
#' Plotting parameters against each other
#' Makes a plot matrix of each parameter against each other (including the topology) in your analysis. The default behaviour
#' is to just plot the first two columns of your parameter file (after removing the column for the generation number) as well
#' as the topological distance. This usually means that you see a pairs plot with the likelihood, the tree length, and the tree toppology. 
#' We do this because some parameter files contain so many columns that the plot matrix becomes too 
#' busy. To include parameters of your choice, use the 'parameters' argument. In this function, the topological distance is
#' calculate from the first tree in every chain.
#' @param chains A list of rwty.chain objects.
#' @param burnin The number of trees to omit as burnin. 
#' @param treedist the type of tree distance metric to use, can be 'PD' for path distance or 'RF' for Robinson Foulds distance
#' @param params 'NA', 'all', or a vector of column names to include in the plot. 'NA' gives the default behaviour (see above). 'all' plots all columns (watch out!). Choose specific columns by name with a vector.
#' @param strip Number indicating which column to strip off (i.e., strip=1 removes first column, which is necessary for most MCMC outputs in which the first column is just the generation).
#' @return pairs.plot Returns a ggplot object.
#' @keywords parameter, plot, convergence, mcmc, phylogenetics
#' @export makeplot.pairs
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(salamanders)
#' makeplot.pairs(salamanders[1], burnin=20)
#' # plot all the variables
#' makeplot.pairs(salamanders[1], burnin=20, params = 'all')
#' # plot specific the variables (note: you always get the topological distance)
#' makeplot.pairs(salamanders[1], burnin=20, params = c('pi.A.', 'pi.C.', 'pi.G.', 'pi.T.'))
#' }

makeplot.pairs <- function(chains, burnin = 0, treedist = 'PD', params = NA, strip = 1){

    chains = check.chains(chains)
    chain = chains[[1]]
    if(is.null(chain$ptable)) stop("No parameters associated with your chains")

    param.names <- names(chain$ptable)[-strip]

    if(length(params) == 1 && is.na(params)){
        param.names = param.names[1:2]
    }else if(length(params)==1 && params=='all'){
        param.names = param.names
        if(is.null(params)){ stop("couldn't understand your 'params' argument. Please check and try again")}

        problems = setdiff(params, param.names)
            stop(paste(c("The following names you suppied are not parameters in your parameter table ", "'", paste(problems, " "), "'")))
        param.names = params

    chains = add.names(chains)

    plots = lapply(chains, do.pairs.plot, burnin = burnin, params = param.names, treedist = treedist)

    names(plots) = names(chains)


add.names <- function(chains){

    for(i in 1:length(chains)){
        chains[[i]]$name = names(chains)[i]

do.pairs.plot <- function(chain, burnin = 0, params, treedist){

    ptable = combine.ptables(chain, burnin)
    name = chain$name
    chains = check.chains(chain)

    # we use the first tree in each chain as the focal tree, 
    # this is so that the distances look nicer in the plots
    focal.tree = chains[[1]]$trees[1]
    distances = tree.distances.from.first(chains, burnin, focal.tree = focal.tree, treedist = treedist)        
    ptable$topological.distance = distances$topological.distance

    points <- function(data, mapping, ...) {
      ggplot(data = data, mapping = mapping) +
        geom_path(aes(colour = generation), alpha = 0.25) + 
        geom_point(aes(colour = generation)) + 
        scale_colour_gradientn(colours = viridis(256))

    hist <- function(data, mapping, ...) {
      if(length(as.character(mapping$x)) > 1){
        var = data[,as.character(mapping$x[2])]  
      } else {
        var = data[,as.character(mapping$x)]
      lower = quantile(var, c(0.025))
      upper = quantile(var, c(0.975))
      if(lower == upper){
        ci.width <- round(.025 * length(var))
        fill = c(rep(NA, ci.width),
                 rep(1, length(var) - 2 * ci.width),
                 rep(NA, ci.width))
        fill = as.numeric(cut(var, c(lower, upper)))
      fill[which(is.na(fill))] = 'red'  
      fill[which(fill == 1)] = 'blue'

      ggplot(data = data, mapping = mapping) + 
        geom_histogram(aes(fill = fill)) +
        scale_fill_manual(values =plasma(2, end = 0.65))

    pairs.plot = ggpairs(ptable, 
                         upper = list(continuous = "density"),
                         diag = list(continuous = hist),
                         lower = list(continuous = points),  
                         columns = c(params, 'topological.distance'),
                         title = name



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rwty documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4 p.m.