
Defines functions rowdistr printOutput drawPlot prepCrosstabList

Documented in rowdistr

prepCrosstabList = function(crosstablist) {
    crosstablist = list(row.props = sweep(crosstablist, 1, apply(crosstablist, 1, sum), "/"), col.props = sweep(crosstablist, 2, apply(crosstablist, 2, sum), "/"), whole.props = crosstablist/sum(apply(crosstablist, 
        2, sum)), Totals = rbind(cbind(crosstablist, apply(crosstablist, 1, sum)), apply(cbind(crosstablist, apply(crosstablist, 1, sum)), 2, sum)))
    if (is.null(dimnames(crosstablist$row.props))) 
        dimnames(crosstablist$row.props) = list(c(1:nrow(crosstablist$whole.props)), c(1:ncol(crosstablist$whole.props)))
    if (is.null(dimnames(crosstablist$col.props))) 
        dimnames(crosstablist$col.props) = dimnames(crosstablist$row.props)
    if (is.null(dimnames(crosstablist$whole.props))) 
        dimnames(crosstablist$whole.props) = dimnames(crosstablist$row.props)
    if (!is.null(dimnames(crosstablist$Totals)[[1]]) & is.null(dimnames(crosstablist$Totals)[[2]])) {
        dimnames(crosstablist$Totals) = list(c(dimnames(crosstablist$Totals)[[1]][1:nrow(crosstablist$whole.props)], "Total"), c(1:ncol(crosstablist$whole.props), "Total"))
        dimnames(crosstablist$row.props) = list(c(dimnames(crosstablist$Totals)[[1]][1:nrow(crosstablist$row.props)]), c(1:ncol(crosstablist$row.props)))
        dimnames(crosstablist$col.props) = dimnames(crosstablist$row.props)
    if (is.null(dimnames(crosstablist$Totals))) 
        dimnames(crosstablist$Totals) = list(c(1:nrow(crosstablist$whole.props), "Total"), c(1:ncol(crosstablist$whole.props), "Total"))
    if (is.null(names(dimnames(crosstablist$Totals)))) 
        names(dimnames(crosstablist$Totals)) = c("fac1", "fac2")

drawPlot = function(crosstablist, comp = c("basic", "within", "between"), conf.level = 0.95) {
    comp = match.arg(comp)
    ad = 0.5
    rowcol = 1
    colrect = rowcol
    labs = "vert"
    propmat = crosstablist$row.props
    n = nrow(propmat)
    opar = NULL
    if (comp == "basic" | comp == "within"){ 
        opar = par(mfrow = c(n, 1), mar = c(1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5), oma = c(3, 3, 4, 3))
    if (comp == "between"){ 
        opar = par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
    chiuse = chiadd = NULL
    pvaluse = pvaladd = NULL
    cexval = 2/n
    for (rowcol in 1:n) {
        maxpl = 1.17 * max(propmat)
        plusmin = 0.3
        xuse = propmat[rowcol, ]
        len = length(xuse)
        if (comp == "basic" | comp == "within") {
            plot(c(1 - 2 * plusmin, len + 2 * plusmin), c(0, maxpl), type = "n", bty = "n", axes = FALSE, xlab = "", ylab = "proportion", cex.lab = 1.15)
            axis(2, las = 2)
            axis(1, at = 1:len, labels = substr(colnames(propmat), 1, 8), cex.axis = 1.15)
            for (i in 1:len) {
                rect(i - plusmin, 0, i + plusmin, xuse[i], col = rowcol)
        if (comp == "basic") {
            text((len + 1)/2, maxpl - 0.12 * (max(propmat)), paste(rownames(propmat)[rowcol], " (n = ", crosstablist$Totals[, ncol(crosstablist$Totals)][rowcol], ")", sep = ""), cex = 1.15)
        E = crosstablist$Totals[, ncol(crosstablist$Totals)][1:nrow(crosstablist$row.props)][rowcol]/ncol(crosstablist$col.props)
        dfs = ncol(crosstablist$col.props) - 1
        chi = round(sum((crosstablist$Totals[1:nrow(crosstablist$whole.props), 1:ncol(crosstablist$whole.props)][rowcol, ] - E)^2/E), 3)
        chiadd = chi
        chiuse = cbind(chiuse, chiadd)
        pval = round((1 - pchisq(chi, dfs)), 5)
        pvaladd = pval
        pvaluse = cbind(pvaluse, pvaladd)
        if (comp == "within") {
            text((len + 1)/2, maxpl - 0.12 * (max(propmat)), paste(rownames(propmat)[rowcol], "(n = ", crosstablist$Totals[, ncol(crosstablist$Totals)][rowcol], ")", ", ", "uniformity p-value=", pval, sep = ""), 
                cex = 1.15)
    if (comp == "basic" | comp == "within") {
        mtext(paste(names(dimnames(crosstablist$Totals))[2], "distribution for each", sep = " "), outer = TRUE, at = 0.5, line = 2, cex = 1.15, adj = ad, font = 2)
        mtext(paste("level of", names(dimnames(crosstablist$Totals))[1], "(row proportions)", sep = " "), outer = TRUE, at = 0.5, cex = 1.15, adj = ad, font = 2)
    if (comp == "between") 
        propslsd.new(crosstablist, conf.level = 1 - (1 - conf.level)/choose(n, 2))

printOutput = function(crosstablist, comp = c("basic", "within", "between"), conf.level = 0.95) {
    comp = match.arg(comp)
    cat("Row Proportions\n")
    propmat = crosstablist$row.props
    n = nrow(propmat)
    matprint = cbind(round(propmat, 2), apply(propmat, 1, sum), as.numeric(crosstablist$Totals[, ncol(crosstablist$Totals)][1:(nrow(crosstablist$Totals) - 1)]))
    dimnames(matprint) = list(dimnames(propmat)[[1]], c(dimnames(propmat)[[2]], "Totals", "n"))
    chiuse = chiadd = NULL
    pvaluse = pvaladd = NULL
    cexval = 2/n
    p = propmat
    ns = crosstablist$Totals[, ncol(crosstablist$Totals)][1:(nrow(crosstablist$Totals) - 1)]
    matw = matrix(NA, ncol(propmat) - 1, ncol(propmat) - 1)
    mat = matrix(NA, n - 1, n - 1)
    colvar = names(dimnames(crosstablist$Totals))[2]
    rowvar = names(dimnames(crosstablist$Totals))[1]
    name = dimnames(p)[[1]]
    dimnames(mat) = list(name[-n], name[-1])
    namew = dimnames(p)[[2]]
    dimnames(matw) = list(namew[-length(namew)], namew[-1])
    for (j in 1:ncol(p)) {
        for (i1 in 1:(n - 1)) {
            for (i2 in 2:n) {
                zCrit = abs(qnorm((1 - conf.level)/(2 * choose(n, 2))))
                seDiff = sqrt(p[i1, j] * (1 - p[i1, j])/ns[i1] + p[i2, j] * (1 - p[i2, j])/ns[i2])
                temp = p[i1, j] - p[i2, j] + zCrit * c(-1, 1) * seDiff
                temp = round(temp, 3)
                mat[i1, i2 - 1] = ifelse((i1 < i2), paste("(", temp[1], ",", temp[2], ")", sep = ""), " ")
                if ((0 <= temp[1] | 0 >= temp[2]) & (i1 < i2)) {
                  mat[i1, i2 - 1] = paste(mat[i1, i2 - 1], "*", sep = "")
        if (comp == "between") {
            cat(paste(paste(100 * conf.level, "%", sep = ""), "CIs for diffs between proportions with", colvar, "=", dimnames(p)[[2]][j]), "\n")
            cat("(rowname-colname)", "\n")
            print(mat, quote = FALSE)
    for (k in 1:nrow(p)) {
        for (i1 in 1:(ncol(p) - 1)) {
            for (i2 in 2:ncol(p)) {
                zCrit = abs(qnorm((1 - conf.level)/(2 * choose(ncol(p), 2))))
                seDiff = sqrt(((p[k, i1] + p[k, i2]) - ((p[k, i1] - p[k, i2])^2))/ns[k])
                tempw = p[k, i1] - p[k, i2] + zCrit * c(-1, 1) * seDiff
                tempw = round(tempw, 3)
                matw[i1, i2 - 1] = ifelse((i1 < i2), paste("(", tempw[1], ",", tempw[2], ")", sep = ""), " ")
                if ((0 <= tempw[1] | 0 >= tempw[2]) & (i1 < i2)) {
                  matw[i1, i2 - 1] = paste(matw[i1, i2 - 1], "*", sep = "")
        if (comp == "within") {
            print(matprint[k, ])
            cat(paste("Chisq test for uniformity:", "chisq = ", chiuse[k], ",", "df =", ncol(propmat) - 1, ",", "p-value =", pvaluse[k]), "\n")
            cat(paste(paste(100 * conf.level, "%", sep = ""), "CIs for diffs in propns within the", rowvar, "=", dimnames(p)[[1]][k]), "distribution", "\n")
            cat("(rowname-colname)", "\n")
            print(matw, quote = FALSE)

#' Row distributions from a cross-tabulation of two variables
#' Produces summaries and plots from a cross-tabulation.  The output produced
#' depends on the parameter 'comp'. Columns relate to response categories and
#' rows to different populations.
#' The 'basic' option (default) produces the response distribution for each row
#' population together with comparative bar charts.
#' If comp = 'between' the resulting output displays how the probability of
#' falling into a response class (column) differs between populations.
#' Confidence intervals for differences in proportions are produced together
#' with a set of barcharts with LSD intervals.
#' If comp = 'within' the resulting output shows the extent to which the
#' component probabilities of the same row distribution differ. Separate
#' Chi-square tests for uniformity are produced for each row distribution as
#' are confidence intervals for differences in proportions within the same
#' distribution.
#' Arguments \code{plot} and \code{suppressText} are really only used when
#' producing knitr or Sweave documents so that just the plot or just the text
#' can be displayed in the document.
#' @param crosstablist a list produced by 'crosstabs' or a matrix containing a
#' 2-way table of counts (without marginal totals).
#' @param comp three options: 'basic' (default), 'within', and 'between'.
#' @param conf.level confidence level of the intervals.
#' @param plot if \code{FALSE} then the row distribution plots are not displayed
#' @param suppressText if \code{TRUE} then text results are not displayed
#' @return A matrix of row proportions, i.e cell counts divided by row
#' marginals.
#' @seealso \code{\link{crosstabs}}
#' @keywords htest
#' @examples
#' data(body.df)
#' z = crosstabs(~ ethnicity + married, data = body.df)
#' rowdistr(z)
#' rowdistr(z, comp='between')
#' rowdistr(z, comp='within')
#' ##from matrix of counts
#' z = matrix(c(4,3,2,6,47,20,40,62,11,8,7,22,3,0,1,10), 4, 4)
#' rowdistr(z)
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @export rowdistr
rowdistr = function(crosstablist, comp = c("basic", "within", "between"), conf.level = 0.95, plot = TRUE, suppressText = FALSE) {
    comp = match.arg(comp)
    if (!is.matrix(crosstablist) && !methods::is(crosstablist, "ct.20x")){ 
        stop("check form of crosstablist: input list must be output from crosstabs or a list of similar form")
    if (is.matrix(crosstablist) & !is.list(crosstablist)) {
        crosstablist = prepCrosstabList(crosstablist)
    propmat = NULL
    if (!suppressText) {
        propmat = printOutput(crosstablist, comp, conf.level)
    if (plot) 
        drawPlot(crosstablist, comp, conf.level)

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