinedoutput, summarise, summaryargs, burnin, sample, thin, model, data, monitor, noread.monitor, modules, factories, response, residual, fitted, method, method.options, timetaken, silent=FALSE){

	starttime <- Sys.time()

	summaryargs <- getargs('add.summary', summaryargs)
	evalsumargs <- lapply(summaryargs, eval, envir = parent.frame(), enclos=baseenv())   # some get evaluated to NULL so must set up a new vector to avoid indexing problems - this scoping means check the parent frame first, but find runjags.getOption in runjags environment

	combinedoutput <- combinedoutput[names(combinedoutput)%in%c('mcmc','deviance.table','deviance.sum','pd','end.state','samplers')]
	stopifnot(identical(names(combinedoutput), c('mcmc','deviance.table','deviance.sum','pd','end.state','samplers')))

	combinedoutput <- c(combinedoutput, list(burnin=burnin, sample=niter(combinedoutput$mcmc), thin=thin, model=model, data=data, monitor=monitor, noread.monitor=noread.monitor, modules=modules, factories=factories, response=response, residual=residual, fitted=fitted, method=method, method.options=method.options, timetaken=timetaken, runjags.version=c(runjagsprivate$runjagsversion, R.Version()$version.string, .Platform$OS.type, .Platform$GUI, .Platform$pkgType, format(Sys.time()))))
	class(combinedoutput) <- 'runjags'
	combinedoutput$summary.pars <- getdefaultsummarypars()

	if(is.na(summarise)) summarise <- TRUE
	# If too many vars (>50?), don't summarise or plot unless forced to:
	if(summarise && !runjags.getOption('force.summary') && nvar(combinedoutput$mcmc)>50){
		swcat("Note: Summary statistics were not produced as there are >50 monitored variables\n[To override this behaviour see ?add.summary and ?runjags.options]", call.=FALSE)
		summarise <- FALSE

	# Call function to calculate summary statistics and plots etc:
		success <- try({
		summaries <- do.call('add.summary', c(list(runjags.object=combinedoutput), summaryargs))
		}, silent=TRUE)
		if(!silent && inherits(success, 'try-error')){
			warning(paste('The following error occured while calculating summary statistics:\n  ', gsub('\n$','',as.character(success)), sep=''),call.=FALSE)
			message <- "An error occured while calculating summary statistics - see ?add.summary"
			summaries <- list(summary=message, HPD=message, hpd=message, mcse=message, psrf=message, autocorr=message, crosscorr=message, stochastic=message, trace=message, density=message, hist=message, ecdfplot=message, key=message, acplot=message, ccplot=message, summaries=NULL, summary.available=FALSE, summary.pars=evalsumargs)
		message <- "Summary statistics are not stored internally when summarise=FALSE - see ?add.summary"
		summaries <- list(summary=message, HPD=message, hpd=message, mcse=message, psrf=message, autocorr=message, crosscorr=message, stochastic=message, trace=message, density=message, hist=message, ecdfplot=message, key=message, acplot=message, ccplot=message, summaries=NULL, summary.available=FALSE, summary.pars=evalsumargs)
	if(any(c('dic','ped') %in% combinedoutput$monitor)){
		summaries <- c(summaries, list(dic=runjags.dic(deviance.table=combinedoutput$deviance.table, deviance.sum=combinedoutput$deviance.sum, mcmclist=combinedoutput$mcmc)))
		summaries <- c(summaries, list(dic="DIC statistics have not been stored internally - see ?extract.runjags"))

	combinedoutput <- combinedoutput[! names(combinedoutput)%in%names(summaries)]
	combinedoutput <- c(combinedoutput, summaries)
	class(combinedoutput) <- 'runjags'

	class(combinedoutput$model) <- 'runjagsmodel'
	class(combinedoutput$data) <- 'runjagsdata'
	class(combinedoutput$end.state) <- 'runjagsinits'

	class(combinedoutput) <- 'runjags'

	# Check to see if we have identical RNG states after the run:
	n.chains <- nchain(combinedoutput$mcmc)
	if(!silent && n.chains > 1 && any(combinedoutput$end.state[2:n.chains]==combinedoutput$end.state[1])){
		warning("Identical RNG states have been produced for multiple chains - this probably means the chains are identical.  Try again using different parameter values and/or RNG samplers as inits.", call.=FALSE)

	# If the model was compiled previously with lecuyer loaded but not listed as a module the lecuyer module will still not be listed, so add it:
	if(any(grepl('lecuyer::RngStream', combinedoutput$end.state, fixed=TRUE)))
	  combinedoutput$modules <- c(combinedoutput$modules, list(c("lecuyer","TRUE")))

	combinedoutput$modules <- checkmodfact(combinedoutput$modules,'module')
	combinedoutput$factories <- checkmodfact(combinedoutput$factories,'factory')

	# Add the summarise time to the time taken:
	combinedoutput$timetaken <- combinedoutput$timetaken + difftime(Sys.time(), starttime)


swcat <- function(...){

		pargs <- list(...)
		pasted <- do.call(paste, pargs)
		pasted <- gsub('\r', '\n', pasted)

		# White space is destroyed by strwrap so preserve \n by splitting on them (and append a ' ' [which is removed by strwrap anyway] to preserve any trailing \n)
		pasted <- unlist(strsplit(paste(pasted,' ',sep=''), '\n'))
		pasted <- strwrap(pasted)
		cat(paste(pasted, collapse='\n'))

versionmatch <- function(required, actual){
	actual <- as.character(actual)

	matched <- FALSE
	for(r in as.character(required)){
		# Default:
		type <- "gteq"
		# If only an equals match precise version:
		if(grepl("=", r, fixed=TRUE)) type <- "eq"
		# Greater than takes precedence:
		if(grepl(">", r, fixed=TRUE)) type <- "gt"
		# Greater than or equal also possible:
		if(grepl(">=", r, fixed=TRUE)) type <- "gteq"
		r <- gsub(">|=", "", r)
		if((compareVersion(actual, r)==0) & (type=="eq" | type=="gteq")){
			matched <- TRUE
		if((compareVersion(actual, r)==1) & (type=="gt" | type=="gteq")){
			matched <- TRUE


winbugs.extract.big <- function(find, string, remove.list=TRUE){

	# There will not be any # except for the bugsdata jagsdata etc comments with the rest of the line cleared

	if(identical(string, '\n') || identical(string, '\r') || identical(string, '') || !grepl(find, string, ignore.case=TRUE))
	  return(list('', listfound=FALSE))

	# Make sure \r are now \n and \t are :
	string <- gsub('\r', '\n', string)
	string <- gsub('\t', ' ', string)

	# Remove white space at the beginning of lines but make sure a \n starts the string otherwise we are in trouble:
	string <- gsub('\n[[:space:]]*', '\n', paste('\n', string, sep=''))

	#########   Step 1:  separate blocks on the find string:

	# Now for the find to be valid it must be following a \n and before a {
	if(!grepl(paste('\n', find, '[[:space:]]*\\{',sep=''), string, ignore.case=TRUE))
	  return(list('', listfound=FALSE))

	# Now we have to turn these into lowercase because strsplit doesnt have an ignore.case argument:
	string <- gsub(paste('\n', find, '[[:space:]]*\\{',sep=''), paste('\n', find, ' \\{',sep=''), string, ignore.case=TRUE)

	# Now we can split on the find as we know there is at least 1, so 2 fragments after splitting:
	sepstrings <- strsplit(string, paste('\n', find, ' \\{',sep=''))[[1]]
	sepstrings <- sapply(sepstrings, function(x) return(paste(find, ' {\n', x, sep='')))[2:length(sepstrings)]
	names(sepstrings) <- NULL

	# Now the start of the strings is correct, but there may be crap after the closing } (but we might have a loop inside the string to keep):
	cutstrings <- lapply(sepstrings, function(s){
		# Use gregexpr to find the locations of all { and }:
		openbraces <- as.numeric(gregexpr('\\{', s)[[1]])
		closebraces <- as.numeric(gregexpr('\\}', s)[[1]])
		# Need to not count { } on commented lines, but also leave comment lines as they are - this finds where commented { } are:
		commented <- gregexpr("#(.*?)\\{", s, perl=TRUE)[[1]]
		openbraces <- openbraces[!openbraces %in% (as.numeric(commented)+(attr(commented, 'match.length')-1))]
		commented <- gregexpr("#(.*?)\\}", s, perl=TRUE)[[1]]
		closebraces <- closebraces[!closebraces %in% (as.numeric(commented)+(attr(commented, 'match.length')-1))]

		# Sanity check - an open brace should be right at the start:
		stopifnot(min(openbraces) < min(closebraces))
		# If we have different numbers of close brackets than open brackets, bail out:
		if(length(openbraces) > length(closebraces))
			stop(paste('There was an unmatched number of { and } found following a ', find, ' block - ensure that the text "', find, '{" is not used inside another block', sep=''), call.=FALSE)
		# This will tell us which closebrace corresponds to the last open brace:
		bracesdone <- which(sapply(1:length(closebraces), function(b) return(sum(openbraces < closebraces[b])==b)))[1]
		# And the matching string to return (from after the opening to before the closing bracket):
		return(substr(s, openbraces[1]+1, closebraces[bracesdone]-1))
	cutstrings <- sapply(cutstrings, paste, '\n', sep='')
	# Remove leading whitespace again:
	cutstrings <- sub('^[[:space:]]*','',cutstrings)
	# And trailing whitespace again:
	cutstrings <- sub('[[:space:]]*$','',cutstrings)

	listsfound <- grepl('[[:space:]]*list[[:space:]]*\\(', cutstrings, ignore.case=TRUE)

	return(list(cutstrings, listfound=listsfound))

	#### We no longer separate/remove list here but the code was:

	########  Step 2:  separate and remove list( )

	# # If we don't have any or aren't removing them just bail:
	# listsfound <- grepl('[[:space:]]*list[[:space:]]*\\(', cutstrings, ignore.case=TRUE)
	# if(!any(listsfound) || !remove.list)
	#   return(list(cutstrings, listfound=listsfound))
	# # Otherwise we need to remove the list (
	# cutstrings <- gsub(paste('[[:space:]]*list[[:space:]]*\\(',sep=''), ' ', cutstrings, ignore.case=TRUE)
	# # And the last closebracket found (assume this is correct):
	# tozap <- cutstrings[listsfound]
	# tozap <- sapply(tozap, function(s){
	#   closebraces <- as.numeric(gregexpr('\\)', s)[[1]])
	#   toremove <- closebraces[length(closebraces)]
	#   substr(s, toremove, toremove) <- ' '
	#   return(s)
	# })
	# cutstrings[listsfound] <- tozap
	# # Remove leading whitespace again:
	# cutstrings <- sub('^[[:space:]]*','',cutstrings)
	# # And trailing whitespace again:
	# cutstrings <- sub('[[:space:]]*$','',cutstrings)
	# # And return cutstrings:
	# return(list(cutstrings, listfound=listsfound))


sortjagsvsbugs <- function(maindata, data.type=TRUE){

	# This is all worded for data, but it applies equally to inits as well
	feedtxt <- if(data.type) 'A data' else 'An inits'

	# Note that the list( ) will already have been removed - datalistfound tells us if it was there:
	datalistfound <- maindata[[2]]
	maindata <- maindata[[1]]

	transwarngiven <- FALSE

	modelret <- ''
	for(i in 1:length(maindata)){


		# Manual override mechanism for data types
    	tofinds <- tolower(maindata[i])
		bugsdata <- grepl("#bugsdata#", tofinds)   	# =fixed
		jagsdata <- grepl("#rdata#", tofinds)  	# =fixed
		modeldata <- grepl("#modeldata#", tofinds)

		# Removes any  character between '#' and a new line
		maindata[i] <- gsub("#(.*?)\n", "\n", maindata[i], perl=TRUE)

		# Fixed means it is to be read as data (jags or bugs column/row major order), model means part of the model:
		# models don't contain .Dim, c(, ' or " (I think)
		likelyfixed <- any(c(grepl(".Dim", maindata[i]), datalistfound[i], grepl("c\\(", maindata[i]), grepl("'", maindata[i]), grepl('"', maindata[i])))
		# fixed data doesn't contain [ or for(
		likelymodel <- data.type && any(c(grepl("\\[", maindata[i]), grepl("for *\\(", maindata[i])))
		# Since I'm removing comments I think it's safe to assume anything with = is fixeddata?, anything with .Dim is fixeddata, anything with list( is fixeddata, anything with c( is fixeddata, anything with [ is modeldata, anything with for( is modeldata.  Check all these and if we get a disparity then a warning?
    # Manual overrides are done above

		if(!data.type && modeldata){
			warning('Ignoring an invalid #modeldata# specification in the initial values', call.=FALSE)
			modeldata <- FALSE

		# If we don't have an override:
		if(!any(bugsdata, jagsdata, modeldata)){
			if((likelyfixed && likelymodel) || (!likelyfixed && !likelymodel)){
					swcat(feedtxt, ' type was not recognised - assuming fixed type ', if(datalistfound[i]) '(BUGS format)' else '(R format)', '\n', sep='')

				#print("try parsing here?  Have an option to default data type if unkown?")
				#for(i in 1:length(maindata)){
				#	err <- try(eval(parse(text=maindata[i])))

				# For now assume that default is jags type data:
				modeldata <- FALSE
				bugsdata <- datalistfound[i]
				jagsdata <- !datalistfound[i]
				modeldata <- likelymodel
				bugsdata <- !likelymodel && datalistfound[i]
				jagsdata <- !likelymodel && !datalistfound[i]

				stop('Multiple model style data blocks were found in the model - this is not allowed', call.=FALSE)
			# Paste this data block onto the model and remove it from the data:
			modelret <- paste('data{\n', maindata[i], '\n}\n\n', sep='')
			maindata[i] <- ''

				# We need to transpose the data format, but to do that we first need to get it into a list:
				# If the data is like (var=val, ...) then we can just assign the value from eval(parse())
				# If the data is like (var <- val, ...) then the name of var is lost but var=val will be visible in the environment
				# So we need to use the environment to provide names for the variables with missing names

				if(!grepl('list(', maindata[i], fixed=TRUE)){   # Need to make sure there is a list otherwise the templist won't be a list
					maindata[i] <- paste('list(\n', maindata[i], '\n)\n', sep='')
				maindata[i] <- gsub(';',',',maindata[i],fixed=TRUE)   # semicolons will break the list
				s <- try({
					tempenv <- new.env()
					templist <- eval(parse(text=maindata[i]), envir=tempenv)
						# If there are no names in g, all of the variables were assigned using <- so must be in tempenv:
						templist <- as.list(tempenv, all.names=TRUE)
					# If some names are missing, only these will be in tempenv - so we could find the matches but it is better to just stop
						stop('Some variable names were missing after attempting to parse the BUGS format list', call.=FALSE)
				}, silent=TRUE)
				if(inherits(s, 'try-error'))
					stop(paste('The following error was obtained while attempting to parse the list of ', if(data.type) 'data' else 'inits',  ':\n', as.character(s), sep=''), call.=FALSE)
				# We will use parse directly to get each of these and then turn them back into chars:
				s <- try({
					tempenv <- new.env()
					eval(parse(text=maindata[i]), envir=tempenv)
					templist <- as.list(tempenv, all.names=TRUE)
				}, silent=TRUE)
				if(inherits(s, 'try-error'))
					stop(paste('The following error was obtained while attempting to parse the ', if(data.type) 'data' else 'inits', ':\n', as.character(s), sep=''), call.=FALSE)


			# bugsdata is not necessarily the same as datalistfound[i] - it can be overridden
					swcat('Note:  Transposing BUGS ', if(data.type) 'data' else 'inits', ' into R format\n')
				transwarngiven <- TRUE

				s <- try({
	            	temp <- lapply(templist, function(x){

					dim(x) <- rev(dim(x))
					x <- aperm(x)
				if(inherits(s, 'try-error'))
					stop(paste('The following unexpected error occured while converting the BUGS format ', if(data.type) 'data' else 'inits', ' into R format:\n', as.character(s), sep=''), call.=FALSE)

				templist <- temp
			# If it is JAGS format data we can leave it alone

			s <- try(maindata[i] <- dump.format(templist, checkvalid=FALSE), silent=TRUE)
			if(inherits(s, 'try-error'))
				stop(paste('The following unexpected error occured while converting the ', if(data.type) 'data' else 'inits', ' back into dump format:\n', as.character(s), sep=''), call.=FALSE)


	# Get rid of any data that is empty or just whitespace:
	maindata <- maindata[maindata!='' & !grepl('^[[:space:]]*$', maindata)]
		maindata <- ''

	if(length(maindata) > 1 && data.type){
		if(runjags.getOption('blockcombine.warning')) warning("More than 1 data block was found in the file.  Blocks were combined.", call.=FALSE)
		maindata <- paste(maindata, collapse="")

	return(list(fixed=maindata, model=modelret))

#### Keeping in case of problems
oldsortjagsvsbugs <- function(maindata, bugs.format=bugs.format, data.type=TRUE){

	# This is all worded for data, but it applies equally to inits as well
	feedtxt <- if(data.type) 'A data' else 'An inits'

	# Note that the list( ) will already have been removed - datalistfound tells us if it was there:
	datalistfound <- maindata[[2]]
	maindata <- maindata[[1]]

	modelret <- ''
	for(i in 1:length(maindata)){


		# Manual override mechanism for data types
    	tofinds <- tolower(maindata[i])
		bugsdata <- grepl("#bugsdata#", tofinds)   	# =fixed
		jagsdata <- grepl("#Rdata#", tofinds)  	# =fixed
		modeldata <- grepl("#modeldata#", tofinds)

		tdata <- maindata[i]


		###########   DO SOME CONVERSIONS

		# Removes any  character between '#' and a new line
		# For regexp matching - '.' means any character, * means match the preceeding character any number of times

		# This would be greedy:
		#tdata <- gsub("#.*\n", "\n", maindata[i])
		# This is non-greedy matching:
		tdata <- gsub("#(.*?)\n", "\n", tdata, perl=TRUE)

		# This code will remove any "\n" from between "(" and ")" so that we can spot inappropriate commas later:
		# [^\\)] means any character except ) - it's double escaped for some reason
		greps <- gregexpr("\\([^\\)]*\n[^\\)]*\\)", tdata)
		s <- greps[[1]]
		e <- (s-1)+ attr(greps[[1]], "match.length")
		if(s[1]!=-1){ # If it doesn't find anything, s=-1

			finalstring <- strsplit(tdata, "", fixed=TRUE)[[1]]
			for(j in 1:length(s)){

				tstring <- finalstring[s[j]:e[j]]
				newstring <- gsub("\n", tstring)
				finalstring[s[j]:e[j]] <- newstring

			tdata <- paste(finalstring, collapse="")

		# Replaces any '),' with ')\n' (allowing for spaces in between) so that multiple vars on 1 line are allowed:
		tdata <- gsub(") *?, ", ")\n", tdata)

#		# Was doing helpful <- to = conversions but ditch them (you can't have .Dim <- structure or variable = value but that's up to the user)
#		temp <- strsplit(tdata[i], "")[[1]]
#		numbers <- which(temp=="=")
#		if(length(numbers)>0){
#			for(k in 1:length(numbers)){
#				tstring <- character(length=10)
#				for(j in 1:10){
#					tstring[j] <- paste(temp[pmax((numbers[k]-3-j):(numbers[k]-j), 1)], collapse="")
#				}
#				if(all(tstring!=".Dim")) temp[numbers[k]] <- "<-"
#			}
#		}
#		tdata[i] <- paste(temp, collapse="")

		# Remove extra spaces from previously indented things:
		tdata <- gsub(",[[:space:]]*", ", ", tdata)

		# This code will change any "," to "\n" from between "<-" and "<-" unless a "(" or ")" are present:
		# [^\\)^\\(] means any character except ) or (
		# *? and perl makes it non-greedy matching
		# Need a while loop as the same character can't be used as the end point of one search and the start of another, so variable=value, variabile=value, variable=value would only remove the first (although variable=value, variable=value\nvariable=value, variable=value would be fine)
		s <- 0
			greps <- gregexpr("<-([^\\)^\\(]*?),([^\\)^\\(]*?)<-", tdata, perl=TRUE)
			s <- greps[[1]]
			e <- (s-1)+ attr(greps[[1]], "match.length")
			if(s[1]!=-1){ # If it doesn't find anything, s=-1
				finalstring <- strsplit(tdata, "", fixed=TRUE)[[1]]
				for(j in 1:length(s)){

					tstring <- finalstring[s[j]:e[j]]
					newstring <- gsub(",", "\n", tstring)
					finalstring[s[j]:e[j]] <- newstring

				tdata <- paste(finalstring, collapse="")
		### Then make sure any new leading white space is removed (gsub is vectorised):
		tdata <- gsub("\n[[:space:]]*", "\n", tdata)

		# As a final step, replace the removed , .Dim from data:
#		tdata <- gsub('\n.Dim', ',\n.Dim', tdata, fixed=TRUE)
		# And remove leading and trailing white space:
		tdata <- gsub('^ *\n', '', tdata)
		tdata <- gsub('\n *\n$', '\n', tdata)

		maindata[i] <- tdata
		###########   END OF CONVERSIONS

		# Fixed means it is to be read as data (jags or bugs column/row major order), model means part of the model:
		# models don't contain .Dim, c(, ' or " (I think)
		likelyfixed <- any(c(grepl(".Dim", maindata[i]), datalistfound[i], grepl("c\\(", maindata[i]), grepl("'", maindata[i]), grepl('"', maindata[i])))
		# fixed data doesn't contain [ or for(
		likelymodel <- data.type && any(c(grepl("\\[", maindata[i]), grepl("for *\\(", maindata[i])))
		# Since I'm removing comments I think it's safe to assume anything with = is fixeddata?, anything with .Dim is fixeddata, anything with list( is fixeddata, anything with c( is fixeddata, anything with [ is modeldata, anything with for( is modeldata.  Check all these and if we get a disparity then a warning?
    # Manual overrides are done above

		if(modeldata && !data.type){
			warning('Ignoring an invalid #modeldata# specification in the initial values - assuming #Rdata#', call.=FALSE)
			modeldata <- FALSE
			bugsdata <- FALSE
			jagsdata <- TRUE

		# If we don't have an override:
		if(!any(bugsdata, jagsdata, modeldata)){
			if((likelyfixed && likelymodel) || (!likelyfixed && !likelymodel)){
					swcat(feedtxt, ' type was not recognised - assuming fixed type\n', sep='')

				#print("try parsing here?  Have an option to default data type if unkown?")
				#for(i in 1:length(maindata)){
				#	err <- try(eval(parse(text=maindata[i])))

				# For now assume that default is jags type data:
				modeldata <- FALSE
				bugsdata <- bugs.format
				jagsdata <- !bugs.format
				modeldata <- likelymodel
				bugsdata <- !likelymodel && bugs.format
				jagsdata <- !likelymodel && !bugs.format

		if(datalistfound[i] && !bugsdata)
			warning(paste(feedtxt, ' block that looks like a WinBUGS format was found - did you mean to specify bugs.format=TRUE?', sep=''), call.=FALSE)

				stop('Multiple model style data blocks were found in the model - see the help file for ?read.jagsfile for options for specifying data', call.=FALSE)
			# Paste this data block onto the model and remove it from the data:
			modelret <- paste('data{\n', maindata[i], '\n}\n\n', sep='')
			maindata[i] <- ''
					swcat('Transposing BUGS data\n')

				# We need to transpose the data format:
				s <- try({
				temp <- list.format(maindata[i], checkvalid=FALSE)
	            temp <- lapply(temp, function(x){

					dim(x) <- rev(dim(x))
					x <- aperm(x)
				maindata[i] <- dump.format(temp, checkvalid=FALSE)
				if(inherits(s, 'try-error'))
					stop('An unexpected error occured while converting the BUGS format data into JAGS format', call.=FALSE)
			# If it is JAGS format data we can leave it alone


	# Get rid of any data that is empty or just whitespace:
	maindata <- maindata[maindata!='' & !grepl('^[[:space:]]*$', maindata)]
		maindata <- ''

	if(length(maindata) > 1 && data.type){
		if(runjags.getOption('blockcombine.warning')) warning("More than 1 data block was found in the file.  Blocks were combined.", call.=FALSE)
		maindata <- paste(maindata, collapse="")

	return(list(fixed=maindata, model=modelret))

winbugs.extract.small <- function(find, string){

  if(identical(string, '\n') || identical(string, '\r') || identical(string, ''))

  # Eliminate \t and add the # - allow 0+ spaces:
  string <- gsub('\t',' ',string)
  grfind <- paste('# *',find,' *#',sep='')
	# Separate into lines:
  split <- strsplit(string,split='[\n\r]')[[1]]
  # Eliminate lines without the target:
  split <- split[grepl(grfind,split,ignore.case=TRUE)]

  # If none, return:

  # Now remove anything before the target identifier:
  split <- gsub(paste('^.*',grfind,sep=''),'',split,ignore.case=TRUE)

  # Now just separate on the allowed characters and delist:
  found <- unlist(strsplit(split, '[\\,,;,&]'))

  # Remove trailing and leading spaces:
  found <- gsub('^ *', '', found)
  found <- gsub(' *$', '', found)

  # Stop if an illegal space is found unless this is modules or factories:
  if(any(grepl(' ', found)) && !find%in%c('modules','factories')){
    problem <- which(grepl(' ', found))
    stop(paste('Invalid space in the following specification(s) for #', find, '#: ', paste(found[problem], collapse=', ')), call.=FALSE)

  # And return:


# Keep this in case it's needed - old and slow (but more general?) version
old.winbugs.extract.small <- function(find, string){

split <- strsplit(string, "")[[1]]

newstring <- ""

newlinelast = found <- FALSE
find.no = hash <- 0

for(i in 1:length(split)){


			hash <- hash + 1

		if(hash!=2) next

		if(any(split[i]==c(",", ";", ":", "&"))){

			find.no <- find.no + 1

		if(is.na(newstring[find.no])) newstring[find.no] <- ""

		if(any(split[i]==c("", " ", "\t", "@", "%"))) next
		if(any(split[i]==c("\n", "\r"))){
			found <- FALSE
			newstring[find.no] <- paste(newstring[find.no], split[i], sep="")


	if(!all(split[i]==c("", " ", "\t"))){
		temp <- split[i:length(split)]
		temp <- temp[temp!=" " & temp!= "" & temp!="\t"]
		if(paste(temp[1:(length(strsplit(find, "")[[1]]))], collapse="") == find){ # newlinelast not necessary for extract.small
			found <- TRUE
			hash <- 1
			split[min(which(split=="#")[which(split=="#")>=i])] <- ""
			find.no <- find.no + 1

		if(any(split[i]==c("\n", "\r"))){
			newlinelast <- TRUE
			newlinelast <- FALSE

for(i in 1:length(newstring)){
	temp <- strsplit(newstring[i], "")[[1]]
	temp[temp=="="] <- "<-"
	newstring[i] <- paste(temp, collapse="")
return(newstring[newstring!="" & newstring!=" "])

normalise.mcmcfun <- function(mcmc.list, normalise = TRUE, warn = TRUE, remove.nonstochastic = TRUE){

	if(inherits(mcmc.list, "mcmc")) mcmc <- mcmc.list(mcmc.list) else mcmc <- mcmc.list

	if(!inherits(mcmc, "mcmc.list")) stop("Object to be normalised must be an mcmc list or mcmc object")

	vnames <- lapply(mcmc, dimnames)

	# Special case of 0 iterations:
		truestochastic <- rep(TRUE, nvar(mcmc))
		names(truestochastic) <- vnames[[1]][[2]]
		nonstochastic=semistochastic <- !truestochastic


		# ALWAYS cehck stochastic, but sometimes don't remove them
		variances <- sapply(mcmc, function(x){

				usey <- y[y!=Inf & y!=-Inf & !is.na(y)]
				if(length(usey)<=1) v <- 0 else v <- var(usey)

			}))}, simplify='array')

		dim(variances) <- c(nvar(mcmc),nchain(mcmc))
		dimnames(variances) <- list(vnames[[1]][[2]], NULL)
		anyvariancezero <- variances==0

		means <- sapply(mcmc, function(x){

				usey <- y[y!=Inf & y!=-Inf & !is.na(y)]
				if(length(usey)==0) v <- NA else v <- mean(usey)

			}))}, simplify='array')

		dim(means) <- c(nvar(mcmc),nchain(mcmc))
		dimnames(means) <- list(vnames[[1]][[2]], NULL)

		# If there is only one chain then meansdiffer is just taken from variance within the chain i.e. ignored:
		meansdiffer <- apply(means,1,var)>0
			meansdiffer[] <- !apply(anyvariancezero,1,any)

		# There are 3 options:
		# variances > 0 between chains but == 0 within chains ->  semi-stochastic
		# variance == 0 in some but not all chains -> semi-stochastic
		# variances == 0 in all chains but means differ between -> semi-stochastic
		# variances == 0 in all chains and means identical -> non-stochastic
		# all variances > 0 -> stochastic
		# 1 iteration variance will be 0 so counted as semi-stochastic

		# 1 iteration and chain -> everything non-stochastic
		if(nchain(mcmc)==1 && niter(mcmc)==1){
			anyvariancezero[] <- TRUE
			meansdiffer[] <- FALSE

		nonstochastic <- apply(anyvariancezero,1,all) & !is.na(meansdiffer) & !meansdiffer
		removed <- names(nonstochastic)[nonstochastic]
		if(length(removed)>0 && niter(mcmc)>1){
			warnmessage <- paste("Note: The monitored variable", if(sum(nonstochastic)>1) "s", " '", if(sum(nonstochastic)>1) paste(removed[1:(length(removed)-1)], collapse="', '"), if(sum(nonstochastic)>1) "' and '", removed[length(removed)], "' appear", if(sum(nonstochastic)==1) "s", " to be non-stochastic; ", if(sum(nonstochastic)>1) "they" else "it", " will not be included in the convergence diagnostic", sep="")
				warning(warnmessage, call.=FALSE)

		truestochastic <- apply(!anyvariancezero,1,all)  # NOT necessary for the means to be different - they might be the same by chance

		#semistochastic <- (apply(anyvariancezero,1,any) != apply(anyvariancezero,1,all)) | (apply(anyvariancezero,1,all) & meansdiffer)
		semistochastic <- !(nonstochastic | truestochastic)

		removed <- sort(names(semistochastic)[semistochastic])
		if(length(removed)>0 && niter(mcmc)>1){
			warnmessage <- paste("Note: The monitored variable", if(sum(semistochastic)>1) "s", " '", if(sum(semistochastic)>1) paste(removed[1:(length(removed)-1)], collapse="', '"), if(sum(semistochastic)>1) "' and '", removed[length(removed)], "' appear", if(sum(semistochastic)==1) "s", " to be stochastic in one chain but non-stochastic in another chain; ", if(sum(semistochastic)>1) "they" else "it", " will not be included in the convergence diagnostic", sep="")
				warning(warnmessage, call.=FALSE)

		if(sum(semistochastic)+sum(truestochastic)+sum(nonstochastic) != length(vnames[[1]][[2]])){
			swcat('True stochastic:\n')
			swcat('Semi stochastic:\n')
			swcat('Non stochastic:\n')
			swcat('Variable names:\n')

			stop('An unexpected error occured determining which variables were and were not stochasic - please file an error report to the package maintainer', call.=FALSE)

#		if(all(nontruestochastic))
#			stop("All monitored variables appear to be non-stochastic; try adding monitored variables either using #monitor# in the model code or by specifying a monitor argument to run.jags", call.=FALSE)

	# remove.nonstochastic is STRICT nonstochastic only (i.e. semistochastic and stochastic both left alone)
	if(remove.nonstochastic && any(nonstochastic))
		mcmc <- mcmc[,-which(nonstochastic),drop=FALSE]

	if(normalise && !all(nonstochastic)){
		if(niter(mcmc)>1000) use <- sample(1:niter(mcmc), size=1000, replace=FALSE) else use <- 1:niter(mcmc)

		shap.res <- apply(combine.mcmc(mcmc, collapse.chains=TRUE, add.mutate=FALSE), 2, function(x){
			rv <- 1
			if(!any(x==Inf | x==-Inf | is.na(x)) && var(x)!=0){
				# We might get an error if we sample 1000 funny values - in which case leave them alone (likely to be small variance so transform probably unnecessary anyway)
				suppressWarnings(success <- try({
					if(all(x > 0)){
						if(all(x < 1)){
							if(stats::shapiro.test(x[use])$p.value < stats::shapiro.test(log(x[use]/(1-x[use])))$p.value) rv <- 3
							if(stats::shapiro.test(x[use])$p.value < stats::shapiro.test(log(x[use]))$p.value) rv <- 2
				}, silent=TRUE))

		change <- which(shap.res!=1)
		for(parameter in change){
			for(chain in 1:nchain(mcmc)){
				newvalues <- unlist(mcmc[[chain]][,parameter])
				if(shap.res[parameter]==3) newvalues <- log(newvalues/(1-newvalues)) else newvalues <- log(newvalues)
				mcmc[[chain]][,parameter] <- newvalues
	for(i in 1:length(mcmc))
		dimnames(mcmc[[i]])[[1]] <- vnames[[i]][[1]]

	if(inherits(mcmc.list, "mcmc")){
		return(list(mcmc=mcmc[[1]], truestochastic=truestochastic, semistochastic=semistochastic, nonstochastic=nonstochastic))
		return(list(mcmc=mcmc, truestochastic=truestochastic, semistochastic=semistochastic, nonstochastic=nonstochastic))

safe.autocorr.diag <- function(x, ...){
		y <- matrix(NA, nrow=1, ncol=nvar(x), dimnames=list('Lag 1', dimnames(x[[1]])[[2]]))

	y <- autocorr.diag(x[,1],...)
	if(nvar(x)>1) for(i in 2:nvar(x)) y <- cbind(y, autocorr.diag(x[,i],...))
	dimnames(y)[[2]] <- dimnames(x[[1]])[[2]]

safe.gelman.diag <- function(x, warn=TRUE,...){

	success <- try(gelman <- gelman.diag(x, ...), silent=TRUE)
	if(inherits(success, 'try-error')){

		nvars <- nvar(x)
		psrfs <- matrix(ncol=2, nrow=nvars, dimnames=list(varnames(x), c("Point est.", "97.5% quantile")))

		success <- try({
			for(i in 1:nvars){
			psrfs[i,] <- gelman.diag(x[,i,drop=FALSE], ...)$psrf
		}, silent=TRUE)
		if(inherits(success, 'try-error')){
			#name <- new_unique("gelman.failed", ".Rsave")
			#save(failedmcmc, file=name)
			stop("An error occured while calculating the Gelman-Rubin statistic")

		if(warn) swcat("Note:  Unable to calculate the multivariate psrf\n")

		y <- list(psrf=psrfs, mpsrf="Unable to calculate multivariate psrf")

		class(y) <- "gelman.diag"


getargs <- function(functions, passed, returnall=TRUE, otherfnames=character(0)){

	N <- length(functions)
	args <- vector('list', length=N)
	names <- vector('list', length=N)

	# Argument names for the functions relative to this function:
	for(i in 1:N){
		args[[i]] <- as.list(formals(get(functions[i], sys.frame(sys.parent(n=1)))))
		args[[i]] <- args[[i]][names(args[[i]])!="..."]
		names[[i]] <- names(args[[i]])

 	argnames <- unique(unlist(names))
 	argmatch <- pmatch(names(passed), argnames)


     nomatches <- names(passed)[which(is.na(argmatch))]

		functions <- c(otherfnames, functions)
 		functstring <- paste(if(length(functions)>1) paste(functions[1:(length(functions)-1)], collapse="', '"), if(length(functions)>1)"' or '", functions[length(functions)], "' function", if(length(functions)>1) "s", sep="")

 		argstring <- paste(if(length(nomatches)>1) "s", " '", if(length(nomatches)>1) paste(nomatches[1:(length(nomatches)-1)], collapse="', '"), if(length(nomatches)>1)"' or '", nomatches[length(nomatches)], "'", sep="")

		stop(paste("unused argument(s)", argstring, " (no unambiguous match in the '",functstring,")", sep=""), call.=FALSE)

	names(passed) <- argnames[argmatch]
	passed <- passed[!is.na(argmatch)]

		# Now get defaults from specified functions, giving priority to earlier functions if arguments appear in more than 1:
		alreadymatched <- names(passed)
		for(i in 1:N){
			newget <- names[[i]][!(names[[i]] %in% alreadymatched)]
			newargs <- lapply(newget, function(x) try(as.expression(get(x, pos=args[[i]])), silent=TRUE))
			names(newargs) <- newget
			newargs <- newargs[!sapply(newargs,class)=="try-error"]
			passed <- c(passed, newargs)
			alreadymatched <- c(alreadymatched, newget)

tailf <- function(file, start=1, refresh=0.1, min.static=1, max.static=Inf, stop.function=function() return(FALSE), stop.text=character(0), print=TRUE, returntext=!print){

	done <- FALSE

	readupto <- 1

	# Allow the simulation to start:
	if(!file.exists(file)) Sys.sleep(1)

	if(!file.exists(file)) stop("The named file does not exist")

	linesto <- start+1
	going <- TRUE
	static <- 0
	lastline <- ""

	text <- ""

	# Wait for file to start being written to:
		suppressWarnings(output <- readLines(file))
		# Catch occasional error with na being introduced:
		if(is.na(lastline)) lastline <- ""
			static <- static+1
			if(static > max.static) break


	suppressWarnings(output <- readLines(file))
	# Catch occasional error with na being introduced:
	if(is.na(lastline)) lastline <- ""

			static <- static+1
			if(static > max.static) break
			static <- 0
			newsameline <- output[readupto]
			new <- strsplit(newsameline, '')[[1]]
			last <- length(strsplit(lastline, '')[[1]])
			new <- paste(new[(last+1):length(new)], collapse='')
			if(print) cat(new)
			text <- paste(text, new, sep='')
			lastline <- output[length(output)]
			new <- output[linesto-1]
			new <- strsplit(new, '')[[1]]
			last <- length(strsplit(lastline, '')[[1]])
			new <- paste(new[(last+1):length(new)], collapse='')
			if(print) cat(new)
			text <- paste(text, new, sep='')
		static <- 0
		new <- paste(output[linesto:length(output)], collapse='\n')
		if(print) cat('\n', new, sep='')
		text <- paste(text, '\n', new, sep='')
		linesto <- length(output)+1
		lastline <- output[length(output)]

	if(static > min.static & stop.function()) break

	allnewoutput <- paste(output[readupto:length(output)],collapse="\n")
	readupto <- length(output)
	foundtextmatch <- any(sapply(as.list(stop.text), grepl, x=allnewoutput))
	if(foundtextmatch) break


	done <- TRUE

	}, finally={

		retval <- list(text=text, lines=length(output), interrupt=!done)
		if(returntext) return(retval)


prettifytable <- function(x, digits=5, colsequal=FALSE, nastring="", psrfcoldollar=FALSE){

	formatted <- formatC(x, format="fg", digits=digits, width=-1)
	absx <- abs(x)
	absx[is.na(absx)] <- 1
	formatted[absx<10^-digits] <- formatC(x[absx<10^-digits], digits=digits, width=-1)

	formatted <- gsub("NA",nastring,formatted)
	formatted <- gsub("NaN",nastring,formatted)
#		formatted[psrfcoldollar,'psrf'] <- '$'
		formatted[psrfcoldollar,'psrf'] <- paste(formatted[psrfcoldollar,'psrf'], ' $', sep='')

	# Put column names on as well:
	formatted <- rbind(dimnames(formatted)[[2]],formatted)
	dimnames(formatted) <- list(dimnames(formatted)[[1]],rep("",ncol(formatted)))

		retval <- format(formatted, justify="right")
		retval <- apply(formatted, 2, format, justify="right")

	# noquote suppresses the "" from the character string:


checkmodfact <- function(tocheck, type){
	if(identical(tocheck,'')) tocheck <- list()

  	# In case any are blank:
		tocheck <- tocheck[sapply(tocheck, function(x) return(!all(x=='')))]

	nl <- switch(type, module=2, factory=3)

		if(length(tocheck)>0 && any(grepl(',', tocheck, fixed=TRUE)))
			stop('Use of commas in module or factory specifications is not allowed - separate name type and status with a space', call.=FALSE)
		tocheck <- gsub('[\\(\\)]',' ',tocheck)
	  	tocheck <- strsplit(gsub('[[:space:]]+', ' ', tocheck),' ')

		stop(paste('Invalid ', type, ' specification - it must be either a character vector or a list', sep=''), call.=FALSE)

	# If a blank list return '':
	if(identical(list(), tocheck)) return('')

  	validated <- lapply(tocheck, function(x){
		origx <- x

	  	# If not specified, assume it wants to be on:
	  	if(length(x) < nl)
			x <- c(x, "TRUE")

		# Check length is correct:
			stop(paste('Incorrect number of elements for ', type, ' specification "', paste(origx,collapse=' '), '": ', length(origx), ' found but ', nl, ' expected', sep=''), call.=FALSE)

	  	# Replace on with TRUE and off with FALSE:
	  	x[nl] <- gsub('on','TRUE',x[nl])
	  	x[nl] <- gsub('ON','TRUE',x[nl])
	  	x[nl] <- gsub('off','FALSE',x[nl])
	  	x[nl] <- gsub('OFF','FALSE',x[nl])
	  	x[nl] <- as.character(as.logical(x[nl]))

		# Check factory type is valid:
	  	if(type=='factory' && !x[2]%in%c('sampler','monitor','rng'))
			stop(paste('The type of ', type, ' specification "', paste(origx,collapse=' '), '" must be one of sampler, monitor or rng', sep=''), call.=FALSE)

	  	# Check they are all logicable:
	  		stop(paste('The status "', origx[nl], '" of ', type, ' specification "', paste(origx, collapse=' '), '" is not interpretable as logical', sep=''), call.=FALSE)


  validated <- unique(validated)
    tocheck <- sapply(validated,function(x) return(x[1]))
    tocheck <- sapply(validated,function(x) return(paste(x[1],x[2],sep=' ')))
		stop(paste('Replicated ', type, ' name(s) with conflicting status in "', paste(sapply(validated,paste,collapse=' '), collapse=', '), '"', sep=''), call.=FALSE)
	if(identical(list(), validated)) validated <- ''


checkvalidrunjagsobject <- function(runjags.object){

		stop("The output of a runjags function must be supplied", call.=FALSE)

	# Add some info that may not be available from old (saved) runjags objects:

	# Only add things if not debugging:

		# Requried for back-compatibility with 1.2:
			runjags.object$noread.monitor <- character(0)
			runjags.object$modules <- character(0)
			runjags.object$factories <- character(0)

	  # Added for version 2.0:
			runjags.object$summary.pars <- getdefaultsummarypars()
			runjags.object$summary.available <- FALSE
			runjags.object$deviance.table <- NA
			runjags.object$deviance.sum <- NA
			runjags.object$pd <- NA
			runjags.object$samplers <- NA
			runjags.object$semistochastic <- rep(nvar(runjags.object$mcmc), FALSE)
			runjags.object$truestochastic <- runjags.object$semistochastic
	  	runjags.object$nonstochastic=!(runjags.object$truestochastic | runjags.object$semistochastic)
	  	if(is.list(runjags.object$dic) && is.null(runjags.object$dic$meanpopt))
			runjags.object$dic$meanpopt <- NA
			runjags.object$response <- NA
			runjags.object$residual <- NA
			runjags.object$fitted <- NA

		# Not the best way of doing it - add.summary doesn't update the version:
	#	if(numeric_version(runjags.object$runjags.version[1]) < "2.0.0"){
	#		runjags.object$summaries <- 'Summary statistics not available - see ?add.summary'
	#	}

		defmo <- getdefaultmethodoptions()
			runjags.object$method.options <- defmo

			runjags.object$method.options$n.sims <- defmo$n.sims
			runjags.object$method.options$cl <- defmo$cl
			runjags.object$method.options$remote.jags <- defmo$remote.jags
			runjags.object$method.options$by <- defmo$by
	    	runjags.object$method.options$progress.bar <- defmo$progress.bar

		if(!all(c('n.sims', 'cl', 'remote.jags', 'by', 'progress.bar', 'jags', 'silent.jags', 'jags.refresh', 'batch.jags')%in%names(runjags.object$method.options))){
			runjags.object$method.options <- defmo

    ## summary.iters was not copied correctly until version 2.2.2:
    if(!"summary.iters" %in% names(runjags.object$summary.pars)){
      runjags.object$summary.pars$summary.iters <- 10000

		if(length(runjags.object$summary.pars)!=20 || !all(c('plots','vars','mutate','psrf.target','normalise.mcmc','modeest.opts','confidence','autocorr.lags','custom','silent.jags','plot.type','col','summary.iters','trace.iters','separate.chains','trace.options','density.options','histogram.options','ecdfplot.options','acplot.options') %in% names(runjags.object$summary.pars))){
			stop('Invalid summary.pars - please submit a bug report\n')

	# Less strict - don't check for the presence of summary statistics as they may not have been added yet:
	if(!all(c('mcmc', 'end.state', 'burnin', 'sample', 'thin', 'model', 'data', 'monitor', 'noread.monitor', 'modules', 'factories', 'response', 'residual', 'fitted', 'method', 'method.options', 'timetaken', 'summary.pars', 'deviance.table', 'deviance.sum') %in% names(runjags.object)))
		stop("Invalid runjags.object provided; the output of a runjags function (with class 'runjags') must be supplied", call.=FALSE)

  # rjags is NOT required as it is sometimes removed to decompile it
	if(!all(c('n.sims', 'cl', 'remote.jags', 'by', 'progress.bar', 'jags', 'silent.jags', 'jags.refresh', 'batch.jags')%in%names(runjags.object$method.options)))
		stop("Invalid runjags.object provided (invalid method options); the output of a runjags function (with class 'runjags') must be supplied", call.=FALSE)

	if(length(runjags.object$response)!=1 || (!is.na(runjags.object$response) && !is.character(runjags.object$response)))
		stop('The response variable (if supplied) must be a single character variable')
	if(length(runjags.object$residual)!=1 || (!is.na(runjags.object$residual) && !is.character(runjags.object$residual)))
		stop('The residual variable (if supplied) must be a single character variable')
	if(length(runjags.object$fitted)!=1 || (!is.na(runjags.object$fitted) && !is.character(runjags.object$fitted)))
		stop('The fitted variable (if supplied) must be a single character variable')

	runjags.object$factories <- checkmodfact(runjags.object$factories, 'factory')
	runjags.object$modules <- checkmodfact(runjags.object$modules, 'module')


checkvalidmonitorname <- function(monitor, expand=TRUE){

	if(is.logical(monitor) && length(monitor)>0 && !identical(NA, monitor)){
			warning('Setting NA values in specified logical argument for variable selection to FALSE', call.=FALSE)
			monitor[is.na(monitor)] <- FALSE

	monitor <- as.character(monitor)

	# Remove spaces from monitors
	monitor <- gsub('[[:space:]]','',monitor)

	# Don't allow comments in monitor names
	problem <- grepl('#', monitor)
		stop(paste('Invalid monitor name(s) "', paste(monitor[problem],collapse='", "'), '" - comment (#) characters are not allowed', sep=''), call.=FALSE)

	# Look for ,, and [, and ,] and give an error
	problem <- grepl('[,', monitor, fixed=TRUE) | grepl(',]', monitor, fixed=TRUE) | grepl(',,', monitor, fixed=TRUE)
		stop(paste('Invalid monitor name(s) "', paste(monitor[problem],collapse='", "'), '" - empty indexes are not allowed', sep=''), call.=FALSE)

	# Quotation marks are allowed (as are $ and ^), as we use them for matching specific variables:
#	problem <- grepl('"', monitor, fixed=TRUE) | grepl("'", monitor, fixed=TRUE)
#	if(any(problem))
#		stop(paste('Invalid monitor name(s): ', paste(monitor[problem],collapse=', '), ' - quotation marks are not allowed', sep=''), call.=FALSE)

	# Look for unmatched brackets:
	problem <- (grepl('[', monitor, fixed=TRUE) & !grepl("]", monitor, fixed=TRUE)) | (!grepl('[', monitor, fixed=TRUE) & grepl("]", monitor, fixed=TRUE))
		stop(paste('Invalid monitor name(s): ', paste(monitor[problem],collapse=', '), ' - unmatched square bracket', sep=''), call.=FALSE)

	# Look for , without [:
	problem <- grepl(',', monitor, fixed=TRUE) & !grepl("[", monitor, fixed=TRUE)
		stop(paste('Invalid monitor name(s): ', paste(monitor[problem],collapse=', '), ' - commas are only allowed within square brackets', sep=''), call.=FALSE)

	# The word 'to' is going to give a problem:
	if(!all(is.na(monitor)) && any(monitor=='to'))
		warning('Use of the monitor name "to" may cause problems with some JAGS methods', call.=FALSE)

		monitor <- expandindexnames(monitor)


getmonitortype <- function(monitor){
	mons <- t(vapply(strsplit(monitor, '[\\(\\)]'), function(x){
			x <- c('trace', x)
	}, rep('',2)))[,2:1,drop=FALSE]
	dimnames(mons) <- list(NULL, c('monitor','type'))

# Required for modified read.coda function to work properly:
expandindexnames <- function(names){
	f <- function(x){
	  nums <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(x))
	  keep <- x[is.na(nums)]
	  nums <- nums[!is.na(nums)]
	  npairs <- length(nums)/2
	    indexes <- expand.grid(lapply(1:npairs,function(p){
	      s <- ((p-1)*2)+1
	    keep <- t(matrix(keep, nrow=length(keep), ncol=nrow(indexes)))
	    for(i in 1:npairs) keep[,(i*2)] <- indexes[,i]
	    keep <- apply(keep,1,paste,collapse='')

	# Mark indexes using : using hashes in a predetermined way:
	newnames <- gsub('([[:digit:]]+):([[:digit:]]+)', '##\\1#\\2#', names)
	# Now split on comment char:
	split <- strsplit(newnames,'#')
	# And recombine with the indexes explicitly rolled out:
	toret <- as.character(unlist(lapply(split,f)))
	# Remove any spaces:
	toret <- gsub(' ','',toret)
	# Check the bracket isn't empty:
		stop(paste('Empty indexes provided for variable(s) ', paste(toret[grepl('[]',toret,fixed=TRUE)], collapse=', '), ' - ensure that the full range of indices are specified using a colon (e.g. var[1:2,1])', sep=''), call.=FALSE)

	if(length(toret)==0 || identical(toret, '') || identical(toret, NA))

	if(any(grepl(',,',toret,fixed=TRUE) | grepl('[,',toret,fixed=TRUE) | grepl(',]',toret,fixed=TRUE)))
		stop(paste('Ambiguous index entry provided for variable(s) ', paste(toret[grepl(',,',toret,fixed=TRUE) | grepl('[,',toret,fixed=TRUE) | grepl(',]',toret,fixed=TRUE)], collapse=', '), ' - ensure that all indices are specified using a colon (e.g. var[1:2,1])', sep=''), call.=FALSE)


matchvars <- function(vars, names, exactneeded=NA, testfound=TRUE){

		stop('No valid variable names in the object supplied', call.=FALSE)

	if(is.logical(vars) && length(vars)>0){
			stop(paste("The length of the logical vector specified to 'vars' (", length(vars), ") does not match the number of monitored variables (", length(names), ")", sep=""), call.=FALSE)
			stop("Missing values are not allowed in the logical vector specified to 'vars'", call.=FALSE)


	vars <- as.character(na.omit(vars))
	# vars is what to find, names is the MCMC object varnames to find it in


		vars <- expandindexnames(vars)
	#	matched <- vapply(vars, function(m) return(grepl(paste("^",m,sep=""),names)), logical(length(names)))

		matched <- vapply(vars, function(m) return(grepl(m,paste("^",names,"$",sep=""),fixed=TRUE)), logical(length(names)))
		exact <- vapply(vars, function(m) return((gsub("'","",gsub('"','',m,fixed=TRUE),fixed=TRUE)) == names), logical(length(names)))
		namesnoindex <- sapply(strsplit(names,'[',fixed=TRUE), function(x) return(x[[1]]))
		nameswithoutindex <- vapply(vars, function(m) return((gsub("'","",gsub('"','',m,fixed=TRUE),fixed=TRUE)) == namesnoindex), logical(length(names)))
		varsnoindex <- sapply(strsplit(vars,'[',fixed=TRUE), function(x) return(x[[1]]))
		varswithoutindex <- vapply(varsnoindex, function(m) return((gsub("'","",gsub('"','',m,fixed=TRUE),fixed=TRUE)) == names), logical(length(names)))

			dn <- names(matched)
			dim(matched) <- c(length(names), length(vars))
			dimnames(matched) <- list(NULL, dn)
			dn <- names(exact)
			dim(exact) <- c(length(names), length(vars))
			dimnames(exact) <- list(NULL, dn)
			dn <- names(nameswithoutindex)
			dim(nameswithoutindex) <- c(length(names), length(vars))
			dimnames(nameswithoutindex) <- list(NULL, dn)
			dn <- names(varswithoutindex)
			dim(varswithoutindex) <- c(length(names), length(vars))
			dimnames(varswithoutindex) <- list(NULL, dn)

		if(identical(exactneeded, NA))
			exactneeded <- t(matrix((grepl("'",vars,fixed=TRUE) | grepl('"',vars,fixed=TRUE)), ncol=length(names), nrow=length(vars)))

		if(!all(dim(matched)==dim(exact)) || !all(dim(matched)==dim(nameswithoutindex)) || !all(dim(matched)==dim(varswithoutindex))){
			stop('An unexpected error occured while matching variable names - please file a bug report to the package maintainer including the matrices printed above', call.=FALSE)

		# This still needs to be vectorised like this in case exactneeded depends on var:
		combined <- (matched & !exactneeded) | (varswithoutindex & !exactneeded) | exact | nameswithoutindex
		selected <- lapply(1:ncol(combined), function(x){
		names(selected) <- dimnames(combined)[[2]]
		# selected <- apply( (matched & !exactneeded) | (exact & exactneeded) , 2, function(x) return(if(any(x)) which(x) else 0))

		if(any(sapply(selected,length)==0) && testfound)
			stop(paste("No matches found for the following variable name(s): ", paste(vars[sapply(selected,length)==0],collapse=','), sep=''), call.=FALSE)

		selected <- unique(unlist(selected))


		selected <- 1:length(names)


checkvalidforjags <- function(object){

	if(length(object)==1 && is.na(object)) return(list(valid=TRUE, probstring=""))

	if(inherits(object, "runjagsdata") || inherits(object, "runjagsinits")) class(object) <- "character"
	if(!is.list(object) && !is.character(object)) return(list(valid=FALSE, probstring="object must be either a named list or a character vector in the R dump format"))

	if(!is.list(object)) object <- list.format(object, checkvalid=FALSE)

	if(any(names(object) == "")){
		return(list(valid=FALSE, probstring="missing variable name(s)"))

	if(!length(unique(names(object))) == length(object)){
		return(list(valid=FALSE, probstring="duplicated variable name(s)"))

	problems <- sapply(object, function(x){

		# Catch potential problems with the data being passed through:
		if(inherits(x, "data.frame")){
			return("inherits from class 'data.frame' - try converting it to a valid type using as.matrix")
			return("length zero")
		if(inherits(x, "logical") && !all(is.na(x))){
		if(inherits(x,"character") && !all(is.na(x))){
		if(inherits(x,"factor") && !all(is.na(x))){
		if(any(x==Inf, na.rm=TRUE)){
		if(any(x==-Inf, na.rm=TRUE)){

	problems[names(problems)==".RNG.name"] <- ""

		return(list(valid=TRUE, probstring=""))
		problems <- problems[problems!=""]
		probstring <- paste("invalid variable value(s) - ", paste(names(problems), " (", problems, ")", sep=""), collapse=", ", sep="")
		return(list(valid=FALSE, probstring=probstring))


getrunjagsmethod <- function(method){

	methodmatch <- pmatch(tolower(method), c('rjags', 'simple', 'interruptible', 'parallel', 'snow', 'rjparallel', 'background', 'bgparallel', 'xgrid'))
		stop(paste("Unsupported or ambiguous method '", method, "'; choose one of 'rjags', 'simple', 'interruptible', 'parallel', 'snow', 'rjparallel', 'background' or 'bgparallel'", sep=""), call.=FALSE)
		method <- c('rjags', 'simple', 'interruptible', 'parallel', 'snow', 'rjparallel', 'background', 'bgparallel', 'xgrid')[methodmatch]
	if(.Platform$OS.type=='unix' && (.Platform$GUI!="AQUA" & Sys.info()['user']=='nobody' && !(method %in% c('rjags','simple')))){
		warning("You may be trying to use a runjags method on Xgrid which won't work - choose either rjags or simple methods for using run.jags functions on Xgrid (or see the xgrid.jags functions for an alternative)")


addmutated <- function(oldmcmc, mutate){


		args <- list()
				mutate <- mutate[[1]]
				args <- mutate[-1]
				mutate <- mutate[[1]]

		  mutate <- try(get(mutate),silent=TRUE)
			if(inherits(mutate, 'try-error')) stop('Unable to find a function matching the character argument given to "mutate"',call.=FALSE)

		stop('The "mutate" argument must be a function (or a character string naming a function, or a list with first element containing the function)')
		stop('The "mutate" argument must be a function taking at least 1 argument (an mcmc matrix)')

      stop('The "mutate" argument must be a function with the first argument an mcmc matrix')

		newmcmcs <- as.mcmc.list(lapply(1:nchain(oldmcmc), function(chain){
			x <- oldmcmc[[chain]]
			args <- c(list(x), args)
			new <- do.call('mutate', args)

				lengths <- sapply(new,length)
				if(!all(lengths == nrow(x)))
					stop('Object produced by the specified "mutate" function was invalid - a named list or matrix with an equal number of rows to that provided must be returned', call.=FALSE)
				names <- names(new)
				if(is.null(names) || any(names==""))
					stop('Object produced by the specified "mutate" function was invalid - a named list or matrix with unique variable names must be returned', call.=FALSE)

				new <- as.matrix(as.data.frame(new))
				dimnames(new) <- list(NULL, names)
				dim(new) <- c(length(new), 1)
				dimnames(new) <- list(NULL, 'mutated_variable')
			ds <- dim(new)
			if(length(ds)!=2 || ds[1]!=nrow(x))
				stop('Object produced by the specified "mutate" function was invalid - a named list or matrix with an equal number of rows to that provided must be returned', call.=FALSE)

			if(is.null(dimnames(new)[[2]]) || any(dimnames(new)[[2]]=="") || length(unique(dimnames(new)[[2]]))!=length(dimnames(new)[[2]]))
				stop('Object produced by the specified "mutate" function was invalid - a named list or matrix with unique variable names must be returned', call.=FALSE)

			if(any(dimnames(new)[[2]] %in% varnames(x))){
				notduplicated <- which(! dimnames(new)[[2]] %in% varnames(x))
				new <- new[,notduplicated,drop=FALSE]
				if(chain==1) warning('Duplicated variables returned by the "mutate" function were removed',call.=FALSE)

			# Copy iteration names:
			dimnames(new) <- list(dimnames(x)[[1]], dimnames(new)[[2]])

			new <- as.mcmc(cbind(x,new))
		mcmc <- newmcmcs
		mcmc <- oldmcmc

getsummaryargs <- function(oldsummaryargs, parentf, ignore=character(0), ...){

  # Need to first get rid of anything in summary.pars (oldsummaryargs) not in add.summary, then check ..., then overwrite with anything in ...

	newsummaryargs <- list(...)
	# BANOVA is currently using these so make them a note, then a warning in the next release
	newsummaryargs <- newsummaryargs[! names(newsummaryargs)%in%ignore]
		swcat('** Note:  The argument "check.stochastic" is deprecated and will be ignored **\n')
		#warning('The argument "check.stochastic" is deprecated and will be ignored',call.=FALSE)
	newsummaryargs$check.stochastic <- NULL
		swcat('** Note:  The argument "check.conv" is deprecated and will be ignored **\n')
		#warning('The argument "check.stochastic" is deprecated and will be ignored',call.=FALSE)
	newsummaryargs$check.conv <- NULL

		warning('The argument "monitor.deviance" is deprecated and will be ignored - add "deviance" to the monitors argument instead',call.=FALSE)
	newsummaryargs$monitor.deviance <- NULL
		warning('The argument "monitor.pd" is deprecated and will be ignored - add "full.pd" to the monitors argument instead',call.=FALSE)
	newsummaryargs$monitor.pd <- NULL
		warning('The argument "monitor.pd.i" is deprecated and will be ignored - add "pd" to the monitors argument instead',call.=FALSE)
	newsummaryargs$monitor.pd.i <- NULL
		warning('The argument "monitor.popt" is deprecated and will be ignored - add "popt" to the monitors argument instead',call.=FALSE)
	newsummaryargs$monitor.popt <- NULL

	# Check the summary arguments:
	newsummaryargs <- getargs('add.summary', newsummaryargs, otherfnames=parentf, returnall=FALSE)

	# Start with add.summary defaults:
	summaryargs <- formals(add.summary)

	# Overwrite with any values in the old summary arguments
	summaryargs <- summaryargs[!names(summaryargs)%in%c('runjags.object',names(oldsummaryargs))]
	summaryargs <- c(summaryargs, oldsummaryargs)

	# Overwrite with any values passed through:
	summaryargs <- summaryargs[!names(summaryargs)%in%c(names(newsummaryargs))]
	summaryargs <- c(summaryargs, newsummaryargs)


weightedaverage <- function(dev1, dev2, iter1, iter2){


	# For combining DICs - if either are completely NA, return just NA rather than a matrix of:
	if(all(is.na(dev1)) || all(is.na(dev2)))

	totaliter <- iter1+iter2
	dev1 <- dev1 * (iter1/totaliter)
	dev2 <- dev2 * (iter2/totaliter)

	return(dev1 + dev2)


checkadaptrequired <- function(rjags){
	# Adapt will return TRUE if it is complete, or an error if not (it tries to update 0):
	suppressWarnings(s <- try(adaptcomplete <- rjags::adapt(rjags, n.iter=0), silent=TRUE))
	if(inherits(s, 'try-error'))
		adaptcomplete <- FALSE


getstoptexts <- function(adaptfail=runjags.getOption('adapt.incomplete')%in%c('error')){

	st <- c('Deleting model','Adaptation incomplete','syntax error')

	# JAGS version 3 will stop at Adaptation incomplete with batch.jags TRUE or FALSE
	if(adaptfail || testjags(silent=TRUE)$JAGS.major==3)
	# JAGS version 4 will not stop at Adaptation incomplete ??with batch.jags TRUE or FALSE??
		return(st[!st %in% c('Adaptation incomplete')])


loadandcheckrjags <- function(stop=TRUE, silent=FALSE){

	fail <- FALSE

			swcat("\nThe rjags package is not installed - either install the package from CRAN or from https://sourceforge.net/projects/mcmc-jags/files/rjags/\n")
		fail <- TRUE

	if(!fail && !requireNamespace("rjags")){
			swcat("\nThe rjags package is installed, but could not be loaded - run the testjags() function for more detailed information\n", sep="")
		fail <- TRUE
	if(!fail && packageVersion('rjags') < "3.9"){
			swcat("\nPlease update the rjags package to version 3-9 or later\n", call.=FALSE)
		fail <- TRUE

	if(fail && stop)
		stop("Loading the rjags package failed (diagnostics are given above this error message)", call.=FALSE)


jags_obs_stoch_var_name <- "_osv_"

# Utility function to determine if we should generate JAGS 5 compatible code (currently a placeholder):
jags5 <- function() FALSE

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runjags documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:34 a.m.